Your Cats Teeth Are Important (Part One)

Your Cats Teeth Are Important (Part One)

Although kitten’s teeth don’t need to be brushed, you’ll need to get them used to have their teeth touched on preparing them.

How many teeth does my kitten have?

Your cat’s teeth are important so brushing your cat’s teeth is a great way to avoid dental disease. Ideally, it would help if you introduced dental care at a young age.

Finally, the only normal reason for tooth loss in both dogs and cats is when kittens or puppies lose their baby teeth. Also known as deciduous teeth, these should fall out on their own as your pet’s adult teeth grow in, just as the case is with humans.

Here are our top tips on brushing your cat’s teeth: ask your vet to show you how to brush your cat’s teeth correctly, buy specialised toothpaste for your cat. Cats should never use human toothpaste.

Bowel obstruction: continued vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, and breath that smells like poop are symptoms of a bowel obstruction. This is a medical emergency. Dry mouth is a leading cause of bad breath, whether you have two legs or four!

If you’re concerned that your pet hasn’t lost all of his or her deciduous teeth, be sure to call your veterinarian. Your vet can remove all baby teeth while your dog is under general anaesthesia to prevent any future dental issues.

Something as simple as a hair, piece of grass or string from a toy, or food caught in the teeth can cause an infection and result in bad breath.

Teething. Kittens can have bad breath while they are teething. Cats’ milk teeth fall out between 3 and 6 months. Food allergies can cause cats to have bad breath—infections from foreign material in kitty’s mouth.

Will my cat need to have a tooth out?

Not only has science proven that there are huge health benefits to having clean teeth, but it is also generally accepted that not brushing in not cool.

cats dental picture

And this is a good thing. Periodontal disease has several serious complications. Arguably, better oral hygiene is responsible for a large part of the increase in human lifespan we have seen in the last century.

To prove the point, we have redneck jokes about lying through your tooth,  a whole mega-billion dollar industry based on fighting bad breath, and yeah, baby, Austin powers.

You can then move on to using a toothbrush specially designed for cats or a small ordinary toothbrush with soft bristles. Toothbrushes which fit over the end of your finger are available for cats and dogs.

Brushing your pet’s teeth is just as important in preventing dental disease as brushing your own. Ideally, your cat should get used to having its teeth cleaned from an early age. Wrapping a piece of soft gauze around your finger and gently rubbing the pet’s teeth should get it used to the idea.

How to keep your cat’s teeth clean

If you’re not regularly brushing your pet’s teeth, they could lose some due to periodontal disease. Poor oral hygiene for both dogs and cats can result in tartar build-up, tooth decay, infections, and gum problems. To prevent this, brush your dog or cat’s teeth every day (check out our blog post here for a simple how-to), and offer your pet tooth-cleaning snacks.

Begin by putting your cat’s toothpaste on your finger and offering it to them to lick. You can even buy toothpaste flavoured with chicken you will need a toothbrush that is designed for cats too. Have a look in your local pet shop for something suitable.
Choose a time of day that you can stick to, to make teeth brushing part of your pet’s normal routine – ensure you are calm and comfortable.

It might surprise you that cats commonly suffer from disorders of the teeth, jaw and mouth. As cats are great at hiding signs of discomfort and pain, it can be difficult, as an owner, to see that your cat even has an issue.

If you’re concerned about your pet’s current dental health, bring him or her into your veterinarian for an examination and a thorough cleaning.

Oral health issues can be a great source of suffering for our pets, and cats often seem to be much livelier and content after treatment. Maintaining good oral health and keeping your cat’s teeth clean is likely to improve the quality of your cat’s life.

Your cat might appear happy and relaxed, and may even be eating and drinking normally.

If the plaque is not removed and is left in contact with the tooth, it will harden to form tartar within just a few days.

Just like humans, cats also need to have a daily oral care regime. It’s important to clean your cat’s teeth in some way every day to remove the plaque that adheres to their teeth every day.

The additional benefit of feeding dry food is that the dry kibble creates abrasion on the surface of the teeth, which can help to wipe plaque away, which helps to clean their teeth.

Tartar cannot be brushed away and can lead to the start of gum problems which cause pain and discomfort. Feeding your cat a mixture of dry and wet food delivers food with a variety of tastes and textures which cats really enjoy.

That’s because of the hard texture of the kibble helps to remove plaque and prevents food and bacteria gathering around the gum line.

What should I feed my cat to avoid dental issues?

When feeding your cat, it’s worth: avoiding feeding them sugary or starchy treats. These encourage bacterial growth in plaque, which releases acid that can cause teeth to decay, feeding them dry food. Cats that eat this are less likely to suffer from dental disease in adulthood.

Periodontal disease (PD) has been recognised as one of the most prevalent diseases in cats, affecting around 70% of the domestic cats over two years of age [ 1 ], and 85% of those aged over five years [ 2 ].

What you eat affects your teeth. Some cat food is high in ingredients that may cause tartar which leads to plaque and tooth decay. If your cat has dental problems, you may want to feed him food that will help prevent dental health issues like tartar and tooth decay. Talk to your vet about food options.

The aetiology of this condition starts with the formation of dental plaque that extends into the gingival sulcus and, with the aid of the calcium salts from saliva, produces the calculus, which is the main cause for the development of gingivitis [ 4 ].

Pd is a generic term of a plaque-induced inflammatory condition, affecting the periodontium [ 3 ].

Plaque is a layer of microorganisms, mostly bacteria, adhered to the teeth, and is responsible for the initiation of PD [ 5 ].

The post Your Cats Teeth Are Important (Part One) appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Your Cats Teeth Are Important (Part One) appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Your Cats Teeth Are Important (Part One) appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEC Lawsuit: Tierion to Refund Investors From Its $25 Million Token Sale

SEC Lawsuit: Tierion to Refund Investors From Its  Million Token Sale

SEC Lawsuit: Tierion to Refund Investors From Its $25 Million Token Sale

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken action against another startup in the crypto space for selling unregistered securities. Tierion, which raised $25 million in a token sale, has agreed to “return money to investors” and disable the trading of its token.

SEC Brings Charges Against Tierion Over Its Crypto Offering

Texas-based blockchain company Tierion Inc. has settled charges with the SEC for conducting an unregistered security offering when it sold the TNT token. The settlement followed the SEC’s order instituting cease-and-desist proceedings against the company. The securities regulator detailed:

Tierion has agreed to return funds to harmed investors, pay a $250,000 penalty, and disable trading in its ‘tokens’ … Tierion raised approximately $25 million through the sale of ‘Tierion Network Tokens’ (TNT) in July of 2017.

The SEC clarified that under the settlement agreement, Tierion will “provide compensation to current holders of TNT who purchased in the token sale or in the secondary market, or who received TNT as a reward from Tierion, and to those who purchased TNT in the token offering and later sold at a loss.” The company consented to the SEC’s order without admitting or denying the regulator’s findings.

Moreover, the SEC explained that Tierion told investors that it would “use the sale proceeds to fund the continued development of the ‘Tierion Network,’ through which Tierion would offer a ‘blockchain receipt’ service and other yet-to-be-developed services.” The regulator finds that “TNT are securities” and Tierion did not register its token sale, therefore violating securities registration provisions.

Following the SEC news, the price of TNT dropped from about $0.0064 on Dec. 23 to $0.0022 on Dec. 26.

Along with the settlement, Tierion has been granted a waiver from the SEC, allowing it to complete the retirement of the TNT token, CEO Wayne Vaughan explained on Wednesday. He added that the TNT token will not be registered as a security.

A day prior, the SEC charged Ripple Labs, its CEO Brad Garlinghouse and co-founder Christian Larsen with conducting a $1.3 billion unregistered securities offering of the XRP cryptocurrency.

What do you think about the SEC’s action against Tierion? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post SEC Lawsuit: Tierion to Refund Investors From Its $25 Million Token Sale appeared first on Bitcoin News.

The post SEC Lawsuit: Tierion to Refund Investors From Its $25 Million Token Sale appeared first on Crypto Scoop News.

