Keep Your Indoor cat Entertained

Keep Your Indoor cat Entertained

Keep your indoor cat entertained

Having your feline friend indoors is sometimes challenging and requires a few lifehacks to keep them entertained and safe at home without experiencing feelings of neglect. Cats often need attention and it is important to engage them in activities or change their surroundings to keep them healthy, active and happy.

Not every household can accommodate two cats, and if another pet is introduced, it should be done slowly and under expert supervision to ensure everything goes to plan. However, if it is possible, you may consider finding a companion for your indoor cat – after all, having a friend is one of the best ways to alleviate boredom. If you have room in your home, and your heart, for another cat you may find that they both keep each other entertained. From playing together to snoozing in the same bed, many house cats who live together can’t stay apart.

Cat toys are an ideal way to keep your cat entertained, fit and healthy. Playing with your cat also helps builds a stronger bond between you and your furry friend. This is especially important for indoor cats as they don’t get the stimulation and exercise than outdoor cats naturally get. A stimulating cat toy for an indoor cat can relieve boredom, and help prevent them from becoming overweight.

KEEP cats entertained indoors

How can I entertain my indoor cat?

To help keep your indoor cat feeling happy, make sure they have plenty of ways to entertain themselves with toys and games. Toys can include things that require your interaction – such as specially designed feathers on a stick – or ones that they can enjoy by themselves, such as balls and stuffed toys from pet shops. It’s also easy to make mealtimes more exciting by putting treats inside a puzzle ball, or even hiding pieces of kibble around the house so they can seek them out during the day.

Interactive cat toys can help indoor cats stay fit and relieve boredom. A simple cat tunnel, cat treat toy, or cat puzzle toy can provide hours of entertainment while satisfying natural hunting instincts. Kitties also love the thrill of the chase they get from teaser toys or anything with faux fur and feathers. There are also fun catnip and noisemaking interactive cat toys. Cat scratchers are a great option for allowing cats to satisfy their feline scratching behaviours on something other than the furniture. For a fun mental workout, puzzle toys or cat treat dispensing toys can help sharpen your cat’s cognitive abilities and keep her alert. Interactive cat toys are truly rewarding for both you and your pet because they help focus her energy and instinctual behaviours into playful exercise.

Cats are usually fairly good at amusing themselves, and generally, their short bursts of activity and play are interspersed with a significant amount of time spent sleeping! unlike dogs, cats do not require a huge amount of additional stimulation and entertainment to be provided by their owners and are usually fine to be left alone during the day when you go out to work. Nevertheless, it is important to provide various forms of entertainment for your cat, and some toys and stimulus to keep them amused. This is particularly important for cats that live an indoor-only lifestyle, and are not able to explore the great outdoors for any one of a number of reasons. Added to this, even cats that usually go outdoors may choose or need to be kept inside on some occasions, such as if you are moving home, they are receiving veterinary treatment, or the weather outside is simply too poor for them to want to go out!.

The perfect house to keep your indoor cat entertained:

Is there anything you do to keep your cats entertained that I haven’t listed here?
Do you do anything special for your cats to keep them from getting bored while you’re away from home, say while you’re at work?
Have you tried any or all of the above tips? what has and has not worked for you? does anything do the trick perfectly by itself?
Do let me know in the comments – always looking for new methods to try to keep my own indoor cat entertained!

Most house cats tend to be under-stimulated. This is because unlike their outdoor counterparts, they don’t have many natural stimuli indoors to motivate them to get moving. The best interactive cat toys, however, can do what you might not always be able to: give your under-active feline a reason to stay busy. Jarring a lazy cat out of their snooze-all-day routine isn’t easy, but you can use your pet’s favourite activities to your advantage when shopping for cool new toys. For example, if you have a cat that would rather burrow and sleep for hours, you might want to consider a scratching post (sprinkled with catnip, of course) that has a little hideaway nook in it. That way, once your cat has amused themselves by playing, they have somewhere to ball up and rest.

According to the American veterinary medical association, keeping a cat indoors (with an enriched environment) is preferable to letting them outdoors. Keeping cats indoors helps to protect them from injury and also protects the local wildlife. However, it can be difficult to keep cats entertained if they spend their whole lives inside the house. A good compromise might be to install a catio (a cat patio) in your garden. A catio is an enclosed space that allows your cat to experience the outdoors but prevents them from attacking local wildlife or injuring themselves. Catios range in size from a few meters squared to a whole patio/garden.

Play and toys to keep your indoor cat entertained

Meg Wright, owner of 18-month-old cat Leo says, ‘Leo is a prolific hunter. When he’s stuck indoors, he has a tendency to scratch beds, couches, and anything he can get his claws into. Having regular play sessions up to 10 times a day, in short bursts of around two minutes, keeps him engaged and feeds his hunter spirit. I offer plenty of toys – the more they crinkle, dazzle and can be batted the better – but you can just as easily make your own.

Before you begin shopping for the perfect interactive cat toy for your feline friend, you may want to consider a few factors that may influence your final purchase. Does your cat need to be able to play alone?
Does your cat need to lose weight?
Do you need to take into consideration any safety concerns?
If you’re away from your cat for long periods of time, such as during the workday, then you may find that you want a toy that can keep them entertained for hours while you’re gone. There are many interactive cat toys out there that your cat can use all on their own, no help needed.

Playtime is crucial for keeping an indoor cat mentally happy, physically healthy, and content to be inside. Make a habit of playing with your cat for at least 10 minutes a day. Kittens and some rambunctious cats require more than that. The best type of play for keeping a cat happy is interactive, where you use a toy to mimic the behaviour of a cat’s prey animals, either birds or rodents. Wand toys are exceptionally good for this. Make the toy on the end of the wand act like scared prey, darting away from your cat, hiding, and freezing in fear. Don’t make the game too easy, but do let your cat catch the “prey” sometimes, especially at the end of the game, after which you should reward your cat with a treat or meal.

Companions – are two cats better than one?

Many cat companions will tell you that it’s impossible for a cat to be happy if the animal is kept indoors all the time. They will point to the cat’s natural position as an apex predator in many food chains worldwide, but they will actually be wrong. It is quite possible to keep a cat entertained, happy, and healthy while they live exclusively indoors. In fact, indoor-only cats typically live longer than outdoor cats, and for several obvious reasons. The trick comes with understanding feline psychology, as well as your cat’s needs as a predator living in an artificial (if very pleasant) environment. Here are five tips to keeping your 100% indoor kitty from getting cabin fever.

Everyone knows cats are pretty smart, and they need things to keep their minds stimulated in order to stay that way. Lucky for us, many of our feline companions are living longer than ever, some even up in their 20’s! as they age, cats are prone to a condition called feline cognitive dysfunction (FCD). Similar to Alzheimer’s in humans, FCD results from a buildup of waxy proteins in the brain, and it can lead to some pretty sad behaviours such as disorientation, desperate yowling in the middle of the night when they’d usually be sleeping curled up on the bed with you and forgetting to use the litter box.

At the end of the day, the most important thing to keep your cat entertained and happy is to give them your loving attention every day. Cats might not seem as attached to humans as dogs but that doesn’t mean they don’t want out companionship. Make sure to play with your cat for at least 10 minutes a day so you can develop a deep bond with your cat and keep them from getting bored out of their mind. If having a job or/and a family takes most of your day, it can easily happen that you don’t get to spend enough quality time with your cat every day. But 10 minutes is always possible to squeeze into your day, be it before you go to sleep, after dinner or first thing in the morning, while you sip your morning coffee.

Sun worship for your indoor cat

Install a perch indoors near a sunny window; padded perches can be purchased at many pet supply stores or through catalogue retailers. Another option is an enclosure that sits in a window frame (much like an air conditioning unit) and provides a secure space in which your kitty can hang out. Larger perches can attach to the side of a house or ground-floor apartment patio.

Like many cat lovers, you may have thought about letting your cat go outside. A lot of cat owners feel guilty about keeping their cat inside, and worry that they are depriving their cat of natural instincts or fresh air and sunshine. If you have experienced some of these feelings, American humane appreciates your concern for your feline friend and would like to help you make an educated decision. Let’s look at the issues surrounding indoor vs. Outdoor cats.

Catnip is a plant in the mint family (nepeta cataria) that contains a natural oil called nepetalactone which has a unique effect on cats. When inhaled, nepetalactone is interpreted by the feline olfactory system as a natural cat pheromone. When cats rub on or chew catnip, it produces a mild natural high that is both harmless and temporary, but that is pleasurable to cats. Not all cats are affected by catnip, and it has no effect on kittens under six months of age, but if your cat does respond to it, it can be one more tool to help keep your indoor cat stimulated and happy. Catnip comes in dried form to fill sachets or special cat toys, as well as in spray form to mist toys or cat beds.

Fine cut catnip newest

You can keep your indoor cat entertained by providing them with entertainment and stimulation. Read more about how you can entertain your indoor cat.

Providing sources of entertainment and interest for your cat can even help to lessen hunting behaviour and destructive activities such as scratching the furniture, as your cat will be able to find an alternative outlet for their inquisitive natures and propensity to get into trouble!
read on for our eleven suggestions for keeping your cat entertained.

Cat specific furniture gives many options for relaxation for cats. Although, if you’re worried about your indoor cat’s entertainment then a piece of furniture for play rather than rest is a better choice. Your cat can sleep with you or on some furniture, what you really need from a good cat tree is something they can play with. An ideal cat tree should provide scratching posts for them along with other activities to keep them both entertained and active. However, you should investigate what sort of play your cat likes before committing to a large cat tree. Test a few things out first. Whether your cat enjoys dangling toys, tunnels, or climbing, you can find a cat tree suited to their needs.

Most cat owners prefer to keep their felines indoors to prevent mishaps and unwarranted encounters with other pets. So it is obvious to look for interactive cat toys that can keep the cat stimulated and entertained. This becomes more important if you have to leave your kitty home alone as you earn its chow!
in this article, we looked at some of the best cat toys for indoor cats that can provide some supervised or unsupervised entertainment and stimulation to your kitty. We tried to cover almost all popular categories of interactive cat toys – springs, laser pointers, scratching surfaces, treat dispensers and mice toys. Some of these toys are suitable as solo cat toys while other would require your involvement.

Give them things to play with

Give your dog some meaningful interaction by having a dog play date with your friends or family. If there are some friendly dogs in your neighbourhood even better – no need to make any special arrangements. Introducing new toys, socializing, and changing up your walking routine are great ways to keep your dog mentally stimulated.

We all want our pets to have the best lives possible, filled with delicious food, plenty of lovely beds to relax on and enrichment from toys and accessories. If you’ve just recently adopted a kitten or are looking to freshen up your cat’s toy box – where on earth do you start?
we’ve rounded up the top-rated toys online to give you a helping hand. From catnip toys to play circuits and scratching posts, there’ll be something in here to suit your cat’s taste.

