Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia

Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia


Massive 70 MW-Rig Shipped to Russia Could Power Three Months of Crypto Mining Operations to Entire Country

Big moves are happening within the bitcoin mining industry in Russia. An unnamed miner sent what seems to be the largest single batch of mining equipment to the country.

Delivery Took Place at the End of 2020

According to Kommersant, the unknown miner shipped almost 20,000 devices on 14 trucks, which have a total power capacity of 70 megawatts. The media outlet’s estimations show that the hardware shipped from Asia is worth approx. between $40 million and $60 million.

The Bitriver-powered data center is located in Irkutsk, the largest city of Irkutsk, in the Siberian Federal District, with over 600,000 residents.

Citing Igor Runets, CEO and founder of Bitriver data center, says that the delivery took place at the end of 2020, specifically in December. Right after the shipping, the data center’s staff installed the rigs to mine bitcoin (BTC).

Hardware From Four Major Manufacturer Brands

Runets also added that they deployed a separate hangar in Bratsk, in the same region, which will act as a tier-III level data center to provide “very high safety” to the rest of the batch. The ASIC-based equipment brands acquired include Bitmain, Whatsminer, Innosilicon, and Avalon, said the Bitriver data center’s CEO.

Artyom Eremin, the head of Chilkoot — one of the official distributors of crypto mining equipment in Russia — said the costs of the recent Bitriver’s acquisition could reach $50 million. However, he estimated using last year’s price before the surge of bitcoin’s quote across markets.

What do you think about this crypto mining move in Russia? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia appeared first on Crypto Scoop News.

The Article Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia First Appeared ON

The post Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates February 12, 2021

SEO Updates February 12, 2021

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

  • What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week 
  • Deal of the week: Valentines Day Flash Sale Save 30% Sitewide
  • Special Announcement: Scaling Your Agency Webinar March 10th
  • SEO Mad Scientist: Are Categories & Business Name The Only Major On-Listing GMB Signals?

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 75

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.


? Unconfirmed Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update February 8th
? Google Related Searches Stuck To Top Of Mobile Search Results
? Google Search Tests Dark Mode Theme Controls
? Google Search May Use Core Web Vitals Data From Non-indexed Pages
? John Mu: Google Search Prefers To Neutralize The Effect Of Spam
? Google Ads Lead Form Now Triggers On Headline Click

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SEO Mad Scientist

Hello Scientists!

Welcome to another SEO Mad Scientist report

As you know we have concluded a ton of GMB category tests lately.

Today we are going over a new test, looking at the last on-listing signals we haven’t discussed yet. But first, we want to do a quick update on a test we have been hinting about lately.

If you watch the SEO vault then you know we were trying to see if any categories would give us a prominence boost versus irrelevance boost like we’ve been seeing. So we tried picking what we thought were “authoritative” local categories to see if maybe that would give us an increase in organic reach for current keywords and not just rank us for additional terms.

Here are a few of the categories we’ve tested with…

Unfortunately, we did not see any increase in reach for any keywords but we wanted to quickly mention the test since we had talked about it previously…

Now some final signals we haven’t tested yet that we need to cross off our list

  • GMB Regular Hours
  • Special Hours
  • Open Date

First let’s say we can only test the effects of adding hours to a listing because once hours are set to a listing you can only edit them, not completely remove them

When adding hours to our Title Loans Miami test listing, we didn’t see any movement for any terms, even ones that we obtained with the recent category changes we did…

So the only real on-listing signals left to test are

  • Image
  • Q&A
  • And the various place you can add outbound links

Which if you didn’t know, provide different/additional options based on your categories leaving us to just a few testing variables ?

Also, another thing to test with outbound links that many may not know about is the ability to put links in product and service descriptions. GMB will stop you from adding it to your business description but not product and services.

What effects does it have?

Find out next week on the SEO Mad Scientist update!

Until then,

Happy Testing!





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When To Call A Pest Control Company

When To Call A Pest Control Company

When to call a pest control company is a question we are asked so we have listed the top signs that you have unwanted house guests.

Your​ ​home​ ​is​ ​an​ ​investment​ ​in​ ​your​ ​future,​ ​so​ ​you​ ​want​ ​to​ ​ensure​ ​it​ ​is​ ​well​ ​protected.​ ​
​Our​ ​Brisbane​ ​pest​ ​and​ ​termite​ ​control​ ​and​ ​inspections​ ​team​ ​are​ ​trained, certified​ ​and​ ​knowledgeable​ ​in​ ​all​ ​facets​ ​of​ ​pest​ ​control.​ ​
We​ ​have​ ​all​ ​the​ ​knowledge​ ​and​ ​experience​ ​you​ ​need to​ ​have​ ​the​ ​job​ ​completed​ ​quickly​ ​and​ ​to​ ​maintain​ ​a​ ​pest-free​ ​zone.​

pest control Brisbane

Signs Of Termites

Termites are very destructive and can enter a home and start causing damage without you being aware of it until it is too late

  • Frass is termite waste and it looks like sawdust. It tends to accumulate near the entrances to their nests.
  • If you see mud tunnels on the outside of your house, they are no thicker than a drinking straw.
  • The appearance of discarded wings or a clump or winged insects likely warrants an immediate termite inspection.
  • Trouble opening and closing doors and windows in cooler weather.In warm weather timber can swell and then in cooler weather the swelling subsides.When termites destroy the wood around door frames, they weaken the timber and moisture can enter into the area. These two factors can cause frames to shift or warp, which is why you’re having difficulty opening or closing doors and windows.
  • The noises they make!You can actually hear termites eating and if danger is detected, the termites bang against their surrounds to warn the colony


Signs of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are not loners. If you see one, then there is likely 100 that you have not seen.
That’s why proper cockroach control is a tricky business.

  • Strange smell happens when cockroaches in larger numbers give off a bad odour which is like a wet dog. It’s an oily, musty smell that comes from a mix of their pee and poo.
  • Cockroach droppings  look like little patches of what look like coffee grounds on the floor, they are probably pellets of poo.
  • Cockroach egg casings can also be found around the place. These casings are brown in colour and shaped like a cylinder. Depending on which species of cockroach, they can hold between 10 and 50 eggs in each one.

If you don’t get the pest control problem sorted quickly, you can easily have a full-on infestation happening and that’s not fun or funny. Calling a trusted team of professionals in pest control is your best bet.


Signs of Wasps

Whenever you see a group of insects or bees swarming around your  home it means it is either a food source or a nest.

  • Look for these nests under decks, eaves, and balconies as this keeps them protected from the elements.
  • If it is a swarm of bees, contact your local pest control company and they will arrange for a local bee keeper to come and remove the swarm.
  • If it is wasps then these can be treated and care needs to be taken as wasps can quickly swarm and attack a person or pet.

There are three main types of wasp in Australia:

Paper wasps: Build nests from eaves, the underside of branches and leaves. Nests are normally quite small (maximum 100-200 wasps) and hang by a stalk. They tend not be aggressive, only stinging when defending their nest.

Mud-daubing wasps: These are large solitary wasps than build a small nest consisting of a number of cells made of mud, often plastered to the wall or ceiling. They tend not to be aggressive, only stinging when defending their nest.

European wasps: These bright yellow and black striped wasps are capable of forming very large nests of up to 100,000 individuals! The majority of nests are found in the ground (80%), often visible only by a hole (with wasps flying in and out), with the remainder of nests found in buildings (roof spaces, wall voids and eaves). These are not often found in Queensland.


Signs of Ants

In Brisbane we mainly deal with a Black ants, Green ants and Carpenter ants
Ant infestations inside the home are pretty obvious and you see them.
Often, these may be ants nesting outside coming in looking for food and moisture. Act as soon as you see them and to put all food away if this is what they are targeting.

    • If you find ants in your house and cannot see where they are coming in from, you may have ants nesting in or under your house. They quite often nest in wall voids, roof spaces and behind cupboards. This can take some searching to find the nest and apply a treatment.
    • Signs of an infestation outside are piles of dirt and sand appearing between pavers and mounds in the lawn.


  • Also if you find family members or pets being bitten, then it is time to treat the ants



Signs Of Fleas

If your pet has fleas then you may have fleas in your house!

  • If you have bites appearing on your lower legs , then you may already know you have fleas. You will have to start treating them.
  • Your pet’s bed should be the first place you look, as well as any other spots your pet is allowed to sleep. Flea eggs are tiny, off-white ovals that can be hard to see on light-colored upholstery and rugs.
  • Put on long white socks and walk around your home and shuffle around areas where your pet sleeps. Then, check the socks for fleas. If they’ve taken up residence in your home, odds are that a few will be visible on your socks.

cat bedding

Your Neighbours Have A Pest Problem

Many pests are able to travel into the surrounding properties and from one home to the next. It is especially true for mice control and cockroach infestations.
Look for the signs pests leave
In doubt call in a professional pest control and carpet cleaning service to check the property and put in place monitors or a preventive treatment.

You Have Been Trying To Do Your Own Pest Control

You have spent money on baits and sprays but the problem still exists
They do not know how often and how thoroughly they need to treat. Professional Brisbane pest control  are your local expert team and are available when it is time to call in the professionals

The post When To Call A Pest Control Company appeared first on GQ Central.

The post When To Call A Pest Control Company appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How Old Is My Cat And Dog In Human Years

How Old Is My Cat And Dog In Human Years

On This Page

  1. How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years
  2. How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years?
  3. Dog Age Chart: Dog Years to Human Years
  4. Dog Age Calculator: Dog Years to Human Years
  5. Dog Years to Human Years Converter
  6. Cat Age Chart: Cat Years to Human
  7. Dog and Cat Wooden Signs Show
  8. Cat ages in human years
  10. (dog’s age in equivalent human years, based on the stage of development/ageing)

How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years

All animals “age” at different rates and our domestic dogs and cats are no exception. Unlike humans, these pets seem to age more rapidly in terms of human years, with both animals being of an age equivalent to about 15 human years by the time they are one year old. There are, however, some differences for dogs. Some people have determined an age range depending on the size of the animal. For example, a dog over 90 pounds may only be equivalent to 12 human years by the time it is one year old; a dog 51 to 90 pounds is about 14 human years old when it is one year old; and dogs under 50 pounds are the equivalent of 15 human years by their first year.

How old is your dog in human years? we used to simply multiply a dog’s age by seven. However, this calculation isn’t so cut-and-dried. See our dog age calculator and chart to discover your dog’s age.

It is not easy to calculate a cat’s age as there is no definite formula to do this. Although one can use clues in physical appearance like teeth, coat, energy levels. I would recommend if you want to find out the age accurately take your cat to the vet for several examinations. Nevertheless, a cat age calculator or chart, a graph can give you your cats age even though it might not be accurate. When using a chart to determine the cat age in human years consider the life stages for cats.

The easy way to calculate a dog’s age is to take 1 dog year and multiple it by 7 years. This is based on an assumption that dogs live to about 10 and humans live to about 70, on average. For example, a dog which is 5 years old is 35 “human years. ” this isn’t a bad way to go from a health perspective because it helps us humans realize that our dogs aren’t the same as children.

how old is my cat and dog in human years

How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years?

Statistics from pet-insurance companies, breed-club surveys, and veterinary hospitals have helped us learn more about how dog’s age. Dogs do not age at a rate of 7 human years for each year in dog years. According to the American veterinary medical association:
the first year of a medium-sized dog’s life is 15 years of a human’s life. The second year of a dog’s life equals about nine years for a human.

