Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo

Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo

Can COVID-19 Cause Sudden Hearing Loss?

Sudden Hearing Loss: There is research indicating that sudden hearing loss, which occurs without any known or detectable noise, occurs when a person is exposed to a variety of sound frequencies and decibel levels (nidcd). when the noises were heard, it was considered that there was something wrong with the hearing system, and it was considered that the problem may have been caused by a variety of different reasons

Among other symptoms: Covid-19 is one of the few instances when there are a few uncommon adverse effects. It sounds as if one of them is ringing in the ears. It happens more often than is initially assumed, but it is feasible. This is right in every way. In an effort to determine the percentage of patients with hearing loss that are affected by Covid-19, a new study conducted by the International Association of Audiologists (IAA) analysed 28 case reports and 28 cross-sectional studies. According to their research, 7-15% of patients who are diagnosed with Covid-19 are hearing impaired.

Mumps, measles, and meningitis, some of the most common viral infections, can also cause hearing issues. It has been suggested that the current coronaviral pandemic of 2019 may be connected to audiovisual symptoms (covid-19). The team of researchers from the University of Manchester, UK, examined the literature for evidence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (Sars-Cov2) and audiovestibular (ear and balance) symptoms. Covid 19 and hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus were linked as a result of their study.

Covid-19 causes tinnitus in around one out of ten patients who take it, although it is rather infrequent. A recent study published in the International Journal of Audiology analysed 28 case reports and 28 cross-sectional studies, and the researchers revealed that between 7% and 15% of those with a diagnosis of CV19 were affected by some type of hearing issue. When asked about the most prevalent symptom reported, hearing issues were the most prevalent, as well as tinnitus, according to the data. However, the researchers warn that it is possible for there to be an overestimation of this factor, as the data does not always disclose whether or not persons had hearing impairments prior to being diagnosed.

Sudden Hearing Loss

COVID-19 linked to Tinnitus

Loss of hearing, ringing in the ears, and dizziness are all symptoms of the Coronavirus. According to current study, coronavirus is likely to be connected to hearing loss and other hearing issues. A recent study found that 7.6% of individuals infected with Covid-19 experience hearing loss, while 14.8% of those infected have tinnitus. In addition, it was shown that the prevalence of vertigo is around 7.2%. Researchers from Manchester University and the Manchester Biomedical Research Center conducted a literature review and collated data from 24 research to establish a connection between coronavirus and hearing and the vestibular system. The vestibular system consists of the inner ear and the brain’s central nervous system components, which are used to analyse information relating to balance and eye movement control.

For the study, between 7% and 15% of persons with a new form of Covid-19 who were surveyed reported having idioblastic clinical symptoms, as documented in the International Audiology Journal. Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is the most prevalent symptom, and it is usually accompanied by hearing loss and disorientation. The researchers were able to get the study’s findings by investigating Covid-19 and audiovisual symptoms. Covid-19 appears to be affected by hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness, with seven research investigations confirming this. Tinnitus is the most prevalent medical ailment, affecting around 17% of the population. Because the majority of tinnitus patients also suffer from hearing loss, it may be deduced that the two disorders are linked. Tinnitus was examined in 15 research and found in 15 of them. Three of the participants wanted to know if their tinnitus should be categorised as intermittent or continuous.

One student characterised tinnitus as non-pulsing, whereas another student characterised it as white noise. Covid-19 issues were discovered in adults and those with severe illness from all age and severity levels. Difficulty hearing A hearing loss in one ear was claimed to have abruptly appeared. Tinnitus is a frequently experienced symptom of this condition. While the number of instances of the sudden hearing loss virus (Covid-19) throughout the world has risen significantly, it is impossible to establish if the cases are more severe than those reported annually.

Sudden Hearing Loss Linked to COVID

ear wax removal remedies

The Sars-Cov-2 pandemic originated in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, marking the first instance of Sars-Cov-2 anywhere in the world. There was a lack of information during the early phases of the pandemic concerning the effects of the infection on the host. On the other hand, the great majority of CBD-19 instances are non-symptomatic or of minimal severity. Some, however, are severe. There are studies which point to links between many viral infections, including measles, rubella, and CMV, and hearing loss.

Covid-19 has also been shown to be connected with a variety of neurological illnesses, including the Guillain-Barre syndrome, in which the hearing nerve becomes damaged, and auditory neuropathy becomes part of the spectrum. Persistently self-reported hearing impairments and tinnitus in coVID-19 patients throughout hospitalisation have been described in the BMJ case reports of International audiology journal Covid-19 has been related with a variety of serious long-term issues, including heart damage, lung damage, neurological issues, and a cardiovirus.

The new line of investigation is to find out if the coronavirus causes hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) days or weeks after it’s contracted. We have noticed that there has been a sudden hearing loss due to a number of viral and bacterial diseases. Before the 2014 coronavirus outbreak, coronaviruses such as Sars and Mers did not appear to have caused hearing difficulties. The present world pandemic coronavirus, Sars-Cov-2, should be mentioned as well. we are most recently participating in all of the current public health research on this issue

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The Article Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo First Appeared ON

The post Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo

Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo

Can COVID-19 Cause Sudden Hearing Loss?

Sudden Hearing Loss: There is research indicating that sudden hearing loss, which occurs without any known or detectable noise, occurs when a person is exposed to a variety of sound frequencies and decibel levels (nidcd). when the noises were heard, it was considered that there was something wrong with the hearing system, and it was considered that the problem may have been caused by a variety of different reasons

Among other symptoms: Covid-19 is one of the few instances when there are a few uncommon adverse effects. It sounds as if one of them is ringing in the ears. It happens more often than is initially assumed, but it is feasible. This is right in every way. In an effort to determine the percentage of patients with hearing loss that are affected by Covid-19, a new study conducted by the International Association of Audiologists (IAA) analysed 28 case reports and 28 cross-sectional studies. According to their research, 7-15% of patients who are diagnosed with Covid-19 are hearing impaired.

Mumps, measles, and meningitis, some of the most common viral infections, can also cause hearing issues. It has been suggested that the current coronaviral pandemic of 2019 may be connected to audiovisual symptoms (covid-19). The team of researchers from the University of Manchester, UK, examined the literature for evidence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (Sars-Cov2) and audiovestibular (ear and balance) symptoms. Covid 19 and hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus were linked as a result of their study.

Covid-19 causes tinnitus in around one out of ten patients who take it, although it is rather infrequent. A recent study published in the International Journal of Audiology analysed 28 case reports and 28 cross-sectional studies, and the researchers revealed that between 7% and 15% of those with a diagnosis of CV19 were affected by some type of hearing issue. When asked about the most prevalent symptom reported, hearing issues were the most prevalent, as well as tinnitus, according to the data. However, the researchers warn that it is possible for there to be an overestimation of this factor, as the data does not always disclose whether or not persons had hearing impairments prior to being diagnosed.

Sudden Hearing Loss

COVID-19 linked to Tinnitus

Loss of hearing, ringing in the ears, and dizziness are all symptoms of the Coronavirus. According to current study, coronavirus is likely to be connected to hearing loss and other hearing issues. A recent study found that 7.6% of individuals infected with Covid-19 experience hearing loss, while 14.8% of those infected have tinnitus. In addition, it was shown that the prevalence of vertigo is around 7.2%. Researchers from Manchester University and the Manchester Biomedical Research Center conducted a literature review and collated data from 24 research to establish a connection between coronavirus and hearing and the vestibular system. The vestibular system consists of the inner ear and the brain’s central nervous system components, which are used to analyse information relating to balance and eye movement control.