The post SEC Lawsuit: Tierion to Refund Investors From Its $25 Million Token Sale appeared first on GQ Central.

The post SEC Lawsuit: Tierion to Refund Investors From Its $25 Million Token Sale appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

What is the Best Cheap Fitness Tracker and the Best to Buy?

What is the Best Cheap Fitness Tracker and the Best to Buy?

In this article, we discuss which is the best cheap fitness tracker, and which is best to buy. This is not an easy decision to make, but read on to find out our view!

On This Page:

  1. Best Value Cheap Fitness Tracker
  2. Best fitness tracker for swimming
  3. Best fitness tracking watch
  4. Best fitness tracker for runners
  5. How fitness trackers can improve your health
  6. The Best Fitness Trackers
  7. The best fitness tracker

Best cheap fitness tracker?

Fitbit is one of the most famous brands of fitness trackers, and as we think that anything at or below $150 should be considered cheap, we picked the FitBit Charge 4 which is reviewed here.

Text image: "How to find the best cheap fitness tracker".

We concluded as follows:

For theFitBit Charge 4, we don’t think this has to be on a reduced “Sale Price” to still be a truly cheap deal. That’s unless you are a real sports person and in that case, you need a professional sportspersons tracker with longer battery life. So, for the mass market and the average person, the FitBit Charge 4 is recommended!

In this article, we continue to explore which is the best cheap fitness tracker, and which is best to buy.

The best cheap fitness tracker for you will give you extra incentive to get active and provide you with a wealth of statistics on your workouts and general health so you have the data you need to achieve your fitness goals. With so many fitness trackers on the market, it can be daunting knowing where to begin, so we’ve rounded up the top options we’d recommend to help you better understand your health.

By all means leave a comment which will be filed under fitness tracker if you are viewing for the best clip-on fitness tracker/pedometer, and tell us where is the best place to get one.

The best fitness tracker for beginners

A fitness tracker is an electronic, digital, and pedometer device that counts the number of steps while walking or running. While the advanced pedometers can also detect other movements such as distance, calories burned, exercise time, and more.

These trackers collect and present all kinds of data, including the number of steps you walk in a day, the kinds of activities you do, the intensity of your workouts, and how well you sleep. But how accurate are they? It depends. Although fitness trackers tend to measure some activities well, they measure others quite poorly—including all-day step count.

Best cheap fitness trackers in 2020 and 2021

This best cheap fitness tracker for you is the best product that will track your daily life activity. The basic aims of our articles are that if you have money to spend on a fitness tracker you will get the best fitness tracker that you want.

Fitness trackers are designed to accommodate a range of requirements. If you simply want to know how many steps you’re taking each day, opt for a basic model that costs less than $100. If you want details on the speed, pace, and stride associated with your steps, along with your average heart rate and insights into how much (and how well) you’re sleeping, you’re going to need something more advanced and the price tag for a cheap version is more like $150.

Most people are looking to keep fit but they always go wrong with the fitness trackers. This is mainly due to the flooded market with these devices. We actually understand the difficulty of selecting these trackers from the flooded market. With the compilation below, there is completely no reason to worry.

Best budget fitness trackers: Cheap Fitbit, Samsung, Amazfit and Xiaomi Mi bands

Best budget fitness trackers include the cheap Fitbit, Samsung Galaxy Fit, Amazfit and Xiaomi Mi bands. With their heart-health fitness and performance, physical activity for heart-health heart and vascular data you know that your exercise is:

  • heart-smart and
  • good for you.

You do really need to know how much physical activity you’re getting. Of course, it is also important to know how can you get more activity into your daily schedule, day in and day out, for your heart health, but a fitness tracker will usually help.

Fitness trackers guilt you into walking, sweating, standing, and actually thinking about all of the above more. You don’t ask it for anything — except accuracy. So shouldn’t it deliver? The answer is yes unless you are the one who’s messing up your tracker’s math. So avoid these major mistakes to help your best cheap fitness tracker get it right.

Fitness trackers are everywhere. If you’re thinking about buying one, you might be pondering two key questions: “can they actually help?” and “is there one that’s right for me?” Yes, they can help. Fitness trackers can tell you how many calories you’re burning, how many steps you’re taking, how far you’re running, how you’re sleeping at night and a lot more.

Just know that the numbers the best cheap fitness trackers provide, which can vary in accuracy, are no substitute for an overall health assessment that you’d get from a doctor.

“Price cuts have been occurring on fitness bands and smartwatches”

In a 2019 study, 18 senior citizens took a stroll on some treadmills while armed to the hilt with fitness trackers. They had devices strapped to their wrists and ankles, fastened to their belts, and wrapped around their chests. But even with all these trackers, the seniors couldn’t get an accurate step count because their movements were too slow to trigger the sensors in the devices.

Finding the right fitness tracker can be challenging with so many options. You might be an avid athlete or more of an occasional gym rat, but regardless of what your activities are, there is a fitness tracker out there for your health needs. Before your drop major bucks on a best cheap fitness tracker, there are few things to you might want to consider.

Shop now considering the fact that Fitbit makes and sells seven different fitness trackers, it’s easy to get them all confused.

We recommend the Charge 4 most for its:

  • premium but stylish design,
  • its extremely comfortable fit,
  • and its outstanding weeklong battery life.

What separates it from the wide realm of fitness trackers is its ability to automatically begin tracking your activity. When i walked my dogs, it automatically logged my step count without requiring me to fuss with its touchscreen display.

Fitness trackers are a great tool to monitor your health and fine-tune your fitness routine. In fact, many are designed for specific sports and offer a variety of features, including sleep tracking, integrated heart rate monitors, and water resistance. However, picking a product that’s right for you can be challenging, as so many choices are available.

Fitness trackers are now becoming more advanced than they were even in 2019. Once a fitness band was only for step counts and burned calorie count while running or walking. In the year 2021, all of the best cheap fitness trackers will offer more features and also the support to reject the calls. Some more recent models have entered the market including, the Mi Band 5, Honor Band 6 and Huawei band 5, which have packed-in with lots of next-generation functions.

Best fitness tracker for different exercises such as swimming

Fitness tracking many trackers allow you to record different exercise sessions. Many trackers have a water ingress protection rating which makes them swim-proof to depths up to 30 meters.

Numbers range from under 10 variants to as many as 130 distinct types of exercise. Most trackers will allow you to record walking, running (both indoors and outdoors) and cycling, while others monitor everything from swimming and yoga to circuit and interval training.

To indeed be considered a dependable fitness tracker, the device will need to withstand everyday use. If it fails to do so, it will be losing critical data that the athlete (casual or professional) may help track specific fitness goals. You want a tracker that is waterproof or, at the very least, water-resistant. This way, you can use it while swimming or running in the rain. And if you forget to remove your tracker before taking a shower, it’s not an issue.

Inspiration to get off the sofa

For a tracker to be great for weight training, for example, it needs to count your reps for you, so you don’t have to. You can maximize your training with this sort of wrist-based data monitoring, and its adaptive motion tracking technology auto-detects every exercise repetition.

Fitness coaches will guide you through exercises like CrossFit, HIIT, swimming, and strength training and it is hard to find data on the accuracy of any particular model for efficient recognition and monitoring of these each of these. All we can think is that the FitBit Charge 4, is a leading model and from the leading manufacturer, so it should be as good or better than most for each of these sports.

Best cheap fitness tracking watch

Technology seems to move so fast and it can help us in so many ways. The improvements in smartwatches are no exception. In recent years, wearable devices – such as watches and rings – have become incredibly helpful in terms of tracking your heart rate, sending you notifications for better sleep or getting in steps, and even helping with sleep tracking.

The latest Apple Watch is reckoned to be the best and offers a number of functions, including sleep monitoring, fall detection, access to emergency support, fitness tracking, heart rate monitoring, and an activity ring that monitors daily movement patterns. Unlike earlier versions of the watch, updated versions do not require a phone to work. The Apple Watch Series 6 is waterproof.