And after that, every human year equals approximately four or five years for a dog. In other words, the number of human years piles onto a dog’s life more quickly during the dog’s rapid growth to maturity.

If your dog was a human, how old would he be?
ever wonder how old your dog is in human years? not all breeds age alike, so use this program to calculate your dog’s “human” age.

Dog Age Chart: Dog Years to Human Years

It’s common knowledge that one year of a dog’s life is equal to seven human years…or is it? if this is the way you’ve been calculating your dog’s age, don’t worry – you’re not alone. However, the truth is that this method isn’t entirely accurate. Historically, it’s very likely that the “one dog year equals seven human years” method was created to simply show that dogs age faster than humans. Today, scientists and researchers have developed a more precise method of calculating a dog’s age to human years.

If you’re looking to calculate your dog’s age in human years more accurately, you can use a new formula created by researchers at the University of California San Diego school of medicine. These researchers studied the way human and dog DNA changes over time looking at patterns called methyl groups in humans and labrador retrievers. From this research, they concluded that you can calculate a dog’s age to human years by multiplying the natural logarithm of the dog’s age by 16 and adding 31. Their formula looks like this: (human_age = 16ln(dog_age) + 31).

These researchers studied the way human and dog DNA changes over time looking at patterns called methyl groups in humans and labrador retrievers. From this research, they concluded that you can calculate a dog’s age to human years by multiplying the natural logarithm of the dog’s age by 16 and adding 31. Their formula looks like this: (human_age = 16ln(dog_age) + 31). As you can see, this formula is pretty complex, so it can be useful to plug in your dog’s age to an automatic calculator programmed with this formula, like the one here.

Dog Age Calculator: Dog Years to Human Years

By popular demand, I’ve created a cat year calculator, similar to the dog year calculator i made a while back. Like dog years, cat years aren’t worked out linearly*, so this tool makes things easy for everyone. Simply adjust the human year/month slider to see the age of your feline in cat years. How old is your cat?.

Our scotch collie, buckaroo, is just shy of 14 years old. Following the long-debunked but still popular idea that one dog year equals seven human years, he’s almost a centenarian. (this “formula” may be based on average life spans of 10 and 70 years for dogs and people, respectively. ) now, researchers say they have a new formula (see calculator below) to convert dog years to human years—one with some actual science behind it.

More about the dog year chart. Turns out, math is not that easy. If you own a dog, you might have heard that 1 dog year is equal to 7 human years. That is not very accurate, since dogs reach adulthood within the first couple of years. Dogs grow quicker than we do early. It can obviously be used both ways. This calculator allows the user to adjust the rate of ageing during the first two years of the dog’s life. After two years, a canine will age three to five dog years per calendar year.

The team also developed a new epigenetic clock and a formula for calculating it. The dog’s age must be greater than one year, then that dog age is converted into a natural logarithm and that log is multiplied by 16, and then 31 added for a total. For example, if a dog is 14 years old, the natural log of 14 is 2. 6390, multiplying that by 16 equals 42. 224, adding 31 brings it to 73. 2. That’s a lot of math! see our dog age calculator and our dog year chart for easy reference.

Dog Years to Human Years Converter

How old is your cat in human years considering their small size cats live an amazingly long time? Although cats are smaller than most dogs, they generally live longer. A healthy cat can live to 20 years with a good diet, exercise, and good genetics, etc. Obviously, cats mature much more rapidly than people. It can be very difficult to tell the age of an adult cat as their outward appearance changes very little. In comparison to humans cats as they age still appear very youthful.

For an easier (and also accurate) way to estimate your dog’s age, you can follow this methodology for small, medium, and large dogs under 100 lbs. The first year of a dog’s life is equal to 15 human years. The second year of a dog’s life is equal to about nine human years. Each additional year is equal to about four or five human years.

So, why is this more accurate than the “one dog year equals seven human years” method?
because it takes into account that not all dogs breed age the same way. In general, smaller dogs live longer than larger dogs, so while a seven-year-old great dane might be considered a “senior” dog, the same isn’t necessarily true for a seven-year-old chihuahua. Therefore, it’s helpful to break down a dog age chart in terms of size, as you’ll see below. Generally, you can group dogs into small dogs (under 20 lbs), medium dogs (20 to 50 lbs), large dogs (50-100 lbs), and giant dogs (100+ lbs).

Cat Age Chart: Cat Years to Human

There is no reliable method to convert the cat years to human years. But people have now agreed that there is a difference in ageing. The first two years of a cat’s life is actually equal to the 25 years of human age. After that, every year, the age is increased at the rate of 4 cat years’ additionally. For example, when calculating the age of 6 years old cat in human age, it will be equivalent to 41 years. Based on various experiments, cat enthusiasts and other vets concluded that the world’s oldest cat lived up to 34 years, which is equivalent to 153 human years.

Check out the dog age to human age chart below to calculate your dog’s age in human years based on their size group:.

Buskers cat team may 8, 2020 article, blog, cat advice, inspiration no comments as a cat owner you would want to know how old your cat is in human years. Firstly, felines, as they get older, tend to have youthful looks and their physical statue start to change. There are some differences in age conversion, depending on breed and weight and other factors while calculating the cats’ age.

People typically have a misconception that a one human year cat is equal to the seven cat years. But this seems to be wrong. Because considering various aspects, the one-year-old cats seem to be more mature than a seven-year-old kid. That’s how the conclusion was made, which led to various experiments conducted later. Suppose if you are adopting a cat or bringing a stray cat home, then you may be uncertain about the age. If you take them to the vet, they will conduct certain physical exams and tests to confirm the age.

Dog and Cat Wooden Signs Show

Therefore, it can be helpful to look at physical and behaviour clues to determine your dog’s age. For example, teeth can be a particularly useful indicator of your dog’s age. As petmd explains, by seven months, all of your dog’s permanent teeth are in; by 1-2 years, they’ll be duller and might have some yellowing; and by 5-10 years, they’ll show wear and possibly signs of disease.

Cats and dogs have a lot in common with humans when it comes to ageing. As humans get older, they may slow down, form wrinkles, and sprout a few grey hairs. Dogs and cats share the same signs. Here are a few ways ageing pets show their maturity:
though it may be difficult to identify or evaluate, ageing pets may experience hearing or vision loss.

A look into their mouths to inspect their nashers is a good indication of age, especially in their earlier years. It isn’t until they are four weeks old that dogs start to get teeth, and even then it is only their baby teeth. Their permanent teeth develop at three to four months. But as they get older, it’s the colour that is the biggest giveaway of age. They remain bright and white for the first year but after then can show signs of wear.

Late-age disorders such as arthritis and dementia can also indicate that your pooch is reaching their golden years. The onset of these diseases and disorders can take a toll on your dog and might make them show other signs of ageing. If your dog develops these disorders earlier in their lifespan, they might act elderly sooner than other dogs. If you think your german shepherd is becoming elderly, it may be wise to take them in for a routine check-up at the veterinarian’s clinic to ensure your pup isn’t developing any serious diseases common in elderly dogs.

Cat ages in human years

The 15 years and older cats are real survivors. With proper nutrition and well-maintenance, they can even survive longer. But this is absolutely a time for their calmness and peace. You know that they are not going to create any trouble. They always wanted to stick with their owner no matter what. They cannot survive without supplements during this age. Slowly, they tend to lose the ability to hear first, followed by the vision. Most cats tend to sleep longer, and in fact, that will be most of their day.

cat chart

As you can see in our dog age chart – aside from the giant category – small, medium, and large dogs age pretty similarly until they reach about age six. Then, larger dogs age much faster in comparison to their smaller and medium counterparts. By seven years old, a small dog, like a dachshund, will be six human years younger than a large breed, like an Airedale terrier. Why is this?.

Using a dog age chart to estimate your dog’s age in human years is a fun and insightful way to learn more about them! it’s important for other reasons, too. Namely, understanding how old your dog is and how they’re ageing allows you to properly care for them – and help give them the best life possible. Keep in mind, if you have a larger dog, you’ll want to start looking for signs of ageing around five or six, whereas smaller dog owners might not see any real signs until their dog is seven or eight.

There are many several factors to consider, so it’s not possible to pin it down precisely, but the avma says: “cats and small dogs are generally considered ‘senior’ at seven years old, but we all know they’ve got plenty of life left in them at that age. Larger-breed dogs tend to have shorter lifespans compared to smaller breeds and are often considered senior when they are 5 to 6 years of age. The ‘senior’ classification is based on the fact that pets age faster than people, and veterinarians start seeing more age-related problems in these pets.


Cats tend to age more gracefully than dogs, but they still age. Eventually, they can’t jump to the top of the refrigerator any more. Their appetites wane. They sleep more. What else can you expect as your cat ages? nationally known veterinarian, author, and television personality dr. Marty becker gives you the scoop and explains how to best help them enjoy their older years.

“complications in comparing dog age to human age are well-founded” complications in comparing dog age to human age are well-founded. The old 7 dog years =1 human year theory is inaccurate because the dog ages and develops more quickly in the first two years of life. Plus the ratio varies with dog breed and size. Even the more accepted equation utilizing the 10. 5 factors the first two years of the dog’s life and 4 years thereafter has pitfalls because it doesn’t account for size and breed. The more accurate estimate of a dog’s age in human years is calculated taking size and breed into consideration.

dog lying down with a cat rubbing next to the dog

(dog’s age in equivalent human years, based on the stage of development/ageing)

You’ve probably used the following easy-math rule for calculating how old your dog is: multiply their dog age by seven to get their age equivalent in human years. The formula was likely based on the fact that while most humans get to live until they’re 70, dogs live on average 10 years. However, this rule doesn’t always offer reliable results. The dog’s size and breed play an important part in their life expectancy, with smaller breeds usually living longer than larger breeds. Larger breeds live shorter lives, so they mature more quickly.

It’s time to rethink your dog’s age. With recent research underway, it was discovered that dogs age faster at first and then only taper into the equivalent of human middle-age only after a few years. As we said, this is why it’s better to look at your doggo’s age in stages rather than age milestones. According to the new scientist, there’s a new formula to calculate dog years to human years. In their findings, they cited that the first year of your pup’s life is the equivalent to 15 human ones! from 2 years old, we see a slower progression in human standards.

Have you always thought that one human year is equivalent to 7 dog years? well, that’s no longer the case. The old formula was based on the assumption that dogs live to around 10 years old, and humans to about 70. Since then, experts have learned a lot more about dog breeds and how they age. How old is my dachshund in human years? dachshunds are small dogs, so tend to live longer than larger breeds. In the first 2 years of their life, they mature really quickly. By the time they reach their first birthday, they’re already 15 human years old and, by 2, they’re the equivalent of 24 human years.

Ultimately, scientists aren’t completely sure why smaller dogs age slower and live longer than larger ones. According to the American kennel club, some researchers hypothesize that it’s because larger dogs are affected by age-related diseases more quickly. Similarly, larger dogs progress from puppyhood to adulthood much faster, making abnormal cell growth, cancer, and other diseases more likely. It’s for this reason that using the “one dog year equals seven human years” calculation isn’t completely accurate.