‘i’ll cut out holes in empty cardboard boxes for him to explore, or hang ping pong balls in an upside-down washing basket and watch him sticking his paw through the holes to push the balls around. ‘to keep our games fresh, I swap his toys over regularly, always keeping his favourites hidden away until play begins, which gives an added thrill. At feeding time, I’ll hide morsels of food around the house or, if I’m pushed for time, he has a cheap but effective feeding puzzle. I’ve discovered leo finds his scratching posts more enticing with a spray of catnip. Sometimes he’ll fall asleep by the side of one, exhausted from all the activity. ‘.

How do Cats catch Ticks and Fleas?

Michelle* in Adelaide says her family give their two cats supervised outdoor time in their yard. “we let them outside several times a day,” she says. “we will stay out for about 20 minutes and then we just shake the bowl of cat biscuits and they come running back. “dr malik says it’s important if you’re letting the cat have access to outdoors to think about what dangers are out there — could a dog get in? will they be exposed to fleas and paralysis ticks? do other cats go through your yard, potentially exposing them to diseases?.

There are many good reasons for keeping your cat indoors all the time. A cat that roams the neighbourhood is a danger to local wildlife and under threat from other cats, traffic and ticks, fleas and parasites. However, as any cat owner knows, keeping an indoor cat happy can sometimes be challenging. It is much easier to keep a cat indoors from kittenhood. That means a kitten doesn’t really know any life outdoors, so it is much easier to convince your cat this is an adequate lifestyle. However, the key to a contented cat is to keep all their senses working – environmental enrichment is the name of the game.

Exercise for your cats

With our furry friends sleeping anywhere from 12-16 hours a day, us kitty parents have to make sure our cats are getting proper exercise. According to apop (association for pet obesity prevention), 58% of cats are overweight. Only 2 pounds can significantly affect your cat’s health and potentially lead to serious medical conditions such as diabetes, heart and respiratory disease, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, and even forms of cancer.

When cats live outdoors they will often hunt small prey, even if they are not hungry. This is one of their instincts, and it allows them to exercise and enjoy mental stimulation as well as fulfilling a need. Indoor cats are no different – they still have this hunting instinct, and will be happiest if they can regularly exercise it. In the great outdoors they would be able to pounce on anything from prey to falling leaves, but in your home, the opportunities aren’t so ample.

We get it, exercising your cat can be tricky! unfortunately, it’s not always as easy as taking a dog for a walk and throwing a ball around at the park. A cat’s natural instinct is to stalk, plan, and expend as little energy as possible. Indoor-only cats tend to lead a more sedentary lifestyle and usually require more stimulation than indoor/outdoor cats. Interactive cat toys are a good way to bring out the hunter and playful side of your cat while providing much needed aerobic exercise.

10 tips to keep your cat happy indoors

Cats that live indoors naturally have fewer opportunities to express their instincts than outdoor cats. While an outdoor cat can hunt, chase and explore to their heart’s content, it can be harder for indoor cats to enjoy the same kinds of stimulation. Their needs aren’t different, but their environment is – which is why it’s important to help keep an indoor cat happy by providing them with everything they need.

Finally, an important part of keeping indoor cats happy is ensuring that they have plenty of opportunities for exercise. While outdoor cats have the run of the neighbourhood, indoor cats are far more limited in their territory. Besides this, warm and cosy houses might persuade your cat that curling up and having a nap is far more worthwhile than running around and being active!
playing games with your cat is a great way to help them exercise. Pouncing and chasing are both great activities, as not only do they help your cat express their instincts, they’re good forms of physical activity too. Even a scratching post can help your cat exercise – many cats love to stretch against them, reaching for the highest point, or if it incorporates a cat tree even climbing over it.

How to entertain cats indoors

Whether your cat lives indoors because of an illness, physical needs, or simply because they’re happier in the house, keep them stimulated with our guide to entertaining indoor cats.

Walking and having access to the great outdoors provides our cats and dogs with so much brain engaging activity. During outside walks, our pets pick up messages left by other animals, they interact with other humans and animals, and they are getting physical exercise. If their daily routines change and pets find themselves inside more than they normally would, it can have a huge impact on their demeanour, much like it would for us. To help combat this and keep out pets fit, happy and healthy, we need to keep their brains working to help burn off excess energy. If pets are left indoors for longer periods than they are used to they will quickly become bored and frustrated, which could result in displaying unwanted behaviour.

Many cat behaviourists suggest a gradual approach to bringing an outside cat into the house. If your cat is outdoors most of the day, bring her in for increasingly longer visits. You might time this transitional period as the weather gets colder. Most cats prefer warm, dry places, and by the end of the winter, yours could be converted to life indoors. If you want your cat to have safe, limited access to the outdoors, consider building an outside enclosure or run. These can be accessed from a window or pet door, and are most entertaining to cats when furnished with tree limbs, perching platforms, boxes and toys.

The post Keep Your Indoor cat Entertained appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Keep Your Indoor cat Entertained appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Keep Your Indoor cat Entertained appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

All I Want for Christmas – Music For Everyone

All I Want for Christmas – Music For Everyone

All I Want for Christmas – Music For Everyone

Festive Christmas Songs to Get You in the Holiday Spirit

It’s time to deck the halls with boughs of holly and crank up the volume on your favorite christmas songs for kids. We’ve rounded up the most delightful classics, new picks from our go-to bands for kids and even lullabies for kids that have gotten a yuletide refresh. If you’re in need of a festive playlist, let us assure you that this is it! regardless of what you have planned this holiday season, these tunes are great accompaniment. (see what we did there?).

Whether you’re decorating the christmas tree , hosting a holiday gathering, or simply trying to get hyped for the holiday season, a festive soundtrack with all the best christmas songs is essential to set the mood while you deck the halls. When you’re ready to make your christmas playlist, consult this list of the top christmas songs of all time to make sure you don’t forget one of your faves. And no, we won’t judge if you break out the holiday tunes before thanksgiving. If radio stations do it, why wouldn’t you?.

Alright, folks, the moment we’ve been waiting for has finally arrived: it’s officially the holiday season , which means it’s time to show off that range you’ve been working on all year long. And even if you can’t hit those high notes, the best christmas songs (and seasonal cocktails ) will put everyone in a jolly enough mood to cheer you on when they’d otherwise plug their ears. Whether you’re planning a christmas caroling party, putting together the ultimate party playlist, or you simply feel like grooving around your house, the 21 best christmas songs ahead will set the right spirit.

Why Almost All Christmas Music Is From the 1940s and 1950s

christmas music

Spread the yuletide cheer with old and new christmas favourites! it’s the most wonderful time of the year yet again! you really can’t celebrate the season without a kickass holiday playlist, so we’ve compiled 125 of our favourite christmas songs of all time. It’s not just a list of classic christmas songs, but also includes new favourites. And because christmas knows no genre, we’ve created an alphabetical list of christmas songs with music ranging from the best alternative christmas songs to glam rock carols and hip-hop to jazz standards. Enjoy!.

When listeners in fort wayne, indiana, tuned into majic 95.1 in july, they heard something both unexpected and all-too-familiar. The station was playing christmas music. In the heat of summer. With the pandemic making life miserable for people, the station was looking for a way to appeal to listeners and boost its ratings, and christmas songs can be a dependable way of doing so. “we knew that the world was topsy-turvy and we just knew from playing christmas music over the years that there’s something special about it that people connect with,” says chris didier, operations manager at majic 95.1, whose on-air name is captain chris.

Ho ho ho! spread the holiday cheer with this collection of royalty free christmas music for videos from traditional christmas hymns to jazz, to upbeat rock, soft music box bells, including instrumental and vocal arrangements. You can use our christmas music as background soundtracks in holiday promotional videos, corporate video greetings, youtube vlogs, as well as other personal and business projects. All our christmas music comes with all-in-one royalty free license and available for commercial use.

Christmas Music For Everyone!

So this is christmas? as we’re knee-deep in yuletide adverts, slade’s “merry xmas everybody” and wizzard’s “i wish it could be christmas everyday” are on heavy rotation. Fine if that’s your thing, but it may not satisfy those keen to celebrate a hipper festive season with more ostensibly cool christmas songs. Don’t get us wrong here. This isn’t a scrooge-like attempt to knock the traditions any more than it’s intended to denigrate festive greats such as “white christmas” or “winter wonderland. ” yet, if christmas is meant for one and all, then we feel it’s also fair to offer a gift to the more adventurous music fan. If you like a hearty slice of credibility to accompany your glass of festive cheer, here’s our selection of 20 cool christmas songs, compiled just for you.

All over the country this year, stations have been playing christmas music much earlier than normal. One memphis station started doing it right after halloween. Another in youngstown, ohio, was decking the halls in september. The radio industry has been hit hard by the pandemic, with ratings falling as much as 50% at first, although they have since rebounded somewhat, says mike mcvay, a radio industry veteran who now works as a consultant.

Don’t get us wrong here. This isn’t a scrooge-like attempt to knock the traditions any more than it’s intended to denigrate festive greats such as “white christmas” or “winter wonderland. ” yet, if christmas is meant for one and all, then we feel it’s also fair to offer a gift to the more adventurous music fan. If you like a hearty slice of credibility to accompany your glass of festive cheer, here’s our selection of 20 cool christmas songs, compiled just for you.

Christmas Songs – Holiday Music

Jingle bell jukebox allows you to listen to entire albums worth of free online christmas music. The archive contains nine albums, including dean martin’s “my kind of christmas”, bing crosby’s “white christmas”, and amy grant’s “a christmas album”. You can skip songs and switch between albums. Each album is played in a loop. Radioio has launched three channels dedicated to holiday music. They are christmas traditions, country christmas, and today’s christmas. The player is simple and easy to use. You can choose a bitrate (64 or 32), see which song is being played, which other songs were played recently, and quickly change to another holiday channel through a menu on the left (not shown below).

Christmas music is a nostalgia trip. Generally speaking, pop music prizes novelty — fresh songs, surprising sounds, this week’s hit, the next big thing. But once a year, a soundtrack that reaches back decades and centuries chimes into earshot once more. Of course, nostalgia is built into the holiday season, when our secular religion of capitalist consumption gets stirred together with christian traditions, ancient pagan rites and a vague longing for the old-fashioned comforts of home, hearth and the pastoral yesteryear. In december, we long to hear songs, as irving berlin once put it, “just like the ones i used to know. ”.

Most rock fans assume that all christmas music is terrible. They’re mostly right, but every once in a while a christmas miracle happens — and a great holiday song gets produced. Some of the best examples come from 1963’s phil spector’s christmas album. It had the horrible fate of coming out the exact day that john f. Kennedy was assassinated, so very few people were looking to sing along to “frosty the snowman” — but they missed out on a wall of sound masterpiece that’s one of spector’s most satisfying lp’s. Here’s a look and listen at some of the best and most memorable christmas songs of all time.

All I Want for Christmas

No one has the same type of holiday spirit that a rapper does. From kanye west to run-d. M. C. , their spins on christmas classics or originals range from hilarious to the weird and serious, but all stay true to themselves. Busta rhymes made justin bieber ‘s “drummer boy” a stand-out track from bieber’s under the mistletoe album, while dmx ‘s impromptu power 105 remix to “rudolph the red-nosed reindeer” gives the original a run for its money. Tyler, the creator has moved past his “f–k santa” days, showing off a newfound enthusiasm for the season through his involvement with the 2018 film the grinch.

