How long does SEO take to work? (And 5 tips to rank faster)

How long does SEO take to work? (And 5 tips to rank faster)

An organic website presence is a must if you want to drive leads and sales online. After all, the first-page Google results get up to 89.8% of clicks.

By ranking organically, not only do you not have to pay through the nose per click, the traffic potential is actually higher in the long term.

But it does take time.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a long-term strategy. If you create a Google Ad, you can start driving traffic and results instantly.

But how long does SEO take to deliver results when done right?

That’s what we’ll break down in this article. We’ll cover official Google guidelines, the newest research, and data from internal case studies.

We’ll even throw in a few tips to help you drive results faster.

How long does SEO take to deliver results in 2021?

After optimizing the SEO of a site, it will typically take around three to four months (and up to a full year) before you notice significant results.

This may seem like a long time, but it’s in line with Google’s official guidelines on the topic.

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According to Google’s Maile Ohye, it will take between four months and a year to see results after hiring an SEO agency or expert.

In some cases, with a strong domain and a lot of low-hanging fruit keywords that were previously untargeted, you may see results sooner.

But expectations are a lot less forgiving.

In our latest study on SMBs and digital marketing, we discovered a market discrepancy: 68.8% of SMB owners expect results in under three months.

But unfortunately, SEO is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. The real benefits add up over the long term.

SEO Takes Time… Let the SEO Agency of the Year Speed it up for You!

Since 2009, we have helped many businesses grow their online leads and revenue through SEO. Let us do it for you!

Why does it take “so long” to see results from SEO?

The reason any SEO effort takes months to show results is that even with a lot of hard work, the process involves a lot of waiting.

A few contributing factors to that wait include:

  • Google needs to re-index and reconsider your page rankings for any pages you optimize.
  • Creating high-quality content that matches search intent of the SERPs is time consuming.
  • Google prefers “proven” content with signals (like backlinks) or social media attention that show it’s worthwhile.
  • White-hat backlink and authority building takes time.
  • Google-approved link building (where you earn links by creating high-quality content) takes a lot of time.
  • Building authority and a brand also takes time.

Bottom line: you can’t rush the process.

Any SEO service that offers short-term link building is probably offering black-hat, low-quality links from a private blog network. Even if you see short-term benefits, the risk of getting penalized and completely shut out from the rankings can be severe.

But what if your website or page is brand new? How long would it take to reach the top 10 results then?

How long does it take for a new website to rank on Google?

Ranking a new website in the top 10 results on Google can take a very long time, up to multiple years if you don’t do everything right.

Over 94% of first page results are older than a year. The average page in the first position is more than two years old.

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But don’t give up all hope.

Of the 5.7% of pages that do rank within one year, the vast majority hit the first page within two to six months.

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While the trend varies a bit based on your DR (Domain Rating), even low DR domains show the same tendency for ranking in two to six months.

Note: A high domain rating essentially means your domain has a lot of backlinks from relevant sites in its category. It’s a clear indicator of authority and trust on the internet.

Let’s take a look at a real-life example of how we helped a client reach SEO success within such a time-frame.

Real example of how quickly HigherVisibility can deliver SEO results

We recently worked with a company in the shipping industry that had a very underwhelming organic presence.

When we started working with them in July 2017, they averaged 1,900 visitors per month, including paid sources.

That quickly changed after we got to work.

First, we fixed all on-site issues, like duplicate content, broken links, and more. Then, we applied more advanced white hat SEO strategies, like like analyzing competitor link profiles, creating high-quality content focused on attracting real backlinks.

Within three months, the organic traffic started to shoot up. By December that year, organic traffic had already more than tripled.

But the progress didn’t stop there.

One year later, in July 2018, the site received over 27,000 visitors. That’s a 1,321% increase in traffic in under a year.

But this is a time frame that you can only expect when working with an experienced SEO firm.

If you try to do things yourself, the first step on the journey becomes learning SEO best practices and ranking factors.

And we’ve got bad news for you.

The process of learning the ins and outs of SEO is even more time-consuming than waiting for results when working with experts.

SEO Takes Time… Let the SEO Agency of the Year Speed it up for You!

Since 2009, we have helped many businesses grow their online leads and revenue through SEO. Let us do it for you!

How long does it take to learn SEO?

If you’re starting from scratch, it could take you as long as four weeks to three months to grasp even the basics of on-page SEO.

Just like learning any professional skill from scratch, it takes time. But there are a couple of reasons why even the basics take months:

  • There’s a lot of conflicting information online. Finding trusted sources can be difficult. Here is a list of SEO courses we aggregated that could help get you started.
  • The feedback loop for SEO is very delayed. If you experiment on your site, it will take months before you know if it worked or not.
  • SEO trends and tactics are always changing and developing, so it can be hard to stay up-to-date.
  • There is a wide variety of complex tools that you need to learn to use effectively. For example, can you make sense of these results from Ahrefs, an SEO research tool?

Unfortunately, the basics will only cut it in non-competitive industries or for local SEO.

If you’re in a competitive industry and not just trying to rank for local terms, basic SEO strategy will only take you so far.

If you really want to drive results, you need to master every advanced SEO tactic and become an expert.