For the study, between 7% and 15% of persons with a new form of Covid-19 who were surveyed reported having idioblastic clinical symptoms, as documented in the International Audiology Journal. Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is the most prevalent symptom, and it is usually accompanied by hearing loss and disorientation. The researchers were able to get the study’s findings by investigating Covid-19 and audiovisual symptoms. Covid-19 appears to be affected by hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness, with seven research investigations confirming this. Tinnitus is the most prevalent medical ailment, affecting around 17% of the population. Because the majority of tinnitus patients also suffer from hearing loss, it may be deduced that the two disorders are linked. Tinnitus was examined in 15 research and found in 15 of them. Three of the participants wanted to know if their tinnitus should be categorised as intermittent or continuous.

One student characterised tinnitus as non-pulsing, whereas another student characterised it as white noise. Covid-19 issues were discovered in adults and those with severe illness from all age and severity levels. Difficulty hearing A hearing loss in one ear was claimed to have abruptly appeared. Tinnitus is a frequently experienced symptom of this condition. While the number of instances of the sudden hearing loss virus (Covid-19) throughout the world has risen significantly, it is impossible to establish if the cases are more severe than those reported annually.

Sudden Hearing Loss Linked to COVID

ear wax removal remedies

The Sars-Cov-2 pandemic originated in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, marking the first instance of Sars-Cov-2 anywhere in the world. There was a lack of information during the early phases of the pandemic concerning the effects of the infection on the host. On the other hand, the great majority of CBD-19 instances are non-symptomatic or of minimal severity. Some, however, are severe. There are studies which point to links between many viral infections, including measles, rubella, and CMV, and hearing loss.

Covid-19 has also been shown to be connected with a variety of neurological illnesses, including the Guillain-Barre syndrome, in which the hearing nerve becomes damaged, and auditory neuropathy becomes part of the spectrum. Persistently self-reported hearing impairments and tinnitus in coVID-19 patients throughout hospitalisation have been described in the BMJ case reports of International audiology journal Covid-19 has been related with a variety of serious long-term issues, including heart damage, lung damage, neurological issues, and a cardiovirus.

The new line of investigation is to find out if the coronavirus causes hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) days or weeks after it’s contracted. We have noticed that there has been a sudden hearing loss due to a number of viral and bacterial diseases. Before the 2014 coronavirus outbreak, coronaviruses such as Sars and Mers did not appear to have caused hearing difficulties. The present world pandemic coronavirus, Sars-Cov-2, should be mentioned as well. we are most recently participating in all of the current public health research on this issue

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The Article Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo First Appeared ON

The post Sudden Hearing Loss – COVID-19 Linked To Tinnitus And Vertigo appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

EMP Attack Survival Guide 2021 – Bug Out Bags A Good Idea

EMP Attack Survival Guide 2021 – Bug Out Bags A Good Idea

EMP Attack Survival Guide: An EMP attack could be the most extreme event to prepare for. None of the movies about nuclear weapon attacks has depicted just how catastrophic the damage would be to our world as we know it.

Hello and welcome to my website; today we will be discussing how to withstand an EMP attack. I will provide survival advice that may be useful to you if such a catastrophe occurs. Let’s get started.

The prospect of an EMP strike is terrifying, yet we must still prepare for it. If such an attack occurs, the first thing to do is to steer away from electronics upon impact. Any device that conducts electricity has the potential to be a lethal weapon. It would be advantageous if you had a surge protector for your electronic equipment that could safeguard your devices from EMP.
Never underestimate the danger we could all be in since your survival is totally dependent on how well prepared you are.

So, the first step is to devise a strategy. You should also share this strategy with your family if you have one. This way, if you detect indicators of an EMP, you’ll all know what to do.

You’ll need to go analogue. Your wristwatch, clock, communication gadgets, and electronics will all need to be analogue. If you don’t have a hand-crank solar-powered weather band analogue radio, an EMP strike will shut down all electronics, leaving you in the dark and without information. However, you should be aware that most of these devices may not function in high-frequency emp attack survival.

emp attack survival guide

Have a backup power source. During an emp attack survival, an emp shock wave will shut down the country’s electric grid, therefore you must generate your own power. Go solar, use wind turbines, buy a generator, or instal a micro-hydroelectric system.

Paper money has a short shelf life, and in times of crisis, spending your money is the greatest alternative. Instead of stockpiling cash after the attack, stock up on food and supplies. Your survival is more vital than saving money for an unforeseeable future.

Stock up on foods that have a long shelf life. It is recommended to load your bug-out bag with vital items that will allow you to live. Prepare your bug-out bag in advance!

If the electrical system is out, your credit and debit cards will not work. Everyone may have to learn the old art of bartering, as this may be their only alternative. Only trade stuff that is absolutely vital for your survival.

You will need self-defence tools, such as a shotgun. To keep safe, use other forms of self-defence as well. When it comes to self-defence during an EMP strike, you should make no compromises. I urge that you construct a Faraday Cage to safeguard your communication equipment throughout the attack.

Get started on this project right away before it’s too late. Do you have any more survival strategies to share? Please leave any suggestions or questions in the comments!

See you next time!


high-frequency EMP attacks survival gear

EMP Weapons Use Pulses of Energy to Damage Electronic & Electrical Equipment

An electromagnetic pulse (emp) attack on the nation’s electric system is not something many Americans consider. However, both peers (Russia and China) and rising threat countries (North Korea and Iran) are developing this strategic weapon. The White House is concerned about this potential threat. President Trump issued an “executive order on coordinating national resilience against electromagnetic pulses” on March 26 in an effort to analyse the risks of such an attack on important US infrastructure. According to preliminary research, a catastrophic emp event may devastate the US economy and military. Emps are energy pulses that can be created by a nuclear weapon’s detonation, portable devices such as high power microwave weapons (hpmws), or even natural phenomena.

EMP Attack Survival Guide for 2021

A nuclear electromagnetic pulse is a pulse produced by the detonation of a nuclear device. When a nuclear weapon detonates close to the earth’s surface, the entire explosion is absorbed by the ground and has little effect. However, if a nuclear warhead is detonated dozens or hundreds of miles above the planet, the situation changes significantly, with disastrous consequences. An emp attack up in the upper atmosphere will spread at breakneck speed with nothing to stop it. This is referred to as an emp attack by military analysts and most scientists. The army has only just prepared an emp assault survival guide. Army officials are beginning to recognise it as a threat. A nuclear emp attack’s effects are so precise that it ruins even little electronics, making it even more deadly and deadly than a coronal mass ejection.

Guide on surviving an electromagnetic pulse attack and preparing for life when the electrical system goes down. There has been a lot of debate recently about the threat posed by rogue governments and lone players carrying out huge assaults with emp-based weaponry. The fear of entire power networks being wiped out by an electromagnetic pulse was once supposed to be the creation of science fiction writers, but it is now becoming a growing reality. The chances are fairly excellent (or awful) that we’ll have to deal with such an onslaught in the near future. Having said that, it is critical to understand what to expect and how to prepare for it. This book walks you through every imaginable circumstance in which emp may be employed, as well as how it would impact daily life.

Everyone in your house should be aware of their responsibilities in the event that you must go into survival mode. For example, one person could be in charge of bartering, another of cooking, and so on. Consider each person’s unique abilities and use this to create your plan. It is a good idea to write everything down and then store it with the rest of your survival kit. This way, it’s always nearby in case of an emp assault and you need to put your strategy into action. With the potential of an emp assault looming, some believe that everyone should be thinking about it. It is critical to understand what you should do if this type of catastrophe occurs in your country.