At the end of the day, even though the common “one dog year equals seven human years” method has been around for years, it’s not very accurate. Luckily, with new research, we now have a more accurate way of estimating the age of our dogs. Although the math can be a little more complex than a straightforward 1:7 ratio, you can always refer to our dog age to human years chart (or even print it out!) to quickly and easily calculate how old your pup is.

If you own a dog, you’ve heard this rule: 1 year for Fido equals 7 years for you. Turns out, the math isn’t that simple. Dogs mature more quickly than we do early on. So the first year of your fuzzy friend’s life is equal to about 15 human years. Size and breed also play a role. Smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger ones, but they may mature more quickly in the first few years of life.

Dog Age Chart: Dog Years to Human Years

It’s common knowledge that one year of a dog’s life is equal to seven human years…or is it? if this is the way you’ve been calculating your dog’s age, don’t worry – you’re not alone. However, the truth is that this method isn’t entirely accurate. Historically, it’s very likely that the “one dog year equals seven human years” method was created to simply show that dogs age faster than humans. Today, scientists and researchers have developed a more precise method of calculating a dog’s age to human years.

If you’re looking to calculate your dog’s age in human years more accurately, you can use a new formula created by researchers at the University of California San Diego school of medicine. These researchers studied the way human and dog DNA changes over time looking at patterns called methyl groups in humans and labrador retrievers. From this research, they concluded that you can calculate a dog’s age to human years by multiplying the natural logarithm of the dog’s age by 16 and adding 31. Their formula looks like this: (human_age = 16ln(dog_age) + 31).

These researchers studied the way human and dog DNA changes over time looking at patterns called methyl groups in humans and labrador retrievers. From this research, they concluded that you can calculate a dog’s age to human years by multiplying the natural logarithm of the dog’s age by 16 and adding 31. Their formula looks like this: (human_age = 16ln(dog_age) + 31). As you can see, this formula is pretty complex, so it can be useful to plug in your dog’s age to an automatic calculator programmed with this formula, like the one here.

Dog Age Calculator: Dog Years to Human Years

Our scotch collie, buckaroo, is just shy of 14 years old. Following the long-debunked but still popular idea that one dog year equals seven human years, he’s almost a centenarian. (this “formula” may be based on average life spans of 10 and 70 years for dogs and people, respectively. ) now, researchers say they have a new formula (see calculator below) to convert dog years to human years—one with some actual science behind it.

Turns out, math is not that easy. If you own a dog, you might have heard that 1 dog year is equal to 7 human years. That is not very accurate, since dogs reach adulthood within the first couple of years. Dogs grow quicker than we do early. It can obviously be used both ways. This calculator allows the user to adjust the rate of ageing during the first two years of the dog’s life. After two years, a canine will age three to five dog years per calendar year.

The team also developed a new epigenetic clock and a formula for calculating it. The dog’s age must be greater than one year, then that dog age is converted into a natural logarithm and that log is multiplied by 16, and then 31 added for a total. For example, if a dog is 14 years old, the natural log of 14 is 2. 6390, multiplying that by 16 equals 42. 224, adding 31 brings it to 73. 2. That’s a lot of math! see our dog age calculator and our dog year chart for easy reference.

cat lying watching a butterflie

Dog and Cat Wooden Signs Show

Therefore, it can be helpful to look at physical and behaviour clues to determine your dog’s age. For example, teeth can be a particularly useful indicator of your dog’s age. As petmd explains, by seven months, all of your dog’s permanent teeth are in; by 1-2 years, they’ll be duller and might have some yellowing; and by 5-10 years, they’ll show wear and possibly signs of disease.

Cats and dogs have a lot in common with humans when it comes to ageing. As humans get older, they may slow down, form wrinkles, and sprout a few grey hairs. Dogs and cats share the same signs. Here are a few ways ageing pets show their maturity:
though it may be difficult to identify or evaluate, ageing pets may experience hearing or vision loss.

A look into their mouths to inspect their nashers is a good indication of age, especially in their earlier years. It isn’t until they are four weeks old that dogs start to get teeth, and even then it is only their baby teeth. Their permanent teeth develop at three to four months. But as they get older, it’s the colour that is the biggest giveaway of age. They remain bright and white for the first year but after then can show signs of wear.

Late-age disorders such as arthritis and dementia can also indicate that your pooch is reaching their golden years. The onset of these diseases and disorders can take a toll on your dog and might make them show other signs of ageing. If your dog develops these disorders earlier in their lifespan, they might act elderly sooner than other dogs. If you think your german shepherd is becoming elderly, it may be wise to take them in for a routine check-up at the veterinarian’s clinic to ensure your pup isn’t developing any serious diseases common in elderly dogs.

Buskers cat team may 8, 2020 article, blog, cat advice, inspiration no comments as a cat owner you would want to know how old your cat is in human years. Firstly, felines, as they get older, tend to have youthful looks and their physical statue start to change. There are some differences in age conversion, depending on breed and weight and other factors while calculating the cats’ age.

People typically have a misconception that a one human year cat is equal to the seven cat years. But this seems to be wrong. Because considering various aspects, the one-year-old cats seem to be more mature than a seven-year-old kid. That’s how the conclusion was made, which led to various experiments conducted later. Suppose if you are adopting a cat or bringing a stray cat home, then you may be uncertain about the age. If you take them to the vet, they will conduct certain physical exams and tests to confirm the age.


How Old Is My Cat In Human Years; All animals “age” at different rates and our domestic dogs and cats are no exception. Unlike humans, these pets seem to age more rapidly in terms of human years, with both animals being of an age equivalent to about 15 human years by the time they are one year old. There are, however, some differences for dogs. Some people have determined an age range depending on the size of the animal. For example, a dog over 90 pounds may only be equivalent to 12 human years by the time it is one year old; a dog 51 to 90 pounds is about 14 human years old when it is one year old, and dogs under 50 pounds are the equivalent of 15 human years by their first year.

How old is your dog in human years? we used to simply multiply a dog’s age by seven. However, this calculation isn’t so cut-and-dried. See our dog age calculator and chart to discover your dog’s age.

It is not easy to calculate a cat’s age as there is no definite formula to do this. Although one can use clues in physical appearance like teeth, coat, energy levels. I would recommend if you want to find out the age accurately take your cat to the vet for several examinations. Nevertheless, a cat age calculator or chart, a graph can give you your cats age even though it might not be accurate. When using a chart to determine the cat age in human years consider the life stages for cats.

The easy way to calculate a dog’s age is to take 1 dog year and multiple it by 7 years. This is based on an assumption that dogs live to about 10 and humans live to about 70, on average. For example, a dog which is 5 years old is 35 “human years. ” this isn’t a bad way to go from a health perspective because it helps us humans realize that our dogs aren’t the same as children.


People Also Asked Google

How old is a 30 year old cat in human years?

Although there’s no reliable scientific way to calculate the relationship between human and cat years, it’s generally agreed that the first two years of a cat’s life are roughly equal to the first 25 of a human’s. After this, each additional year is around four ‘cat years’.


What is 38 cat years in human years?

Cat years vs Human years calculator Cat Years Human Years Increased by 5 35 +4 6 38 +3 7 42 +4 8 45 +3 4 more rows


How old is a 10 year old cat?

For every year thereafter, each cat year is worth about four human years . Using this formula, a ten – year – old cat is similar age wise to a 53- year – old person, a 12- year – old cat to a 61- year – old person, and a 15- year – old cat to a person of 73. Aging is a natural process.


How old is a 15 year old cat in human years?

Cat Years to Human Years Converter Cat Years (cat’s age according to the calendar) Human Years (cat’s age in equivalent human years, based on stage of development/aging) 14 72 15 76 16 80 17 84 21 more rows


How long can you keep a dead cat?

Depending on your decision, you may have to keep the body in your home for a short period of time. A well-cooled body can be held for up to 24 hours, but the sooner it can be taken somewhere else, the better.


Do cats remember you?

Anyone simply ‘present’ in their life is someone they may remember , but not associate with any emotion. But as long as you and your cat have shared a pet or two, and as long as you fed them a few of their favorite meals, your cat will remember you as well no matter how long you are gone.


How do I know if my cat is suffering?

Signs that your cat is in pain include: Agitation (unsettled, trembling) Cat crying, growling, hissing. Limping or difficulty jumping. Avoids being petted or handled. Playing less. Licking a particular body region. More aggressive. Change in posture or gait. More items…


What are the signs of a cat dying of old age?

Signs Your Cat Is Dying Lack of Interest In Eating and Drinking. It’s common for cats to lose their appetite toward the end of their lives. … Extreme Weakness . You will notice your cat becoming more lethargic and refusing to move. … Lower Body Temperature . … Changes in Appearance and Smell. … Seeking Solitude.


How do you know how old a cat is?

How to Tell Your Cat’s Age 6 Tips for Determining Your Cat’s Age . … Teeth and Weight Can Help You Calculate the Age of a Kitten. … Look for Wear and Tear on Adult Cat Teeth. … Ask Your Vet to Check for Cloudiness in Your Cat’s Eyes. … Assess Their Grooming Habits. … Take Your Cat to the Vet for a Health Assessment. More items…


What’s the oldest cat to ever live?

Creme Puff The oldest cat ever according to the record books was called Creme Puff . It was born on 3 August, 1967, and lived for 38 years and three days. Jul 3, 2020


Is 19 old for a cat?

In recent years, feline ages and life-stages have been redefined, cats are considered to be elderly once they reach 11 years with senior cats defined as those aged between 11-14 years and super-senior cats 15 years and upwards. When caring for older cats it sometimes helps to appreciate their age in human terms.



Why do cats live longer than dogs?

But its solitary nature may be the key to its long life , say scientists. In the battle of cats and dogs , cats clock up an average age of 15 compared with a dog’s 12-year lifespan. … Unlike dogs , which are pack animals, they live at low density and that tends to prevent them from catching infectious diseases.’



Do cats favor one person?

Cats ‘ favoritism is just as unpredictable and individual . Your cat’s favorite person might simply be the human who plays with her the most. It could be the human that feeds her most often, or it could be someone strong and stoic who puts off a ‘secure’ vibe. Remember that deep down, cats are animals.



Why does my cat wake me up at 4am?

If your cat insists on waking you up at 4 a.m. every day it’s probably because they tricked you at some point in the past and then kept tricking you because you were so easily tricked. Congratulations, you have been outsmarted by an animal that comes up to your shins and poops in a box in the corner.



What scent do cats hate?

Citrus : Just like their canine counterparts, cats hate oranges , lemons , limes and the like. Some cat repellents even use these smells to help keep cats away. Banana: We know the peels can be pungent and cats find this to be especially true.


Do cats get sad when you leave?

Regardless of their reputation, cats do get lonely when they are left unattended for long periods of time. They are social beings that form strong bonds with their owners. When their needs for companionship are not met, cats can become depressed . They can also get separation anxiety.



Do cats know their name?

Cats Recognize Their Own Names —Even If They Choose to Ignore Them. Cats are notorious for their indifference to humans: almost any owner will testify to how readily these animals ignore us when we call them. But a new study indicates domestic cats do recognize their own names —even if they walk away when they hear them.



What do you do with a dead cat?

Moving any dead animal is never going to be a pleasant task, but it has to be done. You can place the cat in a box or wrap it up in an old blanket before taking it to the vet. Let the vet know where you found it and they will be able to check for a microchip and contact the owners.



