Beyond Backlinks: A Data-Driven Approach to Link Building for SEO Success

Beyond Backlinks: A Data-Driven Approach to Link Building for SEO Success

Before we dive in, I want to cover – at a high level – our general philosophy on link analysis and planning. Although it should become obvious as you read on, it ought to be made clear upfront, as it helps us create a linear process for building backlink campaigns. 

We believe, like anything pertaining to SEO, reverse engineering competitors will always remain not only a crucial step but the most logical strategy to inform an action plan. In Google’s black boxed world we have little clues that come in the form of patents, quality rating guideline docs, resources they publish, etc.

These serve as great resources for SEO testing ideas. But, in my opinion, we shouldn’t take any of these things at face value. We have no idea if Google is still using protocols from a 15 year old patent in their current document ranking algorithms. So, we inform ourselves using these tidbits, and we test. The SEO Mad Scientist was founded to be a detective that can use these clues to serve as one of a few information vehicles that inspire tests. 

This is a thin abstract knowledge layer that should serve as a sliver of your SEO campaign building strategy. 

Then, we have competitive analysis. 

I’m going to make a declaration that really does not have a counterargument, at least not one of sound logic. Reverse engineering what’s working in a SERP is the strategy everyone should use to influence what optimizations you perform. There really isn’t a better way. 

To simplify this statement into the most palatable example, let’s take a trip back to seventh-grade algebra. Solving for ‘x,’ or any variable, requires you to look at what constants exist and then perform some simple orders of operation to discover the value of said variable. We can look at what our competitors are doing, the topic coverage of their pages, the links they build, keyword densities, etc. 

Now, if you are collecting hundreds or thousands of pieces of correlative data, I would say a majority of that is going to be unhelpful. The benefit of tracking larger swaths of data like this would be to measure when certain things seem to shift to be more causative of rank changes when tuned. For most people, it will serve you just as well to have a much more concentrated list of best practice items you ought to reverse engineer. 

The final layer of this strategy is to outperform. As macro as it may seem, especially in extremely competitive SERPs where it could take years to match the top competitors, building to be in parity with sites in the top spots is phase one.

Once there, the idea is to go above and beyond to feed Google proper signals that continue to push rankings and allow you to create a stronghold at the top of the SERPs. Proper signals and “best practice” items unfortunately can come down to SEO common sense. 

I hate typing that because it thrusts us into a realm of subjectivity. It takes experience, testing, and some notches in the ole belt of SEO success that builds the confidence to identify where your competitors went wrong and how to address that during the planning stages.

5 Steps to Understanding Your SERP Ecosystem

Exploring the ecosystem of websites and links that power a SERP can offer us a smorgasbord of actionable information invaluable to a link plan. In this section we will work on organizing this data into a digestible system that will allow us to identify valuable patterns and insights for our campaign.


I would like to take a quick moment to expand on the thought process that led us to organizing the SERP data in this manner. You’ll find in the next section our protocol for taking a very close look at the top few competitors, but there is a story being told if we take a step much further back. For example:



Start performing some queries in Google and you are quickly met with millions of results. Sometimes over 500m results. This means while we mostly dedicate our attention to the top few websites to analyze, one could argue the links pointing to even the top 100 results are statistically significant, or at least they can be assuming they pass the link litmus test for not being complete spam or junk. 

I want insight on large swaths of what powers the top ranking sites in the sea of documents Google has cached for these queries and with that data here are just a few of the things we can accomplish. 

1. Find prominent links powering your SERP ecosystem

In this case a prominent link is defined as a link that continues to pop up in our competitors backlink profiles. As you can see from the image below, where we are looking at a smaller number of websites in the ecosystem for demonstration purposes, there are links that point to almost every site in the top 10. 


Analyzing more competitors, if you so wish, will uncover more intersections like the one above. I love this strategy and it’s supported by solid SEO theory from a couple of sources which I will cite below. 

  •– This patent expands on the original PageRank concept by factoring in topics or context, effectively acknowledging that different clusters (or patterns) of links matter differently depending on the subject area. It’s an early example of Google refining link analysis beyond a single global PageRank score, suggesting the algorithm detects patterns of links among topic-specific “seed” sites/pages and uses that to re-rank or refine scoring.

Relevant Quote Excerpts

“Methods and apparatus consistent with the present invention compute multiple importance scores for a document… The multiple importance scores may be biased by different distributions so that each importance score is particularly suited for documents of a particular topic. … The importance scores may then be combined with a measure of similarity to a query to provide a rank for the document.”

