Are You Trying to Buy Backlinks Cheap And Rank on Google?

Are You Trying to Buy Backlinks Cheap And Rank on Google?

Buying backlinks can be a risky proposition if not done the right way. But if you want to rank for competitive keywords, you can’t afford to stay away from the tried-and-true method of link building. (While it’s not a proven method, it’s certainly more effective than trying to rank on Google’s first page using only original content). But the important question is, how do you buy backlinks cheap? There are many ways to find cheap backlinks that can help you rank. Still, the best way is to develop a relationship with reputable sellers that have a vested interest in seeing you succeed, such as freelancers, content providers, and article writing services.

In the world of link building, a backlink is a connection between a website and another, usually related, website. In the past, getting links from authoritative sites was the best way to rank well on Google, but this has changed. Search engines like Google have tried to level the playing field for small companies by emphasizing user signals like traffic, social media shares, and user engagement with content.

Buy Backlinks Cheap

How To Buy Backlinks?

Buying backlinks became inevitable in the world of web and SEO. If you are trying to have any presence on the Internet, you face the dilemma sooner or later. Long ago, I was chatting to a potential client, and he had no clue what’s a backlink, and since it was a family-run business, he wanted me to explain the process in a nutshell, so he and his wife can have a better understanding.

I simplified the process like this: It’s like getting phone numbers from different ladies, and your wife knows them all. Which girls’ numbers are you going to have on your phone?

The least to say, he was thunderstruck at first but then replied, “So, I want them all with reputation!” This is it, as simple as possible to explain it. The more people you know with a good reputation, the better position you will have in life. The more quality and reputable backlinks your site has, the better rankings it will have.

What Makes A Backlink Good?

We live in an imperfect world, created by God entirely and modeled by humans (idiots). None of the major search engines say what makes a backlink good. Google has tons of guidelines on what not to do (including not to buy backlinks), but there is no set of rules for website owners. And then we have other companies who begin speculating with metrics about websites. These metrics are created by them, and claiming theirs are the metrics you should abide by. We have Majestic, Moz, Ahrefs, SEMRush as the major players in providing backlinks data.

In recent years, people look for “links with traffic.” But I haven’t found bulletproof evidence that this is the best way to go when looking to buy backlinks cheap. I’m not saying it doesn’t work, but for example, you can create an empty Facebook page with your keyword and rank page one without any publications on it, nor any likes.

I can speak from my 13 years experience in the industry, can say that there is no bad backlink, as long as you have a strategy. It is more important to know at what stage of your link-building campaign you will use the target website to obtain a backlink. Once you begin mastering that skill, your link-building campaigns will be successful.

What To Avoid When Buying Backlinks?

If you are trying to rank fast on Google, you better be different from the crowd. If everyone is buying PBN links, you should not buy them at that same moment. By the way, this is a general business rule: You should be exiting a niche while the rest of the crowd are getting in.

Many “experts,” say, “avoid buying black hat links.” I agree, but where should we buy white hat links from? Isn’t the process of buying backlinks itself a “black hat” method? Phony claims how Google will plummet your organic traffic, and your site will get penalized. Ranking on pages two, three, and lower is equally bad. No one will find you there unless you are in some niche with scarce information and articles.

Google guidelines say, “You should obtain organic backlinks.” I agree. If you are Ahrefs, Majestic, or Moz, you will have a bunch of them. Major outlets have teams for content, videos, etc. What should the little guys do then? Not eat, not provide for their families and loved ones?

Look, the Internet is full of 95% crap, and only 5% of it is worth your time and money. No matter how big brands claim, we should do this or that. Unless we are in their private club, we won’t get the same treatment from the search engines. Hence, buying backlinks cheap is not always the right strategy—cheap backlinks you should be buying for your tier 2 and tier 3 links. Many people neglect their lower-tier links. In my opinion, this is wrong, and you should take care of them as well. I usually build three tiers of links to each of my properties, and each tier of links is carefully planned. I will talk in another post about how to do that.

Backlink Services

Buying cheap backlinks, in most cases, results in nothing. You get your website stuffed with a bunch of backlinks used at the wrong time. I understand people don’t have piles of money to spend on their websites. But better buy one quality link, from a reputable backlink service, instead of paying $10 for a “backlinks package.” All SEO marketplaces are full of sellers providing backlink services. I’m on most of them as well. There are very good guys providing backlink services on, for example.

Tokay Gecko Care Are They Easy To Keep

Tokay Gecko Care Are They Easy To Keep

Tokay Gecko: Species Profile

Tokay Gecko Care Are They Easy To Keep UV-emitting bulbs generally are not necessary because tokay geckos are a nocturnal species, though some experts believe a low level of UV light can benefit their overall health. A red nighttime bulb will allow you to see your gecko at night when it’s most active without interrupting the animal’s natural day-night cycle.

This species occurs in northeast India, Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh, throughout southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia, and to western new guinea in Melanesia. Its native habitat is rainforest, where it lives on trees and cliffs, and it also frequently adapts to rural human habitations, roaming walls and ceilings at night in search of insect prey. It is an invasive species in the Florida keys. Increasing urbanization is reducing its range.

Opportunistic feeders, tokay geckos consume just about anything they can overpower. In the wild much of their diet consists of insects and other lizards. In captivity, they do well on a mix of crickets, mealworms, roaches, waxworms, hornworms, silkworms and small mice. Some captives can be trained to eat defrosted fuzzies from tongs. This is a great way to bulk up your pet. Gut load all feeder insects to ensure the most complete nutrition because the gecko benefits from the insect’s last meal. Use a mix of leafy greens, vegetables, fruit and commercial gut-loading products for your feeder insects.

Tokay gecko care

A male leucistic tokay gecko protects these eggs. Both sexes protect eggs in captivity. The golden rule of tokay handling is to build trust with the lizard. If you are trying to tame this beast, you cannot grab it behind the head and manhandle it. I generally try to coax the animal out of its hide and onto my hand. Always keep your hand flat, and keep it under the lizard so you don’t get bitten. Generally, tokays explode from their hides and run in all directions. At this point, the trick is to get the lizard back onto your hand and hold it over your head.

Tokay Gecko Behavior and Temperament

If you feel you can handle the feisty temperament of a tokay gecko, choose a captive-bred animal from a reputable breeder or animal rescue that can tell you about its origin and health. Expect to pay around $20 to $50. Choose a gecko whose ribs and pelvic bones aren’t visible. You also shouldn’t see any bumps on its skin, which can indicate an infection or a broken bone.

Tokay geckos are popular pets in the exotic pet trade, despite their feisty behaviour. Below is a photo of what a “normal” average tokay gecko looks like, with their iconic blue skin and bright orange spots. After that, keep scrolling to see what awesome morphs we picked to showcase today!.

tokay lizard

There are many different species of geckos for sale online. Choose a gecko whose ribs and pelvic bones aren’t visible. If you are the type of person that appreciates tenacity and attitude in your pet reptiles, you will find no better personification than the underrated tokay.

Tokay geckos are not the simple lizards some herp keepers may think they are. Seemingly aware of their surroundings and circumstances, they have proven to be high-strung due to above-average intelligence. To me, tokay geckos are similar to reticulated pythons: known to be aggressive, they are alert, high-strung and challenging to keep. Tokay geckos are infamous for biting. Generally, there are two types of bites. One is a warning bite where the lizard stands its ground while your hand invades its territory, the enclosure. Although generally ferocious in appearance, this bite causes only superficial damage.

Housing the Tokay Gecko

Never house male tokay geckos together. It’s also best not to house your gecko in your bedroom because its vocalizations might wake you up. Because these are large geckos, a 20-gallon tank is a minimum size suitable for their housing. Provide sturdy branches, as your gecko will spend much of its time climbing. And add reptile-safe potted plants if you wish. (artificial plants can also be used. ) plus, provide some hiding spots using cork bark, half logs, or caves.

Opportunistic feeders, tokay geckos consume just about anything they can overpower. Hugh red tokay gecko source. In the red-spotted tokay gecko, these spots range from light yellow to red and overlay a bluish or greyish body. It is a strong climber with foot pads that can support the entire weight of the body on a vertical surface for a long period of time.

Although some keepers prefer a newspaper, I don’t personally recommend it. Given the behavioural traits mentioned above, the less fussing with their habitat, the better. Also, they prefer a very rich environment, full of items to climb on and explore. Therefore, a bioactive set-up is ideal for this species. Be sure to include all of the usual microfauna needed in order for a bioactive set-up to work. There are detailed instructions on setup elsewhere on this site. Tokay geckos should be kept on a slightly moist substrate to increase the humidity inside the vivarium.

Choosing Your Tokay Gecko

The tokay gecko is one of the largest and most impressive species of gecko available, often growing in excess of 14 inches total length with rare individuals exceeding that by an inch or two. They are the proud owner of one of the most easily identifiable scientific names; Gekko gecko. Endemic to parts of India, the Philippines, Southeast Asia,
Indonesia, and new guinea, this species exhibits a multitude of colourful patterns. They display colours ranging from vibrant to dark blue or green with spotted patterns of red to orange. However, if none of these patterns fit your choosing, there are selectively bred and genetic morphs available.

Tokay Gecko Humidity Requirements

Tokay geckos prefer a high humidity level of around 70%. Don’t let it drop under 50%. Maintain humidity through misting, a substrate that retains water, and a bowl of water. But also make sure the tank has good airflow because an environment that’s too damp can lead to health issues. Measure the humidity level with a hygrometer.

Inhabiting much of southeast asia, including areas populated by people, tokay geckos can grow up to 15 inches long. They are estimated to live about 10 years in captivity. They do best in enclosures mimicking their natural environment and providing them with adequate space and hiding spots. Tokays can be kept in planted vivaria, but they may unleash their destructive fury in smaller-sized enclosures with delicate decorations. A simple setup works well. Tokays are arboreal and appreciate space. A 10-gallon aquarium is sufficient for a single animal, and a 20-gallon long tank or larger is ok for a pair.

face of a tokay gecko

Can I get an intro on Tokay Geckos?

The huge range extends from Nepal through northeastern India, Bangladesh, southern China and Southeast Asia to Indonesia. Introduced populations are established in Hawaii, Florida (of course!), Martinique and, possibly, Guam and Taiwan. Uploaded to Wikipedia Commons by vberger
tokay geckos adapt to a wide array of habitats, including homes and other buildings within such bustling cities as hong kong and Miami. Alleged medicinal properties have led to local extinctions in parts of Thailand, Vietnam and China.

Life expectancy: 15-20 years
Tokay geckos, also know as Gekko gecko, live in rainforests in the southeastern part of Asia. They are a large gecko and are sometimes known to have an aggressive temperament which makes them a questionable choice for people who have never owned a gecko before. While it is possible to tame them over time, some tokay geckos never like to be handled. They can grow between 8 to 12 inches long and can live for upwards of 15 years if cared for properly.

Tokay geckos are moderately large reptiles that are in the Gekkonidae, or gecko, family. They are originally native to Asia and the pacific islands, but also serve as pets worldwide. The pet trade has resulted in this species becoming introduced to Florida, Belize, Martinique, and potentially Hawaii. In their home range, humans use these reptiles in the making of traditional Chinese medicine. Read on to learn about the tokay gecko.

How to Design a Tokay Gecko Habitat

The tokay gecko is a medium-sized, tropical lizard inhabiting much of southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and all adjacent islands. These feisty geckos do not seem to be intimidated by human presence and are commonly found near and within human habitations. Tokay geckos prefer the hot, humid conditions of lush rainforest, but are highly adaptable, making them able to thrive in a variety of conditions, and furthermore making them an extremely hardy animal in the terrarium.

Tokays are large, arboreal and love climbing. The optimal tokay gecko habitat size measures 2 1⁄2 feet long, 2 foot wide and 2 to 2 1⁄2 feet tall.

Tokay Gecko Diet and Feeding Schedule

What do tokay geckos eat? we’re glad you asked. Tokay geckos are very enthusiastic about eating insects and even eat small lizards in the wild. Some of the best insects for tokay gecko food include premium dubia roaches, mealworms, waxworms, hornworms and silkworms. However, these insects need to be gut loaded before you give them to the gecko. Gut loading means feeding the insects a diet rich in vitamins and minerals at least 24-hours before serving them to the gecko. By doing so, you will pass along the nutritious diet to the gecko.

