How to Create an Editorial Calendar in Google Calendar [Free Templates]

How to Create an Editorial Calendar in Google Calendar [Free Templates]

One of the most frequent questions we get from aspiring and current inbound marketers is, “How do you manage all of that content?”

When we tell them we use an editorial calendar, the next question is often, “Oh, how much does that cost?”

Nothing. Because, for the most part, we use Google Calendar.

Surprised? There are a lot of great calendar tools out there you can choose from. (In fact, for those of you who are HubSpot customers, there’s a marketing calendar built right into HubSpot’s software.) But after trying a ton of other solutions, our team found that we really operated the best with just a simple Google Calendar. In fact, this has actually been the longest-running editorial calendar solution our team has ever seen.

Here’s how we set it up.

Follow Along With Free Editorial Calendar Templates

HubSpot's Blog Editorial Calendar - Free Template in ExcelDownload the Template for Free

1. Download HubSpot’s free editorial calendar templates.

First thing’s first: Download the calendar templates, above (they’re free.) By doing this, you’ll have three editorial calendar templates on your computer to use at your leisure: one for Google Calendar, one for Excel, and one for Google Sheets. In this blog post, we’ll be going over how to import the Excel template into Google Calendar.

2. Customize your template and prepare for import into Google Calendar.

By default, the publish dates on the templates you download will be stamped for the year 2016. Feel free to change them to the present year in the spreadsheet itself — you can also drag them to the dates of your choosing after you upload the file into Google Calendar.

Google Calendar makes it easy to load a calendar you might have pre-created in another program into Google. This includes Microsoft Excel. Here’s how to import the Excel calendar template you downloaded in the previous step into Google Calendar:

3. Open Google Calendar.

Once you’ve downloaded (or, for that matter, created) a calendar that opens in Microsoft Excel, it’s time to open Google Calendar. Just make sure you’re already logged into the Gmail account you want this calendar to give access to.

4. Use the lefthand dropdown menu to create a new calendar.

Now it’s time to set up your Google Calendar to accommodate the information in your Excel spreadsheet. First, go into your Google Calendar and click the plus sign to the right of “Other Calendars,” as shown in the screenshot below. In the dropdown menu that appears, select “Create new calendar.”

Adding a New Calendar in Google Calendar

5. Fill out the details of your new calendar.

Fill out the fields that appear on the next screen. This includes a brief description of your calendar, as shown below, to give people proper context when you invite them into this calendar. When you’re done filling in the details, click “Create calendar.”

Adding Details in Google Calendar to Create New Calendar

6. Import your XLS or CSV file from the same dropdown menu.

Using the same dropdown menu you used to create your editorial calendar, you’ll now import the Excel file itself into Google Calendar. Click that plus sign and select “Import.”

Click the upload box that reads “Select file from your computer,” and locate the file entitled “Blog Editorial Calendar – Excel” that was included in the ZIP file you downloaded in Step 1, above.

7. Select which calendar to add this file to.

In the second box below your imported file, click the “Add to calendar” dropdown. Be sure to choose the name of the calendar you just created from the dropdown menu, as shown below. Then, click “Import.”

Import Excel Calendar in Google Calendar

8. Click Import.

Once you’ve uploaded your Excel file and selected the calendar you want to add this file to, click “Import.” You should see an Import calendar dialog box telling you that seven events were successfully imported. Click “Close.”

Now, if you didn’t change the dates of the first seven assignments in the original Excel document, you can now. Navigate to January 3, 2016, which is the start of your calendar. Be sure all of your other calendars are temporarily hidden by clicking the colored box to the left of the calendar name. On the week of January 3, 2016, you should just see one “Blog TBD” calendar event on each day from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Use the edit window of each assignment to change the publish date. For example, if you’re satisfied with the 10 a.m. publish time, you can simply change the date from January X, 2016 to January X, 2019. Each assignment will then appear as event blocks in your 2019 monthly calendar view.

9. Determine your publishing schedule.

Now that you have your calendar created, it’s time to fill it in with assignments for the year. This is when you have to make some decisions about your blog’s publishing schedule.

While the Excel file you imported accounts for one blog post per day, this doesn’t mean you need to publish seven days a week. Maybe you want to publish every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Or perhaps you plan on publishing on just Thursdays. Remember, the key to successful blogging is quality over quantity. Don’t overcommit to a blogging schedule if the quality of your content will take a hit. (Read this blog post for some great benchmark data on how often companies should blog.)

If you decide to decrease the number of days you want to publish, click on the calendar event of that day and select “Delete.”

Even if you wanted to publish multiple times a day, updating this calendar is as easy as adding an event. Select a slot on your calendar to add another “Blog TBD” event and copy the default description from another one of the events you imported.

Next, it’s time for some minor adjustments. Currently, the “Blog TBD” events are set for 10 a.m. Feel free to move these events to whichever time your blog publishes during the day. 

10. Set up recurring events.

Now that you have your publish dates and times set, you can make these recurring events on your calendar. If you have a regular publishing schedule, like every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 a.m., then put that in as a recurring “slot” on your calendar. It’s okay if you don’t have a piece of completed content — or even a working title — to put there yet. It’s just a reminder that you want to publish something that day.

To add your recurring slot, click on your first “Blog TBD” event and click the pencil icon to edit your event. This will take you to the details of the post, where you can create a custom recurring schedule for each assignment, as shown in the screenshot below.

Setting Custom Repeat Schedule in Google Calendar for Recurring EventYou can set the post up as a recurring post so it automatically appears every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 a.m. (or whatever days and times you want).

Setting Custom Recurrence in Google Calendar for Recurring Event

Once you’ve selected the recurring days, hit “Done” and “Save,” and you’ll have an editorial calendar framework to work with.

For now, keep the title of the event as “Blog TBD,” but feel free to customize the description with any extra details you want to be sure you include for each post. Wait to invite any guest, as we’ll use this to assign posts to an author once you begin filling in your topics. With everything complete, click “Save.”

If you don’t have a recurring schedule like this, you might not be in need of an editorial calendar just yet — but it is a good way to set goals for yourself. If you know you want to publish a certain number of posts each week, even if you don’t hit every single slot, it’s a good reminder for yourself and your team that this is something you should all be striving for.

11. Fill your publishing slots.

Now that you know all of the slots you want to fill, you gotta actually … you know … fill ’em. (If you don’t have topic ideas yet, check out this free topic idea generator. It’ll give you some good ideas for content to put in the calendar.)

Let’s say one of the posts you want to write is “10 Surprising Facts About Tapirs,” and one of the posts you’ve already written and want to publish later is “Think You’re Cut Out to Own a Tapir? Read This First.” Cool! Just add ’em both to the calendar by clicking on “Post – TBD” on the correct date, choosing “Edit Event,” and then changing the “Post – TBD” text to the actual title of the post.

Changing Name of Post in Google Editorial Calendar

Now, let’s say you don’t actually want to write “10 Surprising Facts About Tapirs,” and you want your colleague to write it instead. To assign the post an author, you’ll invite them to the event as a guest. To do this, click on the event, hit “Edit Event,” then invite that colleague to the post by typing his or her name or email address into the “Add guests” box, selecting “Add” when their name pops up, and hitting “Save” on the event once you’re done.

Adding Guests in Google Calendar

Now, anyone can see who is responsible for writing the post that’s going up in that time slot.

You can take it a step further by adding details to the “Description” box of the event, as shown in the large box in the screenshot above. You might include a quick synopsis, the keywords you plan to target the post for, the target audience you’re trying to reach, and the offer or CTA you will direct the reader to at the end of the post. Don’t forget a due date for the draft.

