Body Language Communicating With Your Cats

Body Language Communicating With Your Cats

How to Communicate with Your Cat

Communicating With Your Cats. Sometimes, feline body language is employed to communicate doubt or uncertainty about a person, place or object.

They may still have an upright tail, but a little hook or curl at the end signals a lack of conviction. If your cat comes to you like this they could simply be interested in playing with you.

Post kittenhood, cats may not meow when interacting with each other. More often than not, they rely on non-verbal body language to express their feelings toward one another. But they do use vocalization as part of their cat communication, which is perhaps most evident during playtime when your little critters growl, hiss or yowl at each other sometimes in sport, sometimes in fear or sometimes in anger. In many ways, how cats behave toward us is not much different from the way they communicate with each other: nonverbally. putting their tails up in the air, rubbing around our legs, and sitting beside us and grooming us are exactly what cats do to each other, John Bradshaw, a cat behaviour expert, tells national geographic.

Who knew there was a hidden code in a cats tail? cats use their tails to communicate a lot. Generally speaking, if their tail is up, they’re happy, and if it’s down, they are frightened or apprehensive. If it is wagging back and forth rapidly, it most likely means they are agitated and want to be left alone good to know. Cats also have trouble deciphering certain situations just like people do. If you see your cat slowly moving their tail side to side, they’re trying to figure out how they feel about what is currently happening.

communicating with cats

Reading Cat Body Language

Audible communication between cats is not as important as other methods of communication. For instance, cats rarely meow at one another in greeting this sound tends to be reserved for their human counterparts. Cats are adept at reading the body language of other felines. Although a deaf cat will not be able to hear another cat hiss, other visual indicators such as body posture, tail movement, eye contact, and ear movement will clue him into the situation.

Whether it’s meow, mew, me yoww, maio, or nyan the Japanese version of meow, the meow is a classic cat sound with probably the most nuance and variation. According to the humane society of the united states, the meow is an all purpose statement for cats and covers a lot of territories. The meow can include a mew, squeak, moan and combination of sounds. It can mean anything from friendly greeting to an angry demand to sorrow to a polite request and everything in between. There is even a silent meow. Reading a cats body language can help determine the context.

Though some cats are more vocal than others, they all communicate verbally. Purring is a sign of contentment, but it is also a calming method in cats and can mean your kitty is not feeling well. Again, to differentiate between the two, look at your cats’ body language. If they are purring while laid out comfortably, that is a sign that he is happy. However, if he is hunched up in a “buddha position” and is hiding, he is probably not feeling well and should see a vet.

cat with open mouth

Communicating with Your Cat

Cats have highly developed olfactory senses, and they use these extensively in communicating with other cats. In fact, chemical conversation cues are the main ways your cat communicates with others. When you think of cat scent you might wrinkle your nose at the memory of cat urine. And yes, urination or spraying is one of the more obviously noticeable methods of communication. What is it communicating to other cats? spraying marks territory and shows dominance, dr. Trimble says.

Cats communicate in many ways. They vocalize by meowing and hissing, and they display non-verbal cues through body posture as well as eye and ear positioning. Additionally, cattails are very expressive, and the position of your cat’s tail is another method by which your kitty can speak to you communicating his preferences, emotions and even signs of illness or injury. So what exactly are all your domestic cat’s different tail positions trying to tell you? here’s a helpful breakdown.

Eyes aren’t the only way to get a sense of what your cat is feeling a cats tail is very expressive. A high tail, if not too tense, denotes confidence and familiarity. This is doubly so if your cat decides to cuddle you with their tail, as curling it around you means they are in an affectionate mood. A high, bushy tail can mean a cat is scared, especially if their back is arched or low to the ground, but this can also be a sign of excitement. Always take note of the cat’s surroundings so you can understand if the bushy tail is anxiety or excitement. Bear in mind that cats and dogs tend to tuck their tails in between their legs when they are scared.

Listening to Your Cat

A recent scientific study demonstrated changes in facial features are one way a cat exhibits pain. But observing your cats tail may be the best method of listening to what your cat is trying to tell you.

Cat Language: How Cats Communicate

Of course, cats are known for meowing at their owners to convey their interest in food, snuggling, playtime or outside access. But perhaps more important is the fact that they use feline body language signals to get what they want or show how they’re feeling.

Cats do talk to their pet parents, typically using a meow to ask for her cat food bowl to be filled, or a whine to ask for more pets, and perhaps a hiss to tell you to back off. Some cat breeds, such as the Russian blue and the siamese, are very vocal and will chatter with you all day and all night long. But what about cat-to-cat communication? if you share your home with more than one cat, you already know that they interact using verbal and non verbal scent markings, use of tail or paws, arching of the back, rolling around cat language. Whether or not they understand each other in the same way that humans comprehend one another, however, is yet to be determined.

Your cats body language and facial expressions easily denote her mood laid-back and happy. The body is in a relaxed level position, pupils will be normal for the prevailing light, ears carried normally. Angry. The ears will roll back and the pupils of the eyes become perturbed little slits. Some angry cats will arch their body or walk very erect as if on tiptoe. Frightened. The ears will lay flat and the pupils of the eyes are dilated. The body assumes a crouched position.

Tips & Resources for Feeding Your Cat

A cat is a social animal, but the social structure is built around the availability of resources. Food is obviously a critical resource and if a cat feels it is in danger, she needs to guard it. This behaviour can present as a display of aggression if someone cat, dog, or family member comes close while she’s eating, or she may hang out in the feeding area in order to let others know this is her turf.

Your Cat in Heat. What You Need to Know

One of the most accurate barometers of a cat’s mood is its tail. When held high, it communicates confidence. Curled around another cat’s tail or human legs, it signals friendliness. And tucked below or between the legs, it signals insecurity or anxiousness. The upright bottle brush tail is an unequivocal sign that your cat is feeling threatened. And when combined with the arched back, upright hair along the spine, and unsheathed claws, the stance is a dead giveaway that you should back off, sueda says.

Like when you tuck your toes under a blanket or curl them under your body to keep warm, cats use their tails to help conserve body heat. Even with all that fur, cats are most comfortable when the temperature is at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it drops below freezing, they’re at risk of hypothermia and even frostbite. You’ll be able to tell if your cat is wrapping their tail in order to keep warm by looking at other body signals. According to veterinary news, cats that are cold crouch low close to the ground. They fold their ears against their heads, cover their noses, and do their best to be as small as possible. If they are sitting upright, they’re leaving their ears, nose, and belly exposed, so they are most likely not cold.

The caterwaul is another cat noise that once heard is never forgotten! this shrill, wailing noise can sound like your pet is in pain, but it’s actually elicited when a cat is in heat. This sound is most commonly made by cats that haven’t been spayed or neutered. When in heat, cats will caterwaul to attract the attention of the opposite sex. This very noisy cat sound is the main way that your pet will let others know that it’s time to mate.

The post Body Language Communicating With Your Cats appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Body Language Communicating With Your Cats appeared first on Our Animal Friends.

The post Body Language Communicating With Your Cats appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Body Language Communicating With Your Cats appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How To Invest In Gold 2021

How To Invest In Gold 2021

How To Invest In Gold

Gold has been called the “investment gold”. Investing in any form of tangible property is a serious endeavor. This venture does not appeal to all investors. For some investors, real estate or stocks are more appealing. For these investors, gold investment may seem like too risky an undertaking.

But what should not be ruled out is that there are actually a lot of investors who take a big chunk of the profit from the sale and ownership of gold. These include gold mine owners, bullion dealers, jewelry manufacturers and refiners. The reason why they have taken this approach is that physical gold bars and bullion have intrinsic value.

As for gold securities, many people buy them to safeguard their savings

In times of economic instability, it is possible that interest rates will skyrocket. Owning physical gold bars will give you a source of income in case the currency value drops. Stocks will also yield higher profits if the market turns down.

A person could also use gold mining stocks to earn cash. Gold mining stocks are taken out to extract the “gold” found in different locations around the world. After being extracted, the gold is cleaned up. Some physical gold mines sell the retrieved gold into jewelry stores and other outlets. When the demand for the gold products exceeds the supply, the prices of the products soar.

Gold futures contracts can also be used by investors

Gold futures contracts provide investors with a way of acquiring physical gold without having to mine it. Gold futures contracts are traded on major exchanges like COMEX. Investors who want to participate need to place calls to companies that are offering the gold futures contracts. The contracts are usually of short-term durations, ranging from one month to one year.

There are several benefits of investing in gold. First, gold prices seldom fall. Even during a recession, the price of gold is expected to rise. This makes it easier for investors to invest in the precious metal. During inflation, however, some economists believe that gold prices fall due to the high level of paper money in circulation.

