Common Cat Diseases:

Common Cat Diseases:

Common Cat Diseases: 

Common Cat Diseases:  It can be an unpleasant shock for many cat owners to discover that their pets can be affected by several of the same diseases that affect humans.
Taking good care of your cat will prevent the occurrence of these diseases, but you need to start as soon as possible.

1. obesity
Just like humans, animals can become overweight and this will lead to a host of health problems in the future. Most domestic cats do not get enough exercise. Unlike outdoor cats, who often run or run around in search of food, indoor cats lead a sedentary lifestyle.
It is therefore important to make sure that you do not overfeed your cat. 3 small meals a day is much better than 2 large meals.
While most cats tend to eat according to the number of calories they have consumed, feeding too many treats tempts them to eat more food than they need.
Play with your cat often. You can train them to play fetch. Another way is to point a laser pointer at the floor and move it from point to point so your cat chases and jumps around.
If you have a cat tower in the house, your cat will be encouraged to climb more and move more. Giving your cat some toys to play with will help keep her occupied when you are not around.

vet examining cat

2. diabetes
This disease tends to occur when the cat is overweight. So the best remedy is to keep your cat at an ideal weight. If your cat has diabetes, your vet will prescribe insulin which you can give to your pet.
It is important to detect diabetes in your cat early. Look for signs such as increased urination, weight gain, increased water consumption and/or a dull coat.
These are all signs of diabetes. Early detection will prevent your cat from becoming weak, blind or even in a diabetic coma.

3. liver disease
Common Cat Diseases: What You Need to Know: There are some types of liver diseases that affect cats. Hepatic lipidosis occurs when an enlarged liver is present. This is again caused by obesity. Just like in humans, a fatty liver is susceptible to disease.
Other liver diseases that a cat can be faced with are toxic liver damage, lymphocytic cholangitis, feline cholangitis and neutrophilic cholangitis.
The signs and symptoms you should look out for are Jaundice (yellowing of the gums, eyes, skin), increased urination, swelling of the abdomen, thirst, vomiting and loss of appetite.
Liver disease is a serious problem and requires professional veterinary care.

4. external and internal parasites
Fleas, ticks, lice, mites and worms (internally) are all examples of parasites that can infect your cat.
The ticks and fleas suck the blood of your cat as food, while the mites and lice live off the dead skin on your cat’s coat. These parasites can cause severe itching and can be a constant source of discomfort for your cat.

Gastrointestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, etc. can also cause digestive and other health problems in your cat.
Again, your vet will be able to help you best. He will give you the flea/tick powder or sprays you need to eliminate all the harmful parasites that live on your cat. Follow the dosage instructions carefully.
For worms and internal parasites, your vet will either worm your cat or use other medical procedures to treat your cat. See a good vet and send your cat for treatment as soon as you notice any signs of misbehaviour.
Early detection and treatment will prevent health problems from worsening and speed up recovery. One stitch in time saves nine.

cat feeding from a bowl

5 Tips for Feeding Your Cat

One of the many joys of being a cat owner is seeing your precious feline gracefully eating. Feeding your cat can be a minefield if you’re not aware of the territory.

Unlike dogs which are far more ‘enthusiastic’ when it comes to food, cats can be temperamental and have more specific dietary needs.

  1. Regular mealtimes and portions

One common mistake that cat owners make is to leave a bowl of food out all the time and they expect the cat to eat whenever it feels like it. This is wrong.

There should be a fixed time of day when you feed your cat, and it’s best to measure the portion daily so that its diet is constant.

  1. Food requirements

Cats need a mix of both dry and wet food. Cat food sold in pet stores come in a variety of flavours and types. You’ll need to test out a few brands and see which brands your cat loves.

Yes! Just like us, cats have food preferences too. Some may prefer wet food, while others may prefer the dry biscuits. Either way, it’s good to have a mix in their diet.

On some days, give them dry foods that are grain-free. On other days, you can have wet food that’s made with meat or fish or poultry. You’re spoiled for choice here… and so is your cat. So, treat your pet to a variety of food.

Do note that it’s better to feed your cat a few mini-meals rather than a larger one. You do not want to overfeed your cat.

  1. Make mealtimes interesting

In the ‘wild’, cats are used to toying with their prey before killing and eating them. While this may seem cruel from a human perspective, for the cat, it stimulates their mind and keeps them mentally agile.

Since you can’t possibly have your cat playing with a rat before making a quick meal of it, what you can do is get a ‘slow feeder cat bowl’ which has grooves and niches for your cat to investigate while eating these ‘food puzzles’.

You can easily purchase such bowls from

leaf and bud catnip

Leaf and Bud catnip

  1. Water/milk

Generally, cats do not drink much water and get their fluids from their food, but it’s best to have a water bowl for them to lap from if they’re thirsty. Dry food can make your cat want more water.

Storybooks and TV shows often make it seem like cats love milk. This is one of those facts that isn’t entirely true.

Many cats do not take too well to milk and if your cat is lactose-intolerant, this can lead to stomach issues. So, it’s best to avoid feeding your cat milk… unless it’s a kitten feeding from its mother.

  1. Feeding area

Ideally, there should be one specific place in your house where you place your cat’s feeding bowl and water. This area should not have too much human traffic.

Your cat may feel panicky or overwhelmed if there’s too much noise or activity around it when it’s trying to eat.

If you keep more than one cat, it’s best to have separate bowls for each cat and keep them apart from each other during meal times.

  • Other points to note…

When buying cat food, it’s recommended that you test out the food by getting smaller bags in the beginning. There’s no point in buying a huge bag if your cat doesn’t like the food.

That said, if your cat does like the food, calculate how much food it needs daily. Then multiply that by 30 and buy a bag of food that roughly approximates this quantity.

Buying huge bags of food just to get cost savings might be a wrong move if the food gets spoiled or contaminated because it’s taking too long to be consumed.

Cats need some plant fibre in their diets to help them regurgitate the indigestible hairballs, etc. So, by including herbs in their meals, you’ll help to facilitate the process.

Only use these herbs – parsley, basil, cilantro, sage and thyme. Not all herbs are agreeable to a cat’s constitution.

Last but not least, if you’re planning on changing your cat’s diet, make sure you do so gradually. These sensitive creatures will have digestive problems if their diet is changed overnight. It’s best to speak to a vet before making major changes to the diet.

Your cat’s health is directly impacted by the food it consumes and the portions it’s given. Apply the tips in this article and your cat will be in great health.

How to Check the Health of Your Cat

One of the best ways to keep your cat in good health is early prevention. As they say, prevention is better than cure.
But how do you prevent your cat from getting sick and unhealthy?

As well as a healthy diet and making sure your cat is stimulated mentally and physically, prevention of illness starts with early detection. What you need to do is have a health check for your cat once a week.

Don’t panic. You don’t need to take X-rays or go to veterinary training. All you need to do is have a quick 5 to the 10-minute examination of your cat while you look for symptoms.

Your cat’s behaviour
In general, you will want to look at your cat’s movements and alertness. If she seems slower or reacts less when you call her, something might be wrong.

Physical signs/symptoms
Apart from a change in temperament or behaviour, there are several ways to see if something could be adversely affecting your feline friend.
Look at your cat’s eyes. Are they healthy, shiny and captivating?
If there is discharge, or the pupil in one eye seems larger than the other, this could be a sign that something is wrong.

What about your cat’s coat?
A healthy cat will have a smooth coat with no bald spots, parasites, dandruff, etc. If the coat looks dull and patchy, you should see the vet.
Feel the body of your cat. Is it smooth and healthy?

If your cat feels bony, there could be a nutritional problem. If you feel lumps and bumps that were not there before, it’s definitely time to take your cat to the vet.
A cat’s nose is another indicator of health. It should have no discharge and feel cool.

If your cat is constantly scratching her ears, there may be an irritation that requires further examination. Check your cat’s ears for infections, mites, etc. There should be no discharge or wetness in the ears.
If your cat limps or does not distribute her weight evenly on her paws, you should examine her more closely. In some cases, a scratch can cause an infection in the paw or a foreign body can become painfully lodged in the paw.

Oral hygiene is also important for a healthy cat. Examine your cat’s teeth and gums. There should be no tartar or bad smell. It is good practice to brush your cat’s teeth 2 to 3 times a week.
Depending on your cat’s temperament, this can be a smooth process or a struggle, but either way, it is something that needs to be done.

Oral health is one of the issues that also require veterinary attention. Bring your cat to the vet for a dental check-up every 6 months. Your vet can put your pet under a general anaesthetic so that he/she can clean the cat’s teeth and gums properly.

These are just some of the ways to check your cat’s health.
Keeping your home clean and making sure your cat eats well, moves around a lot and sleeps in a clean environment is crucial to keeping your furry friend healthy.

Important Advice for Cat Owners: Vaccinations, Neutering and Microchipping

These 3 words – vaccination, castration and microchip – can seem a little intimidating to many cat owners. They may wonder if they should do one of the three words and if there is any point to it all.
In this article, we’ll look at these three words in more detail, and you’ll understand how important these different procedures are and why they will help your feline friend.

Just as with humans, vaccinating your cat will help protect it from dangerous diseases. Even if you have a domestic cat, vaccination will help protect it from dangerous diseases.
Your vet will usually be the best person to advise you on what “core vaccines” your cat needs.

These core vaccines are recommended and necessary for cats all over the world: Feline Calicivirus (FCV), Rabies, Feline Herpesvirus 1 (FHV1), Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV – kittens) and Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV).

Depending on the situation, your vet may need to carry out a blood test on the cat to determine whether it needs certain vaccines, boosters, etc. In most cases, your cat will need a booster vaccination every few years to keep him healthy.

Castration, also known as neutering, is performed on female cats to prevent unwanted pregnancies. After neutering, female cats are less likely to run and cry.
Males are neutered (castration) to prevent them from reproducing and also to reduce aggression.