Is it painful for a cat to die naturally?

It’s painful . It’s slow. And, contrary to what you think, it really is a gift to be able to prevent your dog or cat from reaching that point of shock and dehydration before humanely putting them to sleep. When in doubt, talk to your veterinarian.


Do cats know they are dying?

Because cats rely primarily on body language to communicate to one another, they must be attuned to biological and behavioral changes in the other animals around them . This includes detecting weakness or changes in body temperature and odor. They are also intuitive in that they often know when they are about to die .



Do cats know when you’re sad?

Compared to our devoted dogs, cats seem pretty unconcerned with human affairs. But it looks like our feline companions pay more attention than we give them credit for. They seem to be able to tell when we are happy. New research has found the first strong evidence that cats are sensitive to human emotional gestures.



Do cats go away to die?

Cats do not go off with the intent to die alone and cold. When cats don’t feel good, they often like to find a quiet corner to be by themselves until they feel better. … Cats don’t understand about death and she probably just curled up someplace nearby under a bush until the pain or whatever was bothering her went away . Mar 8, 2011


How do most old cats die?

Hormonal disorders, kidney disease, arthritis, congestive heart failure, liver disorders, and renal disease are a few of the most -oft diagnosed diseases in older cats , most of which can be managed but not ‘cured.’ Any one of these conditions can hasten your cat’s death, although in most cases your cat can be made more …



Do cats die in their sleep?

Sadly, few cats die peacefully in their sleep at home. Most reach a point when their quality of life is unsatisfactory and a decision for euthanasia has to be made.



Do cats smell when they are dying?

Dying cats might begin to look messy and unkempt, and might even develop a detectable odor. The odor is usually due to toxins building up in the body as a result of illness.



Do male or female cats live longer?

According to the 2010 edition of the Guinness World Records, the oldest cat ever recorded was Creme Puff, who died in 2005, aged 38 years, 3 days. Female cats have been evidenced to outlive male cats , while neutered cats and crossbred cats have been evidenced to outlive entire and purebred cats , respectively.


Will cats purr if they are in pain?

Relief and Healing. Even though purring takes energy, many cats purr when they get hurt or are in pain .


Do cats purr when they are dying?

“I’ve witnessed a lot of cats purring when they ‘re dying , and when they ‘re being put to sleep. The vet will say something like ‘ They were purring right up until the end’, and people assume they ‘re happy when they ‘re purring .


Do cats cry when hurt?

Yes, as previously mentioned, some cats in pain (particularly severe, sudden pain ) will cry out or howl. If you see this, take them to the vet immediately to have them checked out, even if you can’t see anything else wrong with them.


Why does my elderly cat keep meowing?

Numerous diseases can cause a cat to feel hunger, thirst, or pain, all of which can lead to excessive meowing . Cats of all ages also can develop an overactive thyroid or kidney disease, both of which can result in excessive vocalizations. … Cats often meow to initiate play, petting, or to get you to talk to them.


Why is my old cat so skinny?

Well-recognized causes of weight loss in old cats include chronic renal disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and dental problems. … Dental disease can contribute to weight loss in senior cats. Nov 11, 2014


How long will a cat live after it stops eating?

The average cat can technically survive for one to two weeks without food if they have a water supply. However, without protein, it may be more like three to four days , even if they have enough water. With no water or food, it is unlikely that a cat would survive longer than three days .


How can I extend my cat’s life?

Here are my top five tips for increasing cat longevity: Feed your cat WET food. Raw is best, canned will do. … Keep your cat INDOORS. Indoor cats typically live longer than outdoor cats for many reasons. … Spay or neuter your cat . … Exercise your cat’s BODY and MIND. … Lots of LOVE.


Does my cat like belly rubs?

Why do some cats dislike belly rubs ? Hair follicles on the belly and tail area are hypersensitive to touch, so petting there can be overstimulating, Provoost says. “ Cats prefer to be pet and scratched on the head, specifically under their chin and cheeks,” where they have scent glands, Provoost says.


Can cats live to 30?

Average cat lifespan While dependent on many things, including luck, some domestic cats can live to up to 20 years old.


What are the stages of a cat?

There are 6 life stages for cats : Junior – 7 months–2 years. during this time the cat reaches full size and learns about life and how to survive it. Prime – 3–6 years. … Mature – 7–10 years. … Senior – 11–14 years. … Super Senior – 15 years and over.


Which breed is my cat?

If you bought or adopted your cat , and he came with official papers certifying his ancestry, you have a purebred cat , and the certification will state your cat’s breed . If your cat didn’t come with those official papers, finding out his exact breed may be more of a guessing game.


How old is an adult cat?

Kittens Become Adults – From Six Months to Three Years Old By the time your cat is one year old , it will have reached its adult size and its preferences, habits, etc. are typically established.


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Goldendoodle – The Hard To Find Perfect Puppy

Goldendoodle – The Hard To Find Perfect Puppy

What is a Goldendoodle?

The Goldendoodle is a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle. Poodle crossbreeds are meant to produce a dog with mixed traits and the poodle’s signature non-shedding coat. Like all poodle crosses, the Goldendoodle goes by many names, including the goldipoo, goldenpoo, groodle, curly golden, goldenoodle, goldoodle, or the somewhat less appealing gopoo. Like other designer breeds, the Goldendoodle has seen a recent surge in popularity.

As a crossbreed, the Goldendoodle is not eligible for registration with purebred registries such as the American Kennel Club, but it can be registered with the American Canine Hybrid Club. The Goldendoodle is not considered a purebred because it doesn’t breed true, meaning that it doesn’t display a consistent set of characteristics. Some breeders produce Goldendoodles by crossing a purebred poodle with a purebred golden retriever (called a first-generation cross), but others allow crossing Goldendoodles with poodles or golden retrievers (called a backcross), or other Goldendoodles (called a multi-generation cross). Different crosses can result in different characteristics.

Other Doodles

If you’re wondering where mixed breeds like Labradoodles (Labrador retriever + poodle), Goldendoodles (golden retriever + poodle), and others fall in terms of the best hypoallergenic dog breeds, the answer is a little less clear cut (no pun intended). Although doodles are often touted as hypoallergenic because poodles are known as such, it’s much more difficult to determine what kind of coats these dogs will have and how their fur will affect allergy sufferers.

Goldendoodle puppies usually take on the best traits of both breeds. They are quick to learn new things as they are eager to please their human friends. They’re great pets but have a ton of rambunctious energy. When you purchase a doodle puppy, you are getting a great treasure filled with love, great potential, and devotion.

goldendoodles breeder

Choosing the Right Breeder

A reputable breeder will try to breed the best puppies possible in terms of health, temperament, and physical strengths. The Doodle Dynasty (Multigen Goldendoodles), a breeder in Santa Clarita, Ca. who specializes in breeding the allergy-friendly, extremely low to non-shedding multi-generational Goldendoodles with the shaggy teddy bear coats. They pride themselves in bringing their clients Multigen “Teddy Bear” Goldendoodles!! These are sometimes referred to as “teddy bear Goldendoodles” because of their Teddy-Bear look. They will often look like a plush puppy doll when they are young.

They raise multigenerational Goldendoodles, which are Goldendoodles bred to Goldendoodles. Their goal is to provide you with a happy and healthy dog of a lifetime. Their puppies embody the playful and loving attitude of golden retrievers combined with the intelligence and loyalty of poodles. They are very loved and well taken care of. They specialize in medium Goldendoodles and typically weigh between 35 and 55 pounds. These dogs love going on long walks, runs, and hikes with their owners.

Contrary to what many breeders will tell you when they are trying to sell their puppies, not all Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic. Goldendoodles are a mix of a golden retriever and poodle. A Goldendoodle is a mixed breed designer dog. Which means their coat can favor the golden retriever of the poodle. This is one of the reasons that The Doodle Dynasty focuses on multigenerational breeding with emphasis on the poodle. This increases the likelihood of a non to little shedding coat. For families with allergy sufferers, this is a mighty important point.

Puppies Health

goldendoodle for sale

They strive to ensure the health, well-being, and foundational training of every pup. Another thing that can be guaranteed as that their teddy-bear puppies are hard to resist with their sweet, lovable personalities. The Goldendoodle dynasty takes great joy in raising their puppies in their home with a loving family environment to support them. That means their puppies are whelped in their home and raised as part of the family.

They also prepare each puppy with each of the essential vaccinations and shots needed to allow for happy, healthy pets as they grow. Doodle Dynasty provides every puppy with an abundance of love and a rock-solid foundation from the beginning. They let each puppy grow to the proper adoption age while nurturing their growth with premium dog-food, hospitable living spaces, and plenty of room to play and exercise. They are bred for great temperaments and intelligence as well as no/low shedding, hypoallergenic and hybrid vigor qualities.

Dynasty Doodles Are Beautiful Goldendoodles

Dynasty Doodles are beautiful Goldendoodles with soft, low to non-shedding coats which are perfect pets for those looking for wonderful companions or family dogs small enough to be the snuggly dogs they are meant to be. They understand what an important addition a puppy can be to your family so they never compromise on their doodle’s health, temperament, or intelligence.

The owners, Raul and Betty had previously bred Cocker Spaniels until they fell in love with the Goldendoodle. Having experience as a breeder they were meticulous in choosing the puppies that they were to call their own. Bringing home new family members is important. They were also well aware that breeding would be in their future and they wanted to make sure they would be able to deliver to their clients the same quality of puppy that they would choose for themselves.

Finding a Goldendoodle puppy or adult dog can be as easy as an internet search, but be careful of puppy mills and internet scams. The best place to start is with animal shelters and breed-specific rescue groups, as Goldendoodles often become available from individuals rehoming dogs that they can no longer look after.

More About This Breed

What most people may not realize is that they come in three sizes: standard, medium and miniature. Here we will cover the medium Goldendoodle.

  • Medium Goldendoodle Size: 20-24 inches tall, 35-55 lbs.
  • Lifespan: 10-15 years
  • Coat: Semi-long and can range from wavy to curly
  • Shedding: Light (Variable on the coat and per cent of poodle)
  • Hypoallergenic: Semi

History: the Goldendoodle is a cross between a golden retriever and a poodle. Originally developed in Australia and the United States as an assistance dog suitable for allergy sufferers, the Goldendoodle has become a mainstay in the dog world. In terms of poodle mixes, the Goldendoodle is one of the more recent. After the cockapoo and labradoodle gained popularity, breeders began to create Goldendoodles during the 1990s. The breed was a hit, and the Goldendoodle was bred more and more. Today, several clubs have been created for the Goldendoodle, like the Goldendoodle Association of North America (GANA) and The Goldendoodle Registry (TGR). The breed is also registered by a number of clubs for the designer and hybrid breeds.

The Goldendoodle name is a portmanteau of golden retriever and labradoodle. While they are primarily bred as companion dogs, Goldendoodles have been successfully trained as therapy dogs, guide dogs and other forms of assistance dogs.

Other Important Info About Goldendoodles

Goldendoodles should be exercised daily in some manner as they love to be active and can find mischief if bored or left alone for too long. A fenced-in yard to romp around or regular trips to the dog park are highly recommended. Goldendoodles have affectionate, sunny dispositions and are eager to please. Goldendoodles typically have a wavy, curly to straight coat and can weight an average of the parents’ weights. If you adore golden retrievers but not their constant shedding and large size, then you will love the medium Goldendoodle.

