How Daily Harvest Earned $250 Million in Revenue in Just 5 Years of Business

How Daily Harvest Earned 0 Million in Revenue in Just 5 Years of Business

In just 5 years, Daily Harvest, which provides healthy, easy-to-prep meals to customers based on algorithmic flavor preferences, disrupted the food industry and earned more than $250 million in revenue.

And, even before the acceleration in home food deliveries in 2020, the health and sustainability-conscious brand had already raked in $43 million in funding from investors who aligned with the company’s vision.

In a recent episode of HubSpot’s podcast, The Shake Up, our hosts Alexis Gay and Brianne Kimmel spoke with Daily Harvest founder and CEO Rachel Drori to learn what inspired her to build the brand, how she navigated investor pitching, how algorithms fuel the business, and how she thinks about the brand’s marketing mix.

Below are just a few highlights from the podcast:

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Daily Harvest on Growing Its Brand and Customer Base

Daily Harvest’s Mission to Serve Healthy Food

[00:21:26] Rachel Drori: We’re not a meal kit. We’re more like a [00:21:30] modern CPG than a meal kit. Our food doesn’t rotate. You don’t have to really cook it. It’s already prepped.

[00:21:42] Alexis Gay: Would you say you’re defining a new category?

[00:21:45] Drori: Absolutely. I got into it because I’m absolutely a foodie. …. I wanted food that was convenient because that’s what makes fruits and vegetables hard. … But I also wanted food that was jam-packed with all the stuff that I know is good for me. … Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine,” right? We’ve ended up with a Hippocratic oath for medicine being a medicine. Whereas food is kind of lost its way. So we’re really here to change that.

… The way that Big Food is set up is very systemically broken. … Investors in big food companies, the big CPGs of the world, are really focused on things like margin, accretion, and slow, steady returns dividends. … When you think about how that translates to food … it’s pretty ugly. And the way that they’re structurally set up is not to innovate. A case in point is Kraft in recent years, right? Their big innovation last year was launching pink macaroni and cheese. … They’ve just completely lost touch with the customer and they don’t have the structural agility to be able to move with modern times.

What drives demand for Daily Harvest?

[00:23:57] Gay: What drives the demand for your product? … Is it that younger generations are focusing on healthier food options? Is that the traditional family dinner is not as much part of our culture, is it because of the struggles of the restaurant industry? What do you think?

[00:24:15] Drori: I think there’s a few things. We’re kind of at the crossroads of a bunch of — I hate using this term — megatrends, right? … I think people are just smarter and there’s enough education out there where people are realizing that if I stick to the basics — like things my grandparents ate, things my great grandparents ate — then I’m going to be okay. So our whole food ethos is really based on this idea where we’re not going to tell you what not to eat.

… We are including everybody’s eating habits and everybody’s eating values, but we’re going to provide a base of fruits and vegetables. So our goal is to get everybody to eat more fruits and vegetables. And then, if you want to add a piece of chicken to your harvest bowl … we think that’s great.

Navigating Tricky Investment Pitches

[00:25:42] Gay: In 2017, you had $43 million in investments, which is incredible. But in order to get that type of cash infusion, it starts with a pitch. And I want to hear a little bit about one of those pitch meetings back then in 2017, how were you approaching, crafting the pitch around Daily Harvest?

[00:26:02] Drori: 2017 was the point when we felt like we had reached true product-market fit. So pre-fundraising — previous to that point — I would say it was incredibly difficult. People didn’t understand how the collections that we had laddered up to this bigger picture to this platform. There was a lot of friction in the fundraising process, especially because the people from who I was trying to raise money just didn’t see that there was a problem. They were like, “Well, why, why wouldn’t I just buy a Jamba Juice?” I’m like, “I don’t even know where to begin.”

[00:26:40] Gay: Did you ever feel discouraged

[00:26:41] Drori: After meetings like that? Oh, discouraged wouldn’t even cover it. I think that fundraising is the most demoralizing process.

[00:26:58] Gay: What was the key message you were really trying to land with the people you were seeking investment from.

[00:27:05] Drori: There were two things. The message I was trying to land was just this big picture. That big food is completely broken and that there’s this opportunity and that big food is not meeting customers. … Where I would say it got really tricky wasn’t necessarily with the problem statement. It really was that a lot of people got tripped up on the frozen.

[00:27:32] Gay: Why do you think that is?

[00:27:34] Drori: They still do, but everyone’s like, “Oh, so you’re disrupting frozen food?” and I’m like, “Soup is not a frozen category. Lattes are not a frozen category. Breakfast cereal is not a frozen category. How is that your logic?” Frozen is how we make food incredibly clean, unprocessed, convenient, and sustainable. … You know, we’re really trying to focus on that, that big picture to paint this story that we’re not going after frozen food.

… Eventually, we did it. The other thing that I was really looking for in that round was values alignment from our investors. … I wanted to make sure that we were never going to end up in a position where some of the investment community in big food causes a lot of health challenges. … There was a lot of insuring that our investors were going to have values that aligned as well.

Finding Like-Minded Investors

[00:29:10] Kimmel: How did you actually reverse the pitch and ask those investors questions to give you a real feel if they were going to add value and be a valuable person to help you scale Daily Harvest?

[00:29:25] Drori: One of the tricks, when you’re pitching, is that you’re also always selling. So one of the things that I did was I showed that there was great customer demand for these things — like sustainability is now table stakes. It wasn’t five years ago. Just showing where the customer demand was going and showing that there was also a business revenue opportunity tied to everything that we were hoping to do on the sustainability side … was a really important part of the story. Some of the questions that we asked just to make sure that people were aligned actually weren’t to the investors directly. it was always to other companies that they invested in and not the ones that they introduced us to.

… Those back-channel calls where you ask about a time where there was a really difficult decision that you had to weigh: Margins versus doing what was right for the customer, right? For me, that’s one of the hardest tensions and I was always going to focus on what was best for the customer — and what’s best for the Earth is also best for the customer.

Building Out the Business

[00:32:08] Kimmel: What were the next steps that had to happen to make Daily Harvest truly scalable?

[00:32:19] Drori: A lot of it sat in our supply chain. … We had a lot of amazing farmers that we engaged directly with. We still, to this day, do all of our own sourcing and work directly with everyone. But a lot of that story was very idealistic. …  It was a hard thing to do at that scale.

… Even like our packaging, right? We have these like grand plans to have completely home-compostable packaging. There’s a lot of storytelling there because there’s a scale problem. So you always have this chicken or egg problem when you’re talking about physical goods, where in order to make something cost-effective so that you can think about things like profitability, you have to have the scale to be able to justify those big swings.

Personalizing the Customer Experience

[00:34:15] Gay: A lot of companies that are offering food delivery in some capacity are keeping their offering really simple, focusing on just dinner or just one type of food. But you have over 60 items for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Was that a conscious decision you made to offer so many more?

[00:34:32] Drori: Because we have this direct link with our customers. What we’re able to do is we actually phenotype taste beds and we understand what every single customer wants and needs down to an incredible level of detail that allows us to create food for each individual. We don’t look at customers as averages. We really look at each individual and we create food to meet the needs of those customers.

… We have smoothies for different tastes, preferences, and different tea, eating values, and different profiles. As we expand into this collection depth, we see different groups consuming over different days. So it’s really systematic the way that we think about it. And it’s really served as well to increase share of stomach over time,as we’ve been able to take this data and turn it into meeting the needs of our customers.

[00:35:41] Gay: How did you build that?

[00:35:45] Drori: We have an incredible algorithms team who has really been a key part to our food delivery and then the personalization tied to that development to make sure that we’re matching the right people with the right food. That was creative.

[00:38:00] Kimmel: How do you balance qualitative insights as well? Like, do you have a great team that’s reading customer support tickets? Do you have focus groups? How do you collect a lot of Individual insights from each Daily Harvest user?

[00:38:14] Drori: There are two ways in which we do that. One is we have an incredibly passionate care team. … We’ve really emboldened our care team to be a part of this co-creation journey and adding the context behind what we’re seeing in the data. That’s a huge piece of what we do. Then we have a in-house research team that takes the data that we see and ties it together with the emotional, the psychological, the why behind what we’re seeing. … And it’s an incredibly powerful combination.