Ideally, they should be neutered when they are about 4 months old.
In general, castrated males are less likely to get into fights, roam around and spray to mark their territory.
Neutered cats also tend to live healthier and longer, and are less likely to develop prostate cancer.

fine cut catnip

Fine Cut Catnip

Microchipping is a procedure in which a microchip implant is embedded under the cat’s skin. This makes it much safer than a collar or tag, as the microchip cannot be accidentally removed and lost.
The procedure is painless and the chip is extremely small (about the size of a grain of rice). Your cat will not even know it is there.
Once the microchip is in place, it has a unique code that is uploaded into the database with details of the owner.

If your cat ever decides to wander around and be found by others, a quick scan of the microchip will reveal her home address and your cat will be returned to you.
Cat shelters routinely scan for microchips in the hope of returning lost cats to their owners. This also helps prevent overcrowding in the shelters.

The microchip will last a lifetime, but it’s a good idea to have it scanned once a year to make sure it’s working properly.
The 3 procedures mentioned above are essential for every cat owner. Normally your vet can do all 3 for you. The cost of the procedures is affordable and the cost is worth it just to keep your cats safe and healthy.
Owning a cat is a lifelong responsibility – a cat’s lifetime, to be precise. Be kind and care for them… and she will love you well.
As Charles Dickens said: “What greater gift than the love of a cat?

two cats looking out of window

Useful Pointers on Keeping Your Cat Happy Indoors

Cats are curious creatures by nature. They love to wander around and explore their surroundings.

They love to explore their surroundings and enjoy the mental stimulation that comes with new sights and sounds.

What makes a cat unhappy?
A cat kept indoors can quickly fall into lethargy and boredom if it is not given enough activities to keep its mind and body active.

A common symptom is a cat that sleeps a lot. Cats do like to sleep, but if they sleep all the time, they are likely to be bored to death and depressed.

– How to solve the problem
The best way to make your cat happy is to take a few proactive steps to make her life more interesting.
For a start, you can let your cat out into your garden, but keep it fenced in so it won’t jump out. The new environment will make them curious.
At home, you should have a few cardboard boxes and perhaps a spare shelf in a cupboard so that your cat can curl up in it. Cats love privacy, and you should respect their privacy when they hide in these darker, quieter areas.

Movement is very important for your pet. Most cats love climbing and this activity helps them burn calories.
It is difficult for domestic cats to burn their calories because there is not much opportunity for exercise.

This can lead to obesity, which then leads to serious health problems.

A good way to get your indoor cat to climb is to put up a climbing post in your home. You can easily buy one at Amazon.

A good climbing post is wrapped in sisal carpet/rope to make climbing easier. Some of the posts will have a ball attached to a string so that the cat can fumble around and play on it.
This is for mental stimulation. Ideally, you should have a post that reaches from floor to ceiling and can be taken apart when not in use.

A perch or shelf near the top of the climbing post will help your cat find a place to rest and sit down while watching the world from above. This is similar to the way big cats sit and rest on tree branches in the wild. Her domestic cats may be smaller and tame, but they still have similar natural instincts.

The best way to get attached to your cat is to play with him. While dogs need much more playtime, 5 to 10 minutes (twice a day) is enough for cats.
Have some toys that you can dangle in front of them to excite them. Or use a laser pointer to make them chase the red dot.

Alternatively, you can carve holes of different sizes in a few large cardboard boxes and create a maze. Then place your cat in them so that he can “explore” this new challenge.
To keep your cat happy, all you have to do is give him the opportunity to tap into his instincts.

Give her places to hide, corners to explore, a safe high seat to scan her surroundings, and perhaps some wooden planks that go from point to point so your cat can walk across these planks like a tightrope walker.
Of course, there should be a way to access these boards. So you could set up a ramp or a few stacks of books of different heights etc. so that your cat can reach the boards. They are only limited by your imagination.

An indoor cat is safe from threats and will live much longer than an outdoor cat, but the only drawback is the lack of stimulation it experiences indoors.
If you can fill this gap and give your cat the mental and physical stimulation it craves, you will have a happy and contented cat that loves being around you.

Very much hope you have found my latest article of interest to you can helpful.

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Flat Fee Realtors In Orange County (949)610-5720

Flat Fee Realtors In Orange County (949)610-5720

Flat Fee Realtors In Orange County

Selling a home without the help of a real estate agent can be difficult. The biggest obstacle for sellers is exposure without an agent’s marketing and advertising experience, and their network of getting in touch with, exactly how does a seller ensure their home is seen by the people that might be curious about buying it?
Well, that’s where the flat fee realtors in Orange County can be an excellent resource. Flat fee cost real estate agents services supply sellers the capability to list their house on the neighborhood Multiple Listing Service, which is the major on-line directory that real estate agents used to list their properties as well as share them with various other agents that also belong to the local MLS. There are thousands of local MLS data sources, each of which handles listings from their area. Only an agent can note on the MLS, which is the only point you’re spending for with a flat fee cost MLS service. To put it simply, you will not obtain access to the various other solutions normally offered by real estate agents.

The degree of service that is provided by flat fee realtors In Orange County depends on the agent or broker being worked with and can vary significantly between real estate brokers. So if you’re considering going this route, make certain to read the listing agreement carefully so you understand exactly what they will (as well as will not) do for you.

Real Estate Agency CA Flat fee Realtors Mission Viejo 92692 Hadi Bahadori / Home Smart Ever Green Realty

It’s an error to think that a flat fee realtors will not give you the very same level of service as a full-service agent but at a reduced rate. By going with a discount broker, you still can negotiate things like specialist digital photography, advertising services, advertising expenses, and open-house planning and also holding. Flat fee real estate brokers will provide your residence on the MLS, put a sign out front, and potentially be associated with the contract negotiations and also closing documentation, however, the rest will be up to you.

The discount rate is typically defined as the opportunity price of making a certain financial investment as opposed to making an alternative investment of a virtually similar nature. Possibility cost is an unsafe principle, though, since we need to subjectively end what that alternate financial investment of a virtually similar nature is.

Comprehending payment splits In the typical real estate brokerage firm design, the seller pays the listing broker a portion of your house’s asking price (normally 6 percent, though it is negotiable).

Discount real estate agents use reduced compensation rates to sellers, and discounts for customers that can result in significant savings. These representatives quit a portion of the earnings in order to attract a raised quantity of clients.
Typically, when you sell your residence, you’ll pay 5-6% of the list price in real estate compensations. Discount listing agents that deal with people selling their homes offer rates as reduced as 1%.

To speak about discount brokers is to say there are standard-fee brokers, and nobody will own up to that declaration. Why? Since all real estate payments are flexible, However, lots of real estate broker agents, intending to maximize the expanding understanding among consumers that real estate compensations are negotiable, have actually produced market particular niches on their own that assurance to conserve sellers cash and refund payments to buyers.

There are numerous different sorts of flat fee real estate agent models. These include low-commission noting agents flat-fee MLS listing solutions, brokerages that offer a-la-carte services, as well as buyers agents that will reimburse a section of their commission You can anticipate to get the same level of service from a discount real estate agent as a conventional representative, as long as you properly vet them as well as ensure you have found a leading agent that is a good fit.

But if the discount real estate agent is providing a minimal solution then they will be getting rid of several of the solutions from their offering to the seller in order to validate the lowered rates.

If you like to find out more about Orange County flat fee realtors, call Hadi (949)610-5720 now.

Real Estate Agency CA Flat Fee Realtors Orange County Hadi Bahadori / Home Smart Ever Green Realty

The post Flat Fee Realtors In Orange County (949)610-5720 appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Flat Fee Realtors In Orange County (949)610-5720 appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Name Numerology – What Does My Name Mean?

Name Numerology – What Does My Name Mean?

Many people that hear about the age-old philosophy of “magic numbers”, whether they believe in it or not, still ask “So, what does my name mean in name numerology? We agree that it’s fun to find out, in much the same way as so many people enjoy reading their astrological predictions. This article is for you if you have an enquiring mind, or are even a little intrigued that any name can be boiled down to a number, and that number used to predict your future!

Meanings of Names in Numerology

“Numerology” is a form of divination that has many cultures and philosophies mixed into it and one of the most important things a numerologist will look into should you go to one is the numerology of your name. Name numerology will tell you a lot about yourself and what your future has in store for you.

What can your name tell you about your personality, your life and your destiny? Plenty, according to numerologists!
Numerology is an ancient belief system that gives a number to each letter of the alphabet. Each number has a different meaning. The numbers associated with your name can be used to make predictions about your life.


Image text: "What does my name mean in Name Numerology".

If you’ve ever felt as if you’ve been here before, perhaps you have. You may have significantly more life experience than you think. Numerology allows us to determine if we’ve had much earth experience. By looking at your name and seeing what numbers are missing you can tell almost as much as you can by the numbers that are there.

Your personality number in numerology is calculated using only the consonants in your full name. This is then followed by the same process of allocating a number to each letter before adding them up and breaking them down to get to a single-digit number or master number. The personality number is literally the side of you that you allow people to see. Read on for further reflection on “the science of numbers”.

What is Chaldean Numerology?

What numerology articles usually talk about usually what you can expect from numerology. But they don’t talk about what numerology is not. Numerology is not a psychic practice like tarot, palmistry, runes, and interpretation of psychic impressions. In numerology, results are obtained with mathematical computations. Anything that can’t be determined using numerology calculations is not numerology.

For those who don’t know, numerology started thousands of years ago. In the early days, it prevailed in the form of Chaldean Numerology. Also known as ‘mystic numerology,’ it’s more famous and ancient than any other numerology systems out there, which were later developed on the basis of Chaldean Numerology.

Chaldean or “mystic numerology” is the older numerology of the two numerology systems which now dominate the scene. While Chaldean Numerology is considered more accurate, it’s less popular than Pythagorean Numerology. This is because the Chaldean system is not as easy to master, and the alphabet values are not in as systematic an order as the other main numerology system. A further version is a Vedic Numerology.

