White Magic Love Spells – How They Work Best

White Magic Love Spells – How They Work Best

White magic love spells are certainly one of the most sought-after of all of White Magic Spells!

Witchcraft especially when working with White magic is an extremely potent strategy to bring in desirable occurrences or situations. This is something witches have known and understood for centuries. When you merge the positivity of white magic with the pureness of love, magickal things transpire!

Witchcraft is a phrase that is used to cover a wide spectrum of beliefs. It is often wrongly suspected that everybody who uses the term witchcraft enjoys Black Magic or Satanism. This is not even close to factual!

It is my individual point of view that there actually is no notable distinction between white magic and black magic with one main difference, the purpose with which the magic is cast. Magic cast with good intent becomes white, magic cast with bad intent turns into black. The source for both white and black magic is the same. This can create some gray areas however and offer up additional questions such as are blood magic spells evil?

Where Does the Magick In White Magic Spells Come From?

Esoteric methods such as spell-casting are raised on the idea that the physical world is simply just a byproduct of unseen energetic forces, consisting of our consciousness, views, will, and sentiments.
What’s more, whereas the majority of thoughts become taken in by our greater consciousness, others may be transformed into self-reliant vibrations. Certain occultists think that these strong thoughts are what are what we normally refer to as “ghosts”: Field of battles and old houses, as an example– two sites often thought of as “haunted”– may possibly be interspersed with powerful forces from history that reverberates into the present.

So if that’s magick in general, let’s simply review what white magic spells are.

White Magic Love Spells Featured Image

White magic is all about good, positive, pure, and helpful magic. There certainly is no evil, unsafe or negative thoughts or intentions in this particular style of magic. If you have those kind of intentions you should put an end to reading this article and perhaps try conducting a search for “Black Magic” instead. Many witches don’t like giving magic colors,. and distinguishing between different “types.” I myself reckon it is a great suggestion to lead people away from the dark arts since they’re high-risk and no help to anybody!

White magic is easy, simple and fun. White magic uses your inner views, wishes and desires to induce desirable change in your journey, and the lives of a lot of people around you.

A white magic spell is a simple ritual process typically incorporating artifacts similar to candles, crystals, pens and paper, flowers and natural herbs, water, incense et cetera.

Spells are an instrument to support you liberate your inner energy and power, and unleash it into the world and the universe around you.

Anytime you cast a white magic spell, you “release” your intentions and focus your psyche and your thought and feelings on making changes occur in order that your desires come to reality. Although spells don’t work instantaneously (although occasionally they can), you should see returns as long as you continue to sharpen your mind on your desired result and try to keep the spell working.

Casting Powerful  Love Spells.

White Magic Spells – How They Work Best PDF Download

When we raise a thought by impregnating it alongside our magickal intention, it transforms into energy.

Spell-casting is the fine art of discovering, raising, and steering that energy to bring about our intentions.

When it comes to matters of the heart, love spells are the unequaled tool for encouraging positivity and connection into our lives. You might interpret love spells as magick that compels a particular individual to harbor romantic sensations for you. Importantly though, love spells shouldn’t be about hijacking another person’s will.

Whilst various White magic love spells are incredibly complicated, asking for mysterious ingredients and execution at specified times, others are really straightforward.

For instance, you can certainly conduct a love spell by charging a candle with magickal intention!
Merely connect your will to it using words, dance, song, or even telepathically, then light the wick. When the candle has burned entirely, your spell has been cast. There are online resources and manuals that are able to help you pinpoint which spells speak to your particular situation, along with to your soul.

Even White Magic Love Spells Still Follow The Rule of 3

Every time you’re accumulating and pointing energy, take into consideration the law of threefold return: Anything you cast loose into the world– positive or negative– will most likely be returned to you three times. Depending on the spell, this triplicity can relate to either pattern or effectiveness, but irrespective, casting spells ethically will bring about the best outcomes for others and for yourself.

At the end of the day, my beautiful cosmic troopers, there is no higher power than light. Probably the most beneficial spells are those rooted in rapport, kindness, and compassion, therefore you should always conjure with warmth.

Learning White Magic Spells That Work

In finding out all about powerful white magic love spells, you will notice that they are some of the most popular kind of love spell to cast.

In fact, approximately 85% of spell casters only cast spells consisting of white magic.

White magic love spells are supposed to cure and help, and unquestionably not to hurt and build hardships.
When a spell does not harm anyone or anything, then can it be considered white magic.

This variety of love magic spell can help people fall in love blissfully and more deeply.
Rituals for this type of magic can vary. Spell casters carry a wide range of traditions, personal preferences, ancestral roots, and expertise with the craft.

These rituals can be anything from prayers, incantations, talismans, evoking spirits, candle magic, crystals, and other things pertaining to the full moon.

When casting a spell of this kind, it is OK to beseech higher beings to support. Everything and anything can be an aspect of white magic love spells.

When executed properly, these spells work hard to deliver eternal and fulfilling love to those included with the cast.

If Goddess believes that the target of the spell will only make you miserable, the spell may not come true. It may open up a door for your soul mate to locate you sooner than you would have believed.

Because white magic spells are enabled by spirits far more intelligent than us, they do work in mysterious ways by keeping away from our false beliefs and offering us true love.

White magic love spells give you what you really need to have, and not just what you request, which triggers amazing outcomes.

When Its Time to Cast Your White Magic Love Spells!

Once you have found the spell, prepare yourself for the casting and then follow the instructions in the spell. You will need to fully throw yourself into the spell, dedicating all your belief and energy and power into it. Experience every word you say and visualize the magic in the air around you as you cast. Importantly, don’t forget to visualize your intended outcome and end goals.

Never rely upon instant or overnight results for your first spell, or even your second and third endeavor! It can take a little bit of practice to get used to it. You will also need practice on understanding and observing results.

In some cases, the results are subtle initially however show your direction towards the goal. These real white magic love spells can take days to months for full manifestations being that they can possibly be unpredictable at times.

Keep your eyes open for any encouraging changes or openings in your life that will have come as a result of your magic.

You need to be patient with your skills and development when it pertains to White magic spells. If your magick and intentions are pure and come from the right place, you give yourself every opportunity of casting highly effective White magic love spells!

The Article White Magic Love Spells – How They Work Best First Appeared ON
: https://gqcentral.co.uk

The post White Magic Love Spells – How They Work Best appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

The Mistake Of Using 3rd Party Site Metrics For Backlink Qualification

The Mistake Of Using 3rd Party Site Metrics For Backlink Qualification

The Mistake of Using 3rd Party Site Metrics for Backlink Qualification

Table of Contents

Third-party domain metrics like domain authority, domain rating, and trust flow are unreliable for determining the quality of a backlink.

However, many SEOs still rely on these metrics, particularly Domain Authority, to decide the quality of external domains.


A site’s backlink graph can significantly influence its rankings within search results and 3rd party tools only provide limited insight into how links are weighted by Google.

While metrics such as DA is commonly used to qualify backlink partners and high-quality guest post link opportunities, its importance is overstated and far too much trust is placed in its measurements.

Are SEO & Domain Metrics Trustworthy?

The short answer, no.

While third party metrics do provide some indicator of site quality, you cannot trust them to guide decision making. The scores indicate what should happen, not what will happen. Don’t rely on predictions that are based on a limited scope of data.

According to Moz, “Domain Authority is not a metric used by Google in determining search rankings and has no effect on the SERPs.”

Third-party SEO metrics are not equal to PageRank or other Google metrics. They are neither used by nor endorsed by Google.

There is no reason to believe they are a ranking factor or even something Google considers.

So why trust these metrics to advise us?

SEOs need a tangible measurement. Google’s PageRank used to provide specific metrics measuring quality, but Google has since stopped providing PR metrics externally, though PageRank is still used in internal Google algorithms.

With Google’s quality metric gone from public view, SEOs are looking to fill the void with a solid indicator of how a site is performing. Don’t fall into this problematic trap.

Why Relying on Domain Metrics is a Problem

Depending on these metrics can lead you astray while developing a backlinking strategy, as well as evaluating domains for acquisition. There are massive inconsistencies between metrics and actual site quality. These inconsistencies impact domain quality, leading to both overestimations and underestimations.

You might be surprised to learn inaccuracies happen all the time.

But inaccuracies should be expected, which is why reliance is an issue. Google’s RankBrain Algorithm has been ever-changing and learning since 1993. Many of these metrics have been around only half that time. How can third party metrics even come close to an algorithm that’s been learning for the last 27 years? The complexity of the algorithm cannot be matched. Here’s why:

Too Simplistic: Only Evaluate 20% of Relevant Factors

Fundamentally, there are issues with third party domain metrics and quality scores because they are not designed to analyze every single piece of data. While Google’s algorithm is designed to crawl the vast reaches of the web to gather and analyze all data, the algorithms used to quantify third party metrics are simplistic in comparison. They do not gather enough data for a complete, realistic picture. Each tool only has a piece of the puzzle.

If we want to give weight to these metrics, domains must be evaluated on the same scale that search engines use. According to Moz.com, MOZ’s DA is, “meant to approximate how competitive a given site is” on Google. However the metrics are nowhere near apples to apples, because the evaluation process is different.

Currently, MOZ combines over 40 website factors to figure a site’s DA score. While this may seem like enough, Google evaluates over 200 ranking factors. MOZ is only evaluating 20% of the factors that Google considers relevant.

You cannot trust metrics that are evaluating considerably less factors than real search engines. These third party tools are only seeing a part of the deeper picture. What if the missing pieces provide the greatest impact?