Daily Harvest’s Changing Marketing Mix

[00:41:20] Gay: I want to talk a little bit about your marketing mix. … In a world where startups rely so heavily on Facebook, Google, and Amazon for sales, you have invested in TV ads in influencer partnerships. … I would love to know what was your decision-making process in making some of those bets?

[00:42:11] Drori: It was easy to scale on Facebook. Now it’s a whole different ball of wax. The landscape has changed significantly … the landscape is always changing, it’s a complete moving target and something that works today will not work tomorrow. It’s just how you have to live in this world. We went out really aggressively into every channel you can imagine to give us that optionality and that agility where we can change our spend in different channels based on what happens to be working at the time.

… Influencer marketing is part of our mix, TV is a part of our mix, but I think the most important thing is — even if one thing is working really well — that you keep your spend and you keep the other channels engaged enough where if something changes you can always pivot and change that mix.

[00:43:57] Kimmel: How do you think about some of the branded Daily Harvest stuff versus like engaging with influencers and people that are likely to use Daily Harvest anyway, because it falls into like this new category of just easier, healthier.

[00:44:27] Drori: People always say like, “What’s the secret to your really fast growth?” And I actually talk about our supply chain, which is not the answer that people want to hear, but the reason why is … if you’ve ever seen a Rogers bell curve, it’s a normal bell curve, but if you think about the way normal product development works, you have an insight and then can take up to a year to ring something to market.

… Climbing up that curve, by the time you get to the top. That’s usually when big companies are going to market. Right? Our supply chain agility and our data allows us to go to market when an early adopter is interested in something and our early adopters because we listened to them, became these evangelists

… And what’s really powerful is that it spurs this virtuous marketing cycle that rides itself up that curve, as opposed to facing headwinds on the way down, where you have to like hire Justin Timberlake to shake his tushy on television. … Of course, we pay for some influencers, but really, what you’re seeing is us co-creating with our customers and our customers being so glad that we listened to them and gave them what they wanted.

To hear the full conversation or check out other episodes of The Shake Up, click here.

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The post How Daily Harvest Earned $250 Million in Revenue in Just 5 Years of Business appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

What Is Outsourced Lead Generation? How to Generate Leads In 2021

What Is Outsourced Lead Generation? How to Generate Leads In 2021
Conversion Optimization

Generating quality leads is the key to your business’s success. For this reason, every marketer’s top priority is finding those leads and keeping the sales pipeline hot.

But lead generation can also be your biggest challenge: 61% of marketers say finding new potential customers is one of their company’s number one struggles.

Whether you can’t find the right strategy or don’t have enough time to track down prospective clients, it’s easy to feel like lead generation is a thorn in your side.

That’s where outsourced lead generation comes in. If you want to know more about it and how it can help your B2B or B2C business, keep reading.

Lead generation outsourcing: What is it?

Attracting and converting a stranger into your future customer is known as lead generation. In other words, it’s the process of getting someone interested in your company’s products or services through sales and marketing efforts.

With a successful lead generation strategy, you can create a pipeline of qualified leads that will be nurtured until they’re ready to buy.

The key is to always keep that pipeline full of the right leads that will eventually become loyal customers.

(Image Source)

Whether you’re a B2C or B2B company, you can’t underestimate the importance of generating leads. You can have the most outstanding product or service on the market, but without interested customers, you’re not going to make any sales.

This is why marketers spend more than half of their budget on lead generation.

They know that finding and nurturing potential customers will result in more revenue, brand awareness, and the continued growth and success of their business.

(Image Source)

There’s only one problem — it’s not exactly easy.

If you’re struggling with finding the right leads and attracting the attention of potential buyers, you’re not alone.

The marketing landscape is constantly changing. Keeping up with it has been an ongoing challenge for many businesses.

This is why outsourcing your lead generation has become an increasingly popular solution.

Outsourcing means working with a third-party company that will take over the task of finding qualified leads for you, so you can focus on other vital aspects of your business.

However, as a business owner, handing the reins to an outsider isn’t an easy decision. If you’re considering hiring a lead generation service provider, let’s take a look at some of the real benefits that come along with it.


Since 2009, we have helped many businesses dramatically increase their online leads. Let us do it for you!

The benefits of outsourcing your B2C or B2B lead generation

Think of outsourcing as partnering with a trusted expert — a partnership that comes with several perks.

1. Lower costs

If you’re a small business or startup, you may not have access to the resources needed to hire and train an in-house marketing team that will work on finding sales-qualified leads.

Outsourcing is a simple solution to this problem. You’ll have instant access to a team of already-trained experts whose sole purpose is to find prospective customers.

If you’re unsure about spending money on outsourcing, consider how much it will cost you to do it in-house. Sometimes the long-term benefits of hiring an outsourcing specialist outweigh the costs.

2. Time-saving and effective

An outsourcing partner will use their expertise to keep your sales pipeline constantly full of qualified leads, freeing up your own sales team’s valuable time.

Instead of spending hours trying to find new leads, your staff can focus their full attention on converting quality leads into customers.

3. Lead Nurturing

Lead generation is hard because 40 to 70% of qualified leads aren’t ready to buy yet.

Prospective clients need to be nurtured and build trust with your business before they decide to make their first purchase. If your team doesn’t have the time to focus on this, you can miss out on sales-ready leads.

The right outsourced provider can help with this. They’ll take time to nurture that future client and make sure they are sales-ready before handing them over to your team.

4. Qualified leads that convert

Getting leads is one thing, but getting the right leads that convert into sales is the real goal. 74% of companies say converting leads into customers is their top priority.

(Image Source

An expert can do just that. Higher Visibility helped its client in the shipping industry increase lead generation by 2,432% year after year. It also attracted the kinds of leads that convert into sales.

To make this happen, Higher Visibility used a slew of lead-generating strategies, including content marketing and an on-site estimate calculator that was an instant success for capturing qualified leads.


Since 2009, we have helped many businesses dramatically increase their online leads. Let us do it for you!

When should you hire a lead generation company?

Should you outsource lead generation, or should you keep it in-house?

Since every business is different, the answer is not so cut and dry. Before you decide on one or the other (or even both), you’ll want to evaluate your budget, team capabilities, and goals.

If you already have an experienced team that is dedicated to sourcing qualified leads, you’ll want to focus your efforts in-house instead of outsourcing.

On the other hand, outsourcing to a lead generation specialist can be extremely helpful to your business, especially in the following scenarios:

  • You don’t have the resources to do it in-house
  • Your staff is new and doesn’t have the expertise and time to do it themselves
  • You’re struggling to see results from your current lead generation efforts
  • You want to grow your business and offer support to your current sales staff

Before you pick an outsourcing provider, make sure you choose a team that understands your needs, has a track record of driving real results and acts as a partner.


It’s simple. For continued growth and a full pipeline of new customers, focusing your marketing efforts on lead generation is a top priority.

If your in-house efforts have yet to bear any fruit, or if you just want to grow your business cost-effectively, consider an outsourced lead generation service.

Working with a reputable expert that does the heavy lifting for you can help you generate more quality leads and scale your business.


Since 2009, we have helped many businesses dramatically increase their online leads. Let us do it for you!

The post What Is Outsourced Lead Generation? How to Generate Leads In 2021 appeared first on HigherVisibility.

Decentralized TV Advances as Cudos HODLs With Sator

Decentralized TV Advances as Cudos HODLs With Sator

HODL with Solar

As blockchain technology widens its boundaries, the spotlight has shifted to Hollywood with the announcement of a brand new decentralised series named “HODL,” which will incorporate fan interaction tokens and free mining services.

Audience to Gain Exposure to Token Incentives and Mining

In one of the most recent manifestations of the blockchain world, art imitates life as a story of a young entrepreneur proposing a blockchain enterprise progresses toward viewers’ screens.

Cudos, a decentralised layer 1 and layer 2 blockchain network, has teamed up with the upcoming television series “HODL” and fan engagement protocol Sator to provide viewers with a value-added experience via the mining platform.

“HODL,” an acronym for Hold On For Dear Life, will centre on Aveer, a token project named for a deceased buddy, and will chronicle the subsequent comedy and drama. The decentralised television series is scheduled to premiere in 2022 and will have a cast of genuine crypto celebrities in addition to a yet-to-be-announced Hollywood A-lister who will narrate the part of Satoshi Nakamoto.