It is possible to invest in precious metals through online investment vehicles

There are numerous websites that allow investors to place orders for gold mining stocks. Gold mining stocks are those that result from the extraction of precious metals from the ground. Goldmine shares, on the other hand, are those that come from the possession of actual gold mines. These shares often come with “call” options that allow the purchaser of the stock to call for a sale of their gold shares. Investors who buy such stocks have to pay for the premium on the option.

Most people prefer to invest in gold securities through physical locations. The most common such locations include banks and financial institutions, such as insurance companies and mutual funds. Investors can also find many gold shops and bars that offer bullion and numismatic coins. Many physical gold shops also sell gold securities that can be purchased by dealers and individual buyers.

There are also numerous websites that deal exclusively with gold investments

Some of them focus on gold mining stocks. Others deal with bullion and coins. There are even sites that deal with investing in various types of gold. It is possible to choose one of these sites and then simply visit it for the appropriate types of products and shares that they have for sale.

There are also websites that allow investors to trade stocks and bonds for physical gold. Most people prefer to invest in gold investments through banks and financial institutions because they feel more secure when dealing with such establishments. Certain banks allow investors to open accounts with them. This allows investors to purchase physical gold from them directly or through the banks.

It is important for people who want to learn how to invest in gold to educate themselves on the subject

Gold prices tend to change frequently. When investors invest in gold, they must make sure that th

ey are constantly monitoring the gold prices to see what the value of the precious metal is at any given time. It is also a good idea to watch the com

modities market as well. By watching gold prices and the commodities market, investors can ensure that they are investing their money into the right types of investments.

Anyone who wishes to learn how to invest in gold can do so through gold mining stocks. Gold mining companies are always investing in new places where they can find new deposits of this precious metal. Gold securities can also be purchased directly from the company or through online stockbroker services.


How To Invest In Gold – Mining Stocks

Many investors today are asking how to invest in gold. With all the news coverage about the financial crisis, the price of gold has increased over the last year. Gold is a good investment because it is always increasing in value. With its price increasin

gold ira

g over time, more people have become interested in investing in it. There are also many benefits of investing in it.

If you plan on learning how to invest in gold, one of the first things you need to decide is which way you are going to invest. Do you want to buy physical gold securities such as bars or coins? Or do you prefer stock investments? Stock exchanges offer several advantages to individuals who want to learn how to invest in gold. One of the main advantages offered by stock exchanges is the availability of numerous ETF’s or exchange traded funds.

Gold futures contracts are another way to invest in gold

Similar to the buying and selling of physical gold, futures contracts provide investors with a way of speculating on the price movements of gold. Investors can purchase these contracts at current prices and sell them for future dates at a profit. The advantage of holding gold futures contracts is that you won’t have to mine the gold yourself.

Gold bullion and coins are popular ways of how to invest in gold. Investing in bullion is similar to purchasing jewelry, since it is usually held in a safe place until it matures. Usually it is bought for the retail price and turned into coins at a later date. Like gold futures contracts, bullion is a great way for investors to be able to make profits. However, it is not ideal for those who don’t like to hold things in money, for example those who are afraid of ownership means possession.

Another type of how to invest in gold is investing in gold coins

Unlike bullion, which is sold or stored by the company that offers it, coins are minted and kept by private individuals. If you are interested in investing in coins as an alternative method of investing, there are many varieties to choose from. You could get bullion or coin collecting coins, gold bullion, or coin investment coins. All of these options have their advantages and disadvantages and you should research each type to see which one best fits your investing style.

Many people are more comfortable investing in gold mining stocks. Gold mining stocks allow investors to buy shares of mining companies. Gold mining stocks have steadily increased in price over the past year or so, due to the world’s need for rare precious metals. If you invest in mining stocks, you are actually buying shares in a company that works to find new deposits of precious metals, like gold and silver. This is a great way to make money if you enjoy researching and watching the gold market.

The problem is that investing in gold mining stocks can be risky

As with any kind of investing, it’s important to do your research before purchasing stock in any company. Companies can go through a number of issues, such as bankruptcy, management issues, and bidding wars with other companies. Investing in gold mining stocks can also be very volatile, with the price quickly fluctuating. It’s important to do your homework on how to invest in gold mining stocks before you make any purchases.

Another option is to purchase gold securities through a company that deals in exchange-traded funds. There are many out there and they are great for beginners because they are easy to invest in and you don’t have to do much research to determine how to invest in gold. The major downside is that you’ll likely have to pay high fees to trade in these funds. This can add up to more than you would expect, so it’s important to understand that not all gold securities are created equal.

Please visit our site to learn more about gold investment:

The post How To Invest In Gold 2021 appeared first on GQ Central.

The post How To Invest In Gold 2021 appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates January 15, 2021

SEO Updates January 15, 2021

Don’t Miss Your Last chance to secure a spot at the 2021 State of SEO Webby

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

  • What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week
  • Donation from Year-End Sale
  • Deal of the week: Last chance to secure a spot at the 2021 State of SEO Webby
  • SEO Mad Scientist: More on GMB Short Links & Ranking Signal Updates

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 71

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

Special Guest: Brandon Leibowitz

? Search Console Google News Performance Report
? Google SMITH Algorithm Is Not Live
? Focusing on one SEO tactic can hurt overall results

? Google Counts Links On Noindexed Pages?

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At Web 20 Ranker, we believe in giving back to our clients and our community in any way that we possibly can. In fact, we make several donations every year to children in need, thanks in large part to the kindness of our customers and SEO Community.

For Christmas 2020, we chose to give back to the Make-A-Wish foundation, with 10% of the day’s proceeds on Christmas day being donated directly to the charity.

We raised more than $4,000 on Thanksgiving day, and $2500 this Christmas for a total of $6500 proceeds donated to charities this year! We’re hoping to out-do ourselves every sale with larger donations to help children locally, nationally, and even internationally!

Last Chance to Guarantee A Spot at the 2021 State of SEO Webinar

Last week we said we would not offer this deal again, but with such a high demand to provide another chance we had to!Back for only 3 more days this Deal of the Week could put your agency to the next level!
2021 State of SEO Webinar has a full panel of SEO and GMB experts lined up to appear next Wednesday, January 20th, 12 pm EST.
Panelist: Chaz Edwards, Mike Milas, Bucky Helms, Victor Perez, John Pim, and Neil Belliveau

The opportunity to reserve your seat will NEVER be offered again nor will we hold a webinar quite like this one for the rest of the year. This weekend is the absolute last chance we will offer.
Only when you spend $500 or more today 1/15- through 1/17 will you be able to lock in this deal and save your spot.A deal like no other with an opportunity you can not afford to pass up!Stock up on services and lock in your seat now >>

SEO Mad Scientist

Hey SEO scientists. Hope everyone had a great week and you’re ready to get into some SEO test results.

First, we wanted to start off by testing something that came up on The SEO Vault yesterday, and that was vanity GMB URLs. If you set it and build links to the URL, and then change it, all links are lost.

We’ve never actually tested this but the issue was brought up on the live so we wanted to try it for ourselves.

I thought if this is the case, then Google would most likely change it as it could lead to a bad user experience. I used my listing Shine Car Title Loans hine-loans

That is the second vanity URL change. The original URL was “shine-car-title-loans” which now points to a Google search page with the terms…

Link: fact, you can put any word after that URL to access a search result, even without a hyphen: milas
Another thing to note is when we tried to change a different GMB short name to “shine-car-title-loans” it appeared Google wouldn’t allow it and locked the name.
So changing the URL will break any links by sending them to a Google Search but no one else will be able to use that URL in the future it seems. Some things to keep in mind when changing your vanity URL after building links to a previous vanity URL. Now let’s look at our test from last week. Specifically, our remodeling tests listing.. If you remember, we pretty much-added bathroom remodeling terms to every part of the listing except the GMB categories and business name. Still, we see no movement on the remodeling keywords but we did notice in our reports…
To be clear, these terms showed prior to adding our bathroom remodeling keywords but we found it interesting that we showed for appliance repair when we had no reference to appliance anywhere. This shows that GMB relevance is possibly “guessed” by the algorithm similar to a webpage when Google first crawls it. As mentioned last week, if we were to add a new service to our business, what GMB optimization would be required to start ranking. In the Chicago SEO listing we have, we tested adding “telemarketing” terms as a new service, in the description, and everywhere we could.No movement was seen at all until last week we finally added “Telemarketing service” to our categories and about a week later we saw some initial rankings.
Nothing major but if you have been following along to this point then you know so far nothing has made a Geogrid show any rankings until setting the category. This further reaffirms our findings that that GMB name and categories are the biggest contributing factors to rankings for on-site listing optimization.We do have to consider the fact that the geogrid only shows the top 20 listings and as we saw with the service area, by adding it you may be allowed to show in other listings and different areas but from our findings, we didn’t get anywhere near the top 20. There is a chance that a lot of these signals are being taken into account but are basically just giving us the opportunity to show in the SERPs as opposed to providing any real ranking boost.Of course, more tests will give us some more insight as well.See you next week with test results and SEO Mad Scientist findings.Until then,Happy Testing!Get Your Free Campaign Recommendations Today!
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India Seizes Bitcoins Worth $1.2 Million From Hacker of Government Website and Crypto Exchanges

India Seizes Bitcoins Worth .2 Million From Hacker of Government Website and Crypto Exchanges

Indian police have seized $1.2 million in bitcoin from a hacker who allegedly hacked a government website, online game portals, and cryptocurrency exchanges. He was previously arrested for stealing $1.5 million from an Indian state government.