These tools cannot calculate at the complexity which website authority and quality are actually determined. While DA 2.0 is live, it still offers a far more simplistic scope than that utilized by search engines. When tools don’t have every piece of information, they provide an inaccurate metric.

Missed Backlinks: Not Enough Resources

These third party tools don’t have the resources to crawl the web in its entirety. They are incapable of finding every single backlink. Instead, they base their metrics off backlink sample sets and estimations.

Third party tools are not equipped to evaluate every backlink, so it’s common for backlinks to not be counted when evaluating a domain’s metits. You cannot trust them to provide a complete picture.

If you compare a domain’s backlink count across different tools, chances are each count is different. There is no way to be sure which count is accurate. What if the missed backlinks are actually the highest quality links pointing to the site? This can greatly impact the judgement of site quality.

Metrics are Predictions

Despite what many SEOs think, third party metrics are not based on measurable performance in SERPs. Domain metrics are only predictions of how well a domain should perform on Google based on analyzed domain variables.

Predictions can be wrong or misleading. These forecasts are never guaranteed to be correct and can leave out important factors that may impact rankings and quality. More often than not, there are discrepancies in the stated (predicted) DA & actual DA because it isn’t based on past results, but rather assumptions that fill in data gaps. This is stated by aHrefs themselves: 

Inconsistencies Between Tools

Another important factor is the inconsistency between platforms and their respective domain tools. When you compare domain scores and backlink audits from different SEO tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs, Majestic SEO, and Moz, they hardly ever match up. A domain’s backlink count, referring domains, and overall domain score will differ between tools due to many factors, including:

  • Different crawl timelines
  • Utilizing different crawlers
  • Measuring different metrics
  • Different quality formulas & algorithms

Each platform utilizes a different crawler, so the results will vary. Would you trust metrics that give different scores for the same domain?

Metrics Can be Manipulated

If you’re considering purchasing a domain, there are tactics site owners can use to manipulate DA for higher prices. Those looking to attract backlinks can also manipulate the metrics.

Here’s a real life example. Julie Joyce of Link Fish Media, “grabbed a small list of sites in their Do Not Contact Database and checked to see what their DA was [after DA 2.0 was implemented]. [She] expected the DA to be very low on these sites as many of them are in the database because they are constantly spamming everyone with emails offering to sell links and almost all of them openly sell links on their sites. Surprisingly, about 75% of them still had a DA higher than 30.”

Moz’s updated DA tool didn’t recognize the low quality of these spammy sites. They were manipulating the metrics to look like high quality domains, when in reality they are not high quality sites.

Google Warns Against Heavy Reliance on One Metric

Even Google found fault focusing on a single metric too much…

Google has stated that a single score or metric does not take into account enough factors to accurately determine rankings. A combination of factors will always be used.

While PageRank was once the be-all-end-all metric for websites, that time has come and gone. Google began utilizing PageRank heavily beginning in 2000, providing a quantifiable PageRank score. However, Google determined that relying on one metric didn’t accurately match quality content to search queries. So they removed it.

Even when PageRank existed, Google didn’t want to rely only on this one metric. They combined this metric with other factors to get a better overall understanding. You should apply this same idea.

How to Avoid Overreliance on Metrics

There are multiple strategies you can use to avoid the pitfalls of relying on one metric too heavily. The first is the most obvious…

Don’t Use One Metric: Use a Holistic Approach

You should not put too much stock in one metric, but rather take a holistic approach. Consider the average of all metrics to determine the quality of domains and identify trends.

It’s wise to take the metrics with a grain of salt. While Moz has updated their DA metric to increase trustworthiness, it’s still not enough. Many quality scores do not match the reality in search engines. You must employ a more well-rounded evaluation.

Utilize Manual Evaluation & Common Sense

Do manual evaluation. There are many other indicators you can reference to avoid being led astray by third party metrics. Look at a site’s linking strategy, content quality, and overall domain to determine it’s worth. With manual discovery, you may find a site that ranks high, but has low metrics. Similarly, we see sites that have high scores but rank for few keywords.

Use common sense when judging the quality and authority of a domain. While the evaluation won’t be as detailed or perfect as Google, don’t forget what truly matters – relevance, engagement, and traffic.

Consider quickly looking through the site to see if the backlink will be relevant and content is high-quality. Does the domain rank for target keywords? Relevancy, rankings and content quality are more impactful than a domain quality score….

Looking for Relevance is Key

While a site quality is important, there are other factors that significantly impact the value of a link or domain. Relevance to your own site matters as much, if not more than quality. If you get a backlink from a high DA site, but it is completely irrelevant to your content, chances are it won’t impact rankings.

Use common sense to determine if a backlink is relevant to you…

  • Does the link compliment your content?
  • Is the link out of place?
  • Does it provide relevant information to your audience?
  • Is there natural flow?

High-Quality Content Increases Audience

If your link is included in quality content, chances are your audience will grow. While the link juice passed between domains can give you a ranking boost, so can the direct ranking factors that will be impacted by increased traffic.

High-quality content can reduce bounce rate, increase time on page, and lead to more return visitors. All these combined can increase your rankings.

Check the Rankings for Domains

We advise to check the rankings for relevant domains, even if their quality score is low. By checking the rankings, you can potentially find high-value domains that rank, but have low third party metrics and less competition for backlinks. Our team has seen domains with low DA or other scores, but rank high in the SERPs. It’s not uncommon.

Misleading Metrics Lead to Ill-Advised Strategy

Don’t write off sites because of low DA, DR or other quality metrics. Look at all scores to get an overall picture. While third party metrics like DA & Trust Flow can be useful in getting an overall idea of site quality, you should not focus on them heavily. Even if there’s low scores across the board, the site may still be ranking well and attracting a meaningful amount of traffic.

These SEO metrics can mislead you to overvalue or undervalue a website! Your link building can be negatively impacted if you put too much weight into any one metric – or all of them.

A website’s quality third party metrics aren’t everything. They don’t give you a complete picture. It’s like making a judgement with only part of the information, which can lead you down the wrong path.

Remember, Google has never divulged their 200+ ranking factors. No one knows what they’re judging based on. They utilize so many factors in decision making, because quality and authority can’t be boiled down to a number.

This is why Web 2.0 Ranker cautions against relying on third party metrics. Even if you plan to continue utilizing these metrics, employ manual discovery and common sense when evaluating the merits of domains.

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What to Look For When Hiring a WordPress Website Design Company

What to Look For When Hiring a WordPress Website Design Company
Web Development

Businesses of all sizes have found WordPress to be a highly capable website building platform and hosting service. WordPress has proven particularly useful when it comes to adding SEO elements to your business’s online home.

WordPress’s ability to help businesses optimize their website for popular search engines such as Google or Bing is a major reason why this platform is the number one website builder and CMS service on the planet.

But when you’re ready to create your WordPress website, it’s important to remember that even though WordPress is optimized for people with no web design knowledge, you can still get a lot more out of your website design when you work with a WordPress web design company.

But how does WordPress impact your ability to optimize your site for SEO algorithms? And what benefits are there to using a WordPress website design company instead of just trying to do it all yourself?

Why opt for WordPress?

WordPress is the most popular content management system on the planet.

In the CMS industry, it holds 61.8% of the market share, which is more than every single one of its major competitors combined.

(Image Source)

It has been estimated that 35% of the internet’s 1.3 billion websites are powered by the WordPress platform. And it’s not just small start up companies, either.

Massive enterprise level organizations like CNN, The New York Times, and many more use WordPress to run their online empire.

Not only is WordPress a truly massive CMS, but it is a rapidly expanding system.

For example, WordCamps is composed of local communities, which encompasses users of all skill levels. WordCamps focus on WordPress education, with users from the community all coming together to educate and share ideas with one another.

WordPress is also available all over the world, appearing in more than 100 languages. That means you’ll be able to localize your content for audiences abroad, which is important if your website is meant to appeal to users outside your country of origin.

Another popular element of WordPress is its ability to handle traffic.

With smaller CMS and hosting platforms, you might have to worry about bandwidth overloads taking your site down. WordPress sees 20 billion page views per month and keeps on going with no issues.

It’s also a home run in terms of usability.

While we firmly believe that you should hire a WordPress website design company to build your site, you won’t be a slave to that company forever.

WordPress’s user experience is so simplistic that your developer can hand the site over to you and teach you how to add new content easily. This is especially important for blogging efforts, as you want to be able to post blogs regularly without having to go through a third party.

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What Does Your Website Design Have To Do With SEO?

SEO is an acronym in digital marketing that stands for Search Engine Optimization.

Simply put, SEO is a series of content tweaks on both the front and back ends of your website that will make your pages more appealing to search engines such as Google.

Google is by far the most popular search engine in the world, with a search engine market share of 94%. So, while every search engine may have its own algorithm for determining what shows up at the top of results, many SEO experts focus on Google’s formula.

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Powerful SEO can help you appear at the top of the first page when someone searches for the services or products that you offer.

There’s also something called a featured snippet, which is a small excerpt from a website that answers a specific question a searcher might ask. This is known as position zero and it is a highly sought after spot on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

So, how do you improve your SEO?

You optimize your on page content, for a start, sprinkling it with relevant keywords so that Google’s search bots will take note of your authority on the subject.

You also have to optimize the back end of your site, including title tags, image titles, and alt descriptions.

Then, you have to create a series of links, both on and off your page that will direct searchers to your content. You not only need to create an internal web of links between your pages, but you also have to get outside sites to link back to you.

External links are also called backlinks. Backlinks are one of the most important elements of SEO, and one of the most difficult to execute.