Chris Martin, who is also the CEO of Sator, is co-writing the fictitious work that will be produced by Beacon Pictures and distributed in a decentralised way. Sator, which provides audiences with fan interaction tokens (SATOR), will reward “HODL” watching by linking them with show memorabilia. Users that download Sator’s application and engage in relevant content or interactive quizzes and games receive NFTs, prizes, and the platform’s native SATOR coin.

The collaboration between these two initiatives will see Cudo Miner introduced to viewers via in-show ads. Cudo’s mining programme is meant to assist users in utilising unused computer resources to create tokens through the use of a system that automatically adapts to mine the most profitable currencies and maximises user returns.

The miner is fully integrated into Cudos’ current ecosystem, which provides on-demand decentralised cloud computing services based on the community’s surplus processing and graphical capabilities. Cudos Network aspires to play a bigger role in the entertainment business, owing to the significant resources required for rendering video throughout the post-production process, particularly as it transitions to decentralised resources.

According to the rules of the new collaboration, fans of “HODL” who download Cudos’ mining programme will receive SATOR tokens that may be used to bid on digital artefacts NFTs or possibilities to feature in the TV series’ plots.

HODL is not the first attempt by the industry to introduce a crypto-themed television series to a broader audience. “StartUp,” a programme about cryptocurrency that premiered on Crackle, a free Sony Pictures Entertainment streaming service, lasted three seasons before being cancelled.

A reality show named “Crypto Castle Chronicles” that was to follow young crypto entrepreneurs living in so-called Crypto Castles built by inventor Jeremy Gardner was cancelled before it could air.

While the concept of cryptotainment is not novel, these examples illustrate how difficult it has been for crypto to permeate into mainstream entertainment, as well as the obstacles the sector confronts as it attempts to grow in popularity.

Who do you think will narrate Satoshi Nakamoto? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Why Rent An RV? – Renting A Recreational Vehicle

Why Rent An RV? – Renting A Recreational Vehicle


This Pandemic has taught us the importance of the little things in life, like the joy of travelling, free of any restrictions from a countrywide or a state-wide lockdown with night curfews. We lost an entire year to the four walls of our house, so what better way to enjoy the wonders of life than travelling in a recreational vehicle (RV)?

Yes, we are well aware that most countries are not yet open for tourists, but all the lockdown bans in the United States have been lifted. Travelling around the United States can serve you with the same feelings of wanderlust as it would if you could travel to exotic countries. Travelling in an RV through the beautiful countryside offers you freedom and flexibility. Additionally, it also provides you with the comfort of your own home. Furthermore, renting an RV is far cheaper than buying an RV and maintaining such a massive vehicle.

PS– It also helps to save your hotel money!

Plane rides take a lot of the fun out of travelling but are convenient when you are flying to a single place, but with an RV, you can plan a plethora of places along the road. This is an excellent opportunity to explore your homeland and discover scenic beauty that does not end up on the list of tourist attractions but is just as beautiful. Just the thought of travelling in an RV might make you calculate how expensive that would be, but you do not need to own an actual RV to pack your bags and set out on the road! All you need to do is rent an RV for a few days or weeks, or months, based on your travel plans.

With this article, I will take you to step by step through the experience of renting an RV and why you should rent an RV should be next on your travel bans!


why rent an rv contact us

Like everything, renting an RV requires some preliminary research on the customer’s end.

If this is your first time renting an RV and you are not yet sure if it would be right for you, not to worry because renting an RV is an accurate way to figure out if it’s the right thing for you and your family. That did not make sense? Let me try it differently: while you are going through websites of companies who rent RVs, reading through their customer experience like reviews and the companies’ own stories and the services they provide, you will understand if you require their services or not. At first thought, it might not seem like your thing, but after reading about it, you might realize that RVing is that thing that is missing from your life!

Keep in mind, RVing is not the cheapest method of travel. Still, it indeed furnishes you with that option to get away from the hectic technological life and enjoy vacations in a completely different way, which other forms of transportation would not be able to match.

Now, once you have decided to go for an RV trip, you need the first map out what type of RV you require, which part of the country you would like to travel to, where you would be staying, and any other pit stops on the way. Planning your RV trip meticulously is the key to maximum enjoyment of your RV rental. 

Here, we will discuss the types of RVs and their various costs.

2.1. Types of RVs:

Winnebago Motorhomes Iconic 1960s RV RentalNow that you know what an RV is and how it can upgrade your vacation style let us go through the various types of RVs.

Recreational Vehicles (RVs) are broadly of two categories:

  1. Drivable motorhomes: the drivable RVs are known as drivable motorhomes. You can conveniently drive and sleep in a drivable RV. Drivable motorhomes are further divided into three types:
    1. Class A: These motorhomes weigh more than 26.000 pounds and require a special license to drive them on the roads. (Throughout the 50 states, vehicles weighing less than 26.000 pounds do not require a special permit to be operated.) The average weight of class A motorhomes can range anywhere from 13.000 to 30.000 pounds. It is advisable to avoid the heavier ones. Class A motorhomes are similar to coach buses towering at 20 to 42 feet. With the immense size and weight of the vehicle, it is better to avoid the Class motorhomes if this is indeed your first RVing trip. Unless you have a good handle on driving bus-sized vehicles, Class A can prove to be quite a hassle because it makes parking a lot difficult, owing to its size.
    2. Class B: By size, they are the smallest kind of RVs. They are similar to vans and require the least getting-used-to-driving because they resemble vans a lot. Owing to their small size, they sleep a smaller number of people than Class A and have less space for accommodation. They are great for a couple of people than a group of friends or families. 
    3. Class C: Class C is the mid-way between Class A and Class B. They are more significant than Class B in terms of space and size but also easily drivable compared to Class A. They usually weigh around 10.000 to 15.000 pounds and are about 38 feet tall. Class C is very similar to a big truck.
  2. Towable motorhomes: Towable motorhomes are the ones that can be towed at the back of an SUV or a pickup truck. They are the accommodation space rather than the drivable space, i.e., while driving, you are using the SUV or the pickup truck, but when you need to rest or spend the night, you can do so in the towable motorhomes. They come with fifth wheels, utility and folding trailers. Towable motorhomes are even equipped with pop-able canvas sides, offering extra space for sleeping or cooking. Few trailers include showers and toilets as well.

2.2. Where to rent an RV?

  1. Online: The internet is a never-ending space full of resources. You can always look up transportation companies that rent RVs, and you will find many who specialize in the RV market only.
  2. Peer-to-peer rental: Peer-to-peer rental is renting an RV from an individual owner of one. Many Samaritans own an RV but do not have the time and luxury to be vacationing throughout the year, so they rent out their RVs. Some sites where you can meet RV owners and discuss any rental plans are Airbnb, RV Share, etcetera. The sites filter the offers based on both towable and drivable motorhomes.

2.3. How much does renting an RV cost?

Like any other transportation service, RV costs vary based on which time of the year you will be booking it for, how big an RV you require, and which amenities the RV is fitted with.

Some average costs are: (all costs displayed are exclusive of tax payable)

  1. Costs based on travel time:
    1. Day trip: $75 to $350
    2. 7-day trip: $500 to $2.400
    3. One Month trip: $1.750 to $ 10.000
  2. Costs based on type of RVs: 
    1. Class A: $175 to $275 per night
    2. Class B: $100 to $200 per night
    3. Class C: $150 to $200 per night
  3. Travel trailer: $50 to $125 per night
  4. Fifth wheel: $60 to $150 per night
  5. Pop-up trailer: $50 to $100 per night

However, the cost of an RV does not end at where you pay the RV owner or RV company for the vehicle, but it also comes with tax and fuel costs. RVs are not known for their mileage and are quite fuel-consuming vehicles, especially during the summer. In North America, gas prices skyrocket seasonally, as well. It is not much you can do in this area except for research in advance about the cheaper places to stop for gas that will be on your route because most gas stations along the highways can be expensive.

Now that you have chosen which type of RV will suit you based on your group strength, budget and drivable capabilities, you need to decide the vacation destination. As mentioned earlier, the cost of the trip can vary based on the destination. Still, the best thing about an RV trip is that anywhere and everywhere is accessible, like a national park, the beach or some resort for a good and relaxing experience.

