The internet is now a key component in modern-day life and that has been equally translated throughout the workplace. Web 3.0, sometimes referred to as the Decentralised Web, is the latest generation of the internet and technology. Applications and services powered by distributed ledger technology, the most familiar being blockchain, has evolved the world wide web. Web 3.0 is the future of the internet and is constantly evolving to allow computers to be able to read and decipher information as well as humans, which means AI (artificial intelligence) is going to be a key component for the future of the online world.
The development of Web 3.0 and its crucial role has meant that job requirements have also shifted and key skills such as coding and development are now vital for a future career in this sector.
Higher Visibility has analyzed the different companies recruiting for Web 3.0 jobs, the roles they are wanting to fill, and most importantly, what skills they are looking for to fill these positions.
Through an analysis of job roles within the Web 3.0 category, we found software engineers and developers were the roles that had the most vacancies. In the top spot is Senior Software Engineer, a role designed to direct software development projects, produce code and lead other engineers and developers. This lucrative career could bring you an annual salary of $131,206 based on the national average. It may be no surprise that in the second spot we find Software Engineer. This role is similar to the role in position one, and the main responsibilities are lifecycle software development, programming efficient code, and producing specifications and operational feasibility. This role has an average of $108,249 a year salary.
In the third spot sits Adobe Programmer, this more specific role requires skills in delivering website optimization and customized experience strategies. The level of experience for this role can determine your annual salary ranging from $52,500 to $137,000.
Other job roles featured in our top 10 list include Backend Software Engineer, Community Manager, Developer, Front End Developer, Lead AWS Cloud Developer, Product Marketing Manager, and Programmer Analyst.
While Web 3.0 jobs sit within all companies worldwide due to their internal requirements for developing their websites to maintain the growth of the internet, there are also specific companies recruiting within blockchain, etc. The top 2 companies that are actively recruiting for Web 3.0 jobs are in fact related to blockchain. Coinbase is an online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing cryptocurrency and Consensys is a blockchain technology solution. Interestingly, Garmin appears in our top 3 recruiting for over 10 Web 3.0 roles followed by Chainlink Labs, a provider of open-source oracle solutions.
Seagull Scientific appears in the 4th spot, followed by GDA Fund, a crypto research firm. Other companies in our top 10 are Protocol Labs, Rarible, Accenture, and Eastern Research Group.
Our research has shown that there are a wide variety of roles and companies recruiting for Web 3.0 but it is important to ask, what skills are these employers looking for? Looking at hard skills, the top spot is unsurprisingly Developer skills. As a large majority of the open roles were based around development it is clear that these skills are crucial for a role in this new world of technology. 2nd spot is Javascript, these include functional programming, writing code, and memory management. Marketing falls into the 3rd spot which is a key skill to help these companies grow and be successful in the competitive market. Blockchain and Finance are next in our top 10 which are imperative for starting a career in this sector.
Other key skills that are beneficial for a career in Web 3.0 include Analyst, Front End Developer skills, Full Stack, Data Science, and Web3Js.
The skills listed above are the hard skills that can help be successful in a Web 3.0 role, but there are also lots of soft skills that can be favorable to ensure you are the right person suited to the role, especially advantageous if you are looking at an entry-level position. Communication skills take the top spot with 24% of job adverts requiring this skill, arguably helpful for every job role available. Working with teams follows in the second position, which is crucial when development teams are required to work closely together to hit deadlines and complete the work needed, 24% of job adverts also require this skill. Being Fast-Paced and Dynamic is required for 22% of adverts analyzed, the key to keeping up with the evolving trends of technology happening daily. 1 in 5 of the adverts we reviewed also wanted Leadership as a key skill, a great skill to have that goes hand in hand with working with teams and communication skills.
Self-motivated, Logical Thinking, Intellectual Curiosity, and Agile Working Methods are also key skills listed in the top 20 of the adverts we analyzed. In the final spot is Passion for Crypto/Blockchain, an obvious skill when developing a career in this sphere.
Which of these desired skills do you require to help you gain a career in Web 3.0, the future of the internet? If Web 3.0 isn’t for you, you can also find the top skills every SEO export should have in 2022 here.
Job roles and company data were taken from Indeed.com. Skills data was retrieved from web3.career. Data pulled May 2022.
The post The Most In-Demand Web 3.0 Skills appeared first on HigherVisibility.