Natural Oil Repellents To Rid Fleas

Natural Oil Repellents To Rid Fleas

Use A Cedar Oil Spray For Fleas On Your Cat

This all-natural insect repellent comes from a tree native to India, Sri Lanka and Burma. It’s often used to repel biting insects such as fleas and mosquitoes, but there’s little proof that it wards off ticks, according to petmd. Add a few drops to pet shampoo, dilute it with dishwashing liquid for a do-it-yourself flea spray or simply apply the oil directly to your dog’s coat. For a cat, you need to take extra precautions because some cats are more sensitive than others. If you see any adverse reactions like excessive salivation, stop using it.

Always check with your vet for potential allergens. Please do not use tea tree oil, cedar oil and citrus oil on cats. It could be potentially fatal. When using any chemicals, follow the instructions carefully. Make sure you wash your hands before and after eating and using chemicals, especially children. We hope this how to get rid of fleas article will help to control your flea infestation.

Unless you’re willing to mix your essential oils with a carrier oil (a vegetable oil used for dilution), don’t use them. Many people, blogs and companies advocate water-suspended essential oils as natural remedies for fleas. This practice is dangerous. Water can’t safely disperse essential oils because essential oils are not water-soluble. They need to be diluted with a solvent. Chemistry is chemistry and anyone who tells you otherwise is misinformed. It’s important to know there are some natural substances that dissolve essential oils. So for do-it-yourself flea and tick sprays … I suggest using a thin carrier oil like grape seed oil or fractionated coconut oil. Mix 3-6 drops of essential oil in 1 ounce of carrier oil.

repellents to rid fleas

Lavender Spray For Cat Fleas

When it comes to picking a flea treatment you have a ton of options. There’s prescription medications, igrs (insect growth regulators), sprays, foggers, collars and spot-on treatments. And while having all those options is good it does make the process of trying to choose the right one confusing, to say the least. I’m not here to tell you what treatment to use to get rid of fleas, but I am here to tell you that the vast majority of them don’t disrupt the flea life cycle completely. Is for example will kill adult fleas, eggs and larva, but they don’t affect the pupa stage. That pupa can hatch, and a few weeks after using an igr you may notice fleas starting to show up again.

Are you searching for a cheap and natural flea repellent for your dog or cat? if you want to keep fleas off of your pet and out of your home, but you aren’t keen on using chemical-based flea collars and sprays, vinegar is another option to consider. Vinegar is fragrance-free and environmentally friendly. It is natural and chemical-free, it is both pet and child safe, and it soothes your pet’s flea bites.

If fleas continue to be a problem in the home, a person can consider using a chemical treatment, such as an aerosol spray. Foggers, also known as bug bombs, are not effective in removing fleas. It is essential to ensure that humans and pets are out of the home during the application of the treatment and until the spray has dried. Local pest control operators may also offer flea control and removal services.

Chamomile Spray For Cat Fleas

Like many pests, fleas hate the smell and taste of vinegar, so they’ll do their best to avoid it. Use this information to your advantage by making a vinegar-based flea spray to use on your pet. To make your homemade flea spray, you’ll need white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Either is fine, though some people feel their pet prefers the scent of apple cider vinegar. Just know that cats may not stand for any vinegar being sprayed or wiped on them.

If you’re able to see fleas, flea dirt, or flea eggs on your cat, start the treatment process by combing and bathing your cat to get rid of as many as you can (though it may be easier said than done). If you’re wondering how to get rid of fleas on cats that hate water, you’re not alone. This method can be very difficult if your cat doesn’t tolerate your attempts at bathtime, so don’t force it. A spray bottle can help you drown the fleas without all the fuss: just lightly spray your cat with water, then run a flea comb through the fur. Put any fleas into a solution of water and dish soap so they don’t later jump back onto your pet.

We don’t spray treat the bedding for safety reasons we always say you know for the bedding if you’re able to get rid of it. If it’s a bad problem then get rid of it, some people you know depending the size of the bedding gives it a real good wash on the hot temperature or steam washing cleaning that could certainly help. What we do upon our arrival is spray throughout your property, you have to be out of the property as well as any pets to be out, any cat flaps that you have to be safely locked if it is the automatic one the cat can’t get back in whilst we’re treating. We will spray throughout treat and then you’ll get a full digital report from us and we then leave from the time we finish it would be then for you not to re-enter for five hours after so then it’s safe to come back in.

leaf oils

Oregano Oil For Fleas On Cats

If you prefer to take the natural approach for cat fleas and how to get rid of them, carol Osborne, DVM, integrative veterinarian, of the chagrin falls veterinary centre and pet clinic in Ohio has a few flea treatments for cats. One is Avon skin so soft oil. “dilute 50/50 with water and put into a spritzer bottle to repel fleas, mosquitos, and other pests,” dr. Osborne says. Or try a catnip oil (always use a therapeutic grade oil) diluted with coconut oil. One drop of catnip per 100 of coconut oil is a good place to start. Lightly mist fur and “pet” it on the skin. Don’t worry, the catnip oil won’t make your cats go crazy. Dr.