Which are the primary sources that can cause an EMP attack?

BattleBox survival guide

Overly advises security teams to study the legal wording in any contract with a disaster recovery facility, which frequently states that the secondary facility can prioritise resources to other customers. Negotiate in every contract that your company will not be treated in a way that harms another client. “The majority of those contracts allow the provider the authority to do exactly that and leave you dangling.” This is significant because an emp blast would almost certainly necessitate a permanent shift of operations to a secondary facility, as it could take months to a year to replace fried electronics and decontaminate any radioactive fallout in order to make the primary facility safe for humans to use again. Financial services, utilities, and healthcare are three of the 16 listed key infrastructure sectors in the United States that should be prioritised when thinking about potential attacks.

The United States continues to possess the world’s most credible and survivable nuclear deterrent, and any adversary contemplating a hemp attack would have to consider not that they would face some limited retaliation, but that the U. S. The retaliation would be ferocious, fast, and devastating. Nuclear weapons-producing countries spend a lot of money. This is not a small detail. Even today, a successful nuclear weapons programme is the result of years, if not a decade, of targeted investment of a wide range of national resources. Nuclear weapons are also designed as a deterrence to attack, rather than with the purpose of utilising them offensively right away.

Before we begin discussing advice for preparing for this harrowing event, it is vital to understand the battle tool and its hazards. An emp is a brief burst of invisible electromagnetic interference that causes power outages by short-circuiting surrounding electrical devices. One of the most typical consequences of emp is lightning strikes. There are three basic ways for a region to be affected by an emp attack. The solar emp attack is the most dangerous of the above-mentioned scenarios due to the scale of the event and the harm it might wreak. Experts are still unknown how much damage a man-made emp strike can cause to the national grid line.

How likely is an EMP attack (event)?

Second-strike capabilities:

In response, Richard Garwin, who wrote one of the first theoretical articles on the creation of emps from nuclear explosions at the Los Alamos national laboratory in 1954, attempted to dispel the peculiar fear of emps in a letter to the editor published by the Times. “Since 1962, the delicacy of some electronics has increased due to the use of transistors and integrated circuits,” Garwin wrote. “However, our understanding of electromagnetic pulse has matured to the point where specific equipment and systems can be tested and guaranteed against disruption by emp.” This entailed hardening the communication lines for the nuclear chain of command as well as hardening the silos and planes themselves against the harmful consequences of the pulse.

Emps are linked to deliberate attacks with high-altitude nuclear detonations, specialised conventional bombs, or non-nuclear directed energy weapons. The scale of the effects varies depending on the weapon and the mode of attack, from highly local to regional to continental. A high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (hemp) strikes employing nuclear weapons are of particular concern because they have the potential to permanently damage or destroy major sections of the national electric grid and other key infrastructure control systems. Similarly, extreme gmd events associated with solar coronal mass ejections (when plasma from the sun arrives at Earth with its embedded magnetic field) may cause widespread and long-term damage to electric power networks, satellites, electronic navigation systems, and undersea cables. In essence, any electronics system that is not secured against extreme emp or gmd events may be exposed to either the direct “shock” of the blast itself or the damage inflicted on the systems and controls on which they rely.

Our efforts to comprehend a potential emp burst aren’t new, but there’s a renewed emphasis on understanding the ramifications of such an attack, reducing the repercussions, and recovering from it,” Murkowski explained. Murkowski urged the federal and state governments to share their emp information and expertise with U.S. utility businesses “on a timely basis,” as well as to establish or help establish associated dependability requirements that might help the industry secure “important energy assets.” Lincoln Electric System CEO Kevin Wailes agreed that cybersecurity is a top issue. He stated that the electric system has been designed with redundancy and reliability in mind and that the electric sector conducts frequent, real-world emergency drills that expressly take catastrophic situations into account.

What would happen during an EMP attack?

emp survival gear by battlebox

Sen. Hall, a former air force officer and emp expert, has been warning Texas for years that the vulnerability of the electric grid to emp and cyberattack might have disastrous effects. In February, the electric reliability council of Texas (ercot), which administers the state’s energy grid, demonstrated that they and the utilities are not even prepared to deal with a severe ice storm, let alone existential threats from terrorism and cyber warfare. In South Carolina, former air force officer, emp expert, and engineer Ambassador Henry Cooper is collaborating with Duke Energy on the Lake Wylie project to shield a nuclear reactor from emp – a prototype project that could result in the conversion of 100 u.

The darkest days (also known as blackout USA) is a thorough 161-page booklet that covers tried-and-true strategies for protecting yourself in the event of an emp or other comparable attack. As a result, it demonstrates efficient methods for ensuring that your electronic equipment is not disturbed if this type of attack occurs. And there’s more. You can even utilise this knowledge to help your city overcome outages. Simply said, you will learn about a solid emergency contingency plan while also receiving the necessary equipment and expertise on how to survive any type of emp assault. This way, you’ll be able to comprehend the specifics of what to expect from a crunch of this magnitude.

Bob Rodgers writes: You awaken in the middle of the night to the sound of a crash outside. The lights are turned off, and you’re stumbling around in the dark in search of a functional tactical flashlight. When you get out, you discover that your neighbourhood has lost power; you check your phone, but it is also dead. That doesn’t make sense; the streetlights are turned off, and nothing appears to be working. Then it hits you: “it happened, an emp attack occurred, and everything is fried.” It’s time to rely on your emp attack survival strategy to keep your family safe. You discover that the world you knew is no longer there and that every technological equipment more sophisticated than a basic flashlight has been fried beyond repair.

Prepping to survive an EMP attack

The phrase “beans, bullets, and band-aids” is a prepping slogan that emphasises the whole dimensions of personal readiness. These tenets, which apply to different SHTF scenarios, also apply here. Because they cover all of the important components, beans, bullets, and band-aids are the first of our techniques to survive an emp attack. Do you keep some food on hand for your family? Do you have the tools and expertise to protect yourself in the event of an attack? Do you have a stockpile of common prescriptions, basic first aid skills, and other medical supplies on hand in case you no longer have access to a doctor? Do you have a strategy? carry out a customised threat assessment

So now we get to the meat of the matter. There are very few survivalists I know who would entirely dismiss the possibility of such an attack on American soil (or space). Because it is one of the most credible man-made TEOTWAWKI scenarios, I strongly advise every survivalist to think about it when preparing. In this regard, this essay will concentrate on how to prepare for the likelihood of an emp attack and the best strategies to withstand one if it occurs. The first step in preparing for such a disaster is to gain knowledge and skills on how an apocalyptic attack might affect a post-industrialized society like the United States. You should be aware that the electric central would cease to generate power. Most cars would cease to function (forget about your nice automatic transmission sedan or pickup truck, pals), television, radio, and internet news networks, as well as government emergency signals, would cease to function, there would be no running water, and oil/gas facilities would cease to function.

As part of his preparation, Charles travelled to an Amish community and lived with them for two years to study their unique survival methods that can help people survive an apocalyptic assault. The Amish are a religious society that considers technical improvements such as refrigerators, electricity, and electronic devices to be useless and inappropriate. Using the information obtained by Charles Green, Alec Deacon wrote the darkest days- how to survive an emp attack to the grid handbook and made it available to anyone interested in learning off-grid survival skills. Do you want to know how to withstand an emp attack on the grid? You must be questioning whether the programme works before you invest your money on the darkest days- how to survive an emp attack on the grid guide.

survival and tactical gear for emp attack

Self-sufficiency in a city will be tough, but not impossible. You’ll need to cultivate your own food, and container gardening is the ideal way to do so. Most of your furniture will have to be discarded or used as firewood to make way for aeroponics installations. One of your primary tasks will be to collect rainwater. Keeping out of sight and shielding your family for the first 3-4 months after an emp attack will be a never-ending responsibility. Scavenging for resources will necessitate a great deal of planning and prudence, as you will need to map out the locations worth scavenging. Begin with close quarters and work your way out. It will rely on a variety of things, but one thing is certain: you must have adequate survival knowledge.

