How to Communicate with Your Customers During the COVID-19 Crisis

How to Communicate with Your Customers During the COVID-19 Crisis

Nothing beats a friendly smile, a kind word or even a wave when it comes to customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s nearly impossible to offer your customers any of these things! Many small businesses have shut their doors, and those still open are hiding their friendly smiles behind a protective mask. Businesses need new ways to show their customers they appreciate them, and that they’re listening.

As with most aspects of the pandemic, the solution to small business success is online. Online is where you’ll find new opportunities to communicate with your customers—you just need to know where to start. Here’s a look at some of the most popular communication mediums and how to leverage them for your business. All data courtesy of Sprout Social and Oberlo.

People On Devices

Facebook Icon

Facebook, for the Socialites

  • About 69% of U.S. adults use Facebook daily
  • 83% of women and 75% of men use Facebook
  • More seniors use Facebook each year, along with fewer teens

Facebook gives you the most functionality out of any social platform out there, with an abundance of communication options. Chat with customers in real-time, respond to their comments, exchange messages and more. There are even shop plugins for different ecommerce platforms and tap-to-contact tools for phone and email. Facebook is the gold standard for social communication. It’s the easiest way to open up channels of two-way, direct-to-customer communication. It’s the next best thing to greeting them in person.

Instagram Icon

Instagram, for the Visual Crowd

  • 67% of people 18-29 and 47% of users 30-49 use the platform
  • There are 116 million daily active users in the U.S. alone
  • 39% of people making $30–74k use Instagram

Instagram’s booming popularity is what makes it a must-use platform for brands. Communicate to your customers not only through engaging visual posts, but also through stories and saved stories. There are even options for selling products with tap-to-view and tap-to-buy features. The uncluttered nature and direct delivery of visual messaging is what makes Instagram so effective as an ad platform. People also spend a tremendous amount of time scrolling through Instagram each day, which means plenty of opportunities to engage with people, even if they miss your initial post.

Twitter Icon

Twitter, for the Information-Seekers

  • 48% of Twitter users live in urban or suburban areas
  • 32% of Twitter users have a college degree or higher
  • More than 64.2 million people in the U.S. check Twitter daily

Twitter might not seem like an ideal platform for customer communication—after all, your messages are limited to 288 characters. But twitter has immense, undeniable exposure opportunities, making it a great outreach platform for small businesses. High usership in urban and suburban areas means your customers likely aren’t far from you. Deliver quick-hitter messaging to get plenty of face time with your target audience each day.

Tiktok Logo

TikTok, for the Meme-Lovers

  • 41% of TikTok users are between 16 and 24
  • 56% of TikTok users are male, 44% are female
  • TikTok users spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the app

TikTok exploded in popularity almost overnight and has since become a global phenomenon. What makes this platform so valuable is the learning algorithm that powers it, which is designed to show people more of what they watch in ways that don’t overload the user. This means followers of your brand will see your posts, but not in a way that oversaturates them. Combine that with the fun features TikTok offers and it’s easy to produce appealing content that’s just a few seconds long. Though it lacks two-way communication, TikTok’s popularity makes it a must-use platform for connecting during COVID-19.

Chatbot Icon

Live Chat, for Instant Gratification

  • 51% of consumers are more likely buy from a company offering live chat support
  • 20% of shoppers prefer live chat when contacting a retailer, over email or phone
  • Live chat has a customer satisfaction rating of 85%

There’s no substitute for customer service. If you can’t be there to give someone a great in-person experience, live chat is the next best alternative. LiveChat lets you preserve the human element of the customer experience and can improve a person’s interaction with your brand. Instead of wandering aimlessly with unanswered questions, customers can pop up the chat and get in touch with you instantly. Instead gratification is a powerful tool that can lead to everything from sales to referrals. Just make sure you’re timely with your chatting—prolonged chats or robotic replies will weigh against you.

Newsletters, for Those In-the-Know

  • Email has an unbeatable ROI of as much as $1 spent to $42 earned
  • 80% of small businesses rely on email as a customer retention tool
  • Messages with personalized subject lines get a 50% email open rate.

The age-old way to engage customers, newsletters have been a staple in direct marketing since they were considered printed collateral! During a pandemic, more people are checking their email for information, which means your email is more likely to get read by its recipient if you take the time to make it relevant. While it can be a great sales tool, look at it as a source of information and an opportunity for engagement. Provide up-to-date information about your business, drop some educational tips and maybe include a passive sales pitch. What matters is that people take the time to open and read your newsletters.

Voice Search2

Focus Your Messaging Where Your Customers Are

Whether you choose to maintain an active presence on all these platforms or concentrate your efforts where your key demographics are, online communication needs to be a top priority. A thoughtful comment or a simple emoji are the new wave and smile—at least until the pandemic dies down and doors reopen. For now, get to know your audience in a digital space and communicate with them in the medium where they’re most comfortable.

Remember that quality of quantity is the best approach for meaningful communication. You can send three emails a day, but that doesn’t mean someone will read them. Make your communication meaningful and build relationships through it.

The post How to Communicate with Your Customers During the COVID-19 Crisis appeared first on BizIQ.

The post How to Communicate with Your Customers During the COVID-19 Crisis appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

7 Social Media Changes You Must Make in this COVID-19 World

7 Social Media Changes You Must Make in this COVID-19 World

Rawhide Posts 1Between stay-at-home orders, mask mandates and the general fear accompanying a pandemic, fewer people are willing to venture out into the world right now. For brick-and-mortar small businesses, that means fewer opportunities for face-time with customers. Many small businesses have shut down, and even more face the need to adapt. The solution for both is one you’re already familiar with: social media.

In lieu of face-to-face interactions and in-person experiences, small businesses are leveraging the power of social media to connect with their customers. Posting new products on Instagram and taking phone orders. Tweeting discount codes to encourage customers. Even sharing Facebook funnies to keep people engaged. Social media has become invaluable during COVID-19.

To get the most out of your social platforms in this ‘new normal,’ it’s worth taking a look at how you might improve your online interactions. Here are seven tips from our social experts for how to optimize the social experience for your loyal followers.

1. Update Your Social Profiles

If you plan on doing business via your social platforms, make sure they’re updated with relevant information. Start with your NAP—name, address and phone number. Then, move on to hours of operation, contact methods and any other relevant information that might help people get in contact with you.
Visitors to your social profiles should find consistent information that’s accurate and helpful. Make it as easy as possible for people to interact with you if they so choose to. It’s also wise to go back and clean up your feeds and bios. Get rid of old posts that didn’t perform well or that performed negatively, and keep your about sections relevant.

2. Listen to What Your Customers (and Competitors) Say

One of the simplest ways to make sure you’re a relevant contributor is to put out content people care about. Listen to what your customers and competition say and produce or curate content that aligns with it.

Answer questions. Educate. Provide information. Give people a reason to interact with your content, rather than pass it up as they scroll. Look at your post analytics to see what types of posts get likes, shares and comments. Then, scroll your competitors’ recent posts to see what performed well for them. Use this information to generate better-performing content.

3. Make Your Posts About Your Customers, Not About You

One of the biggest advantages small businesses have is their community roots. Big businesses just can’t relate to the community like a small business can. Use this to your advantage and post content that’s relevant to your community and the people in it.

Make your posts about things your followers care about—things that might affect them personally or that they feel strongly about. Let them know that you care about them, beyond their affiliation with your business or their willingness to spend money with you. Connect with people on social first as individuals, then as followers, then as customers.

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4. Dial-In and Clean Up Your Graphics

Social media is largely a visible platform, which means your graphics need to be on-point at all times. From your profile picture to the top banner on Facebook and Twitter, to every single photo you share on your Instagram feed, your graphics need to be crisp and polished.

Beyond that, make sure your imagery is relevant and, if it’s branded, a good reflection of your business. Avoid generic images or low-quality formats, which can cheapen the visual experience people have. To really take things to the next level, work with a graphic designer to create your own original graphics, stylized specifically for your brand.

5. Try a New Posting Schedule or Post Format

When and what posts have a major impact on what people see and how they react? If your posts haven’t been getting the traction you expect from them lately, switch it up! Try posting some original content instead of another generic meme, or share an infographic instead of another longform article. Use social analytics to see which posts get the most engagement and when they’re posted, then create a posting schedule that’s built on proven successes. It’ll take time, but a data-driven approach like this is one you can use to promote real, measurable increases in engagement.

6. Educate and Connect; Don’t Sell

Too many small businesses use social media as a sales tool. While it can be a valuable selling platform, that’s not its primary function. Social media is about connecting and brand building, as well as developing trust and credibility with your followers. Make sure your posts reflect that. If they’re self-promoting or too heavily weighted in sales messaging, you’ll turn people off. Turn your social feeds into a place that promotes conversation, not direct sales. You might just find that passive brand building creates more sales than active marketing!

7. Repurpose Your Winning Posts

Why reinvent the wheel? Take a look back at the posts that performed the best for you and find a way to reintroduce them into your posting schedule. This goes for any media that’s gotten traction for you in the past—blog posts, YouTube videos, emails, etc. if people responded well to something, it means the message resonated with them. These positive examples shouldn’t go to waste! Alter the presentation without disrupting the core message and you’ll double-down on something you know works.

Social Media Management

Be More Mindful on Social

Put all these suggestions together and it adds up to optimized profiles that are engaging and exciting—profiles people pay attention to. If you’re trying to turn former foot traffic to online impressions, put these tips to work and watch your social media metrics. It won’t be long until you see an uptick and start to enjoy more meaningful interactions with the people who support your business.

Don’t forget, this is foundational brand building work! Even long after the pandemic is over, your efforts to cultivate great social media profiles will pay dividends in the customer relationships you form with people.

The post 7 Social Media Changes You Must Make in this COVID-19 World appeared first on BizIQ.

The post 7 Social Media Changes You Must Make in this COVID-19 World appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Google Drive Free Storage – Top Tips to Make the Most of Google’s Best Gift

Google Drive Free Storage – Top Tips to Make the Most of Google’s Best Gift

Make no mistake, your Google Drive Free Storage has to be Google’s best gift to everyone online no matter what you do. So use these top tips and make the most of it while it’s free!

On This Page

  1. How to Get 100GB of Free Google Drive Space on a Chromebook
  2. How to get Google Drive unlimited storage
  3. Unlimited Google Drive storage option
  4. How to get unlimited Google Drive storage with a G Suite account
  5. Google Drive PC app shut down
  6. What Is Google Drive, Exactly?
  7. Here’s how much storage is available on your Google Drive, and how to upgrade to Google One for more storage space
  8. How much storage is available on a standard Google Drive
  9. If you want more storage on Google Drive, upgrade to Google One
  10. How to use Google Drive
  11. What is Google Drive? How does it work?
  12. How to upload and download Google Drive files
  13. How to organize and delete files on Google Drive

Drive is more than just a file synchronization service or a suite of office software. Google has bigger plans for it. In addition to its proprietary software, Google offers dozens of third-party applications through Drive. These are apps that let you make diagrams, edit photos, build 3D models, make sketches, and more that at GQ Central we haven’t even tried out yet! Files created within these apps will be saved and synced to your Drive account, just like any Google app.

How to Get 100GB of Free Google Drive Space on a Chromebook

Most Chromebooks come with 100gb of free space on Google drive, but you don’t just get it for logging in to your new Chromebook with your Google account.

