Content Manager – Alvin Munene

Content Manager – Alvin Munene

Meet Our Content Manager: Alvin Munene


My name is Alvin, I have been a writer/digital strategist for most of my adult life. It started out as luck as I was looking for something to do after dropping out of campus studying Analytical chemistry. I really did not enjoy it, and could not imagine the rest of my life wearing a labcoat.
I stumbled on a content mill where as luck would have it has a topic on the english premier league. I thought I would write it since I loved watchinging football/soccer. The client received it and despite telling me the grammar was terrible he thought the content in itself was pretty good. So he gave me a few more articles to do and guided me on improving my grammar.

After that I joined a few more content mills and found some level of success. But what always bothered me was the % the content mill always took. Since SEO was not a thing at the time in my country, I started emailing almost every company that I found online that I thought was looking for writers, or SEO experts. My pitch was basically, “Our time difference is so big, when it is day here it is night there, how would you like to turn your company to a 24 hour company?” “Or how would you like to get ahead of your competition? I will create content during my day and by the time your audience wakes up they will find fresh news content to read ” many didn’t respond but one or two did. I was hired by a small SEO company in the US and worked on all their content during my day. The strategy worked as the websites had a surge in readers. He decided to teach more about SEO, and thus launched my journey. Still working with him 8 years later as a consultant.


Position/Role at Web 20:
Content Manager


Professional Bio:
I started as a content writer about 9 years ago. But decided to broaden my skill set further and ventured into editing about 7 years ago. After gaining a lot of experience in the SEO content field, the next logical step was to sharpen my digital marketing and SEO Skills about 6 years ago. As it stands I have 9 years combined experience in writing and editing SEO content, and digital marketing strategy.


How long have you worked with Web 20?
As of this month 1 year 3 months.


What does your job entail?

A couple of months ago my sister was on holiday. I received a strange whatsapp message with a simple hey. I responded and the recipient asked me “how my sister was doing”. I looked at the profile picture and it looked like a man in their 40s or so. I was alarmed, why would a 40 something year old man be asking me about my 12 year old sister. I was very upset, but came to learn that that was her favorite teacher, and he was just concerned about her and how she was doing.

I feel like this is exactly what happens when someone writes poor content for their business. You may have the best intentions but how you communicate may send a completely different message. So one of my top priorities at web 20 is to ensure the content written communicates the client message correctly.

I manage the content aspect of things at web 20, mostly blogs, GPs and a variety of different types of written content. I also manage the GMB AI generating team. We focus on constantly improving the content by training the team in both SEO skills and writing skills. So that when they write something they know why they are writing it, this often translates to better quality. We are also transitioning to the econtent store, a dashboard/CRM kinda platform to help us manage the writing. This will help us understand the writer’s skill level further and makes it easier and faster to manage writers.


What do you like most about your job?
There are quite a number of things I look forward to when I wake up in the morning. High up that list is looking at the content delivered after a training, seeing if the team has improved. In most cases they do, which gives me a dopamine rush every time. Reading the content as well. As editors, we read different content pieces from a variety of niches. And I usually look forward to learning something interesting from what the writers have written. Sometimes I get so engrossed in an article I forget I am editing it and not just reading it for my own enjoyment.


What motivates you to wake up and go to work?
To be better! As a self taught person in this industry who has had to google almost everything earlier on, I have a constant need for self validation. I try to pass everything I learn to my team so they can be better too as well.


How has Web 20 helped you in your career development?
It has given me more opportunities for one. Even though I believed I was really good at SEO before I joined the team, I was genuinely and happily surprised when I joined. There are things I never even imagined would be part of an effective SEO strategy like QR codes. I knew that GMB was important but it was until I joined W2R that I understood the power it holds. There are new SEO strategies being developed every time to keep abreast with Google’s changes. So, I am a better professional now than I was before.


If you could switch your job with anyone else within Web 20, whose job would you want?
Well this is a hard one, I really do enjoy the job I do. But if I would have to, I would say the SEO manager Ben, he creates these amazing strategies that leave me in awe every time I hear them during our break out meetings. Well thought out and really simple and direct. It leaves me a little upset thinking “well, why didn’t I think of that.”

The second would be you Chaz, for obvious reasons. Running such a company remotely that is constantly evolving both personnel wise and SEO wise is not easy. I think I would enjoy the challenge.