Indian Police Seize Bitcoins From Hacker

The Bengaluru Central Crime Branch (CCB) Police have revealed that bitcoins worth Rs 9 crore ($1.23 million) have been seized from a 25-year-old hacker, local media reported Friday.

The hacker known as Shri Krishna is a software engineer and resident of Jayanagar in south Bengaluru. He was arrested on Nov. 18 for sourcing drugs through the darknet using bitcoins. Bengaluru Joint Police Commissioner (Crime) Sandeep Patil explained that during the investigation:

We have recovered 31 bitcoins from Krishna, which is worth Rs 9 crore.

Besides buying drugs, Patil said that the hacker and his friends “were also using these bitcoins to lead lavish lives” and “stayed in star hotels and resorts.”

Krishna also hacked the Karnataka government’s e-procurement portal in August 2019 and was booked for stealing Rs 11 crore from the site.

In addition, a senior officer detailed that Krishna deployed ransomware to force the owners of the websites he hacked to pay ransoms. “He also used to create mirror sites and get information on credit or debit cards used by people who accessed sites to steal money,” the official said. The Indian Express described that according to the police:

Further investigation has revealed that Krishna, along with five friends, hacked into three bitcoin exchanges and ten poker websites by pushing three types of malware into them.

The police added that they “also hacked into YFI coin (Yearn Finance) Ethereum sites in various countries using a similar modus operandi.”

Patil noted that the accused hacked into various international poker sites and stole data, adding that his team has shared all the relevant information on the case with the concerned companies through Interpol.

After hacking websites and stealing data and money, the accused converted funds into bitcoin and cashed out through an alleged financing partner, Patil described. He added: “The bitcoins were traded for money through another accused, identified as Robin Khandelwal. He deposited the money in Krishna’s bank account after trading the bitcoins through hawala channels.”

What do you think about India seizing bitcoins from the hacker? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post India Seizes Bitcoins Worth $1.2 Million From Hacker of Government Website and Crypto Exchanges appeared first on Crypto Scoop News.

The post India Seizes Bitcoins Worth $1.2 Million From Hacker of Government Website and Crypto Exchanges appeared first on GQ Central.

The post India Seizes Bitcoins Worth $1.2 Million From Hacker of Government Website and Crypto Exchanges appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

TNABC Miami’s Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology’s Important Role

TNABC Miami’s Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology’s Important Role

TNABC Miami's Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology's Important Role

On January 28-29, 2021, The North American Bitcoin Conference (TNABC) is preparing to kick off its eighth exhibition with another cryptocurrency and blockchain-focused event. The event organizers have lined up more speakers than ever, as this year’s TNABC is going to be 100% virtual due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. TNABC’s creators say that this year has truly shown us all “how resilient a global crypto economy can be.”

The North American Bitcoin Conference is coming back full throttle this year, as organizers say the team has curated a line-up of some of the biggest names in the crypto and blockchain industry. This year’s TNABC will be the event’s eighth annual conference, but the Covid-19 pandemic has made it so 2021’s TNABC will be hosted online. The hardships have been difficult this year, but there’s still a great need to press on in order to spread the benefits of these extraordinary technologies far and wide.

TNABC Miami's Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology's Important Role

“With cryptocurrencies reaching all-time highs, it’s our responsibility to share knowledge and make sense of the ever-changing global landscape,” the 2021 TNABC website notes. During the last seven years, The North American Bitcoin Conference has hosted a wide range of speakers from crypto company executives, venture capitalists, blockchain developers, and the movers and shakers making things happen in the blockchain space.

TNABC Miami's Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology's Important Role
The North American Bitcoin Conference 2021 speakers.

2021’s TNABC event page details that the team of organizers lined up a myriad of big name speakers from around the world to “deliver a compact masterclass on the state of cryptocurrency.”

Well known crypto and blockchain evangelists speaking at this year’s TNABC include’s founder Roger Ver, IOHK founder Charles Hoskinson, Monero core developer Riccardo Spagni, Polymath CEO Trevor Koverko, OB1 CEO Brian Hoffman, blockchain entrepreneur Brock Pierce, founder and political activist Lyn Ulbricht, Edge founder and CEO Paul Puey, Binary Financial’s Harry Yeh, Bloq chairman and cofounder Matthew Roszak, and Bitwage founder and CEO Jonathan Chester.

TNABC Miami's Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology's Important Role
The North American Bitcoin Conference 2021 speakers.

This week, TNABC host and Keynote founder and CEO, Moe Levin, discussed the upcoming virtual conference with “The fact that we are all able to join this event, many at short notice, from all over the globe, most if not all of our plans made from our phones, shows me how rapidly our world has changed in recent years and what an important role technology now plays in our lives,” Levin said. “It also shows me how ready the world is for a new technology that is as international and as mobile and as easy as the rest of the technology in our lives.”

The TNABC host and Keynote founder added:

It shows me that it’s time to move forward with blockchain and cryptocurrencies and give the world a technology befitting of our current age. And thanks to the great reception we’re seeing online, it shows me that others feel the same way.

TNABC organizers also detailed that even though participants can’t have a drink together in Miami, the event will still host online networking. In addition to keynote speakers, the conference will also focus on debates between global change-makers, thought leaders, and industry insiders. readers can obtain tickets to TNABC 2021 here and after acquiring a pass, participants will get a unique join code and link to register on the event platform on January 25-26, 2021. TNABC organizers have also created a comprehensive guide and what to expect at this year’s conference.

What do you think about the 2021 TNABC event? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

The post TNABC Miami’s Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology’s Important Role appeared first on Crypto Scoop News.

The post TNABC Miami’s Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology’s Important Role appeared first on GQ Central.

The post TNABC Miami’s Eighth Annual Conference Goes Virtual, Event Underscores Technology’s Important Role appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How To Find Your Ketogenic Diet Carb Limit

How To Find Your Ketogenic Diet Carb Limit

How To Find Your Ketogenic Diet Carb Limit

tips to stop eating sugar

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The personalized keto diet plan is a program that centres around scrumptious food however doesn’t trigger the participant to feel as though they are depriving themselves or having to surrender many of their preferred foods. Whether individuals are complying with a vlckd [extremely lowered carb ketogenic diet] or an lfd [low-fat diet], the designer of the custom keto diet plan lays out the seven reasons the ketogenic diet plan is the holy grail for weight loss.

If you are following a ketogenic diet you are attempting to consume about 70% of your daily intake with fats, 25% proteins, and around 5% carbohydrates. High-fat, low carb diets are designed to change your body into a stored fat burning machine as opposed to a sugar (glucose) burning machine. You are essentially starving your body of glucose and forcing it to begin to burn fat. This state is known as ketosis. If eaten within your keto macro limits fat bombs can be a great source of fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the correct combination.

Cheese is both nutritious and delicious. There are many different types of cheeses out there to choose from. Cheese can be fatty, but it can also be very high in protein. Those following a strict, classical ketogenic diet may have to limit cheese like cheddar, swiss, Munster, and instead choose cheese like brie, st. Andre, and goat. For example, one ounce (28 grams) of cheddar cheese contains 1 gram of carbs and 7 grams of protein.

Erythritol in the Keto Diet

How To Find Your Ketogenic Diet Carb Limits

In my opinion, one of the main reasons the keto diet is so successful is its promotion of sugar alcohol, erythritol. Keto diet icons didn’t invent erythritol, it’s actually been around for over 100 years used mostly to sweeten protein drinks and fitness supplements. Erythritol is 70% as sweet as table sugar with virtually no caloric intake, and here’s the thing… to most people it tastes like sugar.

It’s a given that on a keto diet you won’t get into ketosis if you’re eating sugar. Use natural sweeteners such as erythritol, stevia and xylitol in place of sugar. There are also a few blended products on the market that make natural sweeteners more palatable. For more about sugar-substitutes read our in-depth article on what natural sweeteners are best and which ones to avoid here.

With sugar and carbs off the menu, a lot of keto dieters turn to sugar alcohols. Sugar alcohols taste sweet but contain no digestible carbs. They are often used in sugar-free candy, food bars, and other keto diet snacks and treats. Examples include xylitol, erythritol, sorbitol, and maltitol. While sugar alcohols are sugar-free, and won’t kick you out of ketosis, consuming too much can lead to bloating. They are mildly inflammatory and are known to cause digestive upset, especially when consumed to excess.