Common Tokay Gecko Diseases

Tokay geckos aren’t as common as pet leopard geckos, but they are just as interesting as their cousins. As the second-largest type of gecko, they’re known for their vibrant colours and spots. They’re usually a blue-grey colour with bright orange and blue spots. They do have a reputation for being somewhat aggressive and aren’t recommended for beginners. But once you have their tank set up, their care needs are fairly straightforward.

An arboreal species living in trees and on cliffs, tokay geckos are native to parts of Asia and some pacific islands. They’re vocal animals, making a unique croaking noise that sounds like “to-kay! to-kay!” this is how they received their common name. According to some myths, they’re said to bring good luck. However, they’re also unfortunately frequent targets of poachers in the wild because they are used in some medicinal remedies. People will dry their bodies to be boiled into tonics or ground into powders that claim to treat various conditions, including asthma, diabetes, cancer, and more.

lizard in vivarium
lizard in vivarium

How long can Tokay Geckos live?

The natural beauty of this species has played a large role in this geckos popularity in the terrarium. Many keepers see past their irritable nature as a result of the magnificent colours and patterns they possess. Typically bluish-purple with orange spots, tokays are certainly an eye-catching addition to any collection. Size and longevity tokay geckos are fairly large in the gecko family, attaining an adult size of 12 to 14 inches total length. Males are almost always larger than females, both in length and overall mass.

There is little known about the life span of tokay geckos in the wild, but in captivity, they have proven to be a long-lived species. Depending on the age of the animal when acquired, specimens in captivity can be expected to live between 15 and 20 years under optimal care. Tokay geckos can be easily housed in a variety of different types of enclosures. If you live in a tropical or temperate zone where ambient temperature and humidity levels are acceptable, these geckos may be housed in screen enclosures much like those used to maintain chameleons.

Are Tokay Geckos great for beginner reptile owners?

They live to be about 10-years-old. Heavy-bodied and nocturnal, these tropical animals have a reputation for being aggressive, hard to handle and apt to bite. Pick one that is made of glass and has a front and top ventilation. How big are they? care what does a tokay gecko set-up need? product name: tokay gecko lizard care information click here to get tokay gecko lizard care information at discounted price while it’s still available menu duk news tokay geckos are beautiful and unique reptiles. Only one tokay could be kept inside a standard 20 quarts tall/high aquarium (24″ m x 12″ watts x 16″ they would), however, a bigger container is recommended.

Tokay Geckos will Bite!

Tokay geckos are infamous for biting. Generally, there are two types of bites. One is a warning bite where the lizard stands its ground while your hand invades its territory, the enclosure. Although generally ferocious in appearance, this bite causes only superficial damage. Little or no bleeding is the result. Remember, the gecko is trying to scare you away and does so by showing you it means business. The behaviour seems more common with males than females. The second type of bite is the defensive bite, which generally occurs when you grab the gecko with your hands.

The small end of tail nip, very minor. For the live insect portion of this diet, we would recommend brown crickets. Tokay gecko: as one of the largest types of geckos in the world, they are widely known for their vibrant colours and bright orange and blue spots. some common prey includes beetles, ants, spiders, and other insects. Tokay gecko habitat and tank. Insects, such as roaches, silkworms, waxworms, and butterworms, make up the bulk of a day gecko’s diet in captivity; some will also eat various tropical fruits such as papaya, mango, or even fruit baby food.

How do I handle my Tokay Gecko?

Tokay geckos prefer to avoid interacting with people. They should only be handled when necessary, and only with extreme caution. They cannot be housed with other reptiles either. They are very territorial and prefer their own space. Because they come from tropical areas, tokays do not hibernate, however, they do have a peak breeding season around April and May.

Tokay gecko care can be a bit tricky at times. Because of this, they tend to be too much to handle for novice reptile enthusiasts. A big part of their difficulty comes from their temperament (more on that a bit later). In terms of husbandry and everyday needs, tokay geckos can be quite manageable as long as you’re prepared and have a bit of experience.

Most tokay geckos do not tolerate handling. These geckos are extremely defensive and will bite if they feel threatened. For this reason, it is best to handle these geckos only when absolutely necessary. When you do need to handle the gecko, be sure to use thick gloves as these geckos can give a very nasty bite. If gloves aren’t available, the best and safest way to handle a tokay gecko is to restrain it by gently pinning the head and wrapping your fingers around the neck and body. This is very stressful for the gecko and should only be done when absolutely necessary.



The post Tokay Gecko Care Are They Easy To Keep appeared first on Our Animal Friends.

The Article Tokay Gecko Care Are They Easy To Keep First Appeared ON

The post Tokay Gecko Care Are They Easy To Keep appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Best Pedometers Apps and Step Counters for Tracking Your Activity in 2021

Best Pedometers Apps and Step Counters for Tracking Your Activity in 2021

Read on for our thoughts on the best pedometers apps and basic step counters available for your activity tracking in 2021. Nobody will dispute that gaining a step counters motivation for walking 10,000 steps a day can have a big positive impact on your overall health and fitness.

Some sort of a step counter is all you need. The step counter you use isn’t going to be your motivator. Motivation comes from the app you link your step counter to use. What is most important is the app!

It is the app and sharing your success with friends and the community that will keep you active in 1, 2, or 3 years from now. Trying to keep count in your head isn’t practical. The answer, of course, is a pedometer. But which should you choose?

Pedometers come in all shapes and sizes, and modern designs offer all manner of clever features in addition to basic step-tracking. But, to get started, do you even need a pedometer? Most decent phones will do a perfectly adequate job on their own at tracking your running movements.

Best Apps and Pedometers for Tracking Your Steps in 2021

While there are plenty of souped-up fitness trackers available, sometimes simple is best—and most affordable. You most likely already have a pedometer in your pocket: smartphones typically have apps to track your steps walked and stairs climbed, along with distances.

The first time you kept track of your steps might have been in elementary school, using bare-boned pedometers to learn about the importance of being active. But fitness tracking technology has come a long way since your recess days, and dozens of smartwatches, health apps, and activity trackers have been created to help you count your steps.

Before fancy fitness trackers with GPS and heart rate monitors became all the rage, simpler slip-on pedometers were the main way people tracked their daily step count. While you can drop hundreds of dollars on a fitness tracker with all the bells and whistles, basic pedometers and step counters are still available for a fraction of the price.

Featured image with text: "Best pedometers apps and step counters".

The best pedometers to track your steps

Like fitness trackers, there are several brands and styles of pedometers on the market. Unlike fitness trackers, pedometers cost considerably less. A reliable pedometer will cost anywhere from $15 to $35, with the higher end products boasting extra features such as length of time walked, distance travelled, and an approximation of calories burned.

Basic pedometers help keep track of your total steps and the distance you’ve walked, jogged, or run in a day. These are not just for athletic types. If you’re doing a step class or dancing class that focuses on fancy footwork, you may get satisfaction from checking your pedometer stats generated from those activities, too.

Your first decision should be to work out what kind of pedometer is right for you: a basic step counter which can be clipped to a belt or bag, or a fitness tracker worn on the wrist. The most basic pedometers cost less than £10, but since even the best models are rarely more than $25, we’d advise that you spend that little bit more to assure yourself of quality.

All step counters and pedometers count steps, but each uses different sensors to do so. App-linked trackers use sophisticated programming to detect motion as steps whereas pedometers that you wear around your neck or in your pocket typically use accelerometer chips, coiled spring mechanisms, or hairspring mechanisms.

Activity trackers, also known as activity monitors or fitness trackers, are the modern equivalent of pedometers. But they do more than count steps. Activity trackers can determine how far you’ve travelled and what type of movement you were doing, such as walking or jogging.

Pedometers are a popular way for people to track if they have reached the recommended 10,000 daily steps. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of four brands of pedometers at measuring steps and to determine if a relationship exists between pedometer cost and accuracy.

The top-rated pedometers to track your steps for a healthier lifestyle. Pedometers and fitness trackers offer one of the best and easiest ways to get a handle on your health.

When you track your:

  • daily steps (Step Counters),
  • distance travelled,
  • calories burned, and
  • other statistics, you’ll also feel your motivation soar.

It is surprising how many people discover how just knowing how well you’re already doing can be incentive to do even better.

What is the relevance of 10,000 Steps and can an average person really do that many

Pedometers really can help you even a middle-aged person who has never taken a set amount of exercise before and never wanted to, achieve a magic 10,000 steps daily. Try it and most people will be amazed at what a fitness tracker can do – and once you’ve experienced how much more energy you gain – for living the rest of your life – you won’t ever want to stop.

There’s nothing magical about the 10,000 number, the number came from the early digital pedometers sold in Japan in the 1960s. They were marketed under the name ‘Manpo-Kei,’ which translates to “10,000 steps meter.” The obsession with a 10,000 daily step count, just kind of caught on since then.

The Best Pedometers or Step Counter Apps of 2021

Hopefully, if you’re looking at pedometer and step counter app reviews it is because you have learned about the many benefits of walking (and getting yourself moving in general) and want to increase your daily exercise. If so, we hope you will find what you were looking for in this pedometer review.

Pedometers vary in the information they provide. Some simple versions will only measure distance, that is the number of steps/miles you move as you wear them. As pedometers get more advanced, so does the information you can gain from them. The more elaborate have a new name and are called “activity trackers” and within these devices, there is a trend to include pulse rate (heart rate) and for the linked app to use the data to calculate the calories burned. As the step counters technology continues to be miniaturized more and more of these are found in wrist-watch styles and look more like modern-day watches.

Inexpensive modern pedometers are partly mechanical (they register steps using a swinging pendulum) and partly electronic (they use microchips to count the steps that the pendulum detects). In contrast, early pedometers were entirely mechanical. They worked to a degree and examples of early pedometers date back as far as a century ago.

An example of a pedometer of today is the 3dtrisport. It is a simple pedometer that does all the basics well. On the main screen, you can see your steps for the day, as well as the time. This device can be bought for around $20.

A full movement pedometer is a device, usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person’s hands or hips. Because the distance of each person’s step varies, an informal calibration, performed by the user, is required if the presentation of the distance covered in a unit of length (such as in kilometres or miles) is desired. However, there are now pedometers that use electronics and software to automatically determine how a person’s step varies.

Most fitness trackers are essentially at their heart pedometers. They include an accelerometer, a sensor used by smartphones to switch from portrait to landscape when you change their orientation or position. This sensor is able to detect motion, and in an activity monitor, it’s calibrated to detect your walking or running stride.

What if I am a Non-Walker and Want to Escape My Inactive Habit?

If you’re in a nonwalking inactivity rut, wearing a pedometer might be one of the least expensive and most effective ways to climb out of it. Compared with today’s smartphones and iPods,
pedometers are inexpensive little devices that perform that all-important function of counting the number of steps you take.

What’s a pedometer?

Pedometers are defined as tech devices, wearables or apps that help clock your steps as you train, exercise or go about your day to day activities. These nifty health tech gizmos can truly help you stay fit and transform your health and well-being.

Just like a camera, the best pedometer is the one you always have with you. Pedometers can provide step count data and calculate key metrics like total distance travelled and calories. They come in a variety of styles designed to wear on your wrist, neck, or clipped to clothing.

Advantages of Piezoelectric Pedometers

Piezoelectric pedometers tend to be more sensitive than spring-levered at slower speeds and so they may be preferable for individuals who walk slowly. In addition, the tilt of the pedometer is critical for performance with spring-levered devices, but not so with piezoelectric devices (the piezoelectric mechanism is not position dependent).

If you’re struggling to get your daily steps in without a visual reminder of your health goals. A pedometer is a simple purchase that can help you meet fitness objectives like 5,000 steps taken or 5,000 calories burned.

Do Step Counters Really Work?

We would like to know from our readers what quirky activities have you done that your fitness tracker or smartwatch falsely counted as steps?

What about playing the drums, folding napkins, or directing a choir?

How about opening and closing the refrigerator door or washing your hands? These are all activities that have netted people’s steps. A good step counter should measure exactly that, so do check out reviews for comments on accuracy before you buy your device.

Best pedometer apps and step counter apps for Android!

