DFY SEO Manager: Ben Olson

Meet Our Organic SEO Manager: Ben Olson

Recently, Ben Olson became our new SEO Manager at Web 2.0 Ranker.

Ben brings a core management skill set, honed by 20+ years of serving clients in various customer service, marketing, and sales sectors, to the Web 20 Ranker Managed SEO Service.

With over 9 years of in-depth technical SEO experience, his main priority is to help ensure Web 20 provides a ridiculous amount of value to your projects by leveraging our industry leading On Site and Off Site tactics on your managed search and link building campaigns.

Position/Role at Web 20

SEO Manager

How long have you worked with Web 20?

I started as the Technical Department manager during the middle of the pandemic, so I think it’s been a little over a year now.

What does your job entail?

At this point, what doesn’t it entail? 🙂 The main things are overseeing the SEO strategy for our Managed SEO Customers, high level order support, reporting, team training and management, campaign triage, and a whole lot more. 

What do you like most about your job?

I think the most obvious thing I like is that I’m positioned to have a huge, positive impact on our customers’ campaigns. However, since I’m surrounded by some of the best minds in the digital marketing space, I’m constantly learning something new from everyone around me. Being in management means I then get to pass that knowledge on and help my team grow into better professionals, SEO’s and marketers. I think I enjoy that the most; helping my team members grow in our field. 

How has Web 20 helped you in your career development?

One of the biggest perks in working with Web 20, outside of being surrounded by excellent marketers, are all of the courses and training available to the team members. It’s an eclectic mix of some of the best SEO courses, marketing courses, business courses, etc., that everyone has access to, and is highly encouraged to take. There’s special bonuses applied, based on the classes taken, amount taken, etc., that I’ve just never seen before, even in a traditional work environment. 

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Web 20, whose job would you want?

I was recently promoted to the position I would’ve wanted to switch with someone else, so there’s that. I guess at this point it’s a toss up between the Customer Success position Bucky has (I have a customer relationship background, and enjoy working directly with clients) or Chaz’s job, but I don’t think that one’s going to open up any time soon.

What advice do you have for prospective Web 20 candidates?

While this is a professional environment, everyone here cares a great deal about each other, and our clients. With the amount of work we do, there’s a certain sense of job stability and security that comes with working in any of the positions within Web 20, that might be lacking at other agencies or companies. So with all that said, if you come prepared, willing to work, learn, and grow, you will go far here. Most of that can be achieved by simply taking advantage of all the resources that are available to every Web 20 employee, and putting it into action.

What drew you to Web 20 originally? And how has Web 20 changed since?

Several years ago, I was working on local projects with two other marketers, Rob Pene and Matt Stack. Matt ended up having to pull back as he was working with a couple of people I had never heard of, to do something that was equally unheard of, releasing a completely free, all encompassing course on ranking local clients. Ultimately this led to the initial launch of Local Client Takeover. 

Since that launch, I’ve had the privilege of watching this thing grow into what Web 20 became, and somehow managed to develop a working relationship with Mark. I had an opportunity back in 2016 (I think) to come out to Hanover and work directly with the team, however I had to pass due to the distance from there to Wisconsin (and my kids), as Web 20 wasn’t employing remote workers at the time.

Once the pandemic hit, that changed everything about remote working, and I was able to come in early on in 2020 to work as the manager for the Technical Department. 

We’ve grown quite a bit and added several dynamic team members to help with the demand from our ever growing client base. I think this has led to more focused and specialized teams, all developed to best help our customer’s experience success on their campaigns.

What have you gained from working at Web 20?

I’ve gained a lot of friends, a better understanding of providing client services at scale, and a better understanding of everything that goes into ensuring success for all of our clients.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

I’m not sure, I feel like I’m always working. . . 😉

I enjoy spending time with my kids, coaching my son in football, watching Packers football, reading, gaming, building side projects, sites, and business ideas. 

One quote you live by

In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.

What has been your favorite project at Web 20?

I think the biggest project I’ve been involved with so far has been optimizing the Technical Department. While it’s taken far longer than I ever wanted, I think that team is doing some great things for our customers at this point, with both the On Page service and our Technical Audits.

Revamping the Technical Audits was a big job (& adds value to our agency partners). Packaging up all of the hard work Niki did to develop our 30 Point Audits and Triage Audits, and putting them into one central worksheet, was probably the coolest thing I’ve gotten to do here that directly affects our customers as well.

Outside of that, everything I get to do here is pretty awesome, and enjoy it all.

What is your greatest fear?

I have 2 other humans that depend on me for quite a lot now. So my biggest fear would be letting my kids down and failing as their father.

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

I don’t know if this is the kind of weird job this question is looking for, however I spent over a decade working with dementia specific elderly residents as a nursing assistant in assisted living. There was never a dull moment in that type of environment. 

What are 3 words you’d use to describe Web 20?

My Second Family

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