Yes. You get 100gb of google drive storage free for two years with all new Chromebooks, but you need to do this.

There are plenty of other Google Drive competitors, too – but not so free. For example, Box, SugarSync, Mozy’s Stash, Apple’s iCloud, Adobe’s  Creative Cloud, Yandex, and Microsoft’s SkyDrive, which recently added for-fee storage tiers and reduced its free space from 25gb to 7gb for new customers. Unless you want to go your own way New Chromebook owners, we recommend that you just go and get your extra Free Google Drive Space!

How to get Google Drive unlimited storage

Image depicting free storage on Google Drive conceptually in the clouds.Although you get unlimited storage for your photos (terms and conditions apply), you “only” get 2 TB maximum to play with via Google Drive on any payment plan.

Get an “Edu” domain email account and you will get unlimited Google Drive Storage. Of course, you need to be a student to have such an e-mail address and if your school/college has allotted you one, make use of it to the fullest your Google Drive free storage by storing as many files as you want on Google Drive.

Unlimited Google Drive storage option

If getting more storage is your ambition, your options break down as follows. If you need a significant amount of storage, the cost of storage between Dropbox vs Google Drive is similar.

Google Drive is the best cloud storage option for high-end use. Personally, while I’ve used all these storage services, google drive is the one I use every day.

Alternative cloud storage options like Dropbox and Google Drive are also available. Apps for Dropbox are available for all platforms and buying an app came with 2 GB of free storage.

How to get unlimited Google Drive storage with a G Suite account

For businesses, with a Drive Enterprise account, they get unlimited storage for $8/active user/month. For businesses, with G Suite account it’s $6/user/month for 30 GB, and other $12 to $25/user/month plans include unlimited storage.

May, 2020 · unlimited google drive storage will cost $60/month with a business G Suite account with 5 users, making it $40/month cheaper than the 10 TB basic Google Drive Plan, saving you $500/year or $2,500 , and by default, Google gives you 15 GB of space to use for everything associated with your account.

Google Drive PC App Shut Down Tip

Here’s a tip which could be important for you. If you plan to use Google Drive as a storage facility for all the photos you take with your phone or tablet, then it is important that you shut off the “sync over metered connections” or “background app refresh” setting from the Google Drive app on your mobile device.

For Macs and Windows PCs, Google offers two apps: backup & sync for use with a personal Google Drive account and Drive File Stream for G Suite accounts.

Once you complete the setup and sync your pc, you see a computers tab in the Google Drive web and mobile app interface.

What Is Google Drive, Exactly?

Typical Query: “Recently I purchased an LG G6 phone. The first time I opened google drive it offered me a free 2-year 100 GB Google Drive promotion.

Google Drive is a free product from Google that’s two products in one. Google Drive is like having your own hard drive that follows you everywhere you have internet access. You can access your files by a web browser, computer, or device. You can store anything! What is more, it is available to anyone right from their Gmail account.

Creative drawing showing free storage on Google Drive as if it was suspended above the earth.Google Drive is a cloud-based program to create and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. Drive syncs to the cloud so everyone’s always accessing the most up-to-date content, and its sharing features and access controls make working with external ad agencies and vendors simple and secure. This popular cloud-based file storage and word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. Google Drive fits into the productivity suite from Google and shows how to navigate the interface. Using Drive helps to organize, sync, and locate your Drive files. It makes it easy to store your own created and edited documents, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and drawings. You can even how to create a form or survey directly in Google Drive.

Install and use the offline Drive client to sync files to your computer. Share files with collaborators and set permissions for viewing, editing and commenting.

Any Google Docs you create, which are stored on your drive, don’t count against that storage limit. I’ll even show you how you can convert your existing Office documents into Google Doc format, saving you room on your drive and giving you benefits, such as sharing your files with other people and working on them together.

If you don’t have one already, you’ll need to get a Google account before proceeding with Drive. It’s free to sign up, and doing so will give you smooth, synchronized access to all of Google’s services.

Here’s how much storage is available on your Google Drive, and how to upgrade to Google One for More Storage Space

You’ll need to pay a fee if you want more than 15 GB of storage, but whether you choose to do so will not affect your ability to use the service. Downloading Google Chrome doesn’t hurt either, given the popular web browser features several extensions and tools that integrate well with Drive. Paid Google storage plans apply to multiple services across Google’s Cloud. For example, adding more storage to your account gives you more space for Gmail, Google Photos, and general file storage in Drive.

For up to 2 TB or you can upgrade your drive space with varying prices.

How much storage is available on a standard Google Drive Free Storage

Google Drive comes as standard, with 15 GB of free space, which is far more than dropbox’s initial free storage offering of just 2gb.

Gdoc file. As a bonus, Google recently announced the availability of 10 GB of storage in Gmail, up from the standard 7 GB “to celebrate the launch of Google Drive.

If you want more storage on Google Drive, upgrade to Google One

You can start out with the included storage amounts available with Onedrive and Google Drive, and then upgrade if you end up needing more storage space at a later time.

While dropbox was the original online storage unit, google drive has quickly caught up, offering more space with its free accounts, access to file creation tools that dropbox just doesn’t have and more upgrade options for additional storage.

When you need more than the 2 GB or 15 GB that Dropbox and Google Drive offer, respectively, you can upgrade to paid storage.

How to use Google Drive

Cartoon illustrating Google Drive free storage conceptually in the clouds.Once you’ve signed up (or logged into your existing account), you can access Drive via your browser or the dedicated mobile app, which is currently available for both Android and iOS.

To upload a document to Drive, click the Upload files button under New or My Drive, and select a file from your computer. Google Drive is great for personal use, but what sets it apart from other cloud services is its powerful collaboration tools. If you need to work remotely with someone on a project, you can share a document with them and make changes together in real-time.

Photos you place in your Google Drive storage will also appear in Google Photos by default.

Drive uses google ai to predict and surface what’s important for you in. Real-time.

Ultimately, cloud computing has increased productivity in businesses with services such as google drive allowing employees to connect through the cloud and work on documents or spreadsheets at the same time.

Downloading Google Chrome doesn’t hurt either, given the popular web browser features several extensions and tools that integrate well with Drive.

What is Google Drive? How does it work?

There is still obvious work to be done on Google Drive for iOS, but I would still recommend it, especially for anyone looking for mobile Google Docs access.

This works for both individual files and entire folders. On mobile devices, it can be more convenient to leave the files in the cloud and just open them when you need them, but there are some situations where you’ll need to find that google drive download button.

Cloud-based services are the future. Google Drive, social networking sites like Facebook, Linkedin, webmail, and many online business applications all are cloud-based services.

How to upload and download Google Drive files

And google drive enables you to share files and folders by inviting others to view or download all the files.

Go to drive. Google. Com. You’ll see “my drive,” which has your files and folders you uploaded or synced, including any Google docs, Google sheets, Google slides, and Google forms you created.

However, you cannot view or edit google forms, or access any of the other files you may have uploaded or saved to drive, E.

How to organize and delete files on Google Drive

Diagram shows the  cloud-computer storage concept.Move: copies files to the target and then delete files from the source. Using Move, users can set a folder in Google Drive for archival, and move older documents to that folder from their drive account.

Tip: When you “trash” files they stay there until you empty the trash manually. So, if you need to release more space always check that you have deleted all unnecessary files still hanging around in your trash box.

Google drive stores more deleted files and has more detailed change trackers. When multiple people are editing, copying, and transferring files, you need a way to keep track of who’s changing what.

Additionally, the Google One app and website are also getting a new storage management tool that makes it easier to view files across Drive, Gmail, and Photos, and delete ones that are no longer needed, making more space.

The post Google Drive Free Storage – Top Tips to Make the Most of Google’s Best Gift appeared first on GQ Central.

How to Get Extra Traffic from Google Through Voice Search

How to Get Extra Traffic from Google Through Voice Search

Sci-fi movies like Back to the Future and 2001: A Space Odyssey predicted a lot of crazy things. But they also got one thing right: voice-enabled technology. Instead of walking around a space station talking to Hal, people are querying an Amazon Echo while they cook dinner or asking Siri where the nearest dry cleaner is while they drive. It’s almost ironic that today, more people would rather speak their search queries than talk on the phone with a customer service rep!

This growing reliance on the convenience of voice-search is something small businesses need to take note of. Google processes search queries differently than typed ones, and how your website is optimized might determine whether you show up in voice queries vs. typed searches. Needless to say, it’s time to start optimizing for the former.

Voice Search

Here’s a high-level overview of what small businesses can start doing to make their site more appealing for Google as it processes an increasing volume of voice searches.

Look at Visitor Device Statistics

If your business is set up for Google analytics, navigate to the segment that shows visitor device type. This is a great place to start looking at what technologies people use to visit your website. You might find that 80% of your traffic comes from smartphones or that 63% of your smartphone visitors are iPhone users vs. 27% Android. This knowledge is power, because it shows you what types of devices you need to optimize for. It’s a good baseline for understanding how people find you online.

Optimize Your Content for Semantic Voice Search

A voice query is different from a text query, semantically-speaking. Here’s a look at the same search typed vs. spoken:

  • Typed: “24-hour dry cleaner Austin”
  • Spoken: “Hey Siri, where’s the nearest 24-hour dry cleaner?”

Spoken queries are more structured and complete, and they tend to take the form of a question. This goes back to intent. Voice queries usually happen in real-time. Someone is doing something right now and they need an answer immediately. To make sure they find your site, you need to optimize your content and formulate a reciprocal structure. Simply put: answer questions.

Answering questions not only moves your content higher up in SERPs, your answer might become eligible as a featured snippet. Featured snippets are quick answers to simple questions that appear at the top of search results. They’re part of Google’s move to become an answer provider, rather than a search platform. As voice searchers ask questions, Google provides answers in the form of featured snippets. If the featured snippet comes from your content, expect to see a ton of traffic.

City Page Map

Optimize Your Local Listings

Google has prioritized local search for years now, and they’re continuing to make inroads in providing local solutions to area customers. Small businesses that optimize for local search and directory listings will get favorable treatment for Google as it processes voice search queries.
Again, question and answer play a big part in this. If someone asks their voice assistant for a “dry cleaner near them,” it automatically triggers a local search—the “near me” portion of the search is a dead giveaway. If you’re a dry cleaner in the immediate area of that searcher, Google will show your business first—especially if you’re in requisite local directories.

Local listings also factor into voice search by way of mobile optimization. As mentioned, voice searchers tend to be mobile searchers, asking for answers while they’re on-the-go. This means their current location matters at the point of query. To provide relevant search results, Google will take the location data of the searcher and apply it to aggregated local listings. If your profile is current, expect to get more visibility for proximal searches.

Consider AMP-Friendly Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are simplified pages that are lightweight and have rapid load speeds, making them great for loading on smartphones with poor internet connections. Google’s algorithm has shown a preference for AMP when returning results for mobile users.

Sensing a pattern yet? If voice search correlates to mobile and AMP correlates to mobile, it’s reasonable to expect that AMP-friendly content will help you rank better for voice searches! Optimizing your content for semantic search and answers to voice queries is a start—AMP-ing that content is the second, essential step in getting it in front of people. Google’s preference for these pages and for providing featured snippets is a recipe for getting your content to the top of SERPs for mobile, voice-based queries.