In a grid-down scenario, like as an emp attack, a home-defence shotgun and plenty of ammunition are potentially the most adaptable methods of self-defence. One of the most important aspects of bugging in is keeping your home secure. Because looters and other attackers may break-in, you should build numerous layers of safety for your home. The perimeter of your property is the first tier of security; for us, this is a barbed-wire fence that extends around all four sides. Following that is your on-property security, which might include dogs, cameras, motion detectors, and even armed guards. Then there’s your outer house security, which includes door locks, window bars, and a home security system.

It is counter-intuitive, but that money will be worthless shortly anyway. Spend it now, grab everything you can; food and medical supplies are smart places to start. Taking a break. It may be safe to remain where you are for a while. However, you may need to bug out at some point. If you have a survival squad and a bug-out place with supplies, now is the time to meet there. You should all be aware of the plan and begin implementing it as soon as possible. What’s the purpose of having a team if you’re not going to use it? Every member should have a role and be familiar with all of them. In this manner, if someone is unable to attend or arrives late, someone else can fill in for them.

The post EMP Attack Survival Guide 2021 – Bug Out Bags A Good Idea appeared first on EZI Gold.

The Article EMP Attack Survival Guide 2021 – Bug Out Bags A Good Idea First Appeared ON

The post EMP Attack Survival Guide 2021 – Bug Out Bags A Good Idea appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates May 28, 2021

SEO Updates May 28, 2021


Let’s end the week with your favorite info-packed SEO newsletter to keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week
Deal of the week: Red, White, and Blue Sale
SEO Mad Scientist: GMB Site Tests, Do They Increase Relevance?

To your success,
Chaz and the Entire Team



FROM THE VAULT – Episode 90

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

Co-Host: Sophie Allen + Mike Milas

? May 22nd Google Algorithm Update Is Off The Charts
? Google Mobile-First Indexing Still Not 100% Yet, Some Sites Are Still Not moved Over

? Google Search Console Performance Report To Drop Rich Result Type
? Google Tests Expandable More Specific Searches

– Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here

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Red, White, and Blue Sale Happening Now!


Our Memorial Day Sale won’t last long! Be sure to take advantage of the savings.

The More You Spend The More You Save

Here’s how the saving work:
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SEO Mad Scientist ???

Hey there scientists. Welcome to another week of test results!

This week we are going to go cover a test involving the GMB website (the website you can create on the GMB)

We wanted to test the relevance of the primary GMB site signals. If we were to name the GMB site URL with our primary keyword and set the GMB website info to target our primary keyword, would we see any type of improvement?

Taking one of our test listings, we again targeted the keyword “bathroom remodeling” and launched our GMB site:


Our original GEO grids did not show any rankings for our terms “bathroom remodeling” or “bathroom remodeling Hanover”. After making the change and waiting a few days here are the current results:


It did appear that launching the optimized site may have caused some initial movement. Prior to adding the GMB site, we had previously set the GMB short link to “bathroom-remodeling-Hanover” as well as adding “Bathroom Remodeling” as a service. The question is, did adding the site alone cause the rankings, or was it a combination of these signals?

We then decided to add the GMB website as the website listed on the GMB. From previous tests, we have seen an impact on keyword rankings from the content the GMB directly links to as well as the website’s inner pages as well. If this holds true then we should see some type of SERP movement from adding the site as the business website.

As of writing this report, we have yet to see any additional movement.

Be sure to join us next week to find out if we see some SERP movement. Until then…

Happy Testing!




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Web Hosting What Are The Differences

Website Hosting What Are The Differences

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Many web hosting packages feature a variety of building tools that make it simple for your small business to create a professional website.

The barriers to accessing online markets have finally been removed. Anyone with a computer and Internet connection may create an online brand using one of the several website builders. These programmes feature simple drag-and-drop environments and templates that do not require programming knowledge to quickly develop a respectable website.

Webhostingpad has an a+BBB rating, but just a few Trustpilot reviews. Its “all-inclusive” hosting bundle starts at $2 per month and includes free SSL certificates, a free Weebly site builder, one-click WordPress installation, a free domain, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. There are also an infinite number of websites, domains, and e-mail addresses accessible. Webhostingpad has less minor features than some of the other companies. The all-inclusive method may be appealing if you are looking for a rapid method to begin building and hosting a website.

web hosting what are the differences

Cheapest Shared Hosting For Developers and Agencies.

Ezi Network Hosting offers bloggers, One of the most affordable hosting plans for small enterprises, web designers, and developers. There are almost 1.5 million websites. Its shared web hosting options make it simple to create a wonderful website. Hosting options include unlimited bandwidth and storage, a free domain name, a one-click WordPress and other CMS instals, free e-mail, a free SSL certificate, and automatic backup.

Fast and Affordable Web Hosting Service for Blogs and Small Business.

When selecting a web hosting service, keep in mind your company’s objectives and ambitions. Bluehost’s basic plan is the most economical, user-friendly solution for blogs and personal websites, making it ideal for newcomers. If your website/blog receives 20,000 or more visits per month, consider hosting’s premium shared hosting or business shared hosting plans. Do you use WordPress to run an eCommerce site, offer courses, or provide a paid membership or service? The completely managed starting package from WP Engine will save you time so you can focus on your business.

Web hosting for small businesses that is fast and dependable ($2.95/month)
HostPapa provides everything a small business needs to manage their website and is now offering a 70% discount on its plans. These services include hosting, domain registration, 400+ business applications to connect to, and the choice of using a simple drag-and-drop website builder or installing WordPress, depending on your preferences. Hostpapa offers three primary plans ranging in price from $2.95 to $11.95 per month. You should be sure to turn off their additional extras at checkout, which will cost you $39.90 a year.

Inmotion hosting offers domain and website services, as well as site hosting solutions, to a wide range of businesses. They provide shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers. Inmotion hosting has an extremely recognised track record, having been named a top-rated hosting firm by CNET for 14 years. The Better Business Bureau, a consumer protection group that monitors and analyses the integrity and performance of businesses in the United States and Canada, has also given the company an A+ rating. Based in Los Angeles, California, the supplier provides quick and economical web hosting solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as dependable after-sales assistance.

This is unquestionably the best option for individuals and small enterprises. The low cost of shared web hosting is one of the reasons for its enormous popularity. The question is how suppliers can give inexpensive costs. simply. Shared hosting is intended to provide a single server to a large number of websites. On the other hand, storage space and bandwidth are frequently severely limited.

Affordable Shared Hosting for Small Business.

From the commencement of a shared server, the initial step of building a website becomes extremely cost-effective. As demand grows for more traffic, more websites, or higher security, web hosting services make it simple for customers to gradually invest additional resources. A corporation does not have to spend more than it needs to, and it uses scalability to control its budget.

Accessibility: Shared hosting is substantially less expensive and more affordable than other forms of web hosting. Bloggers and small businesses with basic websites are the best candidates for shared hosting. Can be handled – no technical knowledge or experience is required to operate this sort of web hosting. If the hosting company does not have one, it handles all technical issues and serves as a manager.

