SEO Update, November 2 2022


Are you looking for a service to interlink your entity profiles? 

We just launched our Bio Entity Stacks to replace Google Authority Stacks.

You get 20+ bio hub links fully optimized for KG SEO and entity relationships including NAP mentions, Interlinks 15 Socials and Brand Profiles, Unique AI-generated descriptions, SEO Optimized Anchor Text, and media.

We have also launched our Event Backlinks Service! We manually submit your events to 30+ Top USA event listing websites + with the option to add on an Event Page if you don’t already have on. Be on the lookout for this.

Both of these new services have been incorporated into our updated Monthly GBP Campaigns!

Our Weekend Deal

Get 33% Off Any GBP Booster
Local Maps Boost & Authority Link Boost

Use Codes 33offbasicboost33offcoreboost 33offxtremeboost for Local Maps Boost
33offAuthorityLinkBoost for Authority Link boost

Get faster wins for your clients when you add the local maps boost to your GBP campaigns! They will increase your entity’s prominence, relevance, and maps visibility.

Boost the backlink authority of your site and your brand with our authority link boost. They include traffic guest posts, tier 2 network links, and Do-Follow News links!

On this week’s episode of the SEO Vault, we discussed how Google could use its algorithm to detect and demote low-quality AI-generated content, the importance of having high-quality backlinks, and other SEO news!

SEO Updates & News This Week:

> Google Business Profiles Now Showing Review Time For Some Edits

> Google Sues Company That Impersonates Google Through Scammy Telemarketing Calls

> Google: A Page’s Content Does Not Need To Be Indexed For That Page To Be Indexed

> Google: Links Have A Lot Less Significant Impact For Ranking Today

Not sure what links to buy? Let us help!

We offer FREE link recommendations and a link buying guide to provide the best use cases for the different types of links you need now.

Please message us on the website chat or email [email protected] if you have any questions. Always happy to help!

Happy Halloween,
Chaz and the Entire Team

Law Firm’s Phone Calls Increased 414%
& Website Visits Increased 351% W/ Local SEO

Do you have clients struggling with maps visibility? This case study shows how a law firm achieved impressive results using our Xtreme Monthly GBP SEO campaigns. Learn how you can produce quick local map rankings for your clients.

If you are not sure which of our campaigns would provide the best results for your clients, get FREE custom campaign recommendations from our team!


This Week in the Local SEO Community


This Week On The SEO Mad Scientist

Do GBPs Help Organic Rankings?

Hey there, SEO mad scientist. Welcome to another update from our SEO test archive.

We’re still working on our cannibalization tests, but today we want to actually switch things up a bit from what we’ve been going over.

One of the common subjects recently is how impactful your GBP website is on your GBP listing. Today we want to take a look at how your GBP listing can impact your organic rankings.

Let’s start off by taking a look at some of the organic impacts going on…

From the look of this image, you would think that we are getting some success from our title loans Google business profile listing. The truth is that we rebranded this listing and changed it to an internet marketing SEO website.

The results we show today actually come from a GBP listing we acquired a long time ago that we had run previous tests on for “title loans”, that we attempted to repurpose for another test before it got soft suspended (the listing still shows on Google but we’re not able to make edits until we verify again)

We were able to change the listing business name and the website on the listing, but the category and phone number stayed the same before us getting the soft suspension.

This is the page that the current listing pointing to…

This listing had no off-page optimization or citations of any kind built manually. There was no major on listing optimization of services or products. The extent of the optimization was the category. Even the Description on the GBP listing was changed to: “BRAND is a leading digital marketing agency specializing in SEO services. We help businesses get their websites displayed higher on Google through our range of effective SEO services. Our services include off-page optimization, keyword research, onsite SEO, organic SEO, local maps SEO, backlinks strategy, and more. We have a proven track record in helping businesses achieve their online marketing goals, and we can do the same for you. Contact us today to find out more about our digital marketing services.”

(The brand name and website listed are for our SEO services website)

After months of having the brand and Target page updated it seems that the listing optimization has had a stronger influence on the organic website rankings than the other way around.

The impact of the listing on organic rankings is interesting to see and shows that the impact on the listing itself is not just from the page link to from the listing but also goes the other way. (as seen from our current tests)

So the previous history of the listing is impacting the site pretty heavily still. The category is the only thing that’s left fully optimized and that’s “loan agency”, but doesn’t have any direct ties to the Target term “title loans”. Meaning if you add loan agency to your listing you will not show for title loans.

So is it purely the history of the listing that’s impacting the organic rankings? What do you think?

Join us next week for more exciting test updates as we dig into the current state of the algorithm and unlock its secrets.

Until then, happy testing!

This Week on The SEO Vault
Episode 167

Hosts: Mike Milas + Bucky Helms

What we discussed this week…

✔️ The impact of hidden content on ranking

✔️ How Google can use its algorithm to detect and demote low-quality AI-generated content

✔️ Google: Links Have A Lot Less Significant Impact For Ranking Today

Watch the Latest SEO Vault episode to catch up on the most recent local update and so much more.

>Answered: Let’s say you have ZERO ability to change anything on-page on a website. What would be some things that could be done to help improve GBP rankings, other than citations, photos, posts, etc?

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 2.0 Ranker Facebook and YouTube every Thursday at 2 pm EST.

Interested in being a guest on the vault!? Sign up now


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