“there was an incredible drop in listening, mainly because of listening habits. A lot of people who listen to radio listen in their car, and suddenly if you’re working at home and not commuting, that changed that,” he says. Station officials figured that starting the holidays a bit early might be a way to lure listeners back home. After all, christmas music has been a reliable source of ratings gold since around 1990, when 99. 9 kez, an adult contemporary station in phoenix, created the format.

Below, check out billboard’s 30 favorite christmas hip hop songs, in no particular order. (you might not actually want to play these around the kids on christmas day. )1. Kanye west, cam’ron, jim jones, vado, pusha t, musiq soulchild, cyhi da prynce, teyana taylor and big sean, “christmas in harlem” 2. Run d. M. C. , “christmas in hollis” 3. Tlc, “sleigh ride” 4. Dmx, “rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (remix)” 5. Run the jewels, “a christmas f–king miracle”.

Merry Christmas (Deluxe Anniversary Edition)

There are so many great christmas songs out there. There are the classics brought to us by johnny mathis, bing crosby, and brenda lee that always make listeners feel nostalgic. But newer albums by carrie underwood , pentatonix, and christmas queen mariah carey deserve spots on the holiday playlist as well. If you’re a true christmas music fan, you probably know all the originals and the remakes by heart. Or so you might think.

Vijat mohindra pentatonix pentatonix ‘s official genre is a cappella, but a close unofficial second is christmas music. The five-member group has put out three christmas records since 2012 — ptxmas, that’s christmas to me and a pentatonix christmas — all of which have become staples on the holiday albums chart, each of them sitting in the top 10 currently with last year’s a pentatonix christmas topping the list. Christmas classics such as “little drummer boy,” “hallelujah” or “santa claus is coming to town” have been covered countless times over the decades, but pentatonix separates from the pack with mesmerizing vocal harmonies that can give you chills or feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Here are 10 of pentatonix’s best christmas songs. “that’s christmas to me” (2014) this one is a pentatonix original track but possesses all of the elements you’d associate with a christmas song — references to fires burning bright, children playing, snow and “joy of family. ” the accompanying video puts the sentiment over the top with flashback footage of pentatonix members on christmas morning as kids. “joy to the world” (2015) the group’s cover of “joy to the world” finds them beatboxing and singing to an empty church. Pentatonix puts a more upbeat spin on a song that is traditionally sung pretty even keel.

The post All I Want for Christmas – Music For Everyone appeared first on GQ Central.

The post All I Want for Christmas – Music For Everyone appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates December 18, 2020

SEO Updates December 18, 2020

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week + Special Guest: Bucky Helms

Deal of the week: Special Offer for Agency Clients!

Feature: Agency Partnership Program

SEO Mad Scientist: Does the GMB Description Really “Help” Rankings?

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 67

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

This week’s special guest: Bucky Helms

? Danny Sullivan: Core update goes out page by page to the entire index
? – Portal To Search For Google SEO Q&As On Twitter
? Google Tests New Local Pack User Interface Buttons
? Google My Business Call History Report Shows Answered & Missed Calls
? Google Structured Data Testing Tool Moving To

And so much more!

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SEO Mad Scientist


Hey Scientists, we are back with another week of breaking down GMB signals and ranking them from most important to least important single variable signals.

So far, we have found the most important signal being the Brand Name with the second being the description as we saw last week caused a big ranking decrease when removing it from a listing that was ranking.

This week we are going to be looking at how much gains we get from adding a term to our description vs removing them.

We also are going to take a quick look at product and service signal tests and upcoming test results we currently have running.

Let’s start by talking about “all” the signals we are testing. These include brand name, description, products, services, hours, attributes, secondary number, primary number, service area, category, short name, images, posts, and even the GMB site variations…

So in true SEO fashion, the first thing we did before starting was SPAM them all lol

Take a look at just one if the listings details:



We did leave some areas unoptimized but for the most part, we stuffed our keywords in every area we could to see if this type of optimization would make any movement. In our single-variable tests, we saw that changing the business name to have keywords made a fairly big and immediate ranking reaction. Here are the results from our spam test after a few days:



So far we see little to no change which either means that these signals aren’t major signals, take more time to show impact, have a spam filter built into their impact, or require some sort of external/additional signal to be considered.

This is why we are testing all of these signals individually as well as together, to determine not only impact but the level of impact, and how it’s measured or influenced.

So far we know a GMB with a website linked from it, will get negative results if it has a relevant description and then you remove the description.

Let’s look at an update of a listing where a description was added that included terms it was ranking for poorly or not at all:



As you can see we have seen absolutely no change in rankings. We will give an update over the next couple of weeks but since we previously saw removing the description having a negative effect, we believe there must be an external signal that influences the description impact. This listing has no optimization, no website, nothing but a name, category, phone number, and now a description.

If we don’t see movement next week then we will move to phase 2 of testing the GMB description.

Until then, do you think having the GMB description helps with local rankings? What aspects of the description do you think help rankings the most? Is the description alone a signal or does it rely on external signals?

Let us know in the group comments and until next time.

Happy Testing!









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Outsource Web Design: What to Know + How to Do It Effectively

Outsource Web Design: What to Know + How to Do It Effectively
Web Development

Web design is incredibly important. The way that you craft your online presence will say a lot about your business to your potential customers.

Once upon a time, it was your storefront that customers saw first, and that was the most important way that you could make a positive first impression on them.

But in the modern business world, it’s all about your website.

Most customers will find you through search engines like Google. That means their first impression is established through your website.

In other words, you need a good looking and functional website if you want to succeed.

Many businesses choose to outsource their web development or website redesign services rather than hire an in-house designer.

But why do people outsource? And what steps should you take to ensure you succeed when outsourcing your web design?

Read on to find out.

Why Should You Outsource?

Web design outsourcing can be beneficial for businesses of all sizes. It will allow your business to maintain and scale while still getting an original website with an optimized user experience.

But there are also a lot of website builders out there specifically designed to help business owners with no technical knowledge create a website for very little money.

So, again, why outsource?

For starters, there’s time commitments.

If you’re concerned with creating a website, you’re not going to have the time needed to dedicate yourself to the actual running of your company.

Time is a precious resource for an entrepreneur or small business owner, and you’re going to be better suited to allowing an outside party to tackle this vital task while you focus up on keeping the business moving forward.

You’re also going to be able to get a more personalized website design if you’re working with a professional website development team.

These website builders are typically on rails, providing you with templates that you either aren’t allowed to edit, or aren’t skilled enough to edit.

You might think that bringing on a full time developer would be better in the long run for your business, but that’s not cost effective.

On top of paying the salary of your new full time employee, you’re also dealing with bonuses, benefits, and the cost of hiring a new staff member, which can be up to $4,129 on average in 2020.

Not only is hiring a development team more affordable, it’s also more efficient for web development services.

When you’re working with a single in house designer, you have one person working on your site. When you outsource to a web developer, you often have an entire team of dedicated web design professionals working for you at a fraction of the cost.

Outsource Your Web Design Work to Our Team

Since 2009, we have helped many agencies and businesses white-label our services under your brand. Let us do it for you!

The Steps to Succeed in Outsourcing Web Design

Now that you know why you should outsource your web design, it’s time to talk about how to go about web development outsourcing safely.

There are three major steps that you’ll have to take if you want to get the most out of your web design efforts.

They are:

  1. Clearly define your web design goals and budget
  2. Find a company that can accomplish those goals while remaining solidly within that budget.
  3. Communicate with your design company throughout the process so that you’re updated every step of the way. (This also gives you ample time to dictate necessary changes to remain within your agreed upon time window.)

Let’s dive into these steps one at a time, examining how you can accomplish each and why they’re important.

Step 1: Clearly Define Your Goals and Budget

Before you start your search for a outsourcing company, you have to first outline what your goals are for this web development project.

What kind of website do you want? What does it need to do? What do you need out of the user interface? Are there specific features you don’t need?

(Image Source)

The more information you determine before you start your search, the more likely you are to find someone who can do exactly what you need them to do.

If you don’t know what you need the web development company to do, you run the risk of hiring someone who won’t be able to deliver on what you need. That’s a major problem and might cause you to revert back to square one.

You can avoid this potential issue by clearly defining your goals from the start.

In order to do that you’re going to have to understand your audience completely.

That means creating a series of buyer personas that outline your most common customers.

(Image Source)

You have to know what problems they’re trying to solve, what they like to see, how they like to interact with your company, and, perhaps most importantly, what they don’t like.

By understanding exactly what your ideal customers are looking for, you’re able to more accurately create an online user experience that appeals to them.

After all, your target audience are the people you’re designing this website for in the first place. If you don’t understand them, you have a really big problem.

Just because certain trends are “in” right now from a web design perspective doesn’t mean that your audience will appreciate or enjoy them. That’s why you have to also make sure that your developers understand the wants and needs of your audience.

Then there’s your budget.

That has to be set before you start your search, if only in the interest of time. By being up front with a development company about your budgetary needs, you’ll be able to weed out options that are too expensive without listening to a long and involved pitch.

Remember, company pitches usually don’t touch on pricing until the end. You don’t want to sit through a series of 30-minute presentations just to be smashed with a massive cost estimate.

If you’re able to be up front and say, “this is what I need and this is what I’m able to spend,” you’ll be able to quickly narrow your search when it comes time to choose the right vendor.

Step 2: Search for the Right Company

You need to find the right company to contract with. That way you’ll know from the start that the website you want is the website that you’re getting.

After you’ve outlined your goals, make a list of questions that you can ask the potential design companies that you interact with. This will help you create a pre-screening process which will allow you to weed out any companies that aren’t offering what you’re looking for.

You’re also going to want to take a look at the company’s experience and, most importantly, portfolio.

Not only are you looking for quality functional work, you’re also looking to see if they have any experience catering to your audience.

If they don’t, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should disqualify them. But, if you’re a dentist and the companies you’re speaking with have experience creating websites for dental offices, there’s going to be a much smaller learning curve.

Next, ask about their specializations and capabilities.

You’re going to have certain needs from a website perspective. If you want a site that features a reservation creation platform, you need to make sure that the company you contract with has experience and understanding regarding the creation of this feature.

Then there’s eCommerce, which is a hot button issue right now.

The eCommerce industry is booming. By the end of 2020, the global eCommerce industry is estimated to reach $4.2 trillion and account for 16% of worldwide retail sales.

(Image Source)

If your company needs an eCommerce component, you have to make sure that your web designer has the ability to design a point of sale system for you and create an online store that falls in line with the needs and the wants of your audience.

Make sure you check the reviews for any company you’re considering hiring.

You should be able to find reviews on most reputable companies. If there are no reviews for a web design firm, that in and of itself is a huge red flag.

See what past clients have to say about the companies you’re considering. A lot of times you’ll be able to find some good information through the experiences of others.

Keep in mind, you might have to do some homework and travel off the beaten path to get a full overview of how a company’s clients perceive them after an outsourced project is complete.

