Best On-Page Optimization Tips

seo optimization tips

The Best On Page SEO Optimization Tips

If you’re trying to improve your SEO, you should give these on-page optimization tips a try. These suggestions should be a big help to you.

Always Use URLs That Are SEO Friendly

Your URLs should be short, and they should contain keywords. Studies have found that shorter URLs get better Google rankings than long URLs do.

Use Engaging Images

You should include visually-appealing images in all of your content. Images can dramatically reduce your bounce rate, which can increase your search rankings. Images can also be an excellent way to draw people to your site. If you add keywords to the ALT tags of your images, people will be able to find your site through image searches.

Always Place Your Keyword Within The First 100 Words

When you’re writing a piece of content, you need to make sure your keyword appears within the first 100 words of your post. This will make it easier for search engines to identify your keyword.

Switch To A Responsive Design

Mobile devices are what many people use to access the internet. That’s why it’s essential for sites to have a responsive design. Some search engines, like Google, penalize sites that are not mobile-friendly. Make sure that your site will load in perfectly on any device.

Link To Your Own Content

You should try to include at least two internal links in every piece of content that you write. Internal links can keep people on your site for longer. They can also make it easier for search engines to crawl your site.

Add Share Buttons To Your Site

Does your site have share buttons? If it doesn’t, you should add them. The easier it is for people to share your content, the more likely they are to share it.
Follow these on-page optimization tips, and you should see a big SEO boost!