Goldendoodles are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they’re prone to certain health conditions. Not all Goldendoodles will get any or all of these diseases, but it’s important to be aware of them if you’re considering this breed. If you’re buying a puppy, find a good breeder who will show you health clearances for both your puppy’s parents.

goldendoodle hypoallergenic dogs

Choosing a high-quality dog food designed for large-breed puppies will help give your Goldendoodle a healthy start to life. Treats can also be a useful asset during training, but it’s important that you monitor your pets calorie intake. Remember, they are part Golden retrievers and can be somewhat prone to becoming overweight, so be careful not to spoil your pooch too much.


Regular exercise is also essential for weight management, and its something your Goldendoodle needs to stay happy and healthy. Goldendoodles tend to be active dogs with relatively high energy levels. Your dog will love long walks, trips to the dog park, and games in the backyard, while many Goldendoodles will also excel at sports like agility and dock diving. However, these high energy levels mean Goldendoodles are better suited to a house with yard space rather than life in an apartment. You will also need to live an active lifestyle if you want to call one of these dogs your own.

Goldendoodle Puppies for Sale

These words on a sign would cause a family driving by to slam on the breaks and take a detour from their planned trip. Who wouldn’t want to stop for a chance to see and snuggle with a few Goldendoodle puppies? The smothering of those fluffy living stuffed animal-like creatures is just an over-intoxication of cuteness. That kind of love is enough to make you forget the troubles of the world.

Pandemic times have unfortunately changed all of that. Now all of the  “Goldendoodle puppies for sale” signs have been replaced by internet searches typed, ‘Goldendoodle puppies for sale near me.” These days most breeders will limit your playtime and puppy choosing time down to emailed and text pictures. Then there is the badly shot video because your puppy is the one that won’t standstill. Don’t get me wrong, you will still swoon at the blur on the video that is supposed to be your puppy because, well, they really are that darn cute.

The few breeders that will allow you to handpick your new best friend will usually require an appointment. This will be a time when you are the only client on their premises and will usually be outside on their farm or backyard. Masks, of course, will be required but they probably won’t stay on correctly for long, especially if Goldendoodle puppy is a licker! With their licks and snuggles, these puppies usually try to work their way past your mask as they are dying to get a good look at their new puppy parent.

Puppies are not always nearby

Google searches for “Golden doodle puppies for sale near me,” have come up with discouraging results that often don’t show a proper breeder for up to 50 miles or more. Unless you live near a doodle epicentre, prepare yourself mentally for the possibility of a road trip. Different breeders may specialize in a certain size or type so if you have your heart set on a very specific size and type, then you may have to extend your search in miles. Also, take into account that your perfect breeder will most likely have a lengthy waiting list and usually only breed once or twice a year for your specific desired puppy. This all adds to the need of being open to other cities and even states. It’s not uncommon to have your puppy shipped to you from out of state.

Many breeders offer Flight Nanny services where for an additional travel fee you can have your puppy personally taken to your city. The fee will vary but usually covers the nannies’ travel expenses plus their service fee. Depending on the distance and flight schedules, this can vary from $500 to $1,000 and up. There is definitely a cost to using a flight nanny, but you will have the certainty that your new family member is properly being handled, comforted, and secured during this new and stressful adventure for them.goldendoodle puppies near me

Hypoallergenic Dogs

The reason some people are allergic to dogs is that their immune system reacts to specific proteins (allergens) in the dog’s dander, saliva and fur. Not all dog-allergic people react to the same dog allergens, and not all dogs produce or shed the same amount of all dog allergens. So it is theoretically possible that some dogs could be better tolerated than others. Its often surmised that breeds known to shed less fur ought to shed fewer allergens.

This feature is what makes poodles very desirable.  Their coat tends to be more like hair than fur. With that comes less shedding.  Crossbreeding the poodle with the Golden Retriever gives you a 50-50 chance of getting the poodles coat or at least reducing the goldens trait of shedding.  The theory is that the more poodle in the mix, then the less shedding there will be.  This is a reason that some breeders focus on producing multigenerational doodles or even some F1bs.  Basically, these means they breed the dogs in such a mix that they are aiming for a larger amount of poodle vs Golden in the hopes of less shedding and more hypoallergenic puppies.


Goldendoodle Pictures!

goldendoole Christmas puppygoldendoodle Christmas puppygoldendoodle Christmas puppies

The post Goldendoodle – The Hard To Find Perfect Puppy appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Goldendoodle – The Hard To Find Perfect Puppy appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How to Operate a Fitbit – How to use a Fitbit Sports Activity Tracker

How to Operate a Fitbit – How to use a Fitbit Sports Activity Tracker

Here we provide essential information on how to operate a Fitbit, in other words how to use a Fitbit Sports Activity Tracker. If you don’t know already, the idea of a sports and general activity tracker “band” or “Smartwatch” device which is worn where a watch would once have adorned your wrist, is to monitor your movements. It does this in real-time, sending the resulting data to your mobile phone and stores that information on your phone in a way the allows you to look back and see how well you were exercising and for how long.

Get the Fitbit App to Set Up Your Device

Before you can begin using your Fitbit device such as a Versa Lite Smartwatch, you need to take a few minutes to run through the setup which connects the device to your account and configures some basic settings.

Watch our video below to find out more:

Having done that the first action for anyone starting to operate a Fitbit is to get the Fitbit app to set up your device (mobile phone). Before you can start using your new Fitbit tracker, you’ll need to connect it to a compatible smartphone, tablet, or computer. Start by installing the Fitbit app on your device, and then connect it to your Fitbit using Bluetooth. Learn how to install and set up your Fitbit for the first time, as well as how to customize the way your Fitbit syncs data to your dashboard.

To turn on the device lock and how to operate a Fitbit without setting up Fitbit Pay: Go to their app, tap on “today profile picture” hit the device image. Then tap on the option device lock. Similarly, after unpacking your InSpire Hr fitness tracker, the first thing you’ll want to do is set up your device by adding it to your account and connecting it to your mobile device.

Don’t have a mobile device available?

Fitbit offers a way for you to track your steps even if you do not have a Fitbit device or if you have a Fitbit but have forgotten to wear it.

Since Fitbit devices run on a proprietary operating system, they don’t have access to mobile payment platforms from other parties, including Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, or Google pay. Fitbit pay works with Android, IOs, and Windows phones. You can easily learn how to operate a Fitbit in more than a dozen countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and a handful of European countries.

You can also get messaging applications free by going to a particular messaging website. When it comes to mobile chat applications, it is typically used in mobile devices.

How to Operate a Fitbit

Fitbit Set Up: How to use the app and start using your Fitbit

Press and hold the back and bottom buttons for several seconds, after several seconds the Fitbit logo on the screen appears. According to Fitbit, a restart could fix any issues.

Swipe up on the clock face to see your stats in Fitbit Today, including steps, calories burned, active minutes, and more. Never miss a notification. See your phone, text, calendar, and app notifications on your device. Set an alarm in the Fitbit app. Turn it on or off, and dismiss it from your wrist with the Alarms app.

Wear a Fitbit Inspire on your wrist or in an accessory clip, whichever is most comfortable for you. Remove both wristbands, and insert your device into the clip for a more discreet option. Check the Fitbit app. Sync your tracker with the Fitbit app to see your complete health and fitness data. Personalized heart-rate zones help you target the training intensity of your choice. Earn Active Zone Minutes for time spent in the fat burn, cardio, or peak heart-rate zones. The Heart Rate setting is turned on in the Settings app.

How to set up a Fitbit

Now it’s time to link the two accounts. Log into “Myfitnesspal” and select apps. This takes you through to the app gallery. Find the Fitbit logo and choose to connect.

Then get a visual picture of your progress with colourful, easy-to-read charts and graphs. See how you sleep: set sleep goals in the app, and use a Fitbit tracker to monitor how much time you spent awake, restless or peacefully sleeping.

How do I set up my Fitbit device?

All of these Fitbit devices track steps, calories burned, and distance throughout the wearer’s day (including when they’re involved in workouts or fitness-oriented activities). These devices can monitor “active minutes” versus time when the wearer is stationary.

The Fitbit app is compatible with most popular phones and tablets, as well as Windows 10 computers. To verify that your phone or tablet is compatible with the Fitbit app, go to

If your phone or tablet isn’t compatible, and you don’t have a Windows 10 computer, you can set up some Fitbit devices on a Mac or Windows 8.1 computer with a program called Fitbit Connect.

How Does a Fitbit Work?

“Get human” is merely a web-based forum for consumers to share tips about contacting companies and solving customer care problems is how to operate a Fitbit. “Get human” does not answer Fitbit’s emails, work as part of its customer service operations or have any other connection of any kind.

Track your workouts. Use the exercise app. To see real-time stats, receive heart zone notifications, capture GPS data, and get a workout summary when you’re done. For additional stats and a workout intensity map if you used GPS, tap the “Exercise” tile.

This device is powered by a battery, included with purchase. The battery will usually last about 10 days. After 10 days, the Fitbit must be recharged fully for the device to continue to work.

What Is a Fitbit? How to Operate a Fitbit

Fitbit helps people lead healthier, more active lives by empowering them with data, inspiration and guidance to reach their goals. Fitbit pioneered the connected health and fitness market starting in 2007, and since then, has grown into a leading global health and fitness brand.

What is nothing to do with how to operate a Fitbit, but is always important during exercise is to record your water intake. Staying hydrated is especially important when exercising. X research source x trustworthy source family doctor family-focused medical advice site run by the American Academy of family doctors go-to source you can record your water intake with your Fitbit by accessing the “log” menu at the top of your screen.

Google’s acquisition of fitness tracker giant Fitbit has been completed. Both Fitbit and google published posts on the deal, which is worth a reported $2. 1 billion. These articles, after the expected platitudes, largely focus on one element: privacy.

What is Fitbit Pay?

This is for payments on the go through Fitbit Pay. Battery life is the same on both trackers, about a week on a single charge. Switch on the built-in GPS on charge 4 and this falls to a perfectly respectable 5 hours.

The average price of the Fitbit is between $60–$130, depending on the model. However, data cannot be downloaded off the Fitbit website unless one pays the premium membership price of $49 per year.

How to Use the Fitbit Dashboard

That way you can keep each other motivated with challenges, cheers, and taunts. Once you’re up and running, the Fitbit app also lets you control everything through the dashboard. Swipe up on the clock face to see your stats in Fitbit Today, including steps, calories burned, active minutes, and more. Never miss a notification.

How to set up a Fitbit – and how to use them to reach your fitness goals

See your phone, text, calendar, and app notifications on your device. Set an alarm in the Fitbit app. Turn it on or off, and dismiss it from your wrist with the Alarms app.  Wear a Fitbit Inspire on your wrist or in an accessory clip, whichever is most comfortable for you.

Remove both wristbands, and insert your device into the clip for a more discreet option. Check the Fitbit app. Sync your tracker with the Fitbit app to see your complete health and fitness data. Personalized heart-rate zones help you target the training intensity of your choice. Earn Active Zone Minutes for time spent in the fat burn, cardio, or peak heart-rate zones. The Heart Rate setting is turned on in the Settings app.

Getting the Most out of Your Fitbit

The reason Fitbit has struggled is a rise in competition, primarily from Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL ). The feature-rich apple watch particularly appeals to iPhone users due to its seamless integration with the device.