Fitbit’s Junior Tracker

The second iteration of Fitbit’s Junior Tracker is improved greatly by a more playful, waterproof design and, surprisingly, a cheaper price tag. It’s able to match many of the typical features found on regular Fitbit devices, with sleep reports, active minutes and total steps all logged throughout wear. When added to the animated watch faces, bump-proof design and the ability to switch into different bands as the child gets older, this is a device that ticks pretty much all the boxes – with the lack of heart rate tracking the most glaring omission.

Fitness trackers can help motivate your child to get more active, and they don’t have to cost a fortune. There’s a big variety of trackers – some are ideal for kids who need to exercise more, others are designed to help the sportiest children monitor their progress. Here, we bring you our best buys, plus advice on how to get the most from a fitness tracker.

Upgraded Fitness Tracker

It can be challenging to find a fitness tracking hybrid smartwatch that doesn’t look ridiculously oversized if your wrists are small. Misfit rose to the challenge, and the result is a hybrid smartwatch geared towards women that offer no-frills fitness tracking and smart features like notification alerts in a sleek and stylish package. I tested the Fitbit Path, so I can attest to the stylish design that goes with everything, and the lightweight feel that makes it comfortable for all-day wear.

Recommended by athletes across multiple disciplines, the Apple Watch is likely your best bet if you plan on doing a mix of different activities. Lucy Chappell and Joe Kaufman, competitive swimmers with the Westchester masters swimming association, are said to rely on the watch for tracking their laps both in the pool and outside. “It calculates lap swims accurately, and the settings can be easily adjusted for the length of the pool,” says Chappell.

“A lot of smarts considering the cost”

For many years “real watch” lovers avoided any device other than the traditional analogue automatic watch. It took quite some time for them to try a digital smartwatch, and when many did, they opted for a relatively expensive and higher-end brand like the Apple Watch. Even then, people like me used it for time and liked it for messaging, and other such functions, but completely disregarded the fitness tracking options. However, when I was offered the opportunity to review the Huawei Band 3 Pro, curiosity got the better of me, and I started using the tracking app. Honestly, it has encouraged me to keep moving and get better at my sport than almost anything else!

No matter how much you exercise, buying one of the best cheap fitness trackers can be a great way to help you stay, or get into shape, without the bulk and extra cost of a full-blown smartwatch. Not only do they hold you accountable for your physical activity, many of the best cheap fitness tracker models now include added health features such as sleep tracking, heart-rate monitoring and more. They’ll then share that fitness tracking data with an app to give you a broader look at your overall fitness.

There’s a reason more than 2,000 amazon reviewers give the Apple Watch Series 3 a nearly perfect 5-star rating. While its features might be overkill for some people, the watch does a lot more than tracking your fitness. One of its best features is that it can monitor your heart rate and send you warnings when it’s too high or too low. There’s even a screen for irregular heart rhythm, which is extremely helpful if you live with a health condition.

“Great fitness features for an extremely low price”

Many smartwatches also support fitness tracking features on top of their typical functions (answering calls, making digital payments and so on). While they were once a jack-of-all-trades alternative that did a reasonable job, some models are now just as accurate as fitness bands. But does that make smartwatches a better option? That’s hard to judge – it really depends on your personal preference in our opinion.

Fitness trackers like Fitbit, Apple Watch, and many others have become dramatically more popular over the last 5 or so years, and for good reason. These devices do a fairly accurate job of tracking things like your heart rate, movement, calories burned, and much more. However, as people become increasingly aware of the dangers of emf radiation from the devices they use every day, they are beginning to question these technologies.

Best fitness tracker for runners

Fitness trackers are incredible for everyone. They’re great for beginners and runners with years of experience. Not all fitness trackers have this incredible feature, so you might have to splurge a little, but having a heart rate tracker is a must for all runners. It doesn’t matter if you’re training yourself to run for the first time or if this is the third race you’re training for this year, examining your heart rate is key.

It’s easy to see why Fitbit is the go-to brand for fitness trackers. Charge 4 offers supreme accuracy when tracking 20 different types of exercise. Runners will love that it automatically detects when you start jogging, minimising faff. Built-in GPS tracks your route, so you can leave your phone at home. It’s ‘active zone minutes’ function is handy too – this tracks on-the-spot movement, which is helpful on the treadmill.

How fitness trackers can improve your health

Wearable fitness trackers help users monitor their heart rates, sleep cycles, step counts, and more. They’re a simple, effective way to keep track of vital health stats, which helps people improve their quality of life. There are many fitness trackers available on the market, ranging from basic to high-tech. How do fitness trackers work?.

The Best Fitness Trackers

At this point in the game, most relatively nice fitness trackers will have a screen and can at least get calls, text notifications, and music streaming by syncing to your phone. Even the budget-friendly models will probably have some sort of health-conscious features past activity tracking, like a heart rate sensor.

It’s no doubt that inactivity can lead to a number of health and personal issues, including weight gain, the onset of chronic and acute illness, and even low productivity in school, work, and daily life. Conversely, constant activity can prevent and may even reverse many of these issues.

Upgrade your Fitness Tracker

Moving around – by walking, running, even fidgeting in your seat, can help boost a person’s overall health. While we are all social distancing due to the covid-19 pandemic, fitness trackers can help us all stay on track with our fitness goals! not to mention, moderate physical activity is a great immune booster against illness and viruses.

Want a happy old age? stay active. That’s the advice of medical professionals around the world. Keep the heart pumping, keep muscle tone, manage weight, keep depression at bay. All these things come down to exercising at least three times a week. A home care services professional can help your mother or father get some needed exercise. If they have home care services, you may want to ask your agency or individual home care services professional about which fitness trackers are best for seniors.

A long-lasting battery with a screen

It’s been a little over a decade since fitness trackers as we know them, hit the mainstream market. While pedometers and nutrition diaries have been around for forever (at least in the perspective of a “millennial”), more technologically advanced gadgets are relatively new and much more accurate. This is good. The more specific and precise our trackers are, the better we can manage our weight and our health.

As schedules grow busier and responsibilities at home and work add up, we understand that taking care of your body can easily take a backseat. The affordable fitness trackers from Fitbit are here to help make sure you stay active, rested, and ready to take on whatever comes your way. All of the Fitbit fitness trackers come equipped with highly functional features that allow you to:

  • monitor your steps taken,
  • track the number of hours slept,
  • stay on top of the number of calories burned,
  • track your distance travelled, and
  • more.

There are so many fitness trackers out there that finding the right one can be hard, especially since all have different features and pros and cons—what works for you will differ from what works for someone else. This is important to keep in mind when you’re shopping for a fitness tracker.

One of the cheapest around?

While many of the latest, shiniest fitness trackers start at $100, you don’t have to spend that much to get effective high-tech health helpers. In fact, you can find a great selection of fitness trackers under $50 with all the features you’re likely to need. While they won’t have the bells and whistles of high-end fitness trackers like the $330 Garmin Forerunner, these trackers can handle basic step tracking to help track your activity and motivate you for more.

Can fitness trackers, like Fitbit, cause cancer or other health problems? There’s no conclusive evidence that wearable technology devices, which emit low-powered, non-ionizing radio frequency (RF) energy, are either safe or risky. Typically worn all day and sometimes at night, the devices use low-powered Bluetooth technology, wi-fi, or a 3g/4g connection to send data (such as the number of steps you take) to your smartphone, computer, or cloud storage.

Most fitness trackers cost between $50 and $250. More expensive models usually include built-in optical heart rate monitors and GPS. If you’re shopping for a tracker, here are features that may be included:

  • step counter
  • heart rate
  • calorie burn tracking
  • sleep tracking
  • sensors generally to track all your fitness goals deigned for both seniors and millennials (and everyone in between)
  • a barometer to measure altitude and track stairs and hills climbed
  • plus an accurate optical heart rate sensor
  • 3-axis accelerometer
  • gyroscope
  • GPS
  • ambient light sensor
  • skin temperature sensor
  • UV sensor
  • capacitive sensor
  • microphone
  • galvanic skin response sensor.