Believe it or not, you can start out with a step counter by just adding a free app to your android smartphone. There are a number of them but the best known is “Google Fit”. it is a good start for step counter apps. It keeps track of a lot of stuff when activated on a suitable phone, including:

  • steps (step counters),
  • time active, and
  • more.

The app also supports all wearable OS smartwatches as well as Xiaomi Mi bands.

Step Counter – Pedometer Free & Calorie Counter

The Realalt 3Dtrisport Walking 3D Pedometer with Clip and Strap is a good example. It comes with a free ebook, 30 days memory, accurate step counter, walking distance miles/km, calorie counter, daily target monitor, exercise time.

Also available is the Ozo Fitness SC 3d Digital pedometer billed as the best pedometer for walking.

Omron hj320e mentioned earlier is a walking style one pocket hip pedometer. You can wear this pedometer on your waist (using the detachable waist clip), in your pocket or around the neck (neck lanyard sold separately). That pretty much leaves you no excuse to leave home without it!

Power saving pedometers are available at a slightly higher initial price which again includes a step counter. This counts your daily steps with the built-in sensor, and these models can greatly save on battery use.

Step counter use and physical activity

Simple step counters (pedometers) are fine for some people, but most will want a little more interactivity with others using the same devices to compare their achievements with others and maintain their motivation. We think that keeping track of your physical activity can be hard without a Fitbit, apple watch, or other sophisticated workout-tracking devices. This is especially true for people who walk as their main form of exercise. Admittedly the easiest solution is to download a step counter app, most of which work by using the built-in GPS on your cell phone. Nevertheless, full-blown Fitbit and Garmen trackers are no longer really that expensive compared with the daily use most users will get from such devices.

Pacer is an example. It’s more than a step counter for your Apple Watch. This app records and displays your daily activity but beyond that, it also places at your disposal personalised fitness programs. These use AI and are based on your fitness level and naturally, the app comes with a social component that makes it even more immersive.

Fitness: Using a Pedometer or Step Counter

A step counter or “fitness tracker” can be no more than the powerful yet simple iPhone Pedometer app that tracks your activity and motivates you to achieve your fitness goals. The “Stepwise iPhone Pedometer” is a modern, fully-featured iPhone pedometer with many useful features presented in a simple, intuitive interface.

This is one of the best all in one step counter and pedometer apps for Android/iPhone in 2021. Everything you need in fitness tracking is here. It gives you every data you need steps tracking, distance tracking, calories burning to track and much more.

All the best diet and fitness plans say “walk, walk, walk,” right?

And, you do walk! For example, with the Omron HJ 113 e pedometer, you can accurately keep track of all the walking you do every day. Omron has developed that step counter – the Omron HJ 113 e –  for every walking style – that i’s different from other models on the market today, and those differences make it one for everyone to check out.

Pedometer Versus Step Counter App Conclusion

A step counter feature on a smartphone keeps track of your daily steps, just like any standard pedometer. Your daily goal is customizable within the app. The Fitbit, Garmin or Google app and the device will congratulate you each day when you hit your goal. Depending on which clock face you choose, you may be able to see a visual representation of your daily steps every time you look at the watch.

You really can get started with getting fit using the motivation of step counting just by setting up a free app on most mobile phones. However, when you get the exercise habit, it’s unlikely you will ever want to revert to your old couch-potato habits, and you will progress to using one of the best fitness trackers of 2021.

The most accurate and simple step tracker auto tracks your daily steps, burned calories, walking distance, duration, pace, health data, etc., and displays them in intuitive graphs for easy checking and sharing.

The post Best Pedometers Apps and Step Counters for Tracking Your Activity in 2021 appeared first on The IPPTS Sport Gadgets Reviewed.

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What the SERPs Will Look Like in 2021?

What the SERPs Will Look Like in 2021?
What the SERPs Will Look Like in 2021?

Google continually updates its SERPs (search engine results pages). With the constant addition of new features, like passage indexing and mobile-first indexing, the SERPs of 2021 look far different than they did just a year or two ago. 

It makes sense—Google’s entire business model is based on providing users with the best possible experience. 

For marketers, though, it can be frustrating. Every year there are dozens of updates, new features, and updated strategies. 

How do you keep up? Preparation is the key to search engine success. 

Here’s what you need to know about SERPs in 2021. 

SERP Result Trends in 2021  

According to Moz, Google updates its algorithm thousands of times a year. Most of the changes are small adjustments with no significant impact. However, you can expect at least a few of those updates to cause major SERP changes. 

What SERP result trends should you pay attention to for 2021 and beyond? Let’s look at the most important SERP trends and what it means for digital marketing. 

Focus Less on Metadata and More on User Intent

Are meta descriptions and titles dying? 

Not quite, but optimizing the metadata to draw users in may not be as crucial as it used to be. There are several shifts digital marketers should pay attention to, like the increased importance of user intent. 

User intent means understanding what motivates users to perform a search or click a button. As Google relies more on AI to understand what users want, SERPs depend less on small optimizations, like metadata, and more on whether search results actually meet a user’s search intent.

Google has been actively catering to user intent for years, with updates like the local 3-pack and zero-click searches.

Recent updates, like BERT, RankBrain, and voice search, indicate user intent is a cornerstone of SEO in 2021 and beyond.

What does that mean for SEO? Here are a few ways to optimize for user intent: 

  • Answer common questions about your topic to snag Google answer boxes
  • Track how prospects move through your marketing or sales funnel to better understand which searches lead to conversions. 
  • Watch dwell time, not just bounce rate. Dwell time measures how long a user looks at a page after they click. A longer dwell time indicates your page is useful.
  • Pay attention to intent, not just keywords. Keywords can have multiple intents, so create content that meets multiple types of intent. For example, if someone searches “worm composting,” they might be wondering where to buy supplies, how to do it, or what types of food worms can compost. Use long-tail keywords to optimize for all kinds of intent. 

User intent will likely increase in importance in the coming years, so expect more SERP features from Google aimed at giving users what they want. 

Focus Less on Keyword Search Volume and More on Behavioral Analytics 

Keyword search volume is the average number of times users search for a particular word. For many years, SEOs and PPCs used this metric to determine whether a specific term was worth targeting. 

Why bother spending money creating content or ads for a keyword that no one looks up, right? 

It makes sense, but the SEO landscape is far more complex than it was in the days of keyword stuffing. 

Here’s the thing: If you are targeting a keyword, there’s a good chance everyone else is, too, which makes it incredibly difficult to rank for competitive keywords like “buy Nike shoes.” 

What’s the alternative? Use behavioral analytics to better understand why users search for specific search terms and use that data to create a funnel. 

Here are a few examples of behavioral analytics you can find right in Google Analytics:

  • Acquisition Data: Tells you where users came from, such as organic search, direct, referral, social, etc. This lets you know what channels are driving users to your site.
  • Behavioral Flow Report: Helps you understand the path users take on your site. You can learn how to set up the report here
  • Track Goals: Measures how well your website supports your overall marketing objectives. For example, does content promoting a new product actually result in sales? Here’s more about goals, including how to set them up if you aren’t familiar with the process. 

Google Analytics isn’t the only way to get access to behavioral analytics. Tools like Mixpanel and Smartlook provide additional behavioral analytics reports like heat maps and visitor recordings. 

Keep Natural Language Processing in Mind  

Google is getting smarter. 

Rather than just looking at the words searchers use, the search engine uses natural language processing to better understand exactly what users are looking for (which is another feature pointing to a greater focus on user experience!).

Natural language processing is a division of artificial intelligence that focuses on allowing computer programs to process and understand human language naturally.

For example, if you search for “what time is the game tonight NFL,” Google shows a chart of games for this coming Sunday because it realizes there aren’t any NFL games the night you’re searching for. 

SERPs - Keep Natural Language Processing in Mind

Once again, Google is focusing more on user intent and less on traditional optimization strategies. 

Brands and digital marketers should focus on long-tail keywords and pay attention to user intent and detailed, long-form content. 

Leveraging Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals are three specific factors Google considers crucial to the overall user experience. They include loading, interactivity, and visual stability.

page experience serps

Google also announced page experience in ranking signals would roll out in May 2021. This update combines core website vitals and features like mobile-friendliness to create page experience signals. 

Here’s what the three types of core website vitals mean: 

  1. Loading: How long does a page take to load and display elements important to the user? 
  2. Interactivity (first input delay): The length of the delay between a user taking action (such as filling out a form) and the website beginning to process the interaction. 
  3. Visual stability: How often does the layout of a page change? For example, if a user goes to click on a link, does the website load and cause the page to jump to another area?

You can view core web vitals in Google Search Console under “Enhancements.”

google serps core web vitals

Improving core web vitals can impact your ranking, so how do you do it? 

Work to streamline website code, reduce JavaScript execution time, and remove anything unnecessary from your website, including plugins you don’t really need. 

Google will soon consider page experience more than ever before. This means site owners should focus less on traditional optimization techniques and more on user experience. 

Continue to Focus on Mobile Experience  

Google hasn’t been shy about the importance of mobile. Google moved to mobile-first indexing for the entire web, meaning crawlers look at mobile versions of websites first. 

It’s easy to see why: Mobile traffic now makes up more than half of all internet traffic

If you aren’t focused on the mobile experience, your site will probably struggle to rank. 

Here are a few tips to improve the mobile experience

  • Use responsive design to ensure your site works well on devices of all sizes. 
  • Reduce heavy code to speed up site load times on mobile devices. 
  • Ensure images and content are easy to view, even on smaller screens. 
  • Reduce (or eliminate) the use of interstitials like pop-up ads. 
  • Use larger buttons that are easier to tap on mobile devices. 
  • Use autofill forms so users can easily complete tasks like signing up for an email list or filling out a contact form. 

Mobile is here to stay. It’s no longer just a nice-to-have feature. The good news is, you can use Google’s mobile-friendly testing tool to see exactly where you stand. 

Focus on More Automation of Tasks 

With tech advances and AI, there are more tools than ever to help automate certain tasks so you have more time to focus on ensuring your website is user-friendly and creating long-form content. 

Here are a few marketing automation tools to consider: 

  • SE Ranking: This tool automates standard SEO tasks like backlink and ranking monitoring, competitor analysis, and website analysis. 
  • Pardot: This sales tool helps you manage lead nurturing, email marketing, and lead scoring.
  • YourAmigo: This tool automates finding long-tail keywords to target.

Remember, marketing automation isn’t about automating SEO as a whole; it’s about giving digital marketers more time to focus on strategic tasks that can drive your site up in the SERPs. 

How Passage Indexing Will be Used

Passage indexing is a new method Google is using to index content. Rather than only indexing pages as a whole, it can pull in a section from a longer page that may not directly be about the search query but is related to the content users are searching for.

Let’s say you wrote a long, detailed post about Facebook marketing. You cover how to optimize your profile, how to optimize Facebook ads, what types of content to share, and which tools users can use to schedule posts. 

If a user searches “how to schedule posts on Facebook,” your post might not show up because it’s optimized for Facebook marketing as a whole. 

Using passage indexing, Google looks at passages of content to determine if sections of a longer post meet the user’s intent, and it delivers those in the search results. 

Google shared

By better understanding the relevancy of specific passages, not just the overall page, we can find that needle-in-a-haystack information you’re looking for. This technology will improve 7 percent of search queries across all languages as we roll it out globally.

How will passage indexing impact SERPs in 2021 and beyond? Like several of the other updates, Google will spend less time looking for perfectly optimized content and more time looking for content that users find helpful. 

Digital marketers should focus on long-tail keywords and providing valuable content for users, rather than focusing solely on what they think Google wants. 

Changes to SERP Layouts and Functionality  

Google’s SERP layout has changed drastically in the last few years. Features like Google Answer Boxes, local 3-pack, and People Also Ask help users find the information they need faster than ever. 

What might the future bring? 

We know it will bring more features to the SERPs. A study by seoClarity found more than 1200 unique search features in Google search results: an increase of more than 400 features from the year before!

While no one has a crystal ball, a few things are on the horizon: 

  • More zero-click answers: Google aims to give users the information they want as fast as possible. Additional searches are likely to deliver those answers right in the search results, rather than requiring users to click. 
  • Local listings will play a larger role in SERPs: As Google better understands users’ search intent, it will likely deliver local results far more often. A Google My Business page is crucial, both now and in the future. 
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality may show up in Google searches: Video usage has been rising for several years. Video, virtual reality, and augmented reality are likely to increase in SERPs in the future. 