The attributes predicted by numerology readings are intuition, inspiration, delicacy, analytical abilities, courage, initiative, and a person’s level of freedom-loving. For example. The number 11 in numerology means that a person under its influence can reach the highest stage of evolution. Carriers of number 11 by the date of birth have a higher spiritual level than “mere mortals”. They are charismatic personalities of great bravery and moral courage, convinced of the righteousness of their destiny.

Should I use my full name in name numerology?

It’s usually best if you use your full name, except, unlike many forms of name numerology that ask for your full birth certificate name. We think it best for you to use your familiar name. Your familiar name is the one you have heard resonating in your head for the longest number of years (preferably your younger formative years).

Similar to astrology, where celestial movements are believed to influence your personality, name numerology works on the premise that your personality may be derived by the numbers in your life. Enter a full name and optionally a birth date into a name numerology calculator to see a full report of your expression or destiny number, soul urge number, personality number and life path number.

You may also have heard of lifepath numerology, which is determined by your date of birth. Birthdays, determined by the day of the month you were born are all-important in lifepath numerology.

Name numerology is all-about your destiny or expression number, determined by your full name. Soul urge number, determined by the vowels in your name. Inner dreams, determined by the consonants in your name.

When you boil it down to its basics, numerology is the science of number meanings or vibration. Just like astrology, numerology has a birth chart. This article will guide you in finding the numbers to your full numerology chart using your birth name and birth date. A full numerology chart consists of six numbers, three from your name and three from your birthday.

Pythagorean Numerology Number Meaning: Master Numbers

In numerology meanings, master number 11 symbolizes spiritual enlightenment. Master number 22 symbolizes ascension. As we get into higher numbers it becomes less likely to encounter spirit guides in person in groupings of that size. However, it is possible at zoos, wildlife preserves, aviaries, certain advertisements and of course in our meditations and dreams.

Nine essential characters allow us to keep count and express all possible concepts and ideas. This simple surface appearance conceals other more profound, symbolic and esoteric significations. Pythagoras, the father of modern mathematics, was also an initiate of this discipline and he taught his students about the hidden face of numbers and their occult meanings.

According to Pythagorean numerology, use your birth recorded full name only. The destiny number is the sum of name numbers, the destiny table shows the numbers, which assigned for each alphabet. Add all the alphabet numbers of a name and reduce them until 1 to 9. Here is an exception, if you get 11, 22 or 33, do not reduce further, because these numbers are master numbers.

The number 33 resonates deep impact than any other number of numerology. Often associated with spirituality and creativity, this master number comprises various meanings that need to be decoded with high concern. Numerology is the guide to your life. Whatever you see, what accompanies you, your surroundings, your world each and everything can be decoded with the number readings.

Name Numerology – Free Online Calculators

There are many free online numerology calculators which offer free name analysis. This is based on the name you type into the calculator. The calculator returns the output for your preferred name such as your ruling number, birth path number, psychic number and personal year number. With the help of these systems, numerology predictions are made for your past present and future by the trained numerologist.

Every name has a hidden meaning and in numerology, they associate the meaning of name-based number calculation based on the Pythagorean system, or Chaldean divination. Not only can you use a free name numerology number calculator tool to get your destiny number, by you can do the same for your friends, spouse, colleagues to see if theirs come out as lucky or not.

Calculating your name meaning in numerology is easy with a good online numerology calculator. Just type the name you are interested in into the “name field”, then click the “submit” button. You will get your meaning of name according, in most cases, to the Pythagorean method of calculation, as report providing the computer’s analysis and the definition assigned to each digit.

The Numerology Meaning of A-Z

In a tarot deck, 1 is the number of the magician card. Similar to the numerology meaning, this tarot card advises you use all the resources available to you to manifest opportunities and build your own future. So, in the study of the Zodiac, the number 1 is associated with both Aries, the first sign, and Leo.

Learning numerology is not much different from learning English), riding a bike or playing the guitar. If you would like to find out the meaning behind these numbers, and how you can decode your destiny right now, start by getting your own free personalized numerology report.

But, watch yourself! You may find yourself asking what many people consider to be “weird questions”. In common with astrology followers, you may start to ask new acquaintances questions like; “When’s your birthday?”, within 5 minutes of meeting them. That’s something numerology fans always ask when chatting up someone new. Take care though. They may think you quite weird. Don’t be too obvious that you are asking in order to size them up based on their sun sign and their master number to reveal the secret meaning of their name. Above all, don’t be tempted to go one up on an astrology student who might blurt out that you think they will be, for example, a “neatness freak” Virgo or a “wild child” Sagittarius. Just keep it to yourself that you know that there’s more ancient wisdom to glean from someone’s date of birth than their Zodiac traits alone. However, there’s nothing to stop you inputting their name and birthdate later to discover their numerology meanings.

Master Number 11 Meaning

Numerology is a method to know your destiny, personality, and the path you must follow to improve and understand your way through life. Your numbers are easy to define because you determine them based on objective calculations used to derive specific numbers that lead to meaningful answers. Indeed, numerology, as an explanation of the world around us, as a discovery of your true abilities and the ways to express them, comes from the interpretation of numbers studied for thousands of years.

The symbolic meaning of number 11 is best expressed in the tarot card that is primarily associated with it which is strength, or, the enchantress. This card is ruled by the sun and is associated with Leo the Lion in astrology. The image on the Strength Card is an angelic woman crowned with the symbol for infinity, closing the jaws of a fierce lion.

There you are that’s just one aspect of spirituality, repeating number sequences (angel numbers), numerology and the meaning of numbers, dreams, psychic phenomena, colours and their meanings, animal communication, the universal spiritual laws. Get interested in numerology and the chances are you will also discover the law of attraction, tarot, runes, chakras, angels, archangels, ascended masters and spirit guides.

Every number has its meaning when deducted by two ways to calculate your numerology chart: your date of birth or your name. The fan of this art believes that the numbers on your chart can have vast implications for your life, depending on the meanings and traits attached to the cardinal or master numbers (more on that later).

Discover the meaning of every letter of the alphabet

As we have said already, numerology involves an in-depth study of numbers to decode the underlying meaning of numbers and letters in a person’s life. Simply put, divine practitioners will tell you that once you discover the hidden codes behind the core numbers in your life, your life will never be the same again. To put it more bluntly; a numerological analysis enables a person to realize the potential given to him/her on his/her date of birth to achieve a higher level of health, wellbeing, and fortune in life.

Each letter of the Latin alphabet corresponds to a number 1-9, as indicated in the chart and process below. You can use this chart and process to figure out the number that corresponds with your name. Once you have discovered your number, you can better understand aspects relating to your character.

The practical applications of Chaldean numerology can be far-reaching. One reason is that in the Qabalah System, numbers are key to forming correspondences between all physical and metaphysical practices, such as astrology, tarot, and the paths we take through life. So it is quite easy to describe the meanings of numbers making reference to various other systems that are commonly worked with.

The study of mystical numbers decreased in the fourth century B.C. due to ongoing progress in the Greek civilization. During this time frame, the Parthenon was built, Aristotle developed physics, and Hippocrates made medical discoveries. Mystical numbers were associated with ancient civilization, not progress. When construction and advancement began to slow in the second century these teachings went out of favour and have only recently be resurrected through the power of internet communication.

Name Numerology by Alphabet

Pythagorean numerology uses values for letters in a name or a word. This Pythagorician numerological computation consists of adding the values of each of its letters in a table. Each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is associated with a number between 1 and 9 (in ascending order) a=1, b=2, etc.

Are you interested in learning how you can use numerology to redefine your fate? With the right lucky name numerology alphabets, you can actually redefine your fate and give yourself a chance to create a better version of you. If you are still interested, find the numerology alphabet for you and calculate the traits associated with your name in an online calculator.

Upon occasion, the student of numerology may be requested to construct a chart for someone born in another country where the name was in the native language. This can create some perplexities for the aspiring numerologist, considering texts written in our country deal with only the English alphabet. To construct a natal chart in the native language set up the chart in the native alphabet using the numbering system one to nine.

To know the brutal truth behind your name, you must find out your ‘core number’ from the eleven different numbers that are used to create numerology name chart. These eleven name numerology numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, etc…

How Does It Work With Repeating Numbers?

People got excited on January 1, 2011 (1/1/11), and again on the 11th (1/11/11) much as they did on November (11/11/11). There’s something about repeating numbers and certain numbers that captivates people. Some go so far as to name their children certain names so it corresponds to a certain numerical value.

You may already be familiar with numerology, the energetic meaning and symbolism of numbers. Yet Kabbalah numerology is slightly different from the traditional numerology system. So what is Kabbalah numerology?
kabbalah numerology originated from Hebrew, or more specifically, the Hebrew alphabet. Kabbalah literally translates as “knowledge of the mind and soul.

If you are somewhat a mystic, with the ability to see the truth in, any situation. Your deep insightful mind is akin to x-ray vision. With a strong intuition and deep knowing about the workings of the universe (even if you’re not aware of it), you can always find yourself in the right place at the right time.

As you can see, your numerology birth date is more than your life path number. Moreover, you can interpret some of the numbers in completely different ways, giving a whole new meaning to your birth-day and year. The well-known life path number reveals your greatest strengths and weaknesses.

Finding Meaning In Numbers

Do you know that astrology and numerology are interconnected? Do you know that astrology, the study of patterns and relationships between the positions of the sun, moon, and other planetary objects at the time of our birth to predict by explaining aspects of our personality or events in our life history, and numerology, the study of numbers and their influences on us, can be integrated and used inter-connectedly in mapping your horoscope, finding meanings in your life?

Tools to Determine Your Life Path

In numerology, it is claimed that numbers can tell you more about yourself, your life and even your future. Simply by looking at your name and doing some number analysis a numerologist can tell you more about your path in life. In some forms of name numerology, they assign values to characters of the alphabet.

Based on life experience, people start believing that certain numbers are lucky for them and then try to find patterns and explanation even in their names. So this is how questions like “what does my name mean” arise. This tool comes to rescue in the shape of a calculator in which you are asked to input your whole name and just click for the result.

