SEO Updates August 13, 2021


Let’s end the week with your favorite info-packed SEO newsletter to keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week
Deal of the week: Save 25% on All Press Releases
Sign Up Now: 8/25 Q3 State of Local SEO Webinar
Special Announcement: 2021 Local Marketing Mastermind – Early Bird Discount
SEO Mad Scientist: Unicode Tests Continued
New Blog Post: Find Quality Link Opportunities With Google Alerts

To your success,
Chaz and the Entire Team



FROM THE VAULT – Episode 101

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

Co-Host: Sophie Allen + Bucky Helms

? Google Enforcing Physical Addresses For Some GMB Listings
? Google Tests Affordable Picks Carousel In Mobile Search
? Google Says Each Core Update Can Affect Search Ranking Differently
? Google Says Linking To Lesser Websites Doesn’t Make Your Site Less Relevant

Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here

– Listen here


Interested in being a guest on the vault!? Sign up now


? This Weekends Deal Is All About Press Releases ?
8/13 – 8/15

Save 25% on all Press Release Services (excluding bulk)
Plus, Receive 10% cashback on all bulk press credits!

Did you know that we have built and are syndicating through our own press release syndication platform to 200+ better media outlets?
Some of those including syndication to Digital Journal and top news affiliates of Fox, CBS, etc.

Press Release:

Not only that but Web 20 has added over 150 media outlets to our do follow news service

Google News is ALWAYS guaranteed

If you haven’t heard we recently launched our AP News Brand Feature service! Get your news published on the highly authoritative Associated Press News and a super powerful do-follow branded link is also included within every 800 words expertly written AP News article.
AP Brand Feature:

Save 25% now with coupon code: SavePress25

Bulk is excluded from the 25% savings but we still have a deal for you! Premium-Quality Press Release Writing And Newswire Syndication As Low As $44 with 10% cashback to use on any future order!

Bulk Credits Never Expire
All Prices Include Writing/Unlimited Edits and
Premium 250+ Syndication/Google News Guarantee



2021 Quarter 3 State of Local SEO Webinar Happening August 25th at 1 PM EST

✔ 100% Free to Join – limited seating event for the Web 20 Ranker | Local Client Takeover | Local SEO Community FB Group

✔ What’s working now in Local SEO plus Q&A Session

✔ The updated signals, tactics, and strategies that are having the largest ranking impact in the local SERPs

Sign Up Today!



Local Marketing Mastermind

Together We Will Build A Better Sales System For Your Agency

November 5th To 7th, 2021
The Hilton @ Penn’s Landing, Philadelphia


Early Bird Discount available now through August 31st! Save 20% on Exclusive, Agency, and Entry Level Access

Work Directly with Experienced SEOs Over the 3 Day Event to Build Out a Better Sales Process for Your Agency. When implementing proven strategies developed by top marketing experts, you can feel confident in your agency’s sales system, even in uncertain and fluctuating economies. Direct from real marketing professionals and agency owners who work in this industry on the day-to-day, the secrets, tricks, tips, facts, tactics, and processes that will be shared at this event are based on real-life experience and success.

100% Actionable Training & Tactics

Limited Spots Available
Get your Tickets Now!



SEO Mad Scientist ???

Welcome back SEOs to another exciting week of test updates with the SEO Mad Scientist.

You may remember last week we were looking at and testing different uni codes to see how they indexed compared to the standard alphabet keys that people normally use on their keyboard.

Surprisingly enough a lot of these unique codes were recognized by Google. Pretty much any of them that were clearly just letters Google could recognize whereas any types that had other symbols or dots on the letters within shapes were not recognizable by Google as the alphabet.

This led us to start testing these different unique codes and how they could impact rankings differently than the standards normally used.

The first thing we did was try adding a bunch of new relevant text to an article using a different uni code that we know is recognized by Google to see if it would impact the rankings.

We chose a page that was not well optimized and not ranking well to begin with, in the hopes that we would be able to notice any increases that may occur from adding the additional content.


We added a paragraph in uni code we knew was recognized by Google. We then submitted the URL to Google and waited for it to be recrawled to review any results.



We are tracking individual keywords but referencing search consoles as well to determine the full result. A little under a week since the recrawl and so far we see minor upward movement, nothing out of the ordinary.

While we were reviewing the results we began to think about how these special characters impact duplicate content.

So we decided to run a second test where we took content from other websites and converted it to different characters and posted it on our own website to see how it ranked.

Be sure to join us next week for updates on the duplicate content unicode test as well as a more in-depth update on the test above.

Have a great weekend and until next time, Happy Testing!



Finding quality backlinks is one of the most difficult SEO tasks. It can eat up tons of time without any guarantees you’ll get a link. However, link building is still one of the most impactful ranking factors. You can’t neglect it. That’s why we want to share one of the best free link-building tools (in our opinion) – Google Alerts.

Using Google Alerts for link building saves you time searching for quality and relevant links. Not to mention, you can find unlinked brand mentions this way.

Find out how we use it for building links here:

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