You can get shampoos that contain natural flea repellents for cats online from quite a number of suppliers. Used in conjunction with the combing and bathing outlined above the shampoo will leave your pet smelling good to you but appallingly repellent to fleas!
the shampoos to look out for are those with low concentrations of cedar, lavender, eucalyptus or citrus oils included. These are natural flea repellents that can help keep your cat invisible to fleas. Now the more proactive of you should not just go buy some essential oils and started banging out mixtures of your own.

How to get rid of your pet’s fleas

You can get rid of fleas by taking steps to control them at every stage. First, you’ll want to think about treating your pets. But, fleas and their eggs may lurk in other parts of your home and yard, too. It helps to understand the flea life cycle. Adult fleas lay lots of eggs. These eggs may fall off your pet and end up all over the house. Those eggs will hatch into tiny larvae. They are so small it’s hard to see them.

In the past, pet owners thought that treating their pets for fleas was the way to get rid of the problem. Unfortunately for every adult flea spotted on a pet, another 100 lie in wait around the house. That’s because although adult fleas take up residence in your pet’s coat, their eggs, pupa, and larvae live predominantly in your pet’s indoor environment. A complete flea life cycle from egg to adult can take weeks to months, depending on the environmental conditions. Female fleas most often lay eggs on your pet’s coat, but these rapidly fall off and live undetected from one to 12 days until they hatch.

Flea sprays are a good option to getting rid of fleas on carpets, any fabric in your home, furniture, and even pets. Try using a strong spray that is made of natural ingredients to minimize the chemicals.

Geranium Oil For Fleas

You could make a natural flea collar from a cotton bandana or collar dosed up with essential oils that are known to have a repelling effect on fleas. A word of warning though, essential oils for fleas on cats have to be handled correctly. The main essential oils for cats fleas are cedar, lavender, geranium, eucalyptus and citrus-based oils. Of course, as we highlighted, some of these oils are dangerous to cats if ingested in sufficient doses – but we are not recommending you douse your cat in these essential oils.

As with oregano oil, too much geranium oil can be highly toxic to your cat. However, geranium oil is a natural flea killer and soon gets them on the run. Some people recommend adding four drops of geranium oil to a cup of water to make a spray that can effectively repel fleas. As with oregano, diluting and adding to a homemade flea collar is an option with the added benefit that geranium oil makes a great tick repellant. Alternatively, if you are able to get your cat bathed you can add a couple of drops of the oil to the water as you go for a final rinse. This is often enough to act as a repellent for a few days.

Rosemary For Fleas On Cats

Along with rosemary and cedarwood, catnip is harmless to cats but actually a very good flea repellent! what makes this particularly pleasing is unlike many items on the list a high proportion of cats actually love this stuff. If your cat loves this stuff you will probably have noticed the euphoria the catnip brings out in your kitty. If your cat is in unaffected it just doesn’t notice anything. You can use catnip in a number of ways with regards to repelling fleas.

Cats can only tolerate neem oil. Neem oil is effective in repelling ticks and fleas from the body of cats. Include a small quantity of this oil into the shampoo of your cat. You can also add a small quantity of this oil to the collar of your cat; as it can help in repelling fleas. Rosemary and geranium can also be used to repel fleas and ticks on your cat, provided you dilute them. Mix four drops of geranium and rosemary oil to a cup of water and spray on the fur of your cat while avoiding its face.

Aloe Vera Juice For Fleas On Cats

Aloe vera juice is well known to be a natural anti astringent and antiseptic for humans but it is also a great natural flea repellent for cats. Mixing the juice with some cayenne pepper makes a fantastic all-natural flea repellent that is non-toxic to cats. The juice by itself or with the pepper can be spritzed or combed onto the fur to act as a repellent. You can add the juice to a bath to rinse your cat in providing a nourishing balm with repellent qualities to the cat’s coat. If your cat already has bites the aloe vera juice will calm itching and defend open skin wounds from infection.