Before Google Calendar will let you save the event, you’ll see a dialog box asking if you would like to change just this event or all of the events in the series. Select “Only this event.”

Edit Recurring Event to Save Only This Event

Repeat these steps to assign each blog topic today and in the future.

12. Share your editorial calendar with others.

Now that you have your calendar set up, you can start to invite people to see it. I’d recommend you start with your immediate team and regular contributors — as well as anyone who regularly asks you about publishing content on your company blog.

To share this editorial calendar with people, simply find your editorial calendar under “My Calendars,” as shown below. Click the three dots next to the calendar name and then select “Settings and sharing” when it appears in the dropdown menu. You’ll be taken to the same screen we saw when you first filled out the details of your editorial calendar in Step 2.

Sharing Settings in Google CalendarThen, you can add in the names of people with whom you’d like to share the calendar and set the right permission levels for each invitee.

It’s wise to keep those with the permission settings to manage changes and sharing to a minimum so there aren’t too many cooks in the kitchen — but I recommend you let everyone see all event details so it’s clear exactly what content is going up in each slot.

Under the “Share with specific people” heading, enter the email addresses of those on your content team and decide if they have viewing, editing, or admin privileges. Save your updated settings.

Why Using Google Calendar as an Editorial Calendar Works

I mentioned earlier that we tried a lot of different editorial calendar solutions, and this is the only one that’s stuck for more than a couple months. I think one reason for that is because we use Gmail for our corporate email, which means everyone on our team is already in Gmail (and their calendar, specifically) all day. As a result, it isn’t hard for people to form a habit of checking the editorial calendar, because it’s not difficult for them to find it.

Google Calendar also makes things really easy to move around and schedule because … well … it’s already a calendar. It has all the functionality you need to schedule stuff out and let the people who need to know about it know. When we were using other solutions for this, we were trying to hack a calendaring function instead of just relying on one that already existed.

Along those lines, adding people to view your calendar is simple, which makes it easy for multiple teams to collaborate, see what’s being published, and figure out when they might be able to launch content and campaigns.

Finally, this sets a precedent for other teams to coordinate with you in a really simple way. You can have a calendar for upcoming campaigns, offers, social media pushes, product launches — you name it. And you can all share those calendars with one another for a single-screen view of everything that’s going on so you can coordinate more easily.

Are there other solutions of there for maintaining an editorial calendar? Of course. But if you’re looking for a minimum viable product, and a free one at that, this ain’t too shabby. It’s kept our content team sane, agile, and transparent for quite some time — and I think it could do the same for you.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in January 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

The post How to Create an Editorial Calendar in Google Calendar [Free Templates] appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates October 02, 2020

SEO Updates October 02, 2020

Another info-packed SEO newsletter to keep you up to date on the news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week

Featured Tool: SEO Pricing Calculator

Deal of the week: 20% Cashback on Citations and Data Agg purchases!

SEO Mad Scientist: Exact Match Brand Tests & More

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 56
Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

? Google algo updates may be another glitch
? Free aHrefs tool
? Google My Business Announced New Performance Insights Metrics
? Google Shopping going free worldwide this month

? And so much more!

Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here
Missed last week’s episode? Catch up with all the previous Vault Episodes here



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SEO Mad Scientist

Hey there SEO Mad Scientists!

Let’s jump right back into our tests from the last 2 weeks…

As of earlier this week, it appears as though all of our GMB sites have indexed and are showing for their “brand name” (with the exception of the brands that are 100% keyword-based)

Only 1 of the 10 sites is still showing for target terms, however, the rest do not. Previously with this 1 we saw it showing for some target terms, but then dropped off.



Just like our test from 3 weeks ago, we expect the site rankings to drop off soon as well. We originally speculated that this may be due to some kind of exact match brand algo, to reduce the power of keyword-relevant brands to stop EMDs.

This made sense since upon first crawling the site we had made assumptions on what the page was about. Once the keyword was recognized as just the brand, the keyword rankings dropped, but brand rankings were maintained.

Another option is that sites were being filtered for target terms due to a dup content algo, as all of these sites had similar brands but no content.


If the brand has a keyword in it, does it make it easier or harder to rank for that term then becomes the question. Is it easier or harder to fight the “exact match brand” algo.

So we began testing more sites with content, targeting local and non-local terms…



So far we are waiting for a lot of these to index but we are confident that as Google crawls them, the primary term will eventually be recognized as the brand since it is a GMB site and the listing specifically displays that as the “brand name”.

Next week we will review more like the Exact Match Brands and Partial Match Brands to see if we can’t draw some better conclusions.

Until then,

Happy Testing…


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Rent a Car Gijon

Rent a Car Gijon

Tips For Renting A Car in Gijon

A car rental service, rent a car, hire auto, or even car hire company is a business that hires cars for short periods of time, usually from several days to several weeks. A car lease is one that is generally set up over the term of the rental agreement. This type of car rental is generally less expensive because the auto has already been driven to the company’s facilities and there are less risks involved. However, there are also some things that you should know about when you are considering renting a car.

When you want to rent a car, you have to decide which type of car you will want to rent. If you are going on a vacation, a car with a high speed internet connection is probably going to be necessary. If you are using a rental car Gijon for business purposes, then you should make sure that the car is large enough to hold all the paperwork you will need. You also need to check with the company regarding the security features that are installed in the car. Some companies may require the use of a keyless key fob, while others will not. It is important to ensure that your personal safety is protected when you are using a rented car.

Rent a Car Gijon

The type of auto that you hire also determines the cost of the rent. If you are looking for a brand new car then you are likely to pay more money than if you were looking for a used car. In addition, if you are renting a sports car then you will likely pay more for the rental than if you were looking for an everyday car. The reason for this is that the sports car has more luxury features, so it will likely cost more.

If you are interested in getting a great deal on your rental rates, then you can look online at many different car rental websites. There are sites that are solely dedicated to providing a listing of cars for rent, while other websites may offer a wider range of vehicles. If you want to get the best price, you should consider going online for both car rentals and rental rates.

The company you decide to rent the car through is also important. There are many different companies that can offer you rental cars at reasonable prices. However, you may want to do a little bit of research to see if you can find a better deal by visiting their website. Some companies will advertise on their website, while others may not.

After you have found a company that offers the best deals, you need to decide how much you are willing to spend on the rates. You can usually find a rental car by the day or by the week. If you are planning to rent a car in a specific amount of time or to bring it back to your home, you should contact the car rental company and ask if they offer any package deals. Some packages include additional fees like airport car rental.

Before you make your reservation, be sure that you have checked and signed the documents before you leave your home so that there are no last minute surprises left. You should also make sure that the car that you bring with you is in good working order, so that you do not end up having to return a car that does not operate properly or has mechanical problems.

Make sure that you take some pictures of the vehicle you will be driving so that you can have a record of the vehicle before you get it home. Be sure to let the rental company know when you return the car at the end of your trip. This is a safety measure as well. Also, before you return your car, make sure that you confirm how long the rental is for so that you will know how many days you will need to return it.

Rent a Car Gijon

More car rental opportunities at

The post Rent a Car Gijon appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Rent a Car Gijon appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How to Use Instagram: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Use Instagram: A Beginner’s Guide

Over the past few years, Instagram has seen exponential growth — from one million users in December 2010 to over one billion in 2020.

If you’re interested in getting an Instagram account, or just created one but aren’t sure how to use it, you’re in luck. Here, we’re going to cover all the basics, so you can see why Instagram is the top social media platform for engagement today.

It’s hard to remember a time before Instagram. “Do it for the ‘gram” has become a common saying, which means, essentially, “Do something so we can take a picture and post it to Instagram.”