Naamvidya helps balance your name with destiny by using the principles of name numerology. Historically, we have always seen naming ceremony as an important religious activity done by a learned Guru and there is a reason behind the same. A name in the literal sense is the mantra that you relate and chant throughout your life.

A friend had heard about the Kabalarian Society of Canada. The Kabalarian Society first does a free analysis for you of all of your names: past, present, business name and nicknames. The name analysis helps you understand your purpose in life and whether these names have helped you or hurt you financially, emotionally, and physically.

Overview of Numerology from Birthdate and Name

To fully grasp the language of sacred numbers, it is not only necessary to understand the history of numerology and how it affects our personality, but a deep dive is also required in all its different manifestations, which are: numerology portrait, birth numerology (birthday number, life path number, attitude number), and name numerology (soul urge, personality number, power number).

The special letters are a very important aspect of numerology alphabet numbers which helps to reveal one’s both negative and positive traits, their strength as well as their weaknesses so that they can know themselves with a much deeper knowledge of the self. This in turn also opens up the possibilities to work on themselves and live a better-evolved life.

Chaldean numerology number represents the deeper, metaphysical, hidden influences or forces behind the name. Chaldean name numerology is considered the most accurate and ancient numerology system which was developed by Chaldeans. The Chaldeans were ancient people who ruled Babylonia from 625–539 bc. Each English alphabet is given a value as per Chaldean name numerology.

For further insights into divine numerology visit:


The post Name Numerology – What Does My Name Mean? appeared first on EZI Gold.

The post Name Numerology – What Does My Name Mean? appeared first on EZi Domains.

The post Name Numerology – What Does My Name Mean? appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Name Numerology – What Does My Name Mean? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates November 06, 2020

SEO Updates November 06, 2020

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week

Deal of the week: 20% Cashback Local Weekend Sale

SEO Mad Scientist: More SAB Findings. Does the service area allow you to show in different local SERPs?

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 61

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

? Google Short Videos Carousel In Search Results
? On October 28, 2020, Google misclassified some Google Discover data as video in the Performance report
? John Mueller: Google Cache Link Not Dependent On-Site Traffic
? Danny Sullivan: Why Rankings Go Up But Traffic & Clicks Down
And so much more!

Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here
Missed last week’s episode? Catch up with all the previous Vault Episodes here
You Can Even Listen here:






20% Cashback Local Weekend Deal

Just when you thought our Weekend Cashback Deals couldn’t get any better, IT HAPPENS!

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SEO Mad Scientist

Hey there scientists!

Before we get into this week’s test results, let us tell you about a little disagreement we had in the laboratory recently

If you have been following the SAB tests, you know we have listings in various locations setup as SAB in completely different cities and sometimes states, from where they are located.

One test we have reviewed is a Miami listing that was piping in and out of maps while searching in Miami, FL, even though the listing is in Pennsylvania…

Chaz Edwards theorized that the reason the listing was given the opportunity to show in local maps was due to its service area being listed there, regardless of proximity.

Mike Milas on the other hand believed it was only showing due to the proximity signals we had built after the listing went live, mostly citations and submitting data aggregators.

Like most SEOs out there, even though we follow the facts, it’s easy to get caught up in speculation. There are so many variables in a test that it’s often hard to determine what EXACTLY caused any given response…

This is why single variable tests and multiple test results from the same test, are best to determine how something actually works…

Which brings us to this week’s test results. After reviewing the structure of the test and results, we believe definitely proves a SAB that lists specific areas of a service area, are given a proximity score based on geolocation, allowing that map to show in local search within that location.

We have multiple listings in our area that range from plumbers, roofing companies, and as you know, title loans. This test was repeated 3 times across two different niches, title loans and plumbing. Listing age ranging from 2 weeks to over 2 months…

If you aren’t familiar with the Hanover, PA area, or Gettysburg, they are smaller towns located about 40 minutes away from each other.

Because of their size, when searching for a service in maps, you often get a wide area shown on the map…

When searching for plumbers, while in Hanover, OR searching for “plumbers near Hanover”, the map is zoomed out far enough to show Gettysburg and vice versa.



Our test list is the NewDay Plumbers listing that’s showing in search when searching for plumbers while in Hanover, PA. The listing also showed for plumbers near Hanover terms regardless of location.

We chose the keyword plumbers for this listing as our GMB metrics indicated it was getting shown most for this term…



We then did a “search from location” using Bright Locals local search tool, and confirmed that we could not find our listing on any of the pages in maps. We also checked “plumbers near Gettysburg” while in Hanover and Gettysburg and found the same results, no listing…

We continued to check the listing for the next few days and did not see it listed in maps while searching for Hanover or for Gettysburg, but consistently showed when in Hanover or searching plumber queries with “near Hanover”.

It wasn’t until about a week after that, while reviewing the Gettysburg SERPS, we saw it pop up for our plumbers term while searching from Gettysburg.

Not only that but all search terms referencing “Gettysburg” also showed in the maps listings…


It took about 3 times as long for our Miami listing test to show while in Miami which we believe is due to the actual proximity signal.

When your listing is in maps, the map position is always zoomed out to include your actual listing location, even though you are a SAB and do not have a pin on the map…

This is why having the cities showing listings from the other city prior to running the test, is a good control to show that it is in fact the service area listed on the GMB listing that gives you the opportunity to show in the maps pages while in that location…

We believe these single variable tests are pretty definitive, but of course, we are open to new data.

If you have tests that show something different or would like to repeat this test yourself, let us know. We are always looking for new scientists to join our lab.

Just rerun the test and reach out to Mike Milas with the results to join the SEO Mad Scientists Laboratory…

And as always, until next time…

Happy Testing!





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Health Anxiety Online Therapy

Health Anxiety Online Therapy

Treatment of Health Anxiety

Therapy for health anxiety has two components. One component is the awareness of your symptoms and thoughts and how they affect your life. The second component is a therapeutic relationship with a mental health professional who can teach you ways of managing your anxiety and controlling its effects on your life.

Therapy for health anxiety involves cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, imaginal flooding and relaxation therapy to help you tolerate fear about illness and death. Each component of therapy is based on the belief that stress results from the mind’s tendency to focus on unpleasant thoughts. The treatment for anxiety is intended to help you identify and replace these disturbing thoughts.

Therapy for health anxiety typically involves two or more sessions

The first session will cover the symptoms of your anxiety. It will also help you identify and replace your negative thoughts. In the second session, you will be taught how to cope with your anxiety and help yourself to recognize and replace the unpleasant thoughts.

Cognitive therapy

This therapy teaches you to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. For example, you are afraid of needles and fear of needles is usually associated with a negative thought such as “I don’t want to get blood drawn”I’m not going to die.” A cognitive therapist helps you replace this negative thought with a more positive one such as “I’ll be OK because needles hurt me so I’ll feel better.” The goal is to replace negative thought with a more positive one and, in so doing, learn how to deal with your anxiety effectively without letting it control your life. Cognitive therapy is usually done in sessions of about one hour each week.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy is usually done during the first session of therapy for anxiety. During this session, you will learn how to face the fears you have about the illness you have been diagnosed with. You will learn ways of avoiding these fears. This exposure process requires you to confront your fears with a professional and/or a close friend. You will learn how to do this by writing down your fears and then facing them.

Imaginal Flooding

Imaginal flooding is a therapeutic technique in which you imagine being ill or having a physical problem and then imagining how that would feel. If you could imagine what a pain in your stomach feels like, how would it feel like if you were experienhealth anxiety online therapycing a heart attack? Imaginal flooding is an easy way to deal with your anxiety. After you have gone through this technique a number of times, you will gain the skills and confidence to face your fears and manage them effectively.

Relaxation therapy

During relaxation therapy, you will learn to identify the types of stressful situations that cause you to be anxious. This will help you to cope with them when you are facing them. This will enable you to avoid the situations that stress you fear. This form of therapy is usually done in sessions of about thirty minutes each session.

Therapists who work with people with health anxiety disorders provide both therapy and counseling

This type of therapy is also known as psychotherapy. It is used to help those with health anxiety overcome their problem.

If you are interested in learning how to handle your health anxiety, it may be a good idea to go through counseling. This type of therapy is usually done over the telephone and can be done by a qualified therapist. Counseling is usually very effective at treating the underlying anxiety problems. Many people choose this method because they may not have the time to attend a regular therapy program and this is a much faster way to learn how to cope with the problem.

For some people, the mental health and the health anxiety problem may be so severe that they decide to seek medication. A psychiatrist or psychologist may prescribe certain types of medications. These medications are usually prescribed to relieve anxiety and help improve your condition.

These are just a few of the many forms of cognitive therapy used to treat health anxiety, insomnia or agoraphobia. There are others, and you may need to contact a psychiatrist or psychologist in order to determine which one is right for your specific problem. If you find it too overwhelming to try to figure out your own therapy, then you may want to consider seeing a therapist.

Where to Get Help With Your Health Anxiety

health anxiety online therapyHealth anxiety is often an irrational and exaggerated fear of having a medical problem. When your body sends you signals that you are sick, it is natural to be concerned. Health anxiety can also be characterized by the constant fear that you possess symptoms of a serious illness.

If you suffer from health anxiety, you probably find yourself avoiding getting physical check-ups. This may be a temporary strategy, though, since you may find it difficult to avoid a visit with your doctor. Sometimes, your doctor does not even need to visit you, but simply recommends you see a specialist. You may feel embarrassed about the idea of going to a doctor without any warning. But there are some other options available.

There are several types of health anxiety therapy available to you

You may want to seek counseling for your anxiety. Some therapies focus on cognitive therapy, which can work if your anxiety disorder has been present for some time. Cognitive therapy involves identifying the cause of your problem and developing ways to change the way you think about your symptoms.

Medications may be used to treat your anxiety, but they come with their own set of side effects and you may need several before you find a method that works. For example, antidepressants or benzodiazepines may make your anxiety worse. If you want to try medication, your doctor will discuss this with you before prescribing any medications.

