Why P2P Marketing Is a Good Alternative to Influencer Marketing

Why P2P Marketing Is a Good Alternative to Influencer Marketing

To understand what peer-to-peer (P2P) marketing is, let’s start with an example.

Recently, I was looking for a new face moisturizer. Of course, I could’ve trusted the numerous influencers I follow on Instagram, all with strong opinions regarding the “best, most effective” options available.

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But I wasn’t convinced these influencers had my best interest in mind. Yes, most influencers’ (and micro-influencers) are successful because they promote valuable products. But they’re getting commission off those posts, too.

So I handled my problem the old-fashioned way — I texted my friends and asked what products they use.

This isn’t to say influencer marketing is ineffective. Quite the opposite: When done right, influencer marketing is a fantastic opportunity to expand your brand’s reach and increase sales.

But depending on your team’s budget, influencer marketing could be limiting. Plus, influencer marketing inhibits your brand from reaching those consumers who still trust their peers above all else.

Enter: P2P marketing.

Why is peer-to-peer marketing effective?

Given 93% of consumers trust friends and family over all other influences (including review sites, blogs, and social media platforms), it makes sense why P2P marketing works.

And P2P marketing, a form of word-of-mouth marketing, isn’t new. People have been giving personal opinions about their favorite — and least favorite — brands, products, and services long before social media.

If you’re learning about P2P marketing for the first time, you might be wondering — why invest in P2P marketing, instead of more traditional forms of influencer marketing?

And what’s the difference, anyway?

Why Peer-to-Marketing Is Simply Better

Over the past couple of years, influencer marketing has been one of the most popular and effective opportunities for brands to reach new audiences by leveraging those influencers’ built-in communities.

However, as mentioned above, consumers still trust their own peers more than anyone else. And influencers can often feel like celebrities to the general public — in fact, sometimes, they are actual celebrities, like George Clooney with Nespresso. This removes a level of authenticity you might be striving for as a brand.

Additionally, many small and medium-sized businesses can’t afford the typical influencer cost. Celebrity or macro-influencers charge between $3,000 and $500,000 for a single post — and while micro-influencers are undoubtedly cheaper, they can also charge upwards of $500 per post.

Ultimately, P2P is a form of marketing that can feel increasingly trustworthy and authentic through real, genuine reviews from peers who have no incentive to promote businesses they don’t care about.

To further explore the difference between P2P marketing and influencer marketing, let’s consider an example.

Peer-to-Peer Marketing vs Influencer Marketing Example

P2P marketing example: Briogeo

Briogeo, a haircare company, has a referral program in which they credit existing customers 500 points for each invited friend who makes a purchase. This is an example of P2P marketing.

Briogeo’s influencer marketing campaign, on the other hand, refers to the influencers on Instagram (as well as other social platforms) who tag posts with #briogeoambassador, signifying the post is sponsored by Briogeo.

These are both equally valuable marketing options, but they achieve different goals. Briogeo’s P2P marketing initiative (in this case, the referral program), aims to tap into the company’s existing consumers to reach new prospects.

The company’s P2P program is likely more narrow in reach, but has the potential to convert more quickly than influencer marketing, since it’s leveraging the power of an existing relationship between customers and their friends or family. The influencer marketing program, alternatively, is meant to spread brand awareness about Briogeo to a wider audience.

How to Start Peer-to-Peer Marketing

You can increase P2P marketing by selling a fantastic product that your customer can’t help but recommend to others. But even if you do have a fantastic offering, it’s not guaranteed that your customers will recommend them to their family and friends.

Here’s how to prompt P2P marketing the organic way.

1. Ask for customer reviews and recommendations — always.

Some older forms of P2P marketing include Yelp, reviews on personal business’ websites, and good old-fashioned conversations between your consumers and their friends and family. You can still take advantage of these traditional avenues by asking for customer reviews and recommendations. Even if a customer doesn’t post a review online, they may feel compelled to share the product with those around them just by having that reminder.

2. Leverage referral marketing tools to increase peer-to-peer word-of-mouth.

You don’t have to rely on luck and hope that your customers will recommend your products and services. You can prompt them to do so using new tools to leverage P2P marketing on a broader scale.

Geniusreferrals, for instance, helps businesses generate customer reviews and referrals, guarantee event attendance, or even increase in-store foot traffic. The tool ultimately relies on the premise of P2P marketing: That there’s nothing more powerful than peer recommendations.

Other tools, like Higher Logic, work to establish a sense of community among existing consumers, and increase brand loyalty — a critical component of P2P marketing. (Since consumers won’t refer products or services towards which they don’t feel loyal.)

Peertomarketing.co has an excellent directory of P2P marketing tools for any budget and company size.

3. Carry out NPS® surveys to find out how your customers feel about you.

Finding out how your customers feel about your product is instrumental for increasing peer-to-peer marketing. While you could carry out a traditional survey with many questions, you can capture your customer’s sentiment by asking the classic Net Promoter Score question:

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend?”

The moment you know your NPS score, you can implement strategies to increase it — and find out what, if anything, is preventing your customers from recommending your business or product to their peers.

4. Incentivize referrals by offering discounts and freebies to your customers.

While customers don’t trust influencer marketing because they know influencers get commission, the same effect doesn’t apply when it comes to their peers. Even if you offer account credit or free products in exchange for a referral, your customer’s identity as a friend or peer will be enough to sway the referred customer to make a purchase.

After all, you wouldn’t just recommend any product to your friends and families in exchange for a discount, especially if that product doesn’t work for you. But by referring other customers, your customer is giving you a vote, making it easy for others to accept the referral and make a purchase.

Peer-to-Peer Marketing Is a Winning Marketing Strategy

P2P marketing can take different forms depending on your brand and business goals. You can create a referral program, encourage reviews on your site in exchange for a small discount or prize, or organize events meant to increase brand awareness to the larger community.

Ultimately, P2P marketing comes down to increasing the incentive for your consumers to share your product or service with friends and family, which is undoubtedly one of the best long-term strategies for success.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in March 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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The post Why P2P Marketing Is a Good Alternative to Influencer Marketing appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

The SEO Vault: Episode 111

The SEO Vault: Episode 111



Episode 111 Table of Contents
Co-Host: Bucky Helms + Mike Milas + Sophie Allen


3:06 Web 2.0 Ranker Weekly Update
– Philadelphia Mastermind IS November 5th – 7th – Speakers and Itinerary Announced
– Interactive Mastermind Format – 2 Full Days Of Sessions (Saturday & Sunday) – Hands-On Workshops – Highest Access Level Comes With EXCLUSIVE 12 Month Discord Group To Work On More Advanced Topics (Agency Automation & Sales + More)
– One Topic Presented By Victor – Local SEO Strategies For Long Term Rankings – Avoiding Cheap Tactics That No Longer Work But Are Still Commonly Used – Using An Analytical Approach To Guide A Campaign – When To Use Data From A Tool Vs Voiding Misinformation – How Campaigns Should Differ From Each Other + More!
– Dynamic Event – Can Fit 3x The Previous Amount Of People
– You Will Leave With The Pieces Of YOUR Agency That You Need!
– At Certain Access Levels You Gain “Accountability”
– 12 Month Group Comes With Networking & Quarterly Calls
– Learn More About The Mastermind Here: Local Marketing Mastermind
– Confirmed Speakers – Chaz Edwards – Jessie Taylor – Mike Milas – Mike Rayburn – Eldar Cohen – Bucky Helms – Sophie Allen – Jon Kaufman – Traci Rayburn – Jason Guy – Victor Perez + James
– Not Just Web20 Team – All Speakers Will Be In The Exclusive Access Group
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– Weekend Deal: 20% Off On-page and Technical SEO Recently Revamped Both! – THIS WEEKEND ONLY
– New Blog Post On Press Release Distribution: “The Best Press Release Distribution




22:47 What will be the best way to compete against the exact name match domain and GMB name?

32:20 Hey Guys … Your Opinion …..On the Web2.0 site What program would I Or what you recommend to choose for a TRI- County Roofer Client. What are some actionable tips on how to scale up a high-impact link-building program while lowering the risks of getting penalized?

42:07 Would you create a location page for each category you want to rank? Ie roofing contractor Boston, siding contractor Boston, window contractor Boston or just 1 location page and include all categories??

57:01 How to get more reviews from real customers and how to increase the success rate of GMB reviews from real customers with low trust on their gmails?

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There Are Many Causes Of Hearing Loss In Adults.

There Are Many Causes Of Hearing Loss In Adults.

There Are Many Causes Of Hearing Loss In Adults.

There are many causes of hearing loss in adults. Some factors can be avoided, but not all. Audiologists can assist you. Hearing loss can be passed down down the generations. Hearing loss is very frequent as people age. There are a few more reasons, which are listed below.

Hearing loss can occur alone or in conjunction with tinnitus or ear ringing. Hearing loss can happen on its own or in combination with tinnitus or buzzing in the ears. This is a condition that affects the middle ear. It makes it harder for the middle ear’s small bones to move. Conduction hearing loss is the result. Surgery is frequently used to treat this problem.

Ménière’s Disease.

It’s an issue with the inner ear. Ménière’s disease has an unknown cause. People between the ages of 30 and 50 are most likely to develop it. Sensorineural hearing loss is common in people with this condition. It’s usual to experience dizziness and ringing in the ears. It’s also possible to develop hypersensitivity to loud noises.

Hearing loss comes and goes, but some of it becomes permanent over time.

Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease.

The body attacks itself in autoimmune disease. Hearing loss of this nature happens swiftly. If you lose your hearing unexpectedly, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible. Hearing loss can be reduced with medical treatment.

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Ototoxic Medications.

Hearing loss is a side effect of various drugs. You should discuss the meds you’re taking with your doctor. The following medications can affect hearing:

Aminoglycoside antibiotics, Streptomycin, neomycin, and kanamycin are examples of antibiotics. Aspirin in large doses Loop diuretics such as Lasix or ethacrynic acid

Very loud noise.

Loud noise can result in long-term hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss usually is painless and develops gradually. A powerful sound, such as an explosion, can induce temporary hearing loss.

Acoustic Neuroma.

This is an illustration of a tumour that causes hearing loss. It can also produce ringing in the ears as well as a feeling of fullness in the ears. Acoustic neuroma necessitates medical attention.

Physical Head Injury.

Hearing loss can be caused by a traumatic brain injury (TBI), a hole in the eardrum, or damage to the middle ear.


This is a type of sensorineural hearing loss that occurs as people age. It’s possible that your speech will become muted or confused. To hear it, you may need to ask individuals to repeat themselves or crank up the volume on the television. To locate an audiologist in your area, click here. visit Ear Wax Removal Edgware.

Age-Related Hearing Loss Presbycusis Causes and Treatment

What is hearing loss caused by age? Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss) is a hearing loss that affects most people as they get older. It is one of the most frequent diseases that affect the elderly. Hearing loss affects one in every three adults in the UK between 65 and 74, and nearly half of those over 75 have issues.

Hearing loss can make it challenging to comprehend and follow medical advice and respond to warnings and hear telephones, doorbells, and smoke alarms. Hearing loss can sometimes make people feel alienated and dread talking to their relatives and friends. Hearing loss due to age affects both ears typically equally. You might not even notice you’ve lost some hearing because it happens gradually.

A variety of factors can cause Age-related hearing loss. Changes in the inner ear are the most prevalent cause, although it can also be caused by changes in the middle ear or complex changes along the nerve routes from the ear to the brain. It’s also possible that certain disorders and medications play an impact.

causes of sudden hearing loss

How Do We Hear?