What advice do you have for prospective Web 20 candidates?
This is an easy one for me. The opportunities are there. I was hired basically as an entry level editor, but worked my way up. I focused on my strengths and worked to improve my weaknesses.


What drew you to Web 20 originally? And how has Web 20 changed since?
I found the job ad online and checked out the website and youtube channel to see what they actually did. The first thing I noticed was that it looked like a knowledgeable company. Many people would attest that the SEO industry most experts are not open about what they do or how they do it. I watched a few Vault videos on Youtube and liked how the entire panel would get into detail about the strategies and the thinking behind everything. So I just had to apply, luckily I got the job. Since then the team has expanded and grown, we have more specialized packages and strategies for almost all niches.


What have you gained from working at Web 20?
I gained sufficient office social skills. I had basically been working for small startups before web 20 which had very few employees and mostly online. So I had never really experienced an office setting online or otherwise. It was a bit of a culture shock for me, since now I have to interact with so many people every day. But I quickly made many friends regardless of their position in the company, since it is really a group of wonderful people.


What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
Well I am a bit of a loner so when I am not working I will probably be watching some weird documentaries on Netflix or youtube, but most often Anime. I really enjoy cooking so much that I kinda created a bacon formula from watching videos on youtube and finding local alternatives that are natural. I was a bit puzzled as to why we only had one bacon maker in my country and wondered how difficult it is so I decided to try doing it myself. I learned that nitrates is the active ingredient in curing meat, so I found a blend of plants high in nitrates that I use to process the pork to bacon. The result is a more nutritious, natural product. Just learned how to make sausages, butter and fruity food sauces like mango and carrot sauces.


One quote you live by:
“Surpass your limits”

It is an Anime phrase from a show called black clover. With anime every time you think the hero is going to be overpowered they are given some vague advice like “surpass your limits” and all of a sudden they power up and have new ridiculous powers after changing their mind set.

Even though it comes from an anime, the notion of changing my mind set to surpass my limits is always top of my mind.


How do you define success?
Success is happiness, if I can make money while I do what I love, that is the ultimate success story.


What has been your favorite project at Web 20?
It has to be the Writers dashboard. I Have worked for many content mills early on in my journey. Most of them have a disconnect between the writers and the company because they only interact on the writing platform. This creates a lot of job insecurities and most writers just submit the content without having any care or emotional connection to it, just for the paycheck. But I like the approach web 20 has taken. First bring in the writing team and establish a relationship with the writers, so they feel like they are part of the company. So even if we introduce a dashboard now, the relationship will still be there and they know they can get the help they want when they need it. Furthermore, the dashboard offers them more opportunities in the future to earn more while still being part of the company, this is a big motivation for them.

On my side it helps me gauge the writers better, understand their strengths, see what types of content they do best and which they do not so we can focus on what they do best. Through the rating system we have an unbiased understanding of their skill set from the clients so we can work on improving each individual writer. The turnaround time should also improve with this system as we will cut out a lot of the manual back end things we usually do. Lastly the communication channels on the dash are much better which allows the writer, editor and client to know exactly what is happening and when it is happening.


What is your greatest fear?
Not reaching my full potential. Plus I often feel very lucky and fortunate to be where I am in the industry. After all, I started off as a college drop out with no prospects or qualifications. I got to where I am partly through luck and hard work. So sometimes I feel that I will wake up one day from the matrix and find that my luck has run out.


Where is your favorite place to be?
On my balcony at night watching the stars and over thinking on something I want to do next with a glass of beer and making some barbeque with a recipe I discovered on Youtube.


What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
Very early on I found a writing gig that required me to write some explicit content. I was to write content in different areas of “high interest” for lack of better words. The worst part was writing it in first person, so I had to visualize everything I wrote like it was me doing it. Sometimes I had to write a description of the videos for SEO purposes, so I had to watch them first, especially the intro. The worst thing was I was still living at home with my mum. I am sorry mum! So I constantly had to have my room locked and have earphones on. I always imagined her walking in and me having to explain to her why I have a hundred tabs open on explicit content. She would never believe it was for work purposes.


What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

I would probably be an analytical chemist, since that is what I was studying.