Finding Your Keto Carb Limit

There is no legitimate carb limit for keto. The keto gods won’t banish you to burn in sugar hell forever if you eat an extra blueberry. The truth is that every person has a different carb limit that they should stick to so that they can trigger ketone production. This “carb limit” also changes depending on the day. Whether your body achieves ketosis or not — the main reason why you are limiting carbs in the first place — depends on many factors. Some people may be able to get into ketosis with a slightly higher carb intake while others need to restrict their carbs below 35 grams per day. So, what does this mean for you? how can you find your very own keto carb limit? finding your keto carb limit although everyone may need to restrict their carbs to slightly different amounts to get into and stay in ketosis, there is a carb limit that almost anyone can use to achieve results.

Your body should either burn it or start excreting it. On the keto diet your body will be prompted to convert fat into ketone bodies to supply the body in its energy needs, any excess of which will get automatically excreted via urine and via lungs in the normal course of events, carrying with them the calories they contain. This helps explain how it can be that a ketogenic diet can in fact promote greater fat or weight loss for given caloric content and energy demand in a person as compared to a non-ketogenic (carb-based) diet with the same caloric content. Given you’ve only recently learnt about keto diets, I would strongly advise you to continue to learn as much as you can.

Why Everyone Has A Different Carb Limit for Ketosis

Although everyone may need to restrict their carbs to slightly different amounts to get into and stay in ketosis, there is a carb limit that almost anyone can use to achieve results. This keto carb limit is 35 grams of total carbs and 25 grams of net carbs. (net carbs are found by subtracting the grams of the fibre from the total grams of carbs. ).

Many keto plans recommend getting only about 5 to 10 per cent of your daily calories from carbohydrates. For most people, that translates to between 20 and 50 grams of carbohydrates a day. Going over that daily limit by eating or drinking something that’s very sugary or starchy gives your body back its original fuel source: carbs. It will then fall out of ketosis and switch back to burning carbs, which it does more easily.

How To Find Your Own Personal Keto Carb Limit

Eating too much protein is one of the biggest concerns for people who are just starting the ketogenic diet. After all, the body produces ketones from fat, so you should keep carbs and protein down to a minimum, right? not necessarily. Carbs are the only macronutrient that can seriously interfere with ketosis, which is why it’s essential to watch out for hidden carbs and find the carb limit that works for you.

At ruled. Me, we recommend that everyone starts their ketogenic diet with the carb limit of 35 grams of total carbs. However, if you are not getting into ketosis or you want to find your personal keto carb limit, then you must know the other factors that contribute to ketosis. Although this is a nuanced topic that is impacted by many different variables, let’s stick to the four things that you have the most control over when it comes to achieving ketosis. Below, we’ll go over these.

Dietary ketosis, for the purpose of intentional weight loss, generally occurs when total carbohydrate intake is limited to somewhere in the range of approximately 50 to100 grams of carbohydrate spaced throughout the day, for a period of several days. The exact number depends on the individual, and is influenced by such factors as exercise and activity level. Because the body uses carbohydrates for energy, the more active you are, the more carbohydrates and fat you will burn. If you have a particularly sedentary day, you may find that you need to decrease your carbohydrate intake to achieve ketosis.

Trying to Tone That Tummy? You’ll Want to Nix These Carbs From Your Diet

The goal of a ketogenic diet is to force your body to stop burning its favorite fuel—glucose from the carbs you eat—and start burning fat stores for energy. The body does this by converting the fats to ketones—a state called ketosis. Keto dieters accomplish this digestive feat by cutting way back on their carbohydrate intake. In fact, the average daily goal for keto is 20 grams of net carbs. But to do it right, it’s not enough to just guess your carb intake. “if you are a beginner to the ketogenic diet, counting carbs is an absolute necessity to avoid frustration in the future,” says steven Santo, president of kegenix/real ketones, a keto supplement company. Track your food intake with a health app or just use old-fashioned paper and pen.

Worst Carbs For Belly Fat

When your diet is high in carbs and sugar, it can cause hormonal imbalances, “including elevated levels of cortisol, glucose, and the increased need for insulin,” explains Lisa Mikus, rd, cnsc, cdn. “this can lead to central abdominal obesity (aka belly fat) and metabolic disturbances like diabetes. “the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans recommend consuming less than 10 percent of calories per day from saturated fats, or about 22 grams for those following a 2,000-calorie diet. Because the dietary guidelines do recommend a healthy eating style can contain up to 35 percent of total calories per day from fat, up to 25 percent of your total calories, or roughly 56 grams of fat should come from polyunsaturated fats—like fish, chia seeds, and flax seeds—and monounsaturated fats—found in nuts, olive oil, and avocados.

Keto pro diet is a dietary supplement designed for men and women looking to lose weight as part of a ketogenic, low-carb diet. Keto pro diet is loaded with powerful fat-burning ingredients that are gluten-free and non-GMO. Keto weight loss was created to help fight fat in unwanted areas while providing your body nootropic benefits for cognitive function. Carbs are not the body’s ideal source of energy therefore we are usually left feeling tired, stressed and drained at the end of the day which is a problem. This is why entering ketosis is so helpful with melting fat away, this is when your body burns fat for energy instead of carbs. Keto pro diet helps to: boost fat-burning metabolism*fight against carbohydrate absorption*support healthy weight loss*cut body fat from problem areas like legs, belly, hips & thighs*enhanced mental clarity, focus & drive*keto pro diet contains beta-hydroxybutyrate also known as bhb which helps to kick the metabolic state of ketosis in.

What Kicks You Out of Ketosis & How to Avoid It

When you’re on a low-carb diet, your body kicks into action, breaking down fats into ketone bodies to use for energy. This increase in ketones — called ketosis — is a normal adaptation to cutting carbs. In fact, the switch to ketosis is why low-carb diets work. Even though you could eat enough carbs to prevent ketosis, it’s important to clarify why you want to avoid it. There’s nothing unhealthy about ketosis, so you may just need to correct any misinformation to make the best decision for your weight-loss goals. Video of the day deal with concerns over ketosis is often confused with ketoacidosis, which is unfortunate — ketosis is normal, while ketoacidosis is a dangerous condition related to type 1 diabetes.

Ketosis is a popular low-carb weight loss program. In addition to helping you burn fat, ketosis can make you feel less hungry. It also helps you keep muscle. For healthy people who don’t have diabetes and aren’t pregnant, ketosis usually kicks in after 3 or 4 days of eating fewer than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. That’s about three slices of bread, a cup of low-fat fruit yoghurt, or two small bananas. You can start ketosis by fasting, too.

What exactly is a keto reboot? simply put, the goal of a keto reboot is to get you back into ketosis as safely and easily as possible. Below, you’ll learn what kicks you out of ketosis initially, how to get back into ketosis quickly, and several tips to get you “rebooted” when nutritional ketosis falls short.

A keto reboot helps you get back into ketosis after a carb-laden meal kicks you out. While it can take up to three weeks to become fat-adapted initially, with the right strategy, you can get back into ketosis in as little as two or three days. Your 24- or 60-hour keto reboot should include drinking plenty of water, increasing your exercise regimen, drastically increasing your fat intake, and trying an intermittent fast. During this time, be sure to get enough electrolytes, get enough sleep, and don’t exercise too much.

How Many Grams Of Carbs Keep The Average Person Out Of Ketosis?

At ruled. Me, we recommend that everyone starts their ketogenic diet with the carb limit of 35 grams of total carbs. However, if you are not getting into ketosis or you want to find your personal keto carb limit, then you must know the other factors that contribute to ketosis.

Note that should loader carb intake per day for each person is different, but on average they will oscillate between 150 grams to 200 grams of carbs. So based on the location, stature, health, height and weight of myself to have the most accurate choice.

How To Get Into Ketosis Faster On A Low Carb Diet

Want to be a fat-burning machine without having to count calories? here are a few ideas on how to get into ketosis faster on a low carb diet. Do you want to look leaner for bikini season? yoga pants starting to feel a little tighter? one way to burn fat fast is to go on a ketogenic diet.

However, there are no human studies to support recommending ketosis to treat these conditions. Weight loss is the primary reason my patients use the ketogenic diet. Previous research shows good evidence of a faster weight loss when patients go on a ketogenic or very low carbohydrate diet compared to participants on a more traditional low-fat diet, or even a Mediterranean diet.

You’ll get back into ketosis faster is you follow a strict keto diet. 3) exercise away the glucose – after a high-carb cheat meal, your muscle glycogen stores will be at least partially restored.

How Many Carbs Will Kick You Out Of Ketosis?