Consider Searcher Intent

Intent is everything. If you know what people are searching for, you can do your best to address it specifically. The beauty of voice search is that people will literally tell you what they want. “I need a 24-hour dry cleaner” or “where’s the nearest Mexican restaurant” are intent-backed searches, as opposed to vague strings of typed keywords. Recognizing intent can help your business better-position content that ranks.

For example, if you’re seeing lots of searches for “24-hour dry cleaner,” you might choose to start optimizing content around that concept. Blog posts about “emergency stain removal” or “dry cleaning for third shift” might become popular pieces for your site. Moreover, you might leverage the “24-hour” element into your GMB description or your social media profiles.

When searchers take the time to speak their needs, make sure you’re listening. Then, optimize your content to provide them with answers and solutions. Google will notice, and so will visitors to your site.

Voice Search2

Voice Search is the Next Evolution of Digital Interaction

Amazon has sold more than 100 million Alexa-enabled devices. Apple says that about 500 million people interact with Siri on a regular basis. Voice-enabled search isn’t a thing of the future—it’s something that’s happening right now. Small businesses need to consider the power of tapping into this growing segment of online search to capitalize on the traffic it brings.

Follow the above tips to start optimizing your digital presence for voice search. Every improvement is one step closer to convenience for searchers who prefer to talk their way through a search, rather than type it in.

The post How to Get Extra Traffic from Google Through Voice Search appeared first on BizIQ.

The post How to Get Extra Traffic from Google Through Voice Search appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin

Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin

On This Page

  1. Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin
  2. Should You Download Web Stories WordPress Plugin?
  3. Why Businesses Can’t Ignore Google AMP Stories
  4. What are AMP Stories?
  5. Why Should You Use AMP Stories?
  6. Examples of Google AMP Stories
  7. Parts of an AMP story
  8. Use AMP to create visual stories on the web.
  9. The benefits of Web Stories
  10. Check out Web Stories on the web

Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin

The plugin is in beta and it does not have all the features. There may be bugs in it. However, it may be useful to create a staging site to familiarize yourself with the plugin and be ready when the full featured plugin becomes available. Google announcement of wordpress plugin https://google. Github. Io/web-stories-wp/beta/ google overview of web stories https://amp. Dev/about/stories/ google developer support page for google web story https://developers. Google. Com/search/docs/guides/enable-web-stories.

In order for google to pick up on the amp version of your articles, you have to modify the code of the article page. The original article must have the following tag, which is an amp canonical tag: if you want all of the amp code you need all from one page, click over to the amp-wp github page and select the “download zip” button. Then, install this code on your wordpress site just like any wordpress plugin. Alternatively, you can also download the following code from amp directly and save it to a file with a. Html extension.

Should You Download Web Stories WordPress Plugin?

To get started, you will need to make sure that you are running the amp wordpress plugin and that you have the latest version of gutenberg installed on your website. You’ll also want to check the “stories” box to enable amp for stories from the amp “general settings”.

google web stories

The google web stories plugin is still in beta testing while they work out the glitches but it’s expected to fully launch later this summer. In the meantime, you can download the web stories plugin directly from their site as a zip file. To upload into wordpress, just go to pluginsaddupload plugin and select the file. Make sure to click activate once you’ve uploaded it. Once it’s installed, you’ll be able to find it in the left-hand sidebar of your wordpress dashboard under “stories”. Here you create new stories and see all of the ones that you’ve already published.

Why Businesses Can’t Ignore Google AMP Stories

Amp was created by google to put mobile first in search engine results pages and across the web. Amp stories are similar to instagram stories , and tons of well-known companies are dominating the internet with them. If you think you can ignore them, you’re wrong. Billions of mobile pages are powered by amps. Those pages load twice as fast as before because javascript code isn’t allowed to slow them down. There are plenty of reasons to use amp stories. They can help improve your storytelling efforts, boost page speeds , improve your site’s creative design, and help seo efforts.

Google is launching a developer preview of something it’s calling “amp stories,” which are two words that only make sense if you’re obsessive about what’s happening with the way we consume content on our phones. So you might be tempted to ignore the whole thing, but don’t. Understanding what’s happening here will get you ready for what could be a major change to how your google search results are going to look later this year. Luckily, the basics are actually pretty simple. We’ll start with the second part, “stories. ” if you’ve been using snapchat, instagram, or any number of facebook properties, you know what a story is. It’s a full-screen display of content you can swipe or tap through.

What are AMP Stories?

Google’s amp stories features allow publishers to create content that is very similar to instagram stories, designed with mobile websites in mind. But the content created with amp doesn’t get added to an app. Instead, it’s placed right in search results pages. Amp is an open-source project that was created in response to the fact that mobile users now spend more time on apps than in websites. 77% of their time, to be exact, according to statista data. With amp, content loads extremely fast, which helps keep mobile users on those pages and off of their apps.

Instead of regular search engine results, users receive a swipeable story that’s easy to navigate. The ux is somewhat similar to the popular dating app, tinder. Amp partners include cnn, mic, wired, the washington post, mashable, and people. Beyond loading at lightning fast speeds, amp stories can also be shared in the same way news articles are shared. Here’s a breakdown of how they work.

Why Should You Use AMP Stories?

Today, javascript can be used on almost any web page to modify any portion of it. But it also slows the loading and rendering of pages. And since page speed is so important (we’ll talk more about that later), that’s something you want to avoid. Amp only allows for asynchronous javascript to run on pages, meaning that the javascript code won’t block any other code present on your site. Javascript written by the webmaster is forbidden on amp stories, and interactive pages must only contain custom amp elements.

Some of your competition is probably consistently using amp. If you aren’t, you might as well be accepting defeat. On the other hand, if you start using amp protocols before your competitors, you’ll differentiate yourself as a frontrunner in your industry. Why? because amp features can help you tell stories, and storytelling is powerful.

Examples of Google AMP Stories

Want to create a better, more engaging experience for mobile visitors to your wordpress site? google web stories help you create unique, “snackable” stories for your mobile visitors. They’re a vertically optimized, swipeable form of storytelling that’s great for people on the go – i’ll show you some examples in the next section. With the new google web stories wordpress plugin, you can easily start using web stories on your wordpress website – no code required. You’ll be able to build your stories using a simple drag-and-drop interface and publish them anywhere on your site.

From the examples on google’s github page , each story will likely use either an image or a video in the background with text laid on top to help grab the attention of viewers though there are no hard rules on how creators can use the plugin. Unlike other wordpress plugins , web stories has taken an almost completely custom approach for creating content within the cms with its own drag-and-drop editor, custom urls and a dashboard for editing stories as well as finding templates. The beta of the plugin also contains eight starter templates to choose from which can be used for beauty, cooking, diy, entertainment, fashion, fitness, travel or well being content.

Parts of an AMP story

Traditional amp content relies solely on text, but the new and improved format includes videos, animation, and images to give users a full experience. For publishers, you can: embed your stories across apps and websites access stories via both desktop and mobile tell stories without needing to have a ton of technical knowledge the best part? amps are free for everyone to try. Let’s examine all of the parts involved in completing an amp story.

There are three parts to an amp story: the story, the page(s), and the layer(s). Huge media sites like cnn are using amps to share breaking news, while other sites are using them to share their long-form or video content. And the reactions to amp are positive overall. Most people are calling it the next big thing of 2018. Publishers love it. To get started creating amp stories, download the code, run a sample page, create your cover page, add more pages and animating elements, create the bookend, and validate your html.

Use AMP to create visual stories on the web.

Web stories immerse your readers in fast-loading full-screen experiences. Easily create visual narratives, with engaging animations and tappable interactions. The web story format (formerly known as amp stories) is free and part of the open web and are available for everyone to try on their websites. They can be shared and embedded across the web without being confined to a closed ecosystem or platform. Web stories provide content publishers with a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories. Web stories offers a robust set of advertising opportunities for advertisers and publishers to reach a unique audience on the web with immersive experiences.

Web stories are built with visually rich media, and whether you utilize pictures, videos or gif assets is up to you. Images and videos expand to visually fill the readers’ screens, providing a smooth and fully engaging experience. Amp allows you to specify the file type to account for the user’s network connection and browser capabilities.

The benefits of Web Stories

The benefits offered by google web stories plugin is on multiple levels. Hence, i have meticulously divided and explained them in 2 categories –.

Now that you have learned about the google web stories plugin for wordpress, it’s time for you to try it for your site. I for one have used it and liked it very much. Not to forget, the benefits and feature-set offered by this plugin is just the cherry on the top. I am quite sure that you will find it very useful. !! however, you must also keep in mind the fact that the plugin may have a few bugs and issues.

Check out Web Stories on the web

The essence of any kind of web story revolves around images used in it. With the help of images, you can create a unique story-telling experience for your readers. Luckily, google web stories plugin for wordpress allows you to either add images from your media library or via directly uploading it. In addition to this, you also have the liberty to include videos and gifs in your web stories. Note – don’t forget to check out the key points to remember while using videos in your stories (mentioned below).

Google web stories are nothing more and nothing less than a new visual narrative data format that google has started to show in usa search results. Their main function is to give users a full screen interactive experience. Here you can see how it is shown in the desktop version, though the data format is made taking into account the mobile version. That is why i want to invite you to check this url from your mobile device so you can judge its content.

did you see the new google web story i created above!!?? i think it’s super cool and is going to be an amazing new tool to help content creators grow their blog traffic. How? let me explain… information consumers are spending less and less time reading traditional content and attention spans are getting shorter creating a need for more easily consumable content. As a result, there has been a shift to creating more “snackable” content as google likes to call it. And google web stories might be the answer.

Formerly known as amp stories, google has released a new version of stories that are delivered as an accelerated mobile page (amp) technology, called web story. This integration with amp is important as it is able to deliver content on mobile devices at lightning speed. Google has noted that next year, changes to the search engine’s algorithm include on-page speed performance creating highly engaging content quickly will play a huge factor.

The post Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin appeared first on Ezi Marketing XYZ.

The post Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin appeared first on EZi Domains.

The post Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin appeared first on GQ Central.

How Google Web Stories Work

How Google Web Stories Work

On This Page

  1. Web Stories for WordPress
  2. Get Ready to Tell Stories on WordPress
  3. Open Web Stories with Google Web Stories Player
  4. Load a Web Story from a publisher’s website
  5. How Google Web Stories work
  6. Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin for More Traffic
  7. What are Google Web Stories?

Web Stories for WordPress

The plugin is in beta and it does not have all the features. There may be bugs in it. However, it may be useful to create a staging site to familiarize yourself with the plugin and be ready when the full-featured plugin becomes available. Google announcement of WordPress plugin https://google. Github. Io/web-stories-wp/beta/ google overview of web stories https://amp. Dev/about/stories/ google developer support page for google web story https://developers. Google. Com/search/docs/guides/enable-web-stories.

To get started, you will need to make sure that you are running the amp WordPress plugin and that you have the latest version of Gutenberg installed on your website. You’ll also want to check the “stories” box to enable amp for stories from the amp “general settings”.

Get Ready to Tell Stories on WordPress

The google web stories plugin is still in beta testing while they work out the glitches but it’s expected to fully launch later this summer. In the meantime, you can download the web stories plugin directly from their site as a zip file. To upload into WordPress, just go to plugins/add upload plugin and select the file. Make sure to click activate once you’ve uploaded it. Once it’s installed, you’ll be able to find it in the left-hand sidebar of your WordPress dashboard under “stories”. Here you create new stories and see all of the ones that you’ve already published.