A sequence of processes turns sound waves in the air into electrical impulses, which are used to hear. The auditory nerve then sends this information to the brain via a complicated process. Sound waves enter the pinna and proceed through the ear canal, a tiny tunnel that leads to the eardrum. The incoming sound waves vibrate the eardrum, which transmits the vibrations to three tiny bones in the middle ear. The malleus, incus, and stapes are the names of these three bones.

The middle ear’s bones convert sound vibrations from the air to fluid vibrations in the inner ear’s cochlea, shaped like a snail filled with fluid. The cochlea is split into two portions by a membrane called the cochlea membrane a flexible split that goes from start to finish. The basilar membrane is named because it acts as the foundation or first floor upon which the primary auditory structures are built.

We are travelling waveforms along the basilar membrane when vibrations cause the fluid in the cochlea to oscillate. This wave is followed by the hair cells, which are sensory cells that reside on top of the basilar membrane. Microscopic hair-like projections (called stereocilia) on top of the hair cells bump into an overlaying structure and bend when the hair cells travel up and down. The stereocilia’s tips have pore-like channels that are opened by bending. Chemicals pour into the cells. As a result, they are causing an electrical signal.

The auditory nerve transmits this electrical signal to the brain, which turns it into a sound that we can identify and interpret.

Why Do We Lose Our Hearing As We Get Older?

Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors. It can be challenging to distinguish between age-related hearing loss and hearing loss caused by other factors, such as long-term noise exposure. When a person is exposed to noises that are too loud or too lengthy over an extended period, noise-induced hearing loss occurs. This noise exposure can damage the sensory hair cells in the ear that allow us to hear. When these hair cells are injured, they do not regenerate, resulting in hearing loss.

Hearing loss can be exacerbated by more frequent conditions in older persons, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Toxic drugs can also contribute to hearing loss. to the sensory cells in the ears (e.g., some chemotherapy drugs). Anomalies of the outer or middle ear can induce age-related hearing loss in rare circumstances. Reduced function of the eardrum or the three tiny bones in the middle ear that transmits Such illnesses include sound waves from the eardrum to the inner ear. The majority of elderly adults with hearing loss have both age-related and noise-induced hearing loss.

Can I prevent age-related hearing loss?

Scientists currently have no idea how to avoid age-related hearing loss. However, you can avoid noise-induced hearing loss by shielding your ears from deafening and long-lasting sounds. Loud music, weapons, snowmobiles, lawnmowers, and leaf blowers are all potential sources of scary sounds to be mindful of. Avoiding loud noises, limiting your exposure to loud noises, and covering your ears with earplugs or earmuffs are all simple ways to safeguard your hearing and reduce potential hearing loss as you get older.

How Can I Tell If I Have A Hearing Problem?

Make a list of the inquiries you’d like to ask yourself. If you answered “yes” to three or more of these questions, you may have a hearing problem and should get it evaluated.

Do you ever feel self-conscious about your hearing loss when meeting new people? YES OR NO

Do you get annoyed when you can’t comprehend what your family members are saying? YES OR NO

Do you struggle to hear or comprehend your coworkers, customers, or clients? YES OR NO

Do you have a hearing condition that makes you feel restricted or disabled? YES OR NO

Do you have trouble hearing when you go to see friends, family, or neighbours? YES OR NO

Do you have trouble hearing in the theatre or at the movies? YES OR NO

Is a hearing issue a source of conflict among family members? YES OR NO

Do you have problems hearing television or radio broadcasts at a volume that others can hear?  YES OR NO

Do you think your hearing issues are interfering with your personal or social life? YES OR NO

When you’re all together in a restaurant, do you have problems hearing your family or friends? YES OR NO

The more people you notify about your hearing loss, the more people will assist you.

Brought To You By – Ear Wax Removal Edgware

The Article There Are Many Causes Of Hearing Loss In Adults. First Appeared ON
: https://vmhn.org

The Article There Are Many Causes Of Hearing Loss In Adults. First Appeared ON
: https://gqcentral.co.uk

The post There Are Many Causes Of Hearing Loss In Adults. appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

28 Case Study Examples Every Marketer Should See

28 Case Study Examples Every Marketer Should See

Putting together a compelling case study is one of the most powerful strategies for showcasing your product and attracting future customers. But it’s easier said than done. In this post, we’ll go over the definition of a case study and the best examples to inspire you.

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A case study proves how your product has helped other companies by demonstrating real-life results. Not only that, but case studies typically contain quotes by the customer, so it’s not just a marketing advertisement where you praise your own product. Rather, other companies are praising your company — and there’s no stronger marketing material than a verbal recommendation or testimonial. A great case study is also filled with research and stats to back up points made about a project’s results.

There are myriad ways to use case studies in your marketing strategy. From featuring them on your website to including them on a sales presentation, a case study is a strong, persuasive tool that shows customers why they should work with you — straight from another customer. Writing one from scratch is hard, though, which is why we’ve created a collection of case study templates for you to get started.

Fill out the form below to access the free case study templates.

There’s no better way to generate more leads than by writing case studies. But without case study examples to draw inspiration from, it can be difficult to write impactful studies that convince visitors to submit a form.

Marketing Case Study Examples

To help you create an attractive and high-converting case study, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorites. Take a look, and let these examples inspire your next brilliant case study design.

These case studies clearly show the value proposition of each product and also demonstrate how each company benefited in both the short and long term using quantitative data. In other words, you don’t get just nice statements, like “This company helped us a lot!” You see actual change within the firm through numbers and figures.

You can put your learnings into action with HubSpot’s Free Case Study Templates. Available as custom designs and text-based documents, these templates can be uploaded to your CMS or sent off to prospects as you see fit.

case study templateDownload These Free Case Study Templates

1. “How Handled Scaled from Zero to 121 Locations in 18 Months with the Help of the HubSpot CRM Platform,” by HubSpot

Case study example from HubSpotWhat’s interesting about this case study is the way it leads with the customer. That reflects a major HubSpot cornerstone, which is to always solve for the customer first. The copy leads with a brief description of why the CEO of Handled founded the company and why he thought Handled could benefit from adopting a CRM. The case study also opens up with one key data point about Handled’s success using HubSpot, namely that it grew to 121 locations.

Notice that this case study uses mixed media. Yes, there is a short video, but it’s elaborated upon in the additional text on the page. So while your case studies can use one or the other, don’t be afraid to combine written copy with visuals to emphasize the project’s success.

Key Learnings from the HubSpot Case Study Example

  • Give the case study a personal touch by focusing on the CEO rather than the company itself.
  • Use multimedia to engage website visitors as they read the case study.

2. “Transforming the Airport Experience by Putting Passengers First,” by IDEO

Case study example from IDEOHere’s a design company that knows how to lead with simplicity in its case studies. As soon as the visitor arrives at the page, they’re greeted with a big, bold photo and the title of the case study — which just so happens to summarize how IDEO helped its client. It summarizes the case study in three snippets: The challenge, the impact, and the outcome.

Immediately, IDEO communicates its impact — the company helped Toronto Pearson International Airport respond to the COVID-19 pandemic — but it doesn’t stop there. As the user scrolls down, the challenge, impact, and outcome are elaborated upon with comprehensive (but not overwhelming) copy that outlines what that process looked like, replete with quotes and additional visuals.

Key Learnings from the IDEO Case Study Example

  • Split up the takeaways of your case studies into three easy snippets: The challenge, the impact you had, and the outcome.
  • Always use visuals and images to enrich the case study experience, especially if it’s a comprehensive case study.

3. “Rozum Robotics intensifies its PR game with Awario,” by Awario

Case study example from AwarioIn this case study, Awario greets the user with a summary straightaway — so if you’re feeling up to reading the entire case study, you can scan the snapshot and understand how the company serves its customers. The case study then includes jump links to several sections, such as “Company Profile,” “Rozum Robotics’ Pains,” “Challenge,” “Solution,” and “Results and Improvements.”

The sparse copy and prominent headings show that you don’t need a lot of elaborate information to show the value of your products and services. Like the other case study examples on this list, it includes visuals and quotes to demonstrate the effectiveness of the company’s efforts. The case study ends with a bulleted list that shows the results.

Key Learnings from the Awario Robotics Case Study Example

  • Create a table of contents to make your case study easier to navigate.
  • Include a bulleted list of the results you achieved for your client.

4. “Chevrolet DTU,” by Carol H. Williams

Case study example from Carol H. WilliamsIf you’ve worked with a company that’s well-known, use only the name in the title — like Carol H. Williams, one of the nation’s top advertising agencies, does here. The “DTU,” which stands for “Discover the Unexpected,” immediately generates interest because you want to find out what the initials mean.

Carol H. Williams keeps your interest in this case study by using a mixture of headings, images, and videos to describe the challenges, objectives, solutions, and achievements of the project. The case study closes with bullet points that summarize the key benefits Chevrolet’s Discover the Unexpected Journalism Fellowship earned during the project.

Key Learnings from the Carol H. Williams Case Study Example

  • If you’ve worked with a big brand before, consider only using the name in the title — just enough to pique interest.
  • Use a mixture of headings and subheadings to guide users through the case study.

5. “How Fractl Earned Links from 931 Unique Domains for Porch.com in a Single Year,” by Fractl

Case study example from FractlFractl uses both text and graphic design on their Porch.com case study to immerse the viewer in a more interesting user experience. For instance, as you scroll, you’ll see the results are illustrated in an infographic-design form as well as the text itself.

Further down the page, they use icons like a heart and a circle to illustrate their pitch angles, and graphs to showcase their results. Rather than writing which publications have mentioned Porch.com during Fractl’s campaign, they incorporated the media outlets’ icons for further visual diversity.

Key Learnings from the Fractl Case Study Example

  • Let pictures speak for you by incorporating graphs, logos, and icons all throughout the case study.
  • Start the case study by right away stating the key results, like Fractl does, instead of putting the results all the way at the bottom.

6. “The Met,” by Fantasy

Case study example from FantasyWhat’s the best way to showcase the responsiveness and user interface of a website? Probably by diving right into it with a series of simple showcases— which is exactly what Fantasy does on their case study page for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They keep the page simple and clean, inviting you to review their redesign of the Met’s website feature-by-feature.

Each section is simple, showing a single piece of the new website’s interface, so that users aren’t overwhelmed with information and can focus on what most matters.

If you’re more interested in text, you can read the objective for each feature. Fantasy understands that, as a potential customer, this is all you need to know. Scrolling further, you’re greeted with a simple “Contact Us” CTA.

Key Learnings from the Fantasy Case Study Example

  • You don’t have to write a ton of text to create a great case study. Focus on the solution you delivered itself.
  • Include a CTA at the bottom inviting visitors to contact you.

7. “Rovio: How Rovio Grew Into a Gaming Superpower,” by App Annie

Case study example from App AnnieIf your client had a lot of positive things to say about you, take a note from App Annie’s Rovio case study and open up with a quote from your client. The case study also closes with a quote, so that the case study doesn’t seem like a marketing material written by your marketing team but a story that’s taken straight from your client’s mouth. It includes a photo of a Rovio employee, too.

Another thing this example does well? It immediately includes a link to the product that Rovio used (namely, App Annie Intelligence) at the very top of the case study. The case study closes with a call-to-action button prompting users to book a demo.

Key Learnings from the App Annie Case Study Example

  • Feature quotes from your client at the beginning and end of the case study.
  • Include a mention of the product right at the beginning and prompt users to learn more about the product.

