SEO Updates April 30, 2021

SEO Updates April 30, 2021

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

  • What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week
  • Deal of the week: 25% Cashback in Store Credit on Premium and Do-Follow Press Releases
  • SEO Mad Scientist: Are We In a GMB Update?

To your success,
Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 86

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

Co-Host: Mike Milas

? Local SEO Roundtable Webinar: Wednesday, May 26th @2 pm
? New IOs Rollout Affecting Marketers
? Fake Reviews on GMBs Dead
? Google Image Searches Box With Bell Icon For Updates
? Brands Value Domain Authority Because They Mistakenly Think Google Values DA
? What to do about clients canceling and back charging

– Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here

– Listen here


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New Weekend Deal Alert
4/30 – 5/2
25% Cashback in Store Credit on Premium and Do-Follow Press Releases

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SEO Mad Scientist ???


Welcome back to another SEO Mad Scientist update! This week we are going to look at some weird test results and go over how we believe we are in the middle of a GMB update…

But first…

Let’s talk about our suspended GMB listing from earlier this week. If you didn’t see in the group, last week we got an email from GMB about our listing being suspended…



This is now the second test listing we have had suspended in over a year, and when we posted about it, one of the questions that came up was, “why was it suspended ?

We hadn’t made any recent changes, hadn’t done any “weird” tests (like emoji names), and were on an account with other test GMBs that were obviously not legit. So why was this one targeted? Well, we believe it was flagged by a user…

The fact is when we look at the recent metrics for the site, it was gaining a lot of traction (another reason we wanted to dig into what was previously done)


It’s because of this that we believe the listing was most likely seen by someone who flagged it. There was a good possibility someone went to the address as we had the address listed on this listing.

The fact the listing was doing so well was odd, considering it only had an optimized description and that was about it. We were interested to why rankings may have gone up however because when checking our other test listing, we saw that things had gone a little crazy…

Here are just 2 of the listings…


This obviously makes it difficult to give any solid update on our tests.

The one thing we did want to note however is that all of the test listings that are currently doing this are on the SAME account as the listing that got suspended over the weekend.

So do you think this is due to an update or possibly Google targeting the account due to the suspension?

Be sure to look out next week for the update to see what happens and if any more listings get suspended. Until then…

Happy Testing!






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Earwax Causing Ringing In The Ear?

Earwax Causing Ringing In The Ear?

Earwax Can Cause Ringing In The Ear

Ringing In The Ear Video …

Tinnitus is a condition that causes buzzing or ringing in the ear. The noise can be intermittent or present all the time. Also, some people hear low frequencies while others hear high frequencies.

Many different things can cause tinnitus. The most common cause of tinnitus is sustained exposure to loud noises. It can also be caused by trauma to the head or ear. However, a buildup of earwax also causes ringing in the ear.

Earwax is a normal bodily secretion. Your ear canal is a sensitive area. Earwax helps protect the inside of your ear canal.

However, earwax can build up over time. Therefore, you need to clean your ears thoroughly at regular intervals.

earwax blockage ringing in the ears

If you don’t clean your ears regularly, the earwax can become compacted. This prevents outside sounds from reaching the inside of your ears.

For this reason, earwax causes ringing in your ears. You may also hear other sounds, as mentioned earlier.

There are certain things you can do to get rid of earwax in your ears. One of the most common solutions you can try at home is hydrogen peroxide. This liquid is very cheap and available almost everywhere.

You lean your head to the side and let the hydrogen peroxide break up the earwax. You can tell it’s working because you can feel it bubbling.

After a few minutes, you need to tilt your head to the other side to let the solution drain.

An alternative to hydrogen peroxide is baking soda. It too is very cheap and can be gotten practically anywhere.

You need to mix warm water and baking soda and put it in your ears, just like the hydrogen peroxide solution.

You should be aware that the inside of your ears is very sensitive to temperature and foreign chemicals. Therefore, you should never put harsh chemicals or cold or hot liquids into your ears to clean them.

Earwax causes ear noise if you allow it to build up over time. It prevents external sounds from reaching the inside of your ears efficiently.

The 6 best tips for removing earwax.

Since most people don’t know how to remove earwax themselves, they often rush to the doctor and incur high medical bills for something they could just as quickly do at home.

1. Try chewing gum. Moving the jaw is part of the body’s natural way of removing earwax, and it can help loosen whatever is stuck there.

2. Use a medium-sized syringe or aspirator to squirt water into the ear. A few precautions: Do not put the tip (or anything else) into your ear canal. Place the end right at the entrance of the ear and squirt warm water in, leaving enough room for the water to come out.

3. If plain water doesn’t work, use some heated oil to try to melt the wax. Sometimes a hardened ear wax deposit needs to be dislodged from its position first and then sprayed out with the water. Home removal is all about trying safe and recommended things to see what works.

4. Some people swear by ear candles, where one end of a hollow candle is located into the ear and the other end is lit. Contrary to the claims of some less reputable manufacturers, this method does not “draw out” earwax, although warm smoke and air can help loosen stubborn earwax deposits.

5. Still nothing? Try one of several ear wax removal products on the market, such as Debrox or Murine Ear Wax Removal System. Most of these kits use hydrogen peroxide to partially dissolve the blockage and then perform the same treatment with water jets. Not only that, but what did you think the doctor would use? Most of the time, the ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor will start his treatment with one of these kits.

6. If you still have a problem with earwax after steps 1-4, it may be time to bite the bullet and see an audiologist.

This person has all kinds of tools available to remove earwax, including something called an “otoscope” that allows him/her to look into your ear canal and see what’s holding the wax in your ear.

He/She may also use a special ear scoop to get the wax out, sometimes called a curette.

If you don’t have success at home and end up going to the audiologist, ask him/her what you should do in the future so you don’t have to go to the doctor every time you have excessive earwax. Some people need regular earwax cleaning, which you can do at home just as quickly as at the doctor’s office.

The Article Earwax Causing Ringing In The Ear? First Appeared ON

The post Earwax Causing Ringing In The Ear? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.