If you’re not part of the one billion on Instagram, you might want to reconsider. The app is a great chance to stay apart of friends’ lives — when I want to see how my college friends are doing, I don’t check Facebook, I check Instagram. Plus, you can follow your favorite celebrities or political figures to see candid photos of their everyday lives.

Additionally, it’s a phenomenal platform for investigating what other brands are doing — for instance, Nike uses the Instagram Stories’ feature to promote inspirational athlete stories you won’t find anywhere else.

If you’re ready to sign up for Instagram, follow these steps below:

  • Go to the Instagram site on your desktop, or download the Instagram app from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).
  • If you’re on desktop, click “Log in with Facebook”, or fill in the form with mobile number or email, name, username, and password. Then click “Sign up”.
  • On Android, click “Sign Up With Email or Phone Number”.
  • On iPhone, select “Create New Account”.
  • Enter your email address and phone number, then click “Next”. Alternatively, you can also sign up with your Facebook account on the app.
  • Once you’ve filled out your username and password, you will be instructed to fill out your profile info. Then, tap “Done”.
  • If you register with Facebook, you’ll need to log into your Facebook account if you’re currently logged out.

How Do Instagram Notifications Work?

When your account is created, you’ll want to adjust your notifications so you only receive the information you want. For instance, you can choose to receive notifications when you get likes from everyone — but, alternatively, you might decide to only receive notifications when you get a like from someone you follow. Or, you might turn off notifications for likes altogether.

You can adjust notifications to “Off”, “From People I Follow”, or “From Everyone”, for the following categories — Comments, Comment Likes, Likes and Comments on Photos of You, Follower Requests, Accepted Follow Requests, Friends on Instagram, Instagram Direct, Photos of You, Reminders, First Posts and Stories, Product Announcements, View Counts, Support Requests, Live Videos, Mentions in Bio, IGTV Video Updates, and Video Chats.

If you’re overwhelmed by that list, I get it — I am, too. If you’re unsure what notifications you want to receive, you might start with your notifications on “From Everyone”, and if certain notifications begin to annoy you, you can turn them off later.

To customize which notifications you receive, follow these steps:

1. Go to your personal account (which you’ll find by pressing the person icon at the bottom right of your screen). Then, click the “Settings” icon (the circle icon beside “Edit Profile”).

cog icon for settings next to the edit profile button in instagram

2. Scroll down to “Push Notification Settings”.

push notification settings option in instagram

3. Check off the notifications you want to receive.

notifications option within instagram settings with sections for likes, comments, and comment likes

And that’s it! Next, let’s explore how to connect your other social media accounts to your Instagram, so when you post an image to Instagram, you can share it with your other online audiences, as well.

Connect to Other Social Accounts

When you post an image to Instagram, you have the option to share it on other social media accounts, like your Facebook or Twitter.

To link your other social media accounts to your Instagram, follow these steps:

1. Go to “Settings” and click “Linked Accounts”.

linked accounts option in instagram settings

2. Select whichever social media channels you’d like to link to, and input the necessary information to incorporate the channel with your Instagram.

share settings menu in instagram

In the next section, “Upload, Edit, and Post an Image”, I’ll show you when a linked account comes in handy.

Upload, Edit, and Post an Image

Now, for the most important part of Instagram — how to upload and post an image.

Instagram is an entirely visual platform. Unlike Facebook, which relies on both text and pictures, or Twitter, which relies on text alone, Instagram’s sole purpose is to enable users to share images or videos with their audience.

On Facebook, you might choose to post 100 photos in an album. On Instagram, you need to be choosier about which photos you post. There are a few reasons for this — first, you don’t want to post more than once a day (typically). For the purpose of scarcity alone, you don’t want to post too many similar photos. For instance, it would be odd for you to post ten photos from the same beach vacation on your Instagram. Instead, you might choose one or two.

Additionally, you want your overall profile aesthetic to look diverse.

To learn more about Instagram account themes and get inspiration, take a look at “12 Stunning Instagram Themes (& How to Borrow Them for Your Own Feed)“.

Additionally, if you want to embark on a deep-dive, you can take HubSpot’s Instagram Marketing Course.

Now that we’ve covered that, let’s explore how to upload, edit, and post an image.

1. Click the “+” icon in the bottom center of your screen.

instagram homepage with + icon at the bottom in the center

2. Here, you have three options. You can look through your Photos library on your phone, you can take a new picture from right within Instagram, or you can take a new video. For our purposes, I looked through my Photos library and found a picture of Boston I wanted to use. Then, I clicked “Next” in the top right.

instagram library option

3. There are two categories you can use to edit your image — “Filter” and “Edit”. Instagram automatically shows you filters first. You can scroll through the carousel and click any of the filters to apply it to your image. Additionally, if you want to use a filter but you want to tone it down, double tap the filter and move the cursor to the left to lessen the intensity of the filter.

instagram filter option

4. Next, click “Edit”. Here, you can adjust contrast, brightness, structure, warmth, and more. When you’re happy with your edited image, or if you don’t want to edit it at all, click “Next” in the top right.

instagram edit option

5. Now, you can add a caption, tag people (you can only tag someone if they also have an Instagram account), and add a location. Additionally, click the button beside Facebook or another linked social media account to share your image on that platform, as well. When you’re ready to publish, click “Share” in the top right.

new post in instagram with add caption option

Upload a Image or Video to Your Stories

In 2016, Instagram launched “Stories”, a feature that allows you to post videos or images that disappear after 24-hours. Instagram’s Stories feature is similar to Snapchat in terms of content — users often post more casual and candid videos and images, offering glimpses into their every day lives.

For instance, you might post a heavily-edited picture of yourself and friends at a baseball game. But you might post a more candid video to your Story of the stadium singing “Sweet Caroline”.

To learn how to upload an image or video to your Stories, follow these steps:

1. Click the camera icon in the top left.

camera icon in the top left of instagram homepage

2. Once you’re within the Stories feature, you can take a picture or video right from within the app. Alternatively, if you have an image saved to your phone that you’d like to use, click the small square in the bottom left corner.

instagram stories box at the bottom left of camera feature

3. Click on a photo you’d like to use in your Stories.

camera roll in instagram

4. In the top right, you have a few different editing features. The smiley face lets you add a location, hashtag, time, date, and other fun images or emojis to your picture. The pencil lets you handwrite or draw on your image. And the “Aa” icon is your text button. Once you click “Aa”, you have the option to change your font by clicking “Classic” at the top.

stories in instagram

5. If you click the smiley face icon, you’ll see the following screen. Simply click on one of the icons to add them to your image. If you don’t like it, drag it to the bottom, and a trash can will appear so you can delete it.

icons in instagram

6. For instance, I clicked the smiley face icon to add a location and hashtag to my image. You can also swipe to the left or right to add filters to your photo or video. Once you’re happy with your content, you can either click the “+ Your Story” icon in the bottom left, which allows you to share your Story with everyone who follows you, or select “Send To” to send the post to someone specific.

new photo post in instagram with icons and send to button at the bottom right

How to Follow on Instagram

It’s incredibly easy to find and follow users. Using Instagram’s search feature, you can find celebrities, brands, and friends. Additionally, you can search “Tags” or “Places”. “Tags” is particularly useful if you know what type of content you want to find, but you’re not sure who posts about it.

For instance, you might search “#familyrecipes” under tags — your results will include any images with that hashtag. As you peruse, you might find someone who posts content you really like, and you can choose to follow them so their content appears on your feed.

To follow someone, follow these three easy steps.

