Beyond Backlinks: A Data-Driven Approach for Creating Link Plans

Beyond Backlinks: A Data-Driven Approach for Creating Link Plans

Before we dive in, I want to cover – at a high level – our general philosophy on link analysis and planning. Although it should become obvious as you read on, we want it clear upfront, as it helps us create a linear process for building backlink campaigns. 

We believe, like anything pertaining to SEO, reverse engineering competitors should always be at the forefront. It’s not only a crucial step, but the most logical strategy to inform your action plan.

In Google’s black boxed world we have little clues that come in the form of patents, quality rating guideline docs, resources they publish, etc. While these serve as great resources for SEO testing ideas, we shouldn’t take any of these things at face value. We have no idea if Google is still using protocols from a 15 year old patent in their current document ranking algorithms. So, we inform ourselves using these tidbits, then we test. 

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The SEO Mad Scientist was founded as a detective that uses these clues as one of a few information vehicles that inspire tests. But this is a only thin abstract knowledge layer that should serve as a sliver of your SEO campaign building strategy. 

Then, we have competitive analysis. 

I’m going to make a declaration that really does not have a counterargument, at least not one of sound logic… 

Reverse engineering what’s working in a SERP is the strategy everyone should use to influence what optimizations you perform. There really isn’t a better way. 

To simplify this statement into the most palatable example, let’s take a trip back to seventh-grade algebra. Solving for ‘x,’ or any variable, requires you to look at what constants exist and then perform some simple orders of operation to discover the value of said variable. We can look at what our competitors are doing, the topic coverage of their pages, the links they build, keyword densities, etc. 

Now, if you are collecting hundreds or thousands of pieces of correlative data, I would say a majority of that is going to be unhelpful. The benefit of tracking larger swaths of data like this would be to measure when certain things seem to shift to be more causative of rank changes when tuned. For most people, it will serve you just as well to have a much more concentrated list of best practices you reverse engineer. 

The final layer of this strategy is to outperform. As macro as it may seem, especially in extremely competitive SERPs where it could take years to match the top competitors, building to be in parity with sites in the top spots is phase one.

Once in parity, the idea is to go above and beyond to feed Google proper signals that continue to push rankings and allow you to create a stronghold at the top of the SERPs. Proper signals and “best practice” items unfortunately can come down to SEO common sense. 

I hate typing that because it thrusts us into a realm of subjectivity. It takes experience, testing, and some notches in the ole belt of SEO success to build the confidence to identify where your competitors went wrong and how to address that during the planning stages.

5 Steps to Understanding Your SERP Ecosystem

Exploring the ecosystem of websites and links powering a SERP can offer us a smorgasbord of actionable information invaluable to a link plan. In this section we will work on organizing this data into a digestible system that allows us to identify valuable patterns and insights for our campaign.

link plan

I would like to take a quick moment to expand on the thought process that led us to organizing the SERP data in this manner. Our protocol for deep diving into the top few competitors is in the next section, but there is a story being told if we take a step much further back.

Start performing some queries in Google and you are quickly met with millions of results. Sometimes over 500m results. For example:

link plan

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While we mostly dedicate our attention to the top few websites to analyze, one could argue the links pointing to even the top 100 results are statistically significant, or at least they can be, assuming they pass the link litmus test for not being complete spam or junk. 

I want large swaths of insight into what powers the top ranking sites in the sea of documents Google has cached for these queries. Then, with that data, we’re armed with information. Here are just a few of the things we can accomplish. 

1. Find prominent links powering your SERP ecosystem

In this case a prominent link is defined as a link that continues to pop up in our competitors backlink profiles. As you can see from the image below, where we are looking at a smaller number of websites in the ecosystem for demonstration purposes, there are links that point to almost every site in the top 10. 

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Analyzing more competitors, if you so wish, will uncover more intersections like the one above. I love this strategy and it’s supported by solid SEO theory from a couple of sources which I will cite below. 

  •– This patent expands on the original PageRank concept by factoring in topics or context, effectively acknowledging that different clusters (or patterns) of links matter differently depending on the subject area. It’s an early example of Google refining link analysis beyond a single global PageRank score, suggesting the algorithm detects patterns of links among topic-specific “seed” sites/pages and uses that to re-rank or refine scoring.

Relevant Quote Excerpts

“Methods and apparatus consistent with the present invention compute multiple importance scores for a document… The multiple importance scores may be biased by different distributions so that each importance score is particularly suited for documents of a particular topic. … The importance scores may then be combined with a measure of similarity to a query to provide a rank for the document.”

  • Implication: Google identifies certain “topic” sets (or clusters of sites) and uses link analysis within those sets to produce “topic-biased” scores.
  • While this doesn’t outright say “we look kindly on link patterns,” it confirms Google looks at how and where links appear, segmented by topic—a more nuanced approach than a single global link factor.

Column 2–3 (Summary), paraphrased:
“…A plurality of ‘topic vectors’ are established. Each topic vector is associated with one or more authoritative sources… Documents linked from these authoritative sources (or within these topic vectors) may receive an importance score that reflects that affiliation.”

  • Implication: If the link profile of a page aligns with certain authority “seeds” or typical linking patterns for a topic, that page may be deemed more relevant/important for that topic.
  • – While not a Google Patent this paper was written by Krishna Bharat which at a later date joined Google as leader of the Google News efforts.

Relevant Quote (from original paper)

“An expert document is one that is about a specific topic and has links to many non-affiliated pages on that topic… The Hilltop algorithm identifies and ranks documents that links from experts point to, boosting documents that receive links from multiple experts…”

Hilltop is an algorithm that attempts to find “expert documents” for a topic—pages recognized as authorities in a certain field—and sees who they link to. These linking patterns can pass authority to other pages. While not phrased as “Google sees a pattern of links and likes it,” the underlying concept is that if a set of recognized experts commonly link to the same resource (pattern!), it’s a strong signal.

  • Implication: If multiple experts in a niche link to a particular site or page, that is recognized as a strong (pattern-based) endorsement.

While Hilltop itself is older, it’s believed aspects were folded into Google’s broader link analysis algorithms. This concept of “multiple experts linking similarly” is effectively Google looking at a pattern of backlinks.

Although these two are specific to links there is a lot of language in the patents that allude to Google “learning” what a quality SERP ought to look like based on quality signals it finds on other documents that are relevant to yours.

I want to always look for positive prominent signals that repeat themselves during competitive analysis and then take advantage of those opportunities whenever possible.

2. Discovering Outlying Link Opportunities Using Degree Centrality

The obvious list of links we find if we want to build toward competitive parity comes from the top several ranking websites. Manually parsing through dozens of backlink downloads from Ahrefs is painfully tedious work. Even processing that out for a VA or staff member makes for a congested queue of never ending work.

Ahrefs does allow for 10 competitors to be entered in their link intersect tool, so if you are a subscriber (which in my opinion still outperforms all of the other link intelligence tools on the market, nevermind the spotty PR issues they have had in the recent past) you definitely go that route if you’re comfortable with that depth and want to avoid this extra work.

For us, as I mentioned earlier, our interest lies in going far enough outside the list of links every other SEO is building to achieve parity with the top handful of websites. This builds us somewhat of a moat early in the planning phase as we look to stir up the SERPs.

So, we set a few filters in our SERP Ecosystem and we look for “opportunities”, defined as links that our competitors have that we do not.

link plan

Instantly, we find the orphaned nodes on the network graph. Sort the table by DR (I am not in love with 3rd party metrics but it does help for quickly finding nuggets in a large list of URLs) and we find some absolute powerhouse links that can be added to our outreach workbook.

3. Control and Manage your Data Pipelines

This setup allows you to easily add new competitors and links into the network graphs. Once you have your SERP ecosystem configured, adding to it is a breeze. Now you can remove spam links you want to ignore, blend competitor data from different related queries to manage a more macro database of backlinks, and so much more.

Organizing and filtering your data inside of your own environment is the first step to creating scalable outputs and operating at a level of detail that your competitors simply cannot. This influx of data can lead you to discover countless new opportunities. 

Moving data and creating internal automations while introducing additional layers of data analysis can inspire the innovation of novel concepts and strategies. Make this process your own and you will find there are many more use cases for a setup like this, far too many to cover in this blog.

4. Identify Mini Authority Websites using Eigenvector Centrality

In graph theory, eigenvector centrality implies that nodes (websites) become more important as they are attached to other nodes deemed important. The more important the neighbors of the node, the more important we deem that node to be.

link plan

The outer ring of nodes shows six of the sites that link to a significant number of our well ranking competitors. The kicker is, the site they link to (the node in the center) links to a competitor WAY down the SERPs. If you notice the DR (34) there is a good chance it can get lost in the filtering as we try to locate the “best” links we want to attempt to acquire.

The only caveat with this method is manually clicking through your table is NOT the best option to identify these opportunities. You will want to use a script to crawl your data with a configuration that sets a rule on how many “important” sites ought to link to a website before being considered significant enough to make your outreach list.

Not beginner friendly, but as stated above, once the data is in your ecosystem, writing the script to find these little gems takes an insignificant amount of time. You can even use AI to help.

5. Identifying and Taking Advantage of Disproportionate Competitor Link Distribution

While the concept isn’t novel, being able to look at 50-100 websites in the SERP and identify the pages that get the most links is a great way to mine some super variable information.

Mind you, we can look ONLY for “top linked pages” on a site, but you are not going to find nearly as much useful information there, especially on well SEO’d websites. You’ll find some regular link building to the homepage and the main service or location pages.

Ideally, we are looking for the pages with a disproportionate amount of links. To do this programmatically you’ll need to filter these opportunities out using some applied math, with the specific model really being up to you. This can be a bit difficult because sometimes the number of backlinks you want to set as outliers can quickly change based on the size of the numbers. Ex. a 20% concentration of links on a website with only 100 links built compared to one with 10 million links built is a radically different scenario.