Some people are lucky enough to be both SEO experts and business owners. These people should have no problem conducting their own SEO and improving their organic reach. However, this is the exception and not the rule.

Typically, businesses hire outside parties to shape their SEO strategy. The thing about search algorithms is that they’re always changing, and SEO experts keep their ear to the “Google ground” to monitor shifts that could impact ranking efforts.

So, when you’re working with an outside company to design and develop your website, you should make sure that they also have SEO experience.

It’s much easier to build SEO into your WordPress website from the get go than to go back and optimize a site that was built without SEO in mind.

How Can WordPress Help With SEO?

So, now you have an elementary understanding of how both WordPress and SEO work. But how do they work together to create a system that’s both a killer CMS and a SEO machine?

SEO professionals love WordPress. That’s because the reputation of WordPress carries a lot of weight.

Google tends to rank WordPress sites higher than other CMS platforms.

That’s mostly thanks to WordPress’s compliance coding. It also uses semantic markups, which Google tends to love.

What does that mean in English? WordPress creates code that appeals to Google’s search algorithm better than its biggest competitors.

The end result is a website that starts off the SEO race with a head start, as far as Google is concerned.

It’s almost like walking into a job interview with a really great reference from a source that the company you’re interviewing with values highly. You still have to impress them with your knowledge and experience, but you’re already starting off at an advantage.

WordPress makes the SEO experience all the easier because it offers you a large selection of categories and tags.

Of course, this can be a bit confusing at first, especially if you’ve never categorized content for SEO before. That’s another area where working with SEO knowledgeable WordPress professionals comes in handy.

By utilizing these categories and tags, you’re creating a better user experience for the people who come to your site. That’s great for them, but it’s also great for Google.

For starters, anything that improves the overall user experience is seen as a feather in your cap when it comes to Google rankings.

Consider the fact that Google is one of the most respected companies in the world, and its word goes a long way.

Because of that, the company wants to make sure that the sites it recommends in number one spots are of a certain quality. The company is signing off on you and attaching its good name to that recommendation.

Then you have to consider the fact that Google’s bots have to comb through and categorize all of your content. If you’ve already separated everything out in a way that makes it easier for Google to work through, you’re going to be rewarded for that.

The better Google can digest the nature of your content and the structure of your site, the more accurate its ranking efforts will be in establishing your place among your top competitors.

Using WordPress you can create categories and subcategories that will keep the site organized and make you far more appealing to Google.

WordPress can also be used to integrate social media, which is something Google cares about. Plus, you’re able to optimize every page of your website for mobile browsers.

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As any WordPress development agency will tell you, mobile internet usage has increased exponentially over the years.

You want to make sure that the template you’re using is responsive, in that it automatically adapts depending on the device that’s being used to view it. Every WordPress theme is mobile responsive, which shows Google that the site will display properly no matter how it is viewed.

There are also a number of SEO plugins available for WordPress, the most popular being Yoast SEO.

These plugins monitor your SEO progress and even make recommendations as to how you might improve. Yoast is just one WordPress plugin among many, so you’re going to be able to find one that suits you.

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Finally, the CMS makes it very easy to update the backend of your WordPress site.

You’re able to easily access your metadata, as well as add titles and alt tags to images. Title tags for every page are also customizable and can be optimized with keywords.

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Factors to Consider When Hiring a WordPress Web Design Company

WordPress can be a stellar tool for SEO success. But much like any tool, it’s only effective when you know how to use it properly. So if you’re not an SEO expert, you should seek out someone who is.

When building a custom WordPress website, this typically means finding a company that specializes in WordPress web design with a history of SEO success.

Unfortunately, the WordPress designer industry is crowded and noisy so you might not know exactly what you’re looking for.

Here are a few different factors to look out for when trying to select the WordPress website design company for you.

1. Experience

Experience is a definite factor when trying to select a website designer for WordPress.

You have to look at the history of the company or individual that’s vying to create your new website. How many years have they been developing on WordPress? What kind of websites have they created?

You should ask to see a company’s portfolio of past projects. This should also include a number of sites that were created in recent years and are still operational.

You’ll be able to gauge a design company’s level of success based on how their past clients are doing.

Also take a look at the company’s actual website. If they have a bad website, or one full of errors, then that’s an immediate sign that they don’t know what they’re doing.

2. User Reviews

What do the company’s past clients have to say about the work they received?

Most of the companies you come across will (or should, at least) have customer reviews up on their website. If they don’t, that’s definitely an issue and you should ask for testimonials.

But it’s good to remember that most businesses are going to lead with their best foot when it comes to reviews.

You’re not going to find any horrible reviews on the business’s website. That means you’re going to have to do some digging to get truly unbiased reporting.

Look up Google reviews on the business you’re speaking with. Go on social media and do a search for them.

Cast a wide net and weigh the good reviews against the bad, then see which side makes a more compelling argument.

3. SEO Knowledge

Just because a company can make pretty WordPress websites doesn’t mean that they know anything about how to use the platform for SEO.

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Make sure you’re asking SEO specific questions when you meet with company representatives for the first time. Ask them their opinions on how the Google algorithm has shifted over the years.

Also, get a list of websites they’ve optimized in the past in order to gauge their success rate.

It’s one thing to know how to say all of the SEO hot button words, but if they’ve never actually succeeded in optimizing a site to the top of a SERP, then it’s all just hot air.

4. Established Process

The WordPress design firm that you contract with should have an established website development and optimization process that you can follow along with.

Everything should clearly be defined in a series of steps or phases. You should be consulted and be able to weigh in on many of these phases.

If a company doesn’t have an established process, that’s a major problem. You don’t want to contract with WordPress web design companies who just wing it and make things up as they go along.

Any experienced company will have an established process that’s been “battle tested” over time. As the customer, you should be comfortable with the process they’ve laid out.

5. Communication

Make sure that the company you choose to create your WordPress website speaks your language fluently so that nothing is lost in translation when communicating your goals and needs.

It’s also important to make sure that you have a point of contact within the company that will report to you with some regularity.

Your questions and concerns should be answered quickly, and you should be consulted on design elements throughout the process.

In Conclusion

WordPress is an excellent platform for creating and optimizing a website.

By working with a professional WordPress development company, you have a better chance of ending up with a quality website that will boost your visibility and lead generation to increase your profits.

Don’t fumble around blindly. Much as your customers trust you to provide them with a service, you can use the criteria above to find a WordPress developer that will create the optimized website of your dreams.

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Since 2009, we have helped many businesses design custom WordPress websites. Let us do it for you!

The post What to Look For When Hiring a WordPress Website Design Company appeared first on HigherVisibility.

Winnebago Motorhomes – Iconic 1960s RVs Loved By Road Culture America

Winnebago Motorhomes – Iconic 1960s RVs Loved By Road Culture America

Winnebago motorhomes were named after Winnebago County, where the company HQ is located, and originated in the late 1950s with an iconic, “boxy forward sloping” campervan style which lasted through the 1960s and 1970s. Those old RVs were destined to be loved by Road Culture America. To prove that point we begin this article by providing 5 examples of road culture and media involvement, as follows:

  1. The 1987 film Spaceballs featured a modified Winnebago fitted with wings and rocket engines for spaceflight (Scroll to view video).
  2. The 2008-2013 television series Breaking Bad featured a family man who turned a Winnebago into a mobile methamphetamine lab.
  3. The 2009 animated television series Glenn Martin, DDS has a dentist take his family on a road trip in a Winnebago after accidentally burning down their home. It is said to have been based on a similarly themed 1971 television movie In Search of America starring Jeff Bridges.
  4. The 2010 documentary film Winnebago Man was about an RV salesman whose profane outtakes from a 1989 Winnebago industrial film contrasted a would-be wholesome image with sordid reality. The clip had circulated underground on VHS tape until popularised by Internet users.
  5. Opening line to the song San Ber’dino by Frank Zappa , “She lives in Mojave in a Winnebago, His name is Bobby, he looks like a potato.”

Featured image text: "Winnebago Motorhomes Iconic 1960s RVs".

“Winnebago Industries depended on Native American history and traditions in naming their products”

Winnebago Industries, Inc., is an American manufacturer of motorhomes, a type of recreational vehicle (RV), in the United States. It is based in Forest City, Iowa. On June 4, 2018, the company expanded into motorboat manufacturing with the acquisition of Chris-Craft Corporation. Winnebago has also manufactured light-to-medium utility vehicles as well as other products. The company is named after Winnebago County, where it is located. The county is named after the Native American tribe who have historically lived in the area. During the 1970s and 1980s, Winnebago Industries depended on Native American history and traditions in naming their products, for example “Chieftain” and “Brave.” They also used Native American iconography and patterns in their designs and period advertisements.

Winnebago Motorhomes Were First Funded to Revive the Local Economy

The company was founded by Forest City businessman John K. Hanson in February 1958. At the time, the town, located in Winnebago County, Iowa, was undergoing an economic downturn, so Hanson and a group of community leaders convinced a California firm, Modernistic Industries, to open a travel trailer factory in a bid to revive the local economy.

Now watch our short video to see more Winnebago pictures! We made it, especially for all our readers!

“Thermo-Panel” Lightweight Sidewall Cladding Material an Early In-house Innovation

Surviving a rough beginning, the entire operation was purchased by five Midwesterners, with Hanson serving as president. In 1960, the name of the company was changed to Winnebago Industries. To improve quality, Winnebago Industries manufactured furniture and other components designed specifically for its travel trailers. One such innovation was the “Thermo-Panel”, a strong, lightweight sidewall that was a characteristic of Winnebago products.