Even after deciding all the criteria, budgeting will be an ongoing process because you have to bear the expenses for food, activities, and necessities wherever you go. Also, some places levy a parking charge. So, research well in advance about the campsites or parks or resorts about the fees. A lot of tourist destinations are seasonal, so check out for the functionality of the facilities.


RV Camping for BeginnersRenting an RV can open doors to a fantastic family bonding time for you. Especially for the kids who have been stuck inside the houses during the lockdown, travelling the countryside in an RV can prove to be an exhilarating experience.

Some reasons why you should book an RV:

  1. Customizable experience: Usually, when we head out for a vacation, all the stops are planned, but with an RV, it is like going on a long car drive; instead, you are driving through the country roads. Anywhere and everywhere is a pit stop with unlimited options regarding routes, activities, and other things you can do on a road trip.
  2. Amenities: RVs are usually fitted with accommodation facilities, but some rental companies also offer more amenities (at an extra cost, of course!) such as silverware, generators, propane, bed linens. Paying for generators and propane to the RV rental company can prove to be cheaper than doing so at an RV park or any other parking site. Furthermore, most drivable motorhomes come with a toilet, so it is your home on wheels!
  3. Comes with a handbook: For some of us, RVing is a new experience, so you might be worried that you would not be able to drive the RV, but for that, you can go ahead and take an RV from an RV rental company for a test drive and check your comfort level at driving it. Make sure to check if you can park the RV with ease.
  4. Easy hook-ups: RVs come with a manufacturer’s manual from the RV rental, where you can learn how to hook up to water, electricity or the sewer. If you still have any confusion, you can ask an expert at the dealership to explain it to you. Be wise not to hook up if you are unsure because you can end up blowing out the RV’s electrical system.
  5. Easy handling of waste disposal: The first thing that comes to mind when we think about an RV trip is how gross dealing with the toiler will be. But for that, most RV rentals come with disposable gloves when you are handling the black tank hose to dispose of the waste. Check beforehand if the gloves are available; if not, go ahead and buy some of your own. Dumping the contents of the RV tank takes about five minutes and is reasonably easy to handle.
  6. Easy camping: Another way to save money can be by avoiding hotel costs. Staying in your motorhome is comfortable and also something budget-friendly. Prepare to save money by bringing meals with you or buying food items in bulk in gas stations or other convenience stores on the route where it is cheaper. This can also turn into an opportunity for boondocking. An RV is perfect for boondocking where you have no access to water, electricity or a sewer system.

There are many ways to make your RV trip enjoyable, memorable and fun, and an equal number of reasons why you should take an RV trip with your friends, close ones and families. So, plan and hop on in one of these sweet rides for a camera full of memories and a heart full of trip stories.

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SEO Certifications: Are They Beneficial & Do They Make You an Expert?

<div>SEO Certifications: Are They Beneficial & Do They Make You an Expert?</div>

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March of 2018 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

If you’re working on advancing your search engine optimization (SEO) career, you might have considered earning a certification in the field.

There are plenty of different certifications out there to choose from, but picking the right one isn’t always easy — especially because there’s a lot of conflicting information about these programs on the internet.

Just how useful are SEO certifications? Will earning one help you achieve your career goals?

The short answer: it depends.

Certifications aren’t always necessary to work in SEO. In fact, many SEO experts manage just fine without ever earning a certification. But taking an online course can be helpful in some situations.

Read on to discover the best SEO certifications and to learn when you should (and shouldn’t) consider earning one.

The purpose of certifications

Earning an SEO certification can serve multiple purposes.

First, getting certified creates official documentation of your learning.

Anybody can claim that they’re an SEO specialist, no matter what their actual skill level is. Earning a certification gives you a way to back up your claims.

In a field like SEO, where many people are self-taught, this can be very helpful in getting employers to sit up and take notice of you.

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Earning some certifications can also help you fill out your resume.

If you’ve just launched your SEO career and don’t have a lot of real-world experience to add, certifications can help you get a foothold in the field and land that first job.

Earning certifications as a newcomer doesn’t just highlight the skills you’ve worked on. It also shows that you’re committed to learning and able to follow through on what you start.

Finally, some employers prefer to hire people who have certain qualifications.

If you’re shooting for a job that favors applicants with specific knowledge, earning a certification in that subject can give you a leg up over your competition. Some employers even require their employees to earn certifications as a form of training.

Do certifications make you an expert?

SEO certifications can be useful. But if you’re currently a beginner, can getting certified make you an SEO expert?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.

Certifications can only teach you so much because true SEO mastery comes from doing hands-on work.

You can learn important SEO concepts by earning an online certification, but knowing how and when to apply those principles can only come from experience and practice. Think of certifications as a starting point, not as the culmination of your learning.

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Taking an SEO course isn’t guaranteed to land you a job, either.

Some people cheat on their certification tests, which makes many employers wary of trusting these credentials. Employers also prefer to hire experienced specialists who show real-world results in the field, regardless of their qualifications on paper.

None of this necessarily means that you shouldn’t earn a certification. If you have gaps in your knowledge or weaknesses that you’d like to fix, SEO training can help you even out your profile of strengths.

Taking an SEO training course can also be a good choice if you like structured learning environments. However, if your goal is to impress employers or become an SEO expert, certifications are only part of the whole picture.

SEO certifications and courses you may want to consider

Do you think earning a certification might be helpful for you? Here’s a list of popular online certifications and courses that you can look into.

Some are free, while others will run you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Of course, you should research any certification thoroughly to make sure it’ll meet your needs before you sign up for it.

1. Inbound Certification course by HubSpot

Cost: Free

If you want to try earning a certification without making a big financial commitment, HubSpot’s free course is a good place to start. You’ll take 12 classes on various aspects of inbound marketing and then complete a 60-question test to earn your certification.

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Bear in mind that this course doesn’t focus on SEO techniques per se but more on the general fundamentals behind inbound marketing.

It helps you to structure your inbound marketing strategy so that your social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, Adword strategy, and SEO campaign align with your goals and drive organic traffic.

2. SEO training course by Moz

Cost: Free

Moz’s free Udemy course is another ideal way to brush up on SEO fundamentals or see if online courses are a good option for you.

And since the video-based course is only three and a half hours long, you can try it out without making a major time commitment.

Not only does this free SEO course teach you how to structure your SEO strategy, but it also runs through a variety of technical SEO concepts, keyword research basics, on-page and off-page fundamentals, and analytics principles.

3. SEO courses by DistilledU

Cost: Starting at $33/month

Whether you’re learning SEO from scratch or you want to patch some holes in your knowledge, DistilledU can help you. For a monthly subscription fee, you get access to more than 133 hours of video content about SEO.

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Choose from a beginner’s course that covers everything from technical SEO to information architecture and an advanced SEO course that dives into more complex topics like link building and international SEO.

The cost is $33/month if you pay for an annual membership upfront, while a monthly membership is $40.

4. ClickMinded SEO certification

Cost: $997

ClickMinded’s seven-course program provides an easy-to-follow introduction to all things SEO and digital marketing, led by AirBnB’s SEO manager Tommy Griffin.

You’ll learn technical SEO, search framework, keyword research, document relevance, SEO tool suggestions, link building, and more. You’ll also get free access to five extra mini-courses on local SEO, Shopify SEO, Pinterest SEO, YouTube SEO, and Amazon SEO.

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The one-time membership fee provides lifetime access to all of the program’s content, so you can return and brush up whenever you need to.

5. All-around SEO training by Yoast Academy

Cost: $89/year

This course is created by Yoast SEO, one of the top SEO plugins for WordPress. It covers both the content marketing side of SEO and the technical side.

On top of that, you’ll learn off-page SEO techniques, as well as extra digital marketing skills associated with social media, email marketing, and customer experience design.

You’ll get three hours of video content, quizzes, and PDF files, along with year-long access to the materials. The cost also includes a year’s access to the Yoast SEO Premium plugin.

6. SEO Certification course by HubSpot

Cost: Free

This free SEO course is designed for marketing professionals looking to get a better understanding of the basics of SEO.

The course covers SEO basics, link building, keyword research, on-page, and off-page SEO, technical aspects, and SEO reporting.

You’ll get 24 videos over six lessons, equally two and a half hours of content. You’ll be tested via five quizzes.