Aloe vera juice is a fast and natural flea repellent from cats. The most effective use of aloe vera juice is to mix it with cayenne pepper, adding it into a spray bottle and applied to the cat’s coat. You can also use aloe vera with a relevant essential oil. In one cup of aloe vera juice, add one drop of applicable essential oil and applying the solution topically. The cooling effect of aloe vera helps to soothe hot spots and alleviate itching.

ginger cat

Catnip For Fleas

You can grow catnip in your yard where it will repel fleas from your yard as they just hate the smell of the stuff (the odour is just a nice minty aroma). Secondly, you can grab and cut up catnip leaves and rub them/deposit them over your cat’s bedding to repel fleas and get them to move on. Thirdly you can brush your cat down with the stuff and this will act as a repellent to the fleas.

Keep pots of lemon balm, sage, rosemary, catnip, lemongrass, basil and mint outside. Place some by your main doors and throughout your yard. These plants help repel fleas through the natural oils that they secrete. They’ll deter fleas from entering the house.

The fourth option is to get some catnip oil and add it to a homemade flea collar as a deterrent. You can also put some oil on scratch posts to deter fleas and get some oil on your cat in an unobtrusive manner. If you decide to grow catnip in your yard so you have a handy supply, just remember you might end up attracting local cats into your yard and kicking off a turf war….

Neem Oil For Fleas On Cats

“neem oil is not listed as a toxic plant product for cats or dogs as per the ASPCA poison control centre or pet poison helpline, yet I always recommend cautious use with all dogs and cats under the guidelines of the pet’s primary veterinarian,” dr. Patrick Mahaney, veterinarian and owner of Los Angeles-based California pet acupuncture and wellness, told petmd.

Cedar oil is one of the essential oils that are actually non-toxic to cats but despised by fleas. Fleas don’t like the smell – trouble is kitty might be none too fond of the aroma either. However, if your cat doesn’t seem put out by the odour then there are a number of cedar options available. You could spray the cedar oil directly on your cat’s fur. It should act as a repellent to fleas. Alternatively, you could comb the oil into the fur when you are generally flea combing. A third method of utilizing cedar oil which we have touched on would be to put the cedar oil on a cotton collar as a homemade natural flea collar.

Why you need to get rid of fleas quickly

Once you vacuum the house and wash the bedding, give your dog a bath. Bathing your pet regularly will also help rid your home of fleas. Any soap will kill them, so you don’t have to use a flea bath. But make sure that the soap you use is safe for a cat or dog. Some people like to finish the bath with a nice-smelling essential oil that may also help keep fleas away.

Nematodes are microscopic, worm-like parasites. There are many different kinds and some can be beneficial because they feed on pests, such as fleas. You can buy nematodes at garden stores. Just mix them with water and spray them around your yard, reports sf gate. Nematodes need moisture on a regular basis, so you should water your lawn every couple of days to make sure the beneficial parasites survive. Will they work? it may depend on the soil in your yard. According to the University of Florida extension, not enough studies have been conducted on nematode effectiveness as a method of flea control when applied to lawns. In addition, soil composition seems to affect how well they work.

Flea collars were once the most popular way of getting rid of cat fleas. They emit a gas that kills or repels the parasites. Traditional flea collars may only kill fleas around the collar area. However, a modern type of cat flea collar releases a substance that dissolves in the fatty layers of your cat’s skin and kills the fleas elsewhere your cat’s body. You usually require a prescription from the vet for this second type of collar.

Fleas are irritating—not only for pets but also for people. If you have fleas in the house, you can usually expect some itching, as well as unwelcome red bumps on the skin. But since pests carry disease, the problem can be more than merely annoying. To get rid of fleas in the house, address the issue from a number of angles by cleaning your pets, your pets’ bedding, and the most flea-vulnerable surfaces around your home. Follow the steps outlined below in order to be successful.

Once you’ve verified the presence of fleas on your cat, you’ll want to get rid of the pesky hitchhikers as fast as possible. Because not all flea products treat every life stage, you may need to use multiple steps to properly get fleas treated and out of your home and off your pets.

Now your curious mind wants to know how to get rid of fleas on cats fast?
well, here are the easy ways to get rid of fleas on cats, which you may not know about natural home remedies to get rid of fleas on cats. However, before using, don’t forget to talk with your vet about what and how you’re applying.