You may want to consider therapy to help deal with your anxiety. Psychotherapy is a type of therapy that focuses on changing your thoughts, behavior and feelings toward certain situations. Hypnotherapy focuses on changing your beliefs. In psychodynamic therapy, you focus on altering the unconscious beliefs that are causing your anxiety or anger.

Health anxiety therapy will usually take a number of sessions to achieve results

You will be able to control your anxiety if you follow the prescribedhealth anxiety online therapy course of treatment.

Other options include acupuncture and hypnosis as well as relaxation techniques. These methods are used for cases in which physical therapy cannot cure your health anxiety. You may want to discuss these options with your doctor before trying them.

If you are experiencing health anxiety, talk to your doctor about the many options available. to find a treatment that will help you.

When you consult with your doctor, do not hesitate to ask about medications that your doctor has prescribed for you. Most doctors will be happy to help you decide which type of medication is right for your case.

Your doctor may suggest another form of therapy, such as cognitive therapy or yoga. They will be able to help you find an alternative that will help you cope with anxiety.

Although there are many health anxiety treatments out there, you may not be able to treat your condition on your own. There are also several organizations that provide support services.

Organizations like The National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) and The Anxiety Disorders Network (ADN) offer help through phone and email. They may also send you brochures and literature. If you do not have a therapist or doctor to consult, you may be referred to a trained professional.

The following organization may also be able to refer you to a qualified therapist: AAAS or American Psychological Association. They may also be able to help you locate therapists if you are in an area that is difficult to reach.

It may seem like you can not get the help you need from the many groups that are dedicated to the care of health anxiety. It may seem impossible to find someone who has dealt with this problem before. However, there are organizations dedicated to providing services in your area that can provide help with your treatment.

Visit your local group and check into any available resources. Meet with the professionals who are available to you, and ask about what they offer.

Professional help can be found for your health anxiety. With the right resources, you may be able to live a full life. You can try also health anxiety online therapy:

The post Health Anxiety Online Therapy appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Health Anxiety Online Therapy appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

HigherVisibility Wins Two SEO Agency of the Year Awards in 2020

HigherVisibility Wins Two SEO Agency of the Year Awards in 2020

The accolades from Search Engine Land and the US Search Awards cap off a banner year.

HigherVisibility was presented with two SEO Agency of the Year awards in the month of October:

The awards are judged by industry professionals and peers and highlight the most successful companies and campaigns in the SEO industry.

“Winning the most respected awards in our industry during such a uniquely challenging time is a testament to the hard work that our team puts in for our clients,” Managing Partner Scott Langdon said. “We couldn’t be more proud of our staff and we are thankful for the clients that have put their faith in us.”

The US Search Awards featured a vast panel of judges to peer review the finalists for their awards. HigherVisibility beat out a shortlist of six other finalists to win the award. Kevin Gibbons, the CEO at Re: signal and the judge presenting the award, cited HigherVisibility’s “great results, both for clients and in their own growth” as the reasons for our victory.

Search Engine Land’s panel of judges included many of their top in-house editors, as well as a group of marketing professionals specializing in a variety of fields. The Search Engine Land Awards – coined as Search Marketing’s Highest Honors – celebrate those within the search marketing community who have achieved excellence in their organic and paid search campaigns as well as overall research.

This is not the first time that HigherVisibility has been named SEO Agency of the Year by Search Engine Land; we also won the award in 2017, making us two-time winners of the award.

The post HigherVisibility Wins Two SEO Agency of the Year Awards in 2020 appeared first on HigherVisibility.

What Is an RV? All About the Different Types of RVs and Motorhomes

What Is an RV? All About the Different Types of RVs and Motorhomes

In the camping world, the term “RV” can get tossed around several times in just one sentence!

But for many people who are new to camping, they might not know exactly what “RV” stands for. The same applies to those who have simply become so accustomed to hearing and using the word “RV,”

Most simply put, “RV” is an abbreviation for the term recreational vehicle. However, in the RV trade, for a motor vehicle to be considered a recreational vehicle, it needs to be mobile.

And, by “mobile” it means it can be moved via its own motor or can be towed by another vehicle, and it must include living space that is designed to be used for accommodation.

A generic term for RVs is “rigs”. A big rig means that it is a very large RV. The definitions can vary, but typically the RV is over 35 or 36 feet. Common issues for big rigs involve parking. Many campgrounds only have a limited number of spots that can accommodate the larger RVs.

The Different Types of RV’s and Motorhomes

What is an RV (Recreational Vehicle)

The term RV is short for a recreational vehicle, or a “motorhome” and is often used interchangeably.

From camper vans to bus conversions the form which an RV can take varies greatly. Recreational vehicles or RVs would at first seem so diverse as to defeat classification. However, insurance companies have grouped them in classes for insurance purposes.

So, nowadays we have a wide range of motorhomes, all neatly organized by classes: class A, B and C.

Image of an early RV trailer, showing what is an RV.

How much your RV will cost to insure will depend on:

  • the class of your vehicle,
  • how much you use it,
  • whether you live in it full time and
  • other factors.

Photo: By George A Grant. Photo courtesy of the US National Park Service Historic Photograph Collection., Public Domain, Link

However, RV is an umbrella term for several different types of vehicles, including motorhomes. Types of RVs are broken down into four classes and the full list follows:

  • class A,
  • class B,
  • class C, and
  • towable RVs.

Class “A” motorhomes have become extremely popular with people who want to travel in heavier, more secure vehicles that have certain amenities and comforts which are absent in other types of RVs. Nonetheless, these types of vehicles may not be the best choice for some folks because they have the potential of causing financial and safety issues that make people wish they had purchased something different.

Driving Licence Requirements for Large RV Vehicles

Whenever we tell people we’re going on an RV trip, we’re asked, “Do you need a special license to drive an RV?” Rest assured that in all 50 states, RVs weighing under 26,000 pounds don’t require a special license. Most are under that magic weight.

The definition of an RV is in its abbreviation. It is a vehicle for recreational purposes, generally referring to a trailer, motorhome, toy hauler, or anything that is similar to those vehicles. You might be familiar with these types of RVs. Some of them are and can be “motorhomes”.

There are two basic types of RVs:

  • drivable motorhomes and
  • towable ones and
  • subcategories among these as well.

Making Your RV’s Furnace More Effective

Before you start wondering what to do to make your RV’s furnace work better, take the time to ensure the doors and windows seal your RV well and prevent air leaks. It is a little silly to have a furnace blasting heat into your RV if the heat is immediately leaking to the outside world.

If your RV is still not comfortably warmed by the furnace. The first thing to do is take a good inventory of your RV and inspect all the slides, windows, and door seals. But, if none of the seals is faulty (split or perished) you will then need to check that the furnace is delivering the amount of heat it should be giving you. Look for a partially blocked chimney or flue and make sure that the furnace vents work correctly. Finally, check that the fuel, especially the logs in use are dry and of high heat value.

Towage to Nearest Repair Facility and Insurance Claims

Any good RV rescue service will tow you to the nearest repair facility to your dwelling or if touring the nearest to your campsite. If your motorhome or travel trailer is disabled within 100 feet of a road or highway roadside assistance should cover the cost of delivery of your RV to the local repair shop, or deliver the RV to your backyard. Breakdowns commonly occur due to a lack of fuel delivery, mechanical breakdowns, flat tires, and dead battery replacement.

If your motorhome or travel trailer is totally written off in an accident, the insurer should pay for a brand new one. That means if you paid $55,000 for your RV last year and it’s only worth $45,000 today, they’ll replace it with a new RV of the same model year or later, and the same trim level or better, even if it costs more than what you originally paid.

Another consideration, when having children as passengers in the rear of a motorhome, is that all of the objects within the motorhome may become projectiles in the event of a crash. Watch the YouTube video of a Swedish RV crash test. Or alternatively, the multi-series video from Bailey Crash, namely:

Having items that are not safely secured throughout the motorhome presents a number of safety-related issues for families.

Origins of recreational vehicles

A towable recreational vehicle dealer’s principal place of business is the most common origin of recreational vehicles. The minimum requirement should you wish to set yourself up as an authorized dealer shall include telephone service and an adequate office area, separate from other facilities. The professional’s office is used for keeping business records, manufacturer’s certificates of origin, certificates of title or other evidence of ownership for all towable recreational vehicles offered for sale. Evidence of ownership may include a copy of an original document if the original document is held by a lienholder.

Sometimes variety is too hot a spice for life, and that’s the case with recreational vehicles simply because there are so many from which to choose. The price spread is incredible, all the way from truly not much (hundreds) for something ugly and used, and then you can skyrocket all the way up to something astounding for 6 figures.

Loans for recreational vehicles

While an RV loan is typically a loan specific to the purchase (or refinance) of a recreational vehicle, it works much like any other consumer loan. In other words, a financial institution or lender provides the funds for the purchase, and you pay back the money, with interest, over a specified time frame. RV loans are secured loans, meaning they’ll be backed by collateral. This is typically the RV itself.

Words related to the recreational vehicle

A) “campground” means a lot or parcel of land occupied or intended for temporary occupancy by recreational vehicles or tents for travel, recreational or vacation usage for short periods of stay and containing a potable water source and public toilet facilities.

B) “habitation” means to “use for living space” and shall include, but not be limited to, acts of sleeping, cooking, bathing, occupying as a dwelling, or any stay within the recreational vehicle not directly related to its driving.

When in the market for a recreational vehicle (RV), be sure to factor in RV registration fees and other registration-related expenses once it’s time to estimate the overall cost.

Definition of recreational vehicle

Here is the legal definition of an RV according to hud. A recreational vehicle is a vehicle which is:

  • Built on a single chassis;
  • 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projections;
  • self-propelled or permanently towable by a light-duty truck; and

designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use.

Manufactured homes, mobile homes, recreational vehicles—definitions

Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout. “conversion vending units” means a motor vehicle or recreational vehicle that has been converted or built for the purpose of being used for commercial sales at temporary locations. The units must be less than eight feet six inches wide in the set-up position and the inside working area must be less than forty feet in length.