The best cheap fitness tracker

Last year, when I decided to get a new fitness tracker, it didn’t involve a lot of careful deliberation.

If you need help meeting your health and exercise goals, then a reliable fitness tracker might be the extra push you’re looking for. In fact, results from a past good housekeeping survey found that 75% of people said using a fitness tracker helped improve their motivation to work out. But with so many different options on the market, it can be hard to figure out which one is right for you — and your budget.

Band-based, best cheap fitness trackers with various modes selectable are generally the best fitness tracker types for most users.

All you need for best cheap usually is an unobtrusive accessory gives a real-time glimpse into your overall physical health by tracking your:

  • daily activity,
  • resting heart rate,
  • the estimated number of calories burned,

most have more options than these basic ones which may be helpful.

By putting your vitals at the tips of your fingers, this small addition to your lifestyle is an easy way to start taking control of your health.

Currently, about 14 companies make wearable fitness devices, and all are competing in what they foresee as a very lucrative market. In fact, industry forecaster IHS technology predicts that sales of activity trackers will have increased from $1. 9 billion in 2013 to $2. 8 billion in 2019.

We hope that you found this article looking at the best cheap fitness trackers available today useful.

The post What is the Best Cheap Fitness Tracker and the Best to Buy? appeared first on EZI Gold.

The post What is the Best Cheap Fitness Tracker and the Best to Buy? appeared first on EZi Domains.

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The post What is the Best Cheap Fitness Tracker and the Best to Buy? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Orange County Divorce Real Estate Specialist | Orange County CA |Contact Us

Orange County Divorce Real Estate Specialist | Orange County CA |Contact Us

Orange County Divorce Real Estate Specialist

It’s a well-known reality that divorce is just one of the most stressful and undesirable events that one may face in a life time The real estate agent you pick need to be not just able to manage the intricacy of 2 people that are more than likely up in arms with one another however additionally have the ability to manage agreement settlements with home customers.
When going through a divorce one of the first things that may come to mind is whether or not you should sell the marital home. Divorce and selling a home or other real estate are probably two of the most stressful life events. Your Divorce Realtor Orange County specialist should be able to assist you by communicating with your divorce attorney and ensuring that all considerations relating to the sale of real estate and assets is communicated effectively.

You need a knowledgeable and effective real estate agent that can keep all aspects of the transaction under control as to minimize the stress caused by the situation. Generally, most income, assets, and debts obtained during the marriage are marital property. Property that was individually acquired prior to the marriage will likely be treated as separate property. separate property is not subject to equitable distribution. However, separate property may be classified as marital property under various circumstances.

Divorce is made complex, especially if you need to sell your residence. And, it is also probably the hardest thing you will certainly need to do with each other while dividing your lives.
if you as well as your spouse can not agree, or you want a bit extra info, you can ask a real estate agent to offer details regarding current list price in your area for homes similar to yours. Divorce real estate dividing properties during a divorce is always unpleasant. Sometimes when there’s a house included, warring partners can be ruthless.

Orange County divorce real estate agents

Fights over establishing the sale price, organizing showings, as well as even accepting the best deal can postpone both the sale as well as the divorce. In worst-case scenarios, these skirmishes might also result in you selling your home for less than it’s worth. When you own a home with each other, this can produce some actual difficulties. You need to obtain your residence sold so you can divide the money and placed an end to that part of your life.

The real estate agent you choose need to be not only able to handle the complexity of 2 individuals that are more than most likely at odds with each other yet additionally be able to handle contract settlements with home purchasers. You will certainly want a person in your edge that is efficient discussing residence evaluation fixings. There are lots of demanding buyers available that will be really unreasonable when it concerns the residence evaluation.

When a marriage is finishing, selling the household home has the prospective to obtain exceptionally combative. It takes the help of an individual, communicative real estate agent to maintain the home sale cruising efficiently with the rocky seas of a divorce. Finally, both spouses require to feel 100 percent confident and guaranteed that their divorce real estate specialist is a great arbitrator who will certainly obtain top dollar.
What Divorcing Couples do not know during their divorce may hurt them long after the divorce is wrapped up. Significant blunders in divorce realty are preventable during divorce yet are not fixable after the divorce is final. Divorce does not instantly terminate or sever joint mortgage or any type of joint possession of one’s home. These blunders usually lead to foreclosure ,damaged credit, home loan default, and sometimes even personal bankruptcy. These errors ruins financial resources, families, and futures years after divorce.
For more information about Orange County Divorce Real Estate Specialist, call Hadi now for a private confidential consultation.

Realtors who specialize in divorce orange county

Orange County divorce real estate

The post Orange County Divorce Real Estate Specialist | Orange County CA |Contact Us appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Orange County Divorce Real Estate Specialist | Orange County CA |Contact Us appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Coinrule Fundraises $700k to Expand Automated Trading to Tokenised Stocks

Coinrule Fundraises 0k to Expand Automated Trading to Tokenised Stocks

Coinrule Fundraises $700k to Expand Automated Trading to Tokenised Stocks

PRESS RELEASE. Coinrule – a hyper-growth, automated trading platform based out of London, UK – is poised for explosive growth in the months ahead, after announcing that its recent investment round on Seedrs secured over 200% of its target, raising $700k, at a valuation of $6m. This funding will allow Coinrule to grow the team, expand into the fast-growing market of tokenised stock trading, and deliver a ‘market leading backtesting tool’, all aimed at furthering their mission of democratizing access to finance.

2020 has been an extraordinary year in crypto, with a torrent of investor cash pouring into the space like the proverbial flood. Through a “beginner-friendly” trading platform that can “catch the next market opportunity on your behalf”, Coinrule’s fast-growing user base has been able profit from the upside gains, while protecting their downside, by automating their trading and investments. Its intuitive interface – which connects to all the popular exchanges – gives users the tools and the flexibility needed to execute any crypto trading strategy, without having to learn a single line of code.

How It Started

Founded by entrepreneurs Oleg Giberstein, Gabriele Musella and Zdenek Hofler, Coinrule has come a long way since the three met at the Masschallenge Accelerator Programme in 2017.

Compared to those early days, the company is almost unrecognizable. The team successfully raised a seed round from the Fintech Lab of prestigious Hungarian Bank MKB, as well as the investment arm of Zilliqa, ZilHive. A group of 13 experienced angel investors – including John Austin former CSO of IG Index, Robin Bade, former CEO of Mirum WPP, Stelios Gerogianakis, Lead Engineer at Go Cardless, and Oliver Snoody, former Head of Brand Marketing at Twitter & VP of Marketing at Deliveroo – joined this initial funding round, and were soon followed by a coterie of impressive advisors, including none other than Dr Andrea Baronchelli, research fellow at the prestigious UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies. With such an all-star team, the future looks very bright indeed.

How It’s Going

Coinrule recently closed an unusually successful investment round via Seedrs, reaching 209% in overfunding with around $700,000 raised from over 670 individual investors. The mission of ‘giving financial power back to regular people’ and ‘democratizing access to investing’ is clearly resonating well with Coinrule’s millennial target audience, as well as with the tech-oriented investor community.

This fresh injection of capital is explicitly to be used for 3 key goals. Firstly, it will allow Coinrule to grow its very international team – currently 13 staff spread across 7 time zones. Secondly, it will allow them to expand their ‘tradable assets’ to include tokenised stocks alongside their current crypto-based offering, which should open the company up to a new, multi-trillion dollar market. Thirdly, it will allow the team to release ‘the most simple backtesting tool in the world’ – allowing investors to easily compare trading strategies against historical data. A number of exciting and innovative features sit on its long term road map, one of which is a ‘social marketplace’ that will allow users to share strategies and copy/follow the best performing traders.

The Stats Speak for Themselves

Already, Coinrule proudly boasts that a full 67% of its users’ funds are in profit. This isn’t a result of any dark magic or creative accounting. Simply, users have strategies in place – using templates provided inside the app by Coinrule’s trading team, as well as users’ own custom-made strategies – that protect their funds on the way down while ensuring they take profits on the way up.