The post Natural Oil Repellents To Rid Fleas appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Natural Oil Repellents To Rid Fleas appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Natural Oil Repellents To Rid Fleas appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates December 11, 2020

SEO Updates December 11, 2020

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week

Deal of the week: Spend $500+ and get access to the Live GMB Masterclass Spend $1k+ and get access to Live Agency Lead Acquisition Webinar – Finding New Clients

SEO Mad Scientist: How powerful is the GMB description?

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 66

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

? Core Update Continues to Roll Out
? Google Guaranteed Testing New Badge Design
? Google Search Testing Taller Shopping Ads
? Google’s John Mueller Gives SEO Clues To Site Owner

And so much more!

Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here
Missed last week’s episode? Catch up with all the previous Vault Episodes here
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Last Chance to Get in the Masterclass and Agency Lead Acquisition Webinar With This Weekends Deal

We’re back with another chance to secure your spot to the Live GMB Masterclass Webinar

Anyone who spends $500 or more 12/11-12/13 will be granted access to the Live Webinar. Happening live on December 15th, 2020, 12:00 pm EST, join the Web 2.0 Ranker team as we dive into Secret Test Results, Ranking Data, Internal Strategies and More

Just Added! Anyone who spends $1,000 or more 12/11-12-13 will be guaranteed a spot to our Live Agency Lead Acquisition Webinar – Finding New Clients

Previously the GMB webinar was only available if you had to spent $1,500+ and the Agency Lead Acquisition is you spend $5k+ making this weekend’s deal a steal!

>>> The Only Way into the Masterclass

We weren’t even going to give people another chance to get in after last weekend’s deal, but there was such a demand.

So this is the ABSOLUTE last chance we’re offering to secure your spot at the webinars with replays, and then we will lock it up forever.







SEO Mad Scientist

Hey there scientists!

We are back this week after a short time away, and we want to ask a question.

How much does each item of GMB impact rankings?

Well, we are tearing apart a TON of GMBs to find out!

We have already run some business name tests as well as service areas but what about the description, products, services, or even having hours listed vs not listed?

This will be the start of a series of tests where we will be conducting multiple experiments to see what we can find.

Starting off this week we want to have a look at the GMB description…

Does the GMB description give you any “rank boost” or does it only give you the opportunity to rank for a specific keyword, as we found with the service area?

Or possibly it doesn’t help with anything at all…

The first test we ran was simple but should give us a general idea as to the answers of these questions.

We took a GMB listing that was already ranking well, had a description, and just removed the entire description.

The theory is that if the description provided a ranking boost, then we would see some keyword drops or fluctuations.

If nothing happens then either the GMB description is not a ranking factor, or it gives you the opportunity to show for a term. But, without other signals in place, you won’t really show…

We removed the description from the listing last week and watched the rankings…

We wanted to make sure we could really test the description, so we made sure to track some keywords variations that were only mentioned in the description and no nowhere on the GMB listing. Here is one before and after:


But, Prior to testing this, we did notice something ?

Almost all of the terms we were tracking that were not in the brand but present in the description, were not showing at all.

Some had previously shown for these terms very briefly in close proximity, but not for long…

This leads us to believe that the description may in fact not carry much weight as far as a ranking factor, and may just be a way to get considered for terms. But any real long term rankings will rely much more on signals than the description.

This of course was the theory until we saw the primary terms before and after…

We still have more description tests running, but we feel pretty confident in saying that the GMB description is not only a ranking factor, but a strong one also…

Next week we will be going over some additional signals we are testing, starting with products and services, and give you an update on this week’s results.

See you next week and until then, as always…

Happy Testing!




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Thinking about adopting a cat or kitten?

Thinking about adopting a cat or kitten?

Thinking about adopting a cat or kitten? Find out more about adopting a cat with Cats Protection in our guide.

Home to home pet adoption is a great choice.
Cat Spraying No MoreThe fee of adopting a pet will vary and is set by our adoption partners which are paid by anyone adopting a pet.

Why adopt a cat from Cats Protection?

Looking to adopt a kitten? kittens arrive at cats protection from various places and with varying needs – from those that have been abandoned to those that are born in our care if their mother is a stray. While kittens can be cute to look at, they need additional care and patience from their owners.

They are likely to be more energetic than older cats too – something worth thinking about before you consider kittens for adoption.