  • Implication: Google identifies certain “topic” sets (or clusters of sites) and uses link analysis within those sets to produce “topic-biased” scores.
  • While this doesn’t outright say “we look kindly on link patterns,” it confirms Google looks at how and where links appear, segmented by topic—a more nuanced approach than a single global link factor.

Column 2–3 (Summary), paraphrased:
“…A plurality of ‘topic vectors’ are established. Each topic vector is associated with one or more authoritative sources… Documents linked from these authoritative sources (or within these topic vectors) may receive an importance score that reflects that affiliation.”

  • Implication: If the link profile of a page aligns with certain authority “seeds” or typical linking patterns for a topic, that page may be deemed more relevant/important for that topic.
  • – While not a Google Patent this paper was written by Krishna Bharat which at a later date joined Google as leader of the Google News efforts.

    Hilltop is an algorithm that attempts to find “expert documents” for a topic—pages recognized as authorities in a certain field—and sees who they link to. These linking patterns can pass authority to other pages. While not phrased as “Google sees a pattern of links and likes it,” the underlying concept is that if a set of recognized experts commonly link to the same resource (pattern!), it’s a strong signal.

Relevant Quote (from original paper)

“An expert document is one that is about a specific topic and has links to many non-affiliated pages on that topic… The Hilltop algorithm identifies and ranks documents that links from experts point to, boosting documents that receive links from multiple experts…”

Hilltop is an algorithm that attempts to find “expert documents” for a topic—pages recognized as authorities in a certain field—and sees who they link to. These linking patterns can pass authority to other pages. While not phrased as “Google sees a pattern of links and likes it,” the underlying concept is that if a set of recognized experts commonly link to the same resource (pattern!), it’s a strong signal.

Implication: If multiple experts in a niche link to a particular site or page, that is recognized as a strong (pattern-based) endorsement.

While Hilltop itself is older, it’s believed aspects were folded into Google’s broader link analysis algorithms. This concept of “multiple experts linking similarly” is effectively Google looking at a pattern of backlinks.

Although these two are specific to links there is a lot of language in the patents that allude to Google “learning” what a quality SERP ought to look like based on quality signals it finds on other documents that are relevant to yours.

I want to always look for positive prominent signals that repeat themselves during competitive analysis and then take advantage of those opportunities whenever possible.

2. Discovering Outlying Link Opportunities Using Degree Centrality

The obvious list of links we find if we want to build toward competitive parity comes from the top several ranking websites. Manually parsing through dozens of backlink downloads from Ahrefs is painfully tedious work. Even processing that out for a VA or staff member makes for a contested queue of never ending work.

Ahrefs does allow for 10 competitors to be entered in their link intersect tool so if you are a subscriber (which in my opinion still outperforms all of the other link intelligence tools on the market, nevermind the spotty PR issues they have had in the recent past) so you definitely go that route if you’re comfortable with that depth and want to avoid this extra work. 

For us, as I mentioned earlier, our interest lies in going far enough outside the list of links that every other SEO is building to achieve parity with the top handful of websites. This builds us somewhat of a moat early in the planning phase as we look to stir up the SERPs.

So, we set a few filters in our SERP Ecosystem and we look for “opportunities” which are defined as links that our competitors have that we do not.


We instantly find the orphaned nodes on the network graph. Sort the table by DR (I am not in love with 3rd party metrics but it does help for quickly finding nuggets in a large list of URLs) and we find some absolute powerhouse links that can be added to our outreach workbook.

3. Control and Manage your Data Pipelines

Easily Add New Competitors and Links into the Network Graphs. Once you have your SERP ecosystem setup, adding to it is a breeze. Removing spam links you want to ignore, blending competitor data from different related queries to manage a more macro database of backlinks, and so much more.

Organizing and filtering your data inside of your own environment is the first step to being able to create scalable outputs and operate at a level of detail that your competitors simply cannot.

Moving data in and out and creating internal automations while introducing additional layers of data analysis can inspire the innovation of novel concepts and strategies.

Make it your own and you will find there are many more use cases for a setup like this, far too many to cover in this blog.

4. Identify Mini Authority Websites using Eigenvector Centrality


In graph theory eigenvector centrality implies that nodes (websites) become more important as they are attached to other nodes deemed important. The more important the neighbors of the node, the more important we deem that node to be.