How long does it take to be an SEO expert (and deliver results)?

Mastering advanced SEO techniques like an SEO specialist will take you at least a year. And that’s if you’re working in the business directly under someone who knows their stuff.

Creating the perfect SEO campaign for your site will probably take even longer.

Hopefully, by now, you understand that becoming an SEO expert and dominating the results in a few months is a pipe dream. (Unless you absorb new disciplines like a young Leonardo Da Vinci.)

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few quick wins you can implement to see faster results from your SEO efforts.

5 tips to start seeing SEO results faster

Here are five of our best tips to help you start seeing results from your SEO initiatives faster.

1. Use keyword research to find low-hanging fruit

If you target the wrong keywords, you may not have a chance of ranking in the top results even if you invest multiple years.

For example, if you’re a local John Deere tractor dealer, you shouldn’t be focusing on the keyword “tractor” at all.

You’d need an estimated 270 unique backlinks to break into the top results for that keyword.

Instead, focus your keyword research on finding lower volume, less competitive keywords. That could be terms in your local area, like “tractor dealer + city,” or specific tips on tractor maintenance, etc.

Keywords that you could consider “low-hanging fruit” have these three characteristics:

  • An acceptable monthly volume (at least a few hundred searches)
  • Some level of commercial intent (like a product category, name, location, etc.)
  • Limited competition

There are no worthwhile keywords that have zero competition. That’s the reality of doing SEO work in 2021 and beyond.

But you can do your best to find keywords that match that sweet spot of limited competition, decent volume, and good search intent.

2. Invest in a quality host with fast loading times and a professional design

If Google users who click through to your site have a horrible experience, it doesn’t matter how good your keyword selection is.

Page speed became an official ranking factor in 2018. Plus, your loading times affect whether people stay on your page or not, which influences dwell time (another signal).

HTTPS has been an official ranking signal since 2014, and Google Chrome and other browsers will single out your site as unsafe if it’s still on HTTP.

Invest in a quality host that offers HTTPS, caching, and fast loading speeds.

Professional website design is another aspect that plays a crucial role in the user experience of your website. Design and usability is also factored into Google’s algorithm’s brand new page experience ranking factor.

So, to sum up, a great-looking, easily navigated site that loads fast will boost the results from every other SEO tactic you implement.

3. Eliminate basic on-page errors like duplicate content and broken links

The first step towards optimizing your SEO usually involves fixing your existing mistakes. Even if you think you’re doing everything right, there’s probably something you’ve missed.

A study of 175 million pages revealed over 300 million SEO mistakes. That’s an average of more than 1.71 issues per page.

Some of the most common mistakes include meta titles that are too long, duplicate titles, and missing or too long descriptions.

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Other common mistakes include:

  • Duplicate content
  • Hidden (unreadable) content
  • Broken links
  • Missing H1 tags
  • Poorly nested subheaders

To identify other basic mistakes, you can follow along with our local SEO checklist.

4. Start building backlinks by improving content quality and building relationships in your industry

It’s not a secret that backlinks are the key to organic search engine results. On the surface, it’s a factor that hasn’t changed much over the past decade.

When more unique domains link to your page, it means higher rankings and more search traffic.

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But Google now also considers the quality and relevance of your links.

One of the best white-hat tactics for building relevant, high-quality links is to network and build relationships with people in your industry.

You can do this by identifying top bloggers and influencers by exploring competitors for your targeted keywords. Then there’s also the art of building a rapport over social media. Twitter is a good starting point.

Of course, they’re not going to share low-quality, uninteresting, keyword-stuffed content just because they know you.

You have to work hard to level up your content as well.

Do this by:

  • Staying on topic.
  • Developing your voice.
  • Using visuals and graphs to show, not tell.
  • Sharing unique research or case studies when possible.
  • Reading and learning from the best blogs in your industry, but never copying or plagiarizing.

Together, these things will help your organic social media presence, and lead to natural inbound links.

If you then try a tactic like reaching out to blogs that link to an outdated resource, they’re also much more likely to reward you with a link.

5. For faster, better results, leave it to the experts

If you’re completely new to SEO, your head is probably already spinning from the first four tips.

Keep in mind that this is just scratching the surface of the discipline that is SEO.

As a business owner, one of the keys to success is knowing when to delegate and outsource. If you want fast, powerful results from SEO, you’re probably better off leaving it to the experts.

Hiring a professional SEO agency could be the way to go, trusting in their experience and knowledge in order to catapult your page to the top of Google’s search results.


If you try to figure out the world of SEO on your own, you can forget the lower end of the time frame of just a few months to get results.

With a DIY approach, you also have to learn cutting-edge techniques and best practices before you can even start waiting for results.

Best case, you’ll start seeing some improvements in six months to a year. In the worst-case scenario, you could fail to make any real improvements no matter how much time you invest.

If you don’t have time for failure or waiting an extra year before seeing results, you should invest in professional SEO services.

SEO Takes Time… Let the SEO Agency of the Year Speed it up for You!

Since 2009, we have helped many businesses grow their online leads and revenue through SEO. Let us do it for you!

The post How long does SEO take to work? (And 5 tips to rank faster) appeared first on HigherVisibility.