Hostpapa is not the cheapest hosting provider in the industry. However, given the quantity of features included in each plan, the value is good for the money. You may get shared hosting for $3.95 per month, which is the same as WordPress hosting. For more prominent sites, vps start at $19,99 per month. Many users will begin with shared hosting since it is inexpensive and sufficient for both personal and small business websites. For all shared hosting plans, unmet bandwidth, an SSL certificate, a one-year free domain, and a free site migration are included.

Shared hosting is analogous to a complex of apartments; multiple small businesses rent units and pool cash. It is the most affordable and widely used hosting type, and it is typically the initial hosting type used by many businesses and individuals when their website is started. This type of hosting is suited for clients with smaller websites and less customised or complicated demands. Storage space is frequently limited, and you may only own one or a few websites.

How to Host a Website in 2021: Is Home Hosting Really “Free”?

Access to Cpanel, limitless data, DDoS protection, multi-code support, FTP & ssh access, and file backup are all important features for people who select Linux. With the Economics Package, customers obtain a website with 150GB of storage. The bundle will comprise two inventories, ten databases, and 100 emails. Furthermore, when customers subscribe to Premium pricing, they obtain a limitless number of Websites and free images. This is the right option for a growing company, with 500 GB of storage, 500 email addresses, and 50 databases.

When you rent a house, you are paying for a place to live. In general, you add your furnishings and memories to your home to make it seem like yours. It is similar to web hosting, except that you pay for a home for your website’s information, content, and information. You must pay for hosting in order to claim such property on the internet. The greater the size of the property or the greater the significance of the website, the higher the cost.

Because most small businesses have a limited budget, you should consider affordability when selecting a hosting web provider. As a web hosting specialist, we recommend that you evaluate more than just pricing. Before looking for a web hosting provider, it is a good idea to define the components required. It might include a Linux or Windows operating system, unrestricted data transmission, a free email account, a free domain name, an SSL certificate, a money-back guarantee, or a site builder.

Hostinger’s specialisation provides incredible value for money. Their shared hosting solution for enterprises is no exception. You get a free domain, security encryption, and daily online backups for $3.99 per month. What about the cake ice cream?
You’re quadrupling your website budget, which means you’re four times as swift, responsive, and temporary!

Budget-friendly Shared Web Hosting for Multiple Websites.

If you are just starting out with a blog or an online company, it is best to go with shared hosting services. Shared hosting implies that the web hosting server delivers hosting services to several websites at the same time. This is one of the most affordable options for blog hosting. For example, you may share a bathroom, a kitchen, and a sitting area with coworkers, but you are all housed in the same room. Because little or no technical expertise is required, this is a good choice for bloggers.

The more powerful and expensive dedicated and VPS hosting solutions are not available for affordable websites. Instead, you should go with a shared or WordPress hosting plan. Shared hosting is a service in which the hosting company hosts numerous websites on the same server as yours. Don’t be concerned about the “shared” part because you don’t review each other’s files. The benefit is that pooling server space results in lower prices for everyone. The disadvantage is that neighbouring websites that use too many resources will not be able to attain optimal performance on your website.

They have organised the differences between shared and cloud hosting in this manner. Shared hosting servers host several websites. Web hosting companies build and operate these servers, which are then placed on certain websites. If your website is hosted on a shared server, you will be unable to compete with many other websites for the same resources. Some companies load a lot of data into each website’s server, which might improve the speed and performance of your website. There may also be security restrictions.

This issue is critical for hosting solutions that are shared by several users. Sharing a server with several websites might have a negative impact on your website’s performance and speed. Inquire about bandwidth, memory, computational power, and other topics.

Cheapest Web Hosting for Growing Small Online Businesses.

Businesses having an online presence provide their products and services to a much larger public audience. Web hosting is a relatively low-cost way for a firm to expand its audience and market. Web hosting firms provide businesses with the tools they need to succeed on the Internet. Here are some of the primary benefits of using website hosting.

Fastest Cheap Hosting Service for Blogs and Small Businesses.

When looking for an inexpensive yet highly effective MySQL, FTP, and PHP solution, look no further than a hosting provider. The hosting company secures a free domain, unlimited disc and bandwidth, unrestricted access, and one of WordPress’ most fast-paced hosting services for web owners, small and developing businesses. This has led to hosting businesses directing more than 29 million free and paid customers to their website. The organisation is now investing in web design offers in order to increase this quantity even higher.

Lowest option for VPS Web hosting.

There are four main forms of web hosting: shared, virtual private server (VPS), dedicated, and cloud-based. The following are the specifics of each web hosting service (keep in mind that a server is similar to a hard drive):

A bad buddy, for example, may take up a lot of his time, slow down his objectives, and generally make it more difficult for you to do everything else. This is why going with the cheapest hosting option available is not always a good idea. Because a bad hosting provider requires you to waste so much more time, you may end up spending the money you save on more dependable service.

The next option would be to host a virtual private server (VPS). This is an upgrade in hosting. Consider your place in an apartment complex. You do not share your bathroom, kitchen, or living room with anyone. Similarly, the hosting VPS offers you with a virtual private server, so you don’t have to worry about your other website collapsing or being delayed.

Then there is VPS hosting (virtual private server). When you select this option, your hosting provider provides you with a virtual server. This provides significantly less server space than a basic hosting service.

Web server components

We make an effort to set ourselves apart from other hosting businesses. However, we are not a one-size-fits-all service. As you are aware, our goal is to be the quickest web hosting company every day and to provide you with services that other hosting companies cannot. The following are some of the performance optimization options available on Swiftservers, our proprietary hosting platform. Every two hosting client, including you, is hosted on our fast server platform! While we won’t reveal our secret speed sauce recipe, here are some elements that will ensure your websites are lightning-fast.

We will not reveal all of the components of our exclusive speed recipe, but we will show you why we are faster than competitors. All of our speed-optimized solutions are built on our fast server platform. Similarly, all of our hosting options include our fast servers. Here are some of the characteristics of our fast servers:
Our turbo server option offers up to 20x faster load rates than competitors, making our service exceptionally fast. Furthermore, our Turbo servers offer an Apache alternative with improved speed, higher user resources, and fewer users per server.

A web hosting firm enables businesses to scale their solution to meet their needs at any moment. A small firm that is only launching its site, for example, does not require many resources until the site develops and traffic improves. Then, as traffic grows, businesses may adjust their budgets to keep their website running smoothly as more visitors arrive.

AWS, or Amazon Web Services Hosting, is an e-commerce subsidiary of the juggernaut Amazon that provides cloud computing services to organisations, small businesses, individuals, and even governments via pay-per-view services. In other words, you just pay for the actual work of the cloud computers. But, make no mistake, the e-commerce behemoth offers some of the best internet and security services at Fort Knox, notably for website hosting.

It everything hinges on the simple response to this question, as it usually does. Which service is appropriate for your company depends on your needs. If you are searching for a low-cost hosting plan with outstanding features that can handle your current traffic, shared web hosting might be a great option for your company. “The conventional hosting method is shared hosting, which may be a clever and cost-effective choice for many smaller enterprises,” Rollins continues. “It might also be easier to use in terms of features.”

Costly – because you own the entire server, you must pay for it. This type of hosting is the most costly of the options. As a result, it is not a viable option for small businesses or startups. Technical knowledge – managing a dedicated server necessitates a thorough understanding of technology. While you may pay someone to undertake your technical responsibilities, it will be more expensive.

