SEO Updates – March 15, 2024

SEO Updates – March 15, 2024

We could all use a little boost…

That’s exactly what you get with our supercharged press releases – over 100 new syndication partners. 

Standard, premium and do-follow PRs can now maximize your reach with +550 syndication partners.

🔬 SEO Mad Scientist 🔬

In our ongoing pursuit of refining SEO strategies, we’ve conducted an in-depth review of our Mini Networks Test…

Inspired by the concept of geo networks from several years back, this test builds mini networks comprised of branded web 2.0 entities, linking to our company’s map listings and website.

We hypothesized that these networks, tailored to specific geographical areas, niches, and brands, can significantly impact both local and organic rankings.

But you’ll have to watch the video to see the initial results…

Dissect the mini nets test with Mike in the SEO Mad Scientist’s last video:

🧑‍🔬 SEO Mad Scientist Podcast 🧪

Wonder about mini nets vs. PBNs? Mike & Alex discuss the implications of our mini networks test during episode 3 of the SEO Mad Scientist podcast!

Watch below or listen as we unpack real results, discuss the competitive edge mini networks offer, and share key strategies for leveraging them effectively without breaking the bank…

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group

SEO Updates – March 8, 2024

SEO Updates – March 15, 2024

PBNs are often called into question, so we began retesting their effectiveness. 18 days after the links were live, we saw interesting outcomes from our PBN map embeds test.

Want to know more? Keep scrolling down to dive into the details and watch Mike’s in-depth video review of the test setup, results, and implications.

5 other SEO tests are currently running, so keep your eyes peeled for other updates on the SEO Mad Scientist Podcast.

🔬 SEO Mad Scientist 🔬

We deployed 50 PBN map embeds alongside various other tiered links, targeting keywords like “solar panel service” and “solar panel installation.” These links were all finalized by February 20th. Our focus was solely on building links to the listing – there were no direct links to the website.

After the initial implementation, we observed movement in rankings within a week or two…

Keywords like “commercial solar contractors” began to show positive movement. Residential keywords also experienced significant improvements, suggesting a broader influence of PBNs beyond our target terms.

The similarity in performance between both residential and commercial keywords was intriguing. This hints that Google recognizes a broader relevance beyond just the specific keywords mentioned in content.

These test results confirm the content of PBN and tiered links collectively influence rankings, but we plan to conduct more targeted tests to refine our insights.

Dig deeper into our PBN test in Mike’s video below:

🧑‍🔬 SEO Mad Scientist Podcast 🧪

In our most recent episode, we explored how you can build local relevance with YouTube videos and descriptions…

Everything from the test setup to video formats and description links is covered in detail. Watch below or listen on your favorite podcast platform.

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group

SEO Updates – February 23, 2024

SEO Updates – February 23, 2024

Want to dig even deeper into how we’re influencing local rankings with YouTube videos, maps, and driving directions?

Mike walks through the YT test in even more detail – video format, links included, geogrids, and deeper data analysis…

Heads up – our Q1 Webby is right around the corner!

Today at 12 pm EST, Mark will cover in-depth on-page optimization strategies – sharing insights, laughs, and a few secrets.

🔬 SEO Mad Scientist 👩‍🔬

Our newest podcast episode is live and packed with actionable insights to boost your campaigns:

  • Increase Organic Rankings & Reach with Press Releases
  • Build Local Relevance with YouTube

Watch below or listen on your favorite podcast platform.

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group


SEO Updates – February 16, 2024

SEO Updates – February 16, 2024

We recently sent out an email with crucial details regarding your campaign data. In preparation for our dashboard migration, we are clearing out a decade of campaign reports and we need you to download yours. Going forward, all completed and canceled campaigns will need to download reports within 7 business days. After that, campaign reports will be removed. But don’t worry, reports for on-hold campaigns won’t be deleted.