Active investing isn’t rocket science, even for normal people with little time – so long as you have the right tools at hand. Coinrule’s fresh injection of cash will allow them to further progress their mission of delivering these tools to a much wider audience, and to help build the future of finance via intuitive, automated trading. As founder Gabriele Musella says – “the new world of finance requires levelling the playing field between regular traders and hedge funds. Until that point is reached, we’re here to hustle.’

For further information visit:

About Coinrule

Coinrule is a beginner-friendly and safe trading platform that enables you to send automated trading instructions to your favorite exchanges such as Binance, Kraken, Coinbase and others. Its intuitive interface gives you the tools and the flexibility needed to execute any crypto trading plan, without having to learn a single line of code.


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Anxiety Online Therapy

Anxiety Online Therapy

Anxiety Online Therapy

Anxiety is a normal and relatively common human response that we all experience both in our daily routine lives and in specific times of extreme emotional stress. However, some degrees of anxiety are unhealthy and give cause for concern regarding various problem concerns on such a basis that the patient may actually be experiencing symptoms of a manic depressive disorder. In these cases it may be necessary to seek treatment that involves medication and cognitive behaviour therapy to treat the condition. This article will discuss the role that anxiety has in helping to form our thought processes.

The way in which anxiety is related to mood disorders is that the condition occurs when the brain’s natural anxiety coping mechanisms become inappropriately active. As is the case with most conditions of this nature the primary cause is usually a person’s genetics. If your parents or siblings have had mood disorders it is likely you will too. Therefore, one of the most effective treatments for anxiety is to visit your family doctor or psychologist and obtain a full mental health examination. This will enable your doctor to determine if you have any hereditary disposition to mood disorders or anxiety in general.

If your doctor diagnoses you as having a social anxiety disorder he or she will likely prescribe anti-depressants and other types of therapy services to help you control the negative thoughts and feelings you associate with these disorders. In most instances these types of treatments will be administered by a qualified psychologist. However, if you are looking to find free online psychological assessment and therapy then you should take your search online. The World Wide Web is home to many websites that offer to provide individuals with personal information on a wide range of different types of ailments and disorders.

When looking for an online therapist to provide anxiety therapy services you will want to look for one who is experienced and well qualified

For example, a good online therapist should have been certified in both psychology and counseling. Also, an internet counseling and support service should be willing to provide you with a free initial consultation. During this consultation you will be able to

anxiety online therapy

discuss what your specific needs are as well as how long it will take you to receive the anxiety treatment you desire.

There are a number of different social anxiety disorder symptoms you may experience. These include excessive worrying about your appearance, excessive worry about money, fear of speaking in public, and being too embarrassed to attend social events. In some cases people experience panic attacks on a daily basis as well. Panic attacks can include shortness of breath and feelings of extreme anxiety. These are a great deal more than just feeling anxious.

A qualified and competent online therapist will be able to help you to realize your problem and to determine the specific cause of it. Many individuals suffer from generalized anxiety disorders and tend to develop panic attacks or excessive worry about their health, money, and social life. In order to solve these problems they often turn to a cognitive behavioral therapy. This type of therapy is a psychological form of psychotherapy. It usually requires weekly sessions that last anywhere from one to four hours.

CBT may include such techniques as cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure, relaxation training, breathing exercises, as well as medication

A good therapist will know when to prescribe medication as well as when not to do so. If you feel that you are getting better with the assistance of your therapist, but you feel that you are still stuck then you may want to try self-medication. Some people have successfully used over the counter products like aloe vera or even sleep aids to help them relax and get better. This should be discussed thoroughly with your doctor and mental health professional before you begin using any self-medications.

There are many anxiety disorders that should not be overlooked. However, you may need to see an appropriate therapist for psychological treatment if these other remedies do not seem to be helping you. If you or someone you know may be suffering from an anxiety disorder, it is very important to find a qualified therapist to treat the problem. In some cases, cognitive behavioral therapy combined with other natural techniques may be all that is necessary.


What to Expect From Your First Session With an Online Therapist

anxiety online therapy

Anxiety is not a normal part of life as it can lead to serious health problems like depression and anxiety attacks. It is therefore important that anxiety is dealt with in the early stages so that it does not become a major problem later on. There are a number of ways to treat anxiety including medication, psychotherapy, yoga, hypnotherapy, and support groups.

Risk factors. Depression and anxiety have been linked to other mental disorders including bipolar disorder, psychosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. A family history of anxiety or past mental illnesses.

Diagnosis. The effectiveness of an anxiety disorder treatment largely depends upon the ability of the therapist to identify and treat its symptoms. The cognitive behavioral therapy is considered the most effective when it comes to dealing with the symptoms of depression and social anxiety. In this method, the client encounters his or her therapist who will then create an intervention plan that is specifically designed to treat each symptom individually. The plan will help the client deal with symptoms effectively until he or she has recovered completely from it.

Medications. These medications may be antidepressants or benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are sedatives that have various side effects including sexual dysfunction, drowsiness, memory impairment, blunted immune response, and depression. Antidepressants are available in the following types: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), and Tricyclic Anti-depressants (TCA). These medications are prescribed by mental health professionals based on the severity of the client’s symptoms. Most of them are available without a prescription and are commonly used to treat mild to moderate cases of anxiety and depression.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CT is a form of psychological treatment that helps people learn to recognize their negative thoughts and how to effectively cope with them. It is a highly effective treatment for generalized anxiety disorder. The cognitive behavioral therapy helps clients deal with negative thoughts by redirecting them to more rational and realistic views. This process also exposes the client to situations or events that trigger his or her anxiety symptoms.

Anxiety Online Therapy

CBT is another popular form of psychological treatment. Online therapy is similar to CBT but can be done in the comfort of the home or office. Online therapy is a great alternative to traditional in-person therapist therapy because of its convenience. Online therapy is based on the same principles as in-person therapy but allows the client to practice the skills taught by his or her therapist at his or her own pace.

Video Conferencing. Many therapists offer online therapy services, such as Skype video conferencing. This service enables therapists to conduct live Skype video sessions with clients, providing an avenue for two therapists to meet virtually and discuss one’s problem. The increased interaction leads to better understanding and an increase in closeness, which in turn, leads to an overall improvement in the client’s condition.

As more people suffer from anxiety disorders, there will be more professionals offering different types of mental health services. Because of this, it is best to seek help from a professional who has ample experience dealing with anxiety. You can do so by hiring an online therapist. These therapists are well-trained and can offer the best type of treatment. With the many benefits these mental health services provide, you will not hesitate to consider all your options when seeking relief from your anxiety.

In addition to the above mentioned services, online anxiety therapy programs are also geared towards specific problems

For instance, there are a number of online therapy programs for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). These online programs provide the most effective means of addressing this disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder is the most common mental health disorder among today’s youth. In such a case, it is best to choose an online therapy program that addresses this particular disorder.

If you have a specific phobia, it is best to seek treatment. In this case, you should ask for a referral from your doctor or a specialist before embarking on online therapy. In addition, you should also inform your doctor of any other medical conditions you may have. These include diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, and other respiratory problems. Generalized anxiety disorder can lead to panic attacks if left untreated. Therefore, this disorder should be treated immediately upon detection.

Your first session with the online therapist will cover the basic problem you are dealing with, as well as information about the disorder itself. It is important that you are completely honest with your therapist during this first session. While you are there, your counselor can learn about your medical background. In addition, you should also get to know your therapist through a personal conversation, as he or she may be able to relate to your problems better.

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The post Anxiety Online Therapy appeared first on GQ Central.

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SkyTrak SIG10 Golf Simulator: Complete Review

SkyTrak SIG10 Golf Simulator: Complete Review

If you are looking for a realistic golf simulator, then SkyTrak is the best brand for you. It provides various packages at different prices. Here we go in-depth about the SkyTrak SIG10 golf simulator with a complete review.

SkyTrak SIG10

What’s Up With SkyTrak?

It’s a revolutionary brand providing complete indoor golf systems for your entertainment. SkyTrak entertains golfers by building complete indoor simulator tools that accurately reflect the skill of the golfer.