At Business Renaming in 1960 Winnebago Motorhomes Cost Only Half of the Cost of Competing Models

In 1966, the first motor home rolled off the Winnebago Industries assembly lines. These motor homes were sold at a price approximately half of what was being charged for competitors’ models, which led to its ubiquity and popularity in the RV community. The brand name has become synonymous with “motor home” and is commonly used as a generic trademark for such vehicles, whether they were produced by the company or not.

Motorhomes Company Grows to 2,440 Employees

In March 2015, Winnebago announced that it was opening a production center to employ 70 in Waverly, Iowa, due to labor shortage issues in the Forest City area. The company now employs about 2,400 workers in Forest City, 200 in Charles City and 60 in Lake Mills, plus additional employees in Middlebury, Indiana.

In 2017 when CEO Mike Happe was brought in, Winnebago established their management offices in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

Aussie Company Hijack Winnebago’s Brand

In July 2012, a Justice of the Federal Court of Australia determined that a Sydney businessman, Bruce Binns, had “intentionally hijacked” the well-known American brand “in a bold attempt to preempt Winnebago’s opening its doors here”. Versions of Winnebago models were manufactured in Australia by Binns’s Knott Investments, using a logo which bore a striking resemblance to Winnebago’s U.S. logo, from about 1982. In 1992, Winnebago and Binns signed a settlement for him to stop passing off his products as those of Winnebago, yet he continued to do so. In 1997 he registered Winnebago as a trademark in Australia. The court ordered the cancellation of this Winnebago trademark in Australia.

On appeal in 2013, Chief Justice Allsop found that “…Knott and Mr Binns had from the outset deliberately sought to obtain some connection with Winnebago and take advantage of any reputation Winnebago may have had in Australia as at 1978. However, the fact that Knott had manufactured and sold RVs under the Winnebago name in Australia for 32 years, 25 years of which was with the knowledge of Winnebago, was an unusual situation which could not be overlooked”. Accordingly, Allsop held that it was appropriate that Knott be permitted to continue to use the Winnebago name and logos, provided the distinction between its business and Winnebago’s was made clear.

Courts Enforce Strict Dislaimer Requirement on Australian Emulator Company

As a result of the case, a disclaimer was required to be made clear on any vehicles made by Knott in the future, and on any advertising and promotional material. Further, all future consumers of Australian Winnebago/Avida products are required to sign a disclaimer declaring they have been made aware that they are not purchasing a United States Winnebago product. The disclaimer reads “These vehicles were not manufactured by, or by anyone having any association with, Winnebago of the United States.”

In 2014, Avida RV announced they would reintroduce the Winnebago name and logo to their premium range of RV products. This announcement came just one month before Winnebago Industries announced they were entering the Australian market for the first time. Binns is currently opposing the registration of the Winnebago trademark in Australia, despite having been refused permission to hold the trademark himself.

Minnie Winnie Model Introduced Plus “Route Van”

In 1973, the company introduced a new model, the Minnie Winnie, built on the Dodge B-series van chassis. It was about 19-1/2 feet (5.9 m) long (despite the name, longer than the shortest contemporary Brave model). Longer models were added through the years. This model continued (using Chevrolet or Ford chassis after 1980) to be built into the 21st century. As fuel prices went up over time, the company continued to make smaller models available, such as the “Winnie Wagon” with a low profile and pop-top.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Winnebago also manufactured light- and medium-duty utility vehicles using techniques and knowledge derived from motorhome production. Their “Route Van” was an aluminum-bodied step-through van with front-wheel drive. Engines were Cummins 4BTA diesel four-cylinders producing between 105 and 120 hp (78 and 89 kW). Model codes were W650, W750, W850, and W950 depending on weight rating.

Winnebago Motorhomes Move to Smaller Units With Better Fuel Economy

The company also developed a line of smaller units slightly larger than a passenger van, built using various bodies and powerplants from two European automobile and truck manufacturers. The LeSharo was based on the Renault Trafic van with a 2.2 L 4-cylinder motor, and the “Rialta” had a Volkswagen Transporter (T4) (a.k.a. “EuroVan”) cab, the 2.5-liter five-cylinder motor, 2.8-liter VR6 with 140 BHP or 2.8 V6 engine with 201 BHP. Distinct from the “Rialta”, Volkswagen contracted to have the camper conversions of the T4 be done by Winnebago Industries, a radical departure from using the Germany-based Westfalia company that had become famous for building the VW Type 2 campmobile models from the 1950s through 1991. This tradition continues today with Winnebago’s use of the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter and Fiat Ducato chassis.

Winnebago Motorhomes – Conclusion

The Winnebago and other motorhomes occupy a central place in American road culture, according to former English professor James B. Twitchell. When assembled together in a circle, the vehicles can be reminiscent of the covered wagons of the Old West. Choices of camping ground can vary from the slickly corporate Kampgrounds of America to the anarchistic Slab City, California.

Films and television series featuring Winnebagos often deal in a similar clash between rival urges for domesticity and adventure. The home on wheels can be a cosy family sanctuary, or an escape to a free and nomadic life on the road with all its perils.

Final facts include:

German politician Guido Westerwelle (FDP) used a Winnebago Elante 37 painted in the FDP colours yellow and blue and called “Guidomobil” during his campaign for the 2002 German federal election, which received much media attention.

Murdoc Niccals of Gorillaz owns a Winnebago.

The post Winnebago Motorhomes – Iconic 1960s RVs Loved By Road Culture America appeared first on Precious RV.

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: https://gqcentral.co.uk

The post Winnebago Motorhomes – Iconic 1960s RVs Loved By Road Culture America appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

When Power Outlets Spark

When Power Outlets Spark

When a Power outlets spark , It can be normal and not so normal!

We take electricity for granted and we also trust that the electrical components in our homes are safe and effective.
We can turn on a light  switch and the light almost instantly turns on and we know we can leave a light burning for hours without any safety concerns.
When we do see a spark of electricity it is normal to feel concerned.

So, why do power outlets spark?

Sometimes it can happen when you turn on a switch or pull an appliance out of the wall socket. You can see a small blue spark and sometimes even feel a slight zap.


sparks from a power point

Normal Sparking

Now some sparks are totally normal and some sparks do require you call an electrician.
Firstly, lets understand why a spark can happen and why it is normal.
Your home is divided into different electrical circuits and electrical power loops through the circuits continuously.
A power point or power outlet is where an appliance can be plugged in to join the loop of electrical current that is running around your home.

Constant Supply Of Electricity

When the plug is pushed into the power point, there’s always a split second when the plug and power outlet is almost touching.
The electrical current can jump across that gap and sometimes it makes a spark and the same thing happens when you pull the cord out of the power point.

The electricity continues to flow until the prongs are completely pulled out of the outlet. There might be a spark occur as the prong is pulled out.
The unused electricity has to go somewhere and when it cannot find anywhere to go, it creates a spark.


This type of sparking is annoying and can even give you a tiny zap – But you can do things to minimise it

  • Turn off the appliance before pulling the cord out of the socket.
  • Don’t pull the plug out on an angle. It will likely cause a spark and you can damage the prongs.
  • Don’t yank the cord out quickly.

When Does Sparking Need To Be Looked At?

There are four types of power point sparks that you shouldn’t ignore:

  • Fizzle sparks. A normal spark will be a quick blue flash. One that fizzles and lingers is a sign there is a problem.
  • Large sparks. If visible sparks are coming out of the power point. Call an electrician immediately
  • Yellow or white sparks.  A normal spark as discussed above, are blue in colour. Yellow or white are not typical spark colours so please seek licensed advice.
  • Burning sparks. If a spark is followed by the smell of smoke or melting plastic, you may have an immediate problem and should immediately shut off the outlet at the circuit panel. Call an electrician. There maybe something wrong with the power outlet or the appliance may have a faulty cord, Either way you could have an electrical fire on your hands if you do not seek advice.

What Causes The Electrical Sparking?


There are a few reasons why dangerous sparking can occur:

  • Short circuiting. If a power outlet’s wires are touching each other and can cause a short circuit. This causes significant heat which can cause a fire.
  • Water. There may be a leak within your walls, or perhaps the power point has had direct water contact ( being splashed or flooding)  You will need to call an electrician if you suspect internal water leaking and also call a plumber.
  • Overloading. The more appliances and devices you have plugged into a power point the greater the potential for sparking. Spread your appliances out safely and use other power points. If your home does not have enough, then call an electrician to install more outlets in the areas you need.
  • Old power points. It is recommended that they be replaced every 20 years or so.
    If there is visible damage like a crack or the switch has come loose, get this seen to faster.
    Repeated use over time, will cause the electrical wiring inside your outlets can wear out. Eventually the entire circuit in the home will need to be rewired along with replacing the power outlets.
  • Improper repairs. If you see sparking in an outlet that was installed or repaired by someone who lacks the required licensing and certifications. You should have the work inspected and repaired by a licensed electrician.

It Might Be Tempting To DIY Electrical Work

Trying to Do-It-Yourself is great for many household repairs, but professional help is required for anything electrical.

Doing illegal DIY electrical work, apart from looking terrible in appearance, can be truly dangerous to all inhabitants of the home.
Many house fires are caused by electrical safety problems.
Licensed Electricians and Licensed Electrical Inspectors are the only people who can authoritatively inspect wiring, and only Licensed Electricians can fix faulty electrical problems

Australian Electrical standards

The main standard to which all electrical installations including those in domestic dwellings adhere is the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3000:2007 (referred to as the Australian / New Zealand Wiring Rules), including amendments. The requirements of AS/NZS 3000:2007 are strict for very good reasons and each state has there own standards and inspectors

Electrical Safety

Don’t Risk Your Home

Did you know that your home insurance policy will also require that all electrical work be conducted by a licensed and insured electrician?
In the event of a fire or accident, if the cause was linked to electrical work which wasn’t completed by a licensed electrician. Your home insurance policy could potentially be void.
This will leave you uncovered and out of pocket if something happens to your home.