7. SEO Certification by the Online Marketing Institute

Cost: Starting at $25/month

The Online Marketing Institute’s SEO certification program consists of 19 separate lessons split into five categories. Participants earn a certificate of completion after successfully finishing the course.

In this course, you’ll learn about local SEO, content, consumer insights, and technical SEO.

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You should have some basic SEO knowledge before embarking on this course, as it’s a little more advanced than other training sessions.

A basic subscription costs $25/month, while a pro subscription is $45/month.

8. Advanced SEO Certification training by MarketMotive

Cost: Starting at $699

Market Motive’s Advanced SEO Certification course offers four self-paced modules. With this course, you’ll get access to 30+ hours of videos, 15+ hours of live instructor-led online classes, and 20 real-life, industry-based projects.

You’ll learn SEO foundations, advanced SEO, advanced content marketing, and advanced analytics.

For $699, you’ll get access to the course for 180 days.

9. Search Engine Optimization Specialization by UCDavis on Coursera

Cost: Free

This beginner-level program takes roughly five months to complete, with around six hours of training per week.

The program is made up of five courses and a practical project led by Rebekah May, the head of Organic Acquisition at Fishbrain, and Eric Enge, co-author of “The Art of SEO.”

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The five courses cover an introduction to Google SEO, Google SEO fundamentals, website optimization, advanced content and social media tactics, and a Google SEO Capstone project.

10. SEO certificate by the University of California at Irvine

Cost: $3,538

If you want your SEO training to carry some serious weight, consider earning a certification or certificate from a university.

The University of California at Irvine is one university that offers an SEO certificate, and all the required courses can be taken online.

At an average cost of $3,538, this program isn’t cheap, and you can expect to spend between six months and a year completing it. However, many employers will take your credentials more seriously if they recognize the institution that awarded them.

11. Online Search Marketing Course by Digital Marketing Institute

Cost: $1,464

This course covers more than just SEO. It’s an SEO and Google Ads certification.

It delves into all different forms of search marketing, including Google Adwords, pay-per-click ads, and digital display advertising.

The course teaches the foundations of each tactic and has instructions on how to create an effective strategy for each technique. You’ll also learn how to track, measure, and report your success using Google Analytics.

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81% of people who take courses with Digital Marketing Institute say they were promoted after completing the training.

Course costs also include access for six months to a library of other digital marketing resources.

12. Search Engine Optimization by Jellyfish Training

Cost: $1,325

This 10-week training course is quite hands-on, offering video lectures, live tutorials, weekly chat sessions, and online discussion forums. All course participants will receive in-depth course notes and will take part in practical assignments.

The course covers everything from SEO basics such as site structure and content to more advanced topics like link building, SEO audits and reporting.

There are eight modules, eight assignments, and a research project to complete. Participants are expected to spend six hours per week on the course.

13. SEMRush On-Page and Technical SEO course

Cost: $0

This quick-fire SEO course only takes an hour to complete and is 100% free. It comprises seven lessons across two modules.

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You’ll learn technical SEO concepts such as SEO audits, crawlability issues, and HTTPS problems in the first module. The second module teaches you about on-page signals, such as SEO-friendly content, on-page optimization, and SEO errors.

You’ll get access to video lessons and reading materials followed by an online test.

14. Directive Institute Digital Marketing Certification

Cost: $99

This is a four-module course that covers pay-per-click advertising, SEO, conversion rate optimization, and analytics. The course comprises step-by-step video tutorials, templates and guides, and training on SEO tools.

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The SEO module is made up of 10 lessons that teach you the basics of SEO and how to set up your Google tools. You’ll learn to create an SEO strategy based on on-page, off-page, technical, and local SEO techniques.

If you want to trial this course before buying, you can test four modules for free.

15. SEO Certification course by eMarketing Institute

Cost: $0

This beginner-level certification course is made up of a free ebook that provides SEO training to pass an online exam. The ebook is 156 pages long and includes 50 sample questions.

This course would suit you if you have no prior knowledge of search marketing, as it gives in-depth explanations on how search engines work, focusing on Google’s different algorithms.

You’ll also learn about keyword research, link building, on-page optimization, and search engine tools.

The final exam is 60 minutes long, and you only need a score of 50% to receive your certification.

The bottom line

So, what’s the final word on SEO certifications?

First, you don’t need one to be successful at SEO. You don’t even need one to understand what SEO is.

However, an SEO certification course can provide you with some credibility for future employers, as well as helping you brush up on your SEO skills. You may also learn a thing or two that you didn’t know before.

If you’re unsure whether you need an SEO certification or you simply want to take a hands-off approach to SEO, get in contact with the experts at HigherVisibility today.

The post SEO Certifications: Are They Beneficial & Do They Make You an Expert? appeared first on HigherVisibility.

Infection Of The Middle Ear In Infants, Toddlers, and Children

Infection Of The Middle Ear In Infants, Toddlers, and Children

Acute Middle Ear Infection in Infants, Toddlers, and Children

The middle ear is a space behind the eardrum that is filled with air and lined with a series of small bones called ossicles. This tube regulates the pressure in the body and removes biological fluids and debris. The most frequent type is acute otitis media, which is a middle ear infection. It is particularly prevalent in children between the ages of three months and three years, when their Eustachian tubes are less formed and more prone to blockage.
The majority of ear infections resolve spontaneously and without long-term consequences. Ear infections that recur frequently can have dangerous consequences:

Hearing impairment. When an ear infection is present, mild hearing loss is frequent, though it often resolves once the infection is cleared. Recurrent ear infections or fluid in the middle ear might result in more severe hearing loss. Irreversible hearing loss may result from permanent injury to the eardrum or other middle ear components.

When fluid accumulates in the middle ear as a result of a viral or bacterial infection, an ear infection arises. Although this painful ailment is most commonly associated with children, it can affect anyone at any age. Ear infections can either be acute (short-lived) or chronic (long-lasting) (consistent or recurrent).

Ear infections are a frequent cause of ear discomfort or ear pain. Infections of the ear can occur in any area of the ear, including the outer, middle, or inner ear. External ear infections can occur while swimming, wearing hearing aids or headphones that irritate the skin of the ear canal, or when inserting cotton swabs or fingers into the ear canal. Infected skin in the ear canal may be scraped or inflamed. Water softens the skin of the ear canal, facilitating bacteria development.

Ear Infection in infants toddlers and children

Ear Wax Removal Marylebone

Which physician specialities handle middle ear infections?

Typically, antibiotics are used to treat middle ear infections. Antibiotics can be taken orally or by ear drops. Numerous physicians will also prescribe medications to reduce the symptoms of the illness, such as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain killers. Assume you’re also experiencing cold or allergy symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe a decongestant such as Sudafed or earache drops, an antihistamine such as Benadryl or Claritin, or a steroidal nasal spray such as Flonase in this circumstance.

Fluid leaking is a common symptom of outer or middle ear infections, and it is often suggestive of a severe infection requiring prompt medical intervention. Both toddlers and adults with ear infections may have fluid leakage. When fluid drains from the ear, an unpleasant sensation of fullness can result, and leaking commonly prevents prescription ear drops from reaching the infection site. Doctors may need to drain some of the fluid prior to commencing treatment to ensure that the prescription medicine works efficiently. Even if the ear fluid leakage is visible in colour, it should be investigated by a physician.

How do you manage an acute middle ear infection or inflammation?

While ear infections can develop as a result of a cold virus, they can also occur as a result of another illness. Typically, these ear infections present rapidly and are highly painful at first. Acute otitis media is a disorder that causes inflammation of the middle ear and is the most frequently diagnosed ear infection in children in the United States of America. Children’s Eustachian tubes are shorter than adults’, which allows bacteria and viruses to reach the middle ear more quickly, resulting in severe otitis media.

Adverse medication reaction or side effect:
Nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, weakness, confusion, and seizures are just a few of the unpleasant effects associated with medications. Acute sinusitis is a sinus inflammation that causes pain and tenderness in the sinuses, as well as facial redness and swelling. Compression of the eardrum by a middle ear infection results in pain and, in rare circumstances, hearing loss. Chronic sinusitis, or sinus inflammation, causes symptoms such as a stuffy or runny nose, toothache, fever, and sore throat.