A camper or recreational vehicle (RV) meets the IRS definition of a second home if it contains sleeping, bathroom, and kitchen facilities. “Home” includes a house, condominium, cooperative, mobile home, house trailer, boat, or similar property that has sleeping, cooking, and toilet facilities. Interest paid on a loan for the purchase of a recreational vehicle is, therefore, tax-deductible as valid home interest on a second home.

RV stands for a recreational vehicle. It is a generic term that encompasses all types of recreational vehicles – Class A motor homes, Class C motor homes, class B vans, travel trailers, and fifth wheels.

The “recreational vehicle” by another name

A motorized wheeled vehicle used for camping or other recreational activities
classified under is known as an RV or recreational vehicle. In other words it a self-propelled vehicle (a wheeled vehicle that carries in itself a means of propulsion).

For example, each of the following is a kind of “recreational vehicle” when motorized:

  • camper;
  • camping bus ;
  • motor home (a recreational vehicle equipped for camping out while traveling).

Other derivations are also used and some are trade names for specific product lines.

Changing Ages Recreational Vehicle Users

There was a time when recreational vehicle travel was mostly for over 55-year-old travelers. But in recent years, the number of younger people who buy RVs has exceeded that of the older folks who purchase them. In fact, people under the age of 45 are now buying more than half of the RVs that are sold in the US!

We are RV enthusiasts with more than 50 years of experience owning, driving, traveling, and living in recreational vehicles. One of the most important things for RV buyers to consider is comfort. Whether you plan to live or travel in a recreational vehicle, you should want the time you spend in it to be pleasant.

Campers, travel trailers, and motorhomes are not pleasant to use if they keep you from sleeping well, create neck and back problems or make you feel cornered while eating.

Recreational Vehicles Have Accidents Occasionally – So Do Take Care!

Recreational vehicle accidents occur more often than you think. Learning about them is highly upsetting, but it also serves to warn people about what can happen when things go wrong. They often happen to RV owners who either did not learn what they needed to know before buying a coach or who did not pay attention while traveling in one. Some, however, are caused by other drivers.

Choosing a Good RV to Buy

Since most recreational vehicles look alike, it is very hard for the average person to know how well they are made or how livable they are. Having this kind of information is more important than most people realize, but to obtain it, they must do a great deal of research and learn how to do thorough inspections.

An RV always needs to be well balanced

It is extremely important to learn how to load and pack your recreational vehicle both from comfort and safety standpoints. People often forget that an RV is basically just a vehicle, and as such, it needs to be well balanced if it is to move safely along roads and highways. Lopsided coaches don’t hold up well to slippery roads, nor do they do well in areas where construction is going on.

Technical Even Slightly Geeky Features of Recreational Vehicle Design

Wheelbase Ratio

There is a formula RV designers use for calculating the “wheelbase ratio”. It provides for a balanced vehicle design and will work for any recreational vehicle. However. it is most important for motor homes because this is where knowing the wheelbase ratio can provide the greatest safety benefits. To figure it correctly, they use a special conversion calculator. There are several types to choose from, but the best is completely accurate and helpful. RV users can feel secure in knowing that the figures the calculator produces are correct and not just “guesses”!

Pumping Equipment on Board

Different pump equipment is used for water supply and in some cases, drainage of the foul water is also needed for RV plumbing. The pumps come with filters, tubing, footswitches, non-return valves, growth tanks (accumulators), and even little beauties called “inline stress switches”. Several twelve-volt pump options are obtainable for caravan, motorhome, and smaller boat programs. By paying attention to the various varieties and brand names of pumps and their capabilities the owner of a recreational motor vehicle can meet any need for the motion of liquids.

The seasoned RV enthusiast will have encountered causes of stinky RVs. Odour problems do occur occasionally, but in most cases, there are many ways to fix, or better still to guard against them. If you have camped in these vehicles for long you will appreciate that there is no sense in paying a fortune for a recreational vehicle. Looking forward to enjoying the great outdoors for months, only for disappointment when the flushing and drain system fails. To have to travel in an RV that smells so bad that it ruins your enjoyment is no fun at all. Yet such problems are easily avoided by taking care to clean all of a vans services before and after periods of use.

Statistics on Why People Buy Recreational Vehicles

Here is a fascinating statistic on why people decide to buy recreational vehicles:

Surveys show that the main reason people purchase RVs is that it:

  • allows families a way to go camping that is easier than traditional camping options.

Roughly 89% of all people who own an RV say that the easy ability to make decisions to go, be ready, and away in literally just minutes, is a primary reason for their purchase.  via RVIA.

What is Meant by the Dry Weight of a Recreational Vehicle (RV

Dry weight is the actual weight of a vehicle or trailer containing standard equipment without fuel, fluids, cargo, passengers, or optional equipment. We have seen the following variations to this definition:

  • includes commonly ordered optional equipment
  • includes fluids of the generator and other onboard equipment (oil, coolant, fuel)
  • may or may not include RV batteries.

RV Enthusiasts Need to Plan Ahead

All avid RV enthusiasts before long come to understand that your life and safety depend on the condition of your motorhome’s equipment. When traveling in a recreational vehicle, it is extremely important to pack the right foods as well as organize and store them properly. Doing this will assure safety, protect against insect and pest infestations, avoid spillage, and provide easy access. Neglect any aspect of your RV’s maintenance and pleasure can evaporate, but worse, such neglect can easily also spell danger.

More Variants of Recreational Vehicles

If you’re thinking about heading out on a camping or road trip, an RV may be an essential part of your journey. So, what is an RV? these recreational vehicles can come in many forms suited for various needs.

Just like cars, there are different types of RVs. Each one offers different features, and you will want to know what features you are looking for to determine what is the best fit for your needs. Here are the most common types of RVs

  • Class C Cabover – this RV has a van cab with an attached motorhome.
  • Class C RVs typically have a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen that can be converted into sleeping quarters.

Not quite as big as other classes of RVs, the class C Cabover can comfortably accommodate five people and is fairly easy to manage.

Deciding which class of motorhome is right for you can be a real challenge. You have the luxurious class A, the compact class B, and the well-rounded class C. To better understand which class fits your needs and budget, you must first learn what each one has to offer. Otherwise known as the king of motorhomes, class A is the largest of its kind, and it resembles a rock star’s tour bus. As a matter of fact, you will feel like a rock star exploring the country in a class motorhome because of its luxurious amenities.

There may be many variants on the standard RV, but enthusiasts soon get to recognize them all. Most RV types are easily recognized. Very few people are confused about the distinctions between fifth wheels, class As, and travel trailers, but admittedly when you get into the class B RVs, understanding the classifications is a bit more complex.

The post What Is an RV? All About the Different Types of RVs and Motorhomes appeared first on Precious RV.

The post What Is an RV? All About the Different Types of RVs and Motorhomes appeared first on GQ Central.

The post What Is an RV? All About the Different Types of RVs and Motorhomes appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

What is Social Commerce and Why Should Your Brand Care?

What is Social Commerce and Why Should Your Brand Care?

This blog post may be titled “What is social commerce?,” but maybe it should actually be called “Do you want to make some money?”

Social commerce is a $89.4 billion market right now. It’s projected to grow to $604.5 billion in the next seven years.

If you’re a business with products to sell, this info probably makes you feel like that dollar-sign-eyes-green-tongue emoji.

Curious about how you can get a chunk of that change? We’ve got you covered. Read on for social commerce 101.

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

What is social commerce?

Social commerce is the process of selling products directly on social media.

With social commerce, the entire shopping experience — from product discovery and research to the check out process — takes place right on a social media platform.

The Tiny Tassel Facebook shop

Source: Facebook

Currently, social apps that allow for social commerce include Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

With social commerce, you might see a pair of sweet strawberry-print clogs on your Instagram feed, hit “shop now” and complete the purchase right there in the app.

Or, you could spot a well priced umbrella as you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, click “Buy.” Once your purchase is complete, you can continue to enjoy your usual Facebook experience by creeping pics of your friend’s sister’s ex-boyfriend’s new baby, without missing a beat.

These are shopping opportunities (shopportunities!) right on the digital platforms that your audience uses most. And you should be taking advantage of them.

Social commerce vs. e-commerce

E-commerce refers to a shopping experience via a website or dedicated branded app. Social commerce, by definition, allowing the customer to make their purchase within their social media experience. Social commerce is not e-commerce.

Social commerce is also not social selling. Social selling refers to cultivating relationships on social media in order to build your sales prospect list. Read more about social selling here.

Why social commerce?

Not sure if setting up a social media shop is a good idea? Here are seven reasons why social commerce is worth a shot.

Social commerce makes shopping a social experience

Shopping on social media makes the experience much more interactive than a typical e-commerce spree.

Consumers can easily consult with their friends on purchases, show off those hip new hightops, comment on Aunt Jackie’s new “I Love My Niece” tee, review comments from other savvy shampoo shoppers, and interact directly with the kombucha brands they love.

For those who miss the social aspect of a day out at the mall, social commerce might just be the next best thing. (Though unfortunately without an Orange Julius pit stop.)

Instagram story poll

Source: Instagram

Social commerce removes friction

See it, click it, buy it. Social media shops remove friction from the consumer journey, making it easy to follow through from discovery to purchase. They’re there. The product’s there. Nowhere to go but the checkout.

Ultimately, every click of the mouse is an opportunity for a potential customer to change their mind. If they have to go from your ad, to your website, to add the product to a cart, to filling in their credit card info, that’s a lot of moments to lose their attention.

Take those unnecessary steps away and just bring the shopping right to social.

There’s some serious money to be made

Like Shakira’s hips, numbers don’t lie. Researchers are forecasting that e-sales will surpass $735 billion in the next three years.

If you want in on this action, it makes sense to bring your goods to the online spaces where your customers are already hanging out.

81% of shoppers research products on Instagram and Facebook, and shopping is a top priority for 48% of Pinterest users. Why not give ‘em what they’re looking for?

Lucky Shrub Facebook shop

Source: Facebook

Social commerce offers an instant focus group

Not only does social commerce speed up the transaction process, it also offers an incredible way to collect feedback.