8. “How One Ecommerce Business Solved the Omnichannel Challenge with Bitly Campaigns,” by Bitly

Case study example from BitlyBitly takes a different approach to text-heavy case studies, by providing their case study of ecommerce company Vissla in PDF form. The case study is clean and easily scannable, with sections divided into “The Goal”, “Top Omnichannel Obstacles”, and images of “The Set-Up” and “The Launch.” The downloadable PDF format makes the case study feel like an exclusive behind-the-scenes look, and uses colors and text that align with Bitly’s brand.

Since the PDF opens in a separate browser, it’s easier for the viewer to avoid distractions as they scroll through the pages.

Key Learnings from the Bitly Case Study Example

  • A PDF case study is an excellent way to sum up the key facts of a study.
  • Use a horizontal format in the PDF to gibe a greater sense of space and keep it under ten pages.

9. “In-Depth Performance Marketing Case Study,” by Switch

Case study example from SwitchSwitch is an international marketing agency based in Malta that knocks it out of the park with this case study. Its biggest challenge is effectively communicating what it did for its client without ever revealing the client’s name. It also effectively keeps non-marketers in the loop by including a glossary of terms on page 4.

The PDF case study reads like a compelling research article, including titles like “In-Depth Performance Marketing Case Study,” “Scenario,” and “Approach,” so that readers get a high-level overview of what the client needed and why they approached Switch. It also includes a different page for each strategy. For instance, if you’d only be interested in hiring Switch for optimizing your Facebook ads, you can skip to page 10 to see how they did it.

The PDF is fourteen pages long but features big fonts and plenty of white space, so viewers can easily skim it in only a few minutes.

Key Learnings from the Switch Case Study Example

  • If you want to go into specialized information, include a glossary of terms so that non-specialists can easily understand.
  • Close with a CTA page in your case study PDF and include contact information for prospective clients.

10. “Gila River,” by OH Partners

Case study example from OH PartnersLet pictures speak for you, like OH Partners did in this case study. While you’ll immediately come across a heading and some text when you land in this case study page, you’ll get the bulk of the case study through examples of actual work OH Partners did for its client. You will see OH Partners’s work in a billboard, magazine, and video. This immediately communicates to website visitors that if they work with OH Partners, their business will be visible everywhere.

And like the other case studies here, it closes with a summary of what the firm achieved for its client in an eye-catching way.

Key Learnings from the OH Partners Case Study Example

  • Let the visuals speak by including examples of the actual work you did for your client — which is especially useful for branding and marketing agencies.
  • Always close out with your achievements and how it impacted your client.

11. “Facing a Hater,” by Digitas

Case study example from DigitasDigitas’ case study page for Sprite’s #ILOVEYOUHATER campaign keeps it brief while communicating the key facts of Digitas’ work for the popular soda brand. The page opens with an impactful image of a hundred people facing a single man. It turns out, that man is the biggest “bully” in Argentina, and the people facing him are those whom he’s bullied before.

Scrolling down, it’s obvious that Digitas kept Sprite at the forefront of their strategy, but more than that, they used real people as their focal point. They leveraged the Twitter API to pull data from Tweets that people had actually tweeted to find the identity of the biggest “hater” in the country. That turned out to be @AguanteElCofler, a Twitter user who has since been suspended.

Key Learnings from the Digitas Case Study Example

  • If a video was part of your work for your client, be sure to include the most impactful screenshot as the heading.
  • Don’t be afraid to provide details on how you helped your client achieve their goals, including the tools you leveraged.

12. “Better Experiences for All,” by HermanMiller

Case study example from HermanMillerHermanMiller sells sleek, utilitarian furniture with no frills and extreme functionality, and that ethos extends to its case study page for a hospital in Dubai.

What first attracted me to this case study was the beautiful video at the top and the clean user experience. User experience matters a lot in a case study. It determines whether users will keep reading or leave. Another notable aspect of this case study is that the video includes close-captioning for greater accessibility, and users have the option of expanding the CC and searching through the text.

HermanMiller’s case study also offers an impressive amount of information packed in just a few short paragraphs for those wanting to understand the nuances of their strategy. It closes out with a quote from their client and, most important, the list of furniture products that the hospital purchased from the brand.

Key Learnings from the Digitas Case Study Example

  • Close out with a list of products that users can buy immediately after reading the case study.
  • Include accessibility features such as closed captioning and night mode to make your case study more user-friendly.

13. “Capital One on AWS,” by Amazon

Case study example from Amazon AWSDo you work continuously with your clients? Consider structuring your case study page like Amazon did in this stellar case study example. Instead of just featuring one article about Capital One and how it benefited from using AWS, Amazon features a series of articles that you can then access if you’re interested in reading more. It goes all the way back to 2016, all with different stories that feature Capital One’s achievements using AWS.

This may look unattainable for a small firm, but you don’t have to go to extreme measures and do it for every single one of your clients. You could choose the one you most wish to focus on and establish a contact both on your side and your client’s for coming up with the content. Check in every year and write a new piece. These don’t have to be long, either — five hundred to eight hundred words will do.

Key Learnings from the Amazon AWS Case Study Example

  • Write a new article each year featuring one of your clients, then include links to those articles in one big case study page.
  • Consider including external articles as well that emphasize your client’s success in their industry.

14. “Autodesk’s Customer Events team is 50% more efficient with Asana,” by Asana

Case study example from AsanaWhile Asana’s case study design looks initially text-heavy, there’s good reason — it reads like a creative story, and is told entirely from the customer’s perspective. For instance, Asana knows you won’t trust its word alone on its impressive product, so they let Joël St-Pierre, Head of Project Management Office at Autodesk, tell you instead: “Accountability, visibility, and discoverability are advantages that come from proper project management and using the right tools.”

Every once in a while, Asana features a quote from St-Pierre to break up the wall of text and humanize the case study. The entire case study reads like an in-depth interview, and captivates the reader through creative storytelling. Even more, Asana includes in-depth detail of how Autodesk uses Asana, including setting automation rules and leveraging the app’s native form tool.

Key Learnings from the Asana Example

  • Include quotes from your clientthroughout the case study.
  • Provide extensive detail on how your client worked with you or used your product.

15. “Rips Sewed, Brand Love Reaped,” by Amp Agency

Case study example from Amp AgencyAmp Agency’s Patagonia marketing strategy aimed to appeal to a new audience through guerilla marketing efforts and a coast-to-coast roadtrip. Their case study page effectively conveys a voyager theme, complete with real photos of Patagonia customers from across the U.S., and a map of the expedition. Personally, I liked Amp Agency’s storytelling approach best, which captures viewers’ attention start-to-finish simply because it’s an intriguing and unique approach to marketing.

Key Learnings from the Amp Agency Example

  • Open up with a summary that communicates who your client is and why they reached out to you.
  • Like in the other case study examples, you’ll want to close out with a quantitative list of your achievements.

16. “NetApp,” by Evisort

Case study example from EvisortEvisort opens up its NetApp case study with an at-a-glance overview of the client. It’s imperative to always focus on the client in your case study — not on your amazing product and equally amazing team. By opening up with a snapshot of the client’s company, Evisort immediately places the focus on the client.

This case study example checks all the boxes for a great case study that’s informative, thorough, and compelling. It includes quotes from the client and details about the challenges NetApp faced during the COVID pandemic. It closes out with a quote from the client and with a link to download the case study in PDF format, which is incredibly important if you want your case study to be accessible in a wider variety of formats.

Key Learnings from the Evisort Example

  • Place the focus immediately on your client by including a snapshot of their company.
  • Mention challenging eras, such as a pandemic or recession, to show how your company can help your client succeed even during difficult times.

17. “Copernicus Land Monitoring – CLC+ Core,” by Cloudflight

Case study example from CloudflightIncluding highly specialized information in your case study is an effective way to show prospects that you’re not just trying to get their business. You’re deep within their industry, too, and willing to learn everything you need to learn to create a solution that works specifically for them.

Cloudflight does a splendid job at that in its Copernicus Land Monitoring case study. While the information may be difficult to read at first glance, it will capture the interest of prospects who are in the environmental industry. It thus shows Cloudflight’s value as a partner much more effectively than a general case study would.

The page is comprehensive and ends with a compelling call-to-action — “Looking for a solution that automates, and enhances your Big Data system? Are you struggling with large datasets and accessibility? We would be happy to advise and support you!” The clean, whitespace-heavy page is an effective example of using a case study to capture future leads.

Key Learnings from the Cloudflight Case Study Example

  • Don’t be afraid to get technical in your explanation of what you did for your client.
  • Include a snapshot of the sales representative prospects should reach out to, especially if you have different sales reps for different industries, like Cloudflight does.

18. “Valvoline Increases Coupon Send Rate by 76% with Textel’s MMS Picture Texting,” by Textel

Case study example from TextelIf you’re targeting large enterprises with a long purchasing cycle, you’ll want to include a wealth of information in an easily transferable format. That’s what Textel does here in its PDF case study for Valvoline. It greets the user with an eye-catching headline that immediately shows the value of using Textel. Valvoline saw a significant return on investment from using the platform.

Another smart decision in this case study is the highlighting of the client’s quote by putting it in green font, and doing the same thing for the clients’ results. If you’re in a hurry, you can also take a look at the “At a Glance” column to get the key facts of the case study, starting with information about Valvoline.

Key Learnings from the Textel Case Study Example

  • Include your client’s ROI right in the title of the case study.
  • Add an “At a Glance” column to your case study PDF to make it easy to get insights without needing to read all of the text.

19. “Hunt Club and Happeo — a tech-enabled love story,” by Happeo

Case study example from HappeoIn this blog-post-like case study, Happeo immediately opens with a quote from the client, then dives into a compelling heading: “Technology at the forefront of Hunt Club’s strategy.” If you’re investigating Happeo as a solution and consider your firm to be technology-driven, this would immediately make you want to know why the client chose to work with Happeo. It also effectively communicates the software’s value proposition without sounding like it’s from the in-house marketing team.

Every paragraph is a quote written from the customer’s perspective. Later down the page, the case study also dives into “the features that changed the game for Hunt Club,” giving Happeo a chance to highlight some of the platform’s most salient features.

Key Learnings from the Happeo Case Study Example

  • Consider writing the entirety of the case study from the perspective of the customer.
  • Include a list of the features that convinced your client to go with you.

20. “Red Sox Season Campaign,” by CTP Boston

Case study example from CTP BostonWhat’s great about CTP’s case study page for their Red Sox Season Campaign is their combination of video, images, and text. A video automatically begins playing when you visit the page, and as you scroll, you’ll see additional embedded videos of Red Sox players, a compilation of print ads, and social media images you can click to enlarge. At the bottom, it says “Find out how we can do something similar for your brand.” The page is clean, cohesive, and aesthetically-pleasing, inviting viewers to appreciate the well-roundedness of CTP’s campaign for Boston’s beloved baseball team.

Key Learnings from the CTP Case Study Example

  • Include a video in the heading of the case study.
  • Close with a call-to-action that makes leads want to turn into prospects.

21. “Acoustic,” by Genuine

Case study example from GenuineSometimes, simple is key. Genuine’s case study for Acoustic is straightforward and minimal, with just a few short paragraphs, including “Reimagining the B2B website experience,” “Speaking to marketers 1:1,” and “Inventing Together.” After the core of the case study, we then see a quote from Acoustic’s CMO and the results Genuine achieved for the company.

The simplicity of the page allows the reader to focus on both the visual aspects and the copy. The page displays Genuine’s brand personality well, while offering the viewer all the necessary information they need.

Key Learnings from the CTP Case Study Example

  • You don’t need to write a lot to create a great case study. Keep it simple.
  • Always include quantifiable data to illustrate the results you achieved for your client.