The move prompted speculation that we would finally see a pixel watch, with a fossil body and a google brain. It has yet to materialize. An official statement regarding the Fitbit buyout seems to imply that is the goal of this purchase:

The company remains the leader in the category it invented, despite the proliferation of smartphone apps and smartwatches (particularly from Apple) encroaching on its territory.

Fitbit has won by offering a wider array of choices at better prices, from $60 to $250.

People Also Asked About How to Operate a Fitbit:

Can a Fitbit watch make calls?

When you buy a Fitbit Versa 3, you also get PurePulse 2.0, Active Zone Minutes, Fitbit Pay, a built-in speaker, and a microphone all included. As with the Ftbit Sense, you can take quick phone calls, send calls to voicemail, and adjust call volume — all from your wrist (when paired via Bluetooth with your phone).

What is the difference between a Smartwatch and a Fitbit?

Whereas the main goal of a fitness tracker is to monitor your health, a smartwatch can be seen as an extension of your phone with communication being the key function.

Is there a monthly fee for a Fitbit?

Fitbit Premium costs $9.99 per month or $80 for a year. If you’re not eligible for the 90-day free trial, you might still be able to redeem a 90-day trial of Fitbit Coach, which offers personalized video workouts and coaching.

Does Fitbit count steps if arms aren’t moving?

Will my device count steps if my arms aren’t moving? If you’re doing something like pushing a stroller or shopping cart, your wrist-based device will count your steps but the total may be slightly lower than usual. If you’re walking or running outside, use GPS to capture your route, pace, and distance.

Does Fitbit work without a phone?

If you want to set up your Fitbit without a phone or tablet, you’re going to need to set up your device through Fitbit Connect, a free software app that allows the tracker to work without the need for a phone.

Can I use Fitbit without a subscription?

Best answer: No, you don’t need to pay for a subscription to use Fitbit software.

How to Operate a Fitbit -Does a Fitbit need wifi?

The Fitbit doesn’t need Wi-Fi to work — it just needs Bluetooth to connect to the phone.

Are Fitbits a waste of money?

The Fitbit app lets you track food and water intake as well as tracking steps, heart rate, sleep cycles, and menstrual cycles. A Fitbit is only a waste of money if you don’t use it to its full potential. … And the 1 out of 10 that uses it properly doesn’t really “need” a Fitbit to tell them how many steps they took.

What’s better than a Fitbit?

The Garmin Venu and Garmin Vivoactive 4 are the best Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Versa 3 alternatives you can buy thanks to their smartwatch features and robust fitness tracking suite. The Apple Watch Series 6 is another good Fitbit Sense and Versa 3 alternative thanks to its unparalleled smartwatch features.

How to Operate a Fitbit – Does Fitbit Versa 3 Answer Calls?

Yes. When set up correctly this is a big part of how to operate a Fitbit. Fitbit introduced the Versa 3, the latest generation of its popular Versa smartwatch, with key new features and just a small bump in price. It now has onboard GPS, Google Assistant (it previously had only Alexa), and the ability for Android users to answer calls from their wrist.

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Bonds As an Investment Opportunity

Bonds As an Investment Opportunity

Bonds As an Investment Opportunity

In the financial world, bonds are one of the most highly leveraged products. In finance, a bond is a financial instrument of debt owed by the bond issuer to its bondholders. The most common forms of bonds are municipal bonds and corporate bonds. Bonds can also be either in individual investing where an individual would lend a business or the state some money, or may be in mutual funds. As long as the investor can recoup his invested principal plus interest after a set period, it makes for a good investment proposition.

A bond issues a promise to pay a specified interest rate on a certain amount of principal. Bonds generally represent debt obligations of the U.S. government or a corporation. When bonds are sold, the principal is paid to the holder, usually at the point of sale, and the remaining debt is paid by the issuer. If the issuer defaults, the principal and interest are repaid to the issuer.

Historically, bonds are categorized into two major categories: credit risk and non-credit risk

Credit risk refers to the inability of the issuer to pay the principal back on time. Non-credit risk refers to the inability of the issuer to pay the principal back within a specified period of time. A company that issues credit bonds must comply with certain credit risk requirements that are imposed by the Federal Reserve Board. issuer’s credit risk is determined by the amount of debt, history of debt repayment, liquidity, creditworthiness of collateral (if corporate or government), and the tolerance of the market for its debt obligations. Bond issuers are required to disclose certain information about their credit risk in the bond prospectus they issue to the investors.


Typically, bonds that carry higher interest rates than bonds with a lower credit risk are considered to be “investment grade bonds.” Bonds that carry lower credit ratings than investment grade bonds are referred to as “bond rated bonds.” The reasoning behind this classification is simple. As issuer’s payment capacity may fluctuate due to varied economic factors, the risk to an investor is higher if one of these bonds is purchased.

On the other hand, bonds that carry a high yield but have a lower total maturity are categorized as “put” bonds

Put simply, these bonds have a shorter duration. Generally, bonds with longer maturation periods have lower yield. As a result, the yield to maturity ratios of put bonds tend to be higher than those of the longer-maturity products. The reason for this is that the seller of these bonds is in a better position to realize profits from selling bonds with higher yields than when selling those with shorter maturburies. However, the reverse is also true; when the seller has less liquid capital, the bonds have a lower yield.

There are two types of investors who purchase bonds, namely, individual investors and institutional investors. While mutual funds are predominantly purchased by large institutional investors, individual investors mostly purchase them to obtain yield diversification. For example, there are mutual fund portfolios where most of the funds are concentrated on yields from blue chip companies. Likewise, there are bond mutual funds where the bulk of the funds is invested in junk bonds or other investment grade bonds. Bond funds are an attractive option for many investors.

If you are thinking of purchasing bonds, it is advisable to understand your risk tolerance and to identify what your immediate goals are

If you are looking for yield then you should purchase investment-grade bonds which carry the highest credit ratings. Conversely, if you are more concerned about credit quality of the issuer of the bond, then you can choose to purchase investment-grade bonds that have lower credit ratings. In this case, you will not be as exposed to market forces.

Many businesses issue bonds as a part of their fundraising efforts. Usually, businesses issue bonds to raise money for either the expansion of the business or for the acquisition of new products. When issuing bonds, businesses normally secure the money they are required to borrow by promising to pay interest during a specified period of time and/or by issuing payments to cover costs. A few bonds are used as financial instruments by entities such as corporations to raise money for both their short term and long term debts. Since bonds are considered relatively safe, most corporations issue bonds as a means of raising money.

What Is A Bond?

In the financial world, a bond is a legal obligation of the issuer to the purchasers. The most common kinds of bonds are corporate bonds and municipal bonds. Corporate bonds are bonds which are secured by the assets of a corporation. Municipal bonds are bonds which are secured by a municipal asset like a townhouse, building or cemetery.

These bonds are also classified according to risk: good debt (CDs), poor debt (bonds with coupons but not with guarantees) and good credit risk (certificates with guarantees but not with security).

Good debt bonds are the safest type of corporate bonds

as they have less chance of defaulting compared to poor debt ones and they carry a reduced rate of interest. On the other hand, poor debt corporate bonds carry a higher rate of interest, but their chance of defaulting is much lesser than the good ones. Good credit risk bonds, on the other hand, are usually issued by governments.

Now that you are aware of this basic information, it is time to move ahead and learn how to identify fraudulent bonds by going through securities industry publications such as American Municipal Securityurities Association, Security Investors Protection Corporation and others. These are the most reliable sources of information on corporate bonds that an investor can count on. Moreover, they can also act as a guide while dealing with brokers and dealers. One can also go through stockbrokers’ brokerage websites for additional details.

Once you know what kind of bond you are looking for, the next step is to understand the different terms that are used in the industry

One term you should know before buying bonds is the coupon rate risk. This term refers to the interest rate risk of an issuer face while repaying the bonds. It basically means that the issuer’s financing cost will fluctuate depending upon the current interest rate. This is mainly due to the fact that bonds are not purchased on a regular basis. As such, the interest rates change constantly.

There are other terms you need to know such as credit risk and high-yield bonds. Credit risk refers to any risk associated with an investment-grade bond, which is considered as lower credit rating. On the other hand, high-yield bonds are considered as high-risk securities. Basically, high-yield bonds carry a greater interest risk than any other kind of bonds. Thus, the price of these bonds will fluctuate depending upon the current market conditions.

A call option or put option is another important term you need to understand before buying callable bonds

This option allows investors to sell call options to their lenders at a certain price and thus buy or sell bonds depending on the opinion of the lender. However, note that unlike the underlying bond, the option has to be a call option in the first place to allow investors to sell it.

A bond is actually an obligation of an individual or entity. Bonds are long-term financial obligations which are issued by governments, companies, municipality, special institutions and even private individuals. To raise money from investors, bonds are normally sold in the form of stock certificates. However, note that there is a difference between the sale of stock certificates and the sale of bonds. Usually, when an investor buys a bond, he or she does not have to pay for the face value but rather, they can pay for a specified amount.

Generally, bonds rated BBB, B, C and A are regarded as high quality bonds since they have excellent credit ratings and excellent liquidity

When it comes to bonds, C rated bonds carry the lowest premiums among all other bonds. Since bonds of all grades are equal in value, it is very difficult to determine whether a bond is a high-quality or low-quality bond. Some bonds rated BBB are considered as junk bonds because of the high premiums paid to the issuer for such bonds. Junk bonds usually carry high interest rates and with poor liquidity features.

You will find more about bonds here:

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Real Spells Of Magic – Magic Spells And So Much More!

Real Spells Of Magic – Magic Spells And So Much More!

Who’s looking for a great source of Magic Spells, magical items, tools of the trade, Wiccan decor and jewelry plus so much more?

Are you looking for spells for beginners? Are you a master of magick spells and Wicca, or do you find yourself somewhere in between? No matter where you are, all you want and much more is right here at Real Spells Of Magic!

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magic spells for beginnersThese particular real magic spells are wonderful by themselves. Nevertheless, when you realize the power of bundling and coupling spells together, using a cliche, the magic really happens!

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When you visit you will learn all about incredible love spells, healing spells and white magick spells. There’s also protection spells, spells for beginners, luck spells and many, various other spanning all categories.

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Real Spells Of MagicWe’ve got that covered too!

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Of course, there is a wide variety of perfect gift ideas too!

Real Magic Spells Don’t Always Need Crazy Stuff!

Beginners and intermediary magick users are warned! The incredible Internet supplies us a fantastic combination of centuries and centuries of magick with new “instant access” technology.

Do not be misled, fooled or misdirected. There are many websites and articles that endorse severe and unnecessary requirements along with odd and weirdly wonderful ingredients to learn and perform magick!

To start engaging in magic and magic spells …

You DO NOT need to presently be a Wizard or Witch! Even proficient and the most powerful sorcerers at the outset began somewhere in a place not far away from where you are today!

You DO NOT require a wide range of hard-to-find witches’ tools and ingredients such as dead frogs’ legs, pieces of hair from people, toenail cuttings and all type of gross and tough to get items to cast real spells of magic! Eye of Newt anybody?

The world of cauldrons, silver daggers, crystal bowls, pentacles and other magickal items without a doubt exists however will enter its own as you proceed on your odyssey through Wicca and witchcraft.