1. Click on the search icon on the bottom of your screen (it looks like a magnifying glass).

search feature in instagram with magnifier icon

2. Next, type in a person or brand. For this example, I began searching “mandym” (Mandy Moore) and found her as #1 in the search results. Alternatively, I could’ve clicked “Tags” or “Places” to search those categories.

search feature for "mandym" in instagram

3. Once you’re on someone else’s account, you’ll see a blue “Follow” button at the top. For public profiles, you can click and immediately begin following that account. However, if the profile is private, you may need to wait for them to accept you first.

follow button on mandy moore's profile on instagram

And that’s it! You’re on your way to becoming a pro. To take your account to the next level, plan out your next posts using an array of content ideas and templates.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in November 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

The post How to Use Instagram: A Beginner’s Guide appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Rent a Car Bilbao

Rent a Car Bilbao

Rent a Car Bilbao


Tips For Renting A Car in Bilbao

A rent a car Bilbao, hire a car or any other car service is an organization that hires cars for a short period of time, usually ranging from some days to a week. These companies also provide other services such as car rentals, car services and also limousines.

rent a car Bilbao

rent a car Bilbao

A rent a car service will not only provide a limo for you, but they also can provide a hired car service. When looking for a car you can also try renting a car for a weekend or for the day or a night out. It all depends on what you need.

The biggest problem with these types of agencies is that many of them do not have a reputation for reliability. It is important to find a service that has experience and knows how to provide quality customer service. You also need to know that you are not renting a car that will be late because of bad weather or other things. If the vehicle has been in an accident or if there are any mechanical problems then this could cause the vehicle to be late or to be at a much higher price than if it was not a problem.

When looking into hiring a car service, it is also important to find a company that has a good reputation. Find out how long the company has been around. If they have been around for awhile then they probably have a decent reputation. Also check to see if they accept your credit card. Most people prefer to pay through a credit card when it comes to buying anything from gas to car rentals.

It is important to check the vehicle thoroughly before leaving for your rental. Make sure it is clean and if you have any scratches or dents it should have been taken care of in a timely manner. Make sure there is no damage to the interior of the vehicle.

Once you have checked everything, make sure to go to the parking lot and park your vehicle. Don’t forget to lock the doors and make sure there is nothing inside or behind the vehicle. It is also a good idea to leave a copy of the insurance policy along with your rent a car service.

When getting your vehicle checked out make sure to make sure everything is in proper working order before you leave. Some places will even give you the vehicle back to try it again if something is wrong.

While these rental agencies in Bilbao may sound like a great way to get a vehicle, there are a number of things you should keep in mind. If the vehicle is late or if the driver does not show up for the rental, it is important to call the agency and check with them about it.

Make sure you ask about the rules about renters driving the car and if they have insurance on the vehicle. You may want to make sure your vehicle is insured. Sometimes rental agencies can only cover their own vehicle.

When you check the tires of your vehicle to make sure they are inflated correctly. Sometimes you are going to need them at the same time your rental car is due. This is a very important rule to follow because the tires on the vehicles are what is used when you drive and if they are not inflated properly it can cause a lot of trouble on the road.

Make sure to check the tires after driving the vehicle a few times to make sure they are right and to make sure they are flat. In addition, you can adjust the tires by pushing down on them and making sure they are level.

You should make sure your car is locked when you leave the rental and not let anyone else have access to it until you get to your place. There are a number of other rules that you will need to follow when it comes to renting a car. Make sure you are well prepared so you do not end up paying more for an auto than necessary.

Rent a Car Bilbao

See more car rental opportunities at

The post Rent a Car Bilbao appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Rent a Car Bilbao appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Why Consumers Sign Up for Webinars [New Data]

Why Consumers Sign Up for Webinars [New Data]

In 2020, brands are leveraging virtual events more than ever.

And, although some marketers once believed that “webinars were dead,” many are now rethinking that statement as they find themselves scheduling and promoting this exact type of event.

Webinars, or online events often modeled like a class or seminar, often include a lesson, slide deck, interactive elements such as polls, and, occasionally, time for audience members to virtually ask questions.

Because of their educational format, webinars can offer a number of great perks to brands.

First, you can build a sense of credibility by hosting a webinar on a topic your company has expertise in. Second, webinars can enable your fans to interact with you digitally.

Lastly, and most importantly, webinar signups can lead to a bigger contact list, more prospects, or purchasing conversions.

But webinars aren’t always easy to plan and execute.

Because webinars require viewers to sign up and remember to tune in, it takes clever marketing to ensure that a large audience actually attends. Additionally, with most brands going virtual in 2020, a number of competitors in your space might very well be planning a similar webinar that your audiences might be more drawn to.

Luckily, by researching your target audience, and learning more about what drives attendees to sign up for webinars, you can create and promote an event that effectively pulls in and delights your audiences.

So, where do you start?

To help you research the best webinar tactics for your brand, I surveyed 400 consumers about their webinar preferences and what motivates them to attend these virtual events. In this blog post, I’ll highlight a few key findings that you can keep in mind as you develop and promote your webinar content.

What Consumers Say About Webinars in 2020

People want webinars that help them explore their passions.

When choosing which webinars to sign up for, are people drawn mostly to events that help them elevate their career, or are they attending them for more recreational purposes?

To learn more about consumers’ motivations for attending a webinar, I asked 400 consumers, “Which webinars are you most likely to attend in 2020?”, 27% chose, “Webinars that teach me more about a passion or hobby;” while 24% chose, “Webinars that entertain me.”

which webinar would you sign up for?

Data Source

If you have a webinar strategy or series that aims to help people boost their careers or work tactics, don’t panic. Nearly one-fifth of the group (18%) said they wanted to attend webinars that helped them learn more about their career or industry, while 22% said “All of the above.” These results indicate that consumers will definitely still sign up for a webinar that tackles career, work, or industry-related topics.

Additionally, you should also keep in mind that this survey was delivered to a small general consumer pool of all ages and career levels. Had this been given primarily to executives or B2B business reps, the results might have leaned towards industry-related content.

Regardless of what industry you’re in, or the size of this survey pool, marketers should keep the data above in mind when creating and promoting a webinar. Because people are naturally curious and want to learn, your webinar promotions should intrigue them by clearly stating what they’ll learn, noting any experts that might be featured, and highlighting how attendees will be able to use the knowledge they’ll gain from the event.

Webinar viewers sign up to learn something — but prefer certain teaching styles over others.

Just like any in-person class, each professor — or webinar host — might have a slightly different teaching style.

While some hosts might come in with a great slide deck presentation, others might bring in an expert and have the audience ask them questions. Or, they might bring in a few experts and host a panel discussion where the audience just listens rather than asking questions.

There are many ways to format an informative webinar, but which teaching style actually intrigues people enough to get them to sign up?

When I asked, “Which webinar format sounds most engaging to you?”, 30% of participants said, “A presentation that teaches me how to do something specific.” Meanwhile, 20% said “All of the above.”

Which webinar format is most engaging?

Data Source

The results above hint that a simple how-to webinar with fewer frills could still engage audiences if you’re feeling low on bandwidth and creativity. However, if you have the time to coordinate a webinar that feels more like a live Q&A, this could also be a great formatting option. 39% of people said they were drawn to one of the webinar formats that included a Q&A.

Although a more basic presentation or lecture styled webinar will still catch the attention of potential viewers, content marketers should still make sure their presentations educate audiences on something specific — like a strategy — rather than discussing an incredibly broad or very vague topic — like an entire industry. Only 12% of respondents say they’re driven to webinars that will feature a presenter discussing a broad topic.

Odds are, a person attending a webinar already knows the basics of their hobby, industry, or passion. But, they want to learn more or become an expert at something related to it. For example, as a content marketer, I might not attend a webinar with a broad topic of “Marketing,” but I might attend webinars like, “Advanced Blogging Tips from Managing Editors,” or “The Basics of SEO in Marketing.”