22. “Using Apptio Targetprocess Automated Rules in Wargaming,” by Apptio

Case study example from ApptioApptio’s case study for Wargaming summarizes three key pieces of information right at the beginning: The goals, the obstacles, and the results. Readers then have the opportunity to continue reading — or they can walk away right then with the information they need. This case study also excels in keeping the human interest factor by formatting the information like an interview.

The piece is well-organized and uses compelling headers to keep the reader engaged. Despite its length, Apptio’s case study is appealing enough to keep viewer’s attention. Every Apptio case study ends with a “recommendation for other companies” section, where the client can give advice for other companies that are looking for a similar solution but aren’t sure how to get started.

Key Learnings from the Apptio Case Study Example

  • Put your client in an advisory role by giving them the opportunity to give recommendations to other companies that are reading the case study.
  • Include the takeaways from the case study right at the beginning so prospects immediately get what they need.

23. “Airbnb + Zendesk: building a powerful solution together,” by Zendesk

Case study example from ZendeskZendesk’s Airbnb case study reads like a blog post, and focuses equally on Zendesk and Airbnb, highlighting a true partnership between the companies. To captivate readers, it begins like this: “Halfway around the globe is a place to stay with your name on it. At least for a weekend.” The piece focuses on telling a good story, and provides photographs of beautiful Airbnb locations. In a case study meant to highlight Zendesk’s helpfulness, nothing could be more authentic than their decision to focus on Airbnb’s service in such great detail.

Key Learnings from the Zendesk Case Study Example

  • Include images of your client’s offerings — not necessarily of the service or product you provided. Notice how Zendesk doesn’t include screenshots of its product.
  • Include a call-to-action right at the beginning of the case study. Zendesk gives you two options: to find a solution or start a trial.

24. “Biobot Customer Success Story: Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida,” by Biobot

Case study example from BiobotLike some of the other top examples in this list, Biobot opens its case study with a quote from its client, which captures the value proposition of working with Biobot. It mentions the COVID pandemic and goes into details about the challenges the client faced during this time.

This case study is structured more like a news article than a traditional case study, and this format can work in more formal industries where decision-makers need to see in-depth information about the case. Be sure to test different methods and measure engagement.

Key Learnings from the Biobot Case Study Example

  • Mention environmental, public health, or economic emergencies and how you helped your client get past such difficult times.
  • Feel free to write the case study like a normal blog post, but be sure to test different methods to find the one that best works for you.

25. “Discovering Cost Savings With Efficient Decision Making,” by Gartner

Case study example from GartnerYou don’t always need a ton of text or a video to convey your message — sometimes, you just need a few paragraphs and bullet points. Gartner does a fantastic job of quickly providing the fundamental statistics a potential customer would need to know, without boggling down their readers with dense paragraphs. The case study closes with a shaded box that summarizes the impact that Gartner had on its client. It closes with a quote and a call-to-action to “Learn More.”

Key Learnings from the Gartner Case Study Example

  • Feel free to keep the case study short.
  • Include a call-to-action at the bottom that takes the reader to a page that most relates to them.

26. “Bringing an Operator to the Game,” by Redapt

Case study example from RedaptThis case study example by Redapt is another great demonstration of the power of summarizing your case study’s takeaways right at the start of the study. Redapt includes three easy-to-scan columns: “The problem,” “the solution,” and “the outcome.” But its most notable feature is a section titled “Moment of clarity,” which shows why this particular project was difficult or challenging.

The section is shaded in green, making it impossible to miss. Redapt does the same thing for each case study. In the same way, you should highlight the “turning point” for both you and your client when you were working toward a solution.

Key Learnings from the Redapt Case Study Example

  • Highlight the turning point for both you and your client during the solution-seeking process.
  • Use the same structure (including the same headings) for your case studies to make them easy to scan and read.

27. “Virtual Call Center Sees 300% Boost In Contact Rate,” by Convoso

Case study example from Convoso

Convoso’s PDF case study for Digital Market Media immediately mentions the results that the client achieved and takes advantage of white space. On the very second page, the case study immediately presents more impactful results. It’s colorful and engaging and closes with a spread that prompts readers to request a demo.

Key Learnings from the Convoso Case Study Example

  • List the results of your work right at the beginning of the case study.
  • Use color to differentiate your case study from others. Convoso’s example is one of the most colorful ones in this list.

28. “Ensuring quality of service during a pandemic,” by Ericsson

Case study example from EricssonEricsson’s case study page for Orange Spain is an excellent example of using diverse written and visual media — such as videos, graphs, and quotes — to showcase the success a client experienced. Throughout the case study, Ericsson provides links to product and service pages users might find relevant as they’re reading the study.

For instance, under the heading “Preloaded with the power of automation,” Ericsson mentions its Ericsson Operations Engine product, then links to that product page. It closes the case study with a link to another product page.

Key Learnings from the Ericsson Case Study Example

  • Link to product pages throughout the case study so that readers can learn more about the solution you offer.
  • Use multimedia to engage users as they read the case study.

Start creating your case study.

Now that you’ve got a great list of examples of case studies, think about a topic you’d like to write about that highlights your company or work you did with a customer.

A customer’s success story is the most persuasive marketing material you could ever create. With a strong portfolio of case studies, you can ensure prospects know why they should give you their business as opposed to a competitor.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in August 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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The Best Newswire for Press Release Syndication: Created By Chaz Edwards & Web 2.0 Ranker

<div>The Best Newswire for Press Release Syndication: Created By Chaz Edwards & Web 2.0 Ranker</div>

the Best Press Release Distribution: We Built Our Own Newswire

Table of Contents

Did you know we built our own press release distribution platform from scratch?

We’ve offered press release syndication for a while, but felt we could vastly improve upon the platform we were using. So we invested years developing our own syndication network – building a better, premium press release distribution platform.

The newswire we syndicate Premium Press Releases through is as extensive as the newswire’s used by either Press Cable or PRWeb. So with no significant differences between syndication, what exactly is the main difference between a premium Web 20 Press Release and these other big name companies?

Learn more about our syndication platform, Get Featured on the News below!


Why We Have a Better Newswire 

If you use syndication services like AB Newswire, you know they’re high quality…but you’re also paying for that quality. Our press syndication platform is different. Here’s why…

  • We added more partner outlets
  • Expanded local news sites
  • Grew our Google News network
  • & didn’t change the price!

Achieve better news distribution and acquire more links with our newly-built syndication platform. Our syndication platform allows you to take advantage of big news networks, like Vehement Media Network, without the hefty price tag. Not to mention, there’s 100+ Google News Approved sites included. You can find more details below. 


Better Content Distribution: 250+ News Outlets Now

In 2021, we added 50+ local, Google News approved sites, as well as more authoritative, national sites. This includes nycsun.com, austininquirer.com, and mtrustcompany.com. We are also continuing to add more syndication partners on our platform as they pass our quality controls. 

High Quality Service without High Prices

Maintaining quality AND affordability can be difficult with press syndication. Most high-quality syndication service cost a pretty penny…

Press Cable Press Release is $159 and you have to write it. If you want writing included it’s $259. PRWeb Press Release, costs about the same if you write it – $159

The Web 2.0 Ranker press release syndication is less than HALF that cost and provides more quality distribution outlets. Not to mention, our more affordable price also includes writing! 

If you write the press release yourself, our syndication credits are even more affordable. We offer bulk pricing as low as $20 per release when you supply the pr articles!


100+ Google News Approved Links

Over 100 of the links you get from our syndication platform are manually approved by Google News! These are high quality links that Google loves. Not to mention, these are some of the safest links to build. 


Stronger Local Signals with Expanded Regional Sites

Press releases are still a strong local signal that provide a great source of unstructured citations for local campaigns. Our newswire expanded the regional news networks available to our customers. We now have local news sites covering every major area across the country!
We recommend adding a GMB map embed, and use the keyword and city in the PR title to make sure each release is highly relevant to your market.

Affordable DoFollow News Links Available

We also offer DoFollow links for press release syndication. These are much more powerful (& often more expensive), but with us you can buy DoFollow news links for less than $100.

This is separate from our premium press release syndication, but maintains the same quality standards. If you have national clients or they’re in competitive niches, these are what you need.


Improved Reporting with Personalized Branding 

Because we have full control of the Web 2.0 Ranker syndication platform, we can report better data. This enables you to better convey information to your clients! 

We also provide personalized branding for the reports. You will receive two separate reports – a pretty PDF you can sending to clients and an excel file with a list of all of the published links. This gives better flexibility when reporting syndication to clients!

Press Release Syndication Reports

White Label Instances Coming

If you’re a larger agency or want to strengthen your brand in the eyes of clients, we are working on a solution!  White Label instances of the syndication dashboard are in the works. We will release more information closer to the launch.

Save $25 on ANY Press Release

Use code syndication25 to save $25 on any press release service from is! 

** This is a one-time use code. 

Wondering if Press Releases Are Still Effective?

Yes, press releases remain an effective strategy to increase exposure and prominence by getting published as news. You cannot just slap a quick release together, but if done right the SEO benefits of press releases can be leveraged for stronger local and organic rankings. Read what our Press Release Manager, Emily, had to say…



Just check out the results a client got BEFORE we expanded our network! Now, there are 50+ additional local news sites, providing even stronger local relevance (& rankings)

Here’s a tip for Local Press Releases from our founder, Chaz Edwards!

the best press release strategies from SEO chaz edwards

Look for more press release strategies and tips? Our Complete Guide to Press Release SEO goes in-depth to provide all you need to know!

Press Release FAQ

What Is A Press Release?

A press release is a brand announcement written for the media to publish as newsworthy content. The purpose is to expand audience reach in order to strengthen brand visibility, awareness, and publicity.


What is the Quality of Links from PRs?

The majority of the backlinks you receive from a press release will be no-follow, so they will not pass link equity or juice. However, that doesn’t mean these links aren’t valuable for search engine optimization. A careful analysis of Google’s Link Quality Patent shows that it was employed specifically to “rank search results” and that no-follow links, even unlinked brand mentions, are still weighed and evaluated by this same algorithm that weighs “juiced” or DoFollow links.

In other words, press release links won’t provide direct page rank or link equity, but  Google will still recognize these brand mentions and links from authoritative sources. Dofollow or not, PR links build your brand authority. That’s what the SERPs like to see!


Why are the DR and DA Low on Some News Sites?
Does it Matter?

The main issue we see with DR & DA metrics is that third-party metric tools (like SEMRush) flag topically irrelevant sites as toxic. News sites are never going to be topically relevant (sitewide), therefore PR links should be ignored in this tool. 

Respective DR metrics will not always be great either because PR links are, for the most part, small news sites with comparatively little visitors/engagement (in reference to topically relevant sites in your niche that these tools compare against), or they are not big sites all-together. That doesn’t mean syndication to such news sites is going to hurt rankings or cause penalties though! This is why Google News Platform was created in the first place. If anything, the links from your syndication will serve a quick boost then if the PR on the news site itself doesn’t get traction, it will either be ignored by algos or it may fall out of index. Comparing news sites to link farms is a gross misrepresentation. Tools that do so should be addressed immediately or not used to judge News Sites at all. Simply put, News Site links are NOT treated as spammy or “toxic” by the algorithms and are SAFE to use in your SEO strategy!

** You can read more about why you shouldn’t rely on 3rd party metrics in our blog.


Many of the News Sites We Syndicate to are Google News Approved and Verified. What Does That Mean?

This label indicates we reviewed the news site to meet and surpass the quality standards Google requires for their Google News Platform. If the site doesn’t meet the platform’s standards, they could potentially be filtered algorithmically or deindexed. However, we do NOT see this often. and it is quite the opposite in the vast majority of cases when our proven link strategies and writing strategies are followed during syndication! Still, links without approved and verified labels will NOT hurt rankings or cause penalties to your site, as Google will simply ignore the link altogether if the site/URL ends up deindexed. 