This outer ring of nodes shows six of the sites that link to a significant number of our well ranking competitors. The kicker is, the site they link to (the node in the center) links to a competitor WAY down the SERPs. If you notice the DR (34) there is a good chance it can get lost in the filtering as we try to locate the “best” links we want to attempt to acquire.

The only caveat with this method is manually clicking through your table is NOT the best option to identify these opportunities. You will want to use a script to crawl your data with a configuration that sets a rule on how many “important” sites ought to link to a website before being considered significant enough to make your outreach list.

Not beginner friendly, but as stated above, once the data is in your ecosystem, writing the script to find these little gems takes an insignificant amount of time.

5. Identifying and Taking Advantage of Disproportionate Competitor Link Distribution

 While the concept isn’t novel,  being able to look at 50-100 websites in the SERP and identify pages on their site that get the most links, is a great way to mine some super variable information.

Mind you, we can look ONLY for “top linked pages” on a site but you are not going to find nearly as much useful information there, especially on well SEO’d websites. You’ll find some regular link building to the homepage and the main service or location pages. Ideally, we are looking for the pages that have a disproportionate amount of links. To do this programmatically you’ll need to filter these opportunities out using some applied maths, with the specific model really being up to you. This can be a bit difficult because sometimes the number of backlinks you want to set as outliers can quickly change based on the size of the numbers. Ex. a 20% concentration of links on a website with only 100 links built compared to one with 10 million links built is a radically different scenario.

A single page getting 2 million links while hundreds or even thousands of other pages make up the rest of the 8 million, means that page should be reverse engineered. Did it go viral? Is it a tool or free resource? Something is attracting those numbers of links.

The page with 20 links sitting on a site where 10-20 other pages account for the rest of the 80 could very well be a typical local website where a SEO link built heavier to a target service or location URL.

Just because a score isn’t definitionally an outlier that doesn’t mean it’s not potentially a URL of interest and vice versa.

Having said that, I lean heavier toward Z-scores. Standard scoring is done by subtracting the mean (finding the sum of backlinks from all pages on the website and dividing that number by the number of pages on the site) from the individual data point (the number of backlinks of the page you’re scoring) and then dividing that by the standard deviation of the dataset (dataset being all of the backlink counts for each page on the website)

Don’t get bogged down by these terms if you skipped a few stats classes. It’s not difficult. The z-score formula is simple enough. You can use this standard deviation calculator for your manual testing. Just plug your numbers in to gather some results and get a feel for your outputs. If you’re sold you can build z-score segmentation into your workflow and display the results in your data visualization tool.

With this data you can start investigating why certain competitors are acquiring atypical amounts of links to specific pages on their site and use it as inspiration to create content, resources, tools, etc. that people provably love to link to. 

There is so much more utility that definitely justifies taking the time to put together a process to look at larger amounts of link data. The opportunities you can take advantage of are near endless.

getting Started

First, you will need a source(s) for backlink data. We are big fans of Ahrefs as their data seems to consistently outperform their competitors. With that in mind, Blending data from other tools is a great idea if the capability exists on your end to do so. 


& like “Oh wait, HAHA we built a DOPPPEEEEE tool that does for you cause ya know, we are web 20”

Unearthing links in one platform that you will not find in any of the others is pretty commonplace but you will need to consider your budget and willingness to ingest the data and normalize it into one format.

Next you will need a data visualization tool. There is no shortage of data visualization tools that you can employ to accomplish our goal. Here are a few resources to help you choose one:

If you decide to choose one from the lists above, jump onto YouTube for some quick tutorials or prompt your favorite AI tool to build you a curriculum you can follow. There are also some great python libraries that have some handy visualization tools. If there is enough interest we could also look at open sourcing our setup as well. 

I digress. (that we built this FOR YOU!)

Also consider hiring a freelancer to build one of these for you is also viable as it is not a complex development endeavor.

Narrowing our Focus for Competitive Parity  

The first phase of our link planning exercise saw us gathering and looking at larger sets of data and applying some filters to give us a comprehensive list of backlinks we can attempt to build for our target URL(s). The next phase has us doing WHAT (Anchors it seems – should be mentioned)

Determining Anchor Text Plan

When it comes to looking at anchor texts, I like to work with the top 3-5 ranking URLs for the query I am after. You can definitely circle back to your SERP ecosystem above and create a map of all anchor texts that point to the corpus of websites you are tracking, but for this exercise we are going to focus on what Google put at the top of their SERP.  