Call In Professional Electricians

 Some of the key electrical services offered by Brisbane Electricians include but is not limited to;

  1. Air Conditioner Installation
  2. Electrical Wiring for new homes
  3. Security system installation
  4. Test and Tag for your appliances
  5. Residential wiring repair and installation

Our Team of Brisbane electricians are on standby to ensure your home is safe from electrical faults.


The Article When Power Outlets Spark First Appeared ON
: https://gqcentral.co.uk

The post When Power Outlets Spark appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Fitbit Versa 3 Review – VS Versa 2 and the Latest Smartwatches By Apple and Samsung

Fitbit Versa 3 Review – VS Versa 2 and the Latest Smartwatches By Apple and Samsung

Fitbit’s Versa lineup, in this Fitbit Versa 3 Review, has so far been reliably delivering very significant improvements with every new model. Now in its third iteration, the Fitbit Versa 3 is generally seen as ranking among the best of today’s smartwatches. This third reincarnation isn’t just a new and better-looking device. It also adds useful software improvements and design tweaks to become a formidable rival to the Apple Watch SE. At the very least it’s undeniably a fitness tracker with very obvious appeal.

Famously starting out as a brand largely focusing on step-counting, Fitbit has branched out its activity trackers in recent years to cover other sports such as running. It has also ventured into the smartwatch market, which already features some truly big-hitters such as Apple and Samsung.

Is Versa 3 Truly The First “Mass Appeal Smart Watch From Fitbit”?

I am a serial Fitbit owner my first purchase was the Fitbit Charge 2, about 4 years ago. Although I liked it, I soon went over to the Fitbit Inspire 2 Fitness Tracker, and recently I retook the plunge for the added monitoring features of the Versa 3. I sold off my still almost new Versa 2 to a friend as soon as I saw the 3rd version. I just could not resist giving my wrist a fancy upgrade with the Fitbit Versa 3!

Image text: "Fitbit Versa 3 Review".

The $399. 95 Versa 3 has been dubbed as the ‘mass appeal smart watch’, and in my opinion, this model really delivers on its marketing message. This is in fact just one of the San Francisco-based company’s two brand new smartwatches. But, you can be sure that more will be coming.

“Make no mistake about it. They are on their way to revolutionizing the standard timepieces worn by all humanity for centuries. For “smartwatch” think “watch of the future”!”

To give the background to this piece. Let me tell you that I pre-ordered the Fitbit Charge 2 when it was first released. This was my first Fitbit of any kind, so I didn’t know what to expect. All I can say is that the onboard software was in those days more than a bit buggy. The screen lagged often, it froze on many occasions, and sometimes didn’t wake on motion (even though it was set to do that).

But, in a few short years, things have moved on and my view is that reliability is so much better in the Versa.

For many people, the Fitbit smartwatch come “tracker” range has become rather confusing, as they launched four new wearable devices or upgrades in 2020:

  • The Charge 4 Wristband Upgrade: A multi-sport mode device allowing users to start workouts from their Fitbit
  • The Versa 3 Smartwatch upgrade which is the subject of this review
  • The Sense Smartwatch: A $330 Apple Watch competitor
  • Upgrades to its Versa (Versa 3) and
  • An upgraded Inspire (Inspire 2) which although it does not monitor heart rate, or floors climbed, has similar features to the Fitbit Charge 3.

As has been the case with most such events this year, the devices were announced at a virtual launch event, and with so many stores being closed there have been few opportunities to view the range “hands-on”, and talk about the range with sales assistants, before buying.

If you are short of time, just watch our short (1 minute) video below which summarises the main points made in the review:

What You Get With Other Fitbit Products

The Charge 4 is Fitbit’s most powerful tracker with several upgrades over the Inspire 2, including GPS, NFC, and Spotify controls, along with a handful of rudimentary apps such as “weather” and “calendar”. What you don’t get: the charge 4 doesn’t have Fitbit’s newest Purepulse 2.

As we approach the end of the third month of 2021, it’s also approaching near six months with the Fitbit Versa 3 as my primary tracker. Having previously reviewed the tracker back in early December, there was still a lot to unpack. As explained earlier, after a lot of back and forth, I decided to upgrade from my less-than-one-year-old Fitbit Charge 2 to a Fitbit Versa 3.

Here is why. First, if you haven’t seen Versa 3 already you won’t understand how much nicer the 3rd iteration looks. So, and enjoy a little schadenfreude! Enjoy this list of angst about my tortured decision-making process:

  • I had previously preordered a Fitbit Sense and Apple Watch Series 6 Smartwatches, twice each, before cancelling each order before dispatch they were close to what I thought a great smartwatch should provide but each time seemed to just miss the mark
  • Twice each, I ordered and cancelled before then settling on the Versa 3 as soon as I saw it!

Fitbit Versa 3 Review: A Good Watch with Great Value

There have been negative reviews of the Versa, but I beg to differ from them all. I am loving my Fitbit Versa 3 so far. The screen is attractive, the casing and glass feel great, and the new band looks way better, and surely that isn’t hard to figure out.

Fitbit Versa 3 we would review as a great little fitness smartwatch sporting:

  • a sharp screen,
  • it is packed with a slew of convenience features, and
  • for a good price.

What Don’t We Like?

When pressed for anything negative to comment on in this Fitbit Versa 3 review we can only say that if only the button worked a little better it would be perfection. But, in our view, the Fitbit Versa 3 represents a transition, both in a sense (pun intended) that:

  • it moved down from being the flagship Fitbit model – that title goes to the Fitbit Sense now – and
  • also due to the fact that Google was buying Fitbit, which will probably have a profound impact on future Fitbit models.

Fitbit Versa 3 at-a-Glance

The Versa 3 looks just like the Sense:

  • it’s the same size and shape,
  • it’s got the same screen, and
  • it even uses the same bands.

The physical difference lies in that Sense’s case is made of stainless steel rather than the Versa 3’s aluminium and there are different colour options available, but outside of those differences, it’s hard to tell them apart at a glance.

The Fitbit Versa 3 and Versa 2 look similar at first glance, but Fitbit has introduced a number of subtle differences that distinguish the Versa 3 from its predecessor:

  • It features a slightly curvier outline and
  • softer edges than the Versa 2, something Fitbit claims will improve comfort.

The Versa 3 still has the same square-ish watch body and metal frame as its predecessor the versa 2, but it now has a larger 1. 58-inch AMOLED screen with slimmer bezels. It’s bright, crisp and easy to see in direct sunlight.

Earlier in this review, I said that Fitbit had kept the Versa design the same, and at a glance that’s true. But, that fails to recognise the point that the company has been gradually reducing the presence of physical buttons:

  • there were three on the first-generation device, and
  • this was reduced to one on the Versa Lite and Versa 2.

Versa 3 Apple Watch Clone? – or Serious Contender With The Apple Watch SE and Samsung Galaxy Watch?

Like every other company who’s made a smartwatch that’s not round, the Fitbit Versa 3 has to contend with the charge that it’s just another Apple Watch clone, at least in aesthetic terms. Although the two devices are similar at first glance, Versa’s wider aluminium case sits more prominently than Apple’s. It wraps its gently curved frame around a screen that’s grown in size and now has improved quality.

As much as we like Fitbit’s best-selling activity trackers and we respect the company’s successful smartwatches, we have to admit we’ve never previously considered the Versa and Versa 2 direct rivals for the high-end Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy watch lineups. Now with the Versa 3, we tend to differ.

The Versa 3 retails at around $230 and the Sense retails at around $330. If you’re in the market for one of the best smartwatches but don’t want to spend more than $300, the Apple Watch SE may still be worth considering.

All Are Competent Fitness Tracking Devices

In common with just about all the current generation of trackers and smartwatches they:

  • provide all-day fitness tracking
  • allow the user to keep track of their progress at a glance.

We do like the added functionality of the Versa 3 though. The Fitbit Versa 3 advanced fitness watch’s 20+ exercise modes and the built-in GPS, which lets you view your activity stats in real-time is just that bit slicker and more enjoyable to use than in earlier models before. Plus, with the Fitbit App, you can monitor your workout intensity map hassle-free.

Both the Apple Watch Series 6 and the Fitbit Versa 3 offer similar rectangular displays with rounded edges. The Apple Watch Series 6 is available in two sizes, either 44mm or 40mm, depending upon your preference, while the Versa 3 is available in one single size, which is closer to Apple’s 44mm design.

Fitbit Versa 3 In-Depth Review: What’s new since the Versa 2?

At the end of August 2020, Fitbit launched a trio of new wearables. Of them, two were remarkably similar: the flagship Fitbit Sense and the significantly less expensive Fitbit Versa 3 while still selling the Versa 2. All 3 smartwatches frankly look pretty much identical (with subtle differences), have many of the same features, and even run the same software. Nevertheless, users do have marked preferences even so, and the prices also vary.

In many trusted reports on their roundups of the best smartwatches last year (2020), reviewers most often gave the Fitbit Versa 2 the award for being the “Best for Alexa. However, it looks like we may have to update that definition for Versa 3. The Versa 3 has added support for Google Assistant, which until its recent Google purchase was an interesting crossover with its WearOS – creating rival.