Due to a cold, allergies, or sinusitis, mucus can accumulate behind the eardrum, trapping a virus or bacteria. An infection of the middle ear can result in ear pain and inflammation. Without treatment, the infection can grow, spread, and possibly result in hearing loss. After diagnosing the underlying cause of the infection, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics (if the sickness is bacterial) or an antihistamine, nasal decongestant, or steroid.

Didn't Know About Earwax 

Are there any home cures for a middle ear infection that are acute?

Viruses are the primary cause of outer, middle, and inner ear infections. The majority of external ear (swimmer’s ear) and middle ear (otitis media) infections are self-limiting.
It is treatable at home with warm compresses for earaches or drops of tea tree, ginger, or garlic oil, for example. The following are some of the symptoms of an ear infection in the outer ear (swimmer’s ear) or middle ear.
Mild to moderate earache, pus pouring from the ear, swelling and redness in the ear.

In young children, an ear infection can cause a sore ear, occasionally severe ear discomfort, trouble eating, and fever. There are different types of ear infections, but young children are particularly susceptible to middle ear infections, more usually referred to as otitis media, which can be caused by a variety of germs. What, then, are they? Recognizing these causes can assist in preventing ear infections in infants. Momjunction addresses the potential causes of otitis media, how to identify them, and how to treat and prevent them with natural medicines.

Q: Is it possible to treat an ear infection in the middle ear at home?
A: Natural remedies can be used to treat a middle ear infection in a variety of ways. These treatments may provide some immediate relief, but if symptoms persist for more than a few days, a physician should be consulted. Several remedies include the following:
Salt: Heat salt in a pot. It should be wrapped in a handkerchief and applied to the affected ear for up to 10 minutes. This should aid in draining the ear fluid and provide relief.

According to experts, antibiotics are not indicated for certain inner and outer ear infections. Treatment is ultimately determined on the type of infection. Pain and inflammation can be treated with analgesics such as Advil or Tylenol, as well as decongestants and allergy medications such as Sudafed or Benadryl. However, these medications will not cure the infection. Unless the eardrum is ruptured, you can use home remedies or prescription ear drops to clean and assist recuperation. Additionally, you might use a warm compress to relieve pressure and pain in the ear.

What restrictions apply to a youngster suffering from a middle ear infection or inflammation?

If the child is not in excruciating pain or has a fever, the doctor will most likely wait for 24 to 48 hours (1 to 2 days) to see if the ear infection heals on its own. If the condition of your children does not improve or deteriorates, you should take them back to the doctor. | Antibiotics will be administered to your child if: Children often feel better within a day after beginning treatment with an antibiotic. Your doctor may elect to re-examine your child to confirm the illness has been eradicated. Fluid can persist in the middle ear for several weeks without causing irritation.

A middle ear infection, also known as otitis media, is a viral or bacterial infection of the air-filled cavity beneath the eardrum. Otitis media frequently affects only one ear, however, it can potentially affect both ears at the same time. The infection can cause significant inflammation and fluid buildup in the middle ear. While the virus can infect people of any age, it is most prevalent in younger children, with a high infection rate happening before the age of ten.

If you suffer pain behind your ear, the best plan of action is to get medical treatment and treat the condition swiftly to avoid it turning into something more serious and hazardous.
This ear infection is caused by a virus or bacteria that affects the air-filled space beneath the eardrum that contains minute vibrating bones. This condition is more common in children and can cause severe pain behind the ear as a result of fluid collection and inflammation in the middle ear.

An ear infection is a viral or bacterial infection of the outer, inner, or middle ear. The sickness is fairly prevalent, particularly in children, and is not frequently recognised as serious. An ear infection can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including acute inflammation and fluid buildup in the ear. While the illness may cure spontaneously in certain circumstances, therapeutic options such as antibiotics and analgesics are available.

love-mother and baby

Detecting Childhood Hearing Loss

When there is a large fluid collection deep in the ear, sticking occurs significantly more commonly in children than in adults. This typically results in hearing loss, while increased pressure may cause ear pain. Fortunately, glue ear frequently spontaneously resolves.

Certain internal organs of children may also be undeveloped briefly as a result of their physical development. This is particularly true of the Eustachian tube, the canal that connects the middle ear to the nostrils and functions as a drainage system. Due to the Eustachian tube’s smaller size in children, it is more prone to swelling, resulting in fluid becoming trapped in the middle ear. This fluid presses against the eardrum, causing discomfort, and may include pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, ear pain and, in some cases, hearing loss ensues.

Fever occurs when the body temperature surpasses 100. 4 degrees Fahrenheit; fever suggests the possibility of a more serious infection (especially in infants and young children).
You or your child may have hearing difficulties; the illness may have caused an ear infection in your minor child.

While the majority of serious infections require medicine and, in some circumstances, surgery, there are certain natural remedies that can help alleviate pain and promote ear recovery.

Your child’s symptoms, including fever, should improve within 48 to 72 hours of commencing antibiotics. If symptoms linger, a virus may be present or the bacteria causing the ear infection may be resistant to the antibiotic used. It is possible that a different antibiotic will be required. For some children who get appropriate treatment, fluid may persist in the middle ear for weeks or months after the infection has healed. During this time period, children may endure temporary hearing loss, but the fluid normally clears itself.

Children aged six months to two years are more susceptible to ear infections than older children due to the size and shape of their eustachian tubes and their developing immune systems. Children are cared for collectively. Children who receive care in groups are more likely than children who receive care at home to contract colds and ear infections. Children who are exposed to more infections in communal situations, such as the common cold.

Earaches are unquestionably uncomfortable, and if you or your child are suffering from this type of pain, it is vital to establish the source as soon as possible. If you can tell the difference between a basic earache and an ear infection that may require additional treatment, you will have a much easier time recovering.

Brought To You By: Ear Wax Removal Marylebone

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All You Need To Know About Tampa Junk Removal Companies

All You Need To Know About Tampa Junk Removal Companies

Companies That Remove Junk In Tampa

Clearing out your basement, organising your workstation or living room, as well as moving and relocating, all involve considerable time and effort. Cleaning is a pain in and of itself, but what follows is as so; what to do with all the junk or how to rid of it? This is when Junk Removal Companies come in to relieve you of the load and properly dispose of the junk.

As a homeowner, you may lack the information necessary to dispose of your rubbish categorically, which is necessary when you need to dispose of a large number of junk items. Prior to dumping trash in landfills, it must be separated, sorted, processed, organised, donated, or recycled, and then whatever trash remains that cannot be donated or recycled can be deposited in landfills. The majority of the things and goods that we own are constructed from a variety of different types of materials. Certain materials degrade naturally, whereas others do not. While some are recyclable, some are not, this information is necessary if you want to haul your trash as efficiently as possible. Rubbish removal companies contribute to the efficient disposal of junk because they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and information to ensure the preservation of the environment while also removing the junk from your hands.

How Do Junk Removal Businesses Operate?


Junk removal firms operate on an as-needed basis. You must contact them and possibly schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. The company sends a team or a small group to collect the rubbish from you at the scheduled time. Typically, they provide two options:

truck hauling: For this option, the junk removal firm sends a team with a huge vehicle equipped with a dumpster attached to the back. They will truck away all of the rubbish objects that you have accumulated. This technique is most effective if all of your rubbish has been gathered following a move or a post-renovation clean-up.

dumpster rental: with this option, the junk removal firm will deliver a dumpster of your desired size and location to you. You are meant to fill this dumpster over the course of a few days while you complete your clean-up. Once you’re finished, they’ll come and remove the dumpster. This is an excellent alternative if you want to clear up an area that is clogged with junk objects but lack the capacity to store them till later disposal.

Why Should You Hire Professional Junk Removal Services?

energy saving

Apart from their superior knowledge of rubbish disposal, there are additional advantages to hiring junk removal companies, including the following:

Time-saving: Because rubbish removal businesses are more knowledgeable about disposing of junk, entrusting them with your junk saves you time that you would otherwise spend figuring out the system. The majority of us live a hectic 9 to 5 existence and desire to spend any free time we have on pleasure rather than work. As a result, rubbish removal services save you time.
By hiring these services, we create market space for these businesses, which in turn creates jobs. Junk removal firms are killing two birds with one stone by contributing to the country’s economy and fostering a sense of community among us all.