Arabica Vs. Colombian Vs. Robusta Coffee Beans: What’s the Difference?

Arabica Vs. Colombian Vs. Robusta Coffee Beans: What’s the Difference?

Arabica Vs. Colombian Vs. Robusta Coffee Beans: What’s the Difference?

Once roasted, all coffee beans pretty much look the same. But did you know that there are actually many varieties of coffee beans? there are two that matter in terms of our daily coffee consumption – arabica and robusta. These are two coffee types that we usually drink and don’t even realize what we drink. What’s the difference between arabica and robusta coffee beans? knowing the differences will help you when choosing coffee.

Colombian coffee is simply arabica coffee that was grown in Columbia. Arabica is a type of coffee that originated in the Arabian peninsula, and the soil in which is growing will impact its flavour. Colombian soil is rich, so the coffee grown there is flavorful. There is also the fact that Colombian coffee has an extra step when the beans are processed, and that influences the flavour too. So you can say that the difference between arabica and Colombian coffee is the same as between chocolate and pralines. One is the base out of which the other is made.
The type dictates what kind of coffee bean (or beans) are in the blend you are purchasing or consuming. Several different types of coffee are Arabica, Colombian, Kona, and Robusta. Arabica is a fairly standard coffee bean, and it is popular with most coffee drinkers. Arabica beans are in almost all of the blends on our list, establishing their dominance in the coffee world. They are also the most versatile coffee bean since they can be lightly roasted or heavily roasted and produce two very different brews of coffee. Of course, it can be roasted to medium, which is the most popular roast of Arabica beans and most other coffee beans as well. Its mellow flavour changes with the level it is roasted, and it is able to grow in all popular coffee farming locations, and for those reasons, it is used by most coffee farmers, roasters, and manufacturers.

Characteristics of Coffee Bean Types

Coffee Beans: What’s the Difference?
Coffee from chock full of nuts, similar to those that you can find from other companies, are made using beans that have been roasted at different levels. In this case, here are the different roast types and what you can expect from each of them:
light roast: because of lightly roasting the beans, it is able to retain most of the original characteristics of the coffee. This type of coffee will have a high level of acidity.

In this article, we will introduce and identify characteristics of the four main types of coffee beans currently in commercial circulation: arabica, robusta, and the less common Liberica and Excelsa coffee beans.

Arabica has two main varieties, Typica and Bourbon. In canephora, we drink a variety called robusta. This is why the term robusta is generally used for this entire variety of coffee. In effect, coffee beans have been divided into two main types – arabica and robusta. The main difference, besides being different species of the same plant family, comes down to flavour and characteristics of the actual bean.

Top 10 Best Arabica Coffee Beans


When you are looking for the best gourmet coffee brands, you need to make sure that you try out the kicking horse coffee, kick-ass, dark roast, whole bean. The kicking horse coffee, kick-ass, dark roast, the whole bean is a dark roast coffee that is smooth, sweet, and bold. And if you tend to like Arabica beans, you’re going to love the kicking horse coffee, kick-ass, dark roast, whole bean. The beans are sourced from the top growers in Indonesia and South America and they are roasted back in Canada.

Which are the best coffee brands from Colombia? let’s have a look at the top 5 picks. Medium roast
medium-full body with smooth acidity
with sweet, fruit tones, and floral and fruity aroma, Volcanica Colombian supremo is a premium Colombian coffee, shade-grown, fair trade certified, and, most importantly, roasted on demand to ensure the highest quality and customer satisfaction. The coffee is 100% arabica beans with a more fair than robust flavour. While it won’t work best in a regular coffee pot, it’s excellent in the french press. You can also brew it with a drip machine or espresso maker. It’s free of any bitterness but packs a smooth taste you can enjoy day after day.

Coffea robusta makes up the other 40% of the world’s coffee production and consumption. Robusta plants are originally native to western and central Africa, growing in countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania, Liberia, and Angola. In modern times, Vietnam, Brazil, India, and Indonesia are the world’s top exporters of robusta beans. Unlike arabica plants, which look like trees or large bushes, robusta plants look more like vines or wild shrubs. Robusta plants are generally much tougher and more resilient than arabica plants, which means that they don’t require as much herbicide, pesticide, or general upkeep as their more fragile counterparts.

Koffee Kult Dark Roast Coffee Beans

If you don’t know of a local roaster or live in a rural area, another option is to purchase coffee online. You can find a much bigger selection of both ground and whole bean coffee online compared to the grocery store. Check out some of these selections:
Koffee Kult coffee beans medium roasted coffee – this is a medium roast blend of Brazilian and Colombian beans. They offer whole bean as well as ground options (be sure to select your preferred option).

The koffee kult dark roast coffee beans – whole bean coffee is another premium coffee brand that you want to make sure that you try out as soon as you can. One of the best things about the Koffee Kult dark roast coffee beans – whole bean coffee is the fact that you won’t find any oil in the beans, unlike other inferior quality coffee brands. In case you like a cup of coffee that has balanced medium acidity and a big body, and you like that crisp sweet finish that stays in your mouth, the Koffee Kult dark roast coffee beans – whole bean coffee is perfect. You will notice some cinnamon light flavour that perfectly matches the body of the coffee.