Obviously, most companies are going to tout their successes and hide their failures.

That’s why you need to look through third party listings like a Google My Business Page or social media reviews. This will help you get a more honest assessment of a web design company’s true capabilities.

Here are a few criteria that you should check out when trying to make your decision.

  1. Processes. What are the steps that these businesses take in creating a custom web design? They should have the entire process outlined for you.
  2. Communication. How good is their communication? Do they speak your language fluently? How often are they willing to check in and provide updates?
  3. Samples. Are they willing to provide you with samples of their previous work?
  4. References. Are they willing to provide you with references from past clients? Are you allowed to talk with these clients?

Make sure you don’t just hop on board with the first company that says the right things. Shop around a bit, see what else is out there, and ask lots of questions.

Once you’ve selected a company and you’re moving forward, have them sign a Non Disclosure Agreement so that all of the details of your project remain private, even if the project falls through.

Outsource Your Web Design Work to Our Team

Since 2009, we have helped many agencies and businesses white-label our services under your brand. Let us do it for you!

Step 3: Communicate Throughout the Process

Communication is going to be very important throughout the web design process. You want to make sure that you’re hiring a company that’s willing to communicate with you and provide updates on every stage of the project.

(Image Source)

As we mentioned in the last section, most web design firms should have an outlined process that’s broken into stages. This helps you map out how things are going to go and form realistic expectations about the process and timeline.

Each stage of the process should include some form of communication or reporting.

You should be able to review aspects of the site as you go along, as opposed to all at once at the end. This will allow you to spot potential issues that go against your initial vision quickly.

It’s best to catch these problematic elements early in the process, if only to save time at the finish line.

There are so many stellar digital forms of communication now, from WhatsApp to Slack to Zoom. You can and should communicate with your design company using these tools, and collaborate using systems like Dropbox or InVision.

Make sure you’re assigned a point of contact, whether that’s the owner of the company or a project manager.

It’s important that you have one central contact so that you’re not being told 10 different things by 10 different people.

In Conclusion

You need a website and it has to be good. As such, outsourcing web development really is your best hope of creating a successful website that will meet your needs without breaking the bank.

By clearly outlining your goals and budget, searching for the right company, and communicating with the company throughout the process, you have a much better chance at achieving greatness through your business website.

Outsource Your Web Design Work to Our Team

Since 2009, we have helped many agencies and businesses white-label our services under your brand. Let us do it for you!

The post Outsource Web Design: What to Know + How to Do It Effectively appeared first on HigherVisibility.

Charted: Litecoin Settles Above $100, Why LTC Could Rally Further Above $110

Charted: Litecoin Settles Above 0, Why LTC Could Rally Further Above 0

Litecoin price started a strong rally above $90.00 and $100.00 against the US Dollar. LTC is consolidating gains and it could rally further above $110.00.

  • Litecoin started a strong surge above the $90.00 and $100.00 resistance levels against the US Dollar.
  • The price tested the $110.00 resistance zone and it settled above the 100 simple moving average (4-hours).
  • There was a break above a crucial declining channel with resistance at $80.00 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair (data feed from Kraken).
  • The price traded as high as $112.76 before it started consolidating gains.

Litecoin Price Rallies 20%

In the past 2-3 days, there was a strong increase in bitcoin, Ethereum, ripple and litecoin against the US Dollar. LTC price formed a major support base near the $72.00 level before starting a fresh increase.

To start the recent rally, there was a break above a crucial declining channel with resistance at $80.00 on the 4-hours chart of the LTC/USD pair. The pair broke the $90.00 and $100.00 resistance levels. There was also a close above the $100.00 level and the 100 simple moving average (4-hours).

It even spiked above the $110.00 level and a new monthly high was formed near $112.76. The price is currently consolidating gains above the $100.00 level.

Litecoin Price

Source: LTCUSD on

There was a minor dip below the $105.00 level. The price even traded below the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the upward move from the $78.88 swing low to $112.76 high. However, the price is finding a strong support near the $100.00 level.

The next major support is near the $95.00 zone. It is close to the 50% Fib retracement level of the upward move from the $78.88 swing low to $112.76 high. On the upside, the $110.00 level is a key hurdle. A close above the $110.00 level may possibly set the pace for a move towards the $125.00 and $130.00 levels.

Dips Supported in LTC?

There could be limited downsides in litecoin below the $100.00 level. The first major support is forming near the $95.00 level.

Any further losses may perhaps send the price towards the $90.00 support in the coming sessions. The next major support is near the $92.00 zone.

Technical indicators:

4-hours MACD – The MACD is slowly losing momentum in the bullish zone.

4-hours RSI (Relative Strength Index) – The RSI for LTC/USD is currently correcting lower from the oversold zone.

Major Support Levels – $100.00 followed by $95.00.

Major Resistance Levels – $110.00 and $125.00.

The post Charted: Litecoin Settles Above $100, Why LTC Could Rally Further Above $110 appeared first on Crypto Scoop News.

The post Charted: Litecoin Settles Above $100, Why LTC Could Rally Further Above $110 appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Charted: Litecoin Settles Above $100, Why LTC Could Rally Further Above $110 appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Mt. Gox Trustee Submits Rehabilitation Plan — Creditors May Soon Be Repaid 150,000 Bitcoins

Mt. Gox Trustee Submits Rehabilitation Plan — Creditors May Soon Be Repaid 150,000 Bitcoins


Mt. Gox Trustee Submits Rehabilitation Plan - Creditors May Soon Be Repaid 150,000 Bitcoin

Mt. Gox trustee Nobuaki Kobayashi has finally submitted a draft rehabilitation plan to a Japanese court — meaning former users of the long-defunct crypto exchange may now look forward to getting paid someday.

Kobayashi, the Japanese bankruptcy lawyer appointed to oversee the repayment of investors, submitted the plan to the Tokyo District Court on Dec. 15. In a statement posted on the Mt. Gox website, Kobayashi said:

The Tokyo District Court and an examiner will review the draft rehabilitation plan and determine whether to proceed with the rehabilitation proceedings relevant to the draft rehabilitation plan.

The rehabilitation trustee added that he plans to explain the draft plan “to the relevant parties in a timely and appropriate manner.”

Kobayashi is reportedly holding 150,000 bitcoins (BTC) — worth about $2.9 billion at existing market prices — in refund money, but no one has been paid just yet. More than 20,000 victims are believed to have filed claims for a refund.

Mt. Gox collapsed in 2014 after more than 850,000 BTC (worth over $470 million at the time and about $16.5 billion now) were supposedly stolen by hackers, with 200,000 bitcoins recovered two weeks later. At the time of its demise, the exchange was the world’s biggest, handling 70% of global bitcoin trades.

Ever since, the plan has been to repay creditors using the recovered bitcoin. Kobayashi has been leading that charge since 2018 when he was appointed by the court to do so. On several occasions, the trustee has requested more time from the court before submitting his draft rehabilitation plan, arguing that “there are matters that require closer examination.”

Now with the draft plan finally lodged with the court, former users of Mt. Gox can look forward to ending their six-year wait for a refund.

What do you think about the Mt.Gox rehabilitation plan being submitted finally? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post Mt. Gox Trustee Submits Rehabilitation Plan — Creditors May Soon Be Repaid 150,000 Bitcoins appeared first on Bitcoin News.

The post Mt. Gox Trustee Submits Rehabilitation Plan — Creditors May Soon Be Repaid 150,000 Bitcoins appeared first on Crypto Scoop News.

The post Mt. Gox Trustee Submits Rehabilitation Plan — Creditors May Soon Be Repaid 150,000 Bitcoins appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Mt. Gox Trustee Submits Rehabilitation Plan — Creditors May Soon Be Repaid 150,000 Bitcoins appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Travelling with Your Cat by Car or Plane

Travelling with Your Cat by Car or Plane

Travelling with Your Cat by Car or Plane

You would want to get one of these if you are in the car or especially on a plane as airlines require them. If you need to go to the vet most veterinarians will also require you to have one before you take your cat to get a check-up.

Even when your trip is all said and done, you can get use out of these carriers even when you are not travelling and are home as well!.

It’s important that your cat is both safe and comfortable when travelling in their carrier. The best types of cat carriers are those that have the following features:
made of sturdy material like plastic.
Plastic is the safest type of carrier for your cat to travel in over a material or cardboard one, and more comfortable for your cat than wire mesh. Carriers made of plastic are also much easier to clean.

It is important not to force the dog or cat inside the kennel if you do it may be much harder to train them; leave the door of the kennel open so they can leave when they want, after a time you can start closing it. Keep in mind that on the day of the trip you have to add their nerves to the new experience. I think them as a baby travelling for the first time; they will feel more nervous than usual and if they are not used to spending time in the pet carrier transporter the journey will become complicated.

cat travel

What type of carrier is best for travelling with my cat?

This is the most important part to keep in mind before travelling with any animals. If you have a dog or a cat they will have to get used to the awaited trip; the best thing to do is to get them used to it little by little and well in advance.

Depending on the type of trip and how your dog will have to travel. The ideal is that the conditions to which you habituate them are similar to those they will have to face. So if you are going to travel in the cabin, but inside the carrier, you can start by putting the pet in the transporter for a few minutes a day and gradually increase the time.

Say if you’re on something like a bike and needed to travel with your cat you would probably have a really hard time bringing them with you. Well, there is a certain type of carrier that is built similarly to a backpack so you can ride and bring your pet with you. Its called the lemonda portable travel pet carrier backpack. These carriers have an interesting space capsule look so this is one you might want to consider if you’re in a tricky situation like this.

Many people make the mistake of hiding the cat carrier away and only retrieving it when the cat needs to travel to the vets or to a boarding cattery. It’s a much better idea to leave the carrier in a quiet permanent place in the house that the cat has access to and to make it as inviting as possible. This will encourage your cat to develop positive associations with the carrier and should make travelling much less stressful.

How should I get my cat used to travelling in the carrier?

Obviously, if you are travelling by train you will need a very secure carrier which the cat cannot possibly escape from, but one which is also light enough to carry. You may want one with a solid base in case the cat urinates so that it does not soil the railway carriage. Line it with absorbent paper and material and take spare bedding too. You will probably be able to keep the cat in its carrier on your lap depending on the type of train and the space available.

Turkish Airlines make travelling with pets super easy, as long as you have the proper documentation and vaccines are up to date. Cats, dogs, and singing birds are all allowed to travel in the cabin, as long as they remain in their carrier at all times. If you’re travelling with two small pets, they’re welcome to stay in the same container together as long as they are familiar with each other and friendly. Fees range from 70 try to 170 try depending on your flight, your pet, and your carrier. Read more about flying with animals and the Turkish airline’s policy in detail here.

When travelling with a pet, please check-in for your flight at our check-in desk instead of using the self-service channels. The check-in process is similar for both pets travelling in the cabin and in the hold of the aircraft. During check-in, we weigh your pet and check that the pet carrier or box fulfils the IATA (international air transport association) requirements and is big enough for your pet. We will also go through all the necessary documents with you, including for example the pet passport, export/import/transfer permits and health and vaccination certificates.