While our branches and centres are all unique, cats protection aims to make the cat adoption process as easy as possible. You can find the opening times and address details of each centre by typing your postcode into our handy to find our tool. Here’s how the adoption process works:
once you’ve found a cat, either using our find-a-cat tool or by visiting one of our centres, you’ll need to fill in a homing questionnaire. This helps us to ensure that you and your pet are an ideal match.

Kittens for adoption with Cats Protection

Animal rescue site near me we are dedicated to rescuing, caring for and adopting out homeless dogs and cats into loving and responsible homes. Each year, several thousand animals come into the shelter. Phone: (763) 503-4990. Call (713) 433-6421 or visit us! Greenhill humane society runs a life-saving animal shelter & care facility in lane county, Oregon. We assist with pet adoption, education, pet behaviour training, spay/neuter, animal cruelty intervention and much more. We believe in and provide services that support the human-animal bond and seek to foster an environment in which people respect all living if the pet is in a foster home, it will be indicated next to the pet’s name. Help no-kill rescue, Ladson.

adopting a cat or kitten

What is our adoption fee?

Rescues have a lot more control over things like adoption fees and operating hours. They also may choose to specialize in a specific type of animal or even breed. For example, there are rescues that save only dogs or cats; some have an even more specific focus on schnauzer or boxer breeds (for dogs), or Bengal or Persian breeds (for cats). Shelters have set fees and hours, among other operating aspects mandated by the government. They also don’t have specializations, except for possibly accepting only household animals, such as dogs and cats. This helps reduce owner abandonment and control the stray population, both of which impact the local community.

We’ll do a quick ‘address check’ online to ensure your cat is right for your home. In some instances, we might even do a home visit
living in rented accommodation? you might need a letter from your landlord. You can find out more about how to go about this with our purrfect landlord’s campaign
you’ll then fill in some paperwork to reserve your cat, pay your adoption fee and arrange a date to collect your new companion.

Buying a cat? Why not adopt from us instead?

June is national ‘adopt a cat month’, and this is something we wanted to raise more awareness about as it highlights the importance of animal adoption and why it is so much better than buying from a pet shop. There are so many animals in shelters waiting for their forever home, and what better time to give one of them your love than now?!
why we have.

How to rehome a cat with us

We rescued bailey around 11 weeks ago he is now nearly 7 months old and loving family life. It feels like he has been here forever. He loves playing with his tennis balls and going for long family walks with all the family. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be able to have this fantastic handsome boy in our lives
buzz, rehomed by paul
buzz was 10 months old when we adopted him in July 2014. He had a few issues with confidence, social skills and behaviour at first, but with patience and care over time he is learning and coping well. He is getting better with other dogs and lives peacefully with our cat mo. Like all terriers, he has real character.

He might be the dog who runs over and has a sniff, or the cat who comes to sit beside you. You never know who you’ll meet and bond with. Because you can’t choose the perfect pet. You find each other. Start your search for a pet to adopt today most of our rehomed pets aren’t puppies or kittens. They’re loud, quiet, fluffy, big, small, or even three-legged. They come with a personality ready-made, a past that’s unique to them and a lot of love to give.

Battersea’s core mission is never to turn away a dog or cat in need of our help, and we are committed to ensuring that every dog and cat receives the highest standards of care. When you get in touch with us we will take your details and find out everything you want to tell us about your cat as well as any important information. Take a look at this video for more information on what to expect when you rehome your cat with Battersea:.

The post Thinking about adopting a cat or kitten? appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Thinking about adopting a cat or kitten? appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Thinking about adopting a cat or kitten? appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Choosing the Best Food For Egyptian Cat Breeds

Choosing the Best Food For Egyptian Cat Breeds

Choosing the Best Food for Egyptian Mau Kittens

Egyptian Mau kittens, like other breeds, have specific nutritional needs throughout their first year of life. To ensure your Egyptian Mau gets plenty of essential nutrients to support her growth and development, select a complete and balanced kitten food like Purina one healthy kitten formula.

The Egyptian Mau needs to be groomed on a regular basis to make sure their coats and skin are kept in top condition. On top of this, cats need to be fed good quality food that meets all their nutritional needs throughout their lives which is especially true of kittens and older cats.

Choosing the best food for Egyptian Mau kittens. Egyptian Mau kittens, like other breeds, have specific nutritional needs throughout their first year of life. To ensure your Egyptian Mau gets plenty of essential nutrients to support her growth and development, select a complete and balanced kitten food like Purina one healthy kitten formula.