Not only 100% arabica the koffee kult dark roast coffee beans also provide to get the smoothest and yummiest blend. The beans are rich with espresso bliss, nutty, and dark roast. Also, the beans are roasted right before packaging. They provide a glossy and dark coating with unbeatable quality. You will indulge in the true taste when it comes to dark roast coffee. Additionally, there is no bitter taste after sipping.

Does Colombian Coffee Have More Caffeine?

The nutritional content for arabica and Colombian beans are fairly similar since they are the same plant. Any batch of coffee has some variations due to things like soil, rain, and sun exposure during growth. The main nutritional differences are between arabica and robusta beans since they are technically two separate species. Robusta is a more “robust” plant that repels insects due to its higher presence of caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

Folgers is a coffee brand that originated in the united states and is owned by the famous j. M. Smucker in their food and beverage division. The company continues being the largest-selling ground coffee in the united states since early 1999. Folgers offer a wide range of coffee products. The products that are available in the united state are classic roast (classic “red can” and half-caffeine medium roast), classic complements (gourmet supreme, 100% colombian, french roast, black silk, and breakfast blend), simply smooth, flavoured coffee (hazelnut, french vanilla, chocolate silk, and cinnamon), Folger’s gourmet selections, instant coffee, singles, home cafe pods, cappuccino, Folger’s flavours coffee enhancers, and Folgers iced cafe coffee drink concentrates. If you are interested on other coffee brands, read our article on Starbucks blonde roast veranda vs willow here.

Different varietals of arabica coffee produce different flavours and bodies, but they have some traits in common. Compared to coffee canephora, arabica is smoother and less bitter with a more delicate flavour. It is also lower in caffeine. Robusta beans are sometimes blended with the more expensive arabica beans to add caffeine and reduce costs. Famous coffee varietals such as Colombian coffee and Kona coffee are varietals of the arabica bean.

Is Colombian Coffee Stronger Than Regular Coffee?

Colombian coffee can be made to be stronger than regular, non-colombian coffee, but in general it is typically weaker. Once you find a coffee maker to fit your lifestyle , experiment with lighter and darker roasts of colombian beans to find a strength that suits you. The high quality of colombian beans make stronger coffee that doesn’t fall apart. Lower quality beans tend to turn into a bitter brew at higher concentrations, but colombian coffee maintains its integrity of flavor, even when pushed through more rigorous and intense brewing methods.

Lavazza Espresso Italiano Whole Bean Coffee 100% Arabica

World’s most famous arabica coffee brand is nescafe. There’re couple of varieties, such as: nescafe gold, nescafe colombie, nescafe alta rica and nescafe espresso. Another type of arabica coffee brand is lavazza gran flitro italian light roast coffee, arabica blend. But you should know that the price is a little bit higher. Maybe some of you don’t know that dunkin’ donuts original blend medium roast coffee is also made from aarabica coffee beans. One more type of arabica coffee brans is tassimo maxwell house cafe collection morning blend coffee.

Beloved and best-selling italian brand lavazza gets our vote for best mild roast thanks to their velvety super crema espresso blend. A mix of arabica beans from brazil and colombia, and india and robusta beans from indonesia and vietnam, this blend is mild, creamy, and medium- to light-bodied. According to the brand’s 2016 sustainability report , the beans that lavazza uses are all ethically sourced, usda-certified organic, and rainforest alliance-certified. Many reviewers pick up notes of honey, almonds, and dried fruit in the flavor profile with zero bitterness and low acidity. Ideally, this blend would be finely ground, brewed as a traditional espresso, and served in a smaller format, but many reviewers coarse-grind this blend and brew it using their drip coffee maker or french press with great success.

An aeropress is a convenient little device for making a great cup of coffee. It allows you to adjust the brew strength as you see fit, plus brings out flavors you wouldn’t get from a normal drip coffee machine. Of course, to get the most out of your aeropress, you must start with the right coffee. Our top choice is the lavazza super crema whole bean coffee blend. This medium roast mix of arabica and robusta beans has a mild, creamy taste with rich flavor notes of honey, almonds, and dried fruit. It also creates a velvety crema that will please espresso lovers.

Arabica Vs. Colombian Vs. Robusta Coffee Beans Processing Method

So what is colombian coffee, in the end ? it’s an arabica bean, grown in a high enough elevation with the necessary climate (humidity, sun, warmth) and with the best processing method possible. What should be noted though is that columbia’s coffee export has started to decline since 2006. This is because of the global warming’s effect on the local climate. The overall temperature and humidity have increased in that area, making arabica beans not grow as well as they used to before.

Colombian coffee has unique flavor due to its growing conditions and processing methods. High-quality arabica beans are grown at high altitudes. They are then processed naturally, by hand, on small farms. This all leads to amazing coffee.

Where Can I Buy Colombian Coffee?

One of the best organic coffee brands on the market in 2018 is, without any question, the kona coffee beans – medium dark roast whole bean. The kona coffee beans – medium dark roast whole bean is made with 100% pure kona coffee beans that are only grown in the rich volcanic hawaiian soil, in one single estate. And this makes this company rather unique because they don’t blend these beans with any others from any other region of the world. In addition, they only use the largest peaberry kona coffee beans which are very rare.