What’s the best way to get my cat inside a carrier?

Corral you cat – close your cat in a room with food, water, a bed, a litter box, and its carrier to keep it out from underfoot and to prevent it from slipping out of the house during all the activity. A bathroom works well, but a vacant bedroom is another good option. Place a sign on the door asking the movers (and family) to keep the door shut. The further from the action your feline friend is, particularly all the noise, the better.

Your most important piece of luggage, apart from your cat, of course, is a cat carrier or a cat transporter. Never let your cat travel loose in the car – they could distract the driver so it’s safer for you all if they’re contained, plus they could easily escape as soon as any of the car doors or windows are opened. As they’ll need to stay in their carrier for the length of the journey, make sure you’ve got one that’s strong, secure, easy to clean (in case of accidents) and large enough for your cat. You can buy a plastic, wire mesh or wicker basket, but don’t be tempted to use a cardboard box as it will get flimsy and fall to bits if your cat urinates in it.

The pet carrier should be the right size and fit the animal’s needs. For example, a cat will be much happier isolated from the outside and with a small window to look through. If the dog is going to travel in the cargo hold the ideal is a dog carrier that allows the dog to move. It must also meet a number of requirements:
the carrier must have strong locks to prevent the dog from escaping.


How should I carry my cat when travelling?

Can be used as both a carrier and pet car seat ideal for small dogs, puppies, cats and other small pets sits on front passenger or back car seats to keep pets safe and secure whilst travelling
vehicle seat belt threads through straps on rear to keep the bag secure when on the move can also be used as a booster seat by looping carry strap over vehicle headrest mesh top and side panels ensure good airflow and ventilation.

There is an EU regulation that sets out the requirements for the movement of pet animals (cats, dogs and ferrets) travelling within the European Community, and into the community from non-EU countries. It also refers to importation requirements applying to rodents, domestic rabbits, birds (except certain poultry), ornamental tropical fish, invertebrates (except bees and crustaceans), amphibians and reptiles.

Obviously, if you are travelling by train you will need a very secure carrier which the cat cannot possibly escape from, but one which is also light enough to carry. You may want one with a solid base in case the cat urinates so that it does not soil the railway carriage. Line it with absorbent paper and material and take spare bedding too. You will probably be able to keep the cat in its carrier on your lap depending on the type of train and the space available.

How should I travel with my cat?

Don’t forget to ask your veterinarian for a copy of your pet’s vaccination record and a health certificate if you are travelling state to state. Id tags on the collar with a new address, phone number. Id tags are relatively inexpensive, so if you are travelling across the country, it may be a good idea to put the number of your old veterinarian on the tag. Some pets, if frightened and run away, will run to a familiar place, which may end up being their old home.

The right size for your cat
in order to make travel comfortable for your cat, the cat carrier needs to be tall enough to allow your cat to sit, stand up, and move around, and long enough for your cat to be able to lie down comfortably. If you have a large breed of cat such as a Maine coon, you may need to purchase an extra-large carrier. Both front and roof opening doors on the carrier.

Travelling with Your Cat by Car or Plane

Sometimes cats can be taken into the cabin as hand luggage provided they are in a suitable container that will fit under a seat. However, more often they have to travel in the aircraft hold because of the risk of escape and of people with allergies to cats having serious health problems in the confined space of an aircraft cabin.

Should I travel abroad with my cat?

Use a cage or a crate for the car ride (or one that is approved on your airline if you are flying). This will provide a safe haven for your cat. Make sure that the cage or crate is large enough for your pet to stand up, sit down, and turn around. Take your pet for short rides if she is not used to car travel. If travelling by car, provide some form of a litter box or pan for your cats. Animals are very sensitive to our feelings and if we are nervous they may be, too. As a consequence, they may need to “go” more frequently than normal.

Make sure you arrive early for the flight as cargo is usually loaded first. The travelling box should be marked as containing a live animal with your contact details clearly displayed on the side. Tape another piece of paper with these details to the inside of the box for extra safety. If your cat is going abroad contact your vet well before travelling to find out what vaccinations and health certificates it will need. It may take several months to complete necessary vaccinations, tests and paperwork before your cat is allowed to travel.

It’s really important that whenever you travel with your cat, to always do so with your cat securely inside their carrier rather than free inside the vehicle. Here are some other tips to help you and your cat have a journey with as little stress as possible:
where possible, about 15 minutes before you want to travel with your cat, spray some feliway® classic into the vehicle (a spray in each corner of the inside of the vehicle).


What you need to know about taking your pet abroad

Outside of the potential hazards already present in your new home, the items you brought over during the move (like bed bug spray ) can possibly harm your pet as well. If you have a nosy animal or one who’s prone to tearing up boxes, make sure to move any boxes containing sharp objects or cleaning supplies so they can’t get to them. While unpacking, take careful consideration of what you leave lying out and where you unpack your boxes. During high-stress times such as moving, even the most well-behaved dogs and cats are likely to act out and chew things they normally wouldn’t. If you have a particularly messy or dangerous room, it’s best to close the door to keep your pets out when you aren’t actively unpacking.

You can enter or return to the UK with your pet cat if it:
has been microchipped
has a pet passport or third-country official veterinary certificate
has been vaccinated against rabies – it will also need a blood test if you’re travelling from an ‘unlisted country’
it is currently illegal to bring a cat to the UK from any country overseas without it either going through quarantine or being imported via the pet travel scheme (pets). Pets were introduced to allow people to travel with their pet cat, dog or ferret.

Is your cat stressed out by a changed living situation due to relocation, competition or new furniture, family growth, grief, divorce, changing presence times, etc. ? or is it maybe processing traumatic experiences (e. G. Aggressive dogs, new year’s eve?)
maybe intruders have used the cat flap to enter your cat’s territory? does your cat need more affection?.

Bringing cats to the UK

There are usually plenty of hoops to jump through when bringing cats from one country to another; however, the UK has three simple criteria your cat must fulfil. Your cat must:
have a microchip
have a pet-passport or a third-country veterinary certificate
vaccinated against rabies, and have a blood test if from an ‘ unlisted country. ’fulfil this criterion, and your cat will have no problem entering the UK.

Remember to update your cat’s microchip

It is vital to update the details stored on your microchip’s database with contact details for the country you are in. In the UK you can do this by contacting pet log – on 0844 4633 999 or via pet log. Org. Uk – or anibase – on 01904 487 600 or via www. Anibase. Com – simply putting your cat through pets or quarantine does not automatically update your records, so it is important that you remember to do this.

Update your cat’s microchip and tags. A microchip is one of the most important investments you can make in your cat’s health and safety. Cats can be furry escape artists who dart out cracked doors, slip out askew window screens, and leap out of their people’s arms. An estimated 15% of household pets escape at some point. While 93% of dogs will make it home, only 75% of cats will. Microchip your pets, and keep the registration current; you’ll be glad you did.

How can I travel with my cat after Brexit?

If you’re looking to travel with your cat after Britain leaves the EU, read the government’s information on pet travel to Europe after Brexit. To ensure you can travel with your cat after Brexit, you should start to prepare at least four months before your travel date. In the event of a no-deal Brexit, current EU pet passports issued in the UK will not be valid for entry to the EU.

If you are travelling with your cat to the EU after Brexit, make sure you check the new requirements ahead of time. The official guidance states that you should arrange your pet travel with the vet at least 4 months before your journey. Complete the following steps for a smooth trip abroad:
get your cat microchipped if they’re not already
ensure your cat’s rabies vaccination is up to date
after your cat’s rabies vaccination wait 30 days and then return to the vet for a blood test to check if it’s worked.

Wait three months after a successful blood test before travel
10 days before you travel, return to the vet for an animal health certificate which includes proof of your cat’s vaccination history, microchipping date and the successful rabies antibody blood test result. Note: in the event of a no-deal Brexit, current EU pet passports issued in the UK will no longer be valid for entry into the EU. For more information regarding travelling with your cat after Brexit, check the official guidance.


Getting a health certificate

Though each airline has its own set of rules regarding travelling with pets it’s important to know the following information that applies to all airlines:
every airline that allows the carry of animals is required to follow the IATA live animal regulations (lar) as it is the global standard for transporting animals safely and humanely. Before you book your flight it is important to consult not only the airline’s rules and regulations regarding animal transport, but also the country-specific regulations. For example, to exit and enter the united kingdom dogs and cats must have a pet travel scheme (pets), more commonly known as the pet passport, and an official veterinary health certificate.

Cat owners need to prepare the following before travel:
ensure your cat is microchipped
ensure your cat’s rabies vaccination is up to date
allow at least 30 days after your pet’s last rabies vaccination before returning to a vet for a blood test to check it has worked
wait three months after a successful blood test before travelling
return to a vet within ten days of travel for an animal health certificate
please note: if your pet’s vaccinations are kept up to date, you won’t need to repeat the blood test for each journey.

You’ll want to bring your cat to a vet before you leave to verify that it is in good health and that it has the most up-to-date vaccinations. The latter will ensure that there is no problem bringing your cat to your new home location in addition to keeping it and others safe. Make sure to get a certificate of health and the cat’s health records to prove your cat has received the appropriate immunizations. You can also ask the vet about having a microchip implanted if that’s something you’re interested in.

Cats bond strongly with their territory and can feel very vulnerable when away from home ground. Remembering this and planning ahead can help reduce the stress your cat might experience while travelling or settling into a new home.

Cats, by nature, develop strong bonds with their environment through smell. They territorialise by rubbing their neck and facial glands which secrete feline facial pheromones recognisable to them and other cats establishing their territorial boundaries. As a result, a change of environment means a major disruption for them, creating a potentially stressful situation. Therefore they have to explore and re-establish their new territory which may intersect with other feline boundaries leading to clashes over territory. With all of this in mind, training your cat to use a crate can be one of the best ways to move with cats. When a cat accepts a crate as its home/safe place, it won’t see areas outside of this as their territory, which will result in a much easier transition during the move and during the settling-in phase.

Start the pheromones as soon as you begin packing your belongings, use them during the transfer, and continue using pheromone therapy while settling into your new home. If your cat is like ours, it will probably love all the empty boxes around your place as you begin to pack. But despite the initial joy of playing in the fun cardboard boxes strewn all around, your cat will soon start to sense that something is amiss. Something’s not quite right. And that’s when the stress starts to set in….

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Some Tips On Worming Your Cat

Some Tips On Worming Your Cat

Beaphar Cat Worming Granules

Want to save money on cat worming tablets? worming isn’t a fun process, but our range of top brand cat worming tablets, granules, liquids and pastes can make life easier and less expensive.

You’ll find discounts on big brand cat wormers from Drontal, Panacur and droncit, saving you up to 65% on vet and high street prices. Even better, your order is delivered straight to your door, with our 5-star service rating as standard. Take the stress out of cat worming by shopping with us today.

Beaphar, Drontal and Panacur cat wormers are chemically based products but have been carefully researched and formulated to be safe for your pet. However, if you would prefer to take a more natural approach to worming then we can help there too. Verm-x provides a natural alternative to chemical worming in the form of palatable treats. These must be fed to your cat every day but will promote year-round intestinal health.