This doesn’t mean that you can eat sweets and candies. Simple carbs like these can kick you out of ketosis because they tend to increase insulin levels more rapidly than anything else. Instead, increase your carbs by eating complex carbohydrates from plant-based foods like vegetables or low glycemic fruits.

Whey Protein On Keto: Does Whey Protein Kick You Out Of Ketosis?

You need to maintain a balance. If you are not eating enough fat on a keto diet and most of your calories are coming in the form of protein (eggs, meat, chicken, or fish) your body can use the protein as a source of glucose through a process known as gluconeogenesis, and this can actually kick you out of ketosis or hinder your body getting into ketosis.

Why moderate in protein? too much protein can kick you out of ketosis, while too little protein may cause muscle loss and increased appetite. What is the ideal protein intake? does quality matter? is too much protein dangerous? let’s have a look at these frequently asked questions in more detail.

As always, stick with basic protein and vegetables. Avoid the sugary sauces and anything that is breaded. Here are some things that you can order at a Chinese restaurant that won’t kick you out of ketosis:.

Why Use Advanced Keto?

We will be launching more advanced features in the near future, but for now, this simplistic and straightforward keto calculator is everything you need to get started! if your heart is set on having your carbs set to a specific value (for example 20 g net carbs), feel free to make your own adjustments when planning or tracking your daily intake.

The secret behind one shot keto is beta-hydroxybutyrate. The advanced ketones accelerate fat burning, enabling you to lose up to five pounds of body fat in the first week. It targets stored fats so that unwanted deposits around the waist, hips, and stomach start disappearing a few days into your diet.

This strategy, however, won’t work for intermediate, advanced, or elite keto athletes and high-intensity trainers. They may require the cyclical ketogenic diet to improve performance. The cyclical ketogenic diet is comprised of 1-2 carbohydrate refeeding days followed by 5-6 strict ketogenic diet days.

How to Use Advanced Keto?

The targeted ketogenic diet is implemented by taking 25-50g of easily digestible carbohydrates like natural maple syrups 30 minutes before exercise. This strategy, however, won’t work for intermediate, advanced, or elite keto athletes and high-intensity trainers.

Ckd is a cyclical ketogenic diet and is also known as a more advanced technique. This shouldn’t be used if you’re new to keto, or new to training. It’s more for bodybuilding and competitors that are wanting to stay on a ketogenic diet while still building muscle in their intense workouts.

What are the Benefits of Advanced Keto?

I think one of the most exciting aspects of keto advanced weight loss is the benefits. If you’re anything like me, you always try to weigh the good and the bad about something. That’s why so many of us read keto genesis advanced reviews.

Are there any Side Effects of Advanced Keto?

I think if you have preexisting health conditions, then you must first talk to your doctor before starting keto advanced diet. If you’re pregnant or nursing, you, too, need to contact your doctor to see if advanced keto is safe for you. With all that said, i don’t think there are any side effects. The only side effects that I’ve noticed are weight loss and feeling great.

What the ketogenic lifestyle can do for these individuals is drastically reduce the need for insulin and mitigate many common side effects such as peripheral neuropathy and eye problems caused by advanced glycation end products.

The post How To Find Your Ketogenic Diet Carb Limit appeared first on GQ Central.

The post How To Find Your Ketogenic Diet Carb Limit appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates January 08, 2021

SEO Updates January 08, 2021

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

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SEO Mad Scientist: GMB Short Links: Do They Help SEO?

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FROM THE VAULT – Episode 70

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SEO Mad Scientist


Hello Scientists!

It’s been a busy week of testing so let’s dive right into it. As you know we have been looking into GMB listing optimization tests to determine what listing signals carry weight, and how much.

In a recent description test, we added “bathroom remodeling” to a listing ranking well for plumbing terms in a small city. We did some additional terms as well to test to possibilities of ranking impact on related terms and terms that were somewhat ranking. At that point the we saw no movement from the description. This is also a listing we decided to test services again on shortly after for the “bathroom remodeling” terms. As if ending last year, still no movement from the description of service updates.




With all that, we still see our rankings holding steady, but no bathroom remodeling terms ranking. So we tested the GMB custom URL and decided to set our service/city as the URL.



As you can see we still have gained no relevance for this term.

We will continue to see if there is any movement and if none has occurred we are going to do an off-page linking test by adding a relevant URL to the GMB.

We have another GMB website test running also which we will have a full report next week.

We asked the question, “If we added a brand new service to our company that our GMB didn’t show for at all, what optimization would be required to get initial rankings?”

So far as we can see, adding it to the description and services has essentially no impact. Adding it as a category will impact rankings, but only if the category use the term itself. In our case “telemarketing service”.

See you next week with a full report on that test and an update from this week’s test.

Until then,

Happy Testing





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How To Grow Catnip or Catmint

How To Grow Catnip or Catmint

How to Grow Catnip

A fluffy green plant with heart-shaped leaves and scalloped edges native to the eurasian continents but now grown worldwide, catnip (nepeta cataria) is in great demand for cat parents who want to please their kitties. As the plant is part of the mint (lamiaceae) family, its related to other savory herbs such as rosemary, sage, oregano, and basil.

Catnip leaves and stems contain a fragrant oil responsible for getting cats ‘high’.

Your biggest hurdle to growing catnip indoors might not be low light levels, cold air, or lack of consistent watering. It might be your cat. Catnip , a perennial favorite of all things feline, is a relative of the mint and lemon balm, which means it’s not a hard plant to grow indoors.
outdoors, it’s known to spread easily, growing into jumbled patches that attract cats from miles around. Indoors, it can be successfully grown on a sunny windowsill, providing you give it enough water and remember to pinch out the flowers to encourage leaf growth. You can start pinching off leaves as soon as the plant hits about 6 to 8 inches in height; your cat will appreciate it.

Kittens don’t typically respond to catnip until reaching the age of 3 to 6 months. Before that, kittens will generally ignore it and maybe even go out of their way to get away from the strong odor. As your kitten ages, offer her a tiny pinch from time to time. Eventually, she will either show signs of interest or grow into a cat who doesn’t care much for it. Kittens and senior cats don’t typically react to catnip.

fine cut catnipnepeta-faassenii-six-hills-giant-

How To Grow Catnip or Catmint

Growing a meowdow of catnip for your kitty is pretty simple.
when choosing what to plant for your cat, be sure you select seeds or plants of the right nepeta. Garden & happy explains, catnip Nepeta cataria usually refers to the herb, whereas catmint nepeta mussinii is more ornamental and less attractive to cats.
In the springtime, plant seeds or plant starts in a sunny location after all danger of frost has passed. And be warned, catnip plants can spread easily.

Standing up to 3 or 4 feet tall, the plant takes up some room, so be sure you place seeds and starts around two feet apart when planting.

Catnip and catmint are the common names for nepeta cataria, a hardy perennial herb of the mint family, with pungent fragrance which is highly attractive and exciting to cats. Catnip grows to a height of three or four feet, and features downy, light green foliage with small lavender flowers that grow on spikes up to five inches long. Catnips grow well in almost any soil, but does best in a moderately rich loam that is well-draining. It’s aroma increases when grown in sandy soil or via the hydroponic method. It will grow acceptably in either sun or shade.

Catnip has more than one common name it is also known as catmint. In latin, it has only one name, the one linnaeus gave it: nepeta cataria l. Note the root cat in the epithet, from the latin catus,which in turn comes from the latin name for a domestic cat, felis caruso. Linnaeus was an educated man in french, it is known as “herbe-aux-chats” or “herbe-à-chat,” meaning catweed, among other names. It belongs to the mint family, the lamiaceae or labiatae. It has attractive greyish-green leaves opposite one another on a four-sided stem, typical of the family. When you rub its leaves, the volatile oil releases a characteristic fragrance. The spikes of small white, red-spotted flowers emerge around july.

Growing the Herb Catnip

Like kittens, senior cats don’t care about catnip so much, growing immune to the euphoric effects of nepetalactone as they age. So don’t worry if your old man tabby doesn’t like to get silly with the herb anymore.

Catnip propagates easily from both leaf-tip cuttings and seeds. To take a cutting, simply remove a small piece of new growth early in the growing season and pot it up a new pot of sterile potting soil. give it plenty of moisture and filtered light until new growth emerges. Catnip is also a common herb sold in garden centers, so you can always buy new seedlings and put them in larger pots until it’s time to discard the plant.

Posted in cook , garden , herbs
i have a good sized patch of catnip growing in my garden that’s threatening to overtake one of my pepper plants. So i decided that it was time to dry some catnip for tea. Catnip nepeta cataria is a member of the mint family and is apparently quite entrancing to cats. I don’t have cats so i can’t speak to that. Catnip acts as a sedative in human and is thought to calm the stomach and the nerves source. I drink it in the afternoon or evening, as a caffeine free alternative to green tea. It does have it’s own flavor, and is similar to mint. When i make my tea i like to mix catnip with a little bit of dried stevia for sweetness.