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The SEO Vault: Episode 90

The SEO Vault: Episode 90



Episode 90 Table of Contents
Co-Host: Sophie Allen + Mike Milas


– May 22nd Google Algorithm Update Is Off The Charts
– Google Mobile-First Indexing Still Not 100% Yet, Some Sites Are Still Not moved Over
– Google Search Console Performance Report To Drop Rich Result Type
– Google Tests Expandable More Specific Searches

And so much more!




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Paypal to Allow Cryptocurrency Withdrawals to Third-Party Wallets

Paypal to Allow Cryptocurrency Withdrawals to Third-Party Wallets

Paypal to Allow Cryptocurrency Withdrawals to Third-Party Wallets

Allow Cryptocurrency Withdrawals to Third-Party Wallets:

Payments giant Paypal will soon allow its users to transfer cryptocurrencies away from its platform to third-party wallets, the company’s head of cryptocurrency reportedly revealed. Paypal has been seeing tremendous growth in its crypto business.

Paypal to Support Crypto Transfers to Third-Party Wallets

Jose Fernandez da Ponte, Paypal’s head of cryptocurrency, said during the Consensus 2021 conference Wednesday that his company will soon start allowing cryptocurrency withdrawals to third-party wallets. He explained:

We want to make it as open as possible and we want to give choice to our consumers … They want to bring their crypto to us so they can use it in commerce, and we want them to be able to take the crypto they have bought with us and take it to the destination of their choice.

The change will allow Paypal users to transfer their cryptocurrencies away from the platform to third-party wallets.

Currently, Paypal’s terms and conditions for its crypto service state that “You currently are not able to send crypto assets to family or friends, or withdraw crypto assets from your Cryptocurrencies Hub to an external cryptocurrency wallet. You also cannot use crypto assets directly as currency to pay for goods or services. If you want to withdraw the value from your Cryptocurrencies Hub you will need to sell your crypto assets and withdraw the cash proceeds from their sale or use those cash proceeds to pay for purchases.”

acupuncture - what is itThe head of cryptocurrency reportedly said that the changes will also apply to Venmo users but did not specify when users will be able to start transferring their cryptocurrencies out of Paypal. The platform currently supports bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, and bitcoin cash.

Earlier this month, CEO Dan Schulman said that the Paypal crypto business showed “really great results” as the company reported the best quarter ever. In April, he said that demand for cryptocurrencies was multiple-fold of Paypal’s initial expectations.

During the first quarter, the payments giant rolled out the “checkout with crypto” feature, allowing users to pay with cryptocurrencies at millions of stores. It also launched the crypto service on Venmo, allowing the app users to buy, sell, and hold cryptocurrencies.

What do you think about Paypal allowing users to transfer their cryptocurrencies off of its platform? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Estate Planning – Do I Need A Will And When Will I Need It

Estate Planning – Do I Need A Will And When Will I Need It

Getting a copy of the will when probate has been granted

Estate Planning : When someone dies, the person in control of their estate (for example, money and property) must usually seek approval from the probate court. If there is a will, this authorisation is known as a grant of probate. After probate is granted, the will is held by the probate service, and any member of the public can get a copy.

Will vs. Trust: What’s the Difference?

When most people ponder how to arrange for their family’s future after they die, a will is typically the first option that comes to mind. However, many people are unaware that a will might contain flaws and potentially costly unintended consequences that may affect their family. Last will and testaments and living trusts are the two most frequent ways to pass on your assets and provide for your family after you die. Each distributes the property in accordance with your wishes, but there are major variations that you should consider while establishing your estate plan..

Protect your digital assets

estate planning

Your assets will now include more than simply money in the bank and tangible goods. Digital accounts and online purchases, such as music, photographs, or websites, are also part of your property and might be lost if not accounted for in your will. Emails and social media accounts are also part of your legacy; do you want the content deleted or safeguarded, and do you need to provide your executor passwords?

Decide how you want to divide your estate

The more intricate your family situation, the more important it is to create an estate strategy. You should have paperwork in place that outline who will be in charge if you become handicapped and how assets will be divided. It will be left to the courts to make a judgement in the absence of these papers. For example, if you are separated but not yet formally divorced when you die, your spouse may still receive your assets unless your estate plans stipulate otherwise.

Then you’ll write down the names of the beneficiaries — the people who will inherit your assets. If your spouse is still living, as previously said, you may leave everything to them. But what happens if neither of you is alive? How are your assets and estate divided?
You might leave an equal proportion or a lump payment to each of your children. You may choose to leave a percentage to charity, as well as specific goods to specific persons, like as the old train set your child always wanted to push around the living room when he was a youngster. Whatever decisions you make, now is the moment to memorialise them.

Writing a will ensures your family’s financial security in the future. If you die without one, the law decides who inherits your possessions, which may result in your estate being split in ways you would not have chosen. Many individuals assume that if they die, their assets will be transferred to their companion immediately. This is not always the case. The only way to ensure that your estate is transferred to the individuals you choose is to write a will.

Should you set up a trust?

The probate court serves numerous purposes. In general, it is meant to monitor the distribution of the estate to qualified beneficiaries, demonstrate the validity of the will, pay any outstanding liabilities and accounts (including taxes), and guarantee that all final wishes are carried out. The probate court takes action to settle the estate and give the will legal effect. While the dead typically designates a specific person or people to be in charge of these tasks, known as a trustee or executor, probate courts publicly confirm that the processes followed are legitimate and orderly.

A pour-over will is a form of will that is used in conjunction with the creation of a trust into which your assets flow.

Quick and simple: many online legal businesses can help you create a main and formal will that covers all the basics (beneficiaries, guardians, and an executor), but it’s always best to do it with the help of an attorney if possible. [Learn more about online legal services ]

More Involved: You will need help if you have complicated financial structures, such as real estate, offshore assets, elaborate investments, or trusts. This means working with an attorney or an internet company that offers legal advice from actual lawyers. Finding a decent doctor, electrician, or dog walker is the greatest way to find an attorney. Seek guidance from friends, family, and other lawyers. Once you’ve narrowed down your options, meet with them to confirm you’re on the same page, that you approve of their working style and capabilities, and, of course, that the price is reasonable.

Talk to an Estate Planning attorney.

To begin, keep in mind that your payable on death beneficiary is allowed to spend the money as he sees appropriate. If you want cash to go for your minor children’s education, for example, consult with an estate planning attorney. Instead of listing a divorced co-parent or your designated guardian as the beneficiary, consider trust money. Keep in mind that any claims or debts on the property (such as a mortgage) will also be transferred. Probate may be a preferable alternative if you do not own the property altogether. This is due to the fact that creating a will requires dealing with continuing obligations, which may necessitate the sale of a home with a hefty mortgage. Tod basically informs the beneficiary, “Your house, your problem.”

This book is full of useful information; unfortunately, it was produced in 2008 and has not been updated. I’m aware that some trust characteristics have evolved since then, but I don’t believe wills have changed significantly. Depending on the outcome of the 2020 election, many more changes to estate planning may be in the pipeline, leaving this book outdated. Nonetheless, it is likely to be useful reference material for anybody prepared to meet with an estate planning attorney, who, I hope, will keep up to date on legal requirements and other elements of wills and trusts.

It’s important to note that the question isn’t “how large is my estate?” The amount of an estate has little bearing on whether you need a will or if you need engage an attorney. Even if your sole assets are a house and one bank account, if your case is complicated, you will almost certainly need to hire an attorney. Complex concerns like these come to mind while contemplating estate planning.