A single page getting 2 million links while hundreds or even thousands of other pages make up the rest of the 8 million, means that page should be reverse engineered. Did it go viral? Is it a tool or free resource? Something is attracting those numbers of links.

Conversely, the page with 20 links sitting on a site where 10-20 other pages account for the rest of the 80 could very well be a typical local website where an SEO link built heavier to a target service or location URL.

Just because a score isn’t definitionally an outlier doesn’t mean it’s not potentially a URL of interest and vice versa.

Having said that, I lean heavier toward Z-scores. Standard scoring is done by subtracting the mean (finding the sum of backlinks from all pages on the website and dividing that number by the number of pages on the site) from the individual data point (the number of backlinks of the page you’re scoring) and then dividing that by the standard deviation of the dataset (dataset being all of the backlink counts for each page on the website)

In short, individual data point minus the mean, divided by the standard deviation of the data set.

Don’t get bogged down by these terms if you skipped a few stats classes. It’s not difficult. The z-score formula is simple enough. You can use this standard deviation calculator for your manual testing. Just plug your numbers in to gather some results and get a feel for your outputs. If you’re sold, you can build z-score segmentation into your workflow and display the results in your data visualization tool.

With this data you can start investigating why certain competitors are acquiring atypical amounts of links to specific pages on their site and use it as inspiration to create content, resources, tools, etc. that people probably love to link to. 

There is so much more utility in data. It definitely justifies taking the time to put together a process to look at larger amounts of link data. The opportunities you can take advantage of are near endless.

getting Started Creating a Link Plan

First, you will need a source(s) for backlink data. We are big fans of Ahrefs as their data seems to consistently outperform their competitors. With that in mind, blending data from other tools is a great idea if the capability exists on your end to do so. 

Our link gap tool is the perfect solution. Just plug in your site, and you’ll get everything you need:

  • Link metrics visualization
  • URL level distribution analysis (live & total)
  • Domain level distribution analysis (live & total)
  • AI analysis

Map out exactly which links you’re missing—so you can focus on closing the gap and strengthening your backlink profile with less guesswork. But our link gap report doesn’t just give you graphs of data, you’ll also get an AI analysis, including an overview, key findings, competitive analysis, and link recommendations.

Unearthing links in one platform that you will not find in any of the others is pretty commonplace, but you will need to consider your budget and willingness to ingest the data and normalize it into one format.

Next you will need a data visualization tool. There is no shortage of data visualization tools that you can employ to accomplish our goal. Here are a few resources to help you choose one:

If you decide to choose one from the lists above, jump onto YouTube for some quick tutorials or prompt your favorite AI tool to build you a curriculum you can follow. There are also some great python libraries that have some handy visualization tools. If there is enough interest we could also look at open sourcing our setup as well. 

Also consider hiring a freelancer to build one of these for you. It’s a viable solution to save time, since it’s not a complex development endeavor.

Narrowing our Focus for Competitive Parity

The first phase of our link planning exercise saw us gathering and looking at larger sets of data. Then applying some filters to give us a comprehensive list of backlinks we can attempt to build for our target URL(s). The next phase we will analyze the WHAT. 

Determining Anchor Text Plan

When it comes to looking at anchor texts, I like to work with the top 3-5 ranking URLs for the query I am after. You can definitely circle back to your SERP ecosystem above and create a map of all anchor texts that point to the corpus of websites you are tracking, but for this exercise we are going to focus on what Google put at the top of their SERP.  

Keep in mind we are looking at two different views below. One is a raw look at the link gap between pages and the anchor texts that point to them and the other is a link building schedule. 

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Once the sites are added into the system you can make the choice to completely remove outliers by simply not selecting them as part of your math. I make this judgement through a manual review, as sometimes a backlink heavy competitor might appear authoritative but at a closer look they have a heavily spammed backlink profile.

Building that level of volume, especially when you are building quality links, to achieve parity with a spammed profile makes little sense. 

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We built a system that classifies anchor text so when we start to build links we are not disrupting the pattern of anchors that the top websites achieved their rankings with. Anchor text is still taken seriously by us, not just because internal testing that validates their importance, but Google also has patents that assign strength to the anchors as well:

Personalizing Anchor Text Scores in a Search Engine: This patent outlines a method where search engines calculate personalized page importance scores for documents based on user-specific parameters. These scores are combined with information retrieval metrics to generate personalized rankings, with anchor text playing a significant role in this process.

Ranking Based on Reference Contacts: This patent describes analyzing the context surrounding a hyperlink, including the anchor text, to assess a document’s relevance and combat manipulative practices like anchor text spamming. By evaluating the text adjacent to links, the system assigns context identifiers that influence document ranking.

Method for Node Ranking in a Linked Database: This patent introduces a technique that uses anchor text of links to a document to characterize its relevance, rather than relying solely on the document’s content. By analyzing anchor text descriptions pointing to a page, the system assigns a rank based on how well search query terms match these descriptions.

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While link classification is done programmatically, we built a moderation dashboard so we can double check the outputs and modify them if needed. We originally built this circa 2018 and have been refining the logic for years. We have run immense amounts of data through it and we usually find the results to be on point, but we always want to be flexible to match the top performers.

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Tier 2 links are an often overlooked metric when people perform competitive analysis. However, they can push power for your competitors and you want to be aware when that’s the case to ensure you are not just matching efforts on tier one. You could be missing out on opportunities, because you missed this during the link planning phase.

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Now that we have the backlink gap and anchor text analysis completed, it’s time to break out a calendar of link building. This really gives us an idea on budget and allows us to set both internal and external expectations on the length of the link building component of the campaign.

I like to look at the duration and volume perspectives of the link building based on our gathered data and make final decisions before compiling this all into a workbook so the link building team can get started.

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Sorry for the format, but if you zoom in you can see the layout of the workbook. That’s the most important aspect. In the next piece of link building content I will show you guys our outreach and link building processes, so you can go from research to ranking. I will also be looking at more link content to produce to supplement some of the areas of this process I just didn’t have the opportunity to cover lest this turn into a proper book instead of an article. 

Don’t Guess at Link Building – Get Your Link Gap Report

Link building is both an art and a science. The complexities of building the right links—at the right time and in the right context—can make or break your SEO efforts. Each specific situation requires a carefully tailored approach to ensure your links not only drive authority, but also maximize their impact on your rankings. That’s why your link building plan must be backed by data.

Are your competitors dominating the search rankings while you’re left wondering why? It’s time to stop guessing and start strategizing. Our link-building philosophy is rooted in tested, reliable methods designed to bridge the gap between you and your competition. But don’t just take our word for it—see the data for yourself.

Get your free link gap report today and discover exactly where your website stands.

This is your opportunity to uncover missed opportunities, outpace competitors, and drive measurable results. Don’t let them have all the top spots; claim your edge now with actionable insights tailored to your goals.

Beyond Backlinks: A Data-Driven Approach to Link Building for SEO Success

Beyond Backlinks: A Data-Driven Approach to Link Building for SEO Success

Before we dive in, I want to cover – at a high level – our general philosophy on link analysis and planning. Although it should become obvious as you read on, it ought to be made clear upfront, as it helps us create a linear process for building backlink campaigns. 

We believe, like anything pertaining to SEO, reverse engineering competitors will always remain not only a crucial step but the most logical strategy to inform an action plan. In Google’s black boxed world we have little clues that come in the form of patents, quality rating guideline docs, resources they publish, etc.

These serve as great resources for SEO testing ideas. But, in my opinion, we shouldn’t take any of these things at face value. We have no idea if Google is still using protocols from a 15 year old patent in their current document ranking algorithms. So, we inform ourselves using these tidbits, and we test. The SEO Mad Scientist was founded to be a detective that can use these clues to serve as one of a few information vehicles that inspire tests. 

This is a thin abstract knowledge layer that should serve as a sliver of your SEO campaign building strategy. 

Then, we have competitive analysis. 

I’m going to make a declaration that really does not have a counterargument, at least not one of sound logic. Reverse engineering what’s working in a SERP is the strategy everyone should use to influence what optimizations you perform. There really isn’t a better way. 

To simplify this statement into the most palatable example, let’s take a trip back to seventh-grade algebra. Solving for ‘x,’ or any variable, requires you to look at what constants exist and then perform some simple orders of operation to discover the value of said variable. We can look at what our competitors are doing, the topic coverage of their pages, the links they build, keyword densities, etc. 

Now, if you are collecting hundreds or thousands of pieces of correlative data, I would say a majority of that is going to be unhelpful. The benefit of tracking larger swaths of data like this would be to measure when certain things seem to shift to be more causative of rank changes when tuned. For most people, it will serve you just as well to have a much more concentrated list of best practice items you ought to reverse engineer. 

The final layer of this strategy is to outperform. As macro as it may seem, especially in extremely competitive SERPs where it could take years to match the top competitors, building to be in parity with sites in the top spots is phase one.

Once there, the idea is to go above and beyond to feed Google proper signals that continue to push rankings and allow you to create a stronghold at the top of the SERPs. Proper signals and “best practice” items unfortunately can come down to SEO common sense. 

I hate typing that because it thrusts us into a realm of subjectivity. It takes experience, testing, and some notches in the ole belt of SEO success that builds the confidence to identify where your competitors went wrong and how to address that during the planning stages.

5 Steps to Understanding Your SERP Ecosystem

Exploring the ecosystem of websites and links that power a SERP can offer us a smorgasbord of actionable information invaluable to a link plan. In this section we will work on organizing this data into a digestible system that will allow us to identify valuable patterns and insights for our campaign.