It also reflects the golf swing shot results and provides year-round practice. By using their state-of-the-art stimulator systems, a player can improve his golf swing without leaving home.

At SkyTrak they believe that a great golfer exists within everyone interested in the sport. They make great products to help your game get better and make you the top-notch golfer you were meant to be. They’ve been creating amazing at-home systems since 2014 and have no plans on stopping.

What’s Included in The SkyTrak SIG10 Package?

The package comes with everything you need to start practicing your swing right away. You’ll get a super high-quality screen and complete enclosure to keep the surrounding room safe.

The folks at SkyTrak have really thought of everything and included all you’ll need for a realistic practice session at home. On top of the product itself you’ll also receive anytime customer support through live chat, phone, or email to make sure you have the best experience with your new system.

The entire package is proudly made in the USA. You’ll also be able to customize your package by choosing your own hitting mat. You have sizing options of 4’X9’, 5’x5’, or 4’x7’ so you can fit it to your room’s specifications.

Here’s what else is included:

  • Side Barrier Netting
  • Floor Mount Enclosure to Keep Your Projector Secure
  • Landing Pad Turf and an
  • Optoma EH412ST Projector
    • This top of the line projector is second-to-none. It features a 4,000 lumen full HD short throw.
    • It offers two HDMI inputs so you can also use it with another device.
    • Its native 1920 x 1080 resolution displays data and images clearly at various viewing distances, while its 50,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio helps enhance detail in dark images.
    • Its 0.5:1 throw ratio allows you to place the projector near the front of the room, making it well suited for large-screen presentations in small rooms.

The SkyTrak system features a wireless connection to either an iPad Air or PC. It’s fully responsive and records your launch data and ball flight once you hit the golf ball. It will then display your personalized results and see your improvement in real time.

With a real-time responsive display, this system is everything you need to boost your game to the next level.

The system also boasts a full metal protective case which is fitted perfectly through laser cutting of 13-gauge steel. All the buttons are still easy to access but the machine will be well protected from errant balls, wide swings, and other dings.

To add the cherry on top of a phenomenal package you’ll also be able to get this to your home with free shipping and total customer support via live chat, phone, or email.

What the Reviews Say

Before investing in a system like this it’s a good idea to get reviews from a variety of sources. We went through over 500 reviews to get a truthful idea of how the market is reacting to this product.

The lowest review is 3-stars and there’s only 1 of those. All the other reviews are 4- or 5-star reviews. There is no doubt this is a quality product.

Here we will list what the reviewers love about it and what is missing the mark.

What They Love

The reviewers are very impressed with the system as whole. Here are some specific aspects these owners appreciate:

  • Customer service is second-to-none
    • Any issues were solved promptly and without question and made each customer feel valued and appreciated.
  • The equipment is superb, high-quality, and gives great results
  • Projection is high-def and very clear
  • Seamless shipping
  • Launch monitor performs just as advertised and produces real-time results as promised
  • So much fun one customer played for four days straight until their back gave out.

What Missed the Mark

Of the over 500 reviews we read the lowest rating was 3 stars which is impressive for a high dollar purchase. Here are some things that miss the mark but didn’t drop the quality rating:

  • Many reviewers mentioned that the instructions, while decent, could be much more clear and helpful.
    • All the customers that had issues with the instructions got stellar support in the setup by the customer service team who were happy to walk them through the whole process from opening the boxes to the first swing.
  • You need a strong WIFI signal for seamless performance
  • Some shots have not been picked up
  • The system is a little generous with shot length
  • You have to download the app to run all the programs
  • Some experienced shipping delays
  • Some wish they had purchased additional sizes of mats for different experiences
  • The short throw projector can sometimes be a bit fuzzy and not crystal clear

The Final Word: Is the SkyTrak SIG10 Worth the Investment?

If you enjoy golf and want to be able to practice whenever you would like this is the best system on the market. While it will set you back a bit, the system comes with a $7,800 price tag, most reviewers are elated with the purchase and say it’s worth every penny.

If you’ve been looking for creative ways to get some activity and relief from the boredom of being stuck at home this is certainly a great gift to yourself or the avid golfer in your life. What better than their very own driving range?

You can find the SkyTrak SIG10 Golf Simulator on the Shop Indoor Golf website here.

Looking for more amazing golf simulators? Check out our breakdown on the best golf simulators for home here.

The post SkyTrak SIG10 Golf Simulator: Complete Review appeared first on GQ Central.

The post SkyTrak SIG10 Golf Simulator: Complete Review appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Marriage Proposal: How To Propose To A Man

Marriage Proposal: How To Propose To A Man
  • If you are a woman would you propose to a man?
  • In this post-modern world is it right for a woman to initiate marriage?
  • If you are a man would you like it if a woman proposes to you?

My friend Michelle Brooks of Brides and Prejudice feels that a woman should never propose. She says that men should be leaders and initiators.

“If a woman does that he can always say that you are the one who wanted it,” Michelle’s told me on a television debate on the topic.marriage proposal

What do you think about marriage proposal by women?

Actually, it has been found that women are usually very active in initiating and orchestrating marriages for a long time.

Many men would drag their feet and do nothing but enjoy the relationship if their women allowed it. It is the women who usually drop hints; bring up some sort of discussion about or around it.

Sometimes it may the family or friends who have to prod and prompt the guy to do something about the ongoing relationship that seems to be stuck.

So after all it is usually women who have to take the lead anyway.

I read someplace that women have to make up the minds of men.

Let me give some powerful ways way to deal with this if you want to take your relationship up to the next level – marriage.

Assess the likelihood of getting a yes.

On a scale of 1-10, what is the probability of him saying yes to you? If in doubt do without. I say don’t do it if the answer is below 7 or 8. Obviously, much of this depends on the strength and health of the relationship.

Chose the best time.

It is highly unlikely that you will get a meaningful (or even positive) response while he is watching football or his favourite time has lost the game. However, the probability of getting a yes increases dramatically if his team has won and he is in a celebratory mood – in other words, talk to him about this either when he is very relaxed or in high spirits.

Do not ask him a closed question

e.g., Will, you marry me? This definitely sets you up for disappointment as he is forced to answer YES or NO. He may want to marry you but is not emotionally, psychologically and financially ready yet. We have found that men are more willing to marry when they feel they can fully support and take care of a family.

Instead, use the soft or feminine approach.

Ride on the back of what people say.

If someone has mentioned that you both like a great couple or even that you look as they you were both married use that as the lead into a conversation about marriage.

You can say, “That got me thinking, we do get on very well together. (List some of the ways you both gel). What do you think about it or how do you feel?” This helps to gauge where he is at and what he is thinking about the issue.

You may even start a conversation by telling/giving him a list of all the ways and all the things he does that make you feel great, inspired and happy. Tell him how happy you are about having him in your life and how you wish you that he can be a permanent part of your life. Then ask him his opinion about such a prospect. Again this gives you some indication of where he is.

One person created a photo book of all the memorable moments of their relationship and on the last page she wrote a special note saying how much she would like to spend the rest of her life with him, then asked: “how do you feel about us getting married?

If you are sure very sure about his feeling about you then you may want to approach it dead on. One day when you are both having really great time together simply say: “we get on so good together why don’t we just get married?”

Assume a yes.

Out of the blue one day simply ask him: When are you going to pick up the invitations and send them out?” When he asks what you are talking about a simple reply – the wedding invitations. This will definitely start a discussion about the wedding. Be sure to always keep positive and expectant. Assume that it’s on.

Get others to talk to him.

When people ask you about getting married simply tell them to talk to him as you are ready and simply waiting on him to pop the question. Usually, people can be much better at having an objective conversation as they are not emotionally involved.

Be prepared for any and all possible answers.

In your mind run through how he may or may not respond. Also, get ready for the worst possible scenario – a rejection.

Sometimes men are not ready for this and would not be able to give a clear and definite answer. They may need time to crystallize how that really feels about getting married to you. So you may tell him that he could take some time and get back to you within a week or two. (Be sure to give a deadline for him to come back to you – if he doesn’t within that time you can accept that as a no).