Will Other News Sites Pick Up My PR and How Does Syndication Work to Best Serve My Site?

The optimal progression of a press release in terms of passing authority is as follows: First, run a well-written and engaging PR syndication… Other brands will find the press release compelling and worthy of news, leading to organic syndication and sharing… Link equity and brand authority flows from the added promotion. 

Our best PR tool to maximize the chances of this happening is our APNews Brand Feature w/Premium Writing and the Do-Follow Syndication Add-On. These well-known features are super authoritative, index well, and really move the needle! 


How Well Do PRs Index?

Your press release links/sites are much more likely to be indexed, because search engines consistently crawl news outlets and news websites due to the higher frequency of content. We all know indexed links are much more powerful. Press releases and the links they generate provide high-powered SEO you can leverage for better results in the serps.

Oftentimes, link building efforts go unnoticed because they aren’t crawled by search engines. However, with your content stored in the Google database, you know it’s been crawled and see a bigger impact for your SEO efforts. Their algorithm will account for these link signals when it comes to your rankings. Keep in mind, a healthy mix of DoFollow/NoFollow links are still necessary for a strong, natural backlink graph.


How To Safely Build Links With This Press Release SEO Strategy

The biggest factor here is ensuring you use safe Brand Anchor Text in the body of the press release. If you would prefer a keyword anchor, link out to properties like your social profiles or citations used in the company’s JSON-LD script under “same as” section.

We recommend you only use two links and anchor types in the content of the release:

  1. Branded Anchor Linked to Homepage or Location/Service Page
  2. Keyword Anchor Linked to Top Social Profile or Citation Listing

To build brand prominence for GMB rankings in local campaigns, we first use a keyword anchor to link to the Maps CID URL for a business with or without a shown address. Then, for the second link we use an anchor with a variation of our main keyword, linking this to one of our top citations or brand mentions.

You’ll also get a third link opportunity in the contact section (NAP section) of your press release during syndication. This will always be a naked URL link back to your website homepage. This contact section is extremely important to your local SEO/GMB ranking efforts.

Please Note: Premium news sites will only keep your release up for a short time. You’ll get powerful brand mentions from authority domains, but these premium news sites will purge their releases after 60 to 90 days. So expect to see “link drop off” around this time. You can prepare for it by having a new release ready to syndicate

Why Do Ear Deformities Happen – Do Ears Change As You Get Older

Why Do Ear Deformities Happen – Do Ears Change As You Get Older

Why Do Ear Deformities Happen – Do Ears Change As You Get Older

The helix and earlobe combine to form the letter C shape of the ear. The letter Y is made from the antihelix and the upper and lower crura inside the letter C. The concha is the middle region of the ear that is fashioned like a shell.
The tragus is a tiny protrusion in front of the ear canal. The antitragus is a hump on the opposite side of the auricle.

Facts About Anotia/microtia

POLR1C and POLR1D mutations are responsible for a minority of cases of Treacher Collins. POLR1C is found on chromosome 6 at position 6q21.2 and POLR1D is found on the chromosome at position 13q12.2. Those genes code for protein subunits shared between RNA polymerase I and III. Both of these polymerases are important for ribosome biogenesis.

Facts About Anotia/microtia

During the first several weeks of pregnancy, anotia/microtia is common. These flaws can range in severity from scarcely noticeable to severe ear trouble. The appearance of the baby’s ear is generally affected by anotia/microtia, although the portions inside the skull (the inner ear) are usually unaffected. Some babies with this condition, however, have a narrowed or nonexistent ear canal.

Non-surgical Procedure Can Correct Deformed Ears

Mutations cause Treacher Collins syndrome in the TCOF1, POLR1C, or POLR1D genes. TCOF1 gene mutations are the most prevalent cause of the condition, with mutations in the POLR1C and POLR1D genes accounting for another 2% of cases. The genetic aetiology of the disease is unknown in people who haven’t been confirmed to have a mutation in any of these genes. TCOF1, POLR1C, and POLR1D are genes that code for proteins involved in the early development of bone and other facial tissues. Mutations in these genes limit the production of rRNA, which can cause some cells involved in face bone and tissue growth to self-destruct (apoptosis). It’s unclear why decreasing rRNA production has such a minimal impact on facial development. TCOF1 and POLR1D mutations induce the autosomal dominant type of Treacher Collins, while POLR1C mutations cause the autosomal recessive variant.

ear wax removal west london
Ear Wax Removal West London

Surgery is used to reconstruct the outer ear. The surgery’s timing is determined by the severity of the abnormality and the child’s age. The surgery is frequently performed on children between the ages of four and 10. If the infant has other birth abnormalities, additional therapy may be required.

Constricted/lop/cup Ears

The majority of patients with minor ear abnormalities do not require treatment. Surgical and non-surgical treatments are available for patients with more severe ear abnormalities. These therapies try to rectify the ear’s shape and, if necessary, restore hearing.

Can Ear Shape Change

Depending on the situation, this question can be answered in a variety of ways. A canaloplasty can expand or narrow your external auditory canal if it is too narrow. The doctor reconstructs the ear canal during this surgical surgery. As a result, the ear canal can be broadened or extended in this condition. However, some things can cause the ear canal to dilate, and one of them is growing older.

The sense of smell can also deteriorate with ageing, especially after 70. This could be due to a loss of nerve endings in the nose and a decrease in mucus production. Mucus helps scents stay in the nose long enough for nerve endings to detect them. It also aids in the removal of smells from nerve terminals.

Do Ears Change As You Get Older

We experience pain, warmth, pressure, vibration, and bodily position through our sense of touch. Nerve endings (receptors) in the skin, muscles, tendons, joints, and internal organs detect these feelings. Some receptors provide information to the brain about the position and health of internal organs. Even if you aren’t aware of it, it aids in detecting changes (for example, the pain of appendicitis).

Several publications have emphasised the relevance of optimal earlobe location in rhytidectomy patients. To get a satisfactory result, factors such as ear morphology, flap tension, and contraction during healing must be considered. Several writers have suggested specific ear flap implantation settings during rhytidectomy. However, how they are used in different clinical contexts is frequently subjective. We attempted to determine the natural position of the earlobe about the top two-thirds of the ear with this in mind.

Avita, Avage, Renova, and Retin-A are just a few of the prescription treatments proved to minimise wrinkles and so-called moles produced by sun exposure. These FDA-approved lotions contain retinoids, vitamin A-related substances that appear to function by boosting dermal collagen formation and modifying melanin, the pigment that causes liver spots. Retinoids come in a variety of forms. Two of these are used in FDA-approved products: tazarotene and tretinoin.

Fluid may seep from your baby’s ear at times. That’s disgusting – and typically smelly as well. Furthermore, an ear infection can disturb the stomach, resulting in a lack of appetite, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Keep an eye out for a fever, as with any infection, and attempt to keep it down.

Do Ears Change Shape

We want to use normative cross-sectional data to define the aesthetic proportions of the human ear. We’ll look at physical and aesthetic variations between males and females, as well as changes in ear morphology with age, in these data. The ear, like other facial characteristics, provides a lot of information about age and sex. When pursuing optimal face rejuvenation that does not unduly masculinize or feminize, the aesthetic plastic surgeon should treat it as such. We seek to define the strategy to ear rejuvenation better using the proper normative data.

We discovered some extremely intriguing commonalities when we analyzed our data by subject gender. Our findings show that the size of a man’s earlobe does not differ considerably from that of a woman’s. While men’s ears are more oversized overall, the height and width of their earlobes are nearly equal to those of our female cohort. We also detect a constant and statistically significant increase in earlobe height in both men and women when examining these data concerning age and sex differences. In our group, the majority of women and none of the men had pierced earlobes. This implies that earlobe height does not rise with age merely owing to the weight of earrings. Earlobe lengthening is more than likely an unavoidable result of ageing. The morphological variations of the earlobe with age are depicted schematically.

ear infection in infants

Do Ears Change With Age

You might also notice that the rest of your face adjusts to highlight your nose or ears. Your nose may appear more significant concerning your cheeks and lips if they are thinner.
Earlobes that dangle lower than they used to maybe highlighted by a looser jawline.

Do Ears Change As You Get Older

“You perceive a loss of volume, especially in the centre of the face and the chin,” Day explains because fewer collagen and hyaluronic acid are created in your thirties. This means that your face will shrink and grow more angular over time, making you appear older and tired. So now is an excellent opportunity to add fullness to your face by supplementing your cosmetic routine with collagen and hyaluronic acid supplements. After exfoliation, apply a serum to lock in hydration.

Hearing loss varies across various disorders, and in many situations, speech development can be aided by therapy. You can consult a genetic counsellor or a doctor if you are concerned about future hearing loss in your children.

Though let’s face it, kids can get ill. There are three simple things you can take to assist your infant in avoiding ear infections. First and foremost, keep your child away from smokers. Children who live in a home with a smoker have a 37 per cent higher risk of ear infections, which may sound like a cliché these days. The risk rises to 62 per cent if the mother is a smoker. Those are imposing figures, and it’s evident that smoking is a significant risk factor.

We defined the central axis of the ear, like Tolleth, as the line that runs through the central curve of the antitragus and evenly bisects the auricle. In lateral view, the axis of the earlobe crosses through the most caudal projection of the earlobe and includes the same antitragal point. Although our findings are not statistically significant, there is a distinct trend toward earlobe retrograde displacement from the upper two-thirds of the ear. Earlobes located anterior to the ear’s primary axis tend to make the ear appear crooked as a whole. When this appearance is recreated in a rhytidectomy patient, an unfavourable kink ear deformity develops. The earlobe is currently inserted in a more cephalic position with a 20-degree axis, which is behind the nine-degree axis standard stated in this article. With wound contraction, the insertion has a natural propensity to shift anteriorly and caudally. However, with optimal implantation, the earlobe’s final location should be posterior to the ear’s central axis.

It’s also crucial not to save money in the wrong area by going to non-medical establishments for treatment. Before undergoing any professional anti-ageing treatment, always consult with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

For example, one in five people may “hear” things that don’t make a sound, a phenomenon known as the visually-evoked auditory response or vEAR.

Ear Shape

The human ear is a distinguishing feature of the face and an actual natural, harmonious, and attractive appearance. Its delicate architecture communicates distinct but difficult-to-define indicators of age and gender. This means that a plastic surgeon can examine an ear and determine that it is not youthful but lacks the characteristics of a normal youthful ear. As a result, we don’t have the information we need to correct it right now. Many writers and texts include detailed descriptions of the anatomy of the external ear. Brent and others have meticulously and wonderfully discussed proper ear reconstruction shape and placement. However, there is little information available to help the surgeon rejuvenate the ear.

Dermal fillers are made of several materials. Collagen is no longer popular. Hyaluronic acid, a complex sugar present in many tissues, is currently the most common substance. Hyaluronic acid is more expensive than collagen, but it lasts longer in the nasolabial folds, up to six months. The effect of dermal fillers, like botulinum toxin injections, wears off after a few months – how long depends on the injection location – although it appears to persist a bit longer with repeated injections.

The outer ear (what we see), the middle ear (where the eardrum is located), and the inner ear (where the eardrum is located) are the three regions of the ear (everything behind the eardrum). The cartilage and tissue of the outer ear make up the outer ear. The upper ear is made up of the helix, scapha, and fossa triangularis. The auricle is the part of the earlobe devoid of cartilage (therefore, it is soft and has no structure). Because the earlobe receives a lot of blood and has many nerve endings, it can be a sensitive part of the body for some people.