I would like to take a quick moment to expand on the thought process that led us to organizing the SERP data in this manner. You’ll find in the next section our protocol for taking a very close look at the top few competitors, but there is a story being told if we take a step much further back. For example:



Start performing some queries in Google and you are quickly met with millions of results. Sometimes over 500m results. This means while we mostly dedicate our attention to the top few websites to analyze, one could argue the links pointing to even the top 100 results are statistically significant, or at least they can be assuming they pass the link litmus test for not being complete spam or junk. 

I want insight on large swaths of what powers the top ranking sites in the sea of documents Google has cached for these queries and with that data here are just a few of the things we can accomplish. 

1. Find prominent links powering your SERP ecosystem

In this case a prominent link is defined as a link that continues to pop up in our competitors backlink profiles. As you can see from the image below, where we are looking at a smaller number of websites in the ecosystem for demonstration purposes, there are links that point to almost every site in the top 10. 


Analyzing more competitors, if you so wish, will uncover more intersections like the one above. I love this strategy and it’s supported by solid SEO theory from a couple of sources which I will cite below. 

  •– This patent expands on the original PageRank concept by factoring in topics or context, effectively acknowledging that different clusters (or patterns) of links matter differently depending on the subject area. It’s an early example of Google refining link analysis beyond a single global PageRank score, suggesting the algorithm detects patterns of links among topic-specific “seed” sites/pages and uses that to re-rank or refine scoring.

Relevant Quote Excerpts

“Methods and apparatus consistent with the present invention compute multiple importance scores for a document… The multiple importance scores may be biased by different distributions so that each importance score is particularly suited for documents of a particular topic. … The importance scores may then be combined with a measure of similarity to a query to provide a rank for the document.”

  • Implication: Google identifies certain “topic” sets (or clusters of sites) and uses link analysis within those sets to produce “topic-biased” scores.
  • While this doesn’t outright say “we look kindly on link patterns,” it confirms Google looks at how and where links appear, segmented by topic—a more nuanced approach than a single global link factor.

Column 2–3 (Summary), paraphrased:
“…A plurality of ‘topic vectors’ are established. Each topic vector is associated with one or more authoritative sources… Documents linked from these authoritative sources (or within these topic vectors) may receive an importance score that reflects that affiliation.”

  • Implication: If the link profile of a page aligns with certain authority “seeds” or typical linking patterns for a topic, that page may be deemed more relevant/important for that topic.
  • – While not a Google Patent this paper was written by Krishna Bharat which at a later date joined Google as leader of the Google News efforts.

    Hilltop is an algorithm that attempts to find “expert documents” for a topic—pages recognized as authorities in a certain field—and sees who they link to. These linking patterns can pass authority to other pages. While not phrased as “Google sees a pattern of links and likes it,” the underlying concept is that if a set of recognized experts commonly link to the same resource (pattern!), it’s a strong signal.

Relevant Quote (from original paper)

“An expert document is one that is about a specific topic and has links to many non-affiliated pages on that topic… The Hilltop algorithm identifies and ranks documents that links from experts point to, boosting documents that receive links from multiple experts…”

Hilltop is an algorithm that attempts to find “expert documents” for a topic—pages recognized as authorities in a certain field—and sees who they link to. These linking patterns can pass authority to other pages. While not phrased as “Google sees a pattern of links and likes it,” the underlying concept is that if a set of recognized experts commonly link to the same resource (pattern!), it’s a strong signal.

Implication: If multiple experts in a niche link to a particular site or page, that is recognized as a strong (pattern-based) endorsement.

While Hilltop itself is older, it’s believed aspects were folded into Google’s broader link analysis algorithms. This concept of “multiple experts linking similarly” is effectively Google looking at a pattern of backlinks.

Although these two are specific to links there is a lot of language in the patents that allude to Google “learning” what a quality SERP ought to look like based on quality signals it finds on other documents that are relevant to yours.

I want to always look for positive prominent signals that repeat themselves during competitive analysis and then take advantage of those opportunities whenever possible.

2. Discovering Outlying Link Opportunities Using Degree Centrality

The obvious list of links we find if we want to build toward competitive parity comes from the top several ranking websites. Manually parsing through dozens of backlink downloads from Ahrefs is painfully tedious work. Even processing that out for a VA or staff member makes for a contested queue of never ending work.

Ahrefs does allow for 10 competitors to be entered in their link intersect tool so if you are a subscriber (which in my opinion still outperforms all of the other link intelligence tools on the market, nevermind the spotty PR issues they have had in the recent past) so you definitely go that route if you’re comfortable with that depth and want to avoid this extra work. 

For us, as I mentioned earlier, our interest lies in going far enough outside the list of links that every other SEO is building to achieve parity with the top handful of websites. This builds us somewhat of a moat early in the planning phase as we look to stir up the SERPs.

So, we set a few filters in our SERP Ecosystem and we look for “opportunities” which are defined as links that our competitors have that we do not.


We instantly find the orphaned nodes on the network graph. Sort the table by DR (I am not in love with 3rd party metrics but it does help for quickly finding nuggets in a large list of URLs) and we find some absolute powerhouse links that can be added to our outreach workbook.

3. Control and Manage your Data Pipelines

Easily Add New Competitors and Links into the Network Graphs. Once you have your SERP ecosystem setup, adding to it is a breeze. Removing spam links you want to ignore, blending competitor data from different related queries to manage a more macro database of backlinks, and so much more.

Organizing and filtering your data inside of your own environment is the first step to being able to create scalable outputs and operate at a level of detail that your competitors simply cannot.

Moving data in and out and creating internal automations while introducing additional layers of data analysis can inspire the innovation of novel concepts and strategies.

Make it your own and you will find there are many more use cases for a setup like this, far too many to cover in this blog.

4. Identify Mini Authority Websites using Eigenvector Centrality

In graph theory eigenvector centrality implies that nodes (websites) become more important as they are attached to other nodes deemed important. The more important the neighbors of the node, the more important we deem that node to be.


This outer ring of nodes shows six of the sites that link to a significant number of our well ranking competitors. The kicker is, the site they link to (the node in the center) links to a competitor WAY down the SERPs. If you notice the DR (34) there is a good chance it can get lost in the filtering as we try to locate the “best” links we want to attempt to acquire.

The only caveat with this method is manually clicking through your table is NOT the best option to identify these opportunities. You will want to use a script to crawl your data with a configuration that sets a rule on how many “important” sites ought to link to a website before being considered significant enough to make your outreach list.

Not beginner friendly, but as stated above, once the data is in your ecosystem, writing the script to find these little gems takes an insignificant amount of time.

5. Identifying and Taking Advantage of Disproportionate Competitor Link Distribution

 While the concept isn’t novel,  being able to look at 50-100 websites in the SERP and identify pages on their site that get the most links, is a great way to mine some super variable information.

Mind you, we can look ONLY for “top linked pages” on a site but you are not going to find nearly as much useful information there, especially on well SEO’d websites. You’ll find some regular link building to the homepage and the main service or location pages. Ideally, we are looking for the pages that have a disproportionate amount of links. To do this programmatically you’ll need to filter these opportunities out using some applied maths, with the specific model really being up to you. This can be a bit difficult because sometimes the number of backlinks you want to set as outliers can quickly change based on the size of the numbers. Ex. a 20% concentration of links on a website with only 100 links built compared to one with 10 million links built is a radically different scenario.

A single page getting 2 million links while hundreds or even thousands of other pages make up the rest of the 8 million, means that page should be reverse engineered. Did it go viral? Is it a tool or free resource? Something is attracting those numbers of links.

The page with 20 links sitting on a site where 10-20 other pages account for the rest of the 80 could very well be a typical local website where a SEO link built heavier to a target service or location URL.

Just because a score isn’t definitionally an outlier that doesn’t mean it’s not potentially a URL of interest and vice versa.

Having said that, I lean heavier toward Z-scores. Standard scoring is done by subtracting the mean (finding the sum of backlinks from all pages on the website and dividing that number by the number of pages on the site) from the individual data point (the number of backlinks of the page you’re scoring) and then dividing that by the standard deviation of the dataset (dataset being all of the backlink counts for each page on the website)

Don’t get bogged down by these terms if you skipped a few stats classes. It’s not difficult. The z-score formula is simple enough. You can use this standard deviation calculator for your manual testing. Just plug your numbers in to gather some results and get a feel for your outputs. If you’re sold you can build z-score segmentation into your workflow and display the results in your data visualization tool.

With this data you can start investigating why certain competitors are acquiring atypical amounts of links to specific pages on their site and use it as inspiration to create content, resources, tools, etc. that people provably love to link to. 

There is so much more utility that definitely justifies taking the time to put together a process to look at larger amounts of link data. The opportunities you can take advantage of are near endless.

getting Started

First, you will need a source(s) for backlink data. We are big fans of Ahrefs as their data seems to consistently outperform their competitors. With that in mind, Blending data from other tools is a great idea if the capability exists on your end to do so. 


& like “Oh wait, HAHA we built a DOPPPEEEEE tool that does for you cause ya know, we are web 20”

Unearthing links in one platform that you will not find in any of the others is pretty commonplace but you will need to consider your budget and willingness to ingest the data and normalize it into one format.

Next you will need a data visualization tool. There is no shortage of data visualization tools that you can employ to accomplish our goal. Here are a few resources to help you choose one:

If you decide to choose one from the lists above, jump onto YouTube for some quick tutorials or prompt your favorite AI tool to build you a curriculum you can follow. There are also some great python libraries that have some handy visualization tools. If there is enough interest we could also look at open sourcing our setup as well. 

I digress. (that we built this FOR YOU!)

Also consider hiring a freelancer to build one of these for you is also viable as it is not a complex development endeavor.

Narrowing our Focus for Competitive Parity

The first phase of our link planning exercise saw us gathering and looking at larger sets of data and applying some filters to give us a comprehensive list of backlinks we can attempt to build for our target URL(s). The next phase has us doing WHAT (Anchors it seems – should be mentioned)

Determining Anchor Text Plan

When it comes to looking at anchor texts, I like to work with the top 3-5 ranking URLs for the query I am after. You can definitely circle back to your SERP ecosystem above and create a map of all anchor texts that point to the corpus of websites you are tracking, but for this exercise we are going to focus on what Google put at the top of their SERP.  