Keep in mind we are looking at two different views below. One is a raw look at the link gap between pages and the anchor texts that point to them and the other is a link building schedule. 


Once the sites are added into the system you can make the choice to completely remove outliers by simply not selecting them as part of your math. I make this judgement through a manual review as sometimes a backlink heavy competitor might appear authoritative but at a closer look they have a heavily spammed backlink profile.

Building that level of volume, especially when you are building quality links, to achieve parity with a spammed profile makes little sense. 


We built a system that classifies anchor text so when we start to build links we are not disrupting the pattern of anchors that the top websites achieved their rankings with. Anchor text is still taken seriously by us, not just because internal testing that validates their importance, but Google also has patents that assigns strength to the anchors as well: – Personalizing Anchor Text Scores in a Search Engine: This patent outlines a method where search engines calculate personalized page importance scores for documents based on user-specific parameters. These scores are combined with information retrieval metrics to generate personalized rankings, with anchor text playing a significant role in this process. –  This patent describes analyzing the context surrounding a hyperlink, including the anchor text, to assess a document’s relevance and combat manipulative practices like anchor text spamming. By evaluating the text adjacent to links, the system assigns context identifiers that influence document ranking. – This patent introduces a technique that uses anchor text of links to a document to characterize its relevance, rather than relying solely on the document’s content. By analyzing anchor text descriptions pointing to a page, the system assigns a rank based on how well search query terms match these descriptions.


While link classification is done programmatically, we built a moderation dashboard so we can double check the outputs and modify them if needed. We originally built this circa 2018 and have been refining the logic for years and have run immense amounts of data through it and we usually find the results to be on point, but we always want to be flexible to match the top performers.


An often overlooked metric when people perform competitive analysis, tier two links can be pushing power for your competitors and you want to be aware when that’s the case so you can ensure you are not just matching efforts on tier one and missing out because you missed this during the link planning phase.


Now that we have the backlink gap and anchor text analysis completed let’s break out a calendar of link building. This really gives us an idea on budget and allows us to set both internal and external expectations on the length of the link building component of the campaign.

I like to look at the duration and volume perspectives of the link building based on our gathered data and make final decisions before compiling this all into a workbook so the link building team can get started.



Sorry for the format but if you zoom in you can see the layout of the workbook. In the next piece of link building content I will show you guys are outreach and link building processes so you can go from research to ranking. I will also be looking at more link content to produce to supplement some of the areas of this process I just didn’t have the opportunity to cover lest this turn into a proper book instead of an article. 

Don’t Guess at Your Link Building

Link building is both an art and a science. The complexities of building the right links—at the right time and in the right context—can make or break your SEO efforts. Each specific situation requires a carefully tailored approach to ensure your links not only drive authority, but also maximize their impact on your rankings. That’s why your link building philosophy must be backed by data. 

Are your competitors dominating the search rankings while you’re left wondering why? It’s time to stop guessing and start strategizing. Our link-building philosophy is rooted in tested, reliable methods designed to bridge the gap between you and your competition. But don’t just take our word for it—see the data for yourself.

Get a free link gap report today and discover exactly where your website stands. This is your opportunity to uncover missed opportunities, outpace competitors, and drive measurable results. Don’t let them have all the top spots; claim your edge now with actionable insights tailored to your goals.

Click below to start your free analysis and take the first step toward SEO success!

5 SEO Myths That Could Be Hurting Your Business

5 SEO Myths That Could Be Hurting Your Business

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for businesses aiming to stay competitive online. But with so much misinformation floating around, it’s easy to fall for strategies that do more harm than good. Let’s debunk five common SEO myths that could be holding your business back and set the record straight.

  1. “SEO Is a One-Time Fix”

Many businesses believe that once their website is optimized, the job is done. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The Reality:
SEO is an ongoing process. Search engine algorithms evolve constantly, competitors keep improving their strategies, and user behavior changes over time. To stay ahead, you need to:

  • Regularly update content.
  • Monitor keyword performance.
  • Adapt to algorithm updates.

CTA Example: Don’t let outdated SEO practices hold you back! Contact us to keep your strategy fresh and effective.

  1. “More Keywords = Better Rankings”

Keyword stuffing was once a common practice, but today, it’s a surefire way to hurt your rankings.