While the Fitbit “Sense” earned all the news back a few months ago for its pile of new health sensing features, the reality is that the company will probably sell more of the lower-priced Fitbit Versa 3 units than Sense units.

Fitbit’s Virtual Press Briefing During the Coronavirus Pandemic

In the early fall of 2020, Fitbit held a virtual press briefing where it announced updates to its Versa and Inspire wearables and introduced a new holistic fitness watch in the Fitbit Sense. We have a favourite in any Fitbit Versa vs Charge 4 competition, and it’s the Versa 3, they are, in fact, both very capable fitness trackers. The third generation Versa arrived on the scene in 2020, and it has all the bells and whistles of most smartwatches.

Given the current coronavirus situation, Fitbit has demonstrated that it genuinely wants to encourage active participation in its health services to help all people better understand:

  • the status of their health and
  • help them stay healthy and well.

Each Fitbit versa 3 purchase comes with three months of free Fitbit Premium app service (see the special section on this below).

If you’re looking for a new Fitbit device, this might be the sale you’ve been waiting for. The tech giant’s positively reviewed Versa 3, the higher-end Sense, the Inspire 2 and even the Charge 4, are in early 2021 all reportedly still in stock and on sale on Amazon.

In late summer 2020, Fitbit introduced the Fitbit Versa 3, the latest generation of its popular versa smartwatch, with key new features and just a small bump in price. This model offers:

  • continuous tracking of your heart rate,
  • tracks your sleep,
  • can help motivate you to get more active,
  • tracks workouts, and
  • estimates your blood oxygen saturation (SPO2) while you sleep.

Fitbit quotes both the Sense and Versa 3’s battery life at six days with normal use, and reviewers have found that to be accurate. Using onboard GPS will drain the battery more quickly, so you’ll need to charge your watch more frequently if you work out regularly.

Wondering how to set up a Fitbit Versa 3 or Fitbit Sense? Whether you’ve bought a new Fitbit smartwatch for yourself or received one as a gift, you’ll need to take a few steps before using it — and not the kind with your feet – as we describe here.

Fitbit Versa 3 vs Fitbit Sense: Which is the better buy?

Fitbit Versa 3 Review: Why buy the Versa 3 in a nutshell:

  • cheaper than Fitbit Sense
  • pricier than Fitbit versa 2 in some markets, but has further refinements on the 2 which are worthwhile
  • available in three colour options.

Please note the following timeline: Fitbit announced the Versa 3, along with the Sense and the Fitbit Inspire 2, at a virtual conference in August 2020. It went up for pre-order the following day and began shipping by late September 2020.

In spite of all the new features that have been added to the device, Fitbit has managed to keep the price under that £200 mark – and we would argue that the Fitbit Versa 3 presents one of the best value fitness trackers you can buy in that price bracket.

Versa 3 vs Google’s Wear OS Platform

But, Fitbit and Apple are not the only players in this market by any means. The rate of tech development in smartwatches on Android has also been relatively unimpressive. Google’s Wear OS platform has a decent foundation but lacks any strength when it comes to health features. That’s why Google has bought Fitbit.

Over the past couple of months, some reviewers have been wearing the Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Versa 3, the brand’s latest smartwatches, to learn what all the hype is about and how they compare with Google’s Wear OS platform.

Both have their pros and cons and no definitive best choice has emerged because they will both be the “right choice” for many buyers who will choose based upon pricing and the range of features each person will want to use.

While Fitbit was unveiling its latest lineup of devices, there’s quite a bit of re-organising their product range going on. Buyers need to understand that:

  • the Ionic has finally been retired,
  • the Versa 2 is suddenly cast adrift although still a very recent addition.
  • The Inspire and Inspire HR have been replaced by a single model, and
  • there are two new smartwatches at the top of the line: the $329 Versa 3 and the Sense.

It’s a lot to take in, even for those that sell Fitbit products, let alone for buyers.

What is Fitbit Premium?

If you’re an avid Fitbit user, you’ve probably come across Fitbit Premium. It is a personalized subscription service in the Fitbit App on iPhone and Android. It is available for a monthly subscription. Fitbit premium gives you access to guided workouts, meditations, advanced health insights and sleep-tracking, along with other tools to help you reach your fitness goals.

The post Fitbit Versa 3 Review – VS Versa 2 and the Latest Smartwatches By Apple and Samsung appeared first on The Sport Gadget Review.

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: https://gqcentral.co.uk

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Car Wrapping For Business Advertising

Car Wrapping For Business Advertising

Running a business requires your brand and services to be promoted with a clear message for prospective clients.
Car wrapping for business advertising is an important part of many brands marketing expenses.
A recent survey showed that B2C product companies allocate 11.9% of their revenue to marketing.
B2B service companies spend only 4.8% of their revenue on advertising.
It is necessary that whatever the amount spent on advertising that it is strategically used.
Vehicle signage is a great way to promote your brand in many ways and it is a cost effective solution.

car wrapping Brisbane

Business Advertising Methods

Some advertising like – email marketing, social media marketing or pay per click marketing can give clear feedback on what the return on investment (ROI) was.
Other marketing like signage or print advertising is much harder to get an accurate ROI.
One thing that is always agreed on is that you do need to diversify your advertising.
It takes up to 11 times of your brand or product to be shown to a potential customer before they will start to recognise your brand.


A modern customer is exposed to more marketing or branding in one day than a person in the 16th century was for their whole lifetime.


Car Wrapping And Vehicle Signage

Advertising takes many forms, but one of the proven strategies that has over time worked as an effective tool for promoting and providing a huge number of qualified leads for local businesses and companies is

Brand Recognition With A Moving Billboard

With a vinyl wrap on your car, you will have a moving billboard.
Literally anywhere you go in your car, you will have the strategic advantage  of being  able to reach quite a number of persons daily
Whether your business serves the local community or has a wider reach.
Building your brand so that is easily recognized is very important.
One way to effectively do that is ensuring that your brand or business name is everywhere.
On an average, cars on the road can be viewed by more than 3000 potential customers per hour! Imagine your car driving round Brisbane for just 3 hours. You will definitely be building your brand.

More Customers Equals More Profit

Car wrapping gives your brand and business more recognition which will turn into more customers and clients.
You may not know how many potential customers are in need of your services or products until they notice your brand.
Imagine being stuck in a highway traffic and everyone in that same traffic gets to see your business. Talk about free advertisement!

What Actually Is Car Wrapping?

In simple terms, car wrapping is the application of vinyl wrap applied directly over the original paint work of the car or van.
Car Wraps change the look of your car without the need for complicated and potentially expensive car paint respray.

This gives your car a constant attention as many passerbys and pedestrians  are attracted and curious about your car at first glance.
Your brand can stand out with your colours and your logo.
Think about DHL courier vans – they stand out because they are a solid yellow van . Their logo is not very obvious at all.
If you have a fleet of vehicles – branding all vehicles will soon have your business recognized.

The great thing about car wraps is the effectiveness whether the car is stationary or in motion.

wrapping cars

The Vinyl Technology

By applying large sheets of vinyl to your car we can change its colour to create a totally new and refreshed look – this is called a car wraps

The vinyl completely covers the paintwork of your car, protecting the paintwork and transforming your car.

The wraps also protect the vehicle from stone chips and minor abrasions caused through general wear and tear.
If any section of the car does become damaged for any reason, the vinyl can be easily repaired or replaced. This means that panels of your car can be individually re-wrapped at any time.


Full Car & Van Wrap

A full car wrap covers all paintwork with digitally printed vinyl graphics, including the roof.
We can do a full vinyl wrap on most vehicles, including cars, vans, utes, buses and some trucks.

Also, within this category is a full colour change vehicle wrap, where we use 3M solid colour vinyl to wrap the entire car.
Most Brisbane clients choose to proceed with a closed door colour vehicle wrap, opposed to an open door vehicle wrap.
All doors are  removed from the vehicle and then the door jams are wrapped with vinyl.

A full colour change can be used on its own or with complimentary advertising graphics.
To get the best finish for your full car wrap, we remove the badges on your car and wrap over this area to provide a professional finish.
The badges are placed in your vehicle glove box, for re-use at the later date when the time comes to reselling the vehicle.


Partial Car & Van Wrap

A partial car wrap covers part of the paintwork and generally excludes the bonnet.
The two most common methods in this category is wrapping partial panels along with minor spot graphics or having ½ the surface area covered with spot graphics.
Although it is most common to see a partial vehicle wrap done for a car, we can also do partial wraps for buses, caravans and some trucks.


Main benefits of A Vehicle Wrap

To be entirely honest, using a vinyl wrap on your car gives one of the best benefits for your business, brand or company. We have highlighted a couple of reasons why below:

  • Once off cost that will last 5 years
  • Cost effective compared to custom paintwork
  • Easy to install and easy to remove
  • Keeps the vehicle’s paintwork in great condition for resale
  • It works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week
  • Perfect for a local business
  • Perfect for a national business

Cleaning Your Wrapped Car or Van

It is important to keep your vehicle graphics clean. Don’t leave dirt on your vehicle graphics vinyl for long periods and not cleaned as it  can cause staining and marks.
The dirt can be embedded into the vinyl, especially if the vehicle is left in the hot sun day after day.

When cleaning your vehicle graphics try not to rub along the edges of the vinyl.  The vinyl graphics are just a big sticker and rubbing edges can cause lifting.
Vinyl edges can lift if you use a pressure washer, so avoid using them.
It is always best to hand wash your vehicle


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The Article Car Wrapping For Business Advertising First Appeared ON
: https://gqcentral.co.uk

The post Car Wrapping For Business Advertising appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Need to Find Your Pet a New Home

Need to Find Your Pet a New Home

Need to find your pet a new home.