More available space and decluttering: Because junk removal firms exist, we are compelled to clear our basements, workspaces, and living rooms in order to make place for a new room or a more organised workstation. Certain rubbish removal firms also provide catastrophe clean-up services, assisting you in disposing of flooring, drywall, and other building waste that may have been destroyed as a result of a disaster. Additionally, they offer seasonal clean-up services such as leaf and branch removal.

Giving back to the environment: The majority of garbage removal businesses operate under the philosophy of recycling as much of the junk they collect from each residence as possible. Everything that can be recovered is retrieved, and only the objects that are completely unsalvageable or non-biodegradable are disposed of in landfills or incinerators.
Avoid injuries and dangers to your safety: Eliminating unneeded clutter in your hallways and living area, such as unused furniture pieces, will help you avoid walking dangers.

What Types of Items Do Junk Removal Companies Accept?

Junk removal firms typically accept a number of products in addition to standard junk. Each company has its own list of accepted things; however, the following are some of the more typical items that all rubbish removal businesses accept (this list is not exhaustive):

Couches, mattresses, box springs, chairs, tables, desks, bookcases, filing cabinets, televisions, computers, monitors, printers, and copy machines, hot tubs, refrigerators, freezers, stoves and ovens, microwaves, air conditioners, water heaters, washers, dryers, and dishwashers, trash compactors, construction waste, bagged garbage, lawnmowers, and yard waste, tyres, scrap metal, exercise equipment, and bicycles

What Items Do Junk Removal Companies Refuse to Accept?

Similarly to how they maintain a list of products they accept, rubbish removal businesses maintain a list of items they do not accept. The majority of them will refuse to move hazardous rubbish or industrial waste, as well as goods that are too heavy to lift and handle or are located in hazardous places. Among the products they refuse to accept are the following (this list is not exhaustive):

Opened paint bottles/cans, pesticides, fuel, household cleaners, fluorescent light bulbs, medications, ammunition, pyrotechnics, asbestos, pressurised containers, medical waste, chemicals and solvents, gasoline, and any other type of toxic and/or hazardous waste.

The items stated in the preceding list require special disposal methods that must comply with local law. Corrosive, combustible, reactive, medical waste and hazardous materials must all be disposed of in accordance with local laws, which is an additional liability that your rubbish removal business will naturally avoid. Toxic or hazardous waste is prohibited from landfills because it must be stored, handled, and processed in a certain manner prior to disposal.

What Is the Cost of Junk Removal?

The cost of rubbish removal is determined by the quantity of space taken up by your stuff in the back of the truck. The fewer objects, the easier the removal; the more items, the more expensive the removal. You can choose between truck disposal and dumpster rental, depending on the amount of your rubbish gathering.

The cost of garbage removal is entirely dependent on your scenario, circumstances, and location; for instance, if you live in an apartment and lack the room to store a rented container, you must select for truck disposal.

When it comes to truck hauling, some junk removal firms send an inspection team ahead of time to determine the amount of space your junk will take up in the back of their truck and then give you a price. The price provided on-site is precise and clear. They utilise the term “truckload” in their vocabulary, and their charges are based on a quarter of a truckload, half of a truckload, or a full truckload. The trucks utilised by rubbish removal businesses are capable of carrying approximately 16 US short tonnes of junk. The cost is between $100 and $350, which can increase to $800 for a full truckload of rubbish, but the cost of hiring a dumpster is between $300 and $550 weekly. Additionally, rates vary according to another factor: geography. Where you live dictates how much you must pay for rubbish removal services. For example, full truckload junk removal can cost up to $800 in New York City, but only $500 in Oklahoma.

Where Does Junk Go After It Is Hauled By Companies?

The majority of garbage collected from homes is recycled, donated, or sold to thrift stores for reuse and resale. They offer gifts to children, clothing to shelters, couches and furniture to soldiers, and musical instruments to those in need. When items cannot be recycled or donated, they are disposed of in landfills. Some junk removal firms give more than others, and some recycle more than others, so conducting research is critical when determining which junk removal company to trust.

Innovative rubbish removal firms also take electronic debris because they understand how to properly recycle or rid of it. They also help to limit the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills by properly disposing of it, which helps to slow the filling of landfills and also helps to preserve the environment from the horror of plastics by a small amount.


Choosing a rubbish removal business is mostly determined by three factors:

Availability: numerous rubbish removal organisations are based throughout the United States; some have a significant number of branches and storefronts in additional areas and states, while others do not. Obviously, you should choose one that is local to you.
Pricing: After you’ve narrowed down your choice of rubbish removal firms based on their availability in your location, the next item on the agenda is pricing. Each company charges differently. You should choose the most affordable option.
What percentage of items they recycle: After confirming availability and pricing, you may also examine which organisations the businesses donate to or what percentage of their waste they recycle.

It’s a good idea to evaluate at least three to four rubbish removal businesses side by side based on their availability, pricing, and customer reviews before settling on the one that works best for you. Reviews inform you of their clients’ experiences as well as their honesty, integrity, fairness, reliability, and equipment quality. Additionally, it sheds light on any additional minor services they do that are not stated on their website.

A reputable junk removal firm should be a full-service operation capable of handling individual goods such as couches or refrigerators as well as hauling junk from a whole property. They should provide prompt removal in order to prevent remaining in your personal space for an extended period of time. Certain firms will even offer you a discount on the specified price if you store your rubbish outside your home for quick pickup.

They should not be finicky about the rubbish items you wish to get rid of if you have already ensured that just the items on their list will be carried; the shape, size, weight, and form of the items should be irrelevant and should not matter to a reputable garbage removal business. Additionally, they should be provided with the necessary equipment and vehicles to complete the work efficiently. If you need a full-size piano carried, the business should have the appropriate equipment and staff to make the transfer a success.

Another thing to consider is the certified skills of the crew and team members of the firm you are considering employing, as this will inform you of their level of training and experience handling various types of rubbish. A skilled junk removal company will also clean the area from which they collect the junk, making it suitable for you to use after they have left.

In summary, a reputable rubbish removal business should be able to:

Charge according to the size of the junk to be removed, accept all shapes, sizes, and types of garbage, save you time and money, provide a free junk removal estimate, have trained and professional employees who know what they’re doing, are efficient at their jobs, and are customer-friendly, and stay current with the industry and the newer and more efficient process of eco-friendly garbage disposal.

Brought to you by: Junk Removal Tampa

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The post All You Need To Know About Tampa Junk Removal Companies appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates August 13, 2021

SEO Updates August 13, 2021


Let’s end the week with your favorite info-packed SEO newsletter to keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week
Deal of the week: Save 25% on All Press Releases
Sign Up Now: 8/25 Q3 State of Local SEO Webinar
Special Announcement: 2021 Local Marketing Mastermind – Early Bird Discount
SEO Mad Scientist: Unicode Tests Continued
New Blog Post: Find Quality Link Opportunities With Google Alerts

To your success,
Chaz and the Entire Team



FROM THE VAULT – Episode 101

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

Co-Host: Sophie Allen + Bucky Helms

? Google Enforcing Physical Addresses For Some GMB Listings
? Google Tests Affordable Picks Carousel In Mobile Search
? Google Says Each Core Update Can Affect Search Ranking Differently
? Google Says Linking To Lesser Websites Doesn’t Make Your Site Less Relevant

Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here

– Listen here


Interested in being a guest on the vault!? Sign up now


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2021 Quarter 3 State of Local SEO Webinar Happening August 25th at 1 PM EST

✔ 100% Free to Join – limited seating event for the Web 20 Ranker | Local Client Takeover | Local SEO Community FB Group

✔ What’s working now in Local SEO plus Q&A Session

✔ The updated signals, tactics, and strategies that are having the largest ranking impact in the local SERPs

Sign Up Today!



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SEO Mad Scientist ???

Welcome back SEOs to another exciting week of test updates with the SEO Mad Scientist.

You may remember last week we were looking at and testing different uni codes to see how they indexed compared to the standard alphabet keys that people normally use on their keyboard.

Surprisingly enough a lot of these unique codes were recognized by Google. Pretty much any of them that were clearly just letters Google could recognize whereas any types that had other symbols or dots on the letters within shapes were not recognizable by Google as the alphabet.

This led us to start testing these different unique codes and how they could impact rankings differently than the standards normally used.

The first thing we did was try adding a bunch of new relevant text to an article using a different uni code that we know is recognized by Google to see if it would impact the rankings.