As a marketer or webinar creator, you’ll need to build a buyer persona for your target audience to determine the best expertise level to create valuable content around. If your audience is filled with beginners in a topic, you might want to create more granular webinars that discuss basic tasks or tactics. If your audience is made up of topic experts, your webinars might need to be more advanced.

Interactive Content: The Key to an Engaging Webinar?

In the modern classroom, teachers will often zest up a number of different class outlines by adding opportunities for students to interact or test their knowledge. These could include polling the class by asking them to raise their hands, pop quizzes, or allowing them to ask questions.

When it comes to online events, a number of tools and video software enable marketers to make their webinars more interactive and engaging. And, based on our research, it seems like consumers enjoy interactive webinars.

When asked, “Which element would you most like to see in a webinar?”, “A host or presenter that takes questions from the audience,” received 22% of the votes, followed by “No preference as long as the webinar feels interactive,” with 19% of the votes. Another 20% say they’d like to see polls or quizzes.

Which element would you like to see in a webinar?

Data Source

If you’re a marketer who regularly creates webinars, it might be worth it to consider where you can make your programming more interactive.

For example, if you’re hosting an expert, consider leaving time for the audience to ask questions in the webinar tool’s chat area. Or, if you’re discussing a strategy that’s common in your field, poll your audience to see if they’ve used the tactic.

Although polls or Q&A might seem like a super basic webinar element, they might make your audiences listen more actively and enjoy the content they’re consuming more. This ultimately could lead to them engaging more with your brand, signing up for future webinars, or converting to a customer.

If you’re marketing a webinar that has interactive content in it, be sure to promote that aspect. For example, in your messaging, emails, and follow-up emails, directly tell your audiences they’ll be able to actively participate in quizzes, polls, or a Q&A during your event.

In a competitive webinar pool, anything you can do to make your webinar seem more active and engaging than others that are more basic could help boost signups and attendance during the actual event.

Creating and Promoting a Successful Webinar

While creating a unique and engaging webinar will be one crucial step in your virtual event strategy, the proper promotional tactics will also be vital.

Once you’ve created a webinar plan that will inform audiences, allow them to interact with you, and fuel your contact list, be sure to promote all of the great things your online event will cover.

As you promote your webinar, don’t forget to note aspects that will make your event stand out — such as polls or Q&As. This transparency will show audiences exactly what they can expect and differentiate you from competitors with vague webinar promotions.

To learn more about creating a truly compelling webinar, check out this ultimate guide. Want to learn how to promote your next online event? Here are a few great tips from HubSpot marketers.

The post Why Consumers Sign Up for Webinars [New Data] appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

5 Myths About Video Marketing, Debunked

5 Myths About Video Marketing, Debunked

By now, you’ve probably heard video marketing is a powerful tool for generating leads and capturing new customers.

So why aren’t you using it yet?

For many small to medium businesses, the reluctance to adopt video comes from a fear of the unknown. Video marketing feels expensive, cumbersome, and difficult to track. And these would be valid reasons … if any of them were still true in 2020.

Video technology has come a long way in the past few years. We’ve gone from “put it on YouTube and hope the millennials find it” to video enablement platforms which empower small businesses to create, share, and analyze videos without the agencies, actors, or expense.

In fact, 88%of video marketers reported that video gives them a positive ROI — a 5%increase on last years figure, and a world away from the lowly 33% who felt that way in 2015.

If you haven’t seen what video can do for your company, it’s time to stop putting it off.

In this post, let’s review the top video marketing myths.

5 Video Marketing Myths, Debunked

1. Video is too expensive.

Sure, HBO’s Westworld may have beaten The Game of Thrones’ record with a price tag of $10 million per episode, but you don’t have to play their game. In fact, stay as far away from it as possible.

Video doesn’t have to be expensive. Today’s buyers and consumers actually appreciate authenticity over production value.

According to Fast Company, consumers prefer lower quality but “authentic” goods and services over those of a higher quality but which seem “inauthentic.”

This craving for authenticity is why we’re seeing such an explosion in micro-influencer marketing and user-generated content. With both of these marketing strategies, brands rely on their own buyers to create content, usually with little more than an iPhone.

With your own video content, don’t stress over having a low production budget if you have something valuable to say. For example, Vidyard produces Chalk Talks where they ask experts within their company to chat about topics like outbound sales, analytics, and video strategy in front of a chalkboard. The videos have been shared thousands of times, and the cost? A few minutes of someone’s time and a lot of colored chalk.

2. Video is cumbersome.

What many small business owners typically mean by this is “I don’t know where to begin.” When they think of video, they imagine a time-consuming process of coming up with scripts and storyboards, procuring actors and equipment, and hiring someone in jockey pants to operate the clapperboard and shout, “Action!” Yet modern video marketing is worlds apart from Hollywood and requires a lot less effort.

When it comes to camera equipment, the age-old aphorism still holds true: the best camera is the one that’s with you.

Today, most iPhone cameras rival all but the top-of-the-line DSLRs and video equipment and are a great substitute. You can easily capture videos of yourself, your office, events, and customers giving off-the-cuff testimonials when your sales and account teams pay them a visit.

And when it comes to actors, don’t worry that you can’t afford Gal Gadot: you don’t need her. Your employees will do a far better job because they actually know your products, your customers, and the details of your industry. After the initial awkwardness of seeing themselves on camera fades, you’ll have all the actors you need.

And finally, not everything needs to be scripted. Writers are great and preparation has its place, but a lot of great content can be created with little or no forethought. Take entrepreneur and internet personality Gary Vaynerchuk, for example. He built a media empire from selfie videos recorded on his mobile phone. The below video of him giving advice to young entrepreneurs might be what the internet would call “potato quality” but it still gets the powerful point across.

If you feel like you don’t know where to start, HubSpot’s Video Marketing course can serve as a great guide to helping on your way.

3. Our industry doesn’t really use video.

What most brands hopefully mean by this one is “our industry doesn’t use video yet.” Video is industry agnostic and the demand is being driven not by businesses, but the people who work within them. Remember, both B2B and B2C are really just B2H (business-to-human), and humans love video. One need only look at the numbers for a reminder:

real estate

      , where agencies are suddenly embracing everything from drone flyovers to virtual reality walk-throughs. To see similarly outsized gains ask yourself,

“What would the people who make up our customer base, business or otherwise, like to see?”

4. Video is hard to track.

Videos can indeed be difficult to track, but only if you’re using a bare bones video hosting platform like YouTube or your website’s video feature. These platforms only show you total video views which is like measuring your website’s success based solely from visits.

What if 95 percent of your video’s viewers dropped off in the first three seconds? You’d never know. A true video enablement platform, on the other hand, can give you insights into how people watch your videos, who they are, what they liked and didn’t like, and what they did afterward.

You see, video has some unique characteristics that make it highly trackable. Because it’s linear and people watch it from end-to-end, video enablement platforms, like TwentyThree and Wistia, can tell you what parts viewers watched, where they skipped, and where they revisited. From this, you can automatically infer an individual’s interest in particular products or value propositions that appeared in the video.

And, with CRM and marketing system integrations, you don’t have to spend all your time on these analytics. You can trigger actions based on how your viewers watched the video. Did they only complete 25 percent of it? Better send them a different video. Did another viewer rewatch the part where the product is shown over and over? Better ping your sales team because you might have a qualified lead on your hands.

5. Video doesn’t have enough uses.

Of all the excuses, this one invariably makes our editor cough and spit out her coffee in surprise. Video is perhaps the most dynamic and repurpose-able type of content that you have: It increases open rates for email, boosts click through rates for landing pages, encourages shares on social media, increases time on page for websites, and drives more leads than text alone. And, with a great video editing platform, you can optimize one video for all channels.