Keep in mind, that even a single type of bean or variety can vary in quality and flavour. Often unpredictable growing conditions and process methods will produce a varying flavour profile in the resulting cup. A successfully grown coffee bean exhibits a completely distinct set of characteristics when grown in one location as compared to another. One prime example of this would be the coffee named kona. While the bean itself is the arabica variety, these beans are grown only in kona, a district of big island in hawaii. The specific environmental conditions of kona gives the beans their unique qualities not exhibited when grown elsewhere. The same would be true for arabica beans vs robusta beans. There can be a wide difference in flavour and quality due to growing conditions and terroir.

Cultivated on the slopes of hualalai and mauna loa in kona district of the big island of hawaii. This well-balanced medium body is grown in highly fertile volcanic soil at about 2000 feet above sea level. Only 2. 7 million lbs of coffee beans are produced each year and a large amount of that is sold directly from the farmers. In order to have “kona” name on the packaging it needs a minimum of 10% pure kona beans, the rest is made up of colombian and brazilian blends.

Kona Coffee From Hawaii

When you’re shopping for arabica coffee, look for beans that were grown in places like the jamaican blue mountains , kona coffee from hawaii, tarrazú in costa rica, or sidamo and yirgacheffe in ethiopia. These high-altitude regions are well-known for producing some of the best arabica coffee beans in the world. Unfortunately, if you’re a coffee “pro” looking for a high-quality arabica blend, you should prepare yourself to shell out more for your coffee than someone who prefers robusta.

Hailed as the connoisseur’s choice, kona coffee beans are grown only in the kona district of hawaii’s big island. The narrow belt of coastal land is favoured with rich, volcanic soil, while the sloping terrain is nourished by a unique microclimate of sun and rain in equal measure. The beans grown in these conditions produce coffee with a mellow, smooth but robust flavour profile. Just like champagne, the growers guard the brand jealously, and only beans produced in the district can bear the kona name. Even so, many others ride on the reputation of kona coffee with misleading names like ‘hawaiian grown’ or ‘kona blend’ which contains no more than 10% of the real thing. Don’t settle for the fake, get the 100% kona gold coffee whole beans from kona rum co.

Experience the taste of hawaii with kona coffee. This brand of coffee is a medium roast which is a chestnut color also known as a full city roast. It’s flavorful with notes of coriander, macadamia nuts and mocha. Kora coffee is rich with a mellow body and distinct smoky earthy aromas. Kora comes at an affordable price but the brand doesn’t compromise on quality. The product is packaged to ensure freshness and they’re organically harvested on the islands of hawaii.

Coffee’s not made in a factory somewhere. It’s grown on farms. It comes from plants. And plants, like any other living thing, have genetic families. The world runs on not one, but two species of coffee beans:
coffea arabica
coffea canephora (or robusta)
you may have seen “100% arabica coffee” printed on your favorite bags of beans before, but what does it mean? how is arabica coffee different than robusta coffee?
all these questions and more are about to be answered. So brew some coffee, pour it into your learning mug, and let’s dive into the main coffee species.

But is arabica coffee so famous? there’re different reasons why people love that type of coffee. First of all, its taste is really smooth and pleasant. But should also know that arabica coffee beans can look and taste different due to different weather conditions. That’s why you may taste some differences when you’re drinking arabica coffee.

There are 2 types of coffee beans out there, and one is arabica , while the other is called robusta. Arabica is the most sought after and common type of bean, because it has a sweeter, milder flavor and has actual notes of honey or vanilla or fruity tones to it, depending on where it was grown or what strain you’re getting. Robusta is the lower-quality bean , or at least is considered so, because it’s got such a strong taste and is definitely bitter compared to arabica. Most folks prefer arabica, so the coffee industry is happily obliging that. Funny enough, robusta is the one with more caffeine – double as much as arabica.

The post Arabica Vs. Colombian Vs. Robusta Coffee Beans: What’s the Difference? appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Arabica Vs. Colombian Vs. Robusta Coffee Beans: What’s the Difference? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Top Real Estate Agents In Laguna Niguel Orange County

Top Real Estate Agents In Laguna Niguel Orange County

Top Real Estate Agents In Laguna Niguel Orange County

When you’re buying or selling a house, you’ll likely reach out for professional assistance from a real estate agent. But how to choose? There are Realtors and just plain real estate agents, part-time and full-time agents, family friends who are in the business, maybe even neighbors down the street. Which one is right for you? After all, this person is going to be your biggest ally, your confidant and your self-appointed BFF throughout the home buying process.
The top real estate agent in Laguna Niguel is an experienced professional who knows your market. Some simple steps can help you find the one who’s right for you.
When it comes to anything related to homeownership, it’s a good rule of thumb to consult your Realtor first.

You need to find an agent before you begin window shopping for homes on your own. You don’t want to fall in love with homes you can’t afford, right? Your real estate agent will help you determine how much home you can afford based on your budget and can help you become pre-approved before you start your home search. Likewise, your Realtor will help keep you up to date with average listing prices, average selling prices, and how quickly properties are selling in your neighborhood.