The Reality:
Search engines prioritize quality over quantity. Overloading your pages with keywords can lead to penalties and frustrate users. Instead, focus on:

  • Writing natural, user-friendly content.
  • Using long-tail keywords that match user intent.
  • Optimizing meta tags, headers, and alt text without overdoing it.

Pro Tip: Prioritize user experience—content should answer questions, not just rank for keywords.



  1. “Backlinks Are All That Matter”

While backlinks are important, relying on them exclusively is a mistake.

The Reality:
Backlinks are just one piece of the SEO puzzle. Google also looks at factors like:

  • Page speed and mobile-friendliness.
  • Content relevance and structure.
  • User engagement metrics (e.g., time on page, bounce rate).

Focus on earning high-quality backlinks from reputable sources while maintaining a strong on-page SEO foundation.

  1. “SEO Results Are Immediate”

Many expect instant results from SEO, leading to frustration when rankings don’t improve overnight.

The Reality:
SEO takes time. Building authority, gaining organic traffic, and climbing search rankings are gradual processes. While you might see small wins early on, significant results typically take months. Patience and consistency are key.


Ready to commit to long-term success? Let’s build an SEO strategy that delivers lasting results for your business!

  1. “SEO Doesn’t Work for Small Businesses”

Some small businesses assume that SEO is only effective for big players with massive budgets.

The Reality:
SEO levels the playing field. By targeting local keywords and creating niche-specific content, small businesses can compete effectively. Tactics like:

  • Optimizing Google Business Profiles.
  • Generating local reviews.
  • Creating localized content.

… can drive traffic and conversions for small businesses without breaking the bank.

How to Avoid These SEO Pitfalls

Falling for these myths can waste time, money, and effort. Instead, focus on a strategy built on proven techniques:

  • Conduct thorough keyword research.
  • Prioritize mobile-first design and fast loading speeds.
  • Create valuable, audience-focused content.
  • Monitor and adjust your approach using analytics.



Conclusion: SEO That Works Starts Here

Don’t let myths derail your efforts. Building a strong SEO foundation is about following the facts and adapting to changes.

👉 Want an SEO strategy that actually works?

Contact us today to start driving results for your business!

How to Rank Higher on Google Maps Using Local Community Signals

My Top Tactic for Ranking

Google Business Profiles

in the Map Pack

We’ve all had clients that need SEO, but don’t have a big budget.  SEO campaigns can be costly but, they’re critical in boosting your client’s online presence and SERP visibility.

If you need an SEO campaign for your clients but are on a tight budget, we’ve come up with a list of services that don’t break the bank. While these more affordable services do not replace fully-built and robust SEO campaigns, they will help you make the most out of your client’s budget. 

Table of Contents

    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

    Google Business Ranking Factors Overview

    When you incorporate SEO for your clients, you’re helping potential customers find their business and therefore increase their overall online presence and organic traffic regardless of their business size and budget. This extends the number of potential customers that will be able to find your clients and make sure they don’t miss out on what your client’s business has to offer.

    It’s important to mention that focusing your clients’ budget on SEO is perceived to be more profitable than PPC by more than 50% of marketers. This leads to the conclusion that SEO is worth every penny of small business owners with a small marketing budget. 

    SEO has become today’s word-of-mouth in the marketing industry, to rank well in SERPs a business needs to build online authority via customer reviews, backlinking, etc. Therefore, no business no matter the size and budget can afford to leave SEO out of their marketing campaign.

    Understanding How GMB Ranking Really Works

    Long story short, yes, affordable SEO services can provide measurable results for your clients. Small, limited SEO efforts are way better than no SEO at all. While results may not be as strong, the below services can work to improve ranking results over time. All optimization done will build upon each other and contribute to a stronger online brand.  

    Remember though, it is extremely important to choose the right SEO services for your client’s specific needs. Not all of the below services will be needed for every client. If you need help determining what is best for your particular client, we do offer free, custom campaign recommendations and link recommendations too! 

    Continue reading to get detailed explanations of all our budget-friendly SEO services. We’ll cover what services to order in different situations so you get the biggest impact for your client.

    1. Custom Signals

    If you want to push map rankings higher and build a stronger online brand, Custom Signals are perfect for smaller budgets! This was originally offered as an add-on to our Organic SEO and GMB campaigns when they needed an extra push. However, we noticed these signals were moving the needle. Now, we offer Custom Signals as a stand-alone monthly service too! It has proven to provide a consistent and noticeable increase in rankings, especially in less competitive markets and niches.