A good video editing platform provides small to medium businesses with the tools they need to easily cut up, edit, and optimize one video into many formats for many channels. This scales easily because users can easily A/B test videos just as they would an email and can render dynamic content to personalize videos to viewers, such as inserting logos, names, or even swapping out different products. With the right tools, video has more uses than you’ll know what to do with.

Video is easier than you think.

Once you have the epiphany that unscripted and low production value videos are both desirable and trackable, you’ll also realize that it’s useful for more than just marketing and sales.

You can use video in your customer support to demonstrate how to use your product, in your internal communications to update your remote teams, and as a way for people within your company to communicate on a day-to-day basis.

So, knowing that video isn’t nearly as expensive, difficult, or untraceable as you previously thought, are you ready to stop putting it off?

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in August 2017 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

The post 5 Myths About Video Marketing, Debunked appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates September 25, 2020

SEO Updates October 02, 2020

Another info-packed SEO newsletter to keep you up to date on the news, SEO tactics, tests, and TONS more…

We have an exciting week this week, you won’t want to miss a thing…

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week
Deal of the week: Buy links – Get 20% Back!
SEO Mad Scientist: Brand Name Variations

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 55
Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

? FREE Agency Automation Workshop Closing Soon
? SEO Accelerated Setups Are Live
? Google’s Fack Checking Schema Guidelines Updated
? Early Signs Of A Google Search Algorithm Ranking Update On September 23rd
? Google says: Dual-Stack IPv4/6 Does Not Give You A Google Ranking Boost

? And so much more!

Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here
Missed last week’s episode? Catch up with all the previous Vault Episodes here


This Weekends Deal Is ??


When you spend $200+ on links this Friday 09/25, Saturday 09/26, or Sunday 09/27 you’ll receive 20% cashback in store credit to use on future purchases!

DFY Link Building Services Include:

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Credits will be sent after the promotion ends.




SEO Mad Scientist

Welcome back, fellow scientist!

Its been a busy week at the SEO Laboratory so let’s dive right into it.

First an update from last week.



As you can see we lost all the rankings. We believe this is most likely due to the fact that the brand name is the exact keyword and we have no branding or optimization done.

At the beginning of the week, prior to the rankings dropping off, we had just started to build citations, social media, google stacks, and more to test the ranking ability…

We are going to continue to build the signals and report back on the progress.

We now have nearly 50 tests currently running on GMB sites to start really zeroing in on the factors that could have impacted this. When researching well-ranking GMB sites we have noticed that the best-ranking sites organically have the best branding and optimization locally.

Aside from those factors we also want to make note of the difference between the types of “brands”, so we have a large variation of brand types we are testing:

Brand Name With Exact Keyword
Brand Name With Brand Term and Partial Keyword
Brand Name With Only Branded Terms
Brand Name with Brand Terms and Exact Match Terms
Brand Name With Partial Keyword

We are also split testing these between listing the address or not listing the address on the website. Here is a small sample of the sites:

Once we launched the sites we did adjust the URLs and noticed some did not reindex as quickly as normal with the new URL. Once the URL is indexed they seem to be following the same pattern as last time with rankings starting to appear almost instantly.


Once they are all indexed we will benchmark where each one landed in the SERPs initially to see if we cant find some variables there.

Come back next week and we will have an update on these two tests, and even more!

See you then,
Happy Testing!

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Want to earn a $50 store credit?


In order to receive a $50 store credit, the only thing we need from you is a short video (at least 30 seconds) explaining:

1) Who you are and what you do
2) What you bought and why you bought it
3) How the product worked for you and the pros of it!

That’s it! 3 simple topics and you could be on your way to $50 towards your next purchase!

You can send your videos to: [email protected]



7 Tips for Hosting a Virtual Brainstorm, According to HubSpot Marketing Managers

7 Tips for Hosting a Virtual Brainstorm, According to HubSpot Marketing Managers

At HubSpot, we love brainstorms

Getting your team together in one room to come up with ideas not only allows you to identify creative content or strategies that you might not have thought of, but it also can improve feelings of psychological safety as people who might not be high-level managers are invited and encouraged to offer their input.

Brainstorming is one of the most productive team-building activities we use at HubSpot. But, recently, when we had to leave our physical offices and embrace remote work, many managers wondered how they’d recreate the same in-person communication, productivity, and sense of psychological safety virtually.

Luckily, many of our managers were able to adapt quickly, leading a number of successful virtual brainstorms in 2020.

To help managers build solid idea-generation techniques — even from home — here are a few steps HubSpot employees on the blog, acquisition team, and DI&B team take when coordinating remote brainstorms.

How to Run a Virtual Brainstorm

1. Give your team a headstart.

If your teammates already know the goal of the brainstorm, the prompts they’ll be given, and their idea generation instructions, they’ll come ready and eager to immediately make suggestions.

Before the brainstorm, consider sending a detailed email or a creative brief about what you’d like to achieve during the session.

“I’ve found that giving members of your brainstorm a chance to prepare in advance results in higher quality ideas presented in the brainstorm,” says Emmy Jonassen, Sr. Director of Marketing at HubSpot. “A creative brief will also help you make the best use of your time, so you’ll focus on the act of brainstorming rather than discussing the assignment.”

2. Designate a facilitator before the brainstorm.

When you’re attending a brainstorm in person, it’s easier to determine who’s talking, who’s being asked questions, and who’s running the meeting simply by body language and other social cues.

When you’re on a video call, some cues can be harder to notice. You might not know who should be answering a question, who you should ask questions to, and who is trying to keep the meeting on schedule. That’s why it’s helpful to clearly designate a host or facilitator.

“The trick to having a great brainstorm is getting everyone involved,” Jonassen explains. “A facilitator can help create an environment where everyone feels comfortable chiming in. They can also help keep the conversation going through awkward silences, keep the group on track, and bring people into the conversation who tend to be more reserved.”

Once you’ve planned your brainstorm and designated yourself or someone else as a facilitator, be sure to note this information in the brainstorm’s creative brief, calendar invite, or at the beginning of the session. If you choose to use breakout rooms — which we’ll discuss in step four — consider having a facilitator for each of them.

3. Take virtual notes.

During in-person brainstorms, it’s easy to look down and type on your computer while still talking and engaging with others. But, on a video call, you might want to stare less at your notes and more at your camera so it doesn’t look like you’re losing interest. And, if you must take notes, you might worry about missing something as you toggle between screens. Because of these issues, notes can get pretty muffled.

That’s why Alexandra Garnier, a French automation marketing manager, says brainstorm coordinators should, “Either use a virtual whiteboard, a shared online notes document, or (if needed) a designated note-taker.”

By creating joint notes or designating a note-taker, everyone can have a shared source of information to look back on and can focus on the discussions at hand, When selecting a note-taker, it’s best to pick a fast typer or an attendee who isn’t tasked with coming up with ideas, such as a co-coordinator. This will allow them to focus on the notes without heavily missing out on a great team activity.

4. Embrace virual breakout rooms.

During a large in-person brainstorm, you might be asked to break into small groups, go to another room, and come back with a few ideas to offer from your group. Luckily, many video call tools have been able to mimic this experience with breakout room features.

“It’s harder to get everyone to participate if you have more than five or six people involved,” Jonassen says. “If I have a big group, I’ll typically use this feature to break people into smaller groups and brainstorm for a set period of time. After that time has ended, I’ll have everyone rejoin the larger group to share their ideas.”

Garnier similarly added, “If you do a brainstorm with a larger group, it’s better to then do breakout rooms. Some people tend to shy away when there are many participants.” This can be especially true in a virtual setting, where people might feel uncomfortable speaking up.