Your catalog of goods is out there in the world for consumers to review and discuss together. No crystal ball required: your customers can just tell you what they like or don’t like.

Why not get your audience to vote and weigh in on product development and inventory decisions while they’re there? (How are we feeling about my glow-in-the-dark wolf backpack design? Anyone? Hello?)

On social, you have clear data about exactly who your customers are, and the opportunity to chat with them after via comments or direct message, to provide personalized customer service.

It’s where Millennials and Gen Z like to shop

If your target demographic lies in the 18-to-34 age range, they’re already online and waiting to shop while they scroll.

48% of U.S. internet users this age made a purchase on social media in 2019. For those in that demographic who haven’t shopped on social media yet, 27% have expressed interested in giving it a go.

This is the modern mall. Time to open up shop!

Hyper-target your prime audience

With an incredible wealth of customer data available on social, you’ve got a prime opportunity to tweak and target your advertising.

Your horse-print bathrobes can be directly advertised to the flannel-loving equestrians out there. Adorable baby-sized sunglasses can be beamed right to the feeds of cool young dads.

Social commerce offers the chance to get specific, ready-to-buy products in front of the specific people who would love them, in a way that traditional e-commerce and marketing cannot.

Instagram Shop page showing "recently viewed" items

Source: Instagram

What are the best platforms for social commerce?

At the moment, only a few of the top social platforms offer social commerce. But as the interest (and revenue) grows, it’s likely we’ll see more of these social media brands integrating “shop now” options.

Here are the current social commerce platforms available.

Facebook Shops

You use your Facebook Business Page to share news, connect with fans, and show off your cute new logo. Why not use it to sell a few things while you’re there? Set up a Facebook Shop and you can do just that.

Facebook Shops are customizable. Choose which collections or goods to feature, and customize the fonts, images, and colors to suit your brand. Import an existing catalog of products from your website, or create one from scratch.

Example of social commerce through "Succulent Time" collection from Lucky Shrub Facebook Shop

Source: Facebook

Your Facebook shop will be accessible from your Facebook Page, your Instagram profile, your Instagram Shopping ads, or shoppable stories and post.

When it’s conversion time, you’ve got the option for your customers to do an in-app checkout, or open up a direct Messenger chat with your business. You can also send them to your website.

Facebook post of a dress with option to buy on Facebook

Source: Facebook

One nice feature of Facebook shops: you can create a test shop to learn more. Here, you can add items, manage orders, and even test out the customer experience.

Learn how to set up your own Facebook Shops with our step-by-step guide.

Instagram Shops

60% of people discover new products on Instagram. Your products should be among them.

Instagram Shops allows users to buy products featured in your photos and videos from anywhere in the app.

Outdoor Voices Instagram Shop

Source: Facebook

Once catch: you do need to set up a Facebook Shop first (see above). Your Instagram Shop will be pulling data from your FB catalog.

Business profiles can create a customizable storefront page that acts as a curated collection of products for sale. Each product gets its own detail page, featuring pricing, media, and a detailed description.

Instagram’s Shopping Tags allow businesses to tag their products in their Stories or posts. U.S. brands also have the option to highlight products in post captions and bios.

For eligible U.S. businesses and creators, Checkout on Instagram lets customers complete a transaction using Facebook Pay. (Those without Checkout can use other tools that complete the purchase offsite.)

Spearmint Baby Instagram Shop

Source: Instagram

To get your Instagram Shop set up, you just need to live in an eligible region and have an Instagram Business account that’s connected to a Facebook page. You also need to comply with Instagram’s commerce policies and merchant agreement.

It’s also probably worth noting that Instagram Shops can only sell products not services.

Learn more about how to get your Instagram Shop up and running with Hootsuite’s how-to guide.


Okay, here’s some news you should pin right now: Pinterest does not strictly offer social commerce.

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

Get the free guide right now!

Yes, for business accounts, Pinterest does offer the option to create “Product Pins” (formerly Buyable Pins), which are displayed in your brand’s Pinterest Shop.

Pinterest x Stylist Magazine shop

Source: Pinterest

But it’s important to note that these are not available to purchase within the app. Clicking on a beautiful vase, and you’ll be sent off of Pinterest to an ecommerce site to complete the sale.

Is Pinterest still a helpful tool for getting your goods out into the world? Absolutely — especially given that 89% of Pinterest users are there for shopping inspiration.

For more on making the most of your Pinterest account, here are eight business strategies to try.


In July 2020, Snapchat announced a closed beta launch of Brand Profiles. One of the profiles’ features? A “Native Store” experience (powered by Shopify) that enables users to browse and purchase right from the app.

They debuted the feature with the help of five official approved influencer accounts — congrats to Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Shay Mitchell, Spencer Pratt, or Bhad Bhabie on this early access!

Kylie Cosmetics Snapchat shop

Source: Snapchat

A few other brands have been approved in the meantime, and it’s likely that this feature will expand to the rest of the non-Kardashian world eventually.

In the meantime, keep an eye on Kylie Cosmetics in the meantime to see how she’s making the most of the app’s “swipe up to shop” capabilities.

Or brush up on your snap cred with the help of our Snapchat for Business strategy guide.

6 tips and tricks for effective social commerce

Your shop is set up. You’re motivated and ready to sell. Here are key tips and tricks to make the most of this brave new digital shop-o-sphere.

Engage with your followers

To create a great social commerce experience, you’ve got to remember the “social” part.

You can’t just toss up your catalog and forget it. Answer questions, offer value and interesting content, be human and authentic, and so on. Set up a chatbot to help people move forward with their shopping journey.

The same best practices that you usually use for engaging your following all apply here.

Facebook Story from @color_camp

Source: Facebook

Listen strategically

You’ve got a front-row seat to your audience. Make the most of it.

Keep a close eye on comments and shares on your Shop, and respond or offer customer service when necessary.

Setting up social monitoring across all platforms can be a great way to catch feedback or industry news outside of your own bubble, too.

Check out our guide to social listening here.

Encourage reviews

93% of online shoppers say a review can make or break their decision. If you’ve got a product people are happy with, get them to help spread the word.

Whether it’s an automated follow-up email asking for a review after a product has been delivered, or incentives like a contest to encourage previous customers to weigh in and share their experience, collecting social proof is vital to building a positive reputation online.

Once you’ve got some positive reviews, share them on your social feeds in creative ways, whether that’s posting user-generated content, hosting a Live video with happy customers, or simply creating a carousel of positive comments. There are tons of ways to do this that won’t make you sound like you’re bragging.

Target your reach

Take advantage of the incredible data available to you on social to get your products or Shop in front of the right people.

Not sure who your audience is, exactly? Here’s how to find and target your dream customer.

Remove those moments of friction

The easier you make the purchase process, the more likely someone will be to follow through. So what moments of friction or hesitation can you remove?

Make sure the product description covers all those lingering details. Integrate autofill options into the purchase process. Maybe even set up a chatbot to answer customer FAQs.

Like a Grammy-winning Santana song: the smoother, the better.

Price your products to move

Social commerce offers a great opportunity for lots of different kinds of products — clothing, dog toys, risqué pottery — but luxury products typically aren’t successful here.

Because of the risk associated with buying something unseen, consumers are less likely to splurge on something with a larger price point.

Easy Tiger Goods Instagram shop

Source: Instagram

Shopify’s data show that an under $70 price tag is ideal: right in that “why the heck not” sweet spot for many social users.

Include products from your Shopify store in your social media posts with Hootsuite

Though not strictly falling under the definition of “social commerce”, Hootsuite users are able to post products from their Shopify store to their social networks via the Shopview app. It’s an easy way to use social media to enhance your customers’ online shopping experience.

Creating a Twitter post in Hootsuite that includes a Matcha tea product

Of course, social commerce is likely just one piece of your overall digital marketing puzzle.

To craft a robust strategy that engages, sells, and intrigues all across the wide plains of the internet, dive into our Social Media Advertising 101 guide. Build up your brand across all your platforms for your best chance at success, online or offline.

Save time and earn more customers with Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can tag products from your Shopify store in posts, respond to customer requests, measure results, and more.

Sign Up

The post What is Social Commerce and Why Should Your Brand Care? appeared first on Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard.

The post What is Social Commerce and Why Should Your Brand Care? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Anger Management Online Therapy

Anger Management Online Therapy

Online Therapy For Anger Management and Control

Anger management therapy is a psychological therapy designed to help people overcome anger problems. The term itself is an oxymoron in some circles as this type of therapy is often considered to be a form of psychotherapy. This is not accurate because therapy is more of a therapeutic process. Therapy for anger management may involve several aspects of psychology, social work, and behavioral therapy.

Anger Management Is Simply a Psycho-Therapy For Anger Management and Control

It is usually described as effectively deploying anger in a constructive manner. Anger is often a result of feeling thwarted or blocked from something that the person feels is very important. It can also be a result of the person’s inability to cope with the demands of daily life. People who have difficulty controlling their anger tend to be unproductive in school and at work because they are unable to relax and face the challenges they face.

Anger Management Online Therapy May Include a Few Different Types of Treatment

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been used for years as an effective means of controlling the emotional responses that a person has toward others. In CBT, the therapist will identify the thoughts and attitudes that lead a person to act negatively. The therapist will then work with a client to change the behaviors and attitudes that are causing problems.

Another aspect of therapy for anger management and control is called behavioral therapy. This type of therapy is focused on changing a person’s reactions to a situation rather than their behavior or thoughts. Behaviors are usually learned through trial and error and may include behavior therapy and cognitive therapy.

Therapists who specialize in this area of therapy are not licensed mental health professionals. Rather, they are licensed psychologists or mental health specialists.

There Are Some Ways Of How To Go About Anger Aanagement Therapy

A family member or friend may be able to offer input and advice. Some therapists who specialize in this area of therapy can be found on the Internet. A therapist can also be found through some professional organizations. Other alternatives to therapy may be seen through self-help groups such as the American Counsellors of Mental Health (ACMH).