From a scientific standpoint, and based on further research on the use of wireless earphones that are now accessible, there is no definite evidence that earbuds enlarge the ear canals. However, many persons who frequently use earphones have stated that following lengthy usage of earphones, the size of the ear canal may vary gradually. If your ear canal is tiny or wide, you should experiment with several sizes of earbuds to find the proper fit. Some of the best wireless earbuds come with various ear tips to provide a secure and comfortable fit in your ear canal.

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How Do You Naturally Remove Ear Wax – Is It Possible?

How Do You Naturally Remove Ear Wax – Is It Possible?

How Do You Naturally Remove Ear Wax – Is It Possible

How To Naturally Prevent Ear Wax

The indications and symptoms may point to something else. You may believe you can manage earwax independently, but there’s no way to determine if you have excessive earwax without having someone look in your ears, generally your doctor. Ear pain and loss of hearing aren’t always indicative of earwax buildup. You could have another ear problem that has to be addressed.

How To Get Rid Of Earwax Buildup At Home

Another intriguing link between wet and dry earwax can be found. Wet earwax is more common in people of European and African ancestry. Earwax is primarily dry among people of Asian, East Asian, and Native American origin. A genetic difference is to blame for this. Deodorant is also more likely to be needed by persons who have sticky earwax. A molecule that creates perspiration odour is absent in people with dry earwax.

How can earwax be avoided?

The majority of cotton swabs attempts to clean the ears only push wax deeper into the ear canal. Wax does not form near the eardrum in the deep section of the ear canal but only near the outside aperture of the canal. When a doctor detects wax pressed on the eardrum, they know it’s usually the result of probing your ear with Q-tips, hairpins, or twisted napkin edges. These objects merely act as prods to push earwax deeper into the ear, causing issues.

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Ear Wax Removal Tamworth

What is the best way to get earwax out of your ears?

You can do the therapy yourself if you try it at home, but having a friend or family member assist you is generally far more convenient. To begin, lift the affected ear toward the ceiling by tilting your head to one side. Then, in the ear canal, place three or four drops of vegetable glycerin or baby oil. Some people prefer to use a bit more liquid product, but starting with just a few drops is a fine place to start.

Warm olive oil slightly before pouring some into an eyedropper to use as an ear cleaning. 3–4 drips Allow 10 minutes for the earwax to soften, then tilt your head to the side and use a cotton swab to remove the oil and earwax.

To put drops in your ear, you’ll need glycerin, an eyedropper, and a cotton ball. Fill the pipette with glycerin and place the unaffected ear on your shoulder while tilting your head to the opposite side. Your damaged ear will be lifted and exposed. Squeeze the pipette slowly until three to four drops of glycerin are in your ear, with your head tilted. In your ear, put the cotton ball. Remove the glycerin and cotton ball from your ear the following day. Remove the cotton ball from your ear and gently rinse it out while showering to allow it to drain. During this therapy, keep your bedding clean by sleeping with a towel on your pillow. Rep this procedure until the infected earwax has softened and disintegrated. Often, all it takes is a single application.
According to experts, sticking cotton swabs or other items in your ears might push wax deeper into the ear canal. Earphones or earplugs for sleeping can cause earwax development by restricting the natural escape route.

You can use any product that contains 6.5 per cent carbamide peroxide, which is found in most earwax removers. You might save money by purchasing a lesser-known brand that performs equally well. Later on, I found a similar E-R-O kit at Walmart for a lower price.

Making your saline solution is another fantastic approach to get rid of earwax. Combine one tablespoon of salt with half a cup of water to achieve this result. Soak some gauze in the saline solution and place a few drops in the ear canal as directed above.

Is earwax removed by using hot water?

If your ear hurts or irritates you, you should see a doctor. If home cures don’t work or you have a lot of hard or dry earwax, you shouldn’t remove it yourself. Your doctor can inspect your ears and remove the earwax safely and effectively.

Take a shower, aim the water stream into your ear canal, and then tilt your head to help drainage. Set the hair drier to the most relaxed setting and direct the air at your ear after you’ve finished showering. Make sure you’re at least 30 inches away from the hairdryer.

Earwax removal with a home treatment

impacted ear wax treatmentEarwax is frequently removed with cotton swabs. Although cotton wipes appear to assist remove earwax, they usually push the earwax deeper into the ear. Ironically, one of the causes of cerumen or earwax blockage is the use of cotton swabs. Pain or perforation can result from squeezed earwax pressing against the ear canal or eardrum. Cotton balls may seem comfortable in our palms, but they are pretty painful to our ears. This is due to the thin skin of the ear canal, which is frequently scratched by the cotton swab, resulting in easy bleeding. Cotton swabs effectively alleviate ear itching. However, they should not be used by persons who have an excessive amount of earwax. Cotton swabs irritate the skin and can increase earwax production.

Hearing aids can encourage the glands in the ear canal to produce additional secretions by blocking the normal drainage of earwax from the ear. Hearing aids are reportedly destroyed by earwax in 60 to 70% of cases where they are sent in for repair. The acidity of the earwax breaks down the components when it enters the holes and earpieces. If you use a hearing aid, have your primary care doctor check for earwax buildup.

Cotton swabs are also mentioned. This is not recommended, as I described in my post. The naturally developing earwax is pushed even deeper inside as a result of this. Going too far can also cause harm to your eardrum. There should be no foreign items, cotton swabs, or headphones placed into the ear canal.

If you create a lot of earwax naturally, you can have it removed with special instruments every six months to a year by visiting an ear, nose, and throat doctor.

Eardrops that remove earwax are available over-the-counter. Acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium bicarbonate are standard components in water-based goods. Earwax lubricates and softens with oil-based products. There hasn’t been any evidence that one form is superior to the other in research. Ear drops can sometimes be used alone. Sometimes an onion syringe and a few squirts of water are all that’s required. An onion syringe should not be used if you have a damaged eardrum. A severe infection might occur if water seeps into the middle ear.

Can Warm Water Get Rid Of Earwax

According to the directions, turn your head to the side and place 5 to 10 drops of the softener into your ear with the pipette. Then, using the syringe with the plunger, rinse with warm water after a few minutes. This treatment is even suggested on the Mayo Clinic website. 2

You can use any product that contains 6.5 per cent carbamide peroxide, which is found in most earwax removers. You might save money by purchasing a lesser-known brand that performs equally well. Later, I found a similar E-R-O set at Walmart for a lower price.

The use of headphones is one of the primary causes of hearing loss. Through built-in headphones, I occasionally listen to music that someone nearby is playing. When I hear them, I know they’re damaging their hearing.

If the earwax buildup persists, you should consult an ENT. If you have ear pain, fluid leaking, hearing loss, dizziness, fever, or vomiting, you should contact a doctor as soon as possible.

The volume and properties of earwax fluctuate from person to person. Earwax can be moist or oily, although it can also be dry. Some people create very little earwax, while others produce a lot, resulting in ear obstruction, which can cause hearing loss due to a sense of fullness in the ear. Bacteria can become trapped in excess earwax, producing itching and irritation. A doctor inspecting the ear may be unable to see what is happening inside the ear, making the examination more challenging.

The volume and properties of earwax fluctuate from person to person. Earwax can be moist or oily, although it can also be dry. Some people create very little earwax, while others produce a lot, resulting in ear obstruction, which can cause hearing loss due to a sense of fullness in the ear. Bacteria can become trapped in excess earwax, producing itching and irritation. A doctor inspecting the ear may be unable to see what is happening inside the ear, making the examination more challenging.

If you’re experiencing ear pain, hearing loss, or discomfort, consult your doctor as soon as possible. It could be a sign of something a lot more severe than a buildup of earwax. The doctor or a person qualified to treat earwax will be able to recommend the best course of action for you.

Brought To You By – Ear Wax Removal Tamworth


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Should You Worry About YouTube AdBlock? 4 Tips for Video Marketers

Should You Worry About YouTube AdBlock? 4 Tips for Video Marketers

Imagine watching the Super Bowl without any commercials — or driving through a bustling city with blank billboards.

Now imagine watching YouTube without ads.

For some people, this is a reality. With YouTube Adblock, viewers can block ads from appearing in videos and on the webpage.

This begs the question: should video marketers worry about ad blocking?

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Let’s learn more about YouTube Adblock, if consumers actually use it, and tips from real video marketers on how to get around them.

Ad blockers may feel like a marketer’s worst nightmare. But there is power in understanding why people use them.

Here are some quick stats: 48% of ad blocker users felt there were too many ads online. And 47% of users found these ads annoying or irrelevant.

Think of your own experience — have you ever been bombarded with pop-up ads while reading an article? Or watched a video ad that wasn’t relevant to your interests… at all?

This study signals a clear trend: Users want a less intrusive experience with digital ads. And they’re willing to guard their time and attention with ad blockers.

Do Consumers Use YouTube AdBlock?

We know the motivations behind using YouTube Adblock, but how many people actually use it? Take a look at HubSpot’s survey about ad blocker use on YouTube:

More than half (63%) of respondents do not use any type of ad blocking software on YouTube, whereas a slim 11% of respondents do.

Does this mean marketers can breathe a big sigh of relief? Not so fast.

While the adoption of ad blockers is low, it is slowly increasing year-over-year. It may not be an immediate threat to your digital marketing strategy, but this could change in the coming years.

And, if your target audience consists of millennials, you may feel the effects of ad blocking more. People in the 18-to-24 range are the highest users of ad block software, while people younger than 12, and 65 and older, are among the lowest.

Marketers must get creative to leverage YouTube without ad blockers getting in the way. Here are four tips from video marketers on how to get started.

4 Tips for Navigating YouTube AdBlock, According to Video Marketers

1. Keep it in perspective.

Don’t let the fear of ad blockers drive you away from YouTube entirely.

For Nicole Ondracek, marketing manager, paid advertising at HubSpot, advertising on YouTube still proves effective — even with pesky ad blockers.

“You’re still able to reach so many people on YouTube that [AdBlock] doesn’t really play a factor in our strategy.”

Ondracek adds, “For example, one of our audiences is a Custom affinity audience, which is a type of audience that targets people with interests in B2B CRM software. This segment alone can still reach 500 million to 1 billion impressions a week.”

While ad blockers “mute” a portion of your audience, YouTube still provides access to billions of users (2.1 billion to be exact), along with plenty of opportunities to reach them.

2. Diversify your ad channels.

It’s never a good idea to put all your eggs in one (marketing) basket.

For instance, if your digital marketing solely revolves around YouTube advertising, you may want to diversify your marketing strategy to include “ad blocker-proof” channels, such as social media or content marketing.

Jennifer Brault, channel promotions manager at HubSpot, tells me, “When running any sort of digital marketing campaign, it’s important to meet your audience where they are.”

Brault continues, “By diversifying your advertising spend across multiple channels, you’re not only reaching a variety of audiences, but you’re also learning more about what platforms your audience spends their time on, which can help inform future ad spend and organic efforts.”

3. Create a meaningful ad experience.

“Rather than trying to find ways around ad blockers, focus on finding ways to make advertising more meaningful and appealing to end users,” says Bernard May of National Positions.

As ad blocker usage slowly rises, video marketers must put their audience at the center of their video strategy. This means getting to the heart of customers’ interests, questions, and pain points — and then finding ways to address them.

Remember, consumers don’t hate advertising — they hate bad advertising.

4. Focus on targeting.

While we can’t necessarily get around ad blockers, we can focus on putting ads in front of the right people.

With Google AdWords (YouTube’s ad platform), video marketers can target people who already demonstrate an interest in specific topics or keywords relating to your business.