🔬 SEO Mad Scientist 🔬

Unlock the secrets of organic reach with press releases! The SEO Mad Scientist dives into the power of press releases this week – watch the video below to get the scoop…

Get insight into how to best use press in your SEO campaigns with Mike’s press test review.

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group

SEO Updates – February 9, 2024

SEO Updates – February 9, 2024

We’re revamping the podcast completely…

The SEO Vault will focus more on SEO testing, providing you with valuable and actionable insights, rather than just discussing the SEO news (or lack thereof).

Our Valentine’s sale starts this week, so keep your eyes out for some savings!

💰 Shifting To SEO Testing Focus + New Schema & Proximity Test 💰

The SEO Vault: Episode 225

Dive into our latest SEO tests with our new episode!

This week, we explore:

  • YouTube strategies for local rankings
  • The importance of anchor text for geographical relevance
  • Schema Markup and Topical Relevance testing
  • Correlation vs. causation

Elevate your SEO testing game by catching the episode here or tune in on your favorite podcast platform!

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group


SEO Updates – February 2, 2024

SEO Updates – February 2, 2024

The big news this week is Mike’s full test analysis and recap video of our “Can you rank with just optimized content” test.

Our Q1 webby is just around the corner, Feb. 26th at noon EST. Mark will be dishing out actionable tactics that are working right now –  based on testing and trends we’re seeing in our campaigns.

🔬 SEO Mad Scientist 🔬

We’re switching things up this week. Instead of writing about our conclusions from this test, Mike is showing you…

Watch Mike’s full recap and conclusion to be sure you’re using the most effective content tactics.

💰 AI’s Role In The Future + New Tools & Trainings For 2024 💰

The SEO Vault: Episode 224

Our latest SEO Vault episode delves into the broader impact of AI, covering Google’s tech trajectory, its influence on smart homes (& search), and the potential it holds for reviews and local search.

+ Tiered discounts are making a comeback in the APP Program!

🌟 Tune in now on your favorite podcast platform or watch it here.

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group

SEO Updates – January 26, 2023

SEO Updates – January 26, 2023

If you haven’t read our 2023 SEO Mad Scientist Test report, dive into recent experiments covering faster indexation, the impact of AI, CTR, and more.

💰 How AI Integrations Impact You + SERP Changes & Content V Links SEO Test 💰

The SEO Vault: Episode 223

The only major SEO news recently was the new SERP features being tested – snippets for product listings and local images. So episode 223 of the SEO Vault focused on AI…

🤖 Explore AI’s implications and insights, from the ever-evolving uses for ChatGPT to the new Rabbit AI device. It’s a quick bite packed with a punch.

Catch the episode on your preferred podcast platform or watch it here.

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group



SEO Updates – January 19, 2024

SEO Updates – January 19, 2024

We’ve just released the 2023 annual SEO mad scientist test report, which includes our previous updates on this custom signals test.

🧪 Dive deep into the world of SEO, covering everything from Faster Indexation of Citations to AI replacing SEO work.

🔬 SEO Mad Scientist 🔬

How Referencing Keywords in Citation Descriptions Can Impact Rankings

The primary focus of the original test was on insulation terms. But insulation is included in the brand name, and therefore the listing. This slightly clouds the test results for terms including “insulation”.

However, we did find correlations between other terms that were included in the citation descriptions, but not referenced in the listing.

“Can Foam”:

We were ranking for both “can foam service” and “can foam service Littlestown, PA”.

When we search “CanFoam service Littlestown, PA”, our test listing, homepage, and the can form page is ranking at the top.

We also see some of our signals that referenced the “can foam” ranking. This term is not included anywhere in the listing, yet the listing still appears in the SERP. This demonstrates a strong brand association with the service, which was likely supported by our signal creation.

We can definitely say that the citation references were the driving force behind the rankings though since there was a dedicated page for it, and the term was mentioned in other parts of the website.