    How Our Affordable Link Building Works

    We start our custom signals campaigns by researching your top-ranking competitors and their signals to ensure we’re prioritizing the most impactful signals. By focusing on the common signals among top-ranking competitors, we can pinpoint the most valuable signals in order to maximize ranking results. Our team will also research other opportunities to build links on niche and locally relevant sites that your competitors don’t have. We then combine those with competitor research to consistently build high-quality links each month. This formula has proven to be the perfect process for pushing prominence and strengthening an online brand – without breaking the bank. 

    If your client needs to rank their listing higher and they’re consistently publishing content with strong on-page optimization, we recommend focusing on citation and signal building to secure additional brand mentions. This affordable link building service will help secure the results they have been looking for. You can achieve all that for your clients at less than $200 for 10 hours monthly!

    2. Country-Specific Business Citations

    Moving on with another budget-friendly service we offer, our business citations on country-specific directories create the essential citations your clients need for a strong brand foundation. This is a one-time service that gives you access to the most common (& crucial) online directories. These citations are more general business citations that we recommend every company has.


    Build a Strong Brand Foundation

    If you are working with a new business, new location of an existing business, or a company that has done little SEO, we recommend you begin optimization here.

    Starting at only $89, our business citations remain one of the most affordable options to strengthen a brand’s online foundation. By adding this to your client’s SEO strategy, you can secure some authoritative mentions, many of which are top-ranking directories

    We offer a variety of options, so you can choose from 50 to 250 local directories submissions. After purchase, we manually submit your client’s brand information, then provide you with verifiable reports to make reporting results to your clients a piece of cake.

    3. Niche Citations

    Google ranks brands, which is why building a brand is so importantWith niche citations, you can more quickly strengthen your client’s online brand and niche relevance without spending countless hours searching for citations that fit your client’s industry. 

    We know the top business directories for your client’s niche, so let us help!  Our niche citations filter directories focus on authority and niche relevance, you can choose from 23+ niche-specific categories, including:

    • Roofing

    Furthermore, we offer unique content upgrades for free to help you maximize the impact of your campaign. We promise 100% satisfaction guaranteed, or we will work for free to make it right or provide you with a complete refund.

    4. Mini Networks

    We offer multiple options for mini networks, including geo, niche, and brand mini nets that can help your clients work towards google 3 pack domination. With any of our mini net packages, you will get a strong network solution and soon will be able to build the niche and geographic relevancy your clients need. 

    Our geo and niche network is a series of accounts and Web 2.0 Ranker properties built for location rather than a brand and the idea behind the GEO network is that if you have  GMB listings within the same city, you need to add to all the location as much geographic relevance as you can, and the geo and niche networks make this possible at scale. We create our mini networks based on a target location and a local persona. We also offer to create geo/niche relevant articles, which at the bottom will have embedded a unique driving direction map. However, we offer the articles as an add-on option since they take more time to create and increase the price as well.

    Our mini networks are perfect if you want to beat the possum filter for your clients and increase rankings and get more visibility overall. Another, big advantage is that you can re-use them for multiple sites in the same city to create a consistent channel for brand mentioned and local links.

    5. Local Data Aggregators

    Starting at only $75, our local data aggregator services will allow you to take control of your client’s online data and save time while doing that. If you have clients who particularly need Local SEO, our local data aggregator services are super helpful. They are companies that aggregate business information and they syndicate that and distribute that to their partners. Some of their partners include places like Apple Maps, Google Local, Bing Local, etc. Currently, these data aggregators work for US and Canada only. 

    The process starts with you submitting your client’s business details, our team double-checks your submission and adds it to the dashboard. The data then connects via API from the dashboard to the big data services. Duplicate listings or incorrect business information is overwritten by the information from the API. Additionally, If your client’s NAP info changes throughout the year we will update the info for free.

    6. Local Monthly SEO For Google My Business & Google Business Profiles

    Last but not least on our list of budget-friendly services is our Monthly GBP SEO campaigns. Local SEO is highly important, especially for businesses operating locally. We have attractively priced our Google My Business (GMB/GBP) SEO campaigns, and we have designed them to free up your time and enable you to scale your client’s rankings and local visibility even when on a budget. 

    With our local monthly SEO services you get guaranteed map visibility increase, options designated to dominate maps, entity optimization for google business profiles, and more. We also provide you with monthly reports to impress your clients and give them a clear view of how your campaign is helping their business. 