If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
There are two people I respect and would love to have as a mentor. One is Dave Chapelle for walking away from $50 million because it was something he did not believe in any more even though everyone was telling him he was wrong to walk away. And two is Trevor Noah for having the courage to take over the daily show even though No one believed he should and thought he should not take it up. With Dave I would love him as a mentor because he moved away from something he did not believe in any more and for Trevor doing something he believed he could change, suffice so many people believing he was not right for the job. That is basically life, knowing when to walk away and knowing when to take a challenge. Different mindsets, same conviction.


If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Not sure yet, I am just done with my bacon learning phase, I am in the fruity food sauces phase. So probably something in the food processing industry like avocado cooking oil.

As far as SEO is concerned there is always something new to learn, so that is a continuing and ending process.


What are 3 words you’d use to describe Web 20?

Innovative, resourceful and accepting.


What is something you learned in the last week?
Did you know it is possible to swim in a blue whale’s veins. Learned about this when doing some content research. How did humans end up being the dominant species on earth?

Seo Updates June 17 & 18, 2022

<div>Seo Updates June 17 & 18, 2022</div>

Maximize the Power of Guest Posts this Weekend

Happy Friday!

This week we launched our home services guest post service, opened the SERP Results Beta Group to the public and announced our Week of SEO by the Beach bundle for the mastermind!

There’s limited availablility for the mastermind bundle AND home services guest posts, so be sure to check those out soon!

Niches for our home service guest posts include:

✔ Home improvement & Solar
✔ Security
✔ Plumbing
✔ Cleaning
✔ Painting
✔ Landscape & Gardening

Since we just launched this new niche guest post service that’s included in our weekend deal…

Save $20 on ANY Niche Guest PostUse code NicheGP20

You can also check out all the speakers for the 2022 Local Marketing Mastermind!

There’s tons of heavy-hitting SEOs who will be sharing invaluable insight in all sorts of topics, including:

  • How to Beat Large Agencies
  • Local SEO & Updated Search Strategies
  • Forensic On-Page SEO & Organic Search
  • Influencing Rankings with User Engagement
  • Better Sales Strategies from a Closing-Machine

In addition to the speaker presentations and networking, there’s tons of fun things to do nearby like, The Dali Museum, St Pete Pier, and Central Ave.

We hope to see you at this year’s mastermind in St. Petersburg, Florida!

To your success,
Chaz and the Entire Team 

This Week in the Local SEO Community

Is the Power of Guest Posting Dead?

Not all guest posting is dead – just the spammy guest posts on unrelated sites that provide no value.

Guest posting does still work, but it must be done properly. Read our blog to hear our thoughts on guest posting and how to maximize the impact of them!

Favorite SEO Tools

SERP Results Beta

If you’re looking for an affordable rank tracker (local & organic), this is it! We’ve built a better rank tracker with improve accuracy (& not a huge price tag). Sign-up for a beta test account and check it out for FREE!

Local Brand Manager

You can manage client listings, track local rankings, schedule posts, and easily perform local SEO audits. Plus, agencies love our easy-to-use dashboard for multi locations.

Local Viking

Your clients can easily understand the color-coded GeoGrids that plot listing visibility. You can manage all listings in one dashboard for easier reporting and schedule posts for them too.

Local Client Takeover

We love free training – LCT is filled with it! Check out Chaz’s updated Local SEO 2.0 Course, Link Mastery Course, and GMB SEO Specialist Course. We also give away the closed trainings during sales!

⚡ Resources for Agencies ⚡

Free Quarterly Webbys

Chaz and the team hold a free webinar each quarter to discuss what’s currently working for them. Our next webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, June 22nd.

Campaign & Link Recs

Find out what your client needs to rank with our free recommendations! We audit and research their current rankings, brand strength, and overall position.

Free Tools & Trainings

Save time and money with our free tools like SEO pricing calculator, tech audit, proposal generator, and free audit tools. Also find trainings & past webbys in our knowledge base.

SEO Testing Reports

The SEO Mad Scientist is constantly testing strategies, which we used to publish 12 months of tests in 2021 + Quarterly Testing Reports for this year!

Don’t Miss Out on Our Biggest Updates

Opt-in to our Text Notficiations and you’ll get a 15% OFF coupon sent right to your phone!

But don’t worry about spam texts…
We save our text lists for the BIGGEST deals and even BIGGER announcements!

Access special deals + sale notifications
& never miss out on savings! 

Follow us on social!