Laguna Niguel Top real estate agents

Top real estate agents in Laguna Niguel

You’ll also want their expert opinion before making any costly upgrades to your home before listing it to sell. It’s best to stick with people who have bought and sold a house in the last six months because real estate trends change quickly. You want to hear from someone who’s been through the process recently, not a long-time homeowner who bought a decade ago.

If you’re selling a home, ask for recommendations from people who have also sold their home recently. If you’re buying a house for the first time, ask other new homebuyers who they’d recommend. Once you have their recommendations, read any reviews and testimonials available online.
Picking the right real estate agent is one of the most important home buying decisions you’ll make. Just like you wouldn’t pick a roofing company without meeting them first, feel free to interview several real estate agents before making a final decision.

If you’re selling, ask a real estate agent for their honest opinion. Do you need to lower your asking price? Do you need to make any significant repairs before putting the home on the market? Is it a seller’s market?

After compiling answers from a few listing agents, you should have a general consensus. If anyone seems overly optimistic or unrealistic, scratch them off your list. You want a real estate agent who’s going to be straightforward and honest with you, even when it’s hard to hear. Not all real estate agents are Realtors. “The term Realtor is a registered trademark of the National Association of Realtors.” NAR members pledge to abide by the association’s code of ethics.

General real estate experience is a big factor, but it’s equally important that your agent has helped people buy and sell lots of homes in your area. If you live in Laguna Niguel, California, you want an agent who knows what the real estate market is like in Laguna Niguel. It doesn’t do you much good if they know all about real estate in a suburb or a town an hour away.
Seasoned real estate agents don’t just use the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) a regional database of registered property listings to help home buyers find homes. They also keep track of listings through colleagues, door-knocking, and canvassing neighborhoods to find the right properties for their buyers. They’ll also work their industry connections.

Finally, Whether you’re buying or selling a house, understanding how to find a top real estate agents in Laguna Niguel  is essential. Your agent will help you through all steps of the process and answer the myriad technical, tactical, and financial questions that arise, so you don’t have to waste hours Googling into the abyss. A good real estate agent will also have a clear handle on the ins and outs of the housing market in your area.

If you are considering to hire the top real estate agent in Laguna Niguel, call Hadi (949)610-5720 for a private confidential consultation.

The post Top Real Estate Agents In Laguna Niguel Orange County appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Top Real Estate Agents In Laguna Niguel Orange County appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

The Danger of Hairballs

The Danger of Hairballs

This will need urgent medical attention from your vet. Having a cat insurance policy in place will help you take care of any vet bills.

The Danger of Hairballs

The odd hairball is not usually a cause for concern. Indeed, most cats will experience them at some point in their life. Hairballs should not be dangerous for your cat if they are successfully brought up but there is a chance that they can have more serious consequences. If the typical symptoms continue without your cat producing a hairball, it could be a sign of intestinal blockage, especially if this is accompanied by loss of appetite, lethargy, constipation or diarrhoea.

A simple hairball killed our cat. Even now i find it hard to believe. It seems i’ve heard about the dangers of hairballs forever, but i never really knew anyone that had a bad experience. I mean anyone who lives with cats knows the sound of the retching that precedes the upchucking of either food eaten too quickly or that tight little wad of fur known as a hairball. In my house, it seems someone is giving back a present every day, and i’m not even one of those crazy animal people with 20 or 30 pets. All our pets, though, are longhaired – two dogs, now three cats and a very fluffy bunny. I spend a lot of time brushing and combing to try and remove the excess fur, especially now as it warms up outside and they are losing their winter coat.

“hairballs are not only unpleasant, they can be potentially dangerous if they cause an intestinal blockage,” said dr. Brian mclaughlin, a veterinarian with pet health and wellness company tomlyn. “your pet may have a hairball if he or she vomits their food frequently. “hairballs are caused when a pet ingests hair into its digestive tract, usually while grooming. While most are eliminated in the litter box, some sit in the stomach or small intestines and create a “ball” that cannot escape through traditional routes. Some common signs of a hairball include hacking, gagging or vomiting.

Your Cat Has Hairballs: Should You Worry?

Cat hairballs are part of cats’ instinctive grooming regime and are usually nothing to worry about.

Kittens and younger cats usually have fewer hairballs because they are not as fastidious in terms of gro¬¬oming. Older cats, on the other hand, may have grown fussier and may produce hairballs more often. Cats with longer fur, such as persians and maine coons, naturally produce more hairballs as their hair accumulates into a clump faster.

danger of hairballs picture

More than two hairballs a year is cause for concern. But don’t worry: there are a number of remedies out there. Many hairball-fighting cat treats contain flavored indigestible mineral oil or petroleum jelly, which keeps everything lubricated. Some cat owners skip the fancy stuff and just put vaseline on their kitty’s nose, so he or she will lick it off. Switching to a high-fiber cat food is also helpful. You can do it yourself by feeding your cat canned pumpkin.

Cats are very good at keeping themselves clean. They naturally know how to self-groom, and rarely need bathing. However, during the self-grooming process, they can swallow loose hair – and this leads to a cat hairball. Most cats get hairballs from time to time and it’s usually nothing to worry about. But if you are wondering what is causing them, what are the symptoms you should look out for and how to help a cat with hairballs, here is everything you need to know.