    Starting at only 459$ per month, our team has completed over 5200 GMB/GBP Local SEO campaigns since 2015, so when choosing our services you can rest assured that you are relying on proven tactics and a team experienced enough to adjust them to your clients.

    How to Rank Higher on Google Maps

    Do you need Organic SEO services for your client? If you need help deciding which of our services would do the trick for you, here are some of our affordable services that will help you improve your client’s current organic search.

    Our Technical SEO services are designed to make identifying technical optimization issues a hand-off process, saving your agency significant time and resources. The technical SEO packages start from $147. However, we recommend our SEO Triage which is also a budget-friendly package at only $327 you will get everything in the audit, correction of audit errors, site level WP optimization, surfer SEO competitor analysis, full surfer SEO optimization, TF-IDF semantic analysis, FAQ JSON schema markup, advanced on-page, and site-level, proven on-page ranking factors, PLUS 500 words of surfer optimized content.

    Also, another way to improve your client’s organic search with an affordable service for a small budget is by using our On-Page Optimization service. Starting at only 29$ per page, this will scale your client’s optimization for the search engine and therefore improve their organic search results.

    How to Rank Locally on Google Maps

    We offer a variety of  Local SEO services that are favorably priced for your clients. Staring with our Mini Networks which for only 97$ will set your client’s local SEO campaign off to a good start and will help your clients build that geo relevancy they need to dominate the Local 3 Pack.

    Local Monthly SEO For Google My Business & Google Business Profiles is also bang for your buck when wanting to improve local rankings for your clients. This monthly service is guaranteed to improve the local rankings and starts at $459/Mo.

    Moreover, Custom Signals will get your clients’ customized link building and Off-Page brand promotion dedicated for a local or national campaign, national SEO niche and authority signals and outreach as well as locally relevant links and NAP mentions.

    Local Data Aggregators will aggregate your clients’ business info and syndicate them to Apple Maps, Google Local, Bing Local, etc. starting only at 75$.

    My #1 Tip for Higher Google Map Rankings

    A press release is a great way to get the word out about your client’s website, event,  and anything you want to draw attention to online. At Web 2.0 Ranker we built our Press Releases to beat any other press releases out there and we priced them starting at $49 for a standard Press Release optimized for SEO impact. You can also get Voice Search Optimized press releases for your clients with tighter budgets at only 79$.

    Another affordable item under our press services umbrella is Targeted Media Outreach which will allow you to send your news story directly to industry journalists and leverage 1 million+ news contacts with our media database for only $199.

    If you are specifically looking to build links for your clients our Custom Signals would once again  come in handy for your clients and not break the bank. However, our SEO Guest Posting and Guest Blogging would also do the trick by getting 1,000+ to 7,000+ monthly traffic for your clients, 50+ to 100+ referring domains, and semantically optimized articles. Each of our guest posts gets FB shares/ retweets/ repins, geo-tagged images for local projects, and more. Guest Posting starts from 87$.

    We also offer Niche-Specific Guest Posts for your clients from the law, eCom, tech, travel, health, and home services niches. With this service, we offer fully DFY articles that are written by writers specialized in your niche, you will get to approve the content and we publish them on high authority websites for the chosen niche. Check the links we are currently guest posting on your niche and find out more about the pricing as it varies depending on which site you choose. We recommend checking regularly as we update our links every month and usually start at 149$.

    Fully Managed Google Business/GMB Ranking Service

    When starting an SEO campaign we suggest alternating between the mini network packages first. After you get all the mini networks completed, we suggest you move on with the business citations in country-specific directories and you could also add as many of the niche citations as you can. After building relevancy and authority for your client’s website you can move on with custom signals, local data aggregators, and our local monthly SEO for GMB. 

    If you need further help in finding out what your clients need, we also offer free SEO campaign recommendations.

    How to Create an Effective SEO Strategy in 2025: Proven Steps for Success

    How to Create an Effective SEO Strategy in 2025: Proven Steps for Success

    In the fast-evolving digital landscape of 2025, staying ahead in search engine optimization (SEO) is no longer optional—it’s a necessity. With search engines growing smarter and competition tougher, having a structured and impactful SEO strategy is key to driving organic traffic, boosting rankings, and staying visible in your industry.

    Let’s dive into actionable steps and essential insights to create an SEO strategy that works in 2025.