Google is doubling down on putting users first. Marketers should do the same. 

Updates like page experience signals and passage indexing show Google is transitioning away from traditional best practices, like writing meta descriptions for every page, and focusing more on understanding user intent. 

The future of SERPs will likely be driven by data, AI, and a deeper understanding of the user. Is your brand ready? Find out how our digital marketing experts can help prepare you for the future of SEO. 

What do you think the SERPs will look like in 2021 and beyond? Share your predictions in the comments.

The post What the SERPs Will Look Like in 2021? appeared first on Neil Patel.

The post What the SERPs Will Look Like in 2021? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Breeding Cats and Raising Kittens

Breeding Cats and Raising Kittens

Breeding Cats and Raising Kittens

If you’re wondering how many kittens a cat can have in a litter, the answer is: as few as one or as many as 10+. But on average, litter size is 3-6 kittens. In general, first-time moms will have fewer kittens than older, more experienced queens (fun fact: female cats of breeding age are often referred to as “queens”).

Feline breeding your cat
part i: breeding, pregnancy, and delivery
whether you are breeding cats commercially or simply because you want a litter of kittens from your favourite cat, you’ll find that breeding cats can be a fun and rewarding experience. It can also be one of frustration and disappointment. There are many things that you can do to increase your chances of success. Part I of this two-part series discusses breeding, pregnancy, and delivery. Part ii discusses raising kittens.

Good breeders take responsibility for their kittens not just until they find a new home, but for a lifetime. Reputable breeders:
mate purebred cats only to improve the breed. They follow breeding standards and belong to breed organizations. They make sure that both the mother and the father cats are screened for genetic defects, and have the papers to prove their health and backgrounds.

cat breeding

How often does a female cat come into heat?

The Egyptian goddess of fertility is a cat for good reason. Cats are one of the most efficient reproducers. As “opportunistic ovulators” female cats can come into heat any time an appealing tomcat appears. Toms are ready for action 24/7. The natural routine is for females to respond to longer daylight starting in January. Every two weeks from January through September, a fertile cat will automatically come into heat. The fertility cycle usually starts at five months of age, although it is possible for female cats to go into heat and become pregnant at four months.

Female cats (or queens) come into heat many times during the year. This part of the reproductive cycle is called estrus. It is the time when the female is sexually receptive to the male. The heat period usually lasts 3 to 16 days with the average being 7 days. If the queen is not bred, she will come back into heat in 1 or 2 weeks. The cycle continues for several heat cycles, or until the queen is bred. Depending on the geographic location, most queens stop cycling and are sexually inactive for about 3 months in the fall and winter.

As part of the battle against pet overpopulation, it used to be common practice to spay and neuter young pets as soon as it was safe to do so, and sterilization still is routinely performed on shelter puppies and kittens. When it comes to privately-owned pets in secure homes, here are aaha’s most recent recommendations. Cats: female kittens can enter their first heat cycle as young as four months, but usually not until they are five or six months old. Aaha has endorsed the “ fix felines by five ” initiative, which recommends sterilization of cats by five months of age.

Cats: female kittens can enter their first heat cycle as young as four months, but usually not until they are five or six months old. Aaha has endorsed the “ fix felines by five ” initiative, which recommends sterilization of cats by five months of age. This recommendation prevents unwanted litters and greatly decreases mammary cancer risks in female cats as well as spraying/marking in male cats, but still allows kittens time to grow. Kittens sterilized at this age quickly bounce back from surgery.

Is it likely that one or more kittens will be stillborn?

It is not uncommon for one or two kittens in a litter to be stillborn. Sometimes, s stillborn kitten will disrupt labour, resulting in dystocia. At other times the dead kitten will be born normally. Although there is always a cause for this occurrence, it is often not easily determined without an autopsy that includes cultures and the submission of tissues to a pathologist. This is only recommended in special circumstances.

This study was based on a convenience-sampling questionnaire study of pedigree cat breeding in the UK. Data were collated for the births of 1,056 litters from 14 different pedigree breeds and 942 different households. Significant relationships between various outcomes and relevant predictors were assessed by multiple linear regression or logistic regression as appropriate. The overall mean gestation length of 65. 1 day varied significantly between the breeds (p<0. 0001), and larger litter sizes were associated with shorter gestation lengths (p=0. 04). The mean litter size of 4. 6 kittens also varied significantly according to breed.

cute-cat illustration

What do I do to care for the newborn kittens?

Generally, a mother will do a great job raising her kittens by herself, however, things go wrong. She may die in labour or reject her kittens. If this is the case, do you know how to hand-raise kittens? are you prepared to feed them around the clock for several weeks until they are old enough to wean? will you take time off to care for newborn kittens should the mother not be able to care for them?.

What are the signs that the kittens are not doing well and what do I do?

Your cat has been straining for an hour and no kitten has emerged. A kitten becomes stuck and won’t easily slide out with your help. Excessive bloody or green discharge. The first kitten has appeared but no further kittens have appeared after an hour. The first stage has lasted longer than 24 hours without any signs of straining. If you observe any of the above you should contact your vet immediately for advice.

Signs of excessive inbreeding include regular small litter sizes (one or two kittens), crooked noses, misaligned jaws, abnormal eye set and asymmetry. Male and females may experience low fertility and cancer are more common in younger cats. Immune system deficiencies are clear if half a litter or a group of adults die from a simple infection.

If you do not have your cat spayed, she will come into season at approximately 6 months of age. Breeding seasons are usually between March and June and late July to early September, when the weather is fine. A queen is in season, or on heat, for 3-5 days and will then have a resting period lasting approximately one week before the signs of heat return. While on heat, she will accept the male. As cats are induced ovulators, the stimulation of mating causes the release of eggs from the ovaries.

You should leave your cat to clean up and feed her kittens. It shouldn’t be necessary to handle the kittens at this point, so mother and kittens should be left to rest. Keep an eye on them for any signs that something is wrong such as your cat ignoring her kittens. If this is the case you should contact your vet immediately.

What should I expect during the kittens’ first few weeks of life?

Firstly, you must ensure your girl is on the active register. Cats are registered on the non-active register when their breeder does not wish them to be used for breeding; this will have been the decision of her breeder so you should be honest about your intentions to breed at the time of purchase. Make plans well in advance of when you want her to be mated. She will kitten nine weeks after mating and there will be three months in which the kittens need to be reared and cared for – this makes a minimum of five months in all and could be a longer period if your queen does not come into season when expected, or if you have problems with the litter and they are not ready to leave you at three months.

On 1st October 2018, prior to lucy’s law, the law surrounding licensed breeders, pet dealers and pet shops was updated to prevent them from selling puppies under the age of 8 weeks old. They are also required to state their licence number and the local authority from which they received it when advertising. When selling a litter of puppies, the mother must also be shown alongside the puppies, and sales must take place where the dogs are kept. This is to try to prevent animals from being separated from their mothers prematurely before they’ve been socialised.

The female encourages the kittens to suck and keeps them warm by lying on her side and encircling them. The kittens are guided by scent and warmth to her nipples where they find colostrum, the first type of milk to be produced which is rich in antibodies to help protect the kittens from the disease in their early weeks of life.

When selling a litter of puppies, the mother must also be shown alongside the puppies, and sales must take place where the dogs are kept. This is to try to prevent animals from being separated from their mothers prematurely before they’ve been socialised. Without proper socialisation in the first 8-10 weeks, puppies and kittens can miss out on experiences that help with their learning and development. This can cause them to have behavioural issues in their adult life.

Do kittens need a special diet?

Diet is extremely important for a growing kitten. There are many commercial foods specially formulated for kittens. These foods meet their unique nutritional requirements and should be fed until 12 months of age. Kitten foods are available in dry and canned formulations. Dry foods are less expensive and can be left in the bowl for the kitten to eat at will. Kittens will eat small amounts as often as 12 times during the day. Canned foods offer a change and are just as nutritious.

Renal failure refers to the inability of the kidneys to properly perform their functions of cleansing waste from the blood and regulating hydration. Kidney disease is extremely common in older cats but is usually due to exposure to toxins or genetic causes in young cats. Even very young kittens can have renal failure if they have inherited kidney defects, so we recommend screening for kidney problems early, before any anaesthesia or surgery, and then regularly throughout life. Severe renal failure is a progressive, fatal disease, but special diets and medications can help cats with kidney disease live longer fuller lives.

Do all kittens have worms?

Intestinal parasites (“worms”) are common in kittens. Symptoms include a generally poor condition, chronic soft or bloody stools, loss of appetite, a pot-bellied appearance, loss of lustre of the haircoat, and weight loss. Some parasites are transmitted from the mother to her offspring and others are carried by fleas. Some are transmitted through the stool of an infected cat. Very few of these parasites are visible in the stool, so their eggs must be detected by the veterinarian with a microscope.

Ancylostoma hookworms are parasites that can invade, inhabit, and live in the small intestines of animals. The specific hookworms that infect cats are the ancylostoma ceylanicum, and the ancylostoma tubaeforme worms. In their fourth-stage larvae, these blood-sucking parasites can cause anaemia and inflammation of the small intestine. Active worms will leave bite sites, and those sites may continue to seep blood at the site of the lesion. Internal infestation can also result in intestinal blood loss. Hookworm infestation can be fatal, especially in kittens. As such, owners need to be vigilant for signs of hookworms in their cats.

Hookworms cannot be seen with the naked eye. Your veterinarian will need to conduct a microscopic examination of a stool specimen; the presence of eggs will confirm the diagnosis. This examination will also help your veterinarian to determine which course of treatment to prescribe, which can depend heavily on the age, weight, and condition of your cat. If some of the kittens in a litter have died, hookworms should be suspected.

tabby cat looking up

Guide to Cat Mating and Reproduction

The key to a healthy cat reproduction process is not all that different from what would be done for a pregnant woman: access to good medical care. The first veterinary exam for the breeding cat should occur within two to three weeks of mating to check on her overall health and provide the best plan for her pregnancy to ensure her health and the health of her kittens. There are certain medications that are approved for use during the cat reproduction cycle or during pregnancy, but there are many that are not.

Before you mate your cats, it is worth knowing about the process and what you can do to ensure everything goes smoothly. It is always going to be worth consulting with your vet for more information on the cat mating and reproduction process.

You may have a young female cat whose playful nature and slender body spell kittenhood, so of course you can’t imagine she’s old enough to be part of the mating game. But puberty in cats can arrive surprisingly early. Siamese cats can reach puberty by the time they are 4 months old. For a feral kitten or one that spends most of her time outdoors, the presence of intact male cats may bring on sexual maturity as early as 4 months. In general, a female cat can reach the age of reproduction by the time she is 5 to 6 months old.

Mating and Conception in Cats

Like dogs, cats also have an oestrous, or heat, cycle. However, female cats, which are called queens, are induced ovulators. This means that they do not ovulate (pass an egg) unless they are bred. This greatly increases the chances of conception when bred, which is why stray queens often have many kittens per year. The queen can enter her first heat as young as 4 months of age, and she generally has 2 or 3 heat cycles during the breeding season (typically February to October in the northern hemisphere).

Mating does not always result in conception. However, there is a high probability of conception in cats as their ovulation is induced. Therefore, ovulation will immediately follow after successful mating. The ovulation usually occurs 20 to 50 hours after successful mating. As for the eggs, they have the capability to be fertilized for just approximately one day. Once fertilized in the oviduct, they will go to the uterus where it will be implanted in the lining of the uterus from 10 to 12 days.

Although cats are induced ovulators, the relationship between the day of the breeding, the number of matings and the likelihood of ovulation and conception have not been extensively investigated. In this experiment, cats were mated either once or three times on day 1 or day 5 of oestrus to study the incidence of the LH surge, ovulation and conception rates. The percentage ovulating and the conception rates after a single mating on day 1 of oestrus were 60% (6/10) and 33. 3% (2/6), respectively, and for cats mated once on day 5 of oestrus were 83.

Is Your Cat in Heat?