Soundproofing Littlestown:

We did find one service term used in citation descriptions that wasn’t mentioned on the homepage of the website or the listing – soundproofing. Month 1 is the only month we didn’t reference soundproofing terms in our citation descriptions. All months after that there were at least a few citations referencing soundproofing.

When we searched “soundproofing littlestown” our homepage and GBP listing were ranking. There was a strong brand association with this service. But there was also no soundproofing page on the website.

All citations built linked to the homepage, which could explain why we were seeing the homepage rank for a term that wasn’t mentioned anywhere on the homepage.

However, we assumed one of the 3 service pages that mentioned soundproofing would be ranking above the homepage…

fiberglass insulation page – 3 references

  • 1 mention in a paragraph
  • 2 mentions in a structured list

cellulose insulation page – 6  references: 

  • 4 mentions in paragraphs ad
  • 2 mentions in the structured list

mineral wool insulation page – 3 references

All mentions were only in structured lists or paragraphs. There was no mention in headings, URLs, page titles, or other prominent references.

We did see other keywords included in citation descriptions also ranking higher, but those had dedicated pages on the website. Soundproofing was one of the only ones we could find that didn’t have a page, which is why the results were so interesting.

While we didn’t have comparison data for the GeoGrids, organic rankings showed a correlation with the citation descriptions.

More testing is needed to better isolate the impact of citations on rankings – both local and organic. There are too many influencing factors in this current test.

Watch the full video update here to see analysis on additional keywords and deeper insight into potential explanations:

Happy testing!

The SEO Mad Scientist testing team

💰 Better Understand SEO Campaigns w/ Algorithm Annotations & Robust Data Views 💰

The SEO Vault: Episode 222

For all you data lovers out there, our latest episode of the SEO Vault (Episode 222) is a must-listen.

Mike shares insights on custom GPT applications and some interesting real-life use cases. Plus, learn how you can add algo update annotations, SEO product annotations, and custom annotations over your Google Search Console data.

Lastly, we discuss the results of our Custom Signals test. The results showed the citation descriptions have some impact on local rankings.

Catch the episode on your preferred podcast platform or watch it here.

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group

How a Law Firm Received 348 Phone Calls in a Month (691% Increase)

How a Law Firm Received 348 Phone Calls in a Month (691% Increase)

lawyer seo case study

How a Law Firm Received 348 Phone Calls in a Month (691% Increase)

Having spent many years across multiple agencies working on Personal Injury campaign strategy, I learned that PI case types can be highly profitable for law firms. Lawyers want those higher potential profits. 

PI keywords are also some of the most competitive and challenging local terms that you can come up against as a local SEO. Combine that competition level with the potential payout and will compensate you generously for providing these cases. 

We’ve ranked hundreds of law firms for their respective keywords, and it is always satisfying to crush these campaigns. If we can crush competitive campaigns, in high comp markets, we can rank your business!

In this article, my goal is not to introduce a magic bean tactic; quite the opposite. I want to reinforce that we ought to strive toward a consistent approach that generates optimal outputs. 


Here are some campaign details: 

Mid Size City | Car Accident Lawyer | Mid/High Competition 

Below we have a year-over-year comparison of listing engagements. We achieved remarkable results across the board…

  • 348 calls in 1 month – 691% increase
  • 446 website visits in 30 days – 431% increase



When comparing 5 months of data, we still saw strong growth in listing visibility, impressions, phone calls, and site visits.



We started this campaign with zeroes across the board. This business was nowhere to be found in maps. 



106 Days Later, here are the local rankings our campaign achieved.


Just a hair over three months, we brought the SOLV (share of local voice) to 85%, which is metric that measures how often a listing appears in the Map Pack per scan radius. The greater the SoLV, the greater the local search visibility.

This location still ranks well and has weathered the tumultuous storms Google has thrown at it this past year.


We are still kicking after a name change, a small bump in SoLV, and many more number-one rankings. 