Some men do not feel ready to take on the responsibility of a family right now because he may not have reached where he wants to be in his career or have the resources to do so. You will then have to have a discussion on how long this can take and if it makes sense for you to wait. Lots of things may happen at this time.

If he brushes you off telling you how much he loves you and that you are the only one without some ballpark time frame when he will be able to move the relationship on then “he isn’t that into you.” Cut your losses and move on.

If he tells you that he does not see himself married to you then you need to immediately terminate the relationship and start looking for someone who looking to get married too.

Sometimes when you make a definite cut many men realize that they have lost something valuable to them and want to return. Never return to a relationship with definite clear-cut ideas on where he is going to take the relationship and the time frame in which this would happen.

The post Marriage Proposal: How To Propose To A Man appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Marriage Proposal: How To Propose To A Man appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How To Sell My Home For Top Dollar in East Contra Costa County CA?

How To Sell My Home For Top Dollar in East Contra Costa County CA?

Sell My House Fast

Does Staging A Home Increase The Sales Price?

We’re about to get into the part of staging that can cost money—renting furniture, or removing some, which can require a storage unit. This can be a considerable cost of selling your house, so if you don’t have the time or money to stage your whole house, you can get the most bang for your buck by staging certain rooms. The NAR survey found the living room is the most crucial space to stage, with 55% of agents surveyed thinking it’s “very important” to stage it. Next comes the master bedroom, followed by the kitchen. Your last priority can be any extra bedrooms.

Staging is much more important in certain rooms. Focus your efforts on the living room, master bedroom and kitchen. When staged properly, these rooms can have the most influence on prospective buyers. Don’t worry too much about guest bedrooms or bathrooms. Just make sure they’re squeaky clean like the rest of your home!.

Of all the rooms in your house, the kitchen is one of the most important to stage. After all, the kitchen is one of the most frequently used rooms in your house. When it comes to staging your kitchen, some changes you might want to make include:

Stain or Repaint the Cabinets

New Counter Tops

Replace Flooring

New Appliances

Painting the Walls and Trim

Tips To Get Top Dollar When Selling Your Home

Every seller hopes to sell their home fast and for top dollar.  Before you spend thousands of dollars on staging your home, make sure you realize that it can be done on a budget. Of course, if you’re selling a luxury home , spending a few thousand dollars maybe worth the investment. The above 8 cheap tips for staging a home on a budget should provide you some great ideas. An experienced real estate agent should also be able to provide you some budget friendly staging ideas.

Don’t trust your largest asset to a rookie agent who doesn’t have experience dealing with buyers in today’s housing market. You need an agent who has been in the business for years and has a proven record of selling homes. Also, stay away from agents who cut their commission to get your business. These agents rarely cut the amount of money they put in their pockets. Often they’re cutting the services that are essential to marketing and selling your home for top dollar.

You want your home to look its absolute best and make a lasting impression for the potential buyers who walk through your door. It’s easier than you think, and with our top seven ultimate home staging tips, you’ll learn how to make changes that can help your house sell faster and for more money.

Sell Your Biggest Investment With Less Stress

Selling a house is one of the biggest financial and legal transactions you can engage in. The process can be stressful but also rewarding. Understanding the basic steps to selling your house can help ease your stress and ensure the transaction goes as smoothly as possible.

With the Help of your real estate agent and researching online – take the time to create a checklist to work thru before selling your home.  Often a homeowner will feel overwhelmed with all the tasks they need to accomplish before selling and that is compounded with the tasks that need to be done at the other end where they move to.

Before, During and After Selling you will want to consider choosing your real estate agent, staging your home, home repairs, removing personal belongings, storage units, change of address at post office, closing out and opening, Bank Accounts, Accountant, Pharmacy, Doctor’s, Schools, Job and so much more.

Frankly, all of these tasks can overwhelm many homeowner’s so they find working down a checklist to be very helpful keeping on track.  Also, it can be helpful to have a friend help you go thru each step on the checklist.  To, help keep you on track.

Are You Hiring A Real Estate Agent To Sell Your House?

You decided to sell your house, and you can’t wait to buy a new place. There’s just one thing standing in your way: you’ve got to close the deal on your current one first. You just hope it doesn’t take months to get an offer. You want to sell your house fast!.

Are You Going To Hire A Real Estate Agent To Sell Your House?   If so, it will be helpful for this same agent to help you find the house you are moving unless you are moving further away in which case the agent can refer you so a local agent where you are moving to.

Working With Your Real Estate Agent To Prepare Your Home For Sale

staging a homeA good cleaning is a crucial step in preparing to sell your home. Be a clutter buster! Potential buyers want to be able to envision their furniture fitting into your house; if there is too much clutter in the way they will never have that opportunity. Additionally, clutter can make a spacious room seem small and cramped. Consider taking some things out and putting them into storage.

Many real estate agents prefer for all personal belongings and pictures to be removed so the potential buyer can see the home thru their “eyes”.  They want to envision their pictures and decorations adorning the walls and in around the home.

Staging a house is a strategic move for sellers. A 2017 national association of realtors (NAR) survey says 49% of buyers’ agents believe staging affects most buyers’ view of a home. And 77% of them say it’s easier for people to visualize a staged home as their own.

Staging can also increase the sales price. In that same NAR survey, 29% of sellers’ agents said the sales price for staged homes were between 1% and 5% higher than un*staged homes. Staged homes sell faster, too—39% of sellers’ agents reported that staging a home reduces days on the market. Understanding the benefits of staging a home can help you decide if it’s right for you, and how much to invest in doing it.

If you do have a little cash to spend, here’s what David recommends to sell your house on a tight timeline and a small budget: “if you’ve got less than $1500, i would spend it on paint and mulching the front yard. ” why? because buyers give you about six seconds to make the sale—three seconds from the curb and three seconds from the foyer.

Preparing Your Home For Sale – Before Listing It On The MLS

Selling your home can be stressful but know that you have carried out all the necessary steps before your listing agent enters your home on the MLS and especially before a Home Tour Date is Set or any Open Houses. Many have anxiety over the process of selling their home, fearing it will sit on the market while their family waits. If you are wondering how to sell your house fast by owner, know that you should always hire a professional.

Staging a house is when you prepare the interior of the home so it is ready for the market and exposure. Transforming the house so it is appealing to a larger group of buyers and not one’s specific taste. There are many different tips, tricks, and techniques for staging a house. Below we will go through some easy tips on how to stage a house. These steps will help you successfully get your home ready to sell.

Work with your real estate agent to organized and ready, identify areas of improvement to increase your home’s value, market to a wide network, generate mass-market buzz around your house, negotiate offers, and sell your home for top dollar! call us today at (925) 565*9962 to get started.

There are a few things every homeowner can do to prepare their house before listing it on the MLS. Be a student of the real estate game and pay close attention to advice on “How To Sell Your Home Quickly and For Top Dollar”.

Get A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

Your realtor® should help you understand the market conditions and trends in your area by providing you with a comparative market analysis (CMA).  A CMA shows the prices of comparable, recently sold homes and also homes that are currently on the market.

Your realtor® should explain to you why each home was included in the CMA. The active homes are your competition, so make sure you have a clear understand­ing of how they compare to your house. Good information is critical.

When you think about it, there are several other homes for sale competing with your home. I will help you price your home competitively to attract qualified buyers. The way i do this is by generating a comparative market analysis (cma) report, which will show you a range of prices being paid for homes in your area.

You can complete my online form to get a feel for your home’s market value. Many agents will tell you a value that will be above what your home is really worth so that they can impress you, get your listing and then spend the next 6 months trying to get you to reduce it instead of trying to sell it.

Price your home realistically.   You might even consider offering below the market price which could easily create a Tsunami effect of buyers offering on your home trying to outbid each other and end up with a price higher than the list price.