Johnson’s One Dose Wormer for Cats

We stock a great range of cat wormers from our most popular brands of wormers for cats. Panacur for cats are available in granules, paste or liquid and these may be mixed with their food. Drontal for cats is available in tablets at a dose of one per 4kg cat or in xl for cats over 6kg.

Johnsons one dose wormer contains two tablets. It is a one-dose treatment and will kill tapeworms and roundworms in cats and kittens. Tapeworms can be caught from fleas which can carry the larval stages of the tapeworm which can be ingested by your pet when he grooms himself. Tapeworm infestation will reoccur unless control of intermediate hosts such as fleas, mice, etc. Is undertaken. Your cat can be infected by roundworms if he eats mice or other small animals that are carrying young worms (larvae). Kittens can become infected through the mother’s milk. They can also be transmitted to humans, especially young children.

worming your cat

Drontal Cat Worming Tablets

Please note that due to regulatory law and the legal category of this medicine, returns will not be accepted. There are about 8 different types of intestinal worm that can infect cats in the UK, and it is not always easy to spot the symptoms. Drontal cat tablets will kill every type of intestinal worm your cat is ever likely to get and will do so with a single dose, and without having to starve your cat first.

To avoid worms reaching maturity and affecting your pet’s health, and to reduce public health risks, you should worm your pet regularly. Worming at least every three months with Drontal will reduce this risk, but ask your vet who will be able to evaluate your pet’s health and your family’s requirements and advise you on a specific worming routine for your pet. Don’t forget the flea control! fleas are often infected with the larvae of the flea tapeworm, which can be transferred to your cat by swallowing the flea while grooming. So in order to control worms, you also need to control fleas. A spot-on treatment is the easiest way to protect your cat but you may also need one that kills flea larvae in your pet’s surroundings, to effectively break the flea lifecycle.

Dronspot Cat Worming Treatment

It is recommended that you worm your cat on a regular basis to keep them healthy. Worm accumulation in the body can be dangerous and uncomfortable. Some worms like the Toxocara can also be transmitted to children. For effective treatment against all common roundworm and tapeworm found in the UK, we recommend term worm. For cats that refuse a tablet, Panacur granules can be added to food. Panacur granules can also be given to pregnant cats and dogs, helping to reduce the number of prenatal infections by roundworms. Alternatively, you can try dronspot which is applied to the back of the neck.

Cats are particularly susceptible to tapeworm and roundworm. These worms can cause your cat to lose weight, feel lethargic and have a change in bowel habits. As a cat owner, you should look out for signs of worms so that you can treat the problem as quickly as possible. If your cat is eating a normal diet but still losing weight, or has a particularly bloated stomach than they may have picked up some worms. Another symptom is fur that has lost its shine and become coarse. Your cat may also suffer from diarrhoea. It may not be straightforward to check for worms if your cat does not have a litter tray, but if your cat’s faeces are visible to you, then you may be able to spot worms within their stool.

Drontal Cat XL Worming Tablets

Drontal Cat is a worming treatment that kills common types of intestinal worms that are found in cats in the UK – roundworms and tapeworms (Toxocara cati, toxascaris leonina, dipylidium caninum, taenia taeniaeformis). A single Drontal cat tablet will dose up to 4kg in body weight. Each Drontal cat tablet contains 230 mg pyrantel embonate, 20 mg praziquantel and 1. 8 mg titanium dioxide. Drontal cat tablets are a ‘white to yellowish’, scored, coated tablet which can be divided into equal halves to dose 2kgs.

In stock
Drontal cat xl film-coated worming tablet works with a single dose and kills all the common intestinal worms found in cats in the UK. For the treatment of gastrointestinal roundworms and tapeworms of cats. Please note: we can only legally dispense one y.

Droncit Spot On Wormer for Cats

The two types of worms which most commonly affect cats are tapeworms and roundworms. You should worm your cat every 3 months as wormers are a reactive medicine and will only kill worms, eggs and larvae which are actually present, they do not prevent new infestations. Cat’s who like to bring back little presents in the from the fields are especially at risk from worms – so keeping on top of regular treatment is key. Browse the best wormers for cats including palatable tablets, spot-on wormers such as dronspot and pastes/liquids.

Panacur Worming Paste for Cats & Dogs

If you have a puppy or kitten then the Panacur liquid suspension, or Drontal puppy,  is suitable because it doses at very low body weights, and is effective against protozoa giardia. Spp. For pregnant bitches then either the Panacur granules or favourites are suitable. For lactating and pregnant females do not use the Panacur paste. Drontal can be used in lactating bitches only. For adult dogs and cats then we would recommend rotating the Drontal and Panacur products on an annual basis. The strong paste is also suitable for dogs.

adorable tabby cat

Bob Martin Dewormer for Cats & Kittens

Bob martin clear spot on wormer cats & kittens
bob martin spot-on dewormer makes giving your cat a worming treatment easy. As it is a spot-on treatment, it is put onto the back of the neck, eliminating the battle of feeding your cat a
save 5% on your first repeat order!
£8. 99.

Which worming products to use?

Browse control or prevention products that suit your cat’s lifestyle depending on your pet’s activities.

Shop the best flea and tick medicine brands and check out MedicAnimal’s worming selection and household treatment for cat fleas for products to protect the whole family.

There are many different worming products available on the market, and drug availability varies between different countries. While worming products may be available from pet shops and even some supermarkets, these are often old or less effective products and some are even less safe to use in cats.

Cat Flea Treatment & Worming Tablets

There are many different worming products available for cats (including tablets, liquids,
pastes and spot-on treatments).

The best one for your cat will depend on their temperament and lifestyle.

Choosing the right cat worming treatments for your cat is simple, with a range of liquid cat wormer, worming tablets for cats and homoeopathic worming treatments to help you find the best deworming solution for your feline. Worming your cat regularly is essential; even indoor cats can pick up tapeworms passed on by fleas, so if they do get into the house your cat will be vulnerable to worms even if they like to keep their paws home and dry! worms can be nasty critters, and cause weight loss and much more serious health problems if left untreated,
so finding easy treatment methods to make this part of a routine is the best option for cat worming treatments. The range of dewormer for cats includes leading brands beaphar and homoeopath, and wormers for the smallest kittens to the biggest of lions! worming syrup is a liquid cat wormer and a great option for small kittens or those clever cats that seem to always eat their way around their worming tablets! with a delicious chocolate syrup flavour, liquid cat wormer can be administered to whole litters of kittens for a fast and effective worming treatment.

Bob Martin Clear Cat Wormer Spot on for Cat & Kitten over 1kg Worming Treatment

Bob martin clear spot on wormer cats & kittens. Bob martin spot-on dewormer makes giving your cat a worming treatment easy.


A UK authorised veterinary medication for the treatment of common UK roundworms and tapeworms, beaphar multi wormer tablets are suitable for all cats and kittens over 6 months of age, with each pack containing sufficient treatment to treat a 5kg cat over the three weeks required course. Traditional three-week treatment for roundworm and tapeworm infestations in cats, beaphar multi wormer tablets contain two different types of tablet, formulated with effective active ingredients.

The post Some Tips On Worming Your Cat appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Some Tips On Worming Your Cat appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Some Tips On Worming Your Cat appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How often should I feed my cat?

How often should I feed my cat?

How often should I feed my cat?

Common cat feeding errors could you be making one of these mistakes? feeding your adult cat how often, how much? what you need to know to keep your adult cat healthy and fit. How much should your cat drink? why adequate water is key to good health for your cat. Healthy cat treats and snacks some treats are better than others: what you should and shouldn’t feed your cat.

Kittens need a decent amount of nutrition, and due to this, they need something that provides long-lasting, delicious, and nutritious outcomes. The best thing to think about is the nutrition that they are getting. This type of cat food ensures that those young cats have the right number of vitamins and minerals to keep them moving, but also to keep them happy. You shouldn’t have to worry about the amount of nutrition that your cat gets when you are feeding them food that is supposed to be meant for them.

If a cat food’s price is super low and seems too good to be true, chances are, it contains low-quality ingredients and fillers. Formulating a nutritious food requires money to make, so making it cheap means watering down the ingredients used. If you feed your cat substandard food, she might also develop serious health conditions in the future. Cheap cat food is commonly made with rendered fat to add more fat content easily, but these additives can be the breeding ground for bacteria and mould!.

how often should I feed my cat

How many treats can I give my cat?

You can’t look into the big loving eyes of a ragdoll cat and not want to give her an occasional treat. On top of that, the clever ragdoll is likely to use any means at her disposal to get your attention if she wants something tasty, so you’d better come prepared! one option for good, healthy treats is to use home-cooked food that is appropriate for ragdoll cats such as steamed chicken or white fish.

As we discussed in the diet guide here, your cat needs a balanced diet that is rich in meat proteins. Complete cat foods provide everything your cat needs. By choosing a good quality complete cat food from a reputable brand, your cat should get all the nutrients they need. Complementary cat foods are treats that can be given occasionally. If you give your cat food treats, include them as part of your cat’s daily ration so that they don’t gain weight.

You may want to give your cat a little boiled chicken. You can also buy good quality, healthy treats from pet food stores. They should only be given sparingly, however. Talk to your veterinarian about the right type of treats to feed your cat.

Can I give my cat milk to drink?

For the first month of a cat’s life, kitten food comes in the form of mother’s milk and/or commercial milk replacement formula given every 2-4 hours if the kitten has been separated from its mother. Once this initial period passes, kitten food can become a dietary staple in the following stages, amounts, and frequency: from 3-5 weeks of age, feeding orphaned kittens involves offering the milk replacement formula in a shallow dish to encourage weaning from a bottle. You can also add a moist, easily chewable diet consisting of a mixture of warm formula and high quality canned or dried kitten food 4-6 times a day.

Wet cat food is a great option for cats as it provides a multitude of health benefits. Aside from having more moisture content, it can help kittens move on from drinking milk to solids, as well as help senior cats who may have problems chewing on dry, solid food. It’s also the most ideal food choice for cats who are suffering from any kidney, bladder, or urinary tract issues and complications.

Without drinking water, your cat could become severely ill within hours. Give your cat constant access to clean drinking water. Note: cow’s milk is not a substitute for water cats need a well-balanced, meat-based diet to stay fit and healthy – they cannot be vegetarian. Make sure your cat eats a balanced diet that is suitable for their age, health status and lifestyle. Why not try our cat food? most typical human food does not meet the nutritional needs of cats, and some human foods can even be poisonous to cats, e. G. Onions.

Taking your cat to the vet

Ragdoll Cats can be fussy eaters, and they are also prone to developing allergies and intestinal problems if their food doesn’t completely agree with them. While it’s always best, in these situations, to go to the vet and get a speciality food recommended, we know very well that sometimes you need something to tide you over until you can do that. It’s a great idea to keep these special foods in mind so that if anything happens, you’re prepared.