How can I tell when my cat is in the heat?
you’ll usually have no trouble knowing when your cat is in heat. She’ll become very affectionate, rubbing on you and the furniture, rolling on the floor, and constantly wanting attention. When you stroke along her back, she’ll raise her hindquarters and tread with her back legs. Another obvious sign of heat in cats is that they become very vocal. The yowling sounds they make can even lead a new owner to think the cat might be in pain. Another undesirable thing is that cats in heat attract tomcats (unneutered males).

Cat mating season is generally from March to September in the northern hemisphere and October to march in the southern hemisphere, however, it can be all year round. A female can be in heat for 1-2 weeks and the heat cycle can repeat every 2-3 weeks. A female cat in heat (also known as a queen) will be very vocal, maybe more affectionate, will roam to find a mate, or rub up against furniture, other cats, and humans. If you are wanting to breed from your pedigree cat it is very important you keep her inside when she is in heat to prevent her mating with stray tomcats.

If you haven’t had your cat neutered it is fairly likely she will become pregnant at some point unless you keep her inside constantly. There are some cat pregnancy signs you can look out for to tell if she might be pregnant. Your cat will not show signs of heat when you would usually expect her to, although this may not always be the case. If your cat has been in heat and has been outside, pregnancy could be very likely. At 15-18 days into her pregnancy your cat’s nipples will become enlarged, and red.

Your cat will not show signs of heat when you would usually expect her to, although this may not always be the case. If your cat has been in heat and has been outside, pregnancy could be very likely. At 15-18 days into her pregnancy your cat’s nipples will become enlarged, and red. You will notice her swollen abdomen. She may have more of an appetite, and you may notice nesting behaviour. She will find a quiet place, usually a cupboard or under a bed, and make a nest.

Signs Your Cat Is Pregnant

Cats in heat will go to any length to find male cats to mate with, and male cats have sometimes been known to tear down screens to get to a female in heat. If your cat was in heat and had access to a tom (un-neutered male) cat, the likelihood that she is pregnant is very strong. A pregnant queen will show both physical and personality changes which will first become more evident around three weeks after mating. Learn to recognize the signs your cat may be pregnant.

If your kitty’s pregnancy took you by surprise, don’t worry—you certainly wouldn’t be the first pet parent that’s happened to!
the best things you can do now are to confirm the pregnancy and talk to your vet about your kitty’s care. Signs your cat might be pregnant, include:
enlarged mammary glands or nipples. Weight gain and a larger belly. Mild vomiting, loss of appetite, or lethargy.

At the end of the gestation period, it will be time for your cat to give birth. There are a few signs that tell you that this is about to happen. First, you may notice them seeking out quiet places where they can give birth. This tends to happen anywhere between a couple of days and a few hours before labour takes place. You may start to see your pregnant cat behaving in an anxious or restless way in the 48 hours before birth. Other signs include your cat vocalizing more than usual and a sudden loss of appetite.

The pregnancy in cats usually lasts for 64 to 71 days, with an average of nine weeks, but it is difficult to know precisely how long cats are pregnant. The cat usually does not show any physical signs of pregnancy until a few weeks into her term.

So Your Cat Is Pregnant

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cats mating may seem simple to the casual observer: they mate loudly, frequently, and indiscriminately; the female cat becomes pregnant, then gives birth to a bunch of kittens. The truth is not quite as clear-cut as that, however. For instance, did you know that cats do not ovulate until they mate? or that a female cat may give birth to five kittens, each from a different father? that whole male cats have barbed penises to stimulate the female cat to ovulate?.

If you suspect your cat could be pregnant you should take her to the vets. The vet can determine if she is pregnant by an ultrasound scan or more commonly abdominal palpation or hormone tests. During pregnancy, your cat’s appetite will increase by 50% so you will need to provide more food for her. This increase in appetite usually occurs in her third trimester (42 days). This is also when you visibly notice she is pregnant. It is at this time you will need to change her food. Pregnant cats will need more protein in their diet so it is advised you feed her food with a higher protein content such as kitten food.

So you were a little slow in having her spayed and your cat turned up pregnant, or perhaps a pregnant stray adopted you. Maybe you are working with a rescue group and this is your first fostering experience with a pregnant cat. Where do you go from here? your first major decision is whether or not to allow the condition to continue.

It is important to make sure your cat doesn’t pass on worms to her kittens via her milk. If she has been wormed recently then she will probably still be protected. But if she hasn’t been wormed recently you may want to worm her. You will need to obtain worming treatment from the vet as some treatment may not be suitable for a pregnant cat. You shouldn’t administer anything to your cat without seeking your vet’s advice, as it may harm her kittens.

From the time of breeding, many cats show behavioural changes. Most develop an unusually sweet and loving disposition and demand more affection and attention. However, some may become uncharacteristically irritable. Some experience a few days of vomition (“morning sickness”) followed by the development of a ravenous appetite which persists throughout the pregnancy. During the latter stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to look for a secure place for delivery. Many become uncomfortable being alone and will cling closely to their owner. At the onset of labour, many nervously seek a place to make the “nest” or birthing place.

There are five stages of pregnancy that should be on your radar! catster outlined these for cat owners. Fertilization: cats are sexually mature as early as 6 months. How many male cats has this cat been around?
early-stage: they may vomit just like humans. They also may eat less. Middle-stage: your cat is gaining weight and those kittens are getting bigger! cute! the vet may do an x-ray.

The post Breeding Cats and Raising Kittens appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Breeding Cats and Raising Kittens appeared first on Our Animal Friends.

The Article Breeding Cats and Raising Kittens First Appeared ON

The post Breeding Cats and Raising Kittens appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Is Pest Control Safe For My Family And Pets?

Is Pest Control Safe For My Family And Pets?

Is pest control safe?

Pest control has changed significantly over the years, with regulations introduced in order to make it not only more effective, but much, much safer.

In the past, companies used Organophosphates, which are a type of pesticide that is highly toxic.
It is now deregulated and not used.
Many companies would these dangerous pesticides and spray everywhere inside a property using airborne chemicals to ensure total coverage.
Little to no consideration was given to the safety of it’s occupants.

Not only are pest control companies having to under go rigorous training and licensing requirements. They have also got tighter regulations about what products can be used within the home and around a home to control unwanted pests

pest contol safety


Strict Australian Guidelines


In Australia, the law states that all pesticides must be applied in accordance with strict product label directions.

With the advanced tools now allow a pest technician to accurately detect what unwanted insects and rodents are in a house
With this information, they know exactly where to apply the pesticide, and they can use as little as possible and still achieve the desired result.

Because chemicals are applied in a controlled manner and strategically placed within the property.
A home’s occupants are not exposed to the chemicals.
When powder or dust treatments are administered, they can accurately be placed.
Areas like wall cavities, roof voids, under kitchen cabinets and other areas that people and pets do not access.

Ask Your Pest Control Technician What Type Of Chemical They Will Be Using


The company in the lead up should be asking about your family and your pets.
Questions about health issues, such as asthma or any allergies

All pesticides which are used in households must be approved by the APVMA ( Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority ).

Only a true professional pest controller will have this kind of knowledge, and ask you questions such as what kind of pets you have, and adjust the kind of treatment for your house accordingly.

Of course, some chemicals are more toxic than others, however, we only use approved products with a very low mammalian toxicity.

Some products have been known to be more toxic towards cats, such as Deltamethrin.

Ask A Professional Company For Advice


If you a worried about your pets, a quick call to the vet about proposed application method in hand can give you peace of mind and help you decide how to proceed.

If you are pregnant, have a newborn baby or any health concerns that make you reluctant to seek pest control, call your doctor for advice.

Please note – pest control technicians are not doctors and cannot give you medical advice.
It is always best to seek the opinion of your health care professional if you feel uncomfortable.

If you require any additional safety info such as material safety data sheets of the products being used they should have them readily available for you to read them.
Pest control techs are experts in the products they use, and will be glad to explain anything that is confusing to you.

If the pest controller you speak to seems uninformed or uninterested in spending time with you or answering your question or concerns , consider it a red flag.
Consider calling other companies and ask your questions and find a company who can answer your questions.


pest control spray

pest spraying Brisbane

Safety Guidelines Before A Treatment


What happens before, during, and after the treatment are just as important.
Here are some tips to increase the likelihood of a safe pest control session:

Talk to the pest control applicator about the pesticide to be used so you can prepare ahead of time. Let the company know about health concerns. You can mention pregnancy, allergies, and etc. so they can find the best treatment option.

  • Cover everything that can be exposed to the pesticide such as plates, toothbrushes, toys, cooking utensils, etc.
  • Stay away from the premises for four to six hours. Keep the pets away, too.
  • If the pesticide is applied outdoors, make sure all windows and doors are shut.
  • If the pesticide is applied indoors, open the windows and doors immediately once you return home.
  • Wash and clean everything again prior to using them, especially food utensils

It is also a EPA requirement that all pest control company’s keep record of pesticides used their amount and were they were applied as well as any weather conditions such as wind speed


Extra Steps That Maybe Needed


The company that you hire will have a set of their own guidelines they may ask to implement before the service.

There are 12 major pest types pests (including cockroaches, fleas, termites, mice and ants.)
A treatment is catered to the home, the pest type and extent of the problem.
You should be dealing with expert Pest Managers. They will give you the right advice on how to ensure your your home stays pest free.

They may also suggest things like:

  • Steam cleaning your carpets just before the treatment
  • Mowing your lawn if you are treating for fleas
  • Clearing away excess garden waste and mulch if you have suspected termites
  • A full house clean if you have cockroaches 


Safe & Effective Pest Control in Brisbane


When you see the team arrive for the treatment, they should all be wearing  protective clothing.
If you see someone in shorts and a t-shirt spraying pesticide, they are not professional!

The weather conditions need to be taken into account to ensure that the protection will work
Strong winds will blow away the treatments and heavy rainfall will wash away the products..

The other part of a safe pest control process, is to ensure there is a set time we will be there for the treatment.
You should be advised for how long to be away from your property to minimise the risk to you and your loved ones.

To find an experienced and professional pest control team – Call the Brisbane Pest Control Experts

The Article Is Pest Control Safe For My Family And Pets? First Appeared ON

The post Is Pest Control Safe For My Family And Pets? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia

Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia


Massive 70 MW-Rig Shipped to Russia Could Power Three Months of Crypto Mining Operations to Entire Country

Big moves are happening within the bitcoin mining industry in Russia. An unnamed miner sent what seems to be the largest single batch of mining equipment to the country.

Delivery Took Place at the End of 2020

According to Kommersant, the unknown miner shipped almost 20,000 devices on 14 trucks, which have a total power capacity of 70 megawatts. The media outlet’s estimations show that the hardware shipped from Asia is worth approx. between $40 million and $60 million.

The Bitriver-powered data center is located in Irkutsk, the largest city of Irkutsk, in the Siberian Federal District, with over 600,000 residents.

Citing Igor Runets, CEO and founder of Bitriver data center, says that the delivery took place at the end of 2020, specifically in December. Right after the shipping, the data center’s staff installed the rigs to mine bitcoin (BTC).

Hardware From Four Major Manufacturer Brands

Runets also added that they deployed a separate hangar in Bratsk, in the same region, which will act as a tier-III level data center to provide “very high safety” to the rest of the batch. The ASIC-based equipment brands acquired include Bitmain, Whatsminer, Innosilicon, and Avalon, said the Bitriver data center’s CEO.

Artyom Eremin, the head of Chilkoot — one of the official distributors of crypto mining equipment in Russia — said the costs of the recent Bitriver’s acquisition could reach $50 million. However, he estimated using last year’s price before the surge of bitcoin’s quote across markets.

What do you think about this crypto mining move in Russia? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia appeared first on Crypto Scoop News.

The Article Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia First Appeared ON

The post Massive 70 MW Bitcoin Mining Rig Shipped to Russia appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates February 12, 2021

SEO Updates February 12, 2021

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

  • What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week 
  • Deal of the week: Valentines Day Flash Sale Save 30% Sitewide
  • Special Announcement: Scaling Your Agency Webinar March 10th
  • SEO Mad Scientist: Are Categories & Business Name The Only Major On-Listing GMB Signals?

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 75

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.