Undiagnosed food allergies or inflammatory bowel disease often play a role in the formation of hairballs. These conditions cause the gastrointestinal tract to become inflamed, and that inflammation interferes with a cat’s natural ability to deal with hair that is swallowed (in other words, keep it moving in the right direction). Hypoallergenic diets can help in this case.

My Cat was Diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) causes chronic vomiting in cats. Ibd includes conditions like gastritis, pancreatitis, enteritis, and colitis. Ibd can have much more serious consequences if not treated appropriately. The aforementioned conditions are directly linked to chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. On a side note, chronic vomiting in cats is also a symptom of gastrointestinal cancer. You can see why it is so important to pinpoint the exact cause of chronic vomiting. Early recognition and diagnosis can save your cat’s life.

How Many Hairballs Are Normal for a Cat?

Kittens and cats. We rescue them, buy them, and spoil them. We love everything about them. Well, maybe not everything. There’s not a cat lover alive who hasn’t experienced the joy of cleaning feline vomit from some unsuitable location. Most cat guardians and many veterinarians probably consider regular vomiting of food, bile or hairballs “normal” for a cat. The truth is, it may not be normal, especially if the vomiting is frequent.

Medical conditions, pet services
what is inflammatory bowel disease?
inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) is a syndrome rather than a disease. The syndrome is caused by a specific reaction to chronic irritation of the stomach or intestines. Inflammation is the body’s response to an insult, injury, or foreign substance. With inflammatory bowel disease, specific types of inflammatory cells, depending on the type of ibd, invade the wall of the stomach and/or intestines. “thickening of the gastrointestinal lining makes it harder for your cat to absorb nutrients. “.

Although every cat is different when it comes to how often they experience hairballs, they are considered a normal occurrence and part of the grooming and digestion process. Before reaching for hairball gels, however, you should ensure that nothing is wrong with your fur baby. “usually, they have no problem digesting [fur] and will only cough up a hairball occasionally,” dr. Zay told popsugar, adding that it’s difficult to say how often is too often when it comes to your cat throwing up.

As to how many disgorged hairballs qualify as “normal,” the number varies somewhat among veterinary authorities. Some say a healthy cat might vomit up a wad of fur every week or two. Dr. Brunt says even long-haired breeds, like persians and maine coons, “should not develop more than one or two hairballs a year. ”but all the feline experts agree that excessive production of hairballs can point to an underlying health problem.

Hairballs and Your Cat’s Gut Microbiome

A high-fiber diet will also help some cats with hairballs. Different types of fiber perform different digestive roles. Insoluble (indigestible) fiber sources like cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignins can help sweep hair through the intestinal tract. Sources of soluble (partially digestible) fiber, including chicory, inulin, fructooligosacharides, pectins, psyllium, plant gums, oats, barley, beet pulp, and some types of fruits and legumes, perform a similar function and also promote overall gut health. The bacteria that live in a cat’s large intestine partially break down soluble fibers, producing short-chain fatty acids that are important energy sources for the cells that line the large intestine.

cat sleeping in bed

Can Hairballs Be Dangerous?

Hairballs are a common yet naturally unpleasant substance your cat is likely to pass up sometime during his or her lifetime. While it is natural, having hairballs is a phenomenon that can become more frequent as your cat becomes a better groomer. Besides the great discomfort your cat must feel, a hairball can also, at its worst, cause a dangerous blockage. To prevent and treat any more discomfort and distress to both your cat and you, start with knowing the following causes, symptoms, and remedies for hairballs in cats.

We don’t want our fuzzy buddies to feel insecure and depressed due to hairballs. To solve this problem, you must serve the vetiq healthy bites hairball remedy treats for cats and kittens 65g. This kitten treat is used to help pass the ingested fur into the gut to avoid the development of hairballs. The hairball formation typically causes problems such as constipation, coughing, and vomiting. This hairball remedy is the perfect option to prevent this kind of situation. This healthy cat treat includes inulin, which also supports a healthy digestive system. They have a creamy, delicious filling that contains active ingredients that make them nutritious. You can serve this to your cat on a regular basis as a reward or as a treat because it has high chicken content.

Believe it or not, april 25 is hairball awareness day, one of the pet-health awareness events recognized by the american veterinary medical association. If you have a pet cat, you’re probably plenty aware of hairballs: we find them on the carpet and accidentally step on them when we wake up, an unpleasant experience that triggers memory of hearing hacking in the middle of the night. Ugh. The medical term for hairball is “trichobezoar. ” these masses accumulate in the digestive systems of animals that groom themselves, including cats, rabbits, cattle, even llamas. And hairballs are often no laughing matter for some species, sometimes requiring surgical removal because they may cause cause obstructions and dangerous medical conditions.

If you’re an experienced cat owner, you probably know all too well the annoyance of hairballs. The clumpy messes are icky and cause your cat to make loud retching sounds — no, thank you. Not to mention, hairballs occasionally can lead to potentially dangerous and painful intestinal blockage.