Vets and cat experts recommend feeding your cat with more wet food. Although they’re more expensive than dry food, the nutrients your cats get are worth the price. Cats are not heavy drinkers, a trait they’ve sustained when they evolved from desert felines to household favourites. The high moisture content of canned food is beneficial to your cats to maintain their recommended daily water intake, even without drinking too much. Wet cat food also contains more fat and protein than dry food, and fewer carbohydrates, too. However, wet food can easily spoil, so they’re not recommended for stocking up your cat food pantry.

Taking your cat to the vet needn’t be stressful. With a little bit of time and preparation, you can make it a positive experience for both you and your pet. Pet advise.

Cold weather care for cats

A lot of thought and care has gone into the preparation of this food, as it contains only the highest quality meat and fish from sustainable fisheries and Germany farms. The meat is gently steam cooked, then cold-filled to lock in the fatty acids and nutrients that are vital for your cat’s health and wellbeing. This pack comes in a variety of delicious flavours, including beef and duck, game and red snapper, and chicken and pheasant. Perfect also for cats with food sensitivities, fine food is a good choice if you are after a sustainable, healthy option that’s free from gm products, artificial additives and fillers such as soya.

With wet foods, cats tend to eat more in one sitting rather than going back and forth and will drink less as there is the higher water content in wet food than in dry food. Serve the food at room temperature to ensure your cat can taste and smell it properly. Warming up an opened can take up to two hours from being taken out of the fridge, microwaving canned foods for a short time is always an option, but ensure a consistent temperature throughout and be careful of hot spots. In general, avoid serving food for your cat that is either too hot or too cold.

Does your cat have high or low blood pressure?

I believe you’d be surprised to find out how many cat owners don’t know the healthy weight ranges for their cats. And that is why they melt with how cute a cat looks when chubby, missing that very moment when she starts suffering from obesity. However, such an unthoughtful behaviour leads to health problems: diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, or even cancer. For our four-legged friends to stay healthy and happy, we should take care of their nutrition and control their appetite so they would avoid obesity.

Cats are biologically different to us, they are classified as obligate carnivores. Even when animal protein is included in a diet the majority comes from rendered sources. Rendered meat or more commonly named ‘meal’ comes from animal tissue that has been heated for a prolonged time at extreme temperatures and pressures to remove the fat. Rendered meat is on average only 75% digestible. This means that for every 10g of rendered meat consumed only 7. 5g can be utilised by the body. When you compare this to some of the new technologies using fresh meat as an ingredient, with 96% digestibility, this protein source certainly looks to be a more favourable ingredient. Furthermore, digestibility is affected by the carbohydrate content in the diet; the higher the carbohydrate content the less digestible the protein.

Being within a healthy weight range is important. Nearly 60% of cats in the united states are overweight, and this can lead to the same health problems seen in people. To lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer, keep your cat in the right weight range. For pets with weight problems, specific calorie counts per unit of food help divvy up portions, so you know exactly what your kitten is getting.

cat spray stop

Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition

Feline nutrition is very important for general health. However, the plethora of dietary options, brands, and formulas available to consumers can be confusing when deciding which kind of cat food is best for your feline friend’s health and wellness. Unlike humans and various other creatures (dogs included), cats’ evolutionary process has resulted in unique dietary needs specific for strict carnivores (all meat-eaters). Just like their undomesticated and much larger relatives, domesticated cats’ bodies have adapted to a protein- and fat-rich, low carbohydrate diet. In the wild, cats use plants, primarily tall and short grass, for digestive regulation and dental support. However, wild cats do not consume vegetable or plant matter for the purpose of energy or nutrition. The ideal diet for your feline friend is one that is high in animal-based proteins.

This article discusses the basic nutritional needs of your cat. Many nutrients have been studied individually in a clinical setting – in fact, they’re examined more individually than in the food they came from. This is unfortunate because it’s important to remember that the essential building blocks of health aren’t isolated in nature. Whole foods contain a complex blend of synergistic compounds that work together to support optimal well-being. While that may sound complicated, it really isn’t – if you simply use species-appropriate real food as the foundation for health. One of the great things about feeding our cats a well-prepared diet of real food is that it’s chock-full of all the nutrients we know are important to feline health.

Kittens are picky eaters, but it doesn’t mean they won’t eat some “people” products that are dangerous to them. And even if it may look cute when your kitten drinks milk and eats grapes or tuna, please stay prudent when feeding it with anything besides specific kitten food. Here goes the list of products to avoid when feeding your young feline: tuna. Kittens may love it, whether in adult cat food or packed for humans. So make sure it has no access to it. The best kitten food brands don’t use tuna in the formulas because they know it can lead to malnutrition or, if in large numbers, mercury poisoning.

My Cat is Doing Just “Fine” on Dry Food!

Each cat food category is not better than the others because they all have their fair share of advantages and drawbacks. The best answer to the question, “which is the best type of cat food?” is simply a mix of all three. Variety is good, and your fluffy friend gets the best sources of nutrients! to bring more light on the difference between dry, wet, and raw food, let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Unlike humans and various other creatures (dogs included), cats’ evolutionary process has resulted in unique dietary needs specific for strict carnivores (all meat-eaters). Just like their undomesticated and much larger relatives, domesticated cats’ bodies have adapted to a protein- and fat-rich, low carbohydrate diet. In the wild, cats use plants, primarily tall and short grass, for digestive regulation and dental support. However, wild cats do not consume vegetable or plant matter for the purpose of energy or nutrition. The ideal diet for your feline friend is one that is high in animal-based proteins. Taurine is an essential nutrient for your cat’s heart and brain health, and it comes from eating animal-based proteins. Cats in their natural setting would not consume the high levels of carbohydrates that are found in many of the commercially available dry and canned foods.

Click/tap for more images! kittens also need a variety of dry and wet foods, so this wonderful dry food is just what you need. It contains a variety of good whole ingredients. Chicken is the number one ingredient in this healthy food designed to help your kitten grow into a strong, lean, happy cat. The kibble is small, designed to be easily eaten by kittens, and most importantly the reviews are raving. One happy customer said that this kibble helped his ragdoll kitten regain the correct weight for her age, as well as gave her a smooth, silky coat and happy intestines.

Cats Need Animal-Based Protein

To live a long, healthy life, your cat needs proper nutrition. Here are some things to consider when selecting an appropriate diet for your cat. Necessary nutrients cats are obligate carnivores, which means that they rely on nutrients found only in animal products. Cats evolved as hunters that consume prey that contains high amounts of protein, moderate amounts of fat, and a minimal amount of carbohydrates, and their diet still requires these general proportions today. Cats also require more than a dozen other nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids.

Cats are strictly carnivores and differ from dogs in their nutritional requirements. As such, they need animal-based proteins, such as meat and less of the vegetables or plant-based proteins. Dry cat food is often more plant-based whilst wet cat food is more animal-based so a cat will need a balance for a healthy diet. Types of food there are three types of cat food available in the pet food industry.

As I have already said, wet cat food is important to cats as it provides cats with most of the meat-based protein that forms the core of their natural diet. This means that when I look at wet cat food, the first thing I look at is the meat.

We Are Feeding Cats Too Many Carbohydrates

The question of whether cats are healthier when fed canned or dry food is, unfortunately, far more complicated than it seems. This is because there are many nutritional variables affecting health and disease that are not determined solely by whether the food is dry or canned. Macronutrient content can vary dramatically between diets, and while dry foods are typically higher in carbohydrates than canned diets, they can be higher or lower than canned foods in fat or protein. The diet’s micronutrient content also is critical, as the consequences of feeding taurine-deficient diets to cats illustrate. Other variables, such as calorie density, the amount of food fed, and the feeding pattern (e. G. Number of meals per day) can have as much or more impact on health than the diet’s general form.

Macronutrient content can vary dramatically between diets, and while dry foods are typically higher in carbohydrates than canned diets, they can be higher or lower than canned foods in fat or protein. The diet’s micronutrient content also is critical, as the consequences of feeding taurine-deficient diets to cats illustrate. Other variables, such as calorie density, the amount of food fed, and the feeding pattern (e. G. Number of meals per day) can have as much or more impact on health than the diet’s general form.

Cats Need to Eat Water-Rich Food

This particular wet food is going to give you a lot of bang for your buck. The variety pack allows your cat to enjoy the flavours of chicken, tuna, and turkey as well as stay happy and healthy through a variety of proteins and vitamins. We recommend this brand because most users report that even very picky cats are happy to eat it, and ragdoll cats can very often end up being picky about their food.

There are plenty of reasons why cat food is recalled, either by government agencies or by the company itself. Some of the common reasons include discovering potentially harmful bacteria in the food, reports of cats getting sick after eating a certain cat food product, or findings of low content of important ingredients like vitamins and minerals. You can do a quick search on google for a cat food’s recall history if you’re shopping online. If you see a cat food company having numerous recall histories, and if the company hasn’t made necessary resolutions to these issues, it’s ideal to find an alternative.

Great dry food that many cat owners swear by, this sensitive stomach and skin formula is a fantastic stop-gap if your cat is having digestive or dermal problems. It’s made with high quality, easy-to-digest ingredients, plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids, with no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Reviewers say it’s “great for pukey itchy cats”, “helped my cats with digestive issues, dander, and shedding issues” and “clean up cat puke less!”.

At purr and miaow, we believe that you deserve to know what you are feeding your cat. When you pick up a pack of purr and miaow food you will read ingredients that you recognise. Most of the “big pet food” brands hide behind confusing labelling regulations, such as ‘meat and animal derivatives’. And who knows what that means?!! when you see the ingredients on purr and miaow packs, not only can you be sure that those ingredients are in there, you can also see exactly how much is in the pack.

For more details regarding pet food ingredient labels, see commercial foods. Note:  if you are tempted to write to me to ask what food you should feed to your cat, understand that specific advice cannot be provided via email. If someone wants to discuss the information contained on this site in more detail, an appointment for a phone consultation needs to be set up. Before you get too confused and frustrated when reading this section, I will say at the outset: I would much rather see a cat eat any canned food versus any dry food – regardless of the quality level of the canned or dry food. This includes Friskies, 9-lives, fancy feast, etc., canned options.

Kitten food should have a few important features. Here’s what to consider when selecting the right food for your kitten: ingredients and nutrients. Good kitten food should contain high-quality ingredients and adequate nutrients to support your pet’s development. Always read the label on kitten food to make sure you know what you’re buying. Most veterinarians recommend a diet that is high in protein and fat, with added nutrients such as fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals to support your kitten’s overall health. Please be aware that your cat’s dietary needs will change as they grow older. If you’d like to find out more about healthy foods for adult cats, check out our list of the best organic cat food.

The post How often should I feed my cat? appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post How often should I feed my cat? appeared first on GQ Central.

The post How often should I feed my cat? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

The Safety of Dry Food

The Safety of Dry Food

The Safety of Dry Food

If there’s one thing every cat lover knows, it’s that cats are one of the most incredible companions we can have in this life. They can also be the easiest to take care of. You can go for a weekend trip and not worry about their safety or health.