Did The Core Update Affect Excessive Outbound Linking? Here’s what we found…

Episode 145

Hosts: Chaz Edwards + Mike Milas + Bucky Helms

What we discussed this week…


✔ Is Google Turning On Messaging Automatically For Some Business Profiles?

✔ Google Business Profile “Profile Strength” Widget In Search Results

✔ Google Search Expands Scrollable Right Panel

✔ John Mu: It’s Not About 301 Redirects Passing Full Credit Or Not

Answered: Do you guys have any experience with Google Web Stories?

> Watch the Latest SEO Vault episode to catch up on the most recent local update and so much more.

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 2.0 Ranker Facebook and YouTube every Thursday at 4 pm EST.


Interested in being a guest on the vault!? Sign up now

⚡ Resources for Agencies ⚡

SEO Testing Reports

The SEO Mad Scientist is constantly testing strategies, which we used to publish 12 months of tests in 2021 + Quarterly Testing Reports for this year!

Free Tools & Trainings

Save time and money with our free tools like SEO pricing calculator, tech audit, proposal generator, and free audit tools. Also find trainings & past webbys in our knowledge base.

This Week in the Lab with SEO Mad Scientist

Did the core update affect excessive outbound linking?

We are currently in the middle of some indexation tests and inner linking tests, waiting for all the pages to index and settle. You can follow along on our indexation by searching for our test words in Google from last week’s update, but as of now the test page has not been indexed.

While we wait for our most recent test results, we wanted to review the recent outbound link test, and why it appears to have hurt the rankings more than helped.

When we look at the Search console we do see a clear decrease in average ranking and impressions after adding the outbound links. 

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The issue is that this test also lines up with the recent core update. This is why the current tests are still indexing, as we had to move to a new site to repeat the tests. Preferably one not affected by the core update.

If we look at the past 6 months of data, we actually see our test term first start to show in Google prior to the update. 

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This becomes more apparent when we look at some other terms we were tracking that completely dropped out of the SERPS during the update.

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After the update a lot of the previous pages seem to return to normal but our test page that we had done the outbound linking on clearly is ranking at a lower position now.

This is why we not only drew the conclusions that adding the list of outbound links hurt the rankings but may also be one of the factors that was hit during the court update.

Do you use excessive outbound linking? Or any outbound links at all, and we’re hit by the core update?

It would make sense that this would create a lower quality page as it didn’t really provide any actual value. So maybe Google was able to detect that with the current core algorithm update.

Next week we will be back with more updates and hope to have our previous tests indexed by then. Either way, we have plenty of tests in the works so be sure to check back next week.

Until then, happy testing! 

Favorite SEO Tools

SERP Results Beta

If you’re looking for an affordable rank tracker (local & organic), this is it! We’ve built a better rank tracker with improve accuracy (& not a huge price tag). Sign-up for a beta test account and check it out for FREE!

Local Brand Manager

You can manage client listings, track local rankings, schedule posts, and easily perform local SEO audits. Plus, agencies love our easy-to-use dashboard for multi locations.

Local Viking

Your clients can easily understand the color-coded GeoGrids that plot listing visibility. You can manage all listings in one dashboard for easier reporting and schedule posts for them too.

Local Client Takeover

We love free training – LCT is filled with it! Check out Chaz’s updated Local SEO 2.0 Course, Link Mastery Course, and GMB SEO Specialist Course. We also give away the closed trainings during sales!

Don’t Miss Out on Our Biggest Updates

Opt-in to our Text Notficiations and you’ll get a 15% OFF coupon sent right to your phone!

But don’t worry about spam texts…
We save our text lists for the BIGGEST deals and even BIGGER announcements!

Access special deals + sale notifications
& never miss out on savings! 

Benefits of Voice Search Optimization Strategies & How to Optimize for Voice Assistants

Table of Contents

Although search queries were initially based on the text typed into a search bar, search is  now far more advanced. With various hands-free devices equipped with voice recognition technologies growing in popularity, there are new considerations when optimizing for maximum brand visibility. 

A solid voice search optimization strategy can help you reach searchers on as many different channels as possible, which increases client brand awareness. Because this method is still somewhat new, we recommend integrating voice search into your optimization strategy to get ahead of competition and leverage first mover advantage. Even if you aren’t the earliest adapters, chances are your competitors aren’t doing this yet. 

Voice search is growing rapidly and has introduced new opportunities for SEOs to optimize web pages for increased visibility. Don’t miss out on a new opportunity!