Another very effective tactic in selling your home is to limit the amount of time available to view the home and submit offers.   For example it might be on the MLS for 2 weeks allowing a lot of exposure to your listing and on the 15th day thru the 18th day everyone interested can come view the home and submit offers.   This can really create an Auction Effect of Buyers tripping over themselves and each other to bring in a high price and ensure “they are the highest acceptable offer”.  This is a much different approach to “Bring Your Highest and Best” without creating an “auction effect”.

Be Careful – Don’t price yourself into a corner

When it comes to selling your home quickly, cutting corners isn’t an option. Hire a top real estate agent, use technology wisely, and stage your home like it’s a castle.

It won’t be long until your home is sold for a price that can’t be beat.

Work On Your Home’s Curb Appeal – Stop Them In Their Tracks While They Drive By!

Your home’s exterior is the first in-person glimpse potential buyers will have of your home, so it’s important that it looks welcoming, well-maintained and tidy. Here are some tips to make your house sell faster with good curb appeal. And when speed is key, consider hiring a professional landscaper to make quick work of these tasks.Curb Appeal

There are many outside forces that defect the value of your home in myrtle beach. Real estate cycles, seasonal market conditions, new homes for sale , economic trends, supply and demand, along with the number of homes for sale can make your home worth more or less than you thought.

Assessing and positioning your home for sale is an important step where the money is made. The main things that you have better control over are the curb appeal, condition, online marketing, and the exposure to available buyers in the marketplace (way beyond just the local MLS – multiple listing service).

Assessing your financial goals, the number of homes currently for sale (your competition), and preparing your home for sale, can take time and can be pretty hectic. Our team of real estate experts does this every day. Scheduling a meeting with one of our experts can give you tips and shortcuts with this important step in purchasing myrtle beach real estate.

Virtual Staging

Is using virtual staging to market unfurnished homes or rooms ethically wrong? Staging in a virtual reality (virtual staging) brings empty homes to life on the computer screen.

Staging for Streetview curb appeal today means web appeal, because if a house doesn’t look good online, it won’t attract all the buyers it could.

It seems cliché, but the first impression really can be everything. If your home has an unkempt lawn, chipped exterior paint, or doesn’t seem welcoming, it’s going to turn potential buyers off before they ever step foot inside. Take the time to work on improving the curb appeal by freshening up the landscaping, tidying up and making it feel warm and inviting.

Decide If You Are Really Ready To Sell

You’ve decided to sell your home – and now you’re ready to throw yourself into fix-up and preparation mode to get your house ready for market.  There will be many tasks ahead and decisions to make.

Are you going to stage your home yourself or hire a professional stager or staging company?

Will you get 3 bids for needed home repairs?

Have you removed your unnecessary personal belongings and uncluttered your home?

Do you need to replace any appliances?

How does the front, side and back yards look? (besides usual yard maintenance adding new mulch and flowers in the front yard make a massive impression on curb appeal and “pride of ownership”.

Do you need new appliances and fixtures?

Are the outlets, switches, door handles, hinges, fixtures, lighting, filters all in good working order?

Do the windows open and close easily?  What about window screens – replaced those with holes and tears or missing?

10 EASY Home Staging Tips [2020 Guide]

When selling your house it is important to have a professional photographer. Because of the 90% of home shoppers looking online – this is likely the ‘first’ showing. Statistics also show that a staged home makes it easier for a buyer to visualize the home. Below are easy to follow tips to staging a house to sell quick – even if you are on a staging budget.

First impressions are everything and it takes very little effort to apply these house showing tips for sellers. It is an easy way to make a big impact on your home’s potential to sell. I have compiled a checklist of my best staging tips which you can download by clicking here: home staging checklist pdf.

  • De-Personalize The Home
  • De-Clutter
  • Deep Clean Like Never Before
  • Go With Neutral  Colors (Honestly, folks – no offense – the buyer might not like dark green and pink walls)
  • FRESH, Fresh, Fresh – Make the home Smell, Look and Feel Fresh
  • 1st Impressions Matter
  • Patch, Repair and Paint
  • As much light as possible
  • Rearrange Furniture
  • Focus On Curb Appeal

What Is Staging A House?

Staging A HomeStaging is a common tactic in real estate sales, especially if you’re looking for ways to sell your house fast. Staging helps define spaces and makes rooms look larger. If you want to speed up this process, you’ll want to put all of your belongings in storage. A professional stager will bring their own furniture and decor, arranging it in a way that highlights your home’s best features and makes it feel warm and welcoming.

The most essential task when staging a house involves purging and cleaning—a clean, empty-as-possible house looks bigger. Remove knick-knacks and personal items from all surfaces. Don’t just put them in closets; potential buyers usually look in those, and you want yours to appear roomy. Box up spare belongings and get them out of the house.

Help a buyer see your home for what it could be when you stage it. Staging a house gives an excellent first impression to any potential buyers. Take out any personal touches to your home like family photos—it should feel like anyone could live there. Help a buyer picture themselves living in your home with a set dinner table or placing a game in the kid’s room. Stage your house to look impersonal, clean, and welcoming.

Check out my budget-friendly tips for selling your house including my staging checklist pdf printable. Do you want to maximize the return on your investment when updating your home to sell?  Do you wish you could shorten the amount of time your home is on the market?  I’m sharing my best tips for selling your house fast.  You can also download my free home staging checklist pdf printable.

Choose The Right Time To Sell Your House

Sometimes all it takes to sell your home fast is the right price.  Your goal should be to set the right price from the jump. Setting a price that ‘you believe it’s worth’, rather than what ‘it is actually worth’ may feel like a good idea, but this can end up hurting you in some really important ways.

Keep in mind that the home still has to be appraised and the value must be equal to or greater than as much as it is selling for. First and foremost, if you have to keep reducing the listing price, it will reduce the interest in the house and will likely lead to the home staying on the market for far longer than you hoped.

Bedrooms are often the most personalized rooms in the home.  And why shouldn’t they be? They are your rooms, after all!  But when you’re staging a house, you want to leave room for the buyers’ imagination. Now is not the time to be sentimental. Your goal as a home seller is to appeal to as many potential buyers as possible. This is one time where it really isn’t personal; it’s business—and it’s time to depersonalize.

Spring and summer are typically the best times to sell your home, as families want to move before the school year starts, and nice weather makes for easier home viewings and inspections. But increased inventory means spring and summer buyers can afford to be pickier, and the climate in different areas can affect the best time to sell a house, too.

If you are planning to put your house on the market this summer, it goes without saying that you are hoping to sell your home as quickly as possible and get your asking price. Set the stage for success with these 21 tips for styling and upgrading your home, and see results — fast.

Once you’ve learned how to stage a house and yours looks perfect, add some finishing touches inside. People love to see fresh flowers in vases, a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter, and folded towels in the bathroom. If you’re living in your home while selling, you can keep your nice extras in a closet so they’re ready to go quickly when your real estate agent calls to say a buyer is on the way.

Clean the home immaculately.  Scrub tile, take care of discolored or mildewed grout and pay extra attention to areas in the kitchen and bathrooms—make sure they gleam. Clean the carpet, or better yet remove old, stained or worn carpet and replace with hardwood or tile.

Hardwood floors are a top selling point among home buyers, and your investment will be returned in your sale price. Make sure cabinets are emptied and cleaned, with just the bare necessities in them. Buyers love cabinet and storage space, so give them what they want! If your cabinets are packed, it gives the impression of inadequate storage space.

Make sure ceiling fans, windows, built-in shelving, and closets are dust-free and clean as a whistle. Finally, stage your house for maximum appeal.

Now that you know how to stage a house, you could have your home sold in no time. Check out our moving checklist so you’ll be ready for your next home adventure.

About East Contra Costa County, CA

Learn More About History, Events, Things To Do in East Contra Costa County

Cities in East Contra Costa County Include:  Pittsburg, Antioch, Oakley, and Brentwood, as well as the unincorporated communities of Bay Point, Bethel Island, Knightsen, Discovery Bay, and Byron.

Scheer Realty & Investments

CA DRE Bkr Lic. #01118346

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The post How To Sell My Home For Top Dollar in East Contra Costa County CA? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.