Here are some tips to help you find and adopt the right cat from a rescue group or shelter.

Sites like Petfinder. Com and adopt-a-pet. Com can have you searching for an Egyptian Mau in your area in no time. The site allows you to be very specific in your requests (housetraining status, for example) or very general (all the Egyptian Maus available on Petfinder across the country). Animal shelter. Org can help you find animal rescue groups in your area.

Egyptian cat

Havana Brown Cat Breed

Though you might think that the Havana brown originates from Cuba because of its name, it was actually first bred in England. This cat is the result of breeding a Siamese and domestic black cat.

And tomcats living in smaller numbers alongside these female groups will kill the kittens fathered by their rivals. The parallel with lion prides is certainly a close one. There are 73 breeds of cat recognized by the ipcba (international progressive cat breeders alliance), including dainty Abyssinians and snow-white Persians, Havana brown, Burmese, Singapura, Siberians, Norwegian forest cats, Maine coons and Japanese bobtails. While Havana browns are considered a separate breed in the united states, European cat breed associations consider them a colour variation of siamese. the researchers also found interesting relationships that track human history.

The Havana brown originated in England as the result of a mating between a black domestic shorthaired cat and a seal point siamese. This breed is unique in that the show standard specifies that the whiskers must be brown to match the hair coat.

Two waves of cats

So for this latest study, the team turned to the genetics of ancient cats around the globe to untangle their collective rise to power. By sifting through 9,000 years of genetic data, the researchers found that there were two separate waves of human-cat coexistence, with cats befriending both farmers and Vikings in their quest to spread around the globe.

As we will see soon, the mainstream media picked up on Egyptian and Viking narrative enthusiastically. Here is the summary: cats were domesticated twice (“two waves”): 10,000 years ago by first farmers, and later by ancient Egyptians.

Cats in the Ancient World

And then the cat spread very efficiently all over the ancient world as a ship’s cat. Both lineages are now present in modern cats. “. Domestic cats were originally tamed from the wildcat.

“in ancient times cats were worshipped as gods. They have not forgotten this. ” –terry Pratchett*. Our perceptions of the ancient world are shaped by the way surviving relics appear in the present day. As for the imposing and regal black cat of ancient Egypt, those cats didn’t look the way you think either. The objects of the ancient world that happen to survive to the present are inevitably the most durable objects. This work found that throughout the ancient world “cats’ coats were mainly depicted as striped, corresponding to the mackerel-tabby pattern of the wild Felis silvestris lybica. Images have a powerful ability to shape the way we think, thus it behoves us to consider where those images come from.

Species into a relationship of equality unequalled in the history of the. World, before or since. We know from the ancient Egyptians themselves, from their art, literature, myths, and religion, that there were no domesticated cats in. Streets, alleys, and fields of Egypt. As cats will do around the world, those ancient domestic cats. Adapted. And thrived. Most extraordinary of all, while people have forgotten the ancient bonds. More and a group of breeders have banded together in an effort to save as many of these ancient, unique, and precious cats as we can, the feline missing link between the African wild cat and all domestic cats of today around the world.

Cats in Greece and Rome

A first-century CE epitaph of a young girl holding a cat is among the earliest pieces of evidence of cats in Rome and, in Greece, the playwright Aristophanes (c. 446-386 BCE) frequently featured cats in his works for comic effect (coining the phrase, “the cat did it” in assigning blame).

The Victorian Age and Cat Vindication

Egyptian cat DNA was even found in a Viking port, suggesting cats were carried on maritime trading routes to northern Europe. Surprisingly, perhaps, tabby cats appeared only in the middle ages. DNA evidence suggests the gene mutation that causes blotched markings appeared in a cat in western turkey in the 14th century.

About 700 years ago things took an unfortunate turn for cats in Britain. It was the middle ages and all of a sudden a suspicion of cats being involved in witchcraft was rife.

However, these darkened fur balls did not bask in the glorious spotlight of awesome for long. During the middle ages, black cats became associated with “witchcraft” and “satanism” according to the European church.

The post Choosing the Best Food For Egyptian Cat Breeds appeared first on Catnip Utopia.

The post Choosing the Best Food For Egyptian Cat Breeds appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Choosing the Best Food For Egyptian Cat Breeds appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

How to Develop a Niche Marketing Strategy that Drives Growth

How to Develop a Niche Marketing Strategy that Drives Growth

As of March 2020, over 804,390 businesses in the U.S. were less than one year old. Combine that with the 31.7 million small businesses vying for customers, and the competition seems even more fierce. So how can you possibly create a marketing strategy that stands out? Diving into a specific niche is the way to set your business apart.