Embrace The Essence of Real Magic Spells And Rituals!

The extraordinary point of white magic and Wicca is its capacity to lend itself to the spell caster. This makes it possible for the universe to do what is asked of it. Certainly, there is no more ideal day than today to begin your adventure towards developing into an impressive and mighty wizard or witch.

Magic is the exact same as anything beneficial in life. In that, if you really want it, don’t ever permit anybody tell you what you can or can’t do. Granted that practising magic lives in your heart and mind, so if that’s how you feel then GO ALL IN! magic spells that work

Take the plunge with various beginner spells or maybe leap right into full witchcraft, Wicca and magick education! The improvements you will see in your experience quickly and permanently will be out of this world! Even try something like our Spell to Become a Vampire which mimics traits and attributes of this creature!

Know this – the best type of magick and real spells of magic can carry the code to substantially enhancing your way of life in all areas– spiritually, financially, your love life, your business, your connections and the list goes on and on.

It’s Not Just About The Magic Spell However…

Be sure to remember however that a spell in itself does not produce magic. Real spells of magic originate from inside of you. The spell merely serves as an instrument to generate the energy and vibrations produced by your desires and intentions out into the universe.

To get started on your magickal journey and begin to celebrate all things Witchcraft, please visit our site by clicking the banner below…

Never forget the Wiccan Rede – Harm None and always be aware of the Rule of 3. The Rule of 3 means that whatever you put out into the universe, you will receive triple back!

Blessed be and enjoy these real spells of magic …

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The post Real Spells Of Magic – Magic Spells And So Much More! appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates February 05, 2021

SEO Updates February 12, 2021

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

  • What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week 
  • Deal of the week: For Every $300 Spent Get a Free 1k Traffic Guest Post
  • Featured Blog Post: Keyword Science
  • Product Spotlight: Guestpost
  • Special Announcement: Scaling Your Agency Webinar March 10th
  • SEO Mad Scientist: GMB Category Updates: Did We Loose Are Rankings?

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 74

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.


? Google: Core Web Vitals Values Won’t Differ Based On Type Of Site
? Google Launched The About This Result Snippet Feature

? Google My Business Adds Guidelines For Co-Working Spaces
? Chrome Data Added To Google Search Console Discover Performance Report
? Google May Suspend E-Commerce Sites That Change Prices On Checkout Page
? Google On the Same Link But Different Anchor Text On the Same Page

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Keyword Science – Finding The Best Anchor Text For Your Link Building

In this 2 part blog we cover the exact techniques Web 2.0 Rank uses every day to  perform keyword and anchor analysis for each new DFY SEO campaign that we onboard

By using a scientific approach to plan a backlink campaign that ensures the target page’s link graph is on parity with the top-ranking page is one of the quickest ways of achieving noticeable ranking improvements

We’ll show you everything from finding the target page & head keyword to determining current ranking keywords, target page(s), link spread, along with finding the best anchor ratios, and more. This blog covers it all!

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SEO Mad Scientist

Another exciting week of tests has past and we are about to start moving into something new outside of GMB categories.

We are going to keep it to a quick update today before moving on to some new tests next week. We want to do one final update on our category rankings and see if we have improvements or fluctuations. So let us take a look at what keywords are still ranking, and what rankings we have seen struggle or disappear altogether after a category change…

As you can see our Chicago SEO Pro listing has lost some of the rankings we initially grabbed from adding certain categories to it. We have seen the same thing with some of the terms in our title loan listing but some are still showing stronger than before so it’s a question of are the rankings lost or just fluctuating?

We have reason to believe this is something we have seen before and talked about in a previous tests. The fact that our test listings have no trust, no optimization, and no off-page signals, Google does not maintain rankings for terms when it first indexes them.

We will continue to keep our eyes on these test as we move into some new GMB test results next week… Until then…

Happy Testing!





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Catnip Benefits For Us Humans Too

Catnip Benefits For Us Humans Too

Can a cat get too much catnip?

Catnip Benefits For Us Humans Too: Mice, string and catnip—pretty much every kitty’s idea of fun! let your cat flex those hunting muscles to promote play and exercise. How about a chase after a catnip-spiked, string-tailed mouse? ready, set, pounce!.

Botanical name: nepeta cataria
common names: catnip, catswort, catnep, catsup, catmint, catswort, field balm, nep, herb catta
catnip is a perennial herb member of the mint family and can grow up to three feet high. Manufactures of medicine repeatedly use the flowering tops of the plant to help people with:
a natural repellent
aids in weight loss
effective for a migraine
catnip can cause drowsiness, which can reduce your productivity and can lead to vomiting as well. It’ll be better to take it in the night to learn how it works for you. Moreover, children and pregnant women must restrain from taking the herb.

Catnip is the fragrant green leaf that will make some cats act a little nutty. The herb is a member of the mint family and can even be grown in your own backyard. Cats have various reactions to the herb, and one can often see them going crazy when given a sprinkle of catnip. While this can be an amazing distraction for the bored cat, what does catnip do when given to dogs? and is it safe?.

catnip is a strong-smelling herb. It is native to central Europe, though it can now be found in most of Canada and the northeast united states. It belongs to the mint family and has oval-toothed, dark green leaves and white flowering tops. Catnip has long been thought to have medicinal properties. Its dried leaves and white flowers are traditionally used for this purpose. Both can be used to make tea, which is sometimes used to treat conditions like insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. In some cases, the roots of catnip can be used.

catnip benefits for us humans read more

1. Stress Reducer (Cats Humans)

The catnip produce relief for the cats having a stressful period like when introduced to a new animal, travelling, moved to a new place etc. Catnip is measured as a form of environmental improvement. The usage of catnip can support the nervous cats’ practices playful activities and help to keep the bouncy cats from becoming uninterested. It does have pain-relieving properties to some instance and is supportive of the digestive tract. The catnip used in humans for its anti-diarrheal and spasmolytic (capability to eliminate contraction of the smooth muscle) properties.

Stress reducer (cats + humans)
cats can get stressed out just like humans. Nepeta cataria is a herb that commonly makes the list of anti-stress natural remedies for domesticated felines. If you know something is on the horizon that is likely to stress your furry friend out (like a trip to your vet), then a common recommendation is to let your cat play with some catnip-laden toys or sniff some fresh herb about 15 minutes before the dreaded activity. This way your cat can get all of its energy and angst out beforehand and is more likely to be calm and mellow rather than stressed.

Gilani 2009, Smitherman 2005, the nepetalactone and iridoids of catnip have been investigated for their herbicidal and insecticidal activities. The varied effects on different alkaloids may be due to the presence of CNC micro powder, which may adsorb the alkaloids, resulting in prolonged retention in the small intestine. He 2016. Sedative. It has also been used in teas, dyes, and infusions. Bernardi 2011 the use of catnip leaves and flowers in herbal teas was documented as early as 1735 in the general Irish herbal. Subscribe to drugs.

Despite being known for its effects on cats, cats aren’t the only ones who can enjoy catmint. This plant is edible for humans and it even has some medicinal benefits. The leaves and flowers can be steeped to make tea. Catmint herbal tea has a mild minty taste and a sweet fragrance. Catmint contains a compound called nepetalactone. Nepetalactone is what makes this herb irresistible to cats. Among other benefits, nepetalactone has a calming and relaxing effect. So, this herbal tea really helps in relieving stress and reducing anxiety.

 Sleep Booster and Tension Reducer (Cats Humans)

Catnip tea benefits are countless, and the rich variety 7 benefits of the catnip plant for skin, hair, and health posted on December 4, 2019, August 23, 2020, the catnip plant may be popular among felines, but it has some wonderful benefits … the catnip times strengthens the bond between cats and their humans. 5 catnip health benefits 1. 14 top health benefits of catnip tea you would never imagine this plant is known as a special plant that can give effect to the cat it tea has a complete nutrient such nepetalactone, anti-cholinergic which is very effective as an alternative treatment for numerous diseases such as … hi.

Training Tool (Cats)

So, if you little furry is scratching too much her skin, then according to the researchers it is good to provide her with a catnip tea bath. This will calm her skin. This treatment also does works for human beings as well. A very good training tool for your cat: many experts around the world recommend using catnip to train the cats because they have a very strong reaction towards the catnip herb. If your little furry friend is getting too lazy in the bed and not warming up at all, then sprinkle a tiny bit of catnip and see how active your catty becomes after that.

Many cat experts recommend using catnip as a training tool for cats because so many cats have such a strong reaction to the herb. So how can it be used to change your pet’s behaviour? if your cat isn’t warming up to its new bedding, simply sprinkle a tiny bit of catnip on it and it should quickly become more inviting. Are your cat’s claws ruining your beautiful furniture? put a little catnip on a scratching post so your cat is more likely to put its claws on that post rather than your furniture.

Native to Eurasia, catnip is a perennial plant that is fairly easy to grow. It features spikes of flowers that are either white, pink, or white with purple polka dots. It reseeds itself, so it needs space to grow. The plant is popular among cats, and many cat owners will grow it and dry the leaves to place in their cat’s toys or scratch towers. The fresh leaves may also be rubbed along the items to release the essential oil, and it makes for a great training tool, so cats know where to scratch.

Catnip has various uses, but most commonly it’s employed as a training tool or a sedative. Misbehaving cats can be taught better patterns of behaviour by using catnip as a reward, in place of a traditional food treat. Like all pet treats, associating positive behaviour with a pleasant outcome is a straightforward psychological method for discouraging naughtiness!
as a sedative or distraction, catnip can be used to calm hyperactive cats, soften the terror of a car journey, or make an introduction to a new feline more friendly.

5. Skin Soother (Cats Humans)

Is catnip safe for cats? yes, it is considered safe and non-toxic for cats, which is why you often see it in cat toys. Catnip tends to affect about 50 per cent of cats when sniffed or eaten. Smelling the herb tends to stimulate cats while eating it has a calming effect. The herb has overlapping benefits for both cats and humans that may include an ability to help calm skin, ease tension and encourage a restful night’s sleep. For cats, it can also be used as a training tool, while for humans, it has been traditionally used for cough relief.

If you grow your catnip in pots, you will want to add extra water, as containers tend to dry out more easily. Or you can just plant it somewhere that you don’t mind it spreading! however, since it can cause intoxication-like states, it should probably be used in doses. If you are seeding, you can just scatter the seeds loosely. There is also a couple of bacterial and viral disease to which catnip is prone. Why everyone should get a personal trainer for fitness. You do not need to fertilize catnip and actually, it’s recommended that you don’t.

The nepetalactone and iridoids of catnip have been investigated for their herbicidal and insecticidal activities. The varied effects on different alkaloids may be due to the presence of CNC micro powder, which may adsorb the alkaloids, resulting in prolonged retention in the small intestine. He 2016. Sedative. It has also been used in teas, dyes, and infusions. Bernardi 2011 the use of catnip leaves and flowers in herbal teas was documented as early as 1735 in the general Irish herbal. Subscribe to drugs. Com newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates.

Cats love catnip, but what about us? are we affected in similar ways? although we don’t experience the same euphoria as our cats, humans do sometimes use it as alternative medicine. Webmd. Com lists a series of uses that range from alleviating insomnia and migraines to relieving swelling and arthritis when applied to the skin. Catnip can also be used as a mosquito repellent – it doesn’t last as long as the diet that most brands use but it’s good for people who want a product that’s not as harsh.