Just throw a little extra dry food into their bowls and they’ll be fine. Do you know, however, what’s actually in the dry food that you’re leaving out for your cats? or, better yet, do you know what’s missing from the dry food you give them? once you learn what our cat food lacks, you’ll understand why cats need nutritional supplements added to their meals.

The benefit of dry food is that it can be left out for longer periods without compromising safety. If you do choose to leave dry food out, just keep portions controlled to avoid overeating and weight gain. On the other hand, canned wet food shouldn’t be left out longer than 20 – 30 minutes to avoid contamination. Store any remaining wet food in the fridge for up to 5 days, sealed and covered in the can.

safety of dried food

Transitioning Dry Food Addicts to Canned Food

Printer-friendly – tips for transitioning section only. This is the hard part. Cats, like children, often resist what is best for them. The two most frequent comments that I hear from people when trying to convince them to feed their cats a healthier diet are “my cat won’t eat canned food” and “but my cat really likes his dry food.

”children really like potato chips and ice cream but that certainly does not mean those food items constitute optimal nutrition.

The best diet for your cat

Hill’s diet is a well-known brand for both dogs and cats alike. If you want something that is made specifically for kittens, then this would be a great choice to go with. You don’t have to worry about not being able to get the diet that is meant for them and their growing bodies. This is important to think about, especially when you want your kitten to have the fuel it needs to continue to have energy and play how they need to play.

If you have fried chicken for the rest of the week, three times a day, wouldn’t you get bored of the taste?
the same goes for our cats, too. Not only would that be boring, but that would also mean limiting your cats to more varied sources of protein and other nutrients in her diet. You also want to avoid food addiction (yes, it’s a real thing). There are certain cases when a cat gets addicted to a certain food because it’s what she’s been fed every time. That’s unhealthy, and can be difficult for you in case you need an emergency supply run and your nearest pet store or amazon runs out of this particular food.

To live a long, healthy life, your cat needs proper nutrition. Here are some things to consider when selecting an appropriate diet for your cat. Necessary nutrients
cats are obligate carnivores, which means that they rely on nutrients found only in animal products. Cats evolved as hunters that consume prey that contains high amounts of protein, moderate amounts of fat, and a minimal amount of carbohydrates, and their diet still requires these general proportions today. Cats also require more than a dozen other nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids.

The Pros and Cons of Different Types of Cat Food

There are hundreds of different cat food brands and types of cat food available, so it can be incredibly confusing owning a cat. Together with our cat food guide which will help you decipher the buzz words, as well as the other advice on our website, we can help you find the right cat food for your favourite feline. Cats are obligate carnivores; this means that in the wild a cat’s natural diet consists exclusively of meat. Cats usually hunt prey that is high in protein with some fats and a small proportion of carbohydrates. Domestic cats’ nutritional needs are largely the same as their wild relatives, but a pet parent should also consider their cat’s age, temperament, activity level and any health conditions they might have and adapt their diet accordingly.

This book is a little gem! I highly recommend it. I’ve read veterinary manuals and animal physiology textbooks, and it’s so nice to have the information on cat digestion and nutritional needs gathered in one place. Pros. – concise and to the point. – covers all the basics of feline nutritional and metabolic needs. – very easy to read and understand. – includes a cost analysis comparing various types of cat food. – includes raw food recipes and a list of equipment needed.

Choosing between wet cat food and dry cat food has always been a controversial subject for pets, and especially kittens. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, you should base your decision after weighing the following pros and cons.

Cat Weight Loss and Prevention Plan

Prior to starting your cat’s weight loss journey, please talk to your veterinarian about how to do this safely. Cat dieting is not as simple as restricting food, and rapid weight loss can be very dangerous. Any cat weight loss plan should be a collaboration between you and your vet. Here’s are a few ways that you can help your cat lose weight and get back to being healthy.

cat-with ducks


Get the nutritional and health advice you’ll need to help your cat thrive at every stage of life. Explore articles, information and guides below.

You’ve probably encountered the term digestibility in plenty of cat food labels, articles, and even in this guide. But what’s the importance of this term when considering which cat food to provide for Mr Whiskers? here’s the explanation for that:
food digestibility is how you measure the nutrition your cat actually gets from her food, how much nutrients are absorbed by the intestines and into the bloodstream. To provide more clarity, let’s use an example.

Here at pets at home, we have devised a great range of nutritional information for you to take a peek at if you’re struggling to know what’s best for your cat whenever feeding time beckons. Ranging from the effects of obesity through to successful diet implementation, we’re dedicated to helping you and your cat enjoy a long, fruitful and, most importantly, healthy relationship. Of course, it’s important to understand the role that a cat’s life cycle, breed and gender have to play in his or her diet, so if ever you’re unsure of your cat’s optimum weight, or what treats you should be allowing and what should be thrown into the bin, our handy guides should be able to point you in the right direction.

Vegetarian diets for cats

In pet nutrition basics, methodology blog
different from dogs, who are omnivores (meaning they are designed to eat a combination of animal and plant foods), cats are carnivores and have unique metabolism compared to many other domestic animals. Cats have special dietary needs that omnivores do not have and for this reason, they should not be fed as vegetarians and should always have some animal protein (meat) in their diets. That does not mean that they can safely eat only meat – cats can digest and utilize nutrients from plants and a very high or all meat diet is dangerous for cats!.

Aafco allergies allergy appetite by-product calories cat nutrition cats DCM dog nutrition dogs environment fat feeding tube food allergy gastrointestinal grain-free grains heart disease home-cooked diet home-prepared diet homecooked human grade ingredient list ingredients kidney disease large breed media nutrition obesity overweight pet food methodology protein speaking engagements supplements therapeutic diets treats vegetarian vitamin vomiting weight loss.

Cats are meat eaters, making vegetarian and vegan diets unsuitable for their needs. Your cat needs more protein than many other mammals and they need specific amino acids such as taurine in order to survive. This is why it is important to feed your cat food that is made just for them. There are a few vegetables that you can feed your cat (if they’re keen!) these include carrots, peas, corn, broccoli and spinach. Steer clear of garlic and onion as these can be difficult to digest and can make cats very ill.

So how does a cat meet these special dietary needs in the wild?

Feline nutrition is very important for general health. However, the plethora of dietary options, brands, and formulas available to consumers can be confusing when deciding which kind of cat food is best for your feline friend’s health and wellness. Unlike humans and various other creatures (dogs included), cats’ evolutionary process has resulted in unique dietary needs specific for strict carnivores (all meat-eaters). Just like their undomesticated and much larger relatives, domesticated cats’ bodies have adapted to a protein- and fat-rich, low carbohydrate diet. In the wild, cats use plants, primarily tall and short grass, for digestive regulation and dental support. However, wild cats do not consume vegetable or plant matter for the purpose of energy or nutrition. The ideal diet for your feline friend is one that is high in animal-based proteins.

Processing can affect taurine levels in the diet, while increased dietary fibre can decrease its absorption. Cat foods that contain high-quality animal-based protein will supply adequate levels of taurine for a normal, healthy cat. Dog food does not contain enough taurine to meet the normal requirements for a cat. Supplemental taurine may be added to certain cat foods, especially diets that are formulated for specific needs such as growth and development of heart disease. Supplementation is relatively safe, with no reports of problems associated with excessive dietary taurine in the cat.

Cats are naturally specialised solitary hunters, just like their wild ancestor. Since they hunt alone, their prey is generally small in size as this is all they can manage to capture on their own. The most common prey types are small mammals. Since the average mouse only contains about 30 kilocalories, cats must hunt, kill and eat around ten mice a day in order to meet their daily energy and nutrient requirements. Therefore, under natural circumstances, cats consume frequent small meals (in the form of prey) throughout both the day and night (when their nocturnal prey are active). Feral cats can spend 12 out of every 24 hours looking for and obtaining food.

Feeding your adult cat

Common cat feeding errors could you be making one of these mistakes?
feeding your adult cat how often, how much? what you need to know to keep your adult cat healthy and fit. How much should your cat drink? why adequate water is key to good health for your cat. Healthy cat treats and snacks some treats are better than others: what you should and shouldn’t feed your cat.

Although our adult cats don’t need too many of these foods in a day everyday nutrition, this kind of food can be very helpful for their overall health. Here are some tips and advice about the wet food which is recommended for adult cats. The wet cat food for adults should be stronger and more caloric. Try to feed them at least once per day with these products. It is always great if you are feeding your adult cat with grain-free wet food items.

‘life-stage feeding’ matches your cat’s diet to what they need at different ages and stages of development. As well as energy, cats need different levels of protein, vitamins and minerals and fats in their diet depending on their age. Commercial cat food companies make food, especially for these life stages. A cat’s life stages for feeding are varied depending on the food manufacturer, but this is a good guide:
kitten: 0-12 months
adult cat: between 1 and 7 years of age.

Feeding your senior cat

Cats need different foods at different stages of their life, which is why we recommend feeding an appropriate life stage diet. From specially formulated kitten food to senior, indoor and low calorie. Your vet might prescribe a prescription diet if your cat has a health problem, like kidney disease or joint problems, or if they are particularly overweight. Before you decide to try a new diet with your cat, is it always important to speak to your vet.

A complete and commercial cat food, that’s part of the pfma
meat; cats can’t be vegetarian as they need taurine that’s found in animal protein
life-stage feeding; buy something age-appropriate for your cat, such as kitten, senior, etc.

We have worked hard to ensure we offer only the top brands in the wet cat food business, so you know you are feeding your kitty food that is high quality, nutritious and delicious. For everyday dining, why not try Felix as good as it looks adult cat food doubly delicious fish selection, providing your cat with vital omega 3 proteins? if you have a kitten that you’d like to try with tinned cat food, we recommend starting with a portion of food made into smaller chunks, such as Felix as good as it looks mixed selection for kittens. Older cats might prefer the extra nourishment that comes from food such as a gourmet gold cat can turkey pate, specially formulated for more complex senior needs.

Cats don’t drink much

Specially formulated for the needs of kittens as they wean and grow. Contains DHA, an omega 3 fatty acids that help support healthy vision and brain development. Fortified with ingredients to help support healthy bones and muscle growth. Specially designed nutrient profile adapted to help the growth and development of kittens’ vital functions. Nutritionally complete – no need to add anything else to their diet. Lily’s kitchen kitten chicken dinner is complete wet cat food for growing cats, which has a very nutritional value.

Just as i am concerned about feeding me and my family the best possible food so that we can stay healthy and happy, I also want to give my four-legged friend the very best wet cat food possible food so she can thrive as part of our family. A well-rounded diet for any cat should include a mix of wet and dry food. Dry food is important for keeping their teeth healthy and letting them indulge in their instinct to graze throughout the day.

Although your cat needs certain amounts of each specific nutrient to be healthy, more is not always better. This is particularly true of vitamins and minerals, so the use of supplements is usually not necessary if you are feeding a balanced and complete diet. Supplements can be harmful to your cat, and they should never be given without a veterinarian’s approval. Cats should have access to clean, fresh water at all times.

The post The Safety of Dry Food appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post The Safety of Dry Food appeared first on GQ Central.

The post The Safety of Dry Food appeared first on Local SEO Resources.