Let’s look at how a handful of businesses use niche marketing to their advantage, before walking through the steps to create your own growth-generating strategy.

5 Examples of a Niche Marketing Strategy

1. Flylow Gear

With 9.2 million skiers and snowboarders in the U.S, the pool of potential customers seems wide enough for all to share. But popular brands like Patagonia and The North Face can be found in almost every sports shop, making it hard to convince customers to seek out smaller brands with fewer offerings.

Flylow Gear figured out how to fight through the noise. Instead of targeting all customers interested in winter gear, their niche marketing strategy focuses on backcountry skiers looking for no-nonsense, quality gear. Their products are featured in all the right places — like Powder magazine — to reach their ideal buyers. Even their confirmation emails share that they’re a small, mountain-based crew of dedicated skiers.

flylow gear example of niche marketing

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2. Octavia Elizabeth Jewelry

For ethically-minded consumers searching for jewelry, the most important factor is knowing about raw materials sourcing and product creation. That’s because this $300 billion dollar industry has come under fire for using child labor and causing extensive environmental harm.

Octavia Elizabeth understands the need for responsible jewelry. The company’s commitment to fair working conditions, legitimate living wages, and ethical production are clearly stated on its website.

Not only has Octavia Elizabeth honed in on customers looking for sustainably-sourced, handmade jewelry who are willing to pay a higher price, the brand has also elevated its niche offering by associating itself with celebrity clientele.

Octavia Elizabeth niche marketing

Image source

3. Natural Dog Company

Research estimates Americans will spend $99 billion on their pets in 2020 alone. So how can a pet-focused business stand out amongst the thousands of memory foam beds, custom carry-on bags, and dog-friendly ice creams saturating the market?

Natural Dog Company caters to a very specific kind of pet owner: the eco-conscious consumer who pampers their pooch. By giving their organic and all-natural skin care products names like PAWdicure Pack and offering discount codes for free dog treats, they put pups first — which is exactly what their customers do.

natural dog company niche marketing

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4. Pimsleur

Learning a new language can be a struggle, and the options for doing so are definitely overwhelming. Will you really be speaking like a Parisian after spending $1,000 on a program?

Rather than making promises of perfect grammar and flawless accents, Pimsleur focuses on learners who need to improve their speaking and listening skills. The program includes a 30-minute audio lesson every day, with each conversation building off the previous ones. While not the most innovative language-learning app, its audio-first approach is great for customers looking to improve their conversational skills.

Pimsleur niche marketing

Image source

5. Photographers Without Borders

It’s one thing to entice people to buy a product, but it’s another thing entirely to attract donors for a nonprofit. While this type of organization may not seem like the right fit for a niche marketing strategy, it’s essential for bringing in donations and volunteers.

Photographers Without Borders has partnered with major organizations like Adobe, Sony, and Patagonia by honing in on a particular marketing technique: storytelling.

By prioritizing ethical storytelling, whether in a social media post, email newsletter, or online webinar, the organization has built a reputation for producing high-quality work that address the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and UNDRIP. Plus, their Code of Ethics makes it clear what type of community members and partners they’re aiming to attract.

Photographers without borders niche marketing strategy

Image source

Developing a Niche Marketing Strategy

Now that you have a better grasp on how brands from all types of industries create strategies that drive growth, it’s time to shape your own.

Step 1: Know your competition.

Developing a niche marketing strategy is impossible without scoping out your competition. That’s because it’s crucial to understand your unique selling proposition — what you do differently that makes customers choose your company over another.

Maybe you design ceramic dishware that can’t be found anywhere else, or maybe you’ve developed a tool that makes it easier for marketers to send emails. Whatever is it, find your speciality and craft a story around it.

Step 2: Narrow down your niche market.

Airbnb Co-founder Brian Chesky is famous for having said, “Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like.” Put simply, it’s better to reach a small group of people who sing praises about your company, rather than a large group who thinks it’s just okay.

You can do this by honing in on the right niche market for your business. While this takes time and thought, it’s worth the effort to find loyal customers who will gladly choose you over competitors.

For instance, Thirdlove is the first underwear company to offer bras in half-size cups. Through their inclusive sizing options and emphasis on body diversity, they’ve built a loyal community of over 327,000 Instagram followers.

Step 3: Go where your buyers are.