    1. Prioritize User Intent Over Keywords

    Understanding user intent is at the heart of effective SEO in 2025. Google’s algorithms, particularly advancements in AI like Google Bard and MUM, now prioritize content that aligns with the searcher’s intent—whether it’s informational, navigational, transactional, or investigational.

    💡 Fact: 70% of all search queries now fall into informational intent categories, emphasizing the need for content that educates and solves problems.

    Pro Tip: Use tools like Google Search Console, Semrush, or Ahrefs to uncover intent-based keywords. For example, instead of targeting “best shoes,” focus on queries like “how to choose the best running shoes for beginners.”

    1. Focus on Core Web Vitals

    Google’s Core Web Vitals—Loading (LCP), Interactivity (FID), and Visual Stability (CLS)—continue to be ranking factors in 2025. A faster, more stable website doesn’t just please Google; it keeps users happy too.

    Did You Know?

    • Websites with a loading time under 2.5 seconds see 40% lower bounce rates.
    • 53% of mobile users abandon a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.

    Quick Fixes:

    • Optimize images with next-gen formats like WebP.
    • Leverage a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to speed up load times globally.
    • Minimize JavaScript and CSS blocking resources.
    1. Create Evergreen, High-Quality Content

    Content is still king in 2025, but the rules have changed. Google values helpful, expert-driven, and evergreen content more than ever before.

    Fact: Blog posts over 2,000 words with structured headings (H2, H3) perform 3x better in search rankings than shorter articles.

    Best Practices:

    • Include statistics and case studies for credibility.
    • Use clear, concise language that resonates with your audience.
    • Optimize content for featured snippets by answering “People Also Ask” questions.



    1. Leverage AI for Keyword Research and Content Optimization

    AI tools have revolutionized how we approach SEO. From finding untapped long-tail keywords to improving content readability, these tools save time and provide sharper insights.

    Tools to Try:

    • ChatGPT or Surfer SEO for content suggestions.
    • Clearscope for competitive keyword analysis.
    • RankMath or Yoast SEO for on-page optimization.
    1. Embrace Voice Search Optimization

    With over 58% of online users relying on voice search, optimizing for voice queries is no longer optional. Voice searches often involve natural, question-based phrases.

    Optimize for Voice Search:

    • Use conversational, long-tail keywords like “best pizza near me.”
    • Incorporate FAQ sections to answer common queries directly.
    • Ensure your site is mobile-friendly and uses structured data.
    1. Strengthen Local SEO with Google Business Profile

    For businesses targeting specific locations, local SEO continues to dominate. Google Business Profile (GBP) is an essential tool to improve visibility in local searches.

    Fact: “Near me” searches have grown by 150% over the past two years.

    Action Steps:

    • Keep your GBP updated with accurate contact details, hours, and categories.
    • Encourage customer reviews and respond to them promptly.
    • Use local keywords like “plumbing services in Chicago” to appear in localized results.
    1. Prioritize Mobile-First Indexing

    Mobile devices account for over 60% of global searches. Google’s mobile-first indexing ensures that your mobile site version is the primary basis for ranking.

    Checklist for Mobile SEO:

    • Use responsive web design.
    • Avoid pop-ups that disrupt user experience.
    • Test your mobile site performance regularly using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.
    1. Build a Strong Backlink Profile

    Backlinks remain a critical ranking factor. However, quality beats quantity in 2025. Focus on acquiring links from authoritative, relevant sites in your industry.

    Did You Know? Sites with a high number of referring domains see 4x more organic traffic than those without backlinks.

    Strategies for Backlinking:

    • Guest posting on niche-specific blogs.
    • Collaborating with influencers or industry experts.
    • Creating linkable assets like infographics or research reports.



    1. Track, Analyze, and Adapt

    SEO is not a one-time effort. Regular tracking and analysis ensure you’re on the right path. Use analytics to monitor progress and adapt strategies as needed.

    Tools You Need:

    • Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for traffic insights.
    • Semrush for ranking trends.
    • Ahrefs for backlink tracking.

    Conclusion: Stay Ahead of the Game

    Creating an effective SEO strategy in 2025 requires more than just ranking for a few keywords. By understanding user intent, improving site performance, and leveraging AI, you can build a robust SEO strategy that drives sustainable growth.

    🚀 Ready to Optimize Your Website? Don’t let your competitors outrank you. Start implementing these proven strategies today. Need expert help? Contact us now to boost your online presence!