The Differences Between
Voice Search and Traditional Search

While there are similarities between traditional search and voice search, there are also some important differences to note.

First, it’s important to note that voice searches spoken into the search bar are different than those triggered by a voice assistant. We tested typing a search query into the box, as well as speaking that exact same query into the box. A voice prompt spoken into a search bar will bring up the same SERP results that would show if the query was typed out. However, voice searches that trigger a digital assistant work in an entirely different manner.


The Way Searchers Format Queries

There is a big difference between using speech and typing to search online. Searchers tend to structure sentences more conversationally when using speech, so optimizing for full sentences and long-tail keywords is required to gain more traffic from voice search queries. For example, when typing a search, it’s common to see “back pain doctors Dallas”, but in voice search, you may see more long-tail queries like, “Doctors who specialize in back pain in Dallas.” Even though they’re quite similar, nuisances matter in search. 


How Many Results are Provided

Another major difference is the number of voice results provided. While traditional search provides 10-20 page 1 results, depending on if it’s local or organic, voice search provides only one answer unless prompted for additional results. Keep in mind, there are some differences between mobile voice assistants and home speaker devices. The voice assistant on your mobile phone can show the SERPs or multiple results on your phone screen, while the home speaker devices only speak one result.

Voice is technically “SERPless”, meaning the AI doesn’t provide a list of results, but rather reads one result. 


Increased Competition

Because voice assistants only provide one result, competition is even tougher than traditional search. Instead of the usual 8-10 results on page 1, there’s only one. Voice assistants select a specific segment of a singular website to read aloud, also known as Position #0. Keep in mind, voice assistants access the same search index that traditional search does, so even though the content may not be optimized for voice search, it can still be read aloud. This means you’re essentially competing with every indexed result pertaining to the search intent. 

Why Should You Optimize For Voice Search

No one knows whether voice search will surpass traditional search in popularity, but you can’t deny accessibility to voice assistants is growing. 


Increases in Popularity and Accessibility of Voice Search

It’s estimated that about 45% of US homes have at least one smart speaker, but that statistic doesn’t even consider that most cell phones also have voice assistants built-in. That means pretty much anyone with a phone has access to a voice assistant. According to Google, 27% of the global online population uses voice search on their mobile devices. 

About 58% of US consumers have done a voice search for a local business, and 74% of those who have used voice search do so weekly. There has also been an increase in news and entertainment consumption using voice-enabled devices. This means that optimizing for voice is likely to increase the visibility, awareness, and authority of a business.


Readable Content is King

We’ve all noticed (and groaned) that organic results continue to be pushed further down the SERPs.  As Google releases additional SERP features, organic results are less visible, causing drops in traffic, leads, and visibility. But voice search is changing that…

While these new features create more dynamic results, written content has seen  

Voice assistants can’t show videos or display images – they must pick out readable, relevant content from a webpage. This means content that was being pushed further and further down the page by features like videos, images, and products is now prominently featured with voice assistants. 


Long Tail Keywords are more valuable

Earlier we talked about the differences between how searchers format queries for traditional search v. voice search. Because searchers will often use a longer phrase when speaking than when typing, longer-tail keywords can provide more value to your campaigns. What’s even better is those l longer phrases and conversational queries can be less competitive.


Local Searches Make Up 22% of Voice Search

If you work with local businesses, voice search can be a valuable addition to your strategy. Nearly 22% of voice search queries are looking for location-based content, which can increase their foot traffic and online presence.

Voice search visibility is also an added benefit you can showcase to clients! The more touchpoints and visibility you can show to clients, the more valuable your services become. If there are increases in branded voice searches, you can also show this off as increased brand awareness!


How to Optimize for Voice Search

Just like any other good SEO strategy, voice search optimization starts with research and content. Understanding the target audience and their questions is necessary to get featured by the digital assistant.

Though you don’t have to optimize all content for voice search and shouldn’t build your SEO strategy around it, knowing how to optimize for voice search can help you work these elements into your content and overall strategy.

In some cases, voice search may not be important or beneficial for your client. However, due to the increase of voice search users and the possibility of it increasing even further, it’s wise to begin incorporating voice optimization.