Affinity Audiences is an especially helpful targeting mechanism in Google Adwords. With Affinity Audiences, you can reach people based on their browsing history and place them in certain segments such as “bargain hunters” or “DIY.”

For example, a marketer selling outdoor sports equipment could target users who recently searched for “ice fishing” or “best hiking trails near me.”

Final Thoughts

Ad blocking technology isn’t going away soon. Fortunately, all isn’t lost for digital marketers who can still benefit from YouTube by auditing their current practices, diversifying their marketing channels, and identifying areas for innovation.

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The post Should You Worry About YouTube AdBlock? 4 Tips for Video Marketers appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Women’s Incontinence Pads – A Reason for A Smile

Women’s Incontinence Pads – A Reason for A Smile

Women’s Incontinence Pads – A Reason for A Smile

Women’s Incontinence Pad: The symptoms of uncontrollable urine loss (leakage) are urinary incontinence. It is a disease that affects both men and women, but it is more common in women. Incontinence in men has been related to various conditions, including prostate enlargement or damage to the continence system after prostate cancer surgery or radiation. On the other hand, incontinence in women is frequently connected to a malfunction of the pelvic floor or bladder muscles, with symptoms most commonly occurring during pregnancy, delivery or menopause.

Urinary incontinence has been divided into two categories by investigations throughout the years: urgency incontinence and stress incontinence. According to the International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) and the International Continence Society (ICS), the official definition of stress incontinence is the sensation of urine loss linked with sneezing or coughing and physical exertion. On the other hand, need incontinence is urine leakage accompanied by a strong urge to empty that is difficult to resist. These two forms of incontinence are so common that they coexist with various symptoms, a condition known as mixed incontinence. Most women with urgency incontinence have also been diagnosed with excessive bladder symptoms, with urgency incontinence being one of the possible components.

The Following Are the Different Types Of Urinary Incontinence:

  1. Urge incontinence: This is when you feel compelled to go to the bathroom right away. It happens too quickly for the person to get to a toilet in time, resulting in urine leakage. Urge incontinence is frequently caused by an overactive bladder condition (OAB). OAB can be caused by various factors, including weak pelvic muscles and nerves, nerve injury, infection, and low oestrogen levels after menopause or being overweight. Caffeine and alcohol, among other drinks and medicines, can cause OAB.
  1. Stress incontinence: Stress incontinence is defined as urine leakage while doing daily tasks. The pelvic floor muscles have grown weak and can no longer support the pelvic organs as they should in this type of incontinence. Because of this muscular weakness, the person is more prone to lose urine when moving about. When individuals laugh loudly, cough, sneeze, jump, run, or lift items, they often experience leakage. All of these activities press the bladder. If you don’t have strong pelvic muscles and a firm pelvic floor, you’re more prone to leak pee. Stress incontinence is more frequently observed in women who have recently given birth. Stress incontinence is a possibility for men who have had prostate surgery.
  1. Incontinence overflow: If a person’s bladder does not empty every time they go to the restroom, they may have overflow incontinence. Patients with overflow incontinence do not empty their bladders, bladder leakage pads, putting them in danger of spillage. Instead of a real splash out, this usually results in little volumes of pee spilling out over time (similar to a leaking balloon shrinking over time) (similar to pricking the balloon with a pin.)
  1. Mixed Incontinence: Mixed incontinence is the result of a combination of problems that produce leaking. If you have mixed incontinence, you may also have stress-related incontinence and an overactive bladder. When dealing with leakage difficulties due to mixed incontinence, it’s critical to watch what the individual is doing. The most efficient method to cope with mixed incontinence is to recognize the triggers.


The Symptoms and The Risk Factors Are As Follows:

Incontinence Pads for Women

To recognize that the reported symptoms typically correspond to the regular bladder functions and associated expectations, a thorough patient history should include the onset, duration, and frequency of urine incontinence, as well as the resulting LUTS and voiding symptoms. Age, obstetric history (parity and mode of delivery), gynaecological status (the presence of pelvic organ prolapse, defecatory dysfunction or anal incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and urogenital syndrome of menopause), medical status (the presence of a UTI, dementia, delirium, diabetes mellitus, and urogenital syndrome of menopause), and medical status (the presence of a UTI, dementia, delirium,

Urinary incontinence is 30% more prevalent in patients with mild cognitive deficits. In addition, lifestyle and functional characteristics such as smoking status, mobility, and the frequency of heavy lifting must be taken into account throughout the evaluation. Specific individuals may have a history of symptoms that point to other urinary tract diseases that might cause incontinence; however, these patients will need to be referred to a specialist.

Incontinence symptoms last a long time, have a significant influence on one’s quality of life and cost both people and society a lot of money. Incontinence of any type is more common as people gain weight and get older. As a result of current demographic trends, the health burden of these diseases is projected to increase. Compared to the public attention they receive or the level at which incontinence research is done, the impact on persons and groups afflicted by these diseases is significant.


Urinary leakage is the most common sign of urinary incontinence, which might be a steady stream of pee or a few isolated incidents. If a person has incontinence, there may be significant or minor quantities of urine flow. Leakage can occur for various causes, the most common of which is the kind of incontinence. Urine leaks can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Exercise.
  • Cough.
  • A wonderful time laughing.
  • Sneeze.


  • Pessaries: Disposable devices inserted into the vaginal canal to support the bladder and exert pressure on the urethra, preventing urine leaks. Pessaries are available in various sizes and forms, including rings, cubes, and plates.
  • Urethral insert: This is a soft plastic balloon that is inserted into the urethra. It obstructs the flow of urine. In the event of voluntary urination, the insert must be removed. Some women use inserts just part of the time, such as while they exercise. Some people wear them all day. To prevent the transmission of germs, use a new sterile disposable insert each time.
  • Disposable vaginal implant: This is a tampon-like device that is inserted into the vagina. To prevent urethral leaking, it exerts pressure on the urethra. It is available without a prescription at pharmacies.


What Are the Best Places To Buy Urinary Incontinence Pads?

The majority of items may be found in your neighbourhood pharmacy, supermarket, or medical supply shop. Before making a purchase, see a physician for a list of incontinence products to address incontinence.


  • Absorbency: Depending on the severity of bladder issues, different briefs and pads absorb varying quantities of fluid. Consider using extra-absorbent briefs or pads if you can’t get to the bathroom on time, have more cravings, or have more leaks. They may be larger, but they allow the overall volume of leakage to be maintained.
  • Daytime vs Nighttime Protection: Most individuals choose lightweight protection throughout the day and more absorbent options at night. Bed pads provide excellent overnight protection, allowing you to sleep soundly without worrying about your linens being ruined.
  • Disposable vs Reusable: There are disposable diapers, pads, liners, and undergarments that can be washed and reused or recycled after one use. Disposable or washable bed pads are available; depending on the frequency of usage, the washable alternative may be preferred. If you’re looking for incontinence protection, think about how often you’ll need to use it and when you’ll need it the most.

In conclusion, consider the following aspects while selecting the finest incontinence pads:


  • The amount of pee lost
  • Comfort
  • Cost
  • Durability
  • Simplicity
  • Effectiveness in eliminating odours
  • How frequently does one lose urine?

Women’s Incontinence Pads:

Urinary incontinence affects more than 200 million people throughout the world (UI). In Europe and North America, incontinence in the urinary tract is quite common, affecting 5-10% of the population. 10% to 30% of women under the age of 65 suffer from incontinence. The rate of incontinence in older women is significantly higher. 15% to 35% of women are not institutionalized, and more than half of those who are institutionalized or homebound are incontinent. Incontinence in the urinary system is a condition that affects more than 30% of older women in the United States.

According to a Brocklehurst study, 22% of women over 30 years old utilized incontinence pads when they first realized they had an incontinence problem. However, in the research of Herzog and Molander, significantly higher use of incontinence pads for women was discovered, with 5568% of women over the age of 50 using incontinence pads for women. In separate research, Brink observed that 62 percent of women living in communities used incontinence pads. At the same time, McDowell discovered that 87% of cognitively healthy homebound women used incontinence pads before a behavioural intervention. Because of the widespread nature of the illness, primary care physicians are advised to detect and treat urine incontinence. Incontinence becomes more common as we get older, and it’s linked to a lower degree of happiness.

They are typically the first line of therapy for incontinence patients since they are readily accessible without a prescription. Many treatment alternatives exist, however not all offer long-term relief. Women’s absorbent incontinence pads, for example, are vital tools for UI. The amount of women who use pads varies throughout the literature. According to Iosif’s epidemiological study, just 28% of women who underwent hysterectomy used pads. They are typically the first line of therapy for incontinence patients since they are readily accessible without a prescription. Many treatment alternatives exist, however not all offer long-term relief. Women’s absorbent incontinence pads, for example, are vital treatment tools (UI). The amount of women who use pads varies throughout the literature. According to Iosif’s epidemiological study, just 28% of women who underwent hysterectomy used pads.

The direct cost of urinary incontinence in the United States of America is estimated to be billions of dollars each year, with three-quarters of that amount going toward treating women with the condition. In the United States of America, the yearly economic impact of urinary incontinence is estimated to be $11 billion. Costs associated with disposable diapers, wash pads, and in-dwelling catheters are included. In 1995, women suffering from detrusor instability spent an average of $135–138 per year on incontinence products. Women who suffer from stress incontinence were also charged $63.

Many instances of incontinence may be healed or eradicated by addressing the underlying reasons. Still, most patients will need to use incontinence pads for women or a device to control or prevent leaking. Incontinence pads must be replaced often due to their design and content. There are a variety of options; however disposable absorbent incontinence pads for women are the most popular. While there are several successful treatment options for incontinence in women, complete dryness is seldom attained. Women who suffer from urge incontinence may be significantly assisted by medical treatment, but they cannot be entirely healed by medical care or behavioural therapy.

Women with stress incontinence, on the other hand, are not surgical candidates. Even with the best therapy, some of them will always need incontinence products. They are available in various sizes, shapes, and designs, but all include a fluffed wood pulp absorbent core and a powdered hydrogel outer layer. If the pad is not designed with waterproof pants, it should have a water-permeable outer shell coverstock. They come in rolls and may be cut to length but are usually rectangular. Incontinence pads for women may be removed and reinserted without removing the pants if used with marsupial pants, including an outer pouch.

Incontinence is caused by a problem with the female urine storage or emptying system. Different individuals have urethral sphincter and bladder dysfunction, thus categorizing them may hinder their treatment. Detrusor contractions are easily controlled and do not cause incontinence. The overactive detrusor may induce incontinence in urethral sphincter injuries, especially after vaginal birth. Pregnancy may also harm a woman’s neuromuscular or anatomical structures. However, other components of the continence system may compensate for the illness. Incontinence may not occur until the urethral sphincter loses strength and innervation owing to ageing or other injuries. A slight loss may favour incontinence above the need for continence. Most incontinence information comes from people in the late stages of the illness (decompensated).

Stress-induced incontinence develops when the bladder pressure exceeds the urethral pressure occurs when intra-abdominal pressure abruptly increases. Changes in anatomy (lack of neck support for bladder backstops) or nerve-muscular injury may cause. Hypermobility is a term that refers to the absence of bladder neck support, and therapies attempt to stabilize and restore it. Traditional treatments seem to be unsuccessful for less severe types of stress incontinence. “Low urethral pressure” or “intrinsic sphincter failure” are terms used to characterize urethral muscle strength. Grouping patients, on the other hand, do not aid in diagnosis or therapy. Numerous studies indicate that the majority of people have both intrinsic sphincter dysfunction and bladder neck hypermobility.