We chose a page that was not well optimized and not ranking well to begin with, in the hopes that we would be able to notice any increases that may occur from adding the additional content.


We added a paragraph in uni code we knew was recognized by Google. We then submitted the URL to Google and waited for it to be recrawled to review any results.



We are tracking individual keywords but referencing search consoles as well to determine the full result. A little under a week since the recrawl and so far we see minor upward movement, nothing out of the ordinary.

While we were reviewing the results we began to think about how these special characters impact duplicate content.

So we decided to run a second test where we took content from other websites and converted it to different characters and posted it on our own website to see how it ranked.

Be sure to join us next week for updates on the duplicate content unicode test as well as a more in-depth update on the test above.

Have a great weekend and until next time, Happy Testing!



Finding quality backlinks is one of the most difficult SEO tasks. It can eat up tons of time without any guarantees you’ll get a link. However, link building is still one of the most impactful ranking factors. You can’t neglect it. That’s why we want to share one of the best free link-building tools (in our opinion) – Google Alerts.

Using Google Alerts for link building saves you time searching for quality and relevant links. Not to mention, you can find unlinked brand mentions this way.

Find out how we use it for building links here:

The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2021

The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2021

Nowadays, marketers put a lot of emphasis on webinars, video campaigns, and other new opportunities to reach their customers.

But your contemporary communication methods shouldn’t distract you from one of the oldest and yet most effective messaging channels — email.

You might be wondering if email is still a worthwhile marketing strategy. Well, it is.

In fact, email generates $42 for every $1 spent, which is an astounding 4,200% ROI, making it one of the most effective options available.

If you’re still hesitant, keep reading — we’ve cultivated a list of email marketing statistics for 2021 to demonstrate just how powerful email can be.

Download Now: State of Marketing Report [2021 Version]

General Email Marketing Statistics and Best Practices

  • The global e-mail marketing market was valued at $7.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to increase to $17.9 billion by 2027. (Statista, 2021)
  • There are 4 billion daily email users. This number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025. (Statista, 2021)
  • More than 306 billion emails are sent and received each day. (Statista, 2021)
  • Active email accounts surpassed 5.6 billion in 2019. (Statista, 2019)
  • 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers. (Campaign Monitor, 2021)
  • More than 40% of marketers saw budget cuts to email since the pandemic. (Litmus, 2020)
  • Across all industries, the average email open rate is 19.8%, the click-through rate is 11.3%, and the bounce rate is 9.4%. (Constant Contact, 2021)
  • Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue. (Campaign Monitor, 2019)
  • 4 out of 5 marketers said they’d rather give up social media than email marketing. (Litmus, 2020)
  • 35% of marketers send their customers 3-5 emails per week. (Not Another State of Marketing, 2020)
  • 78% of marketers in 2020 said email is important to overall company success, compared to 71% in 2019. (Litmus, 2020)
  • 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months (Not Another State of Marketing, 2020)
  • 31% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are the best way to nurture leads. (Content Marketing Institute, 2020)
  • The U.S. spent over 350 million dollars on email advertising in 2019. (Statista, 2019)
  • Brands that always include an A/B test in their emails generate an ROI of 48:1. (Litmus, 2019)
  • Globally, Fridays see the highest email open rates (nearly 19%), compared to the lowest open rates (17%) on Saturdays. (Campaign Monitor, 2021)
  • 66% of marketers believe artificial intelligence is a way to optimize email send times. (Statista, 2019)
  • 23% of brands have already experimented with interactive elements in email, an additional 32% are planning on trying it soon. (Not Another State of Marketing, 2020)

B2B Email Marketing Statistics

  • 81% of B2B marketers say their most used form of content marketing is email newsletters. (Content Marketing Institute, 2020)
  • 16% of all emails never make it into the inbox. (Email Tool Tester, 2019)
  • On average, B2B companies send one email marketing campaign every 25 days. (SuperOffice, 2020)
  • 31% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are the best way to nurture leads. (Content Marketing Institute, 2020)
  • 87% of B2B marketers say email is one of their top free organic distribution channels. (Content Marketing Institute, 2020)
  • 90% of content marketers say email engagement is the top metric they track to measure content performance. (Content Marketing Institute, 2020)
  • 89% of all B2B email campaigns are sent from a company name. (SuperOffice, 2020)
  • The second-most common technology B2B organizations use to assist with content marketing is mail marketing software. Roughly 85% of marketers say they work with these tools. (Content Marketing Institute, 2020)

Mobile Marketing Statistics

  • Nearly 55% of global website traffic is generated from mobile devices, excluding tablets. (Statista, 2021)
  • Apple iPhone’s native email app has the highest market share, followed by Gmail. (Litmus Labs, 2021)
  • Nearly 1 in 5 email campaigns is not optimized for mobile devices. (SuperOffice, 2020)
  • Launching a mobile-responsive email design can increase unique mobile clicks by 15%. (MailChimp, 2019)
  • Mobile-friendly email is the second most-used tactic email marketers to improve their performance. (HubSpot, 2020)
  • 9.3% of email clicks come from tablets, rather than smartphones or computers. (MailChimp, 2019)
  • Although people primarily check email on iPhone devices, Gmail is still the most-used email service, with more than 1.5 billion users (CNBC, 2019)

B2C Email Marketing Statistics

  • Your audience will reward you with higher open and click rates if you don’t send more than five newsletters a week. (GetResponse, 2020)
  • 60% of retail, e-commerce, and consumer goods and services companies are personalizing emails based on past purchases, versus 38% in 2019. (Litmus, 2020)
  • More than 8 out of 10 people will open a welcome email, generating 4x as many opens and 10x as many clicks as other email types. (GetResponse, 2020)
  • The single message autoresponder email had an astonishing 98% open rate and a 37% click-through rate. (GetResponse, 2020)
  • Nearly 22% of all email campaigns are opened within the first hour of sending. (GetResponse, 2020)
  • 45% of internet users avoid opening emails from unknown addresses. (Statista, 2019)

Email Marketing Demographics 2021

  • 99% of email users check their inbox every day, with some checking 20 times a day. Of those people, 58% of consumers check their email first thing in the morning. (OptinMonster, 2020)
  • 40% of consumers say they have at least 50 unread emails in their inbox. (HubSpot, 2020)
  • Emails sent by independent artists, writers, and performers have the highest open rate at 34.4%, followed by education (34.1%) and travel and tourism (32.6%). (Constant Contact, 2021)
  • On average, the highest email click-through rate goes to the Consulting services industry at 25%, with Administrative and Business Support services in second at 20%, and Home and Building services in third at nearly 19%. (Constant Contact, 2021)
  • 26% of retail emails bounce, putting it well above the 9% average bounce rate for all industries. (Constant Contact, 2021)
  • 20% of retail, e-commerce, and consumer goods and services companies are personalizing emails based on gender, race, ethnicity, versus 11% in 2019. (Litmus, 2020)
  • 59% of Millennials primarily use their smartphone to check email, while 67% of Generation Z scans their inbox on mobile. (Bluecore, 2021)
  • 74% of Baby Boomers think email is the most personal channel to receive communications from brands, followed by 72% of Gen X, 64% of Millennials, and 60% of Gen Z. (Bluecore, 2021)
  • 91% of women in the US use email, compared to 89% of men. (Statista, 2019)
  • Asian Americans are the most popular email users in the US (92%), followed by white users (91%), African American users (88%), Hispanic users (85%), and American Indian or Alaskan Native users (83%). (Statista, 2019)

Apply Your Email Knowledge

Many of the data points will help you make the case for investing more time and money into your email marketing strategy. While you can refer back to this post at any time, you can also start applying them to your next campaign.

Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published in March 2019, but was updated for comprehensiveness and freshness.

state of marketing

The post The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2021 appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

The SEO Vault: Episode 101

The SEO Vault: Episode 101



Episode 101 Table of Contents
Co-Host: Bucky Helms + Sophie Allen

– Google Enforcing Physical Addresses For Some GMB Listings
– Google Tests Affordable Picks Carousel In Mobile Search
– Google Says Each Core Update Can Affect Search Ranking Differently
– Google Says Linking To Lesser Websites Doesn’t Make Your Site Less Relevant


Don’t Miss it Live every Thursday at 4 pm EST on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook

Or listen to the podcast here

Catch every episode and more on YouTube

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