For most cats, hairballs don’t have to come with the territory, so to speak. Sure, long-haired cat breeds are far more likely to deal with hairballs than your regular domestic short-haired kitty, but in both instances – hairballs are just as preventable as they are common. With a proper grooming routine, a well-balanced diet, and some help from hairball remedies, your cat doesn’t have to suffer through incessant retching and hacking every now and then.

What Can You Do to Prevent Hairballs?

Nothing can be done to totally prevent hairballs in cats, but there are things you can do to reduce the likelihood your cat will have hairballs or reduce their frequency. Groom your cat regularly. The more fur you remove from your cat, the less fur that will end up as hairballs in their stomach. Combing or brushing your cat on a daily basis can be an effective way to minimize hairballs, and it can also provide a fun way for you to bond with your cat. If you can’t get your cat accustomed to brushing, think about taking them to a professional groomer for a grooming and haircut (especially for long-haired cats) every six months or so.

What to Do About Hairballs in Cats

Hairballs are a fact of life for cats. You can minimize their effect by aiding your pet in her grooming. Invest in a high-quality hairbrush. The
bristles should be soft, so your cat does not object to its use. Get your cat
into a routine of being brushed at least once a day. Ideally twice. It may take some practice to master this
routine. Cats can become overstimulated. Be brushed may cause this. If your cat.

The first step to preventing hairballs in cats is, without a doubt, a vigorous grooming routine. The less hair your pet has to swallow while he’s licking himself, the less chance of hairballs forming in the first place. This means you’ll have to brush your pet on a regular basis, at least 2 to 3 times a week if they are a short-haired breed, every day if they have long hair and during seasonal shedding.

Cats who barf up a lot of hairballs may be ingesting an abnormal amount of hair because they’re grooming too much. Obsessive grooming can be a sign of anxiety —in response to a sudden change in the cat’s environment, for example—but it may also point to allergies, food sensitivities, or skin conditions that cause itching. Cats may also react with aggressive licking when a part of their body is in pain. So if you think your cat is grooming too much or too vigorously, check in with your veterinarian.

Cats like to look their best, and key to this is a thorough and fastidious grooming regime that puts us humans to shame! an unfortunate side effect is that cats — especially long-haired cats such as maine coons and persians — tend to ingest an awful lot of hair. Whilst the majority of this hair passes through your cat’s digestive system, some remains in the stomach, and this is what forms the slimy cat hairballs most owners have encountered.

What Causes Hairballs in Cats?

If cats aren’t able to digest milk from a different species, then you can be sure that they aren’t able to digest foreign bodies like toys and hairballs that enter their system. Luckily, most cats aren’t like dogs, who will eat just about anything in sight (although some still do). However, cats are known to constantly clean themselves. If your kitty has beautiful long fur, you’ll need to step in and help out with the grooming. Daily grooming is recommended for long-haired cats, while short-haired cats can get by with weekly grooming.

cat with open mouth

No two ways about it: hairballs in cats are unpleasant. And they’re not just disagreeable for the person who has to clean them up — they can cause intestinal blockages, which can be a serious health problem for your cat. It’s given that cats are going to groom themselves, so what can you do to keep hairballs to a minimum?.

You know that disturbing sound: your cat struggling to expel a hairball. The retching, gagging, and vomiting noises can wake you at night or ruin your lunch. As your poor cat struggles to rid him or herself of the alien product, you run for the paper towels and cleaning sprays. Hairballs, or trichobezoars (tricho-, meaning “pertaining to hair” and bezoar, meaning “a mass trapped in the gastrointestinal system”) occur after cats attempt to groom themselves. Licking at the coat causes hair to be swallowed and delivered to the stomach. Balls form and when they become uncomfortable, the cat vomits up the wad.

What cat owner didn’t wake up, at least once in their life, to the charming sound of their cat gagging and retching? while vomiting isn’t always considered normal, in cats – it’s far more common than it is with other pets. Vomiting is a nasty side effect to your cat’s cleanliness – their vigorous self-grooming routine is usually what has them hurling when you least expect it. In case there are no other symptoms that could signify your pet has an underlying health problem that is causing the vomiting, it’s highly likely that your kitty is dealing with hairballs. Cats swallow a lot of hair while they are cleaning themselves, and, sometimes, that hair doesn’t pass through the intestinal system but rather gets stuck in the stomach and forms into something called trichobezoar or hairball.

While it is true that most cats will vomit occasionally as a result of ingested hair, it should not be happening often. Sure, hairballs may result in vomiting; even choking or gagging. If your cat is vomiting every couple of months but is otherwise healthy, it’s probably not a big deal. However, if your cat is vomiting several times a week, there may be something much more serious happening; there are many other conditions that may cause similar symptoms.

The post The Danger of Hairballs appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

Hairballs in cats are very unpleasant, both for your pet and for you to clean them up. Over time, your cat swallows a large amount of hair from their coat which eventually irritates their stomach making them cough and vomit. However, hairball prevention for cats products will help your feline by allowing them to pass hairballs harmlessly. Hairball relief for cats supplements also help minimise hairballs and their symptoms. At petwell, you can find different types of products for cat hairball prevention and relief.

The post The Danger of Hairballs appeared first on GQ Central.

The post The Danger of Hairballs appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

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