? Unconfirmed Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update February 8th
? Google Related Searches Stuck To Top Of Mobile Search Results
? Google Search Tests Dark Mode Theme Controls
? Google Search May Use Core Web Vitals Data From Non-indexed Pages
? John Mu: Google Search Prefers To Neutralize The Effect Of Spam
? Google Ads Lead Form Now Triggers On Headline Click

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SEO Mad Scientist

Hello Scientists!

Welcome to another SEO Mad Scientist report

As you know we have concluded a ton of GMB category tests lately.

Today we are going over a new test, looking at the last on-listing signals we haven’t discussed yet. But first, we want to do a quick update on a test we have been hinting about lately.

If you watch the SEO vault then you know we were trying to see if any categories would give us a prominence boost versus irrelevance boost like we’ve been seeing. So we tried picking what we thought were “authoritative” local categories to see if maybe that would give us an increase in organic reach for current keywords and not just rank us for additional terms.

Here are a few of the categories we’ve tested with…

Unfortunately, we did not see any increase in reach for any keywords but we wanted to quickly mention the test since we had talked about it previously…

Now some final signals we haven’t tested yet that we need to cross off our list

  • GMB Regular Hours
  • Special Hours
  • Open Date

First let’s say we can only test the effects of adding hours to a listing because once hours are set to a listing you can only edit them, not completely remove them

When adding hours to our Title Loans Miami test listing, we didn’t see any movement for any terms, even ones that we obtained with the recent category changes we did…

So the only real on-listing signals left to test are

  • Image
  • Q&A
  • And the various place you can add outbound links

Which if you didn’t know, provide different/additional options based on your categories leaving us to just a few testing variables ?

Also, another thing to test with outbound links that many may not know about is the ability to put links in product and service descriptions. GMB will stop you from adding it to your business description but not product and services.

What effects does it have?

Find out next week on the SEO Mad Scientist update!

Until then,

Happy Testing!





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When To Call A Pest Control Company

When To Call A Pest Control Company

When to call a pest control company is a question we are asked so we have listed the top signs that you have unwanted house guests.

Your​ ​home​ ​is​ ​an​ ​investment​ ​in​ ​your​ ​future,​ ​so​ ​you​ ​want​ ​to​ ​ensure​ ​it​ ​is​ ​well​ ​protected.​ ​
​Our​ ​Brisbane​ ​pest​ ​and​ ​termite​ ​control​ ​and​ ​inspections​ ​team​ ​are​ ​trained, certified​ ​and​ ​knowledgeable​ ​in​ ​all​ ​facets​ ​of​ ​pest​ ​control.​ ​
We​ ​have​ ​all​ ​the​ ​knowledge​ ​and​ ​experience​ ​you​ ​need to​ ​have​ ​the​ ​job​ ​completed​ ​quickly​ ​and​ ​to​ ​maintain​ ​a​ ​pest-free​ ​zone.​

pest control Brisbane

Signs Of Termites

Termites are very destructive and can enter a home and start causing damage without you being aware of it until it is too late

  • Frass is termite waste and it looks like sawdust. It tends to accumulate near the entrances to their nests.
  • If you see mud tunnels on the outside of your house, they are no thicker than a drinking straw.
  • The appearance of discarded wings or a clump or winged insects likely warrants an immediate termite inspection.
  • Trouble opening and closing doors and windows in cooler weather.In warm weather timber can swell and then in cooler weather the swelling subsides.When termites destroy the wood around door frames, they weaken the timber and moisture can enter into the area. These two factors can cause frames to shift or warp, which is why you’re having difficulty opening or closing doors and windows.
  • The noises they make!You can actually hear termites eating and if danger is detected, the termites bang against their surrounds to warn the colony


Signs of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are not loners. If you see one, then there is likely 100 that you have not seen.
That’s why proper cockroach control is a tricky business.

  • Strange smell happens when cockroaches in larger numbers give off a bad odour which is like a wet dog. It’s an oily, musty smell that comes from a mix of their pee and poo.
  • Cockroach droppings  look like little patches of what look like coffee grounds on the floor, they are probably pellets of poo.
  • Cockroach egg casings can also be found around the place. These casings are brown in colour and shaped like a cylinder. Depending on which species of cockroach, they can hold between 10 and 50 eggs in each one.

If you don’t get the pest control problem sorted quickly, you can easily have a full-on infestation happening and that’s not fun or funny. Calling a trusted team of professionals in pest control is your best bet.


Signs of Wasps

Whenever you see a group of insects or bees swarming around your  home it means it is either a food source or a nest.

  • Look for these nests under decks, eaves, and balconies as this keeps them protected from the elements.
  • If it is a swarm of bees, contact your local pest control company and they will arrange for a local bee keeper to come and remove the swarm.
  • If it is wasps then these can be treated and care needs to be taken as wasps can quickly swarm and attack a person or pet.

There are three main types of wasp in Australia:

Paper wasps: Build nests from eaves, the underside of branches and leaves. Nests are normally quite small (maximum 100-200 wasps) and hang by a stalk. They tend not be aggressive, only stinging when defending their nest.

Mud-daubing wasps: These are large solitary wasps than build a small nest consisting of a number of cells made of mud, often plastered to the wall or ceiling. They tend not to be aggressive, only stinging when defending their nest.

European wasps: These bright yellow and black striped wasps are capable of forming very large nests of up to 100,000 individuals! The majority of nests are found in the ground (80%), often visible only by a hole (with wasps flying in and out), with the remainder of nests found in buildings (roof spaces, wall voids and eaves). These are not often found in Queensland.


Signs of Ants

In Brisbane we mainly deal with a Black ants, Green ants and Carpenter ants
Ant infestations inside the home are pretty obvious and you see them.
Often, these may be ants nesting outside coming in looking for food and moisture. Act as soon as you see them and to put all food away if this is what they are targeting.

    • If you find ants in your house and cannot see where they are coming in from, you may have ants nesting in or under your house. They quite often nest in wall voids, roof spaces and behind cupboards. This can take some searching to find the nest and apply a treatment.
    • Signs of an infestation outside are piles of dirt and sand appearing between pavers and mounds in the lawn.


  • Also if you find family members or pets being bitten, then it is time to treat the ants



Signs Of Fleas

If your pet has fleas then you may have fleas in your house!

  • If you have bites appearing on your lower legs , then you may already know you have fleas. You will have to start treating them.
  • Your pet’s bed should be the first place you look, as well as any other spots your pet is allowed to sleep. Flea eggs are tiny, off-white ovals that can be hard to see on light-colored upholstery and rugs.
  • Put on long white socks and walk around your home and shuffle around areas where your pet sleeps. Then, check the socks for fleas. If they’ve taken up residence in your home, odds are that a few will be visible on your socks.

cat bedding

Your Neighbours Have A Pest Problem

Many pests are able to travel into the surrounding properties and from one home to the next. It is especially true for mice control and cockroach infestations.
Look for the signs pests leave
In doubt call in a professional pest control and carpet cleaning service to check the property and put in place monitors or a preventive treatment.

You Have Been Trying To Do Your Own Pest Control

You have spent money on baits and sprays but the problem still exists
They do not know how often and how thoroughly they need to treat. Professional Brisbane pest control  are your local expert team and are available when it is time to call in the professionals

The post When To Call A Pest Control Company appeared first on GQ Central.

The post When To Call A Pest Control Company appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How Old Is My Cat And Dog In Human Years

How Old Is My Cat And Dog In Human Years

On This Page

  1. How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years
  2. How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years?
  3. Dog Age Chart: Dog Years to Human Years
  4. Dog Age Calculator: Dog Years to Human Years
  5. Dog Years to Human Years Converter
  6. Cat Age Chart: Cat Years to Human
  7. Dog and Cat Wooden Signs Show
  8. Cat ages in human years
  10. (dog’s age in equivalent human years, based on the stage of development/ageing)

How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years

All animals “age” at different rates and our domestic dogs and cats are no exception. Unlike humans, these pets seem to age more rapidly in terms of human years, with both animals being of an age equivalent to about 15 human years by the time they are one year old. There are, however, some differences for dogs. Some people have determined an age range depending on the size of the animal. For example, a dog over 90 pounds may only be equivalent to 12 human years by the time it is one year old; a dog 51 to 90 pounds is about 14 human years old when it is one year old; and dogs under 50 pounds are the equivalent of 15 human years by their first year.

How old is your dog in human years? we used to simply multiply a dog’s age by seven. However, this calculation isn’t so cut-and-dried. See our dog age calculator and chart to discover your dog’s age.

It is not easy to calculate a cat’s age as there is no definite formula to do this. Although one can use clues in physical appearance like teeth, coat, energy levels. I would recommend if you want to find out the age accurately take your cat to the vet for several examinations. Nevertheless, a cat age calculator or chart, a graph can give you your cats age even though it might not be accurate. When using a chart to determine the cat age in human years consider the life stages for cats.

The easy way to calculate a dog’s age is to take 1 dog year and multiple it by 7 years. This is based on an assumption that dogs live to about 10 and humans live to about 70, on average. For example, a dog which is 5 years old is 35 “human years. ” this isn’t a bad way to go from a health perspective because it helps us humans realize that our dogs aren’t the same as children.

how old is my cat and dog in human years

How to Calculate Dog Years to Human Years?

Statistics from pet-insurance companies, breed-club surveys, and veterinary hospitals have helped us learn more about how dog’s age. Dogs do not age at a rate of 7 human years for each year in dog years. According to the American veterinary medical association:
the first year of a medium-sized dog’s life is 15 years of a human’s life. The second year of a dog’s life equals about nine years for a human.

And after that, every human year equals approximately four or five years for a dog. In other words, the number of human years piles onto a dog’s life more quickly during the dog’s rapid growth to maturity.

If your dog was a human, how old would he be?
ever wonder how old your dog is in human years? not all breeds age alike, so use this program to calculate your dog’s “human” age.

Dog Age Chart: Dog Years to Human Years

It’s common knowledge that one year of a dog’s life is equal to seven human years…or is it? if this is the way you’ve been calculating your dog’s age, don’t worry – you’re not alone. However, the truth is that this method isn’t entirely accurate. Historically, it’s very likely that the “one dog year equals seven human years” method was created to simply show that dogs age faster than humans. Today, scientists and researchers have developed a more precise method of calculating a dog’s age to human years.

If you’re looking to calculate your dog’s age in human years more accurately, you can use a new formula created by researchers at the University of California San Diego school of medicine. These researchers studied the way human and dog DNA changes over time looking at patterns called methyl groups in humans and labrador retrievers. From this research, they concluded that you can calculate a dog’s age to human years by multiplying the natural logarithm of the dog’s age by 16 and adding 31. Their formula looks like this: (human_age = 16ln(dog_age) + 31).

These researchers studied the way human and dog DNA changes over time looking at patterns called methyl groups in humans and labrador retrievers. From this research, they concluded that you can calculate a dog’s age to human years by multiplying the natural logarithm of the dog’s age by 16 and adding 31. Their formula looks like this: (human_age = 16ln(dog_age) + 31). As you can see, this formula is pretty complex, so it can be useful to plug in your dog’s age to an automatic calculator programmed with this formula, like the one here.

Dog Age Calculator: Dog Years to Human Years

By popular demand, I’ve created a cat year calculator, similar to the dog year calculator i made a while back. Like dog years, cat years aren’t worked out linearly*, so this tool makes things easy for everyone. Simply adjust the human year/month slider to see the age of your feline in cat years. How old is your cat?.

Our scotch collie, buckaroo, is just shy of 14 years old. Following the long-debunked but still popular idea that one dog year equals seven human years, he’s almost a centenarian. (this “formula” may be based on average life spans of 10 and 70 years for dogs and people, respectively. ) now, researchers say they have a new formula (see calculator below) to convert dog years to human years—one with some actual science behind it.

More about the dog year chart. Turns out, math is not that easy. If you own a dog, you might have heard that 1 dog year is equal to 7 human years. That is not very accurate, since dogs reach adulthood within the first couple of years. Dogs grow quicker than we do early. It can obviously be used both ways. This calculator allows the user to adjust the rate of ageing during the first two years of the dog’s life. After two years, a canine will age three to five dog years per calendar year.