Need to Find Your Pet a New Home: If you still feel you need to rehome, here are some things you must do:
spay/neuter your cat beforehand. This, as cat world puts it, “is the only guarantee that [she] won’t be permitted to, or accidentally become pregnant in the future. ” it will also make it easier for your pet to find a home. Vaccinations need to be current. Make sure that all your cat’s medical records are good to go.

If you decide that rehoming your pet is the best option, keep in mind that despite the best efforts of shelters and rescues to care for their animals, your home is usually the best place for your pet while you search for an adopter. By taking on the task of finding your pet a home, you can also reduce competition for limited space and resources in shelters or rescues. Here are some tips for placing your pet in a loving new home.

Private Maryland pet rehoming and adoption services. Need to rehome a dog, cat, puppy or kitten in Maryland? hoping to adopt a pet privately in Maryland? pet rehoming network’s experienced team of pet adoption specialists can help you to safely and effectively find a good home for your cherished family member. We offer safe, effective and affordable Maryland pet rehoming and adoption services for responsible pet owners who want the best for their pet.

need to find your pet a new home

If you must find a new home for your dog or cat, it’s best to plan ahead—at least six months ahead if possible—Kavanaugh says. We all want the best for our pets. To ensure that your animal will be in good hands, be prepared to do some research on the prospective new parent or rescue organization. Here are the steps recommended by our experts.

Finding a new home

Dogs are like a part of the family, but you may find yourself in a situation in which you can no longer keep your furry friend. Whether it’s allergies, moving to a new home, finding a stray you can’t take in, or no longer being able to care for your pet, re-homing your dog can be a heartbreaking, but necessary, experience.

Need to rehome a pet? pet rehoming network is staffed by pet adoptions professionals with decades of experience finding good homes for dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. We can find your pet a home safely, effectively and inexpensively. If you are like most pet owners, you are heartbroken to have to face parting with your cherished cat or dog. Unfortunately, life can present obstacles that make keeping your pet all-but impossible.

If you’ve been watching “give a dog a home: live” on an animal planet, you’ll know that there’s more to adoption than finding the right dog or cat. The show also gives valuable tips on how to care for your new pet and other ways to help adoptable pets in need. Here are some helpful resources on topics you might have seen on the show lately.


Farplace Animal Rescue

Click on the icons above to search for dogs, cats and horses. Our dogs and cats are vaccinated, wormed, desexed and microchipped. Horses will have their teeth done and hooves trimmed. Our animals are available for an adoption fee which helps with the reimbursement of our veterinary costs. We work with volunteer carers who look after these animals in their own homes to ensure we can assist you in finding the most suitable companion for your lifestyle.

white dog

Animal Behavior & Training

Anyone can experience an unexpected financial crisis. Don’t panic: many national, state and local organizations provide assistance with pet food and other essentials, behavioural advice and training, and low-cost or free spay/neuter and other veterinary care. Your local animal shelters or rescue groups can also be a great resource for free or low-cost pet assistance. Find your local shelters and rescues by visiting the shelter pet project and entering your zip code.

Every dog matters
Real dog rescue is grounded in the belief that every dog matters. Real dog rescue was built on the passion of long-time animal advocates and friends, dedicated to helping dogs in need, regardless of their age, breed, location or medical condition. While our vision is to rescue every dog, because every dog matters, our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home the dogs in our care by providing safe shelter through loving foster homes, medical care by a superior veterinary staff, and behavioural training with the help of a talented volunteer base.

We understand that sometimes it’s just not possible to keep your pet. Before making the decision to surrender your animal, please consider all of your options. If your desire to rehome your dog is because of behavioural or training issues, please contact a qualified training professional. Here are a few of our recommended trainers. If the issue is housing, please remember your dog is a member of your family. Consider offering your landlord a refundable pet deposit. Sometimes that is enough to alleviate a landlord’s concerns. Or, if you are open to moving, there are realtors dedicated to helping you find a place that allows you to rent with your dog.

Training can solve most problems. If you can’t take the time and effort to
learn how to better communicate with your animal, why would someone else? dogs
and cats have the ability to learn and change their behaviour.

Trouble affording your pet’s care?

Choosing the right dog for your family can be hard. Each pooch has its own personality and quirks, so it’s essential to find a dog that will fit right in with your own character. The biggest mistake you can make is to fall head over heels for a dog just because of their looks. Sure, those might be the cutest puppy eyes you have ever seen, but can you commit to taking care of all of its needs? will the dog you like get on well with your other pets or kids? if you choose a dog for adoption whose activity level and personality don’t match your own, you’re bound to have some trouble.



6 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Rehoming Your Pet

It is so tempting to make promises when you are talking to your kids about rehoming your pet. This is especially true if your current military life circumstances are forcing your hand. You might be tempted to say:
“we’ll get a new pet at our next duty station. ” when the baby is bigger, we can get another pet. ” when we get a house with a yard, we can get a new dog. ”.

Before You Rehome: There’s a Resource for That!

Adopt-a-pet is a well-known online adoption website, and they have a rehoming listing service too! adopt a pet makes it easy to list by simply filling out the form online and uploading pictures. Rehome at adopt-a-pet also has a ton of resources for you to try and keep your dog!
we adopted bear from a craigslist ad.

The Bernese mountain dog club of America national rescue & rehome committee is devoted to ensuring and maintaining the health and welfare of the Bernese mountain dog in rescue and rehoming situations. The bmdca recognizes that many rescues and rehoming work is done by the regional clubs, and will work with those clubs to maintain a constant network of support and resources.

Rehoming your pet is a difficult decision and we understand you may find yourself in a situation where you feel that you have no other options. Before making the decision to rehome your pet, please review our pet retention resources for assistance with many of the issues that cause pets to be rehomed or surrendered. Whether you’re experiencing financial challenges, moving or housing issues, allergies, house-soiling, behavioural issues, or one of many other challenges, we may be able to help you find a solution that allows you to keep your pet.

It’s easy to assume that if someone is trying to find a new home for a pet, the decision was an easy one — but that’s rarely the case, notes colleen Doherty, senior director of the ASPCA’s community engagement program. Many times, pet owners who are forced to rehome a pet can feel like there are no alternatives. “one major misconception about giving up a pet is that the pet parents no longer care about their pet, which is often not true,” Doherty told the dodo. “in many cases, pet owners who rehomed their pet because of cost or housing issues would have kept their pet if they had access to resources.

How to Cope After Giving Away Your Dog

The grief and guilt of rehoming a dog or giving your dog away are intense and sad. I understand how you feel; my husband and I had to rehome our dog. Here’s how I coped with the guilt and grief I felt and still feel. I found that writing my dog a letter was helpful, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Please read through the comments at the end of this blog post. You’ll see you aren’t alone. You’ll find comfort, support, and companionship as you grieve this difficult decision.

If you’re struggling with the decision to rehome a dog – or if you’re sad and don’t know how to cope with the guilt after rehoming a dog – read this letter. Tiffy wrote it to her previous owners: Marnie and camelia (not their real names). Both are very sad after giving Tiffy away and need to know how she is doing.

Please Don’t Pet Bandana Scarf for Dogs

Due to the multitude of pit bulls needing help or rehomed, we are currently on intake hold with over 250 dogs. We receive 100 requests weekly to take dogs. For rehoming: http://www. Pbroklahoma. Com/rehoming-your-dog.
before helping a lost or stray dog, please be prepared for the short-term commitment needed on your part. You can learn more here. There are rules and regulations that vary by county. Vet clinics can scan for microchips, but do not expect to be able to drop an animal off there. Your local animal shelter will need to be contacted and may or may not be able to take the dog.

The post Need to Find Your Pet a New Home appeared first on Our Animal Friends.

The Article Need to Find Your Pet a New Home First Appeared ON
: https://gqcentral.co.uk

The post Need to Find Your Pet a New Home appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates February 19, 2021

SEO Updates February 19, 2021

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

  • What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week 
  • Deal of the week: For Every $200 in Links Get $99 of Free Tier 2 PBN Links
  • Featured Blog Post: Updated Local Link Building Guide
  • Product Spotlight: PBN Map Embeds *NEW*
  • Special Announcement: Scaling Your Agency Webinar March 10th
  • SEO Mad Scientist: How Much Does Optimized GMB Q&A Increase Rankings?

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 76

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.


? Google Search Console Screenshot Hack
? Google Search Console Core Web Vitals Boundaries Changed On February 17th
? Can You Ride The Google Discover Wave?

– Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here

– Listen herehttps://pod.co/theseovault


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SEO Mad Scientist

Welcome back! For this week’s testing, we will take a look at the last few on-listing GMB signals that we haven’t checked out yet.

We are looking at some single variable Q & A tests to see if optimized questions and responses move the needle.

First we ran some geogrids that we knew pulled local results but weren’t showing our listing really. This included emergency plumber and emergency plumbing.

We first tested adding the question with various optimized keywords and ran some geogrids after letting them sit a bit…

Then we responded with a keyword-optimized response and ran another set of geogrids afterward…

So at first glance, it looks like the Question caused a small drop in rankings while the response may have helped it

We will give another update next week. What do you think will happen?

Until then…

Happy Testing!





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Do Chuckwallas Make Good Pets

Do Chuckwallas Make Good Pets


What do baby Chuckwallas Eat?