As I already mentioned earlier that Google has released the beta version only right now for public use, but you can actually download it and use it to try it out. Right now, google web stories WordPress plugin is not available in the WordPress repository which is obvious considering it is only a beta version. But you can download it from google’s official GitHub repository where they provide a beta version for everyone to try. Check out google GitHub repository & download the plugin.

Open Web Stories with Google Web Stories Player

Google’s amp stories features allow publishers to create content that is very similar to Instagram stories, designed with mobile websites in mind. But the content created with amp doesn’t get added to an app. Instead, it’s placed right in search results pages. Amp is an open-source project that was created in response to the fact that mobile users now spend more time on apps than on websites. 77% of their time, to be exact, according to Statista data. With amp, content loads extremely fast, which helps keep mobile users on those pages and off of their apps.

That’s google for you: just when you thought you’d mastered all of the popular forms of content, the tech giant starts providing support for an entirely new type of content you can add to your arsenal. At least that’s how WordPress users might see google’s release of the web stories for WordPress plugin, which is currently in open beta. If you’re not familiar with web stories, a type of content that resembles the story format that’s extremely popular on social media, don’t worry. This article will help you catch up on web stories and figure out whether they’re something that should interest you. You’ll learn:.

Load a Web Story from a publisher’s website

Traditional amp content relies solely on text, but the new and improved format includes videos, animation, and images to give users a full experience. For publishers, you can: embed your stories across apps and websites access stories via both desktop and mobile tell stories without needing to have a ton of technical knowledge the best part? amps are free for everyone to try. Let’s examine all of the parts involved in completing an amp story.

Web stories immerse your readers in fast-loading full-screen experiences. Easily create visual narratives, with engaging animations and tappable interactions. The web story format (formerly known as amp stories) is free and part of the open web and are available for everyone to try on their websites. They can be shared and embedded across the web without being confined to a closed ecosystem or platform. Web stories provide content publishers with a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories. Web stories offer a robust set of advertising opportunities for advertisers and publishers to reach a unique audience on the web with immersive experiences.

How Google Web Stories work

Creating a google web story is super easy! first, head over to the app in your WordPress dashboard to create a web story. There are several out of the box templates to work within the dashboard to get you started or you can create your own! add images from your library or upload images that you want to use. Vertical images work best. Your stories can also include video, though they recommend a maximum of 15 seconds. Also, videos must have captions if there is talking so that viewers can read if they are unable to listen.

Web stories is an interesting way to publish content for your WordPress website. Stories look like magazine pages and work as a slider. They even integrate well with the WordPress navigation structure and with Divi’s layouts and modules. They work well with mobile devices. Google’s web stories WordPress plugin looks and feels like graphics editing tools like canva. It’s simple and easy to use. If you’re interested in an easy way to create simple content that looks great and improves your SEO, I recommend taking a look at the web stories WordPress plugin.

Google Web Stories WordPress Plugin for More Traffic

The web stories content and design are a good fit for blog content on WordPress websites. The plugin integrates them into your WordPress website and helps bring in traffic through the web story format. They even help improve your SEO and rank high in google search, google images, google discover, and the google app, making web stories a great way to improve WordPress traffic.

We want to hear from you. Have you tried the google web stories WordPress plugin? let us know about your experience in the comments below. Featured image via jemastock / Shutterstock. Com.

What are Google Web Stories?

It’s no secret that Google will link to amp versions of web pages over traditional ones any time that they’re available because Google prefers them. Because of this, every amp partner has used the feature of the service to suit their strengths. The most commonly known amp adapters were news organizations since they could use amps to get information out quickly and effectively to searchers. Some publishers have even written amp stories over the exact same kinds of content (with the same cover photo):.

Amp was created by Google to put mobile first in search engine results pages and across the web. Amp stories are similar to Instagram Stories , and tons of well-known companies are dominating the internet with them. If you think you can ignore them, you’re wrong. Billions of mobile pages are powered by amps. Those pages load twice as fast as before because javascript code isn’t allowed to slow them down. There are plenty of reasons to use amp stories. They can help improve your storytelling efforts, boost page speeds, improve your site’s creative design, and help SEO efforts.

The benefits offered by google web stories plugin is on multiple levels. Hence, I have meticulously divided and explained them in 2 categories –.

Now that you have learned about the google web stories plugin for WordPress, it’s time for you to try it for your site. I for one have used it and liked it very much. Not to forget, the benefits and feature-set offered by this plugin is just the cherry on the top. I am quite sure that you will find it very useful. !! however, you must also keep in mind the fact that the plugin may have a few bugs and issues.

The post How Google Web Stories Works appeared first on GQ Central.

Website Builders and Free Membership Website Builder Apps

Website Builders and Free Membership Website Builder Apps

In this article, we take a wide-ranging view on the available website builders and free membership website builder apps out there currently. But, while reading this, don’t forget that we offer our own hosting at EZI-Gold which we use ourselves and happen to think is a match for all the other offerings from the large impersonal web hosts out there. Take a look at EZI-Gold Hosting here.

On This Page

  1. Open-Source or Hosting-Company’s Builder: Which is Better?
  2. Advantages of an Open Source Website Builder
  3. WordPress vs Paid Website Builder
  4. CMS Based Website Builders
  5. Top Membership Website Builders
  6. Best WordPress Membership Website Plugins
  7. Best Free Personal Website Builder 2020
  8. Summarizing the Website Builders and Free Membership Website Builder Apps

Open-Source or Hosting-Company’s Website Builder: Which is Better?

Which is better, the website builder which is made available to you by your website shared hosting provider or a Content Management System type website builder like WordPress?

Website builders that are included with a hosting package are increasing in popularity. They are included as an incentive to sell hosting packages. Most start off by providing a basic website builder free, and once the user has spent time using the system they will find that they need facilities added. At that time they will start paying. The hosting company makes big money when users grow their sites and purchase the upgrades needed for eComm and related services.

Hostgator hosting has for example the Gator Builder. It is provided free with Hostgator shared hosting, gives its users access to over 200+ professional website templates, and is one of the oldest website builders. Hosting account holders like it because they can customize their sites with a drag and drop editor with ease. Every template is built for mobile-responsiveness in mind, with no extra effort required from the user. Account-holders also get access to an extensive built-in stock photo library. They can find quality images that they can add to their website or online store. This is a strong asset when you’re getting started and don’t have any pictures yet.

Some reviews say it was the best website builder they ever used. The following comments are typical of hosting company online website builders. It has a lot of features. I got everything in one place for creating top membership sites, which was one comment we saw. Highly recommendable, for my website builders cheap website was another. An online beauty product seller was looking for the builder where they could get every feature that an online store consists of – read review visit site. They reported that their search ended on a large hosting company’s builder. Another user responded to say that their host’s website builder was an appreciable builders portfolio website builders tool, he was “damn tired” of his previous website’s slow loading speed and customers were complaining. He reported that he finally landed on their builder and is now extremely satisfied.

Image text says add a members area with a free membership website builder.Of course, many people don’t like to be tied to one hosting company’s system. They realize that once their website is built on these systems they are fully committed to paying whatever charges their hosting company seeks to charge for continuing their service.  They would be concerned at the damage to their business if for any reason the hosting company’s service was to deteriorate, and thus many want a builder which is independent and can, if necessary easily be moved to another hosting service. Open-source programming, where an app is developed and maintained by a community of coders (html css), provides that sort of portability, with the guarantee that their website builder will always be free. There are more than a hundred free website builders available online, new ones keep popping up every year, and most are based upon open-source programming.

Apparently an increasing number of those building new websites don’t mind being beholden to the hosting companies pricing policies. According to our research, the percentage of sites developed using online website builders (including free ones) is catching up with the percentage of websites built using popular CMS website systems. These are the popular ones with open code, such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, and the like. At this rate, by our estimates, the number of sites created on website builders is likely to exceed 400,000,000 by 2021. The same is confirmed by data from Google trends which also indicates that the popularity of website builders’ is increasing every year.

Advantages of an Open Source Website Builder

You might already be aware of the professional website builders that help in creating a website. The greatest help that these website builders provide is the opportunity to design your own website even when you have no technical knowledge about doing so. Moreover, if you are neither tech-savvy nor have the time to learn, these website builders are really essential. You can study the various templates that the website builder software offers and select one of your choosing. In fact, the advantage of open source website builder software is that it can be endlessly customized by its users even for free eCommerce website builders.

ukit logo - ukit provides a membership site builder.To start, you need to pick the right platform for your website. While there are website builders like Squarespace and even some dedicated membership or course creation tools, WordPress is the best option for most membership websites. WordPress is free, open-source software. The WordPress. Com (CMS) paid and free service which only offers its CMS alone, powers a huge proportion of all the websites on the internet, including some of the world’s most successful membership websites. Beyond being immensely popular and free, another thing that makes WordPress so suited for all websites and especially membership websites is how easy it is to extend the core WordPress software.

Free website builders like WordPress, are no minor thing, nor are they likely to disappear overnight. In fact, if you spend time browsing on the web probably most of the time you do so, you are using WordPress based websites. A very large number of website owners, start with WordPress and never move away from using it, even when their sites grow massive. In other walks of life free almost always means inferior. People say that you get what you pay for, and they are usually right! But let’s think about why people who want to succeed in all types of businesses on the internet are using free open-source website builders. Wouldn’t it be better to use a paid website builder?

Let’s try to figure that out. To understand the difference between paid (usually provided by a large hosting company with a hosting account, or a dedicated eComms website platform such as Weebly Membership, Wix, Shopify or WooCommerce, and free open-source website builders (such as WordPress), consider some of the advantages of each type of website.

However, we can tell you right now that once you have based your entire business one dedicated paid-for system by any provider including the popular dedicated eComms website platforms such as Weebly membership website, Wix, Shopify or WooCommerce (eCommerce website builders), you will not ever be able to easily move your site to another server anywhere without a complete re-coding of that website. Moving these websites for a well-established business is a risky undertaking as it depends on producing a re-coded rebuilt website which, if not immediately providing the same useability as the original site, will cause loss of business.

WordPress vs Paid Website Builder Platform

Image shows a plugin "Easy member Pro" which is a Membership Website Builder.WordPress is one of the oldest and most popular blog platforms on the internet and despite its blogging origins is also used by businesses and other organizations of all shapes and sizes. While WordPress is not known as a website builder, it has thousands of plugins that make website building of all conceivable types possible. It is used by web designers to create everything from membership websites to hobby blogs to massive news sites. Because this website builder is used as a resource for so many website creators around the world, there are countless resources dedicated to it online. If you’re unsure how to do something in WordPress, you can type your question into a search engine to find an online forum.

Now thinking of membership websites, a membership website builder plugin for WordPress lets you build a premium content library that only registered members can access. You can use this to share exclusive articles, video content, tutorials, private forums, or online courses with your members. Building a membership website in WordPress is a great way to generate recurring revenue for your business. For example, you can create an exclusive community, website builders portfolio website, website builders church websites, builders ecommerce website builders, and charge users for access to premium content, or drip content (like online courses) to learners.