Time From Seed to Saleable Plant

Do you worry a lot about where your cat’s food came from? if sourcing is important to you, then growing your own catnip is an obvious choice. A lot of commercially available catnip is grown organically, meaning it was grown without chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Sometimes that isn’t enough you’d rather know exactly how your catnip was grown from seed to plant. If you grow your own catnip, you’ll know exactly how it was grown and won’t have to worry.

Catnip can be planted in your garden in spring or fall, from seed or plants. It will sprout in two to three weeks if started from seed. Catnip grows best in full sun combined with average, well-drained soil and regular watering. Cutting the plants completely down after the first bloom set will allow enough time for it to completely regrow and bloom again. Some species of nepeta are considered invasive plants. They will spread out of control unless you take measures to keep them from doing so. To contain and shape catnip plants, pinch them often while they are growing to obtain dense, well-shaped plants. The plants will also reseed all over your property if you let them and you will have new plants springing up in unexpected places for years to come.

Once your catnip is established, water it whenever the soil is almost dry. Give it a complete soaking each time you do so. Pick off deadhead flowers to encourage continued growth. It’s a good idea to remove flowers to prevent the buds from going to seed, too. If not controlled, catnip can quickly spread and begin to take over the garden. Transplanting your catnip and sharing with friends is another great way to keep your catnip fresh and strong. Each year, trim spent stems to make room for the new growth in the spring. Catnip doesn’t have much of a problem with pests and disease. Your cat may be one of the greatest dangers to your catnip plants! cats can damage plants by rolling around in the catnip patch or chewing the plant.

Potential Plant Pests and Diseases

Catnip has a tendency to be susceptible to whiteflies and spider mites, but cases of infestation are rare, and there are no other common pest issues or diseases involving catnip. The main bugs that catnip is known to attract to your garden area are insects that benefit your garden , such as bees and butterflies, which will help to pollinate your plants, as well as predatory insects that will make a meal of any other pests in the vicinity.

Pests: catnip rarely suffers from insect pests, but cats may nibble its leaves and can crush young plants. A spray of catnip and water will deter colorado potato beetles. Diseases: catnip can be attacked by fungal diseases including anthracnose and rust. Avoid overhead watering; space plants so that there is plenty of air circulation. Catnip can suffer root rot in wet soil; let the soil dry out between waterings.

How to grow Catnip The complete guide

Catnip grows best in full sun combined with average, well drained soil. It grows well in hydroponics as well. It is a perennial herb of the mint family that will grow from 3-5 feet tall. Water them regularly. Cut out last years spent stems in early spring, which creates room for new ones. Cutting the plants completely down after the first bloom set will allow enough time for the plant to completely regrow and bloom again.

Start harvesting catnip anytime, once it’s established and above 6 inches tall. Earlier, when the plant is young, harvest the tips, picking only a couple of top sets of leaves above the leaf node to encourage bushier growth. Snip off individual leaves as you need. As the top leaves are always young and tender, be extra careful while snipping them. Use a scissor for a clean and easy cut. Harvest the entire plant when it’s fading, completely with its flower stalk. Leave about 3 inches of growth, if you want it to grow back again.

How to grow in containers

If you choose to grow it outside, you may want to cover the base of the plant with something to keep your cat from rolling on the plant and killing it. Bonnie plants suggests , “to keep plants from being loved to death, cover each with an arch of chicken wire. The stems can grow up through the holes, yet the plant’s base and roots are protected. ”“t”eresa/flickr
as a perennial, the plant can continue to grow outside in warm temps. Freezing weather will kill the plant. If planting indoors, plants can be grown year-round in tip-proof containers, removing the worry of a wintry death for your plant.

As a member of the mint family, catnip is also known for its aggressive growth and ability to quickly take over a garden or growing space. Growing it in containers is a great way to keep this aggressive growth under control. Plants can either be started from seed or from stem cuttings taken off another plant.

Bundle stalks together and place them upside down in clean paper bags. Hang the bags in a dark, dry place until the plants inside have dried out completely. Depending on the temperature of the drying area, the process can take a couple of weeks to a month. Once dry, break the leaves and flowers into small bits, discarding stems as you go. Store in air-tight containers in the freezer for maximum freshness. Your cat will thank you for the home-grown treat!.


Basic plant care for catnip

If you have an established plant from a friend or started a catnip plant indoors, eventually you’ll have to transplant the catnip into a large pot or into the ground. It’s important to take care to ensure a successful transplant. Water the catnip plant thoroughly a day before transplanting, then turn over the soil in the catnips new home. Turn up the soil about eight inches deep and three to four inches around the width of the plant. Dig a hole the size of the catnip’s root ball in the desired planting location, then gently place the catnip plant into the hole. Backfill and tamp down the soil around the plant’s rootball. Water the transplanted catnip well, and continue to keep the soil slightly moist until you observe new growth.

Catnip is a perennial that generally grows to 2 to 3 feet when planted outdoors. Indoors, providing you give it enough light and water, it’s conceivable you’ll get a 2-foot plant, but in reality, indoor catnip doesn’t have the potency of outdoor catnip and it seems more reasonable to grow plants for a single growing season, then replace them either through sowing new seeds or cuttings. If you do want to repot a smaller catnip, go up one pot size and use fresh soil, being careful not to damage the roots.

Catnip is not an especially difficult plant to grow indoors. It thrives on sunny ledges, with ample and regular water, and good drainage. If your plant goes into flower, snip off the flower buds to encourage stronger and better leaf growth. Indoor catnip will not have the same potency as outdoor catnip, but your cats will still like it plenty. Be careful not to mist your plant too much to discourage mold growth. Catnip is vulnerable to pests including aphids , mealybugs , scale, and whitefly. If possible, identify the infestation as early as possible and treat it with the least toxic option.

15 Rare herbs you should consider growing in your garden

Set out plants in the spring after the last frost, spacing them 18 to 24 inches apart. For best results when planting in the ground, improve your native soil by mixing in several inches of miracle-gro® garden soil for vegetables & herbs before planting. When growing catnip in containers, fill pots with premium quality potting mix, such as miracle-gro® potting mix. Keep plants full by pinching the growing stems and flower buds when they appear. The small white flowers that appear in the summer will form seeds that sprout; the plant also spreads via underground runners. Some cats are very rough on plants. To keep plants from being loved to death, cover each with an arch of chicken wire.

A to Z of Growing Catnip Indoors | Catnip Plant Care

When you are growing catnip indoors, you don’t have to worry much about catnip plant care in cold weather. Keep it in a warm spot in the night. During the day, move it back on a window that receives some direct sunlight. Always make sure that the plant is not touching the windowpane to avoid cold injury. Also, reduce watering and don’t fertilize in winter. Additionally, you can mulch the topsoil with straws or shredded cardboard. If you’re exposing it to outdoor conditions, cover the pot by bubble wrap or plastic sheet for extra protection. Making a mini indoor greenhouse for catnip and other herbs is also a great way to keep these plants growing. We’ve some diys here !.

It grew, it flowered. It thrives on sunny ledges, with ample and regular water, and good drainage. Proper transplanting keeps your catnip from becoming root-bound. Once while many people report that they like the fragrant, herbal smell of catnip, some people find that it has a vaguely skunky odor to it that is off-putting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time i comment. Lux for plants: everything you need to know! place young plants away from kitty until they are large enough to withstand some serious loving. Catnip is a plant—known scientifically as nepeta cataria that is a member of the mint family. Catnip seeds are very small and so are difficult to handle.

Growing Catnip Indoors is possible, and with the help of these catnip plant care tips, you can grow it year-round in your home.

Catnip seeds should be sown during the spring after any threat of frost has passed. Consult a hardiness zone map to figure out when it’s safe to plant in your area. If you have a short growing season, catnip can also be started indoors 4to8 weeks before the last frost and transferred outside after the soil is warm enough. Catnip seeds are tough and should be stratified, or slightly damaged, before planting to ensure the seeds sprout. An easy way to do this is by freezing the seeds overnight and then soaking them for 24 hours.

Once you’ve chosen a place to grow your catnip and stratified the seeds, sow the little seeds in rows and cover them lightly with approximately 1/4 inch of soil. Keep the seeds moist and the soil temperature at around 70 degrees. When the plants are five inches tall, thin them out so that they’re all about 12-18 inches apart. If you’re growing the catnip indoors in small cells, transfer them into 3to4 inch pots at this time so that they have enough room to develop a strong root system before transplanting into a large pot or into the garden.

The post How To Grow Catnip or Catmint appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post How To Grow Catnip or Catmint appeared first on GQ Central.