The team also developed a new epigenetic clock and a formula for calculating it. The dog’s age must be greater than one year, then that dog age is converted into a natural logarithm and that log is multiplied by 16, and then 31 added for a total. For example, if a dog is 14 years old, the natural log of 14 is 2. 6390, multiplying that by 16 equals 42. 224, adding 31 brings it to 73. 2. That’s a lot of math! see our dog age calculator and our dog year chart for easy reference.

Dog Years to Human Years Converter

How old is your cat in human years considering their small size cats live an amazingly long time? Although cats are smaller than most dogs, they generally live longer. A healthy cat can live to 20 years with a good diet, exercise, and good genetics, etc. Obviously, cats mature much more rapidly than people. It can be very difficult to tell the age of an adult cat as their outward appearance changes very little. In comparison to humans cats as they age still appear very youthful.

For an easier (and also accurate) way to estimate your dog’s age, you can follow this methodology for small, medium, and large dogs under 100 lbs. The first year of a dog’s life is equal to 15 human years. The second year of a dog’s life is equal to about nine human years. Each additional year is equal to about four or five human years.

So, why is this more accurate than the “one dog year equals seven human years” method?
because it takes into account that not all dogs breed age the same way. In general, smaller dogs live longer than larger dogs, so while a seven-year-old great dane might be considered a “senior” dog, the same isn’t necessarily true for a seven-year-old chihuahua. Therefore, it’s helpful to break down a dog age chart in terms of size, as you’ll see below. Generally, you can group dogs into small dogs (under 20 lbs), medium dogs (20 to 50 lbs), large dogs (50-100 lbs), and giant dogs (100+ lbs).

Cat Age Chart: Cat Years to Human

There is no reliable method to convert the cat years to human years. But people have now agreed that there is a difference in ageing. The first two years of a cat’s life is actually equal to the 25 years of human age. After that, every year, the age is increased at the rate of 4 cat years’ additionally. For example, when calculating the age of 6 years old cat in human age, it will be equivalent to 41 years. Based on various experiments, cat enthusiasts and other vets concluded that the world’s oldest cat lived up to 34 years, which is equivalent to 153 human years.

Check out the dog age to human age chart below to calculate your dog’s age in human years based on their size group:.

Buskers cat team may 8, 2020 article, blog, cat advice, inspiration no comments as a cat owner you would want to know how old your cat is in human years. Firstly, felines, as they get older, tend to have youthful looks and their physical statue start to change. There are some differences in age conversion, depending on breed and weight and other factors while calculating the cats’ age.

People typically have a misconception that a one human year cat is equal to the seven cat years. But this seems to be wrong. Because considering various aspects, the one-year-old cats seem to be more mature than a seven-year-old kid. That’s how the conclusion was made, which led to various experiments conducted later. Suppose if you are adopting a cat or bringing a stray cat home, then you may be uncertain about the age. If you take them to the vet, they will conduct certain physical exams and tests to confirm the age.

Dog and Cat Wooden Signs Show

Therefore, it can be helpful to look at physical and behaviour clues to determine your dog’s age. For example, teeth can be a particularly useful indicator of your dog’s age. As petmd explains, by seven months, all of your dog’s permanent teeth are in; by 1-2 years, they’ll be duller and might have some yellowing; and by 5-10 years, they’ll show wear and possibly signs of disease.

Cats and dogs have a lot in common with humans when it comes to ageing. As humans get older, they may slow down, form wrinkles, and sprout a few grey hairs. Dogs and cats share the same signs. Here are a few ways ageing pets show their maturity:
though it may be difficult to identify or evaluate, ageing pets may experience hearing or vision loss.

A look into their mouths to inspect their nashers is a good indication of age, especially in their earlier years. It isn’t until they are four weeks old that dogs start to get teeth, and even then it is only their baby teeth. Their permanent teeth develop at three to four months. But as they get older, it’s the colour that is the biggest giveaway of age. They remain bright and white for the first year but after then can show signs of wear.

Late-age disorders such as arthritis and dementia can also indicate that your pooch is reaching their golden years. The onset of these diseases and disorders can take a toll on your dog and might make them show other signs of ageing. If your dog develops these disorders earlier in their lifespan, they might act elderly sooner than other dogs. If you think your german shepherd is becoming elderly, it may be wise to take them in for a routine check-up at the veterinarian’s clinic to ensure your pup isn’t developing any serious diseases common in elderly dogs.

Cat ages in human years

The 15 years and older cats are real survivors. With proper nutrition and well-maintenance, they can even survive longer. But this is absolutely a time for their calmness and peace. You know that they are not going to create any trouble. They always wanted to stick with their owner no matter what. They cannot survive without supplements during this age. Slowly, they tend to lose the ability to hear first, followed by the vision. Most cats tend to sleep longer, and in fact, that will be most of their day.

cat chart

As you can see in our dog age chart – aside from the giant category – small, medium, and large dogs age pretty similarly until they reach about age six. Then, larger dogs age much faster in comparison to their smaller and medium counterparts. By seven years old, a small dog, like a dachshund, will be six human years younger than a large breed, like an Airedale terrier. Why is this?.

Using a dog age chart to estimate your dog’s age in human years is a fun and insightful way to learn more about them! it’s important for other reasons, too. Namely, understanding how old your dog is and how they’re ageing allows you to properly care for them – and help give them the best life possible. Keep in mind, if you have a larger dog, you’ll want to start looking for signs of ageing around five or six, whereas smaller dog owners might not see any real signs until their dog is seven or eight.

There are many several factors to consider, so it’s not possible to pin it down precisely, but the avma says: “cats and small dogs are generally considered ‘senior’ at seven years old, but we all know they’ve got plenty of life left in them at that age. Larger-breed dogs tend to have shorter lifespans compared to smaller breeds and are often considered senior when they are 5 to 6 years of age. The ‘senior’ classification is based on the fact that pets age faster than people, and veterinarians start seeing more age-related problems in these pets.


Cats tend to age more gracefully than dogs, but they still age. Eventually, they can’t jump to the top of the refrigerator any more. Their appetites wane. They sleep more. What else can you expect as your cat ages? nationally known veterinarian, author, and television personality dr. Marty becker gives you the scoop and explains how to best help them enjoy their older years.

“complications in comparing dog age to human age are well-founded” complications in comparing dog age to human age are well-founded. The old 7 dog years =1 human year theory is inaccurate because the dog ages and develops more quickly in the first two years of life. Plus the ratio varies with dog breed and size. Even the more accepted equation utilizing the 10. 5 factors the first two years of the dog’s life and 4 years thereafter has pitfalls because it doesn’t account for size and breed. The more accurate estimate of a dog’s age in human years is calculated taking size and breed into consideration.

dog lying down with a cat rubbing next to the dog

(dog’s age in equivalent human years, based on the stage of development/ageing)

You’ve probably used the following easy-math rule for calculating how old your dog is: multiply their dog age by seven to get their age equivalent in human years. The formula was likely based on the fact that while most humans get to live until they’re 70, dogs live on average 10 years. However, this rule doesn’t always offer reliable results. The dog’s size and breed play an important part in their life expectancy, with smaller breeds usually living longer than larger breeds. Larger breeds live shorter lives, so they mature more quickly.

It’s time to rethink your dog’s age. With recent research underway, it was discovered that dogs age faster at first and then only taper into the equivalent of human middle-age only after a few years. As we said, this is why it’s better to look at your doggo’s age in stages rather than age milestones. According to the new scientist, there’s a new formula to calculate dog years to human years. In their findings, they cited that the first year of your pup’s life is the equivalent to 15 human ones! from 2 years old, we see a slower progression in human standards.

Have you always thought that one human year is equivalent to 7 dog years? well, that’s no longer the case. The old formula was based on the assumption that dogs live to around 10 years old, and humans to about 70. Since then, experts have learned a lot more about dog breeds and how they age. How old is my dachshund in human years? dachshunds are small dogs, so tend to live longer than larger breeds. In the first 2 years of their life, they mature really quickly. By the time they reach their first birthday, they’re already 15 human years old and, by 2, they’re the equivalent of 24 human years.

Ultimately, scientists aren’t completely sure why smaller dogs age slower and live longer than larger ones. According to the American kennel club, some researchers hypothesize that it’s because larger dogs are affected by age-related diseases more quickly. Similarly, larger dogs progress from puppyhood to adulthood much faster, making abnormal cell growth, cancer, and other diseases more likely. It’s for this reason that using the “one dog year equals seven human years” calculation isn’t completely accurate.

At the end of the day, even though the common “one dog year equals seven human years” method has been around for years, it’s not very accurate. Luckily, with new research, we now have a more accurate way of estimating the age of our dogs. Although the math can be a little more complex than a straightforward 1:7 ratio, you can always refer to our dog age to human years chart (or even print it out!) to quickly and easily calculate how old your pup is.

If you own a dog, you’ve heard this rule: 1 year for Fido equals 7 years for you. Turns out, the math isn’t that simple. Dogs mature more quickly than we do early on. So the first year of your fuzzy friend’s life is equal to about 15 human years. Size and breed also play a role. Smaller dogs tend to live longer than larger ones, but they may mature more quickly in the first few years of life.

Dog Age Chart: Dog Years to Human Years

It’s common knowledge that one year of a dog’s life is equal to seven human years…or is it? if this is the way you’ve been calculating your dog’s age, don’t worry – you’re not alone. However, the truth is that this method isn’t entirely accurate. Historically, it’s very likely that the “one dog year equals seven human years” method was created to simply show that dogs age faster than humans. Today, scientists and researchers have developed a more precise method of calculating a dog’s age to human years.

If you’re looking to calculate your dog’s age in human years more accurately, you can use a new formula created by researchers at the University of California San Diego school of medicine. These researchers studied the way human and dog DNA changes over time looking at patterns called methyl groups in humans and labrador retrievers. From this research, they concluded that you can calculate a dog’s age to human years by multiplying the natural logarithm of the dog’s age by 16 and adding 31. Their formula looks like this: (human_age = 16ln(dog_age) + 31).

These researchers studied the way human and dog DNA changes over time looking at patterns called methyl groups in humans and labrador retrievers. From this research, they concluded that you can calculate a dog’s age to human years by multiplying the natural logarithm of the dog’s age by 16 and adding 31. Their formula looks like this: (human_age = 16ln(dog_age) + 31). As you can see, this formula is pretty complex, so it can be useful to plug in your dog’s age to an automatic calculator programmed with this formula, like the one here.

Dog Age Calculator: Dog Years to Human Years

Our scotch collie, buckaroo, is just shy of 14 years old. Following the long-debunked but still popular idea that one dog year equals seven human years, he’s almost a centenarian. (this “formula” may be based on average life spans of 10 and 70 years for dogs and people, respectively. ) now, researchers say they have a new formula (see calculator below) to convert dog years to human years—one with some actual science behind it.

Turns out, math is not that easy. If you own a dog, you might have heard that 1 dog year is equal to 7 human years. That is not very accurate, since dogs reach adulthood within the first couple of years. Dogs grow quicker than we do early. It can obviously be used both ways. This calculator allows the user to adjust the rate of ageing during the first two years of the dog’s life. After two years, a canine will age three to five dog years per calendar year.

The team also developed a new epigenetic clock and a formula for calculating it. The dog’s age must be greater than one year, then that dog age is converted into a natural logarithm and that log is multiplied by 16, and then 31 added for a total. For example, if a dog is 14 years old, the natural log of 14 is 2. 6390, multiplying that by 16 equals 42. 224, adding 31 brings it to 73. 2. That’s a lot of math! see our dog age calculator and our dog year chart for easy reference.

cat lying watching a butterflie

Dog and Cat Wooden Signs Show

Therefore, it can be helpful to look at physical and behaviour clues to determine your dog’s age. For example, teeth can be a particularly useful indicator of your dog’s age. As petmd explains, by seven months, all of your dog’s permanent teeth are in; by 1-2 years, they’ll be duller and might have some yellowing; and by 5-10 years, they’ll show wear and possibly signs of disease.

Cats and dogs have a lot in common with humans when it comes to ageing. As humans get older, they may slow down, form wrinkles, and sprout a few grey hairs. Dogs and cats share the same signs. Here are a few ways ageing pets show their maturity:
though it may be difficult to identify or evaluate, ageing pets may experience hearing or vision loss.