Paid for website builders like those provided at least partially for free by your hosting provider, and dedicated platforms such as Weebly, Wix, Shopify, or WooCommerce, cover all the basic features you need: tags, categories, comments, moderation, SEO optimization, and customizable URLs. Both have support for multiple contributors in different roles (editor, moderator, writer, etc. ) and both have beautiful post-editors. Both are extendable for all sorts of websites and the platforms are particularly well provided with all eCommerce add-ons for accepting secure payments etc. However, the platforms and hosting website builder providers are not known for having well-developed membership-website creation and maintenance options.

CMS Based Website Builders

Image shows the intro page for the Wishlist member membership website creator software.The most popular CMS-based website builder in the world is to be found at WordPress. Org from where it can be downloaded. The WordPress CMS powers 34% of the entire internet. WordPress sites “self-hosted with virtually any web hosting service” is by far the most popular way to use the WordPress content management system (CMS). Todays’ web hosting services know that most of the server space they rent out will be devoted to WordPress websites. They compete with each other to offer WordPress setups that are the fastest, most flexible, and super easy to use. In particular, most people agree that it’s the best free website builder for small business websites. (Note: Make sure you’re clear on the differences in WordPress. Com vs WordPress. Org. If you’re using WordPress. Org, creating a so-called “self-hosted” website (on your own server/ your own rented shared-server space), is super easy because you can use the fantastic drag and drop website builders out there like Divi, Elementor, or Beaver Builder. These to make your site look professionally designed without the need for any coding skills. WordPress. Com provides WordPress hosting on their servers. There is a free version but the free version is very basic and does not allow the user to add specialist plugins.)

There are also free WordPress website plans available from a number of hosting providers. The limitations are usually that you can’t connect your own domain. An Example is Webflow. You can only use a subdomain from Webflow for free. You can’t remove the Webflow badge, and you’re limited to a set number of only views a month. At Webflow you’re also limited to 50 CMS items (Content Management System items; such as portfolio entries or blog posts) and only two static pages. but, it’s a good way to start for zero cost and you can launch two websites on the free plan. Once you start to earn money you can of course upgrade. Webflow, for example, has a couple of paid plans, which are nicely balanced based on your needs website builders ecommerce website, and.

WordPress originated as a web-based user interface for designing, publishing, and updating websites that Matt Mullenweg created on May 27th, 2003. Matt created WordPress to democratize publishing on the open web, so the platform is open-source. His success in doing that is legendary. The technology behind WordPress allows any person off the street with no technical experience to design and build a website. Its open-source environment allows talented web developers from all over the world to continuously add contributions to its technology. These contributions are what makes WordPress such an amazing CMS (Content Management Software). A CMS helps you create, edit, organize and publish content. Creating and editing websites without a CMS requires a knowledge of how to code website pages.

Top Membership Website Builders

Wild Apricot homepage image for the all-in-one solution for the well-known membership website building software.Wild Apricot is an all-in-one solution for membership organizations. A Doodlekit review says it offers a decent service when it comes to building a membership site. Wix provides membership-centered features if you add a paid-for plug-in to their editor. Squarespace offers a complete website builder package, but you will have to install plug-ins to turn it into a membership site. Sub Hub has been providing a full-featured membership website builder for over a decade. WebStarts is an affordable website builder that offers membership options. Weebly has a general membership website builder with easy to use modern designs. However, for most, if not all of these examples you will find that you will have to pay for the more sophisticated add-on units, such as membership site services.

The software platform probably still most often chosen to deliver a membership site is WordPress. WordPress has plugins that will create membership sites, both as sites which are regular websites but have areas where the content is private and available to members only, and which require membership for any entry at all. The simplest membership sites on WordPress allow “members” to subscribe at an access grade below the full access “administrator role” for publishing articles etc. The coding for signing in is already included in the CMS, so the simplest membership plugins use modifications of the existing code to provide a bunch of exclusive content around a topic and put it behind a paywall. Then, they simply charge people a monthly or annual subscription fee to access it.

Best WordPress Membership Website Plugins

Building a membership site is a great way for creators to build a stable, recurring revenue stream for their online business. There are many factors that contribute to the success of a membership site and the tech platform that you use plays a significant role as well. A membership website remains one of the best solutions for bringing your community or customers together. You retain full control, unlike using a social networking group or similar. These kinds of web resources are ready to offer plenty of advanced functions, such as sharing media, guides, or ideas among the chosen users of your platform.

However, managing membership site platforms can quickly become complicated since you will need to handle subscription payments and refunds, control access permissions, and delegate rights for different user classes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right builder at the outset for creating any membership website.

How to create a membership website with minimum efforts? what is the best WordPress membership website plugin available in 2020? Read on to find out!

There are plenty of WordPress membership plugins, and each has specific features that you may need for creating your membership site. Some allow no more than selling subscriptions on a single level while others offer more diverse membership levels and subscription management features. Some plugins offer a drip content feature to slowly release new content to a user. While others allow the full member content to be available from day 1. For payment, you will need the minimum of a PayPal business account (free) for the simplest one-off payment. For period subscriptions you will need to set up a payment gateway. Other factors will also apply, for example, do you want to accept credit cards only, PayPal, or both? Your membership plugin will need to have support for the payment gateway you choose.

Image shows the home page for the "All-in-One" Membership Plugin for WordPress.MemberPress is a simple to use WordPress membership plugin. It will enable you to start charging your users in order to get access to your content. However, no free trial version of the MemberPress plugin is available, and the entry-level plan is expensive considering that until you build your membership site you won’t know whether it will work and people will be willing to pay you for joining.

Simple Membership and WP-Members Membership Plugin both provide a basic set of subscription website functions.

LearnDash is a good WordPress membership plugin for those looking to sell online courses and other educational materials.

Paid Member Subscriptions is another popular WordPress membership plugin available in both free and pro versions. Restrict Content is another. Ultimate Member is another of the top WordPress membership plugins, and this allows members to create beautiful profiles on your site.

Others are WooCommerce Memberships, MemberMouse, S2Member highly rated and free WordPress membership plugin, MemberMouse, WishList Member, ARMember, and more.

Best Free Personal Website Builder 2020

Our vote for the best free personal website builder in 2020 goes to the Wix editor which as a paid option gives total design freedom, the limited free plan can be quite good enough for a personal website. We like the way you can start from scratch or choose from over 500 designer-made templates to make your own website. The innovative drag and drop website builder, allows easy customization to change anything. Subscription website add-ons such as video backgrounds, scroll effects, and animation can be added. With the Wix Editor, you can create your own personal or professional website that looks stunning. Answer a few simple questions and Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) will instantly build a personalized website just for you, complete with custom text and images. Choose your style, change the layout, and add any features you need for your personal, business, online store, or booking system.

Wix is a hosted website builder that offers a limited free plan and several premium plans. On any of these plans, you can create a member’s area and let visitors register and get access to exclusive content. If you upgrade to one of the premium plans, you can also sell paid subscriptions without installing any third-party integrations. Wix is limited in functionality, however. You can’t personalize a registration email or create a multilingual membership site, for example. You’ll also have to download several of Wix business and social solutions, like Wix chat, to improve your members’ experience. When you’re ready, go live in a click!

But, an old favorite is the humble Google “Blogger” platform. It’s Google’s very own builder for bloggers. The default themes are reasonable but if you do some searches online, you’ll be amazed at all the free and minimalist templates available free of charge.

Summarizing the Website Builders and Free Membership Website Builder Apps

The great thing about website builders, which we’ve found during the website builder overview, is that the best offer templates for a range of different industries. Wix is great for this for example. You pick the one you like and just add your own text and images. You don’t have to start from a blank slate, which makes it super easy to achieve impressive results in no time. Website builders are perfect for small businesses, portfolios, photographers, online stores, restaurants, and hotels, as well as clubs and associations.

Many website builders also offer pretty powerful features to create password-protected websites or membership areas, and most of all, they are fairly easy to set up. Before you get started, however, you should have a clear plan that details exactly what you want to achieve. In many cases, password-protected areas, or a simple membership area, will be enough. If you want to create a social network, expect to invest a lot of energy into it to get it off the ground. As a free alternative, consider creating a private group on Facebook or LinkedIn.

The best website builders and free membership website builder apps provide a range of integrated features from form builders and calendars, to memberships, video hosting, music playlists, music stores, Google XML sitemaps, SEO, and much more for registered users. These specialist features are designed to help your website attract more visitors, capture more leads, and make your website more sticky. The downside is that even for the website builders and free create membership website builder apps that start out as being free, the monthly cost can become quite steep once you had added a few.

But many people do say that when it comes to membership website builders, Wild Apricot is at the top of its league. Their Apricot membership platform was built specifically for membership organizations and includes many additional features like registration forms, recurring payments, event calendars, forums, and membership databases. Their editor is also flexible for all kinds of users; the interface is extremely easy to use for beginners. You can also tweak CSS settings or modify an existing site if you already have one. What’s more, is your website comes ready with a robust membership database and emailing system so you can analyze your members and communicate with them. Whether your group is just growing, or if you already have an established member count running in thousands the Wild Apricot platform is worth considering.

The post Website Builders and Free Membership Website Builder Apps appeared first on GQ Central.

Professional SEO Services for Businesses Of All Sizes

Professional SEO Services for Businesses Of All Sizes

On This Page

  1. Professional SEO services for businesses at tphcm
  2. SEO On-Page Optimization Services
  3. SEO Services – Demystifying Search Engine Optimisation
  4. Choosing An SEO Agency
  6. Get the most out of your SEO investment.
  7. SEO Services for Oil and Gas Companies
  8. Search engine optimization seo
  9. SEO services (Service Provider)
  10. The SEO Services Report
  11. Average Monthly SEO Spend is <$500 Per Month
  12. Overall Satisfaction With SEO Services Is Low
  13. Best SEO Company In USA
  14. Rank better on Google, Bing and other Search Engines with our SEO Services.

Professional SEO services for businesses

seo services – your trusted seo singapore company that unites a team of dynamic seo professionals, internet marketers, developers and designers who have established more than 15 years of collective experience in search engine optimization, web design & development, content copywriting, etc. We are proud to provide top-notch services to businesses & websites across the globe. We specialize in catering to small and medium size businesses and establishing long-term relationships with clients that have brilliant products and/or services to offer the world. Foretec focuses on dominated local search terms and optimize for pay-per-click search engine marketing (sem) campaigns, including building smart websites best suitable to any type of business. We assure to get you a favorable return on investment (roi).

To many business owners like you, search engine optimization (seo) may seem intimidating. That is why we are here to provide you professional seo services. Tahr seo is the best seo service provider company and are experts in helping businesses move up the natural search results using ethical, customer-centric search engine optimization(seo) technique. As a professional seo services company, we take up roi driven approach to seo campaign management and work with businesses of all shapes and sizes worldwide, to help them increase the visibility of their website in the organic search listings.

SEO On-Page Optimization Services

An seo company is a search engine optimization company. This means, the company provides services to business to help them get better listed in search engines like google, bing, yahoo, yandex and more. In most cases, they will help with google primarily. The company focuses on getting a business strategically listed in the search engine so that the website gets traffic and more businesses from people using the search engine. Search engine optimization is a very important and popular digital marketing practices. Common seo services include technical audits, link building, content writing, on-page optimization, international seo, ecommerce seo, local seo and more.