The post How To Grow Catnip or Catmint appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Keep Your Heart Healthy

Keep Your Heart Healthy

What can I do in my daily life to lower my risk of heart disease? even when you have several risk factors for heart disease, there are things you can do to improve your chances of avoiding it. You know you should eat healthy, exercise, and quit smoking. Here are some steps you can take: go for regular checkups: at least once a year, get a physical to make sure you haven’t developed any conditions that would put you at risk for heart disease and to make sure you are controlling any conditions you already have.

Eat a heart-healthy diet. Oats, salmon, and dark leafy greens are just some of the most heart-healthy foods
nutritionists recommend eating. To keep your heart healthy it may be better to focus on a variety of healthy foods instead of focusing on a few.

Keeping your heart healthy is about more than avoiding fast food and overly processed chow. You can also pump up your heart’s health by choosing foods that will help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation.

Cardio Cocktail

Heart disease is a serious and dangerous disease in the United States. You can decrease your risk factors by maintaining healthy blood pressure, managing stress, eating healthfully, and getting plenty of exercise and keeping your cholesterol in check. There are herbs and supplements that can help prevent heart disease and reduce its symptoms by lowering blood pressure, improving breathing, and helping your heart to function at optimal levels. One of our favorites, Cardio Cocktail!

Magnesium and Heart Health

Magnesium helps promote healthy muscles, and the heart is no exception. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to several cardiovascular disorders including high blood pressure, heart rhythm abnormalities, clogged arteries, increased risk of cardiovascular issues, and more. Taking a magnesium supplement can help your blood vessels relax, promoting heart health. Unfortunately, magnesium levels are not routinely checked by most conventional doctors.  If you do have low levels of magnesium, your doctor and health coach can recommend the right magnesium supplement, in addition to simple lifestyle changes, to resolve any symptoms you may be experiencing.

Consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Don’t assume that large doses of a supplement increase its effectiveness. You should follow daily serving sizes as directed by your physician. If you have a preexisting condition, supplements can cause harmful side effects and life-threatening drug interactions.

How to Maintain a Healthy Cardiovascular System

We have written extensively about the benefits of omega-3s for heart health. The essential fatty acids, which comprise eicosapentaenoic acid ( EPA ) and docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ), support the cardiovascular system in a multitude of ways, not least by reducing inflammation, preventing the formation of clots, and helping you maintain healthy blood pressure and blood triglycerides. Salmon is one of the finest sources of omega-3. In a three-year study published in the highly respected American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, post-menopausal diabetic women who ate salmon twice a week reduced their atherosclerosis risk by an astonishing 60%.

Before we break down the strategies for maintaining a healthy heart, let’s talk about how and why heart diseases (also known as cardiovascular diseases) develop. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in the united states. The heart pumps blood to different parts of our bodies through a system of arteries, veins, and vessels. That’s nearly 100,000 miles for an adult —or 4 times the circumference of the earth!.

Vitamin K & Arteries

Vitamin K2 may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing calcium buildup in arteries around the heart. In the Rotterdam Study, scientists looked at the vitamin K1 and K2 intake of 4,807 Dutch women and men older than 55 over a 10-year period. They found that Vitamin K2 intake (of about 25 μg/day) reduced the risk of dying from heart disease by 57%. It also reduced cases of coronary heart disease by 41%, severe arterial calcification by 52%, and overall mortality by 36% (Grober, 2015). (Meanwhile, vitamin K1 was found to have no effect on heart disease or mortality). Another study of more than 16,000 women found that vitamin K2 intake was associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease (Gast, 2009).One caveat: These are observational studies, not controlled studies, so they only suggest a connection; they can’t prove cause and effect in terms of the role of vitamin K2 in cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin K can interact with some medications, including the anticoagulant warfarin (brand name Coumadin). Warfarin works by inhibiting an enzyme that activates vitamin K, which reduces the ability of the liver to make clotting factors. Taking increased doses of vitamin K can decrease the effectiveness of warfarin and make your blood more likely to clot, which can increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism. Certain medications can also reduce vitamin K absorption in the body, including antibiotics and the weight-loss drug Orlistat. Talk with your healthcare provider about all medications and dietary supplements you’re taking before you start vitamin K2 supplementation.

Take Action: Sign of Heart Attack

There are several possible causes of heart palpitations. Trouble from above. Some palpitations stem from premature contractions of the heart’s upper chambers (atria). When the atria contract a fraction of a second earlier than they should, they rest an instant longer afterward to get back to their usual rhythm. This feels like a skipped beat and is often followed by a noticeably forceful contraction as the lower chambers (ventricles) clear out the extra blood they accumulated during the pause. These premature beats are almost always benign, meaning they aren’t life-threatening or the sign of a heart attack in the making.

Eat Healthy for Heart Healthy?

Treat your heart right by eating healthy, staying active, and managing your stress. Although some heart conditions are heredity, you can reduce your risk by keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure at healthy levels, avoiding tobacco products, and losing some pounds if you are obese or overweight. A diet high in fiber, veggies, and fruits is essential for a healthy heart. Vitamins and supplements, such as fish oil, may help reduce your cholesterol, which if too high can cause blockage in your arteries and lead to a heart attack.

Researchers looked at more than 100 prior studies including 16 kinds of supplements and found that only two types, folic acid, and omega-3, helped reduce people’s heart-related disease risks. Supplements that combined vitamin d and calcium were found to increase a person’s risk of stroke.  There’s plenty of evidence that suggests stocking up on vitamin supplements to stay healthy is a waste of money, if not harmful to health, and a robust new study adds even more weight to that argument.

Control Your Cholesterol And Blood Pressure

One of the most popular herbs in America due to its well-documented cardiovascular benefits. Garlic is extremely effective when it comes to fighting heart palpitations. By controlling the cardiovascular problems that trigger palpitations, garlic can also fight clogged arteries, atherosclerosis, as well as reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Being physically active is a major step toward good heart health. It’s one of your most effective tools for strengthening the heart muscle, keeping your weight under control, and warding off the artery damage from high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. It’s also true that different types of exercise are needed to provide complete fitness. “aerobic exercise and resistance training are the most important for heart health,” says Johns Hopkins exercise physiologist Kerry J. Stewart, ed. D. “although flexibility doesn’t contribute directly to heart health, it’s nevertheless important because it provides a good foundation for performing aerobic and strength exercises more effectively.

The post Keep Your Heart Healthy appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Keep Your Heart Healthy appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Catnip Plant Cuttings

Catnip Plant Cuttings

Growing Your Own Catnip Indoors

Catnip Plant Cuttings. Catnip, or cat mint, is known to botanists as nepeta cataria. The herb is known to most felines as spellbinding, to which any catnip growing enthusiast will quickly attest.

This eurasian native has become naturalized throughout most of the world, and is a hardy perennial in usda planting zones 6 through 10. In cooler regions, nepeta can be brought indoors to over-winter. Use clean, sharp scissors to cut your catnip plant back as soon as it’s through flowering for the year. If you’re located in a temperate region, there’s nothing further you need to do to winterize this plant.

Your biggest hurdle to growing catnip indoors might not be low light levels, cold air, or lack of consistent watering. It might be your cat. Catnip , a perennial favorite of all things feline, is a relative of the mint and lemon balm, which means it’s not a hard plant to grow indoors.
outdoors, it’s known to spread easily, growing into jumbled patches that attract cats from miles around. Indoors, it can be successfully grown on a sunny windowsill, providing you give it enough water and remember to pinch out the flowers to encourage leaf growth. You can start pinching off leaves as soon as the plant hits about 6 to 8 inches in height; your cat will appreciate it.

Catnip Plant Cuttings

How to Grow and Take Care of Catnip

Catnip is a perennial that generally grows to 2 to 3 feet when planted outdoors. Indoors, providing you give it enough light and water, it’s conceivable you’ll get a 2 foot plant, but in reality, indoor catnip doesn’t have the potency of outdoor catnip and it seems more reasonable to grow plants for a single growing season, then replace them either through sowing new seeds or cuttings.
If you do want to repot a smaller catnip, go up one pot size and use fresh soil, being careful not to damage the roots.

Catnip (nepeta cataria) is a type of catmint and is arguably the best-known species in the nepeta genus, at least among home gardeners. It’s not the only type of catmint that makes cats loopy, but it’s your best bet if that’s your goal. Catnip has similar growing and care needs to other catmint plants and matures at 2 to 4 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide. It blooms from may to september and has white flowers spotted with pale purple. Catnip is relatively cold-hardy and grows well in zones 3 to 9.

Catnip is not an especially difficult plant to grow indoors. It thrives on sunny ledges, with ample and regular water, and good drainage. If your plant goes into flower, snip off the flower buds to encourage stronger and better leaf growth. Indoor catnip will not have the same potency as outdoor catnip, but your cats will still like it plenty. Be careful not to mist your plant too much to discourage mold growth. Catnip is vulnerable to pests including aphids , mealybugs , scale, and whitefly. If possible, identify the infestation as early as possible and treat it with the least toxic option.