The SEO Strategy

Sometimes, SEOs overlook the “small” foundational things that can pack a big punch. I want to cover some things many people breeze over and bring to light implementations specific to this campaign that you can swipe for your projects. By building a strong foundation, we were able to dominate the map pack – you can too.


The Typical SEO Stuff

Deep diving into and explaining things like complete A-Z link building, on-page, etc., if done right, commands large pieces of content. We will not do them justice here, but we will break down our new and improved on-page and link-building in future posts. 

Geo and Niche networks, essential business citations and secondary citations, and tactics like this have been beaten to death. While not exciting, they have their place in a campaign. So I want to tip my hat to the use of them in this post, but focus a bit more on less talked about aspects you should be incorporating into your campaigns. 


Authority Building

I wanted to split this section from links because even though we are “technically” building links, these links focus purely on building authority and establishing the business as the most prominent option for our desired local queries. 

Grabbing your Bing, Apple Maps, Yelp, etc., is a non-negotiable. But also consider impactful opportunities like Waze, Monster, Eventbrite, Crunchbase, etc. These can be easily achieved with a domain email and all these profiles have one thing in common: they are on platforms that real businesses are on. 

Furthermore, one of my favorite link types for local businesses is niche citations. Compiling a niche link list for each campaign is an essential starting point. You should not go without these links, they’re critical to campaign success, especially in more competitive niches. 


To maximize impact, optimize the profiles well. For the best citation, take it a step further and amplify as needed for more competitive metros and niches. 

Be sure to keep track of the links built during the campaign. You can use these to build a citation library for use in future campaigns in the same niche. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll amass niche resources.


Link Building

This campaign can be broken into three focuses from a linking perspective. The first, which we will spend little time on today, is a robust body of unstructured citations, localized parasites, and niche content networks we built atop different 2.0s like Google sites, WordPress, etc. 

I want to focus on a few of the other impactful things we did that often get overlooked, especially when people look to outsourcing firms where everything is overly productized. 

What we do at Web20 Ranker, and have been working hard on improving, is the custom outreach we perform for local and national campaigns. In this case, we pulled backlinks from the competitors and dumped them in a sheet.


From here, we parsed through this list, removed some junk links, and then bucket the sites by typing into the worksheet to keep everything organized. This makes it easy to divide the workload among our team.

Most of your competitors are not reverse engineering better-ranking websites and doing proper outreach to reduce their link deficiencies, not in the local SEO arena. So this type building step can give your campaigns a leg up…


My SEO friends, please do not negate paid citations. We pull those into a dedicated tab in the link building workbook. This is far from a new or imaginative strategy, but we see so few agencies taking advantage of their power. Don’t forget the basics. 

If you dig deeper into some hyper-local authority sites, the transformation even a single link can have on a campaign is immense. One of the biggest movers regarding local links for this old case study we did was a $600 local chamber link. Everyone was taken aback by the cost of a single link in the local space, but we engaged, and rankings skyrocketed even further after that article was published.

That isn’t a rarity or one-off experience. We repeated it for highly competitive local SERPs in monster metros and saw similar results. 


Press Releases 

Press releases are a familiar concept in the SEO space. I have seen their effectiveness fluctuate over the years, but with a quality release and some of the bells and whistles you can implement (embedded media, do-follow link, etc.), they have been testing through the roof in terms of impact for the past few years. 

We ran a Premium Local Press Release and a Do Follow Press Release with Map Embeds during this specific campaign. Our expansion of the press service continues to test very well regarding influencing ranks and brand prominence indicators. Check out one of our recent Mad Scientist SEO PR test results for more information. 

Again, we are not dealing with a new and innovative strategy but a tried and true methodology that has worked well for years and continues to drive results. 


Exact SEO Campaign for Results Rapid

My goal was to give a little bit of context and reasoning to the “why” behind-the-line items in some of our packages. Implement these items into your workflows and make them your own. Do some SEO testing and follow along as we do ours. 