Keep in mind we are looking at two different views below. One is a raw look at the link gap between pages and the anchor texts that point to them and the other is a link building schedule. 


Once the sites are added into the system you can make the choice to completely remove outliers by simply not selecting them as part of your math. I make this judgement through a manual review as sometimes a backlink heavy competitor might appear authoritative but at a closer look they have a heavily spammed backlink profile.

Building that level of volume, especially when you are building quality links, to achieve parity with a spammed profile makes little sense. 


We built a system that classifies anchor text so when we start to build links we are not disrupting the pattern of anchors that the top websites achieved their rankings with. Anchor text is still taken seriously by us, not just because internal testing that validates their importance, but Google also has patents that assigns strength to the anchors as well: – Personalizing Anchor Text Scores in a Search Engine: This patent outlines a method where search engines calculate personalized page importance scores for documents based on user-specific parameters. These scores are combined with information retrieval metrics to generate personalized rankings, with anchor text playing a significant role in this process. –  This patent describes analyzing the context surrounding a hyperlink, including the anchor text, to assess a document’s relevance and combat manipulative practices like anchor text spamming. By evaluating the text adjacent to links, the system assigns context identifiers that influence document ranking. – This patent introduces a technique that uses anchor text of links to a document to characterize its relevance, rather than relying solely on the document’s content. By analyzing anchor text descriptions pointing to a page, the system assigns a rank based on how well search query terms match these descriptions.


While link classification is done programmatically, we built a moderation dashboard so we can double check the outputs and modify them if needed. We originally built this circa 2018 and have been refining the logic for years and have run immense amounts of data through it and we usually find the results to be on point, but we always want to be flexible to match the top performers.


An often overlooked metric when people perform competitive analysis, tier two links can be pushing power for your competitors and you want to be aware when that’s the case so you can ensure you are not just matching efforts on tier one and missing out because you missed this during the link planning phase.


Now that we have the backlink gap and anchor text analysis completed let’s break out a calendar of link building. This really gives us an idea on budget and allows us to set both internal and external expectations on the length of the link building component of the campaign.

I like to look at the duration and volume perspectives of the link building based on our gathered data and make final decisions before compiling this all into a workbook so the link building team can get started.



Sorry for the format but if you zoom in you can see the layout of the workbook. In the next piece of link building content I will show you guys are outreach and link building processes so you can go from research to ranking. I will also be looking at more link content to produce to supplement some of the areas of this process I just didn’t have the opportunity to cover lest this turn into a proper book instead of an article. 

Don’t Guess at Your Link Building

Link building is both an art and a science. The complexities of building the right links—at the right time and in the right context—can make or break your SEO efforts. Each specific situation requires a carefully tailored approach to ensure your links not only drive authority, but also maximize their impact on your rankings. That’s why your link building philosophy must be backed by data.

Are your competitors dominating the search rankings while you’re left wondering why? It’s time to stop guessing and start strategizing. Our link-building philosophy is rooted in tested, reliable methods designed to bridge the gap between you and your competition. But don’t just take our word for it—see the data for yourself.

Get a free link gap report today and discover exactly where your website stands. This is your opportunity to uncover missed opportunities, outpace competitors, and drive measurable results. Don’t let them have all the top spots; claim your edge now with actionable insights tailored to your goals.

Click below to start your free analysis and take the first step toward SEO success!



What are Backlinks, and Why are They Important for SEO?

What are Backlinks, and Why are They Important for SEO?

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) remains a crucial factor in determining a website’s visibility and success. Among the many elements that contribute to effective SEO, backlinks stand out as one of the most significant. At The SEO Crunch, we understand the pivotal role that backlinks play in boosting your website’s ranking and authority. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the concept of backlinks, their importance in SEO, and how you can leverage them to enhance your online presence.

What are backlinks in SEO?

Backlinks, also known as inbound links or incoming links, are simply links from one website to another. When a reputable website links to your content, it’s like receiving a vote of confidence in the digital world. These links act as pathways, connecting different parts of the internet and helping search engines understand the relationships between various websites and pages.

The SEO Crunch defines backlinks as one of the fundamental aspects of search engine optimization. They serve as indicators of a page’s relevance, authority, and credibility. When multiple high-quality websites link to your content, search engines interpret this as a sign that your information is valuable and trustworthy.

Seo backlinks meaning: More than just links

While the basic definition of backlinks is straightforward, their meaning in the context of SEO is much more nuanced. Backlinks are not merely connections between websites; they’re a currency of trust and authority in the digital landscape. Each backlink carries with it a portion of the linking site’s credibility, which is then transferred to your website.

At The SEO Crunch, we emphasize that the seo backlinks meaning goes beyond simple connections. They’re a crucial factor in how search engines evaluate and rank websites. The quality, relevance, and quantity of your backlinks can significantly impact your site’s performance in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The Importance of Backlinks in SEO: Why They Matter

Backlinks play a vital role in SEO for several reasons. Here at The SEO Crunch, we consider them one of the cornerstones of a successful SEO strategy. Let’s explore why backlinks are so crucial:

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Search engines like Google use complex algorithms to determine the relevance and authority of websites. Backlinks are a key factor in these algorithms. The more high-quality backlinks your site has, the more likely it is to rank well for relevant search queries.

Increased Organic Traffic

As your search engine rankings improve, so does your visibility to potential visitors. Higher rankings lead to more clicks, which translates to increased organic traffic to your website. This traffic is particularly valuable because it consists of users actively searching for content related to your offerings.

Enhanced Domain Authority

Domain Authority (DA) is a metric developed by Moz to predict how well a website will rank on search engines. Backlinks from reputable sources can significantly boost your DA, which in turn improves your overall SEO performance.

Faster Indexing

Search engine crawlers discover new content by following links. When your content is linked to by other websites, it can be discovered and indexed more quickly, ensuring that your latest updates are reflected in search results as soon as possible.

Building Relationships and Networking

The process of acquiring backlinks often involves reaching out to other website owners and content creators. This can lead to valuable relationships and networking opportunities within your industry.

Types of Backlinks: Not All Links are Created Equal

Understanding the different types of backlinks is crucial for developing an effective SEO strategy. At The SEO Crunch, we categorize backlinks into several types, each with its own value and impact on SEO:

Editorial Backlinks

These are links that are editorially placed by other website owners who find your content valuable and worthy of reference. They’re often considered the most valuable type of backlink because they’re given freely based on the merit of your content.

Guest Post Backlinks

When you contribute a guest post to another website, you often have the opportunity to include a link back to your own site. While these can be valuable, it’s important to focus on high-quality, relevant sites for guest posting.

Directory Backlinks

These come from online directories that list websites by category. While not as impactful as they once were, directory backlinks from reputable, industry-specific directories can still provide SEO value.

Social Media Backlinks

Links from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can drive traffic and increase visibility, although their direct impact on SEO is limited.

Forum and Comment Backlinks

These are links placed in online forums or blog comments. While they can drive traffic, they generally carry less SEO weight and should be used sparingly and authentically.

Good Backlinks for SEO: Quality Over Quantity

What makes a backlink “good” for SEO? At The SEO Crunch, we emphasize that not all backlinks are created equal. Here are some characteristics of good backlinks for SEO:


The linking site should be topically related to your content. A link from a site in your industry or niche carries more weight than one from an unrelated site.


Links from well-established, authoritative websites are more valuable than those from new or low-quality sites.


A link within the main content of a page is generally more valuable than one in the footer or sidebar.

Anchor Text

The clickable text of the link (anchor text) should be relevant and descriptive, but not overly optimized with exact-match keywords.


A natural backlink profile includes a mix of different types of links from various sources.

The SEO Crunch’s Approach to Backlinking in SEO

Backlinking in SEO refers to the process of acquiring inbound links to your website. It’s a crucial component of off-page SEO and requires a strategic approach. At The SEO Crunch, we view backlinking as an ongoing process that involves creating valuable content, building relationships, and employing ethical outreach techniques.

Content Creation

We believe that high-quality, informative content naturally attracts backlinks. By creating valuable resources, in-depth guides, and unique insights, we give other websites a reason to link to our clients’ content.

Relationship Building

We emphasize the importance of networking within your industry. Building genuine relationships with other content creators, industry leaders, and relevant websites can lead to natural, high-quality backlinks.

Guest Posting

We identify reputable websites in relevant niches and contribute high-quality guest posts that provide value to their audience while also including strategic backlinks to our clients’ sites.

Broken Link Building

This involves finding broken links on other websites and offering your content as a replacement. It’s a win-win situation: the other site fixes a broken link, and you gain a valuable backlink.

Resource Link Building

We create comprehensive resources or tools that others in the industry would find valuable and worth linking to.

Backlinks SEO Strategy: Crafting a Winning Approach

Developing an effective backlinks SEO strategy is crucial for long-term success. At The SEO Crunch, we recommend the following steps:

Analyze Your Current Backlink Profile

Use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to understand your existing backlinks. Identify your strongest links and any potentially harmful ones.

Identify Link Opportunities

Research your competitors’ backlinks and look for opportunities to acquire similar high-quality links. Also, search for industry-specific directories or resource pages where your site could be listed.

Create Linkable Assets

Develop content that naturally attracts links, such as original research, comprehensive guides, or unique data visualizations.

Implement Ethical Outreach

Reach out to relevant websites and offer value. This could be in the form of guest posts, collaborations, or simply sharing your valuable content.