An optimal incontinence pad must meet all of the following functional criteria, as outlined by A.M. Cottenden.

  1. Reliability: In terms of reliability, one may dependably collect pee at the flow rates and frequencies that have been set, as well as in the amounts that can be absorbed.
  2. High absorbent power: The urine stays in place without leaking until the pad is replaced due to high absorptive capacity.
  3. No skin rashes: This product has no side effects on the skin, including rashes.
  4. Comfort: In both wet and dry conditions, feel at ease.
  5. Density: Have a low density of mass
  6. Disposable: Make it simple to get rid of
  7. Accessibility: Be simple to put on and take off.
  8. Appearance: Have pleasant aesthetics and excellent visual appeal.
  9. Price: Be affordable in terms of pricing.

Unfortunately, fulfilling all functional needs is difficult due to the incompatibility of specific particular criteria; therefore, compromises must be made. Each individual requires a different level of compromise. For example, young women prefer smaller incontinence pads that are less prone to leak and conceal themselves under skinny pants or fashionable clothes. Older women would usually choose security by selecting an absorbent and possibly thicker product while losing subtlety.

Women’s incontinence pads lack the absorption capacity necessary to provide complete leakage prevention. Rather than that, the probability of leaking rises as the volume of pee increases. In contrast, the individual’s posture has a negligible effect on how much pee leaks from the pad. The ability of incontinence pads for women to absorb the material near to its core impacts the features of leakage. Features such as wing folding, form, and elastication all contribute to the reduction of leakage. For lighter wetters, pads designed with fast-strike-through coverstocks leak less. Pads’ comfort and dryness are determined by their breadth, length, and resistance to lateral compression. The use of coverstocks with rapid strike-through times may help alleviate the pain associated with damp pads. Coverstocks that are highly resistant to urine wetback are not more helpful to the skin than those less resistant.

Simple pants or incontinence pads are difficult to put on and take off. Regular or near-normal underwear pads that are not linked to baby diapers are also regarded as attractive. Pad selection, standardization, and product development have never been more critical. Increased use of incontinence products due to ageing population.

In managing UI, absorbent materials should not replace the evaluation and treatment plan procedure. Pads provide females with a sense of security and comfort, particularly in social situations. It is critical to educate physicians, gynaecologists, and female hygiene experts about the many kinds of pads, their prices, and their availability—less expensive menstrual products for UI women. Larger or more frequent UI may need more expensive incontinence treatments.


Female incontinence pads usage increases with age, according to Hogne Sandvik and Steinar Hunskaar’s research. A woman’s frequency rises about 20 years old, whereas a man’s rises. Continence pads for women do not show the often stated high incidence of UI among middle-aged women. It may be because midlife women have less severe incontinence symptoms.

Best Personal Pads:

Urine pads are intended to absorb more liquid than regular sanitary pads. They’re also waterproof. Women’s incontinence pads are worn inside undergarments. Disposable fabric pads and liners are available from certain businesses, along with waterproof trousers.

  1. Abena Abri-Form Premium Incontinence Briefs

Absorbency: 4

Absorbing Capacity: 4000ml absorbent capacity, six times the average bladder capacity of 400-600ml.

These briefs are four times more absorbent than other diapers available in shops, making them ideal for individuals with severe bladder problems and leaks. These briefs also include soft non-woven side panels that allow for effortless movement. The indication for moisture changes colour when the moment is perfect. The top layer of dry-acquire removes water instantly, keeping the skin dry and stress-free.

  1. Medline Heavy Absorbency Underpads

Largest size: 36 by 36 inches max.

These disposable pads have an ultra-absorbent core that protects against incontinence all day. These pads are soft and comfy, featuring a quilted top sheet for sensitive skin. The fluff and polymer also absorb odours and liquids. The mats have a polypropylene backing that holds them in place and prevents water spread.

  1. Intimates Overnight Pads: TENA

Tena pads are intended to protect against moderate to severe bladder leakage. They are 16 inches long and have a broad back for complete coverage while laying. They are tiny and light so that they won’t be visible. Super-absorbent beads suck in moisture while a soft, skin-friendly sheet keeps you cool.

  1. Reusable Bed Pads – Cardinal Health

These hospital-grade pads are ideal for those who leak a lot and wish to relax without worrying about ruining their bed. The waterproof pads keep the bed and other surfaces dry. The soft cushioned core absorbs and seals fluids. These pads are great for protecting sheets and bedding for men, women, children, and people with urinary problems.

The most important advantage is that the pads can be cleaned and reused. A non-slip base layer keeps the pad in place all night. It is latex and leads free. With polyester and composite fabric, it is safe for sensitive skin and pleasant sleep.

  1. Unisex Briefs

The briefs are ideal for severe bladder issues since they protect both day and night. With a strong leak barrier and adjustable tabs, they offer up to eight hours of odour prevention. They will keep the skin dry and pleasant with “SmartCool Breathability.” These briefs are thick and absorbent, but yet thin and discreet. The Dry-Lock Containment Core wicks away moisture, enabling one to return to family, friends, and daily life without worrying about leaks. For elderly or sensitive individuals, they are designed to be soft and pleasant.

  1. Poise

These odour-controlling pads help wick away water and absorb moisture for up to twelve hours, so you can sleep well knowing there will be no leaking.


Best Incontinence Pads for Heavy Leakage:

Incontinence Pads

  1. What are large disposable pads?

They are also called form pads or two-piece sets. They are underwear. Companies that manufacture pads also make stretch pants. Regular underwear may also be worn if it is tight enough to hold the pad in place. To manage varying levels of leakage, most pads are designed to fit correctly and stay in place.

Its non-woven top layer allows urine to flow easily and keeps the skin dry. Its absorbent core is composed of fluffed fibrous wood pulp, typically combined with super-absorbent polymer powder, transforming into a gel and encapsulating urine. Many absorbent pads are waterproof. For excessive leakage, the finest incontinence pads include wetness indicators on the outer backing that indicate how much has been absorbed. You may prevent overfilling or spilling your pad on furniture or clothing by changing your pad regularly.

  1. What works for severe leaking incontinence pads?

Women with UI issues may use disposable pads to control incontinence. They are a cheaper option. Easy to swap out. Some women discover that the large disposable pads may leak more than other pad kinds. They enjoy disposable all-in-ones like belted pads, pull-on, or belted pads. Large pads lack absorption where pee flows typically, making them more prone to leaks late at night.

Brought To You By Incontinence Pads For Women

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: https://gqcentral.co.uk

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Easy Exercises to Stick To Anytime – Start Today

Easy Exercises to Stick To Anytime – Start Today

Many people struggle with the idea of exercises or running, for fear of injury, fear of not achieving enough results and more than anything else, because they are just shy of 30. So, without further ado, here is a simple guide to help you avoid the many mistakes and get on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

1) No running

If you have never run before, that’s fine, do it! If you have been running for years, that’s fine; keep on running! You can start slow and work up to running faster if you can’t run, jog for an hour or do yoga, strength training or callisthenics. Just keep to the principles of what I say, and it will be fine. Don’t worry about the consequences if you run with all the other people, have a beer or smoke a joint; what matters is that you stick to the principles and stick to it for good.

trener personalny

2) Don’t be lazy

You don’t need to do the most, you don’t need to run on the treadmill all day, but for those days when you want to escape, you can make do with a brisk walk for 30 minutes. Or, if you want more results, you can go for a run and maybe hit the gym to train your body to run faster and for longer. Just don’t do it all day; that’s lazy and a waste of time.

3) Pace yourself

When you start to feel the burn, you can increase your pace to get the most out of your time spent exercising. Don’t overdo it; remember you’re learning a new skill and want to get the most out of your money spent. There is no point in trying to run yourself into the ground; remember to move the parts that are still numb so that they can get used to the training and reap the benefits.

Stay committed to your goals – Never give up!

Are You Trying to Burn Calories Doing Squats?

Much less painful than the traditional bench press, where you would also feel it is contracted.

Many different types of exercises have been taught in the gym, with people either sitting or standing, depending on whether they are doing the exercise or going to be using weight. You will only get a good amount of results if you do the right exercises for your needs. An exercise is nothing more than a movement.

Here are some suggestions of what you can do to maximize your results.

You can do what is called a “bodyweight squat.” The whole point of the squat is to stretch the hips and knees, build your legs and gluts, work the gluteals, hamstrings and quads, and get some core activation.

This is how you get the best results from doing squats (or any other exercise for that matter):

smartwatch v fitness trackerPut your feet shoulder-width apart, balance yourself, then squat down. It’s like sitting down, then going up, but at a slower rate. Go all the way until your thighs are parallel with your knees. Then come back down. Do this as many times as you can within 15 seconds. It will take you 2-3 minutes to get the full range of motion. To get the benefit, you must “activate” the abs. This is done by pressing your hips down into your quads and keeping the weight on your heels. This also activates the obliques. The best results will happen if you alternate this squatting exercise with lunges or step-ups.

You can also try to do a push-up.

That is to do a push-up and then immediately after touch your chest, drop to your knees and do a squat. This will help to get the benefit from squats.

Combining all of these exercises, combined with other movements, will help burn calories much quicker than just squatting.

How to Do the Exercises in 30 Minutes Or Less

Here are some beginner’s tips on how to work out. If you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle, these will be perfect for you. If you are not trying to lose or gain muscle, these will give you some simple information on working out.

1. I have to tell you that working out is one of the most enjoyable things you can do

No matter how much you think you don’t like it, it’s not that bad if you do it right. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

2. You don’t have to use a gym, and you can easily walk around your neighborhood or wherever you are if you don’t want a gym

I’m not going to tell you how to do that. I’m going to tell you what you can do.

3. If you do the 1 min treadmill and 15 min skipping rope workout, you will be done in about an hour and a half

You can easily do this workout 2 or 3 times a week. And you can even do it in less than an hour. This is great if you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle.

4. The next thing you want to know is what muscle groups to focus on

Don’t worry about the front, the back, or the sides. Just concentrate on your biceps, triceps, and chest.

5. Next, what tempo to use

You can use either slow or fast. I usually will use slow for my long duration. I typically use slowly because you will do a lot more muscle soreness because of the overload on your muscles if you do fast. This is why I usually use slow. I will alternate between slow and fast for my short duration.

OK. That’s about it. If you want to be fit, healthy, and athletically lean, you should be able to do all of these exercises in under 30 minutes and a half to 45 minutes if you’re already in good shape.

That’s the goal. But that’s not hard. I’m sure you could do these.

And if you can’t, then it’s OK. You don’t have to. You could spend your time on some other exercises or sit down for the rest of your life.

What I’m going to do is tell you three ways you can do these exercises

The first way I’m going to tell you is how to do it without a gym.

To do these exercises, I’m just going to tell you what to do. You’re going to have to use those two things I mentioned above. The other thing I’m going to tell you is what tempo to use. Finally, I’m going to show you what muscle groups you’re working on.

First thing you do. Do an aerobic session. I’m telling you what to do. How to do it is really up to you. But one thing you have to remember is that you need to feel an exercise to continue doing it. Otherwise, you might as well play on the floor or hang out in a dark room.

And you need to do at least 1 set of each exercise in each of the two parts of the workout. So you’re going to do an aerobic part, then one strength part. And then finish up with a piece that does both aerobic and strength for 2 minutes. So you’re pretty much covered.

If you need a personal fitness trainer to help or motivate you, please visit this website: https://www.egobody.pl/

The Article Easy Exercises to Stick To Anytime – Start Today First Appeared ON
: https://gqcentral.co.uk

The post Easy Exercises to Stick To Anytime – Start Today appeared first on Local SEO Resources.