SEO Updates – March 15, 2024

We could all use a little boost…

That’s exactly what you get with our supercharged press releases – over 100 new syndication partners. 

Standard, premium and do-follow PRs can now maximize your reach with +550 syndication partners.

🔬 SEO Mad Scientist 🔬

In our ongoing pursuit of refining SEO strategies, we’ve conducted an in-depth review of our Mini Networks Test…

Inspired by the concept of geo networks from several years back, this test builds mini networks comprised of branded web 2.0 entities, linking to our company’s map listings and website.

We hypothesized that these networks, tailored to specific geographical areas, niches, and brands, can significantly impact both local and organic rankings.

But you’ll have to watch the video to see the initial results…

Dissect the mini nets test with Mike in the SEO Mad Scientist’s last video:

🧑‍🔬 SEO Mad Scientist Podcast 🧪

Wonder about mini nets vs. PBNs? Mike & Alex discuss the implications of our mini networks test during episode 3 of the SEO Mad Scientist podcast!

Watch below or listen as we unpack real results, discuss the competitive edge mini networks offer, and share key strategies for leveraging them effectively without breaking the bank…

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group

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