If you’re using Zoom for your meetings and interested in breakout rooms, here’s a great tutorial for how to activate them on your next call.

5. Use digital noises and other signals to transition between activities.

Some brainstorms might involve a combination of individual and group activities. However, when the ideas are flowing in one task, it can be naturally hard to stop and jump into a new portion of the session. According to Margot Lieblich, a Sr. UX Researcher who coordinates monthly brainstorms and ideation sessions, it’s even harder to manage time in a virtual meeting.

“Oftentimes in brainstorms, you are on a tight schedule and need to make quick transitions to the next activity. This can be especially hard in a remote setting, when you can’t always visually signal to get everyone’s attention at once,” Lieblich says.

“Use an audible timer to clearly mark the end of an activity. You can even get creative with the sound,” Lieblich advises. “I’ve used the Oscars’ theme music, and one of my coworkers uses the sound of a duck quacking.”

“After hearing the timer once, the group will quickly learn to wrap up and start transitioning to the next activity when they hear the sound again,” Lieblich explains.

6. Include both group and individual brainstorm activities.

Some people work better by themselves while others work much better in groups. In a virtual brainstorm, this can become more apparent when those who don’t respond to group activities zone out, and those who don’t like to give individual pitches will wait until the end hoping they run out of time. By doing two activities, you ensure that everyone can ideate in their own confort zone.

“I like to start out with an individual activity so people have a few minutes to explore their own approaches to the problem space without influencing each other,” Lieblich says. “After running an individual activity, I incorporate a group activity so people can inspire each other and come up with even richer, more interesting ideas.”

7. Remember, you don’t always need to schedule a video call.

While you might think all remote brainstorms must happen on video calls, this isn’t always true. Yes, many of them certainly will. But, if you’re asking teammates to come to a brainstorm prepared with something quick — like a blog post pitch or a one-off email idea, you might be able to cut a time-consuming video call out of your brainstorming process entirely.

Recently, when the blog team was drawing out our quarterly content strategy, we wanted to ask our writers to come up with ideas for blog posts. But, because each writer has an incredibly busy schedule, asking them to come to a very long brainstorm meeting where each person would offer five to 10 post suggestions didn’t make logistical sense.

So instead, I coordinated a virtual brainstorm that took place completely over Google Sheets. To kick off the brainstorm, I sent my team an email and an Idea Generation Spreadsheet with instructions on what content needs we’d have for the next quarter, how many post ideas to insert on the spreadsheet, and a deadline for submitting post suggestions.

From there, writers had two weeks to offer ideas for at least five blog posts. Here’s a quick look at the spreadsheet with an example post I gave writers to guide them through the elements of giving a post suggestion:

After the deadline, our editors went in and used the spreadsheet’s comment features to give feedback that writers could keep in mind for the next virtual brainstorm. Since this brainstorm, most of the blog posts suggested were added to our content calendar.

Planning Your Virtual Brainstorm

Many of the tips above relate to boosting one critical aspect of brainstorms: participation.

As you plan your next content or campaign brainstorm, ask yourself how you can make the brainstorm engaging for everyone.

By making it easier for your team to engage with others, give their thoughts, or suggest ideas in a brainstorm, you’ll get more participation and — ultimately — more winning ideas from teammates that might not offer them otherwise.

To learn about more brainstorming tactics, read this blog post. If you’re interested in how you can encourage psychological safety in other areas of your business, check out these expert tips.

The post 7 Tips for Hosting a Virtual Brainstorm, According to HubSpot Marketing Managers appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Best Small Business Loans

Best Small Business Loans

Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links that we may earn a commission.

Unless you’re independently wealthy, most small business owners need a loan at one point or another. From paying for startup costs to expansion projects, equipment, or unexpected incidents, quick access to funding will make it easier for your company to grow. 

Whether you’re launching a brand new venture or own an established business, there are so many different small business lending options out there to consider. 

Which small business loan is best for you? This guide contains everything you need to know on the subject.

The Top 6 Options For Small Business Loans

  1. Fundbox
  2. Funding Circle
  3. Accion
  4. Lendio
  5. OnDeck
  6. Kiva

How to Choose the Best Small Business Loans For You

Small business loans come in all different shapes and sizes. So as you’re evaluating different options, there are specific considerations that must be examined. I’ll explain each one in greater detail below. 


When most people think about getting a loan, they automatically assume that a bank is their only option. But in addition to small local banks and national bank chains, there are lots of other lenders that can provide your small business with capital.

You can explore credit unions, crowdfunding sites, P2P lenders, loan marketplaces, nonprofit lenders, and even alternative lending solutions. 

The qualification requirements and loan terms will vary from lender to lender. 

Loan Type

Most lenders offer multiple types of loans for small business owners. Some common small business loan types include SBA loans, lines of credit, installment loans, short term loans, equipment loans, commercial real estate loans, and merchant cash advances. 

In some cases, you’ll need to provide the lender with more information about what you’ll be doing with the funds. For example, an equipment loan couldn’t be used to purchase inventory, and a commercial real estate loan couldn’t be used to buy a new vehicle. 

Lines of credit are great options to have since they can be used for lots of different purposes. We’ll talk more about these different loan types in greater detail shortly. 

Capital Required

The loan amount you’re seeking also needs to be taken into consideration. There’s a big difference between $5,000, $50,000, and $5 million. 

Certain lenders are better for microloans and small amounts, while others are known for lending large sums of cash. 

Take a look at the minimum and maximum amounts available before you apply for a loan. Generally speaking, you shouldn’t apply for more than you need (unless it’s a line of credit). Otherwise, you’ll have higher interest payments. 

Minimum Qualifications

In most cases, you won’t qualify for every type of loan. So pay close attention to these terms before you apply, or you’ll just be wasting your time (and potentially hurt your credit).

Some lenders will only loan money to companies that have been in business for a certain number of years. There are also some cash flow requirements, annual revenue requirements, and business owner credit score requirements for certain loans.

Loan Terms

The loan terms are crucial when you’re evaluating different options. How soon will you need to pay the money back? What interest rates will you be paying?

Make sure you look beyond the dollar amount and take a deeper look at the terms.

Businesses with bad credit won’t have access to the lowest interest rates and loan terms. So you’ll definitely want to shop around until you’re comfortable with the options presented to you. 

The Different Types of Small Business Loans

There are tons of different small business loans out there. But I want to quickly highlight the most popular options to give you a better understanding of how they work.

SBA Loan

SBA loans are backed by the Small Business Administration. This federal agency helps businesses gain access to better funding resources. 

These loan amounts typically range from $50,000 to $5 million with terms from 10-25 years. 

SBA loans usually have great rates (since the SBA reduces the lender’s risk), but they can be tough to qualify for. The process to apply and get approved for an SBA loan can be slow. 

Business Line of Credit

Lines of credit are great for those of you who need flexibility. Instead of receiving a lump sum of cash, you can borrow up to your credit amount as needed. 

Business lines of credit can range anywhere from $1,000 up to $500,000. 

It’s usually easy to qualify for a line of credit if you’ve been in business for more than a year and have $50,000+ in annual revenue. Interest rates vary based on the lender, your credit score, and other qualification terms. But you’ll only pay interest on the amount you borrow on the revolving line. 

Term Loan

Term loans are funded quickly. In some instances, you can receive cash within 24 hours of getting approved. It’s common for term loans to be used for working capital, equipment, operations, and more. 

Some of these loans are short term and must be paid back as early as 12-24 weeks. Others have repayment terms in the 1-5 year range.

Term loans typically have fixed interest rates or flat fees, so your payments won’t increase throughout the lifetime of the loan. 