Monitor and Adjust

Regularly review your backlink profile and strategy. Disavow any toxic links and continually refine your approach based on what’s working best.

what is seo backlinks

The Importance of Link Building in SEO: A Long-Term Investment

At The SEO Crunch, we view link building as a crucial long-term investment in your website’s success. The importance of link building in SEO cannot be overstated, as it:

Builds Authority

Consistent, high-quality link building gradually increases your website’s authority in the eyes of search engines.

Improves Rankings

As your backlink profile grows stronger, you’re likely to see improvements in your search engine rankings for target keywords.

Drives Referral Traffic

Besides the SEO benefits, quality backlinks can also drive direct referral traffic to your website.

Establishes Industry Relationships

The process of link building often leads to valuable connections within your industry, opening doors for future collaborations and opportunities.

Enhances Brand Visibility

As your content is linked to from various sources, your brand gains exposure to new audiences, potentially leading to increased brand recognition and trust.

Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Backlinks for SEO Success

In the complex world of SEO, backlinks remain a critical factor in determining a website’s search engine rankings and overall online visibility. Understanding what backlinks are, their importance in SEO, and how to acquire them ethically is essential for any business looking to succeed in the digital landscape.

The SEO Crunch helps clients navigate the intricacies of backlink strategies and SEO optimization. By focusing on creating valuable content, building genuine relationships, and employing ethical link-building techniques, we help businesses establish strong, authoritative online presences that stand the test of time.

Remember, effective backlinking is not about quick wins or shortcuts. It’s a long-term strategy that requires patience, consistency, and a commitment to quality. By investing in a robust backlink strategy today, you’re setting the foundation for sustained SEO success in the future.

Whether you’re just starting to explore the world of SEO or looking to refine your existing strategy, understanding and leveraging the power of backlinks is crucial. With the right approach and expert guidance, you can harness the full potential of backlinks to boost your website’s authority, improve your search engine rankings, and ultimately drive more valuable traffic to your site.

13 Link Building Myths that Hinder Your Rankings

13 Link Building Myths that Hinder Your Rankings

13 Link Building Myths that Hinder Your rankings

Table of Contents

The SEO industry is filled with differing opinions and conflicting ideas. For every SEO that thinks you need a hefty backlink profile to rank, there’s another highlighting content that ranks with few links. These competing ideas lead to many misconceptions and myths of link building.  

Another reason these myths perpetuate is the quickly evolving nature of the SEO industry. As algorithms learn, strategies change. It’s hard to keep up with. Ideas that were best practices five years ago have now become obsolete, but oftentimes the resources aren’t updated.

Not to mention the secrecy of algorithms. No one really knows how Google values links or ranks sites. This unknown leads to misinformation spreading like wildfire. Misinformation breeds confusion and frustration, which doesn’t benefit anyone. That’s why we’re here to clear up the link myths. 

A well-strategized link building campaign can truly make the difference. But you need to know what strategies are actually beneficial and which are complete BS…

All Links are Equal

All links are not equal. First and foremost, every page has an authority assigned to it with different third-party metrics. While these metrics are NOT used by search engines, they do provide a good idea into a site’s quality and trust. 

In addition to a link’s authority, quality and relevance must be considered. Some sites publish high-quality long form content that’s extremely valuable to searchers. Others are half low content pages and barely publish new content. Which do you think search engines would favor? Links from an authoritative, high quality site have higher trust factors with Google, therefore impacting your rankings more. 

Link values also vary greatly depending on the site relates to yours – this is where relevance comes in. A plastic surgeon may not see ranking increases from a mortgage link, but a financial planning site could benefit greatly. It all depends on the niche, area, brand positioning, and current link profile. 

High Authority Links are the Best Links

This is one of the biggest link building myths. Yes, authority plays a part in how valuable a link is, but a high authority link isn’t always the best link. They aren’t guaranteed to boost rankings like many believe. That’s because search engines use complex algorithms that now understand much more than authority. 

Google’s algorithm can identify irrelevant, high authority backlinks being built to strengthen your backlink profile for rankings sake. And their understanding is only getting better. 

Relevant links can be more powerful than those scoring high authority, so don’t write off lower authority links that are relevant to your brand, industry, or area. This is especially true if the site provides helpful, quality content. Plus, lower authority links are often easier to win as they aren’t as competitive.

Links Must Be Relevant to Matter

On the opposite end of the spectrum, others hold the misconception that links must be directly related to your industry. For example, HVAC websites should only get links from other sites in the HVAC industry. However, this would be quite hard to do considering many are your competitors. 

Just as authority isn’t everything, neither is relevance. Backlinks from quality sites are still valuable and play a part in a healthy, natural link profile. 

Relevance can also extend beyond your immediate niche. Consider the HVAC example, there are quality link opportunities not in the HVAC niche, including realtors, insurance companies, hardware stores, and city/county websites. These all have audiences that could benefit from HVAC information and resources. 

3rd Party Metrics like Spam Score, Domain Authority, & Page Authority Determine Link Quality

It’s true that authority metrics can correlate to higher quality sites. However, that’s not always the case. Low quality domains with high authority metrics exist. You can’t rely on these metrics to give you an accurate assessment. 

Search engines don’t share how they calculate authority or quality, so third party domain metrics are more of a guesstimation than hard numbers. Each SEO tool uses its own proprietary algorithm to determine authority metrics, but none are even close to Google’s complexity. Without understanding exactly how Google determines quality, their ratings won’t be accurate.

Avoid solely relying on authority metrics to guide your linking strategy. Authority metrics don’t equal quality. While they can give some insight, they aren’t used in determining rankings, so take it with a grain of salt. 

Paying for Backlinks is Bad SEO

Many believe that paying for backlinks is unnatural and therefore bad for SEO. It is true that paying for backlinks can be bad for SEO, but it all depends on what links you’re purchasing. The problems come when you buy low quality links.

Oftentimes the links for sale are link farms that sell links to hundreds of domains or other low quality sites. These can be harmful to SEO. However, there are diamonds in the rough. You just need a trustworthy link partner that’s reviewing for quality.

We recommend finding a trusted source to purchase niche relevant or locally relevant links as these will be more closely related to your brand. One example is Web 2.0 Ranker’s link building packages. They offer white label links with DA over 50 and consistently monitor link partners for low quality content and spammy practices. 

The Best Anchors are Exact Match to Keywords

Quite the opposite. If your anchor text profile has too many exact match anchors, this signals unnatural link building. When Google released the Penguin update, many sites overusing exact match anchors got hit. To this day, it’s something Google is working to identify and penalize accordingly. 

Anchor text is the clickable copy used to link. For example, Local Client Takeover would be the anchor text. There are a variety of anchor text types, including branded, naked, exact match, partial match, generic, and images. Your anchor text ratio consists of these different types of anchor text. 

You need a diverse set of anchor text in order for your link building to be considered “natural” in Google’s eyes. But diversity is subjective and varies drastically between industries and areas. Evaluate the anchor text ratios of the top-ranking sites in your niche. Then, mirror their ratios. 

In general, your most-used anchors should be branded anchors & naked URL anchors. Think about it, if external sites are linking to your content, chances are they don’t use your exact target keywords as anchors. They will generally use your brand name, some variation, or just the URL when referencing another brand or topic. We also recommend using generic anchors, but the optimal anchors will depend on what your current anchor text profile is. 

Aim for competitor parity – if they’re ranking at the top of the SERPs, Google likes what they’re doing. Staying in-step with top-rankers allows you to build backlinks more quickly without risking unnatural linking. 

You Need a Specific Number of Links to Get on Page 1

There isn’t a magic number of links that automatically gets you to the top of the SERPS. 

Like many other SEO questions, the answer is, “it depends.”  What will rank you at the top depends on industry, area, search query, and what’s ranking in your SERPs.

Let’s say you want to rank for “plastic surgeon Los Angeles”. When we evaluate the SERPs for this keyword, the top ranking page has over 4,000 backlinks. That’s not surprising considering the competitiveness of the keyword and population of LA. 

Now, what if you wanted to rank for “plastic surgeon Tampa”. None of the top 10 sites are even close to the number of backlinks. The number of backlinks varies greatly depending on the population and how saturated the industry is, among other things. 

As you can see, there is no specific number as it varies so widely. The same is true based on industry. A plastic surgeon and a plumber won’t need the same number of backlinks to rank as the customer value and competitiveness are vastly different.

Our best advice is to evaluate the SERPs for your target term and see what’s currently ranking. How many backlinks do the top 10 pages have? Use these numbers to create a range, then start building backlinks until you’ve hit that range. 

You Can’t Build Too Many Links

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing – including backlinks. If you have significantly more links than any other site in your niche, this can be seen as spammy link building by search engines. If you’re building many links in a short amount of time, this can also signal you’re manually building links to rank higher, something Google doesn’t necessarily like. 

We recommend finding an industry average. Of course there will always be outliers and those who have more, but get a general idea as to the backlink profiles in your industry. If there’s an average of 2,000 backlinks, don’t build 15,000. But if you have 3,000, that’s not something to worry about. 

You can use Ahrefs dashboard to see your link graph for both referring domains and backlinks. This tool is a great way to visualize your link velocity and compare against your competitors.

You Need a Lot of Backlinks to Rank High

If you’ve heard you need a lot of backlinks to rank high, you’re not the only one, but that statement is only partially true. Yes, having more QUALITY backlinks will give you a ranking advantage, but building a bunch of links that are low-quality can do more harm than good. 

Focus on building relevant, quality backlinks instead of acquiring a lot. Quality backlinks carry much more weight and benefit you longer. There are many sites that rank without thousands of links. You can too, depending on your industry.

If you need link ideas, research your competitors. Find common links your competitors have that your site is missing. Then, go out and get those links. Competitor parity affects rankings more than the actual number of links you have.

Guest Posts Aren’t a Valuable Linking Strategy

Many SEOs will tell you guest posting is a thing of the past. Chances are these people are simply reading headlines and advice from others instead of actually testing the efficiency of these links. It’s a total myth that guest post links no longer work – you just have to understand how to use them effectively. 