When you invest in seo services, your package should include off-page optimization. In seo, off-page optimization refers to optimizing factors outside your website that influence your ranking in search results. For example, your backlink profile can shape your ranking in search results. Your backlink profile, for reference, refers to the quantity and quality of websites linking to your site. A food blogger, for example, may link to your website when sharing the custom cookies that you made for their wedding.

Search engine optimization services are the cornerstone of digital marketing. Every website needs it. All types of businesses and corporations rely on it. All website owners demand it and without it, digital success is virtually impossible. Study after study in internet search behavior has shown that most web surfers click on the results they see on the first page. This makes the first 10 spots in serp rankings extremely important and this is where seo comes in. With rock slid keyword research, and website audit, seo can transform a website’s rankings and traffic within weeks. As the digital commerce world gets increasingly competitive, the pressure is also mounting to maintain a consistent digital presence online.

SEO Services – Demystifying Search Engine Optimisation

We provide complete end to end seo services starting from directory submission to press release submission services. We have expert link builders working for you on the job. We give you white label services option as well. You can resell our services to your client and we will happy to be the part of non disclosure agreement for this. We are one of the leading uk companies offering seo services today, with a huge portfolio of impressive results gained for big-name clients. At ribbun we believe in ethical search engine optimization, yet also transparency and creativity when undertaking any client website optimisation project. We have over 60 years’ combined experience in search engine optimisation and our highly-skilled, professional and innovative search engine optimisation team go to great lengths to ensure you get the website optimization results you deserve.

Seo services are perfect if you are finding yourself overwhelmed by seo. Seo, or search engine optimisation, involves improving your website to get to the top of the search results when users of google and other search engines enter certain keyphrases. This sounds very simple, but in fact it is a very complex field, as you will know if you have started to look into it at all. There is a lot to think about, not to mention a lot of research involved and tons of jargon. If you are stuck when it comes to white hat vs black hat, or left scratching your head over caffeine, panda and penguin, don’t despair. This doesn’t mean that you too can’t benefit from seo, it just means that you will need to call in the professionals.

Choosing An SEO Agency

As a part of an seo company’s services, they often provide the following for off-page seo: promoting your website content to bloggers and webmasters developing shareable content for your site’s blog monitoring your company’s mentions across social media by users and influencers optimizing your google my business profile if you don’t know if an seo agency or enterprise seo agency offers off-page optimization with their seo services, just ask! they can provide your team with an overview of what their seo services include, as well as the meaning of specific deliverables. That way, your staff can make an educated decision when choosing an agency.

The amount you pay for seo services will also depend on the size of your business and the extent of services you require. While seo costs vary from agency to agency, it’s important to remember that you often get what you pay for when it comes to seo services. When choosing an seo agency, don’t compromise quality for “cheap” seo services. Like many other professional services industries, ongoing consultation with an industry leader in seo will be more expensive than with an inexperienced and unproven firm.


Search engine optimization or organic seo has become an integral part of boosting a business’s ranking in search engines to generate qualified leads and increase online revenue. Every seo company has its own strategy and approach when it comes to digital marketing but very few have proven data for organic ranking… pushing client websites to rank high in search results and converting organic traffic for lead generation and online sales.

Millions of people turn to search engines to find products and services they expect to utilize. Search engine optimization is a critical component of a marketing plan. It is known to be the most cost-effective method for companies to drive their digital presence to profitably drive more leads and profitably grow revenue. Our professionals utilize the latest seo tactics to create and execute the most ideal, ethical, and customized strategy for each client. We scale our services to be as simple or as comprehensive as your budget allows, although we will guide to what is needed to achieve results. Experience long term, highly relevant rankings on relevant keywords that drive roi. In turn, your website receives more traffic to drive increased sales growth.

Search engine optimization is effective and highly significant for any online business. It aids a website to get top position in search engine result pages. That means the huge traffic and more clicks on your website. Huge traffic on your website leads to a higher conversion rate, more sales and bring great business. Seo is also a great process to enhance the user experience that turns a visitor into a permanent customer. So, it can be said that seo is essential if you want to have a successful business.

Get the most out of your SEO investment.

We combine keyword-driven, long-form content, custom graphics, video and seo-friendly link building. In short, we provide a full-service, end-to-end managed seo solution with impeccable results. Rapid, organic online growth can be arduous. With the right content and team to scale your efforts, however, it doesn’t have to be. Our managed seo service will take your investment on content marketing to new heights. By focusing on great on and off-site content that readers actually want to see, we build real audiences that drive real revenue for your business.

Every seo company’s services should feature an seo audit. With an seo audit, your seo provider takes an in-depth look at your current strategy. Even if you don’t have an seo strategy in place, your agency will evaluate your website from an seo perspective, looking at where it excels and where it could use improvements. While you can take advantage of free seo audit tools , they don’t provide your business with the same insight as a team of seo specialists. That’s why seo services should include an audit. If they don’t, it indicates a lack of preparation and investment by your seo company.

After using rankpay’s service for about 7 months, we’ve moved into the top 3 results for a few of search terms. That’s helped us increase sales by over 240% since we signed up, making seo our best marketing investment in 2017. Michael h. Ecommerce retailer our initial business ran on the shopify platform. Rankpay took the guesswork out of seo by providing great service, excellent social media management and transparent pricing. Erick w. Furniture maker since using rankpay’s service we have seen organic search traffic nearly double in the last 12 months. If we continue on the current trend we will grow our business 200% in just 24 months.

SEO Services for Oil and Gas Companies

This article is not going to discuss seo tactics, but… … more about how we approach seo services for oil and gas companies in particular. If you’re responsible for marketing for your company or are perhaps a senior member or owner, you’ll be familiar with the basics of search engine optimisation. You might have seen articles about keyword research, backlinks, and on-page optimisation. There are thousands of seo practitioners in the world. Many put up a website, copy the offers and wording of other companies and – hey presto, they’re an instant online seo expert.

Search engine optimization seo

A lot of companies and individuals offer cheap seo services. People who buy into “cheap seo” will get exactly what they pay for. Cheap (low-quality) work. Typically, you’ll see seo services being offered for $199, $300, or even $500 a month. To do seo properly and successfully, a lot of customization is involved. There really is no one-size-fits-all type of seo that can be done that will benefit a business. From what i’ve seen, these cheap seo services aren’t actually search engine optimization. I’ve seen citation building, local listings being built, and random off-topic, low-quality links provided for businesses that pay a low monthly fee for what’s called “seo”.

Search engine optimization was never just a keywords building. Seo is a highly managed process with industry-leading technologies to develop, implement and manage high-quality links. We structure your website internal links to deliver the highest website performance and build links to your website from reliable and high authority resources. We use white-hat link building strategy and never include black-hat technologies. Often, link building comes together with pr articles and works together with our content marketing services, done by our experts in inbound marketing. Rioks is involving marketing consultant to every specific link building campaign planning.

Seo (search engine optimization) is a method to help your website achieve high rankings on the google search results, thereby helping thousands of potential customers when searching for products/services, they will visit your website/store.

SEO services (Service Provider)

Search engine optimization is the process of deploying various optimization and link-building tools to improve a website’s visibility in serps like google, bing, or yahoo, etc. With the ease and accessibility of internet technologies growing so fast, consumers are globally shopping or researching for products and services online. When someone searches for anything online, search engines return thousands of listings. However, one serp usually contains about 10 results; and about 80 percent of internet users click on the first three links they see on the page. A tiny portion of users may also go to the second or third page. Professional seo service providers like ips usa, can help you avoid being on 10th or 15th serp.

Now that you know the definition of seo services, it’s essential to review the services provided by seo companies. While every agency is different, you want to partner with a provider that offers the complete package when it comes to seo. As you compare agencies, focus on seo services that include the following:.

Seo services help to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found and ranked highly by the search engine. Seo service providers offer a wide range of services such as keyword and keyphrase optimization and research, technical website seo audits, optimization of specific pages, robots. Txt and sitemaps and additional tasks as deemed appropriate for the client’s website and business needs. Often seo service providers will bundle types of seo tasks and services into bundled packages,  ranging from one-time fees for smaller sites to monthly subscriptions for ongoing seo efforts and support.

The SEO Services Report

Seo services can also be extended to servicing the websites sitemaps, robots. Txt file, disavow files, as well as providing analytical reports to ensure that our recommendations are increasing traffic and revenue generated by the website.

Transparency is essential when it comes to seo services. You want an agency that your team can trust and rely on, which is why partnering with an seo company that includes regular monthly reports is critical. With a performance report, your business can receive immediate insight into the results of your seo strategy. As an example, your report may cover your website’s organic traffic, conversion rate, and rankings in search results. In addition to receiving a monthly report, your seo company’s services should also include time with your dedicated account manager. When you have regular meetings with your account manager, your team can ask questions, review your report one-on-one, and more.

Keyword ranking we provide intelligent keyword suggestions and 100% accurate rank tracking services. On-page seo audit get a comprehensive report in checking how well a webpage is optimized for certain search queries and tackling the websites common problems. Keyword grouper seoyv analyzes the most popular keywords and eliminates the irrelevant keywords through the keywords comparison. Keyword suggestion seoyv provides unlimited, effective and unique search queries and keywords ideas for your website’s content and on-page seo. Reporting seoyv provides the detailed automated reporting about the keyword research, seo, ppc, web traffic and more information about your sites.

Average Monthly SEO Spend is <$500 Per Month

1. American small businesses spend an average of $497. 16 per month on seo services. 2. We found a strong correlation between higher spending and higher client satisfaction. In fact, clients that spent over $500/month were 53. 3% more likely to be “extremely satisfied” compared to those that spent less than $500/month. 3. Most small business owners find seo providers through referrals, google searches and online reviews. A small fraction of seo clients (8%) found their current provider from online advertising. 4. When it comes to choosing a provider, 74% of business owners consider an seo provider’s reputation “very” or “extremely” important. Monthly cost and the provider’s own google rankings were also noted as important factors.

Overall Satisfaction With SEO Services Is Low

Nps is a helpful benchmark. However, nps can only tell you so much. In other words, it’s difficult to understand why seo services have such low levels of satisfaction. That’s why we decided to dig deeper into this finding. And when we dug a bit deeper to understand more about what’s happening, we uncovered a few surprising insights. First, many unhappy seo clients fully or partially blamed themselves. Specifically, 50% stated that “i feel like i need more training to fully benefit from what seo offers“ and 28% told us that they “do not have the staff resources to properly benefit from seo”.

Likely due to low global satisfaction levels, we found high levels of turnover in the seo services industry. Specifically, we found that 65% of small business owners have worked with at least one seo provider before: we also found that 1/4th of our panel have worked with 3 or more providers: however, our data suggests that most clients don’t switch between seo providers without careful consideration. In fact, the clients in our panel have been working with their current seo service for an average of 3 years. And lapsed clients give their service provider an average of 2 years to deliver before moving on.

Best SEO Company In USA

Information process solutions (ips) is a california based software and digital marketing company that specializes in web and mobile application development , customized enterprise solutions, and seo services in the usa. Ips usa has a strong background in information technology and has built seo solutions for its vast clientele ranging from healthcare and banking to telecom, retail, and digital security. Ips has become the best seo company in the usa in a short span of time, our dozens of happy digital marketing customers vouch for the level of expertise that we have achieved over time.