Do you think you don’t need a will since you own nothing?

It is wrong to believe that if you don’t have a lot of money, you don’t need a will. A will is required for anybody over the age of 18. Everyone, regardless of financial means, needs a will that specifies an executor who may apply for death benefits or file tax returns. Few companies or banks will talk to you about another person’s business without your permission under the Privacy Act. This is a very inconvenient and expensive problem to solve. It frequently leads to families just refusing goods like credit card incentive rebates, low-balance bank accounts, or tuition refunds.

What does a will really do?

If you die with a will, your property and assets will be split according to your wishes. If you die without a will, state law governs who gets your property and assets; this is referred to as “dying intestate.” Usually, your spouse and/or children will take priority and inherit your possessions, although this is not always the case. It’s much harder if you don’t have a spouse or children.

Since 2017, the number of people who claim they don’t know how to get a will has increased by 90%. (Rising from 4% to 7.6%). While it is still the most commonly mentioned explanation, ordinary procrastination is no longer a major factor in why most Americans lack willpower. In 2019, about half of those who did not have a will indicated that they “simply hadn’t gotten around to it,” but by 2021, that proportion had reduced to only 34%.

Notably, black Americans were 27% less likely to blame procrastination for not having a will – a 27% drop from 2020. The second most common reason for avoiding estate planning is because “I don’t have enough assets to leave to anyone.”

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The Importance of Protecting Your Tires – With OK Tire

The Importance of Protecting Your Tires – With OK Tire

By: Jim Pirie, Owner of OK Tire Woodstock, Ontario

Summer is fast approaching, and as the weather starts to warm up, most RV owners, eager for pandemic restrictions to lift, are beginning to prepare for hitting the road. As part of those preparations, it is essential to ensure your tires are in good condition.

Whether you’re a long-time RV enthusiast, or someone new to the RV experience, your tires are what will get you there, and bring you home safely. As tough as modern tires are, they need proper maintenance and care to provide the best performance and durability. To help you ensure your tires are in top shape for the season ahead, keep these maintenance tips in mind.

Check your tire pressure.

Before hitting the road, it is essential to ensure your tires have the proper air pressure. If you’re not sure how to check, refer to your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations in your owner’s manual as improper tire pressure may have severe consequences. For example, low tire pressure generates heat within the tire, which can cause a tire blowout. A tire failure generally leads to significant and costly damage to your trailer, not to mention that it puts you, your passengers, and other drivers on the road at risk. Excess heat in your tires can transfer to your bearings, leading to grease issues and, as you can imagine, further unwanted damage. An underinflated tire can put undue stress on your axles, especially if it’s a single axle, resulting in handling issues. If you have a tandem axle, you may not even notice or feel your underinflated tire, which puts your vehicle at risk of further damage.

To help prevent tire failure, each time you stop to fuel up or take a break, make sure you inspect your tires before getting back on the road. It’s as simple as walking around your vehicle or trailer and looking for signs of lower tire pressure, touching the tires to check for overheating, and visually comparing them to one another, looking for any differences between them. Often, doing this quick checkup will help you address any issues early on and help ensure you get to where you’re going safely. Some newer truck models now come equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) specifically designed to read trailer tire pressure. A signal will warn you if at least one or more tires are significantly under-inflated, possibly creating unsafe driving conditions. You may need to purchase additional sensors for your trailer tires; this could be worth the cost if they help to avoid an unfortunate event. You should always visit your local auto service expert and have a certified technician perform the installation.

Take the weight off your tires…

Once you’ve reached your destination, it’s good practice to ensure you stabilize your trailer or motorhome with stabilizer jacks, which will keep you level at the campsite and help relieve the weight on your tires axles, and suspension.

RV owners may have different preferences when parking their units for long periods – whether you prefer to completely lift the weight off the tires or leave them gently touching the ground. No matter your preference, what’s most important is to ensure you are relieving the weight on your tires and axles, and be mindful not to overburden your corner stabilizer jacks – it’s best to raise the RV, insert some solid blocks under the jacks to prevent indentations in the driveway, and let the wood absorb the weight. Always make sure you follow your manufacturer’s RV storage recommendations when it comes to raising the vehicle to relieve stress on the tires.

Protect your tires from the sun.

After you’ve parked your RV, levelled and stabilized it, you will want to ensure your tires will not be exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time. Weather cracking can be seen on both the sidewalls and tread faces of tires and this is typically associated with the age of the tire and exposure to the elements. Tire covers can be a great way to protect your tires, but if you don’t have covers, there are other ways to shade the tires from the sun. Consider placing pieces of plywood over the tires or anything else that will keep them out of the direct sunlight.

When you park your RV, it is a good idea to roll your tires up onto wood or plastic blocks or patio stones. Keeping your tires out of the moist grass or dirt will prolong the life of the tire; over time, moisture from the ground can promote cracking or dry rot in your tires.

There are countless products available that claim to provide tire protection, however, it is important to thoroughly review the product before choosing to apply it to your tires. Conditioners or other shining products can impact the tire composition and promote dry cracking by accelerating the deterioration of the tire compound.

Change your tires every five years.

Tires on an RV are often more subject to weathering than they are to accumulating high mileage. You have to be aware that tires need to be replaced every five years, not because they are worn out, but because they become too old. After five years, your tires are much more likely to deteriorate, and this can impact the vehicle’s safety when driving or towing an RV.

By checking the date stamp on the tire, you’ll be able to know when they were manufactured and when you’ll need to replace them. This is very important when purchasing a used RV or trailer – you have to be aware of your tire’s overall condition – this is a very important precaution for preventing damage down the road.

Whether you are a new RV owner or a long-time enthusiast, it pays to ensure the good condition of your tires. Be sure to inspect each tire routinely. If you are not comfortable doing the inspection, take your vehicle to an OK Tire location or your local auto service provider, and they’ll gladly do it for you. Take a few minutes a day or two before you plan to hit the road, and give your tires the attention they need… it’s an essential element in your vehicle maintenance schedule, and an easy way to prevent tire failure.

Enjoy the road ahead!

About OK Tire

OK Tire is the largest independent tire and auto service retailer in Canada and has been part of the Canadian landscape since 1953. There are over 300 independently owned and operated OK Tire locations across the country. They offer a full range of services for all applications including passenger vehicle, light truck, RVs, trailers and more. Each location is unique, tailoring its offerings to meet customers’ needs and covering everything in, around, on or behind any vehicle. Customers receive nationwide warranties on automotive services and the personal service of a local owner/manager who lives in, shops in, and supports their community.

For more information visit

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The Top 3 Buyer Persona Myths, and How They Hurt Your Marketing Efforts

The Top 3 Buyer Persona Myths, and How They Hurt Your Marketing Efforts

Meet Elizabeth: a 27-year-old nurse who drives a Honda Civic, enjoys making TikToks, and spends most of her time with her beautiful 9-month-old baby.

Elizabeth desperately wants to make more time for herself, but struggles to find the balance between work and home responsibilities. She tries to give herself moments of self-care, but these moments are few and far between. Elizabeth needs a way to recharge, relax, and care for herself.

By this description, you know Elizabeth’s age, profession, gender, desires, struggles, and pain points. All of this information helps you place her in a category in your mind — but none of that information tells you why she buys your product.

Buyer personas typically include descriptions like Elizabeth’s, along with other demographics and personality information.

In the early days of customer segmentation, this would have been more than enough to inform marketing campaigns and product development. But with growing markets and increased consumer awareness, companies need to go beyond standard buyer personas to reach their audiences.