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Traditional health benefits of catnip. (2). It makes playtime a blast for cats! people often wonder: does catnip get cats high? there are so many benefits of catnips for cats… catnip for humans. And why do cats like catnip? What is catnip used for? place the catnip into a tea strainer or tea ball. Some health professionals have been known to recommend nepeta cataria as a mild sedative for people struggling with insomnia or nervous exhaustion. A spray version is another option, which can be used on bedding or toys.

9 Amazing Benefits of Catnip

Catnip can be applied directly on the skin for treating arthritis and haemorrhoids. Catnip leaves can be used to reduce swelling. Tea is prepared using leaves, shoots and flowers of the catnip herb because it has amazing health benefits. Catnip tea is used to treat anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. Respiratory ailments can be reduced by smoking the dried leaves of catnip. It is also used as a pesticide and insecticide.

The bottom line is that regular usage of catnip leaves ensures good health. For catnip, use 1 tsp. The health benefits of catnip include researchers j. S. Caufield and h. J. Forbes has sugg… many of its uses are stress relieving in some form or another. Catmint is useful for a variety of digestive issues from stomach upset, diarrhoea and gas. This is done by people who have an irritated scalp. Catnip tea, herb, and tincture are also sold in health food stores, grocery stores, and pharmacies for human use.

Catnip amazing health benefits includes treating skin conditions, curing hair conditions like dandruff and irritated scalp, easing cramps and fever, relieving stomach and abdomen problem, reducing mood swings and menstrual pains, relieving stress and aiding sleep. Other benefits include supporting the kidney, aiding weight loss, supporting the healing process and providing the body with vital nutrients. During the early 1400s, a common practice among Europeans was drinking tea made from catnip leaves. Those people who were fond of mint tea were happy to drink as it belonged to the mint family and had the odour and flavour quite similar to mint.

With a scientific name of nepeta cataria, catnip is a common flower also known as catswort and catmint. Many people are unaware of the calming and soothing effects it has on cats. Moreover, it also holds amazing benefits for human beings. Furthermore, its native range stretches over most of Asia, including China, and some parts of Europe. However, now, it has become a global export and is present in many parts of the world. It is potent due to a certain amount of chemicals such as terpenoid present in it.

Health Benefits of Catnip

Active constituents that are found in catnip include the following: terpene, acetic acid, alpha-citral beta- citral, butyric acid, citronella, dipentene, geraniol, limonene, nepetalactone, nepetalic acid, nerol, tannin and valeric acid. The combination of these constituents provides the claimed health benefits of catnip although limited scientific research would support these claims. Catnip is one of the herbal medicines that offer varieties of health benefits especially for digestive disorders and to relieve fevers due to colds and flu.

Catnip is safe for
humans and it has many health benefits. Some of the uses of catnip herb are listed below.

Catnip tea is a great way to test out possible health benefits for humans.

More than a kitty’s delight, catnip is a member of the mint family and makes an incredible tea, as well as a poultice. Apart from its tantalizing flavor, catnip also packs a powerful punch in regard to health benefits.

Traditional Health Benefits of Catnip

The health benefits of catnip tea for humans are enumerated below:
catnip tea is widely used because of its calming effect on the human body. It is used in boosting up the mood. It is used in treating anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness. It helps in promoting evacuation of the placenta after childbirth. This tea helps in stimulating uterine contraction and in turn, helps in delaying menstruation.

The most important health benefits of catnip include its ability to calm restless sleep, relieve anxiety and stress, soothe menstrual pain, eliminate eating disorders, and ease stomach discomfort. It also helps speed up the recovery from colds and fevers, detoxify the body, reduce inflammation throughout the body, and even speed wound healing.

Catnip tea is readily available in most tea speciality shops, organic health food stores and online. Celebration herbals offer a wonderful organic catnip tea, as does alvita and earth-wise organics. Other wonderful choices include traditional medicinals and tea haven.

With an abundance of cases around the world, it’s confirmed that dogs also like chewing on catnip. Catnip has many health benefits in general with nutrients like vitamin c, vitamin e, magnesium, minerals, flavonoids and tannins. Catnip also contains a good amount of essential oils. With a host of nutrients in its ingredients, catnip would definitely benefit dogs in some way. Here we discuss what happens if your dog eats catnip and how can it be used as a remedy.

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What is Catnip Used for?

Cat boredom has met its match. Spark curiosity and play with catnip-stuffed plush toys that are perfectly shaped for wrestling and paw kicking. They’re also soft and snuggly to cuddle up for a quick catnap.

The answer is yes, catnip is completely safe for dogs to ingest! the catch is that catnip has the complete opposite effect on dogs as it does on cats. While it acts as a very effective stimulant for cats, it is actually a sedative for dogs. For this reason, giving your dog catnip should only be under the right circumstances and conditions, and there are many resourceful ways to use catnip with your dog.

Catnip has long been thought to have medicinal properties. Its dried leaves and white flowers are traditionally used for this purpose. Both can be used to make tea, which is sometimes used to treat conditions like insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. In some cases, the roots of catnip can be used. However, these act as a stimulant instead of a relaxing agent.

What catnip does to cats is still a mystery. But, there are a few explanations. How catnip works its way into a cat’s brain. Catnip creates a hallucinogenic effect to our feline friend. This effect is the same as when humans take LSD. But, I am not encouraging you to take drugs with your cat. So, you and your cat could experience the same high.

Active Constituents of Catnip

Catnip isn’t just for cats anymore. We have learned a lot about the active constituents in the oil, primarily nepetalactone, and learned that the oil can help us in multiple ways ranging from keeping us calm to keeping our felines busy. It can keep cockroaches and mosquitoes away, which are problems for humans everywhere. The oil can also help farmers or backyard gardeners keep nuisances away from their plants.

during the 1960s, catnip was reportedly smoked for its euphoric effects. This information relates to herbal, vitamin, mineral or another dietary supplement. Used to treat colds and flu as well as upset stomachs. Catnip originated in Europe and parts of Asia and was planted by settlers in colonial gardens in North America. You should talk with your health care provider for complete information about the risks and benefits of using this product. Traditional folk medicine typically maintains that a small dose of catnip infused in a tea or ingested as a dietary … documented adverse effects when consumed (eg, induce menstruation and abortion).

This similarity can almost be boiled down to “both cannabis and catnip plant” because all plants use chemical constituents – both psychoactive or non-intoxicating – to protect themselves. Plants don’t have immune systems, legs, or teeth/claws (except maybe the venus fly trap) like animals do, so they use a cocktail of natural compounds to deter predators and pests, attract pollinators, and resist pathogens.

cats laughing

Where to get Catnip

If you’re looking for an irresistible treat for your cat, we suggest getting them some catnip. Catnip comes from a plant in the mint family. When cats are exposed to it, they display feelings of enjoyment. Some cats purr, some roll around on the floor, and others get super sleepy. Catnip is safe, enjoyable, and fun. If you are on the hunt for some catnip for your feline, here are our top five favourites, from the best organic option to the best catnip-infused toy.

Catnip contains minerals such as magnesium, vitamins c and e, tannins and flavonoids. It also contains essential oils, which can help keep dogs’ digestive systems healthy and can help relieve any gastrointestinal upset. Here’s what you can use catnip for:
catnip can be used to calm dogs that frequently experience bouts of anxiety whether it’s due to going to the vet or loud holidays.

There is also an assumption that we know catnip acts as an aphrodisiac. This is because cats under the influence of catnip demonstrate the behaviour of rolling on the floor. This is kind of mimicking a female cat which is sexually receptive or fertile. You may also read – can cats eat raw egg.

Catnips are the wondrous plants from the mint family which attract special attention from cats who may rub their heads and bodies on the herb, roll around, vocalise and salivate. This chewy toy brings to the platter the next best alternative to catnips- mints. This playful chewy stick is filled with dried mint leaves which will refreshen the breath of your kitten with each chew. Its sturdy netting can withstand the notoriety of cats and does not unravel easily. More minty scent can be enjoyed by just pressing the centre of the toy.

Human Uses of Catnip

Cats are crazy for this plant as much as humans are crazy for tea. Now, double the craziness because there is such a catnip tea. This tea is mostly used in treating gastrointestinal issues like indigestion and cramps. It can also increase urination and treat arthritis, coughs, and viruses. According to one article, as much as it can also give us relaxation, there could be mild side effects. These include frequent urination, too much sweating, and sleep interruption due to repeated visits to the bathroom.

Nepetalactone, the primary component of catnip oil, was compared with the repellent n,n-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (deet) for its ability to affect the host-seeking ability of Aedes aegypti (l. ). A triple cage olfactometer was used to bioassay each substance and to assess its attraction inhibition (spatial repellent) attributes when combined with the following attractants: carbon dioxide, acetone, a blend of l-lactic acid and acetone, and human odours. Repellent tests were conducted with each substance against female ae. Aegypti, Anopheles albimanus Weidemann, and Anopheles quadrimaculatus say. Catnip oil and deet were both weakly attractive to ae.

Rubbing against catnip and silver vine transfers plant chemicals that researchers have now shown protect cats from mosquitoes. The results also demonstrate that engaging with nepetalactone, which the study identified as the most potent of many intoxicating iridoid compounds found in the silver vine, activates the opioid reward system in both domesticated felines and big jungle cats. While nepetalactone had been previously identified, these studies directly illuminate its extremely potent effect on cats. And by revealing the biological significance of well-known feline behaviours, the study opens the door to further inquiry into how nepetalactone twin effects – pest repellence and intoxication – may have driven the evolution of these behaviours.

There is little clinical data to support any use of catnip in humans, except as an insect repellant.

Relaxing, minty and fresh, doesn’t it sound just perfect?
so let’s learn how to make catnip tea:
First, place 1-2 teaspoons of dried catnip leaves and flowers in your cup, then pour a cup of hot water (about 250ml) over the catnip and cover. The water should be hot, but not boiling, as it will cause your catnip to lose its flavour and active ingredients.

There is very little research available on catnip so there is little formal evidence that it works. But it has been used for an astonishing number of ailments. One use that everyone agrees on, is it’s mild sedative properties. It is used everywhere catnip is found as a relaxing and soothing tea. This is probably it’s the main claim to fame. Valerian which contains similar active ingredients is often included in herbal sleep potions. Valerian as an ingredient looks a lot more convincing that catnip because of its rather strong odour and higher price, but the effects are probably just about the same using catnip, and much cheaper.

While catnip seems to wire cats and make them manic, it is also pleasure-inducing and can release certain relaxing neurotransmitters in the brain. In this sense, it is a drug to cats. In humans, the active ingredients in catnip tea can have soothing and relaxant properties and will help to rebalance stress hormone levels, particularly if you suffer from chronic anxiety.

Catnip benefits for cats. There are a variety of benefits associated with catnip owing to its properties. It helps enable your cat to play and move which in turn makes your cat agile and active and prevents obesity. However, if the cat sniffs the catnip, then the cat can become hyperactive-rolling around and flipping over. We want to keep our cat safe. Others may be very chill. Nepeta cataria is a herb that commonly makes the list of anti-stress natural remedies for domesticated felines. Don’t leave catnip toys out all the time or your cat will become numb to the effects.

The post Catnip Benefits For Us Humans Too appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

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