How to Grow Catmint from Cuttings

18. How to grow catnip from seeds. Follow along with this handy how to grow catnip from seeds guide and give your cats some fun! plant spacing: grow 45 cm 18 inches apart. Full sun. Repotting. How to grow catnip from cuttings. Difficulty easy. Catnip will grow in just about any soil, but sandier soil tends to yield more aromatic plants. Growing catnip plants: catnip can be grown in garden beds or pots. 2-4′ x 2-4′. Outside, catnip will resow itself readily. Water frequently after first planting. Catmint has a long history, with one of the first one being documented in the roman town of nepeti. Deters pests. Mint, agastache, echinacea and potatoes. Plant in a spot your cat has access to, such as in a cat enclosure.


Growing catnip.  catnip is a generic term referring to 250 different types of minty plants. Use catnip to help colicky babies, and many adults use it to ease upset stomachs, too. Posted on mar 30, 2015 catnip can grow in many types of soil. Some cats like catnip so much that they lie on it, roll on it, and chew it to the point of destruction. Also going by nepeta cataria, catswort, or catmint, the catnip plant is a perennial herb with a close relation to the mint family. What is the best way to use catnip as an insect repellent? pruning: cut catnip back to the ground in spring to improve its growth and appearance. Quick tip training to use a scratching post.

How to Propagate Catnip

Catnip propagates easily from both leaf-tip cuttings and seeds. To take a cutting, simply remove a small piece of new growth early in the growing season and pot it up a new pot of sterile potting soil. give it plenty of moisture and filtered light until new growth emerges. Catnip is also a common herb sold in garden centers, so you can always buy new seedlings and put them in larger pots until it’s time to discard the plant.

Apart from seeds, you can propagate the catnip herb via stems tip cuttings during spring and summer.
use 3-4 inch long cuttings of stems. Remove all the leaves except the top two or four. To encourage branching, pinch the cutting at the tip. Dip the end in rooting powder hormone and place in a rooting medium. Keep the soil and cuttings moist. Monitor them for a week or two. Cuttings take around 5 days begin to show roots in the soil.

How To Root Catnip Cuttings  Can You Grow Catnip From Cuttings

Catnip is such a versatile plant that it is drought resistant. Grow the plant in spring or early summer. You may plant it directly in the sun or in a partially shaded area. It thrives most in alkaline soil, or soil with a ph level over seven, but in general it manages in poor soil. This said, if you have a heavy, clay soil, add limestone to it to increase its alkalinity. To plant, dig a hole that is just as deep as the plant container is wide. Make sure the hole is twice as wide or more, however. Next, simply take the plant from its container, put the plant roots in the hole and refill it with soil.

Light: catnip is not particularly picky about its light outdoors, but indoors try to give it as much direct light as possible, even up to five hours a day of strong sunlight on a bright windowsill. Too little light will cause leggy growth. Water: catnip likes a steady supply of water, but good drainage is a must. The plant recovers quickly from wilting, so it’s best to err on the side of dry rather than too wet, which will encourage root rot.

While cat grasses are fast-growing and tasty if you’re a cat, they are annuals, which means you need to re-sow seeds to keep them continuously growing. Catmint nepeta mussinii and catnip nepeta cataria are herbaceous perennials, meaning that they will die back to the roots in the winter, but resprout from the same root system in the spring. They also both contain an organic compound called nepetalactone, which is known to attract felines.

Cut catnip

Growing Catnip from Cuttings

Cats are gaga over catnip, and it’s probably not the pretty foliage that attracts them. But it is the pretty, heart-shaped leaves growing in an open mound about 3 feet 1 m.  tall that gardeners enjoy. Catnip plants also produce blue flowers throughout the season. This makes catnip a truly ornamental plant to have around. If you or your cat insist on getting more plants than you have, it’s quite easy to grow new catnip from cuttings.

Growing catnip from cuttings is a quick way to multiply it during the growing season. Cut 4 to 6 inches long stems below the leaf node and plant them in rich and moist potting soil. If you like, dip cut ends in a rooting hormone to improve the success rate.

How to Root Catnip Cuttings

If your cat loves the herb catnip , it’s no big surprise. Nearly all felines love the hardy perennial. But you may soon find yourself needing more catnip plants than you have. Don’t worry. It is easy to grow more catnip from cuttings. If you want to know how to root catnip cuttings, read on for info and tips.

Catnip cutting propagation is as easy as it gets in the perennial world. You can start rooting catnip cuttings in water or soil. If you have never tried propagating a plant from cuttings , catnip is a great place to start. It propagates easily from leaf-tip cuttings. Snip off the tips of new growth in spring or early summer, making each cut on a slant just below a leaf node. Keep the clippings cool to use as cuttings.

Catnip Propagation Methods  Tips For Growing New Catnip Herb Plants

Catnip is a 50 100 cm tall herb resembling mint in appearance, with greyish-green leaves; the flowers are white, finely spotted with purple. It is the nepetalcataria variety that most cats enjoy. The essential oils contained keep mosquitoes at a distance, as they feel repelled by the smell. Plant catnip in a place where your cats can rub and roll in it without hurting adjacent plants. Native to europe, africa and asia and brought to north america by settlers, catnip is a weed type of plant, similar to mint in many aspects and which contains a lot of acids, tannins, sterols and volatile oils. Once this process is complete, you can crumble them up.

About Catnip Herb Plants

Catnip is what is known as a herbaceous, perennial plant grown in north america. In other words, it is a plant that lives more than two years and has stems and leaves that die or fall down to soil level at the end of growing season. It can reach a size of about 3×3 feet, producing small white flowers from stems that are largely square, resembling many plants in the mint and weed families. Catnip is considered an invasive plant. Nepata mussinnii in particular is known for its spreading, and makes great groundcover. Catnip is not just pleasing to cats, as it effuses a pleasant fragrance to the human nose, too.

So you are interested in growing catnip an easy to grow hardy perennial herb?
it is commonly known as the catnip plant nepeta cataria and it is one of the top mosquito repellant plants and member of the mint family. Cats find its scent addictive so if you grow catnip in your herb garden, expect many cats in your neighborhood to stay play around this plant. Its pungent fragrance highly excites and attracts cats. Another nepata commonly known as catmint , nepata mussinnii, does not generally appeal to cats.

Does kitty love her catnip toys? well then, perhaps you should grow your own catnip herb plants. Don’t know how to propagate catnip? growing new catnip is easy. Read on to find out about catnip propagation.

Growing Catnip Learn How To Care For Catnip Plants

When you are growing catnip indoors, you don’t have to worry much about catnip plant care in cold weather. Keep it in a warm spot in the night. During the day, move it back on a window that receives some direct sunlight. Always make sure that the plant is not touching the windowpane to avoid cold injury. Also, reduce watering and don’t fertilize in winter. Additionally, you can mulch the topsoil with straws or shredded cardboard. If you’re exposing it to outdoor conditions, cover the pot by bubble wrap or plastic sheet for extra protection. Making a mini indoor greenhouse for catnip and other herbs is also a great way to keep these plants growing. We’ve some diys here.

Watering: water catnip just as the soil dries out. Catnip can tolerate dry soil. Feeding: scratch ½ inch of compost into the top few inches of soil before planting catnip and side-dress plants with aged compost every spring. You can also feed catnip compost tea during the growing season. Care: cut catnip back to 3 to 4 inches above the ground after flowering it will grow back within a couple of weeks and begin a new flowering cycle. Plants can become scraggly if not trimmed back.

Tips For Growing Catnip – Caring For The Nepeta Plant

The fresh catnip is toward the front of the cat garden and to the left. It is a member of the mint family and while my cats liked to smell it occasionally, they mostly left it alone. However, all of that lovely smelling catnip didn’t and won’t go to waste.

Catmint is not as intoxicating to cats as catnip, but they love it just the same, and it repels aphids ! catmint is hardy in usda zones 4-8. Catnip nepeta cataria are very easy to grow and care for plants that are somewhat less ornamental than catmint. Catnip plants grow to 3 feet tall, with a spread of 1½ to 2 feet. In the summer and early fall, they produce 3 to4 ins spikes of tiny white flowers spotted with pale purple.

Plant catnip in spring, once all chances of frost have passed. You’ll want to plant it in an area where your cats can roll in it without damaging neighboring plants. Space catnip plants 18 to 24 inches apart in a very sunny area with fertile, well-drained soil. Give your native soil some nutrient love by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter. Check soil often and water when the top inch of soil becomes dry.

The post Catnip Plant Cuttings appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Catnip Plant Cuttings appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Catnip Plant Cuttings appeared first on Local SEO Resources.