Look for guest posts on locally relevant or industry relevant sites. These are a natural fit so they’ll have the biggest potential impact. If there aren’t options for your niche or area, focus on finding high quality sites for guest posting. Also ensure you’re using safe anchors, like brand name, so you’re not over optimizing content. 

You must also use a healthy mix of link types. You cannot only build links through guest posts and expect to climb the rankings. In the early days of SEO, you could build pretty much any link and you would see a positive impact. This is often what people are referring to when they say, “guest posting is dead.” Just look for highly relevant and/or quality opportunities – not just any site selling guest posts. 

Guest posts are especially beneficial for local SEO, so if you’re working with a local business, be sure to add this as part of your strategy!

Building Links too Fast is Bad

This is one of those “it depends” situations. Building links quickly in and of itself isn’t necessarily a negative thing. There are many instances where earning a high number of links in a short amount of time is normal… 

Consider if your brand got a lot of publicity or a piece of your content went viral. Chances are this would attract significantly more links in a short timeframe. Other instances of sped up link earning include news sites, research, and polling data.

Keep in mind though, if your industry doesn’t build many links and you’re aggressively building, this can be a sign to search engines of manipulation. That’s why we always recommend doing competitor research before any SEO campaign. 

Evaluate what the top ranking competitors are doing. See how quickly they’re building links and how many they have. While you don’t need to match their numbers specifically, you don’t want to be too far off from the range of your competitors.

The Only Value from a Link is Ranking Power

Building links is not just about acquiring a link for authority. There are many other benefits. You can build your brand, increase awareness, broaden your audience, and create trust with searchers and search engines. So don’t only think about links only in terms of SEO. There is enormous value to getting your site in front of new people. Not to mention building relationships with other sites in your industry. 

I Don’t Need a Backlink Strategy

This misconception may be the most important as it combines all the ideas we’ve talked about above. Without a backlink strategy, you’re building blind. You could be using the wrong anchor text type that leads to lower rankings. Or building too much of one type of backlink, diminishing the value. Or building links too quickly so your link velocity is thrown off. You could also be misaligned with competitors – either too many or not enough links. 

A plan must be in place to ensure you’re maximizing each and every move you make. Otherwise, you could be wasting your budget without even knowing. Or worse, tanking your rankings.

Just remember, proper planning prevents poor performance. Always research competitors and think through your backlink strategy before building. If you do these things, you insulate yourself from easily avoidable issues like over optimization.

Considering how time consuming link building can be, it’s important you understand  the most common link building myths, so you have a practical plan of attack. But there’s a lot of conflicting SEO advice that can muddy the waters…

Don’t base your link building off what you heard or over-generalized strategies. The truth is, the best link strategy depends on a variety of factors. There is no hard rule or standard guidance, so do your competitive research, evaluate what top-ranking sites are doing, and compare against your strategy.

What is The Xrumer?

What is The Xrumer?

Xrumer 18

Xrumer is an automated link-building and SEO software that has been around since 2006. It is used by marketers and SEOs to create and post thousands of backlinks quickly and efficiently. Xrumer is a powerful tool that can be used to increase website visibility, drive traffic, and boost a website’s rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). While Xrumer has become a popular tool among many marketers, some are still unaware of its capabilities and benefits. This blog post will provide an overview of Xrumer and discuss how it can help webmasters and marketers increase their website’s visibility and rankings. We’ll discuss the features and benefits of Xrumer, how to use it, and what to consider when using it. Xrumer is a comprehensive, high-powered tool that can help your website gain visibility and higher rankings, but it’s important to know how to use it properly and safely in order to maximize its benefits.

1. Definition of Xrumer

Xrumer is a powerful link-building tool that searches the web for text advertisements and posts them on forums, blogs, guestbooks, and other websites. It helps to boost search engine rankings by generating a large number of backlinks to a website or blog. It is widely used by SEO experts and webmasters to increase website traffic and build brand recognition. By using Xrumer, webmasters can create thousands of backlinks in a matter of minutes, with the potential to reach millions of people. Xrumer is easy to use, fast and has proven to be highly effective in helping websites achieve higher rankings.

2. Uses of Xrumer

Xrumer is a powerful, automated link-building tool that is used by SEO professionals, webmasters, and marketers. It automates the process of creating backlinks to your website, helping to improve your search engine rankings and website traffic. Xrumer can be used for a variety of purposes, including blog comment posting, forum posting, social bookmarking, and link building. It can also be used to create high-quality content on your website and to automate the process of submitting content to article directories. Additionally, Xrumer can be used to build a network of websites, which can be used to generate more traffic and better search engine rankings.

3. Types of Xrumer Links

Xrumer is an automation tool designed for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes. It works by posting messages to various message boards, blogs, social networks, and other websites. This helps in increasing the visibility of a website and improving its page ranking in search engine results.

There are three types of Xrumer: the free version, the basic version, and the full version. The free version is best for users who are just starting out or want to experiment with Xrumer before investing in the full version. The basic version offers more features such as keyword optimization, automated link building, and more. The full version is the ultimate solution for SEO experts, as it offers a wide range of features such as multiple account management, advanced link building, spam protection, and more.

4. Benefits of Xrumer

Xrumer is a powerful SEO tool that allows website owners to generate thousands of backlinks. It can be used to boost the search engine ranking of a website and help it reach the top of search engine results pages. Xrumer also offers a number of other benefits, including:

1. Increased Traffic:

  • Xrumer helps to generate more traffic to a website by creating thousands of backlinks, which in turn increases the visibility of the website and helps it to get more exposure.

2. Cost-Effective:

  • Xrumer is a great cost-effective tool since it helps to save time and money. It is much cheaper than hiring an SEO agency and can help to achieve the same results at a fraction of the cost.

3. Easy To Use:

  • Xrumer is very easy to use and can be used by both beginners and advanced users. It has an intuitive interface with detailed instructions and tutorials to help users get started quickly.

4. Improved Rankings:

  • Xrumer can help to improve the rankings of a website quickly and efficiently. It can generate thousands of backlinks and help to boost the overall rankings of a website.

5. How to Use Xrumer

Xrumer is a powerful link-building tool that helps generate backlinks for websites and blogs. The tool works by automatically posting your content to thousands of websites, forums, blogs, and social networks. Although Xrumer can be used to boost website rankings, it is important to understand how to use it properly. Here are five tips on how to use Xrumer effectively:

  • Create quality content that is relevant to your target audience. Xrumer can help spread your content, but it won’t make up for poor-quality material.
  • Use Xrumer to post content to social media accounts and communities related to your niche.
  • Create a profile on each website you post to. This will help you build relationships with other users and increase the chances of your content being shared.
  • Use Xrumer’s report feature to track how your content is performing.
  • Monitor and adjust your Xrumer settings regularly to maximize your results.

In conclusion, Xrumer is an excellent tool for SEO experts, businesses, and individuals who want to promote their websites, blog posts, and articles. It is a powerful tool for automating link-building, increasing website traffic, and improving rankings. Although it can be a bit pricey, and there is a learning curve, it is well worth the time and money when used correctly.

Please, click HERE, if you would like to purchase the Xrumer

The post What is The Xrumer? first appeared on Authority Link Building.

Managed Link Department Manager – Igor Lebich

Managed Link Department Manager – Igor Lebich

Meet Our Managed Link Department Manager: Igor Lebich

Position/Role at Web 20
Managed Link department manager

Professional Bio :
I discovered SEO in 2018 and then spent six months learning it full-time. After that, I worked in an SEO agency, built & ranked a few websites, and then joined Web20ranker.

How long have you worked with Web 20?
3 years

What does your job entail?
In my most recent position, I’m responsible for managing the “managed linkbuilding” clients. This involves onboarding, campaign audit, SEO strategy planning, fulfillment, client reporting & communication.

What do you like most about your job?
The ability to work with professionals (and learn from them). Sometimes it feels almost like cheating: you can learn from these people and get paid for it.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work?
I think it’s the drive to identify problems & find solutions. Not only this way I contribute to growing the company, but I also grow myself and my skillset/mindset.

How has Web 20 helped you in your career development?
While working with web20ranker, I was able to expand my skill set and thus be able to solve problems faster and more efficiently. Web20ranker is still my “career,” though.

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Web 20, whose job would you want?
Mike Milas. As far as I know, Mike is responsible for improving the workflow & automation at the company. In my opinion, it allows the company to grow while simultaneously making it a good place for the team members.

What advice do you have for prospective Web 20 candidates?
In my opinion, lots of people see jobs purely as a source of income. I think it’s a mistake, and with such a mindset, any job will feel like pain and obligation. I personally see a “job” as an opportunity to improve both the company and yourself. I recommend that candidates set a goal and focus on improving themselves and working towards the goal rather than on their paycheck.

What drew you to Web 20 originally? And how has Web 20 changed since?
Back then, I was at the stage where I “knew” about SEO, but it wasn’t real for me because I hadn’t seen or known anyone who makes money off it. Joining a big team of people who make their living off SEO was a big confidence boost and validation that “SEO” is real and makes you money.

Since I joined Web20ranker, the company has grown significantly, and I think it has faced new types of challenges. It feels good to be a part of a growing company.

What have you gained from working at Web 20?
I have gained experience from the supervisors I worked with. I’ve also expanded my skill set, allowing me to look at things/problems differently. An example would be “management” skills – where you must ensure that 50 – 100 campaigns are running smoothly, work is being done, and clients are happy.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

Walking with my wife and our dog Dudu
Playing the guitar
Swimming in cold water every day (Autumn max, hoping to do so in Winter too)
When in Turkey, my wife and I love snorkeling, and I’ve tried spear fishing

One quote you live by

Take responsibility for your own happiness. Never put it in other people’s hands.