Best seo company in usa can deliver an improvement in rankings that will, undoubtedly, lead to an increase in relevant traffic from various sources.

Being the best seo company in the usa, ips always keeps its clients in focus. Our objective is to deliver premium quality services at highly competitive prices and satisfy our clients over the long haul. We benefit by not charging huge fees upfront but by creating success for our clients. Ips usa has an expert team of seo professionals who possess years of experience in the field. We keep ourselves and our software tools up-to-date according to the latest algorithmic updates from google and other search engines. By adhering only to the white-hat (acceptable by search engines) practices, we generate organic traffic for your websites and social media profiles. This effort, in turn, leads to higher revenues and a higher return on investment (roi) for you.

Rank better on Google, Bing and other Search Engines with our SEO Services.

Seo helps your website gain more visibility in search engines like google by improving the rankings for your site relative to keywords for which your customers are searching. Essentially, when people search for your services in google, search engine marketing helps influence google to show your site above your competitors. Seo packages can potentially also increase organic traffic to your site allowing for even more revenue.

Seo services are services typically offered by an seo agency that helps your company succeed in search engine optimization. With seo, your business wants to increase its visibility in search results on search engines like google and bing. You specifically focus on search results related to your company, products, services, or industry.

Our professional black hat seo services are the most authentic affordable seo services for small business in the market. Will help your web services grow at a greater pace. We will provide you with a diverse range of effective service  which will make sure your keywords positions  google first page guaranteed. Black hat seo services plays very important criteria to make your web services eminent and more successful in terms of every parameter. Blackhat seo play a great role in making your website a success on the level of search engines. Higher the ranking, more are the chances of receiving success in business. We designed the best seo pricing packages in blackhat seo just for you.

While marketers may still be focused on how their home pages look, the fact is most of their site visitors simply won’t see them. People use search to cut out the middleman and go right to the pages they want. That’s why being visible requires a comprehensive search engine optimization strategy—including local and mobile. Here’s how we drive seo growth for our clients: 1. By understanding opportunity through a full 360 seo analysis and strategy 2. By planning a short and long term step-by-step growth program.

Here are the top 5 things an seo company should do for your website: they should learn all there is to know about your business, your goals, and your audience. Before making any moves or planning any strategy, they should audit your website as is. They should outline a clear strategy of how to achieve the seo goals you’ve established together. They should identify where the gaps in your content are and what gives you an edge over your competitors. They should improve your on-page seo.

The post Professional SEO Services for Businesses Of All Sizes appeared first on EZi Domains.

The post Professional SEO Services for Businesses Of All Sizes appeared first on GQ Central.

Google XML SiteMaps – Everything You Wanted To Know!

Google XML SiteMaps – Everything You Wanted To Know!

Google XML SiteMaps are an important part of ensuring any website of more than a couple of pages is well listed in the Search Engines. But, you never see one when browsing, so sit back and read this and we’ll do our best to explain them and everything you wanted to know! In this post, we are going to cover what sitemaps are and why they matter, the difference between HTML and XML sitemaps, how to create a sitemap, and how to submit a sitemap to Google.

On This Page

  1. What Are XML Sitemaps?
  2. Using Your XML Sitemap To Declare Which URLS You Want Indexed
  3. How To Install and Insert a Sitemap into Your Joomla Website
  4. Shopify XML Sitemaps and Why Should You Have One?
  5. Are XML Sitemaps Really Necessary for Sites With an HML Sitemap?
  6. What websites need an XML sitemap?
  7. Which pages should be in your XML sitemap?
  8. The Importance of Google Finding Your Sitemap
  9. Yoast SEO Plugin and Other XML Sitemaps

What Are XML Sitemaps

Search engines like to be helped when they are indexing and populating their databases with your website’s information, and an XML sitemap (often called a Google XML Sitemap), when set up correctly, does just that. Sitemaps provide search engines with a list of the pages on a website, giving them a guide to its structure. They are called XML site maps because they always must be given the file extension .xml, and are formatted in a special way which Search engines can read really quickly.  Search engines use XML sitemap data to learn about a website’s structure and to improve their crawler schedule, which in turn improves the quality and frequency of your indexing. When you submit an XML sitemap, you are helping web crawlers do a better job.

Don’t get confused with the sitemaps (HTML sitemaps) you see on some websites which are pages that list the pages of a website for quick reference by site visitors. Although the content is similar (i.e. a list of page URLs) these are meant for human use, whereas XML sitemaps (sitemaps org schemas sitemap) are strictly for Search Engine bots.

An example of a very popular plugin for WordPress which can create your XML sitemap for you with no effort on your part is the Yoast plugin. Yoast SEO is an all-in-one SEO plugin, and indeed it’s the most popular option currently available. As such, it includes the ability to generate an XML sitemap in just a few clicks:
to generate your own sitemap:

  1. Download and install the plugin.
  2. Navigate to the WordPress dashboard, and
  3. Click SEO General from the left-hand menu.
  4. From here, select the features tab and scroll to XML Sitemaps.
  5. Toggle the bar to on and click “Save Changes”.
  6. To see your new sitemap (http www www sitemaps org schemas etc.), click the question mark next to “XML sitemap”, then click the dedicated link.

The website for the Google XML Sitemap!Google sitemaps are XML files that list the URLs available on a site. The aim is to help site owners notify search engines about the urls on a website that are available for indexing. Webmasters can include information about each URL, such as when it was last updated and its importance in the context of the site. A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in a hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site.

Using Your XML Sitemap to Declare Which URLS You Want Indexed

An XML sitemap is an extremely useful tool in an SEO’s arsenal. It allows you to unambiguously declare exactly which URLs you wish to be indexed on a website. And this is also the only URLs an XML sitemap should contain – only the URLs you actually want to be indexed. As a minimum, these must be URLs that return a 200 status code, and are indexable. As such, the XML sitemap hints serve to highlight instances where this is not the case.

Here’s the easiest way to explain the difference between the two formats. Basically, XML sitemaps are designed for use by search engines while HTML sitemaps are designed for use by humans. Should you have both available? Yes! Matt Cutts from Google says, “Once you make an HTML sitemap, making an XML version is extremely easy”. So our advice is to do both, if possible.

To complete this action you must use Google search console, a free tool that any SEO specialist should know and master. Thanks to search console, you can send your XML sitemap location to Google easily and we advise you to do just that, and by doing that Goggle is more likely to index your new website quickly.

How To Install a Sitemap on Your Joomla Website

There is a way to create a sitemap for Joomla websites by following the steps which follow:

  1. You can download the following xmap sitemap xml component for Joomla at ://joomla. Vargas. Co. Cr/downloads/cat_view/1-xmap ( Joomla version 1. 5 )
  2. Log in to the administration end of your Joomla website. The URL for this login can cause a little confusion for novice users of Joomla but it will always be the following URL :
    http://www. Yourwebsitename. Com/administrator/index. Php
    the /administrator/index. Php ending will always be the extension to your URL when you need to log in.
  3. In your Joomla administration panel menu at the top, you will see extensions. Scroll down to install/uninstall and click on it. You will see upload package file and a browse button. By clicking on the browse button you will be able to locate the xmap file, which you downloaded from this website, on your own computer.

When you downloaded the xmap file from this website it was in a zipped file. The xmap file on your computer must still be in the zipped file for your upload to be successful. That’s the way Joomla works and for novice users of Joomla, this point can be hard to grasp.

Shopify XML Sitemaps and Why Should You Have One?

One of the benefits or limitations of Shopify (depending on your perspective!) is that it automatically creates XML sitemaps split by page type. However, for some more advanced SEO use cases, this can be limiting since these sitemaps cannot be manually altered and new sitemaps cannot easily be created on the cms (and subsequently uploaded to search console).

An HTML XML sitemap is a very important addition of your website/blog or eCommerce Store. If you go and check any popular website (just take any and visit) you will notice that nearly all have this page (HTML sitemap) and if you click on it then you will notice something like this. So let’s see what exactly is this file and why you should have one for your website.

You want to help those search engines out in any way you can and take control where you can. The assistance includes finding your content and moving it up in the crawl queue. While an XML sitemap is just a laundry list of links, HTML links are actually the way search crawlers prefer to discover the web. The HTML sitemap helps call attention to that content by putting the spotlight on your website’s most important pages. You can also submit the text version of your sitemap to Google.

Are XML Sitemaps Really Necessary for Sites With an HML Sitemap?

An article about using the Google xml sitemap.How necessary are Google sitemaps? Do I need to submit an XML sitemap to google if my site already has an HTML sitemap?

An HTML sitemap is a single web page that is essentially a list of links to all of your site’s web pages (see sitemaps org www sitemaps). It provides a means by which a search engine spider can easily find and crawl all of your site’s pages. Once your site has an HTML sitemap the search engines will be able to find all your pages.

However, it is strongly recommended that you do also place an XML sitemap at the root directory of your website: http://yourwebsite. Com/sitemap. xml but in some situations, you may want to produce different sitemaps for different paths on your site (e. g. security permission issues).

XML sitemaps ( sain http www sitemaps org) should be no larger than 10mb (10,485,760 bytes) and can contain a maximum of 50,000 URLs. This means that if your site contains more than 50,000 URLs or your sitemap is bigger than 10mb, you must create multiple sitemap files and use a sitemap index file.

SEO is a broad term for a long list of best practices and technical recommendations that can improve your site’s rankings in search engines. Creating a org Schemas Sitemap 0 sitemap is one of many technical SEO best practices that can help boost your organic traffic.

What Websites Need an XML Sitemap?

All websites more than about two or three pages will do better to have an XML sitemap. There are a number of reasons for this. For example, when analyzing indexing problems on websites, XML sitemaps can be very useful. However, if all URLs on a website are simply heaped together in XML sitemaps regardless of the purpose of each URL, then troubleshooting SEO issues becomes more challenging. A great way to make XML sitemaps more useful and helpful is to separate them out by content type so that there are different XML sitemap files for different types of pages. For example, on an eCommerce site, you should have different XML sitemap files for your static content pages (about us, terms and conditions, etc), your category and subcategory pages (hub pages), and your product pages.

Reviewing and Checking Your XML Sitemap

You’ll want to find your XML sitemap for your website to check that you have one, check that it is valid, and then submit the URL to search engines. The best practice is to put the sitemap file in the root folder of the domain. (E. G. Https://writemaps. Com/sitemap. xml) , but it can be kept anywhere, even on another domain, as you long as you tell the search engines where it resides. Having a sitemap isn’t compulsory, but it does help search engines find and index new websites or updated webpages in a faster way.

Google xml sitemap generators save time!Those who are using the many kinds of cms other than WordPress can create a free google XML sitemap with an online XML sitemap generator that is very helpful for your website. All of the blogger and webmaster’s know how important is the sitemap for your website. In WordPress and some common cms platforms you can create is with a plug-in or other tools but for other HTML, PHP, and script-based websites you have to create it manually or automatically with some tools like the “free XML sitemap generator”. You can create a sitemap up to 5000 URLs from this free tool.

Which pages should be in your XML sitemap?