Merchant Cash Advance

With a merchant cash advance program, small businesses can borrow against future earrings to secure capital. These loans are repaid with a daily percentage of your credit card sales, as previously agreed upon with the lender. 

Most merchant cash advances can be used for a wide range of needs. Similar to a term loan, you can usually get access to funds quickly as well.

It’s easy to get approved for a merchant cash advance, but the interest rates are usually high. 

Equipment Financing

The name is pretty self-explanatory here—the money from equipment financing must be used to purchase equipment. But it’s worth noting that the term “equipment” is pretty broad.

In addition to things like conveyor belts, forklifts, and machinery, other types of equipment like accounting software, or payment processing systems would also fall into this category. 

Equipment financing is usually secured by the equipment you’re purchasing. If you fail to repay the loan, the lender can seize the equipment.

Business Credit Card

Credit cards and loans are obviously not the same. But a business credit card can potentially be a great option to finance certain purchases. 

Some cards offer businesses introductory promotions like 0% APR financing within the first year of opening an account. So you can potentially buy something at 0% interest by putting it on your new credit card (assuming it’s less than your credit amount). But beyond the introductory offer, credit cards will have significantly higher interest rates than other types of loans. 

You can read my reviews of the best business credit cards here. 

Secured Loans

A secured loan requires some type of collateral in order for you to qualify. This is common for high-risk businesses. If the business defaults on the loan, the lender will seize the collateral. 

Since secured loans don’t pose as much of a risk to lenders, the interest rates are usually low. 

Unsecured Loans

An unsecured loan is the exact opposite of a secured loan. Businesses can borrow money without having to put up any collateral. 

In order to qualify for an unsecured loan, your business usually needs to have a long track record of profitability and success without any liens or outstanding debts. If the lender thinks you’re a high risk to default on the loan, they might require you to secure the loan with collateral. 

Crowdfunding Loans and P2P Loans

These types of loans are sourced from a pool of investors. You can get these loans from crowdfunding websites with small amounts collected from the general public or get them from alternative lending platforms where individuals offer P2P loans as a source of income. 

If you can’t qualify for a traditional loan, you might consider a crowdfunding or P2P borrowing option. 

#1 – Fundbox Review — Best For Short-Term Loans

Fundbox is used by 100,000+ businesses across a wide range of industries. 

Technically, they offer business lines of credit. But the repayment period on the amount you borrow gets paid back over a 12 or 24-week plan, which falls into the short-term loan category. 

Using Fundbox is simple, and you’ll get fast access to cash whenever you need it. To apply, you just need to connect your bank account and accounting software, so Fundbox can view your financials. 

You’ll only pay for funds that you draw from your line of credit, so you can use Fundbox multiple times for various short-term loans. There’s no penalty for early repayments.

Before you withdraw funds, Fundbox gives you a transparent calculation of the principal, interest amount, and weekly payments due. So you can plan accordingly and know exactly how much you owe each week for the duration of the loan. 

Fundbox is perfect for short-term situations when you need a little extra cash. It’s commonly used for late invoices payments, unplanned expenses, and to float small businesses during periods of slow sales. 

Apply online, and get a decision within minutes. Funds can be transferred to your account as soon as the next business day. 

#2 – Funding Circle Review — Most Versatile Loan Options 

Funding Circle is an industry leader in the small business lending category. It’s a popular choice for businesses that want fast and affordable loan options. 

With a single application, Funding Circle will provide you with multiple loan types and options to choose from.

Loan types and funding solutions provided by this lender include:

  • SBA loans
  • Business term loans
  • Merchant cash advances
  • Business lines of credit
  • Invoice factoring
  • Working capital loans

You can get a decision in less than 24 hours and gain access to funds within three days of getting approved. Funding Circle has term loans from $25,000 to $500,000 and SBA loans from $20,000 to $5 million. 

I also like Funding Circle because the platform makes it easy for you to manage your loan online. Apply on their website by filling out an application—it takes just six minutes to complete. 

#3 – Accion Review — Best For Startups

Accion is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs fund their startups. 

In fact, Accion is the largest nonprofit lending network in the US. 

Accion offers term loans of up to $250,000 at an affordable rate. You can apply online or over the phone to get a tailored solution that fits your unique needs. 

Here are some of the business types that Accion commonly lends money to:

  • Women owned businesses
  • Minority owned businesses
  • Food and beverage businesses
  • Small businesses
  • Startups
  • Veteran owned businesses
  • Business owners with disabilities
  • Green businesses

Accion also has a wide range of small business resources available to help you achieve success in your industry. With 25+ years of experience in the small business lending space, I strongly recommend Accion to startups and other businesses in the categories listed above. 

#4 – Lendio Review — Best Small Business Loan Marketplace

Lendio isn’t a small business lender. But it’s one of the most popular online marketplaces for business loans. 

If you want to compare loan options from 75+ lenders with a single platform, look no further than Lendio.

This marketplace has facilitated $10+ billion in funding to 216,000+ small businesses. There is a wide range of loan types available through Lendio’s network of lenders, including:

  • Startup loans
  • Term loans
  • Commercial mortgages
  • Short term loans
  • SBA loans
  • Merchant cash advances
  • Business lines of credit
  • Business credit cards
  • Equipment financing
  • Accounts receivable financing
  • Business acquisition loans

I also like Lendio because they provide additional resources for small business owners, like financing calculators and bookkeeping guidance. 

Just fill out some quick information about your business online to get loan offers from lenders in the Lendio network. 

#5 – OnDeck Review — The Best For Revolving Credit

OnDeck has delivered $13+ billion to businesses across the globe. They offer term loans of up to $250,000 and business lines of credit up to $100,000.

I like OnDeck because it’s so simple. After you complete an application online or over the phone, a dedicated loan advisor will go over your options with you. OnDeck offers funding as early as the same business day.

Your line of credit from OnDeck is a great option for working capital. Only withdraw what you need, when you need it, and just pay interest for the amount borrowed.

Repay your line of credit over a 12-month term agreement with automatic weekly payments and no prepayment penalties.

To qualify, you must be in business for at least a year with a minimum personal FICO score of 600 and an annual revenue of $100,000+.

OnDeck periodically reviews your credit profile. So you can automatically qualify for higher credit line limits without having to apply for an increase. You’ll also benefit from a consolidated weekly payment on all withdrawals, so you won’t have to worry about making multiple payments. 

#6 – Kiva Review — Best 0% Interest Small Business Loans

If you need a microloan and you’re not in a rush to get it, Kiva will let you borrow up to $15,000 at 0% interest—no strings attached.

As a global nonprofit, Kiva has helped 2.5+ million entrepreneurs raise $1+ billion.

The only downside of Kiva is that it takes quite a bit of time to actually get the loan. So it’s not ideal for businesses that need cash fast.

First, you need to fill out an online application that can take up to 30 minutes to complete. Then you need to prove your creditworthiness by convincing your friends and family to loan you money, which is about a 15-day process. Finally, you can go public on Kiva and make your loan visible to 1.6+ million lenders across the world (an additional 30 days). 

On the positive side, you’ll have up to 36 months to repay your loan at 0% interest. It’s tough to beat that deal. 

But if you’re looking for large sums of cash as fast as possible, this won’t be the best choice for your business. 


If your small business needs money, there are lots of different small business loan options for you to consider. 

Which one is the best? 

The answer depends on a wide range of factors, like the amount you need, the loan type, lender, and more. Regardless of your situation, you can find the best loan options for your business based on my recommendations in this guide. 

The post Best Small Business Loans appeared first on Neil Patel.

The post Best Small Business Loans appeared first on Local SEO Resources.