If we can apply what we’ve learned about how people make decisions, and how we as companies group people together, we’ll be able to reach customers like Elizabeth with empathetic solutions that help her, rather than stereotypical cure-alls that are easily overlooked.

Here, let’s dive into three myths of the buyer persona — and what you can do, instead. 

Download Our Free Buyer Persona Guide + Templates 

Standard Buyer Personas Aren’t Enough

The first mention of audience segmentation was by Wendell Smith in 1956. Smith defined market segmentation as, “the adjustment of market offerings to consumer or user requirements.”

Smith knew that creating segments would lead to higher consumer/user satisfaction. But Smith’s idea of segmentation was years before we had a clear understanding of psychology, behavioral economics, unconscious bias, and deeper knowledge about how to provide consumer satisfaction.

Since Smith’s discussion on segmentation, we’ve had major discoveries in the way people think, rationalize, and categorize others. Daniel Kahneman and Amos’ Tversky’s 1974 research paper A Judgement Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases revealed the way people process information, and are influenced. And Clayton Christensen first shared his jobs-to-be-done theory in 2003.

Both of these studies on human behavior, purchasing, and thinking have made a lasting impact on the way we create ad copy, price products, introduce call-to-actions, and influence many other marketing activities — but have yet to influence our way of creating buyer personas.

Using the lessons from Kahneman, Tversky, and Christensen, there are three myths of the standard buyer persona that could be detrimental to your marketing and customer relations. Let’s dive into those, now. 

Myth #1: Your Buyer Persona Needs a Name

We’ve all seen the old advice to give your persona a name that is memorable. Names like Sally Sales Girl and Mary the Marketer will bring your persona to life and create a more concrete persona in your mind and marketing — or so we’re told.

Fact: Naming your buyer persona introduces bias.

The problem with giving your buyer personas a fake name is that you could introduce bias into your marketing.

Introducing naming bias in your marketing means that consciously you’ve determined a particular person as your best customer. That’s good! The problem is you might also unintentionally exclude people who could be a good fit for your product but may not resemble the person you envisioned. And that’s bad.

If Elizabeth is your best fit customer, then you’re more likely to seek out customers who meet your unconscious idea of who Elizabeth is, rather than seek out customers who actually use your product or service.

Studies show that when someone has an easier-to-pronounce name, they are judged more favorably than someone with a harder-to-pronounce name.  And while most studies on unconscious name bias focus on resumes and job applications, we can apply those lessons to buyer personas, as well.

Ease of pronunciation varies depending on where you live or what language you speak. But remember, a name that sounds familiar to you might not sound familiar to your audience.

Solution: Name personas based on segmentation data.

When we create buyer personas, we’re grouping a large number of people into one category. Instead of naming your personas after a person, try naming them after the traits they share. 

Do the majority of these best-fit customers enjoy soccer? Great! Name them ‘The Soccer Players.’ Or maybe they’re using your product to free-up time in their scheduling processes. Wonderful — let’s call them the Free Timers.

Naming this group of people according to their segment, or their need, helps to eliminate any bias that could exist.

This helps focus buyer personas on the category of people you’re serving, not just one pretend person.

Myth Two: Your Buyer Persona Needs a Photo to Make Them More Relatable and Realistic

Most buyer personas have a stock photo on the first page. I’ve even heard of companies using cardboard cutouts of buyer personas in their office.

While I admire the effort to bring to life a category of people, assigning one picture or person to represent a large group of people lays a foundation for bias in your marketing.

Fact: Your buyer persona doesn’t need a face to be realistic.

The buyer persona’s picture most likely represents who you believe your ideal customer looks like, but it’s not likely a good determination of your entire audience. If you’ve given your Elizabeth persona a picture of a middle-aged white female, and 100% of your audience isn’t middle-aged, white, and female, you’ve inaccurately portrayed your audience. 

When we give our personas a stock photo it could introduce racial, gender, or beauty bias. These kinds of biases are so ingrained in our minds that we follow bias patterns even if we don’t logically believe the bias to be true.

This phenomenon is known as the bias blind spot. Studies show that 95% of cognition happens below the threshold of conscious thought. Meaning, you may not be racist, misogynistic, or ageist, but there are patterns ingrained in your mind that influence your decision-making whether you realize it or not.

A Google Image search when searching for ‘Buyer Personas‘ blatantly shows the issue with assigning pictures to buyer personas. There’s not a lot of diversity in these images, and that lack of diversity hurts a company’s growth.

A 2019 survey by the Female Quotient, Ipsos, and Google found “64% of people surveyed said they took some sort of action after seeing an ad that they considered to be diverse or inclusive. Those numbers increase for Latinx+ (85%), Black (79%), Asian/Pacific Islander (79%), LGBTQ (85%), millennial (77%), and teen (76%) consumers.”

Solution: Forget the photo.

Leave the stock photo out of your buyer personas. This isn’t going to harm or hurt any of your marketing efforts and functions. It will be a step toward eliminating unconscious bias. Instead of using a stock photo, get straight to the crucial information.

You may have the urge to add a cartoon character, but that doesn’t alleviate the problem. Skip the pictures altogether, and get straight to the information that will help you resonate, reach, and sell to your customers.

This is the first step in acknowledging that your customers look like a wide variety of races, genders, shapes, and sizes.

When your marketing better represents your audience, your product, messaging, and communications will resonate more clearly.

Myth Three: Buyer Personas Should Describe Character Traits

Most B2B buyer personas are created to inform marketing teams and executives on who their customers are and keep promotional efforts consistent, but limiting buyer personas to only character traits, demographics, and socio-graphic information limits your audience and ability to reach the right people in the right way.

Fact: Buyer personas should tell you why people buy a product or service.

The best way to resonate with your audience is to understand them and empathize with their pain points. Understanding your audience begins with how you build and segment your buyer personas.

If you’re segmenting your audience based on attributes such as brands they like, habits they have, or job titles, then you are grouping people together based on fleeting attributes. 

For instance, say our persona example, Elizabeth, changes jobs, moves to a new city, or changes any trait about her life. As a result, you might unnecessarily shift Elizabeth out of your customer demographic. She loves your product,  and would still buy your product, but now you’re no longer invested in marketing to her segment.

Solution: Segment according to the job-to-be-done.

Instead of building your personas around demographics and character traits, base your personas on what your customers have hired your product/service to do for them.

For example, Elizabeth is a mom, loves long baths, and buys Suave deodorant. The reason she buys Suave has nothing to do with her age, job title, or love of baths. She buys Suave because she’s used it for years, loves the smell, and the way it makes her feel. She is ‘hiring’ Suave deodorant to keep her feeling and smelling great.

Clayton Christensen was the first person to discuss the concept of people hiring products and services for a particular job. 

Combining the emotional psychographic information of buyer personas with a jobs-to-be-done approach will help to inform your marketing efforts and open up your market in a way that allows you to serve all kinds of people. According to Christensen, “Companies that develop offerings centered on jobs, instead of customer attributes and buying behaviors, can excel in the market and avoid disruption.”

The Best Buyer Personas Will be the Tool that Grows Your Business

It’s time buyer personas caught up with our knowledge of how people think, behave, and purchase. When undertaking your next buyer persona project, ditch the fake name and picture, and focus on what your customers hire your product to do for them.

Your marketing deliverables will be more inclusive to a wider audience, while still being narrowly focused and empathetic. Creating better buyer personas will lay a foundation of better marketing practices that resonates with your audience and grows your business.

Blog - Buyer Persona Template [Updated]

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