When used effectively, sitemaps can play an active role in your SEO strategy, especially for enterprise websites. Sitemaps can increase the visibility of the pages that you want search engines to find and crawl. This enables more of your pages to get indexed, enter an organic search, and generate traffic. But some website owners have some of the largest websites in the world. Compiling “strategic” XML sitemaps of a targeted set of URLs, at that scale, can be time-consuming and difficult. Botify’s XML sitemap generator removes the challenges and complexities of creating optimized sitemaps for enterprise websites, according to its creators. They say that XML Sitemap creation for even these massive sites is now reduced to the click of one button.

If you care about where your web project is placed in the search engine result pages (SERPs), you will know exactly how many different factors influence the fight for the top places. For example, the list of factors that affect google’s ranking includes over 200 criteria, some of which have been officially confirmed by the company, but some have only been assumed by experts. It’s no secret that search engine optimization has been the standard for a long while for every webmaster wanting their website to be visible and accessible. While factors such as relevant keywords, high-quality content, or a high level of mobility are well-known factors, the value of a good XML sitemap is often underestimated.

The Importance of Google Finding Your Sitemap

A site’s overall quality is an essential factor in SERP rankings. Therefore, high-quality pages should be prioritized in a store’s site map. When a sitemap points Google bots to swaths of low-value pages, engines tend to take this as indicative of the overall quality of a site and establishes that visitors are likely to find the destination valueless. This is even true of essential pages to a site such as a login or privacy policy pages. To receive the most benefit from submitting a sitemap to google, try to guide spiders to the site’s most important pages such as the homepage, vital landing pages, popular product category pages, and so on.

The primary function of a sitemap is to help search engines find relevant pages on your website so that they can be crawled and indexed. An XML sitemap (sitemaps org schemas) helps search engines understand how your site is structured and what it pertains to. In doing so, it can also contribute to how high your website can rank on google based on its found relevance. Ultimately, XML sitemaps can serve as a reference point for your SEO efforts.

Most professional web designers have embraced XML as a way to let google find content faster. With XML, you can create a sitemap (www sitemaps org) that Google can then use to crawl through your website faster. It’ll find your content quicker than websites that don’t have an XML sitemap, which will result in a higher ranking. Just make sure your robots.txt (robots txt file defined by www w3 org) requirement matches your XML document. If it doesn’t match, Google will take more time to find your content, and may rank you lower since it may not fully trust your website.

Yoast SEO Plugin and Other XML sitemaps

Put simply, an XML sitemap (http www sitemaps) is a directory or guide containing the most important pages of a website. They’re intended to help crawlers understand your website and how it’s structured. A sitemap is an XML (extensible markup language) file that’s easily digested by search engines.

It looks something like this:

  •  just a single URL and
  • showcases all available tags according to sitemaps. Org,
  • but the only required tag is the location—the URL of the page.

Yoast, a popular plugin SEO tool for WordPress websites, generates sitemaps that look like this.

Whenever changes occur on your site or in the way you want it to be indexed. XML sitemaps are files containing the most important – or all – URLs of your site, created with search engines in mind. Using and submitting a XML sitemap to search engines is the best SEO practice, which can help the process of a site getting indexed. Most WordPress users leave XML sitemap generation and submission to plugins, such as Yoast SEO or “All in one SEO”.

Many people are using another WordPress plugin for this. Simply go to your plugins installer and search for “Google XML sitemaps” – it’s the one with the 1 million+ active installations. There are many other plugins of course and you can choose anyone you fancy but for the sake of this article, we have used the most common one and personally, it’s the one I trust as I’ve been using it for more than 4 years. If you have an SEO plugin like “Google XML sitemaps”, Yoast or “All-in-one SEO”, you can on almost all occasions simply rely on them to keep your XML Sitemap up to date.


An XML sitemap (sitemap index xml) is like a roadmap for search engines of the URLs within your website. Regularly checking them is vital to prevent incorrect URLs from being crawled and potentially indexed and important URLs from being missed.

The sitemaps are your index (or your “Table of Contents”) for search engines to know what pages are on your website so they can possibly index them into their search engines.

The post Google XML SiteMaps – Everything You Wanted To Know! appeared first on GQ Central.

How Marketers Can Leverage WhatsApp’s New Payments Feature

How Marketers Can Leverage WhatsApp’s New Payments Feature

Since launching over a decade ago, WhatsApp has gained popularity all over the world.

As the chat app’sglobal user-base has continued to expand, so has its platform. After adding features like group chat and video capabilities, the platform quickly became a place where brands can directly interact with consumers.

In 2019, due to WhatsApp’s booming popularity, it launched one of its biggest features yet:a specialized app called WhatsApp Business. This app, which passed five million active users in its first year, is quite similar to the consumer version of WhatsApp. However, it allows companies to create a public business profile that includes links to ecommerce stores and a catalog of product shots.

But WhatsApp didn’t stop at Business pages. In 2020, the company began rolling out an online payment feature. The feature has already launched on the Brazil-based app but will ultimately expand globally.

According to the brand, the WhatsApp payments tool will allow payments to be accepted by brands with WhatsApp Business pages for a 3.99% processing fee.

One of the major reasons WhatsApp’s payment feature, powered by Facebook Pay’s transaction software, is being launched in Brazil first is so WhatsApp can learn more about how local benefits can benefit from chat transactions. Prior to this launch, WhatsApp was already one of the top messaging platforms in Brazil and had already seen a number of brands use it to engage with audiences in this region.

“Over 10 million small and micro-businesses are the heartbeat of Brazil’s communities. It’s become second nature to send a zap to a business to get questions answered. Now in addition to viewing a store’s catalog, customers will be able to send payments for products as well. Making payments simple can help bring more businesses into the digital economy, opening up new opportunities for growth,” a blog post from WhatsApp explains.

Below, I’ll walk through how the payments feature works and how brands can leverage it within their WhatsApp or mobile messaging strategies.

How WhatsApp’s Payment Feature Works

Because the payment feature is powered by Facebook Pay’s software, sending a payment on WhatsApp will be quite similar to sending one via Facebook.

To give you a better idea of how the tool will work when it appears on global WhatsApp platforms, I’ll start by walking you through what the consumer sees.

Like Facebook Pay, WhatsApp users will have to enter their MasterCard or Visa information in the settings area of their profile. Users do not need Facebook to use the WhatsApp feature, however, the two companies are working on an integration that will enable users also on Facebook Pay to submit one payment method for both platforms, rather than having to enter the same information twice.

Aside from adding a credit or debit card, users will also need to include information for the bank account which will receive their payments. Currently, to receive or send money, users need an account at one of WhatsApp’s three Brazilian bank partners. However, as the feature expands to different countries, WhatsApp will be partnering with banks in each new area.

Once payment information has been added, users can open a chat thread with a friend, go to the message field, and tap a pay button. From there, they can type in the amount they’d like to send, and send it to their contact with no added transaction fees.

WhatsApp payments in whatsapp message threads

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Before the transaction is finalized, WhatsApp will ask senders to confirm their identity with a six-digit pin or fingerprint.

Although WhatsApp has not gone into great detail about how this feature will look for brands, its announcement suggests that shoppers can start a chat with a business — as they would with a friend, discuss a product or service, and then securely make a purchase directly in the chat.

Now that you know a bit about how WhatsApp payments will work, here are a few benefits that this feature could offer your business.

How Brands Can Benefit From WhatsApp Payments

1. Chatting with customers could result in immediate purchases.

Each day, conversational marketers and community managers answer a handful of questions asked in social media posts, comment threads, and direct messages. Meanwhile, sales reps might communicate with prospects via email, Slack, WhatsApp, or another form of direct messaging.

While modern technology has provided a number of ways to communicate with prospects, there can still be a major friction point when the chat ends. After that point, the rep or marketer needs the prospect to venture to an ecommerce site or landing page, fill in their personal information, and buy the product or service. When prospects spend a lot of time chatting with company reps, but ultimately don’t buy the product, the time devoted to messaging them can feel like a major waste.

WhatsApp’s payment tool removes some of the friction that comes between a chat and a purchase. Rather than sending a prospect links to your WhatsApp Business catalog or ecommerce site and hoping they click, research the product, add it to their cart, and buy it, you can give them all the information they might need, answer any of their questions, and then offer them the opportunity to purchase a product or service directly in the chat.

2. The WhatsApp payment tool offers local businesses new or additional revenue streams.

As WhatsApp noted in its announcement, consumers in Brazil were already contacting brands, asking them questions, getting product recommendations, and even sending their payment details in chats before WhatsApp added the option to make a full transaction. WhatsApp has also become a common way for people in Brazil to learn about and interact with local businesses or shops that might not have full ecommerce sites.

For small and local businesses dabbling in online sales, WhatsApp offers a new revenue stream opportunity that doesn’t require them to build a robust online catalog or website. They can now promote their business and current products, chat with prospects, and sell products all from one platform.

For example, if you own or work as a marketer for a small or local business, especially in a region that heavily uses WhatsApp, creating a Business account could allow you to promote your brand with a business page and online product catalog. From there, when a user is interested in one of your catalog items, you can begin to experiment with processing online purchases for the first time.

If you already have an ecommerce site, you can use a WhatsApp Business account to promote your online store while also using your catalog and chat features to highlight or sell specific items, such as products that are new to the store

3. Marketers and brands can better track customer journeys and ROI.

Now that customers can learn about a brand, chat with them, and make a purchase directly on WhatsApp, brands can use past threads to learn more about which chats lead to purchases, which don’t, and how much ROI they’re getting from WhatsApp payments — even with the service fee.

As brands tiptoe further into digital transformation, learning about how to reel in and convert customers will be important. Because the entire buyer’s journey can now happen on WhatsApp, brands can better get an idea of why consumers convert and what might be knocking them off of a conversion path.

Similarly, if a brand tests out a marketing campaign on WhatsApp, that company isn’t limited to sending online store tracking URLs to determine how successful their marketing content was. If a user who interacts with the WhatsApp campaign also makes a purchase through a private chat, this could also be tracked as ROI.

On WhatsApp, marketers and sales reps might use chats to get to know the user, inform them of great purchases they could make, and ultimately build the trust needed to convert the person to a customer.

Although a brand could simply end a chat after a customer makes a payment, they could alternatively check back in with a customer to let them know their package was shipped, check-in to see how the product is working, and inform them of new deals or products they might be interested in later. This method could, in turn, result in upselling, more purchases, and more brand trust.

If you intend to leverage WhatsApp’s payment tool once it’s fully launched, keep in mind that there are major benefits to continuing customer relationships rather than just abandoning the chat after you get their money.

Bringing the Buyer’s Journey to WhatsApp Chat

Now that WhatsApp allows users to better discover, learn about, interact with, and pay brands through WhatsApp Business, the platform has brought the buyer’s journey fully mobile.

As a marketer or sales rep, it will be your job to help the prospect with their questions and guide them through the buyer’s journey. With the WhatsApp payment feature, you can more smoothly move them from a lead to a customer. Then, you can continue to use the chat and other WhatsApp features to build your brand to customer relationship with them so their buyer’s journey and brand trust still continue even after the first purchase.

To learn more about how to leverage WhatsApp to guide users through the customer funnel, read this post on effective WhatsApp marketing campaigns and this guide to WhatsApp for Business. Still not sure if a messaging platform like WhatsApp is right for your marketing or sales strategy? Check out this list of messaging app stats to learn more about this landscape.

The post How Marketers Can Leverage WhatsApp’s New Payments Feature appeared first on Local SEO Resources.