Now you know we don’t gate keep our secrets to success. So without further adieu, here are the services ordered to bring success to this client. 


Phase 1 Local SEO Strategy, Local and Niche Signals, and Brand Foundation:

Content Creation

(10) Write GBP Posts for Phase 2

Write Custom GBP Description for Phase 2

Write GBP Site Content for Phase 2

Website Local Optimization

Location Page Optimization

Local and Niche Signals

Google Profile Photo Review

Custom Signals

Niche Citations or Level 1 Custom Signals

PDF, E-Doc, and Image Sites

Local Article Submissions

Press Release

Premium Local Press Release

PBN W Map Embeds

(10) PBN Map Embeds w NAP Mentions

Tiered Links for (10) PBN Map Embeds

Mini Networks

(10) Create and Optimize Geo-Network

Brand Foundation (Data Aggregator)

Submit to Data Aggregators (45 to 60 days for reports)

Social Essential/Fortress/Ultimate/Power Up

(25) Create and Optimize Social Essentials Accounts  

25) Create and Optimize Social Fortress Accounts

(50) Create and Optimize Social Ultimate Accounts


Phase 2 GBP Listing Optimization, Niche Signals, and Brand Boost

Content Creation

(10) Write GBP Posts for Phase 3

GBP Listing Optimization

GBP Listing Optimization

GBP Description Posting

(10) Optimize GBP Services

GBP Site Optimization

(10) Schedule and Publish GBP Photos and Posts

(5) GBP Q&A’sQ&A’s

(5) GBP Review Responses

Local and Niche Signals

Level 1 Custom Signals

PDF, E-Doc, and Image Sites

Local Article Submissions

Mini Network

(10) Create and Optimize Niche Network

Brand Boost

2X (40) Brand Authority Links

(66) Essential Business Citations with GPS Listings

(50) Secondary Citation Creation

Custom List

Yelp Optimization (Domain Email Required to Claim) Crunchbase Optimization (Domain Email Required to Claim)

Bing Places – Claim and Set-Up

Waze Business Submission

Proven Expert Company Profile Submission

Monster Profile – Claim and Optimize

Manta Profile Submission and Optimization


Phase 3 Local Maps Boost and Custom Signals

GBP Listing Optimization

(10) Schedule and Publish GBP Photos and Posts

(5) GBP Q&A’sQ&A’s

(5) GBP Review Responses

Local and Niche Custom Signals

Level 1 Custom Signals

PDF, E-Doc, and Image Sites

Local Article Submissions

Local Maps Boost

DR30+ Branded Guest Post with Map Embed

Additional Custom Signals and Custom List:

Level 1 Custom Signals

(3) Top Ranking Listing Service

Press Release

Do-Follow News Release w Map Embed

PBN W Map Embeds

(10) PBN Map Embeds w NAP Mentions

Tiered Links for (10) PBN Map Embeds


If this looks like a lot of work…it is. Let us handle the campaign for you! Just choose your competition level and we’ll take it from there.

Not sure what level or add-ons you need? Get specific recommendations for a campaign,. All you have to do is fill out this form, and we will perform an audit and a roadmap for rankings. If you have any questions about this specific article or SEO in general, get in touch. I love geeking out about this stuff. 

SEO Updates – January 5, 2023

SEO Updates – January 5, 2023

We (mostly Nate) are hard at work polishing up the new dashboard to provide the most holistic view of campaign opportunities and wins. The new dash will include:

  • GSC data filtering
  • Longtail keyword extraction
  • Populating filters with impression/click counts

🔬 The SEO Mad Scientist’s Annual Testing Report is dropping next week, including everything from indexation to CTR tests.

📅 Don’t miss the Q1 SEO webby – on Monday, February 26, 2024, at noon EST. Mark will lift the lid on some new on-page strategies we’ve been using, so sign up now!

This Week in the LCT Facebook Group