How do you define success?
Success is when you’re on the right track – working on reaching your goals.

I think this is something that comes gradually. I cannot name a point in time like, “okay, success is finally here; good job.” It’s always a series of ongoing small improvements, and only when you turn back – can you notice the difference between then and now.

What has been your favorite project at Web 20?
We have a client who’s an “IT support” business. They came in with an awful backlink strategy. The strategy I recommended worked very well, and the client is now happy with his choice.

What is your greatest fear?
Not having a goal in life.

Where is your favorite place to be?
Turunc, Marmaris

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
Selling laptops on eBay, cutting grass, etc.

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
Hard to answer because SEO is the career I chose, and this is what I love doing. If SEO didn’t exist, I would probably choose to work as a video game developer/creator.

If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
Yuri Shvets. He’s an ex-KGB officer and now is a business intelligence / political analyst.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Business analysis/management

What are three words you’d use to describe Web 20?
Improve, grow, communicate

What is something you learned in the last week?
How to use Figma

Link Building Manager – John Pim

Link Building Manager – John Pim

Meet Our
Link Building Manager
: John Pim

I do have a bit of history with W2R even before I started working in the company. I remember a few years back, I think it was 2015 or 2016 when I first started with Mark and W2R on some link building stuff. After that Neil came into the picture and I pretty much worked with him for a while. Fast forward to 2020, I saw a post from Chaz that the company is looking for a link building manager and I decided to send Chaz a message and apply for the job. Since then, I now manage our link building department.

As far as SEO or Link Building is concerned, I got into this like 10 years ago. At first building my own sites and links. In 2015, I launched my own link building service and that is when I first started working with W2R also. The service grew kinda big and after 2 or 3 years I decided to rebrand and add a few more extra stuff to our services.But then life came into the picture and it hit me with some bad health issues and from there everything went downhill as my focus at that time was on my health and doing everything i need to do to get better. And in 2020 i think it was i started working at W2R as the link building manager.

How long have you worked with Web 20?

A year and half. I think it was October 2020 when I joined the team.

What does your job entail?

My job is to make sure our clients get the best links we have to offer. But some of the things I do are client support, managing the team, doing quality checks on links to make sure everything is up to our standards, launching new services and improving on what we have.

What do you like most about your job?

I probably gotta say the company and the people I work with. It feels great working with some of the best minds in the online marketing field. Plus I learned so much about leadership and how to manage a team. I just love it at W2R!

What motivates you to wake up and go to work?

For me, it’s knowing that my work is helping so many people. Be it local business clients or agencies who help other local business clients.

How has Web 20 helped you in your career development?

My number one thing that has helped me a lot was the management stuff. I learned so much about leadership and management, stuff I didn’t know about until I started working at W2R.

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Web 20, whose job would you want?

No one 🙂 I love my job, my department and the people I work with.

What advice do you have for prospective Web 20 candidates?

Take some time for self reflection on factors such as where you are, where you want to head, and what matters to you in your career.

What drew you to Web 20 originally? And how has Web 20 changed since?

As I said, I worked with W2R even before joining the company so I already knew the company and some of the members and that is what made me apply for the job. W2R has grown so much from the time I first started working with. It has grown so much on both members and services.

What have you gained from working at Web 20?

I would have to say that the 2 biggest and most important things are freedom and knowledge.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

Watch a movie, show or documentary. Go biking or just play some games.

One quote you live by

No pain no gain!

How do you define success?

Success for me is the ability to reach your goals in life, whatever those goals may be.

What has been your favorite project at Web 20?

Building up our niche guest posts service and the links recommandations. I love building stuff 🙂

What is your greatest fear?

I don’t know if this should be called fear but I do not like losing. I am a competitive kinda guy but i hate losing.

Where is your favorite place to be?

One of them is where i’m at now in Spain, and the other one is in my home country up in the mountains.

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

Oh my, I do have a few from my youth. I would say building pools. I did that for like 2 years after highschool.

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

IT stuff most probably or cooking as a chef as i do love cooking for myself.

If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

David Goggins.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I love everything about space so i would say an astronaut.

What are 3 words you’d use to describe Web 20?

Family, Quality and Transparency.

What is something you learned in the last week?

I actually learned about blockchains and nfts.

Competitor Link Research with Custom Signals

Competitor Link Research with Custom Signals

Custom Signals Expectations Guide

Table of Contents

If you’re wondering how to do competitor based link building, specifically competitor link research and manual outreach… but don’t want to handle all of the intricate strategies that an effective parity-based link campaign demands, our custom signals campaigns are a great way to achieve competitor parity with top-ranking sites for your target terms. If you aren’t using custom signals in your current client campaigns, you will want to build them in soon. It provides effective, yet affordable competitor link research, as well as link outreach and account creation, that effectively moves the needle to maximize campaign results.

Custom signals is a custom link-building service you can purchase as a one-time package or a monthly link-building campaign. We go into more detail about specific questions and expectations below.

Quality of Articles – What Does Basic AI-Generated Content Mean?

Quantity of links (We put as many links as are allowed per platform and we do not ever spam articles with anchors)

Will there be Irrelevant info in this AI Content, such as services that the company does not provide? The short answer here is Not Anymore! We have implemented our own content team in the custom signals department as well as updated our intake forms to allow our clients an opportunity to provide topics/keywords/services that we do NOT want to write about. So this issue is solved, but please let us know if you receive any irrelevant content and we will get that rewritten. Of course, you can always ask for proof approval if needed!

Relevance of Properties for Article Submission Add-on Explained

As for article directory submission sites, these are rarely going to be niche or locally relevant. Instead, they are generally large article publishing sites we use to source brand mentions and for link diversity. The site doesn’t need to be topically relevant to gain benefit as a brand mention. For example, sites like Wikipedia, Forbes, and Huffington Post are not niche or locally relevant, but links from these are certainly not ignored by Google. Therefore, we do not operate under the assumption that Google would ignore a link from sites such as Tumblr, Medium, or Behance either. In fact, this tactic is part of a tested and proven strategy for link diversity and Brand Authority! It is also likely the top 3 competitors are diversifying their backlink profile with these same types of sites, otherwise, they would not be in the top 3 to begin with. Article submission add-ons also unlock access to 2500+ words of monthly content generation that you can then use elsewhere in sites, blogs, and social posts!

Can I Improve Rankings Using Only the Custom Signals Service?

While custom signals are a very strong tactic for local and even national SEO, it is often not the only thing recommended to rank a GMB listing and dominate the local space. We recommend checking out our other local services as well. In particular, our Accelerated GMB Campaigns and Monthly GMB solutions. You can also continue to grow your rankings and strengthen your listing with our local SEO guides available in the blog. Great Backlinks Alone is Not Going To Be a Silver Bullet, But They Will Certainly Move The Needle!

Discount Alert!!

Get $30 OFF Custom Signals now! Just add them to your cart and using the code CustomQA30 at Checkout. We recommend ordering the highest hour amount for signals as this coupon code is only good ONCE per user.

What does Manual Outreach Mean?

We will personally reach out to domains on behalf of your client to procure links that are not readily available via a submission form or account creation. We find and prioritize all opportunities then reach out via email to the webmasters where needed and possible! We prefer to use a branded/domain-based email address for more effective link placement, which is provided by you in your order (if possible). We see much better link acquisition when we reach out from branded accounts as opposed to generic gmails or unrelated addresses.

Why do you need a Domain-based email?

A domain-based email is required for verifications on most account-based sites we will submit to. If we don’t have the domain email, we can’t submit to that site and won’t be featured on domains where your competitors are! Furthermore, we have seen much better link acquisition when we reach out from branded accounts as opposed to generic gmails or unrelated addresses. Link indexing is also a consideration here as the accounts/links appear much more natural to algorithms! 

What about paid links?

As mentioned previously, we find all links and prioritize their value then open up to the submission stage. If we find paid links in our competitor research, we highlight those links with prices and instructions in the report. Suffice it to say that not all paid links are great, but if we highlight and report them in our parity-based research, we have found them to be valuable links your competitors are using to build their brand authority and backlink profiles. It will be up to you and your client to decide whether the benefit outweighs the cost as well as to follow through on making that link purchase.

How Long Will These Links Be Live?

Link longevity depends solely on the specific platforms for each link. Some are guaranteed for a year or less…some longer. Other account-based sites and links are there for life as long as the accounts are used and not purged for stagnation. However, you can certainly influence the longevity of these links by using them in your link building and making them an integral part of a holistic content strategy. Use them or lose them as the old adage goes!

Should I grab the Unlock PDF, E-Doc, and Image Sites Add-on?

This will depend on the type of business the target website/GMB represents. For information-based businesses that can benefit from PDF, E-Doc, and Image Sites, it makes sense to take advantage of links and media placements on such sites. However, the benefits are not limited to only this type of business. The add-on makes a great additional brand mention and can certainly benefit all types of brands. They can even rank well and populate in search as an Image, PDF Infographic, or E-doc if they are seen as a relevant, authoritative signal for the search term used! Just because your business isn’t in an industry where E-docs, PDF Infographics, and Images are prevalent, doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t be useful brand mentions for your backlink profile!   

Should I Grab the Unlock Monthly Signal Boosting Add-on?

Yes, this will only further improve indexation rates for these new links. This is even more important for new brands and entities that may have weak brand authority and shallow backlink profiles. 

Do I need the Hand Written Content Upgrade?

Generally, this is only necessary if/when you are in a niche or industry that is highly regulated. Otherwise, the AI-Generated Content is great and goes through a strong quality control review before it makes it to you, so no worries there. You can also ask for proof approval of said content and edit it yourself if you’d like. 