When optimizing for voice search there are two directions with different criteria that you can take;

  • Voice Search Optimization – Optimizing content for longer queries, usually in the form of questions. This is typically the way users phrase their queries when using voice searches.
  • Voice Action Optimization – Optimizing content with specific voice commands that trigger the digital assistant to read portions of content out to the user. This method is technically SERPless.

Below you will find additional information on specific voice search optimization strategies you can easily implement in your campaigns.

Longer Keywords

As mentioned above, voice search optimization can be great for long-tail keywords. People tend to type in shorter, less conversational phrases when searching but when it comes to using voice, the phrasing becomes much more natural, longer, and grammatically correct. This leads to longer-tail keywords in search, which you should incorporate into your content and headings. 


Question Based Keywords

Many voice searches contain words such as “who”, “where”, “why”, “what”, or “how” so make sure you include these question-based keywords and support them with content that centers around informational search queries. For example, use questions in your headings, then answer the question in the copy below.

Conversational Content

Structuring and phrasing the content in a natural, conversational way is necessary to optimize for voice search queries, because conversational content will better match conversational queries. It’s also possible the voice assistant AI favors conversational content. To ensure your content is conversational, you can read through it outloud.

Schema Markup

Schema markup and structured data are key elements when optimizing for the digital assistant and rich snippets. Optimizing for rich snippets can be quite similar to optimizing for voice search. It often requires markup to allow the crawlers to understand certain content elements. It is common that rich snippets are also used to answer queries withr the digital assistant. Google provides a free Schema Markup Testing Tool to help website owners structure their content properly.

Mobile Friendliness

Voice search is highly dependent on mobile because 56% of these searches come from mobile devices. This means that optimizing for mobile and providing an improved user experience is also required when optimizing for voice search. 

Don’t Miss the Boat on Voice Search…

Voice search is a faster, easier, and more straightforward method of searching the web, and as voice-enabled devices become more common voice results will likely become more common. While there is no guarantee of this, it’s smart to leverage all search opportunities. Searchers who use voice search could be different from those using traditional search, so the wider the potential audience the better.

For now, voice search supplements traditional search but as we all know…SEO is always changing. Five year from now voice search could be king and we are all fighting for position 0…

Voice search is still on the rise, so the sooner your client’s business tackles this type of optimization, the better the chances are you will reap the true benefits of voice search optimization.  


Looking to Get Your Clients in Voice Search Now?

Check out our Voice Search Optimized Press Releases, which get your client’s news into the voice assistant index! They’re an affordable way to add voice search into your SEO strategy now. Plus, your clients can find themselves in voice search!

News is a popular topic in voice search, so get your clients added now for increased visibility and brand awareness.

Seo Updates May 3 & 4, 2022

<div>Seo Updates May 3 & 4, 2022</div>

Our 1st Speaker at the Local Marketing Mastermind is…

Happy Friday!

We’ve confirmed all 11 speakers for the Local Marketing Mastermind and will be announcing the full lineup on Monday, which means early bird discounted tickets end Sunday at midnight.

Every day this weekend we will be announcing one of the speakers, which brings us to our 1st speaker announcement…

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Holly Starks, the Queen of Black Hat SEO!

Sunday at midnight is your last chance to grab your ticket at 20% off, so hurry before the discount is gone.

+ our weekend deal: If you are looking to affordable build links and strengthen your backlink profile while cashing in on great savings, then this weekend deal is for you….

Get 50% Off an Infographics & Rich Media Campaign
w/ Every Custom Signals Purchase!
(min of 10 hours

Ending Sunday: 20% Off Local Marketing Mastermind Tickets

Heavy hitter SEOs will help you take your agency to the next level and get better results with their proven strategies!

You’ll also have tons of opportunities to network with speakers during the Friday rooftop mixer overlooking the bay, Saturday Night dinner, closed door Q&A, and other planned events.


The SEO insight and connections will be invaluable to your business…

> Local & Organic SEO
> SEO Hacks
> Agency Growth
> Networking w/ Speakers
> Downtown St Pete & the Beach

We’ve also added an extra Monday roundtable to discuss and ask your questions – the biggest request from last year’s mastermind.

To your success,
Chaz and the Entire Team 

This Week in the Local SEO Community

Join the group to take part the conversation.

If you’re wondering how to do competitor based link building, but don’t have the time to build your own links, our custom signals campaigns are a great way to achieve competitor parity with top-ranking sites for your target terms. 