Therapy for anger management may include several different techniques and may take a number of sessions over a period of time. During therapy for this type of therapy for anger management, the sessions may last anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks. Sometimes, the sessions may even be combined to allow for continuous treatment over several months or even years.

This type of therapy is one of the most successful ways to reduce the occurrence of depression in people, as well as to reduce the symptoms of other conditions. For instance, it is known to help people with anxiety, insomnia, alcoholism, agoraphobia and eating disorders.

Anger Management May Also Involve Anger Management Training

This type of training is not necessarily related to counseling, but it is often closely related. The training involves helping a person to learn to deal with anger in a more constructive manner.

An anger management training course may also involve cognitive behavioral therapy. This type of course may be requ

Anger Management Online Therapy

Anger Management Online Therapy

ired by law enforcement officers in order to learn how to handle anger problems. This is a great option for parents who want to teach their children how to better manage their anger and how to control the behavior of others in their families.

Anger management may also involve anger management of anger and anxiety. This is often done through using hypnosis. or other relaxation techniques.

Many People Who Have Anger Problems Have Physical Problems As Well

Sometimes, they may feel physically sick because of stress. This can be overcome by learning a method of relaxation. You may need to find more about mental health illness.

Methods of Anger Management

Anger management is an important psycho-social therapy for anger control and prevention. It is also called implementing anger effectively. Anger can be a sign of stress or frustration, which is often a result of being blocked or frustrated by something the patient feels is unimportant. A therapist can teach clients to control and manage anger through positive techniques.

There Are Three Major Kinds of Anger

There are three major kinds of anger: physical, emotional, and mental. Emotional anger may be caused by a relationship break up, divorce, or abuse. Physical anger is usually caused by physical abuse, injury, or self-harm. Mental anger can result from stress, depression, anxiety, or a traumatic event. Therapy can help clients manage all three forms of anger.

Cognitive therapy teaches clients to recognize and treat their anger. This type of therapy helps clients learn to change their thought patterns and attitudes. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, uses cognitive therapy tools that help people recognize and correct negative thought patterns. Therapists also teach clients how to change their response to negative situations.

Emotionally reactive therapies use cognitive-behavioral therapy as well as psychotherapy and psychodynamic therapy. An example of this therapy would be the Emotional Freedom Technique, commonly referred to as EFT, which uses sound or visual symbols to help a person identify negative emotions or patterns. The EFT therapist then helps the client to release these patterns, allowing the client to move from negative thoughts into more optimistic ones.

The third kind of therapy is known as social skills therapy. This therapy addresses anger management through therapy in the social and academic environment. These classes can include group sessions, individual sessions, and workshops, among others.

A Few Different Treatment Options Are Also Available When It Comes To Anger Management Online Therapy

Psychotherapy usually involves talking with a counselor, and working on relaxation techniques. Therapy also addresses medications, and in some cases medications are used to treat patients with severe depression.

There are several types of counseling available, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy, and behavioral therapy. A combination of these two therapy options are sometimes used together to achieve maximum results. Some medications can also be prescribed for patients with severe depression or who are not responding well to other types of therapy.

There are many anger management programs available today. Many organizations provide these programs, and they can be found online, in books, or in person. If you or someone you know suffers from anger control issues, it is important to find a therapist who can help you deal with anger effectively.

One of the most popular and well-known types of anger management programs is the ones that involve a group. When working with a group, therapists work with a specific group of people to get them to identify and change their negative thinking patterns. They also help these people learn to identify the positive things that are going on in their lives, which in turn helps them to see that there is a good chance that they can control their anger and get past bad memories out of their mind.

Anger Management Programs Are Often Combined With Other Forms of Therapy

Psychotherapy, for example, is used with medication. In many cases, medication is only one of several options that are used in the treatment process.

If medication isn’t the first option that is being explored, other methods of dealing with anger control issues include group counseling. These sessions focus on the person’s thought patterns and help them see that they can change them if they want to.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can also be combined with other types of therapy to help improve one’s daily interactions. These sessions, especially the ones that deal with anxiety, work on making the person aware of their feelings and their thinking patterns and replacing those patterns with more positive ones. These sessions can also help a person learn how to manage their emotions in everyday interactions, as well as learning to manage one’s own breathing patterns.

Some people may opt to join a support group or attend classes on their own to improve their coping skills. However, group therapy may not be the best option for everyone. It can be expensive to participate in these types of sessions, which can be very costly. Therefore, a therapist can help a client determine the most cost effective method of anger control.

If you feel you need any help concerning anger management or any ohter mental health problem then this site is here for you:

The post Anger Management Online Therapy appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Anger Management Online Therapy appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Insomnia Online Therapy

Insomnia Online Therapy

Insomnia Online Therapy – Finds a Cure For Your Sleep Disorder

Insomnia is an extremely common condition, which can cause you difficulty falling asleep at night, waking up several times in the night, or making it very difficult to sleep. In most cases, it is caused by a sleeping disorder such as sleep apnea, and in some cases, it may also be related to the stress of a recent stressful event. Unfortunately, people who suffer from insomnia frequently find that they cannot control their sleep disorders because it often becomes a vicious cycle.

insomnia online therapy
If you suffer from insomnia and it is caused by a lack of quality sleep, then you will often find that you tend to do less work throughout the day, have poor concentration and memory, feel irritable and unable to relax, and may experience feelings of depression and anxiety. Some people who suffer from insomnia may also experience difficulty sleeping due to pain and discomfort. The most important thing to remember when suffering from insomnia is to make sure that you seek treatment and you take adequate medication as prescribed by your doctor. Insomnia affects millions of people around the world, the same as a lot of other mental health illness and if you don’t treat it quickly it may become life-long.

Insomnia affects millions of people around the world

Insomnia can be treated, but the only effective cure is the use of a good sleeping aid such as a sleeping pill or a special sleeping bag, which helps you sleep through the night without tossing and turning. Insomnia may also be caused by many factors including, but not limited to, too much caffeine, too much alcohol or nicotine, being overweight, sleeping disorders like sleep apnea, being a night owl, not getting enough exercise, etc.

If insomnia is causing problems for you, there are several options open to you including online therapy

If insomnia is causing problems for you, there are several options open to you including online therapy, alternative methods, herbal remedies and hypnosis. When looking for treatment, it is important to remember that insomnia can vary from one person to another and what works for one person may not work for another. A good online therapist will be able to provide advice about how you can improve your sleep habits and make your life more productive, and how these changes can help you overcome insomnia. You can also consult with a local therapist or see a sleep specialist to see if there is something more specific to your type of insomnia.

There are many things that will help you sleep better, including getting plenty of sleep, exercise, relaxation techniques, avoiding distractions during the day, eating a balanced diet and ensuring that your stress levels are low. If you are having trouble falling asleep at night, you may want to consider using an insomnia pillow, which can help you sleep more soundly than normal pillows. It can also help you feel more relaxed and refreshed.

Many people find that seeking help from an online therapist or sleep specialist is the best solution

Many people find that seeking help from an online therapist or sleep specialist is the best way to go as they are more knowledgeable and more experienced than you, and they can help you decide which type of insomnia you have and which method is best for you. Many people have found online therapy a very useful and comfortable way to begin to deal with their insomnia and find a suitable treatment option. If your insomnia is severe or if you’re tired all day, you may find that seeking medical help may be a good option, the same as with agoraphobia.

Insomnia – Is There Such a Thing As a Cure?

Sleep disorders such as sleep deprivation and insomnia can have detrimental effects on your daily functioning. Insomnia can linger for years, making people feel sluggish and irritable at night and having trouble sleeping throughout the day. In fact, most people who have insomnia do not have regular sleep schedules and can find themselves waking up several times throughout the night for a variety of reasons.

Typical advice includes practicing good sleep hygiene: keeping a cool, dark room; going to sleep and getting up every morning at the same time; and sleeping on your back. However, this advice often doesn’t make sense, since many people are actually sleep deprived or simply don’t understand how they get to be so tired in the first place. Most people who struggle with insomnia find that they cannot control the amount of time spent in REM (dream) sleep, which is why they have trouble falling asleep at all. Sleep is crucial for the body’s natural recovery and repair process after it has been through a stressful event.

The problem with insomnia is that it’s mind over matter. People who suffer from insomnia simply cannot concentrate properly and can’t focus on important matters such as work or family. The lack of focus often leads to stress and irritation, which cause them to feel irritable and unproductive. If you want to rid yourself of insomnia and stop feeling tired all day, you must learn to relax and take a good hard look at your life.

First off, consider what it is that is causing your insomnia

First off, consider what it is that is causing your insomnia. For most people, insomnia is caused by stress, but this can be attributed to a myriad of reasons. Some people are just more stressed than others. Some people are not used to living their lives on their own. Some people just aren’t getting enough sleep. Whatever the reason, the solution is the same – you need to change how you live your life so that you can get a better night’s rest. You need to learn how to sleep better, learn how to relax, and learn how to manage your emotions before getting to sleep.

You can start with insomnia online therapy called Tinnitus retraining

You can start with an online therapy called Tinnitus retraining. This technique uses a combination of hypnosis, meditation, exercise and relaxation techniques to help people who have insomnia deal with the symptoms and treat their condition permanently. They also teach them how to manage their lives more effectively so they can wake up and live better, not only at the end of the day but throughout the entire days. that follow. When they are rested, they can return to their normal activities and resume their healthy relationships. The Tinnitus retraining program teaches how to use relaxation techniques to achieve relaxation techniques for every waking hour of every day. This treatment not only helps people stop being tired at night, but also helps them learn how to cope with day to day issues without feeling like they are going crazy.

Many people have reported that they feel great after using this type of online therapy, and there are several other benefits as well. These include the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends while learning how to get well throughout the year. There are no prescriptions, no medications, no surgery, no costly fees, no embarrassing trips to a doctor and no embarrassing conversations with your loved ones.

You can cure your insomnia for good!

And this site will help you for sure:

The post Insomnia Online Therapy appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Insomnia Online Therapy appeared first on Local SEO Resources.