There are several things to consider here. How competitive is the niche? How many links do the competitors have? How NEW is the target entity/site url? How many links does it currently have? Where is the site or GMB currently ranking for target keywords/search phrases? We highly recommend making sure your client is aware of these metrics and they are conscious of the real expectations Custom Signals can or can’t do on its own. If you are using Custom Signals as your only backlink building tool, we recommend buying as many hours as possible. The Bigger, The Better! If you are using them as an add-on to one of our managed campaigns then you may consider what link building is baked into those packages before choosing how many hours to add-on. Either way, the best, most competitive, decision is going to be parity based. What does the competition have and how long is it going to take to reach parity?!

Do I need the Hand Written Content Upgrade?

Generally, this is only necessary if/when you are in a niche or industry that is highly regulated. Otherwise, the AI-Generated Content is great and goes through a strong quality control review before it makes it to you, so no worries there. You can also ask for proof approval of said content and edit it yourself if you’d like. 

How Many Custom Signal Hours is Enough? How Many Should I Buy?

There are several things to consider here. How competitive is the niche? How many links do the competitors have? How NEW is the target entity/site url? How many links does it currently have? Where is the site or GMB currently ranking for target keywords/search phrases? We highly recommend making sure your client is aware of these metrics and they are conscious of the real expectations Custom Signals can or can’t do on its own. If you are using Custom Signals as your only backlink building tool, we recommend buying as many hours as possible. The Bigger, The Better! If you are using them as an add-on to one of our managed campaigns then you may consider what link building is baked into those packages before choosing how many hours to add-on. Either way, the best, most competitive, decision is going to be parity based. What does the competition have and how long is it going to take to reach parity?!

Discount Alert!!

Get $30 OFF Custom Signals now! Just add them to your cart and using the code CustomQA30 at Checkout. We recommend ordering the highest hour amount for signals as this coupon code is only good ONCE per user.

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Does Scholarship Link Building Still Work in 2021?

Does Scholarship Link Building Still Work in 2021?

Does Scholarship Linkbuilding
Still Work?

Table of Contents

When PageRank first rolled out, linkbuilding shot to the top of everyone’s to do list. All SEOs understood building links boosted rankings and authority. However, links didn’t need to be high-quality, authoritative, or relevant to your niche to be impactful.

Many also believed, “.edu links are stronger”, so they leveraged these sites for easy and effective linking through scholarship pages. Why put in the work for natural, editorial backlinks when low quality links worked?

Since the beginning of link signals, the algorithm has matured to differentiate different links based on quality, relevance, and authority.

With the advancements, does scholarship linkbuilding still work in SEO today?


Scholarship Linkbuilding Strategy

Everyone wants a shortcut to success. Scholarship links were just that.

Originally, .edu links were effective backlinks that boasted high placement rates. A site would create a scholarship, reach out to colleges for inclusion on scholarship resource pages, then quickly receive links from .edu sites. For $1,000 a site could amass hundreds of backlinks. It was a great way to quickly build backlinks in bulk.

Scholarship linkbuilding skyrocketed in popularity, because sites could leverage one scholarship landing page to acquire tons of backlinks. Less work for more backlinks. After all, colleges want to connect their students with financial resources for tuition.

But it’s no longer that simple…


Why Scholarship Linkbuilding Isn’t as Effective

Over time, this strategy was exacerbated by the loads of bad actors who wanted quick and easy link placement. Now, scholarship linkbuilding has led to an abundance of low-quality links from .edu sites. You’ll find over optimized anchor text, irrelevant scholarships, and unnatural linkage. Not to mention, Google’s guidelines now warn against paying for link placement. But those aren’t the only reasons why scholarship linkbuilding isn’t as effective.

  • Pay to Play

  • No Relevance

  • .edu Misconceptions

  • Inflated Importance of Scholarship Pages

  • Misaligned Context Leads to Misunderstanding

  • Manual Actions

  • Authority Doesn’t Equal Rankings


Pay to Play

Scholarship linkbuilding isn’t sneaky. While algorithms may not be able to spot every link you’ve purchased through email outreach or other sources, scholarship links inherently offer money. Links from scholarships are a blatant pay-to-play linkbuilding strategy that promotes the exchange of money to gain a backlink right in Google’s face.

There is no façade of credible linkbuilding. The link isn’t a vote of confidence for your site. The school is simply linking to your scholarship because you’re offering students a financial opportunity, which will ultimately be spent with the school.


No Relevance

Relevance is now a cornerstone of quality backlinking, and thus rankings. In order to build impactful link signals, everything from content topic to link placement must be relevant to the site’s niche and location.

However, most scholarship linkbuilding doesn’t focus on this. You’ll find random scholarships offered to fit guidelines or links to pages other than scholarships.

It’s not uncommon to find scholarship pages linking to homepages or cornerstone content. This irrelevant link context leads to link depreciation or negative ranking impacts.

Scholarship resource pages must link directly to a site’s scholarship landing page. You must also obtain links from .edu sites with related topics. For example, if you’re a marketing agency offering a scholarship to marketing students, this is relevant.


.edu Misconceptions

The assumption that .edu links possess extra power or link juice is a myth. Google employees have confirmed this. ff in the long run. 

This misconception leads many to focus on building links to .edu sites. Don’t operate under this misconception. It can make your site look spammy if you’re focusing too heavily on these links.

Building too many scholarship or .edu links can also negatively impact or skew your site’s authority. Therefore, you should be mindful whenever building these types of links.

Inflated Importance of Scholarship Pages

Links signal important pages to Google. The more links that point to a specific page, the higher importance Google places on that content or topic. When a significant portion of your link profile focuses on a single scholarship page, it skews Google’s view of your hierarchy and authority.

Google and other algorithms will assume one of your site’s core topics is scholarships. This is counterproductive. Essentially you’re leading Google down the wrong path, which can impact the search results.

Ranking preference could be given to the scholarship page, because the landing page is a meaningful piece of your backlink profile. Your scholarship page could even be shown in the domain’s SERP 10 pack because link distribution signals the scholarship page is a core page of your domain.

If you do build scholarship links, be careful of the ratio of scholarship links to other contextually relevant links. We also recommend not including your scholarship page in the navigation. Link prominence can  signal link importance for the algorithm.


Manual Actions

Google has a special place in ranking hell for link schemes. One indicator of link schemes according to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines is, “low-quality directory or bookmark site links.” This is often the format for scholarship pages.

When you excessively use scholarship links and over optimized anchor text, you risk being flagged for link schemes. The more scholarship links in your profile, the higher risk for manual actions.

If you do use scholarship links, don’t overuse them. Manual actions can lead to significant ranking drops.


Authority Doesn’t Equal Ranking Boosts

It is generally true that sites with higher authority are also trustworthy and high quality. However, just because you acquire a link from an authoritative .edu domain, doesn’t mean your rankings will improve.

First, studies show ranking boosts won’t pass much from the scholarship page to other top-level pages. If the purpose of building scholarship links is to pass along authority and link juice to other main pages, scholarship links are not serving their purpose.

Second, authority doesn’t necessarily equal ranking boosts. John Mueller, a Google Search Advocate, debunked the idea that page authority is a direct ranking factor.

While authority scores are a good place to begin backlink research, relevance is what’s important to rankings. If you’re building links from authoritative sites that have nothing to do with the context of your site (scholarships & higher education), they’re meaningless.

Instead of focusing on measurements like Moz’s Domain Authority and Page Authority, build links that support your site’s main topics. In addition to relevance you want the site to have:


  • Healthy Link & Anchor Text Profiles

  • Quality Content

  • Organic Traffic

  • Keyword Rankings

  • Engagement

As Google’s understanding of link relationships and relevancy continues to evolve, the algorithm will more easily identify manipulative linkbuilding practices and judge the quality of links. While the benefits of scholarship linkbuilding aren’t as robust, there are still effective uses. So how can you leverage scholarship link placement to your advantage?


Why Continue Scholarship Linkbuilding?

While scholarship links may not directly impact rankings, there are still some cases where scholarship linkbuilding is effective if done properly.


Healthy Link Profile

You need a mix of link types to show a healthy, natural link profile. Scholarship links can add to diversity. Even now, Google looks at nofollow links for additional link signals. This trend will continue to grow as Google needs more signals to deepen the algorithm’s understanding.

While it may not directly impact rankings, the evaluation of link profiles will become even more complex as the algorithm matures. You will need a diverse set of links that includes both follow and NoFollow links from a variety of sources.


Building Goodwill

If you’re truly offering a scholarship for the betterment of students, it’s not going to hurt your site. Providing financial help to others is a positive thing. However, the proper signals must be in place.

We recommend adding a NoFollow attribute to signal you aren’t trying to manipulate the system. While this isn’t required, it can get ahead of any potential negatives or manual actions.


Brand Awareness & Online Visibility

While scholarships aren’t the most sound linkbuilding strategy, they do produce more content and widen your audience. By promoting content on new platforms, you increase online visibility and brand awareness with an audience who may not know your site.

Don’t Disavow .Edu Links

In the last year .edu links have become much more ineffective unless done properly. This doesn’t mean you should immediately disavow all scholarship links. We’ve seen cases where a site disavows hundreds of low quality backlinks only to see their rankings drop.

Do NOT start disavowing every .edu link. You need all types of links in your link profile.

The Bottomline

Google is now advanced enough to easily identify quality editorial links and link schemes meant to manipulate authority to increase rankings.

If your links aren’t placed based on merit, it skew’s your authority and creates a bad experience for searchers. Not to mention there’s a history of algorithms heavily penalizing manipulative linkbuilding strategies.

We aren’t saying that .edu backlinks are obsolete. Just simply the scholarship strategy is no longer recognized as a trusted source. It’s wise to approach this topic carefully, but don’t write it off completely.

Don’t invest time into tactics that aren’t future proof. With the Core Web Vitals update looming, these types of links could be devalued even further. Focus on building quality backlinks from relevant sites. While it may be hard work now, it will pay off in the long run.