The baby chuckwallas enjoy eating dandelion flowers. As they grow up, they will start looking for new tastes, so they eat other flowers, fruits, desert plants, and even the insects in their territories.

Are chuckwallas harmful to humans?

Do Chuckwallas Make Good Pets. Chuckwallas are never harmful to humans. They are nonpoisonous, so their bite is not a big deal though it can be slightly painful.

You may be wondering if chuckwallas are poisonous because you’re interested in becoming an owner of one yourself, thankfully the answer is no, they are not poisonous. The chuckwalla can bite if threatened, however, you do not need to worry about dying from venom as they are not considered harmful towards humans.

Do chuckwallers make Good pets

However, many are omnivorous and thus feed on vegetables, fruits, insects, and meat. Lizards are mainly carnivorous, often being sit-and-wait predators; many smaller species eat insects, while the komodo eats mammals as big as water buffalo. Thus, they will naturally eat insects like spiders, mosquitos, snails, caterpillars, and other crawling insects. Insects should be dusted with mineral and vitamin supplements, as described above. Some of the omnivorous lizards’ species eat food in combination; they feast upon leafy greens, small insects and animals. Venomous lizards use their venom to attack their prey, but the poison can not kill their prey, and neither can it be harmful to humans.

The common chuckwalla is primarily found across the Mojave and Sonoran deserts of the united states and Mexico, at elevations ranging from sea level to 1,370 m. This large (125–180 mm) lizard is dorsoventrally flattened and has wrinkles on its belly and neck. Chuckwallas are strongly associated with rock outcrops, lava flows, and boulder piles, and are well-known for their defensive behaviour of inflating their bodies to wedge themselves in crevices. They are herbivorous, eating the leaves, flowers, and shoots of annual and perennial plants in the Mojave desert, and primarily perennial plants in the Sonoran desert.

Most species of chuckwallas live primarily in northern Mexico and southwestern states. The common chuckwallas live in the deserts within the southwest, mainly in Arizona. They are natives of the Sonoran desert in Arizona and the Mohave desert in California. Also, they can be seen at the Lake Powell region, grand canyon, and desert regions alongside the colorado river. They typically hide beside the piles of rocks and on the canyon outcroppings and walls, giving them easy access to crevices and cracks when threatened. Chuckwallas inflate themselves until they are securely and tightly wedged into the crevices.

Common chuckwallas usually live for 10 years and more. When captivated, they can live for up to 25 years or even longer. Their lifespan depends on the growing conditions, sufficient food supply, and limited predation. Their average lifespan in the woods is around 15 years. Though there’s considerable variability every year, on average, the 1st year survivorship is approximately 38%. Egg mortality triggers a huge effect on survivorship under 1 year old.

In the woods, the chuckwallas can live for up to 15 years. However, those that are grown in the care of professional breeders can live for 25 years or even longer.

chuckwalla-in forest

What are the predators of chuckwallas?

Predators of chuckwallas include rattlesnakes, coyotes, kestrels and red-tailed hawks. When threatened, a chuckwalla will hide in its burrow, inflate its lungs and expand its skin, effectively wedging itself into place. Chuckwallas are solitary with the exception of the breeding season. Mating takes place in the spring, after hibernation, and males will use head-bobbing, licking, nudging and jaw-rubbing to entice females to mate. Males will compete for the right to mate with females by biting and head-butting each other. A clutch of 5 – 16 eggs is laid in an underground nest, which the female will incubate.

They typically hide beside the piles of rocks and on the canyon outcroppings and walls, giving them easy access to crevices and cracks when threatened. Chuckwallas inflate themselves until they are securely and tightly wedged into the crevices. This will keep them safe from the primary predators.

Common chuckwallas are solitary and diurnal. They leave rock shelters during the day to eat foliage but remain close to their shelters. They are active from mid-march to mid-august but may aestivate in the summer months when food is scarce. From November through march they may go through brumation (similar to hibernation). To prevent overheating, they move in and out of the shade and assume different orientations towards the sun. Most of their time is spent basking on rocks when they are not looking for food. They retreat into crevices and shallow holes during the hottest portion of the day and use these crevices to avoid predators.

Chuckwallas are good at detecting and evading their predators. Their key adaptation is hiding into the rocks and crevices whenever they feel scared or threatened. Rocks serve as their biggest defence. When there’s a threat, these lizards will rush into the crevice, gulp air to inflate their bodies and wedge themselves into the rocks. Therefore, the predators will struggle to get them out of the crevice.

lizard-chuckwalla on rocks

Do the chuckwallas have the camouflaging ability?

Chuckwallas love basking, too. While doing it, they flatten their bodies against the rock, exposing well their bodies to the sunshine. This way, their bodies will absorb more heat. Chuckwallas are also great at hiding themselves from the predators. Their camouflaging ability makes it hard for the predators to distinguish them and their shadows. They use their neutral-coloured scales to cover up themselves.

Yes, chuckwallas have the camouflaging ability. They use their neutral-coloured scales and the coloured patches on their skin to blend into the environment when there’s an enemy.

Do chuckwallas eat cactus?

Chuckwallas are herbivores that can eat leaves, buds, flowers, and cactus fruit. The creosote bush seems to be the biggest part of their daily diet.

Do chuckwallas drink water?

Chuckwallas do not typically drink water because they depend on the water content of the fruits and plant they eat. However, the occasional water misting might persuade them to drink the drops from the furniture and cage walls.

These heavy-bodied, flattish, and sturdy lizards have loose folds of skin around the neck, sides and shoulders. They have thick, blunt tails and can grow up to 18 inches in length. While they can look intimidating, they are actually very shy and mild-mannered. Chuckwallas in the grand canyon are strictly herbivores. They eat mostly leaves, buds flowers and fruit. All the other lizard species found in the grand canyon are primarily predators going after live prey. Also, chuckwallas do not need to drink water and can get all the liquid they need from their diet.

Lizards, and reptiles in general, are ectotherms that depend on outside heat sources to maintain their body temperatures for optimal digestion and immune system function. It is the method by which the lizards hide until the prey gets closer enough. Even so, since there are more than 5000 species in their family, it is impossible to say that they are all omnivorous. Depending on the species, their habitats vary from rainforests, mountains, backyards, deserts, to rocky places. In most cases, omnivorous lizards only require 10% of fruits in their diet.

How should I choose a vivarium for my chuckwallas?

Chuckwallas are best kept in a big wooden vivarium. Wood is a great wood insulator. Thus, a wooden vivarium will help you easily control the temperatures needed inside your pets’ habitat. Other enclosures like glass terrariums are too effective at dispersing heat, making it hard to increase the temperature and keep it consistent across the year. Also, the wooden vivarium must have good ventilation which will help eliminate humidity and replenish the air within the cage.

Taking care of and treating chuckwallas as pets like dogs and cats seem to be daunting at first. However, that is always possible by knowing the proper way to feed and handle them. For chuckwallas, the care level is within the intermediate level. You just need to fulfil the needs of your pets. Give them enough food, a good shelter filled with the necessary accessories, and nutritional supplements. Aside from that, you need to maintain the humidity level and temperature within the enclosure.

So, why do chuckwallas make good pets? I will list many of these reasons below. I will also list some considerations to
keep in mind when thinking about adding one to your family.

How do chuckwallas communicate?

Male chuckwallas communicate and protect their territory against the other males. They do push-ups, mouth gaping, and head-bobbing.

Harmless to humans, these lizards are known to run from potential threats. When disturbed, the chuckwalla inflates its lungs, distends its body, and wedges itself into a tight rock crevice.  Males are seasonally and conditionally territorial; an abundance of resources tends to create a hierarchy based on size, with one large male dominating the area’s smaller males.

As the tamest and most docile of all of the types of chuckwallas, it makes a good pet if a large one. Originally taken to angel island as a form of food, they now live freely on the island. Instead of attacking or fleeing predators, they have developed other methods to defend themselves. They will inflate their lungs and swell out their body so they can wedge themselves into rock cracks. This ability means that normally they look like they have a lot of excess, loose skin. They also change colour and do a variety of dances, such as head bobbing, to communicate with other species.

How often do chuckwallas reproduce?

However, we can guarantee that someone very experienced with reptiles will attempt to select the specific lizard(s) … iguanas need greens and enjoy chopped veggies as healthy treats. Dominant males will try to establish around bushes, shrubs, and deserts to attract more males and give better access to mating. You should also spend time examining the condition of your reptiles.

Adaptations mean chuckwallas should maintain increased body heat to stay active. The cold nighttime temperature makes them feel weak and vulnerable, so they spend the whole day under the sun to increase their body temperature.

On a recent trip to the red cliffs desert reserve in st. George, I learned about a creature with an amazing sense of place. The chuckwalla is a large member of the lizard family which resides in the desert southwest, an area well known for its temperature extremes. Like many other desert-dwelling creatures, the chuckwalla has evolved a unique set of adaptations that enable it to thrive in its environment.

Chuckwalla is commonly used as ambassador animals in zoos. They are a hardy, generally docile and food-motivated lizard. As juveniles, they may exhibit more active behaviour during handling but calm quickly with consistent handling. With their high food motivation as well as alert and curious demeanour, they are a great candidate for training and have been taught to station and target. Their unique physiological adaptations for their environment give an excellent educational topic in addition to some implications for their care. A desert species, they need low humidity and high heat/UV access in their habitat.

The post Do Chuckwallas Make Good Pets appeared first on Our Animal Friends.

The Article Do Chuckwallas Make Good Pets First Appeared ON
: https://gqcentral.co.uk

The post Do Chuckwallas Make Good Pets appeared first on Local SEO Resources.