Earn a $50 Store Credit in 30 Seconds

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In order to receive a $50 store credit, please provide a short video
(at least 30 seconds) explaining:

1) Who you are and what you do
2) What you bought and why you bought it
3) How the product benefited you and the pros of it!

That’s it!

3 simple topics and you could be on your way to $50 towards your next purchase!

Send your videos to: [email protected] 

This report is filled with insight on how to rank your clients higher and get better results. Download your copy now for free and start impressing your clients with the gains!

Know What Your Client Needs w/ Free Campaign Recommendations…

Not sure what to purchase? Need to know what would be the best route for your SEO campaign? No worries, we’ve got you covered!

Find Out Exactly What You Need to Rank

Quick and easy, yet powerful in results! 

Catch Up on Chaz’s Local SEO Course 2.0
Before More Videos Launch… 

Chaz is updating his ENTIRE Local SEO Course with the tactics that are working now. The first 9 videos have been released, with many more to come in the next few months.

With all the changes in local right now, this is the perfect time to brush up on local tactics!

Enroll now to recover lost rakings from the update… 

Earn 15% of Sales with Our Affiliate Program

Did you know we offer affiliate commissions, even during sales?

You can also Opt-in to our Text Deals for 15% OFF

Access special deals + sale notifications
& never miss out on savings!

But don’t worry about spam texts…
We save our text lists for the BIGGEST deals and even BIGGER announcements! 

Our 2nd Speaker for the Mastermind & an Update from the Mad Scientist

Episode 143

Co-Host: Blake Smith (special guest) + Mike Milas + Bucky Helms

What we discussed this week…


✔ Google SEO Question: How Much Plagiarism Percentage-wise Is Allowed?

✔ Rumor: Apple To Announce New Search Engine Next Week

✔ Google Hints Useful Nofollow Links Won’t Pass Much Or Any Weight

✔ Google Core Updates Uses Data Before Launch But May Update Data Between Launches

Answered: How much plagiarism does Google allow in ranking?

> Watch the Latest SEO Vault episode to catch up on the most recent local update and so much more.

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 2.0 Ranker Facebook and YouTube every Thursday at 4 pm EST.


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SEO Mad Scientist 🧪🥼🔬

Back to another weekly update of the SEO mad scientist and today we’re going to go over our current testing experiments and more detail so everyone has a better understanding of what we were testing and how, as well as give an update on the first two test variations.

First let’s talk about the test themselves.

Any series of tests, we’re looking to test the effectiveness of linking from one page to another for SEO value. When linking from one web page to another you can link to another web page on your website or you can link to an external reference. The link can also be contextual as well as just a URL list, and placement on the page can vary as well.

In order to get a baseline understanding of how some of these variations may impact the SEO value, if segmented these into four different tests.

Test 1: Take the page primary keyword, search long tail variations on Google to complied a list of relevant links. Link from test page out to target pages with a list at the bottom of the page.

Test 2: Take the page primary keyword, search long tail variations on Google to complied a list of relevant links. Link from test page out to target pages contextually with relevant keywords in the content on the page.

Test 3: Take the page primary keyword, search long tail variations on Google to complied a list of relevant pages. Recreate these pages with unique content on the website. Link from test page to the internal pages with a list at the bottom of the page.

Test 4: Take the page primary keyword, search long tail variations on Google to complied a list of relevant pages. Recreate these pages with unique content on the website. Link from test page to the internal pages contextually with relevant keywords in the content on the page.

Last week looking at the first test variation we saw some initial upward movement but very little that we could correlate to adding the links. Since then the rankings have returned to where they were previously and fluctuated down a little bit.

We don’t believe adding these outbound links in the list format to the bottom of the page made a massive change but it may have influenced something initially.

Current Results:

unnamed (50)

Looking at the second test variation we see a similar thing happening once we added the links and recalled the page. There seems to be a slight increase in ranking shortly after that but it’s still difficult to tell at this point.

Since the links are contextual in this second test variation, we do speculate that linking these terms could increase the SEO value of them from what we’ve seen from previous tests.

So if rankings increases level out or increase more, that would support our findings previously that hyperlinking a term can give it more weight on a web page.

We now have the final two test variations running side by side and will report on our first result findings next week. If we see major movement from both variations that we may report on both next weekend in One update so be sure not to miss it.

Join us next week for another SEO testing update until then Happy testing!