A look into their mouths to inspect their nashers is a good indication of age, especially in their earlier years. It isn’t until they are four weeks old that dogs start to get teeth, and even then it is only their baby teeth. Their permanent teeth develop at three to four months. But as they get older, it’s the colour that is the biggest giveaway of age. They remain bright and white for the first year but after then can show signs of wear.

Late-age disorders such as arthritis and dementia can also indicate that your pooch is reaching their golden years. The onset of these diseases and disorders can take a toll on your dog and might make them show other signs of ageing. If your dog develops these disorders earlier in their lifespan, they might act elderly sooner than other dogs. If you think your german shepherd is becoming elderly, it may be wise to take them in for a routine check-up at the veterinarian’s clinic to ensure your pup isn’t developing any serious diseases common in elderly dogs.

Buskers cat team may 8, 2020 article, blog, cat advice, inspiration no comments as a cat owner you would want to know how old your cat is in human years. Firstly, felines, as they get older, tend to have youthful looks and their physical statue start to change. There are some differences in age conversion, depending on breed and weight and other factors while calculating the cats’ age.

People typically have a misconception that a one human year cat is equal to the seven cat years. But this seems to be wrong. Because considering various aspects, the one-year-old cats seem to be more mature than a seven-year-old kid. That’s how the conclusion was made, which led to various experiments conducted later. Suppose if you are adopting a cat or bringing a stray cat home, then you may be uncertain about the age. If you take them to the vet, they will conduct certain physical exams and tests to confirm the age.


How Old Is My Cat In Human Years; All animals “age” at different rates and our domestic dogs and cats are no exception. Unlike humans, these pets seem to age more rapidly in terms of human years, with both animals being of an age equivalent to about 15 human years by the time they are one year old. There are, however, some differences for dogs. Some people have determined an age range depending on the size of the animal. For example, a dog over 90 pounds may only be equivalent to 12 human years by the time it is one year old; a dog 51 to 90 pounds is about 14 human years old when it is one year old, and dogs under 50 pounds are the equivalent of 15 human years by their first year.

How old is your dog in human years? we used to simply multiply a dog’s age by seven. However, this calculation isn’t so cut-and-dried. See our dog age calculator and chart to discover your dog’s age.

It is not easy to calculate a cat’s age as there is no definite formula to do this. Although one can use clues in physical appearance like teeth, coat, energy levels. I would recommend if you want to find out the age accurately take your cat to the vet for several examinations. Nevertheless, a cat age calculator or chart, a graph can give you your cats age even though it might not be accurate. When using a chart to determine the cat age in human years consider the life stages for cats.

The easy way to calculate a dog’s age is to take 1 dog year and multiple it by 7 years. This is based on an assumption that dogs live to about 10 and humans live to about 70, on average. For example, a dog which is 5 years old is 35 “human years. ” this isn’t a bad way to go from a health perspective because it helps us humans realize that our dogs aren’t the same as children.


People Also Asked Google

How old is a 30 year old cat in human years?

Although there’s no reliable scientific way to calculate the relationship between human and cat years, it’s generally agreed that the first two years of a cat’s life are roughly equal to the first 25 of a human’s. After this, each additional year is around four ‘cat years’.


What is 38 cat years in human years?

Cat years vs Human years calculator Cat Years Human Years Increased by 5 35 +4 6 38 +3 7 42 +4 8 45 +3 4 more rows


How old is a 10 year old cat?

For every year thereafter, each cat year is worth about four human years . Using this formula, a ten – year – old cat is similar age wise to a 53- year – old person, a 12- year – old cat to a 61- year – old person, and a 15- year – old cat to a person of 73. Aging is a natural process.


How old is a 15 year old cat in human years?

Cat Years to Human Years Converter Cat Years (cat’s age according to the calendar) Human Years (cat’s age in equivalent human years, based on stage of development/aging) 14 72 15 76 16 80 17 84 21 more rows


How long can you keep a dead cat?

Depending on your decision, you may have to keep the body in your home for a short period of time. A well-cooled body can be held for up to 24 hours, but the sooner it can be taken somewhere else, the better.


Do cats remember you?

Anyone simply ‘present’ in their life is someone they may remember , but not associate with any emotion. But as long as you and your cat have shared a pet or two, and as long as you fed them a few of their favorite meals, your cat will remember you as well no matter how long you are gone.


How do I know if my cat is suffering?

Signs that your cat is in pain include: Agitation (unsettled, trembling) Cat crying, growling, hissing. Limping or difficulty jumping. Avoids being petted or handled. Playing less. Licking a particular body region. More aggressive. Change in posture or gait. More items…


What are the signs of a cat dying of old age?

Signs Your Cat Is Dying Lack of Interest In Eating and Drinking. It’s common for cats to lose their appetite toward the end of their lives. … Extreme Weakness . You will notice your cat becoming more lethargic and refusing to move. … Lower Body Temperature . … Changes in Appearance and Smell. … Seeking Solitude.


How do you know how old a cat is?

How to Tell Your Cat’s Age 6 Tips for Determining Your Cat’s Age . … Teeth and Weight Can Help You Calculate the Age of a Kitten. … Look for Wear and Tear on Adult Cat Teeth. … Ask Your Vet to Check for Cloudiness in Your Cat’s Eyes. … Assess Their Grooming Habits. … Take Your Cat to the Vet for a Health Assessment. More items…


What’s the oldest cat to ever live?

Creme Puff The oldest cat ever according to the record books was called Creme Puff . It was born on 3 August, 1967, and lived for 38 years and three days. Jul 3, 2020


Is 19 old for a cat?

In recent years, feline ages and life-stages have been redefined, cats are considered to be elderly once they reach 11 years with senior cats defined as those aged between 11-14 years and super-senior cats 15 years and upwards. When caring for older cats it sometimes helps to appreciate their age in human terms.



Why do cats live longer than dogs?

But its solitary nature may be the key to its long life , say scientists. In the battle of cats and dogs , cats clock up an average age of 15 compared with a dog’s 12-year lifespan. … Unlike dogs , which are pack animals, they live at low density and that tends to prevent them from catching infectious diseases.’



Do cats favor one person?

Cats ‘ favoritism is just as unpredictable and individual . Your cat’s favorite person might simply be the human who plays with her the most. It could be the human that feeds her most often, or it could be someone strong and stoic who puts off a ‘secure’ vibe. Remember that deep down, cats are animals.



Why does my cat wake me up at 4am?

If your cat insists on waking you up at 4 a.m. every day it’s probably because they tricked you at some point in the past and then kept tricking you because you were so easily tricked. Congratulations, you have been outsmarted by an animal that comes up to your shins and poops in a box in the corner.



What scent do cats hate?

Citrus : Just like their canine counterparts, cats hate oranges , lemons , limes and the like. Some cat repellents even use these smells to help keep cats away. Banana: We know the peels can be pungent and cats find this to be especially true.


Do cats get sad when you leave?

Regardless of their reputation, cats do get lonely when they are left unattended for long periods of time. They are social beings that form strong bonds with their owners. When their needs for companionship are not met, cats can become depressed . They can also get separation anxiety.



Do cats know their name?

Cats Recognize Their Own Names —Even If They Choose to Ignore Them. Cats are notorious for their indifference to humans: almost any owner will testify to how readily these animals ignore us when we call them. But a new study indicates domestic cats do recognize their own names —even if they walk away when they hear them.



What do you do with a dead cat?

Moving any dead animal is never going to be a pleasant task, but it has to be done. You can place the cat in a box or wrap it up in an old blanket before taking it to the vet. Let the vet know where you found it and they will be able to check for a microchip and contact the owners.



Is it painful for a cat to die naturally?

It’s painful . It’s slow. And, contrary to what you think, it really is a gift to be able to prevent your dog or cat from reaching that point of shock and dehydration before humanely putting them to sleep. When in doubt, talk to your veterinarian.


Do cats know they are dying?

Because cats rely primarily on body language to communicate to one another, they must be attuned to biological and behavioral changes in the other animals around them . This includes detecting weakness or changes in body temperature and odor. They are also intuitive in that they often know when they are about to die .



Do cats know when you’re sad?

Compared to our devoted dogs, cats seem pretty unconcerned with human affairs. But it looks like our feline companions pay more attention than we give them credit for. They seem to be able to tell when we are happy. New research has found the first strong evidence that cats are sensitive to human emotional gestures.



Do cats go away to die?

Cats do not go off with the intent to die alone and cold. When cats don’t feel good, they often like to find a quiet corner to be by themselves until they feel better. … Cats don’t understand about death and she probably just curled up someplace nearby under a bush until the pain or whatever was bothering her went away . Mar 8, 2011


How do most old cats die?

Hormonal disorders, kidney disease, arthritis, congestive heart failure, liver disorders, and renal disease are a few of the most -oft diagnosed diseases in older cats , most of which can be managed but not ‘cured.’ Any one of these conditions can hasten your cat’s death, although in most cases your cat can be made more …



Do cats die in their sleep?

Sadly, few cats die peacefully in their sleep at home. Most reach a point when their quality of life is unsatisfactory and a decision for euthanasia has to be made.



Do cats smell when they are dying?

Dying cats might begin to look messy and unkempt, and might even develop a detectable odor. The odor is usually due to toxins building up in the body as a result of illness.



Do male or female cats live longer?

According to the 2010 edition of the Guinness World Records, the oldest cat ever recorded was Creme Puff, who died in 2005, aged 38 years, 3 days. Female cats have been evidenced to outlive male cats , while neutered cats and crossbred cats have been evidenced to outlive entire and purebred cats , respectively.


Will cats purr if they are in pain?

Relief and Healing. Even though purring takes energy, many cats purr when they get hurt or are in pain .


Do cats purr when they are dying?

“I’ve witnessed a lot of cats purring when they ‘re dying , and when they ‘re being put to sleep. The vet will say something like ‘ They were purring right up until the end’, and people assume they ‘re happy when they ‘re purring .


Do cats cry when hurt?

Yes, as previously mentioned, some cats in pain (particularly severe, sudden pain ) will cry out or howl. If you see this, take them to the vet immediately to have them checked out, even if you can’t see anything else wrong with them.


Why does my elderly cat keep meowing?

Numerous diseases can cause a cat to feel hunger, thirst, or pain, all of which can lead to excessive meowing . Cats of all ages also can develop an overactive thyroid or kidney disease, both of which can result in excessive vocalizations. … Cats often meow to initiate play, petting, or to get you to talk to them.


Why is my old cat so skinny?

Well-recognized causes of weight loss in old cats include chronic renal disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and dental problems. … Dental disease can contribute to weight loss in senior cats. Nov 11, 2014


How long will a cat live after it stops eating?

The average cat can technically survive for one to two weeks without food if they have a water supply. However, without protein, it may be more like three to four days , even if they have enough water. With no water or food, it is unlikely that a cat would survive longer than three days .


How can I extend my cat’s life?

Here are my top five tips for increasing cat longevity: Feed your cat WET food. Raw is best, canned will do. … Keep your cat INDOORS. Indoor cats typically live longer than outdoor cats for many reasons. … Spay or neuter your cat . … Exercise your cat’s BODY and MIND. … Lots of LOVE.


Does my cat like belly rubs?

Why do some cats dislike belly rubs ? Hair follicles on the belly and tail area are hypersensitive to touch, so petting there can be overstimulating, Provoost says. “ Cats prefer to be pet and scratched on the head, specifically under their chin and cheeks,” where they have scent glands, Provoost says.


Can cats live to 30?

Average cat lifespan While dependent on many things, including luck, some domestic cats can live to up to 20 years old.


What are the stages of a cat?

There are 6 life stages for cats : Junior – 7 months–2 years. during this time the cat reaches full size and learns about life and how to survive it. Prime – 3–6 years. … Mature – 7–10 years. … Senior – 11–14 years. … Super Senior – 15 years and over.


Which breed is my cat?

If you bought or adopted your cat , and he came with official papers certifying his ancestry, you have a purebred cat , and the certification will state your cat’s breed . If your cat didn’t come with those official papers, finding out his exact breed may be more of a guessing game.


How old is an adult cat?

Kittens Become Adults – From Six Months to Three Years Old By the time your cat is one year old , it will have reached its adult size and its preferences, habits, etc. are typically established.


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