If your ideal customer spends all of their time scrolling on Facebook, it wouldn’t make sense to develop a niche marketing strategy around email campaigns. Enter market research.

You already know who your buyers are, but research helps you go deeper to find out where they shop, how they find products, and what influences their purchase decisions. Once you have that information, you’ll get the most return for your marketing dollars.

Step 4: Listen to the word on the street.

Everyone has problems that need solutions. If you listen to people’s thoughts about a certain product or service, you can find opportunities to fill in the gaps.

David Barnett did just that when he engineered a solution for constantly tangled headphones. What started out as two buttons glued to the back of a phone case quickly turned into Popsockets, a company that brought in $169 million in revenue just seven years after its founding.

Step 5: Create a unique brand.

Once you’ve defined your unique selling point, outlined your buyer persona, found out where to reach them, and listened to their problems — all that’s left is to build a brand identity. A well-defined brand will help you develop a niche marketing strategy that’s authentic to you and attracts ideal customers.

For instance, Etsy’s position as the marketplace for independent artists has attracted more than 138 million buyers. In a 2020 TV commercial, the brand touched on the pandemic and used emotional marketing tactics to encourage support for small businesses that sell through the platform.

Creating a niche marketing strategy that drives growth for your business is more than creating a social media ad or sending a weekly email promotion. If you take the time to learn about your customers and differentiate your brand, you can develop a strategy that attracts the right buyers and helps you hit your growth goals.

The post How to Develop a Niche Marketing Strategy that Drives Growth appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

SEO Updates December 04, 2020

SEO Updates December 11, 2020

It’s time for your info-packed SEO newsletter to kick off the weekend and keep you up to date on the latest news, SEO tactics, tests, and so much more.

We had an exciting week and you won’t want to miss a thing!

What Happened on the SEO Vault this Week

Deal of the week: Spend $500 + and get access to the Live GMB Masterclass Webinar on December 15 @ 12 PM EST

Featured: Increase Your Clients’ Website Traffic By 149%

SEO Mad Scientist: We will be back next week with new updates

To your success,

Chaz and the Entire Team

FROM THE VAULT – Episode 65

Don’t forget The SEO Vault airs live on the Web 20 Ranker Facebook every Thursday at 4 pm EST.

? Core Web Vitals & Page Experience FAQs
? Google Discover Ads Has A New Format Option
? New Google Release: Large site owner’s guide to managing your crawl budget
? Google Core Algo Update
And so much more!

Watch the Latest SEO Vault Episode here
Missed last week’s episode? Catch up with all the previous Vault Episodes here
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We Are Back With Another Weekend Deal

This Weekends Deal is sure to not disappoint!

Anyone who spends $500 or more 12/4-12/6 will be granted access to the Live GMB Masterclass Webinar…

Happening live on December 15th, 2020, 12:00 pm, join the Web 2.0 Ranker team as we dive into Secret Test Results, Ranking Data, Internal Strategies and More

Previously this webinar was available only to Level 2 Prize winners of the last Black Friday SEO sale! Those who were previously granted access had to spend $1,500+ making this weekend’s deal a steal!

>>> The Only Way into the Masterclass

We weren’t even going to give people a second chance to get in, but too many people were upset they couldn’t get in…

So this is the one last chance we’re giving for you to gain access before we run the Webby, send out the replays, and lock it up forever.



How Agency Owners Are Increasing Their Clients’ Website Traffic By 149%

In this 4 part guide, together we will explore one of the biggest goals of any SEO campaign: traffic. Leaving nothing behind we’ll show you exactly how we’re getting it for our clients month after month after month.

Part 1: What We’re Up Against
Part 2: Intelligently Designed SEO
Part 3: Evaluating The Results
Part 4: Investing in Future SEO

>>> <<<

With the right SEO campaign, you can do more than rank your client’s site for a few low hanging terms; you can create a strategy that can be used to propel your client’s website rankings more quickly and seamlessly than ever before



SEO Mad Scientist

Away working on tests. We will be back next week with a new update…
Until then you can catch up on our previous reports here.

See you next week…

Happy Testing!






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Most Consumers Changed Brands in 2020: Research Explains Why

Most Consumers Changed Brands in 2020: Research Explains Why

Now that 2020’s global pandemic has taught most of the world how to live and work completely from home, marketers planning their 2021 strategy are asking one big question:

“Will this uncertain time change the way people spend money?”

McKinsey — which recently polled consumers in over 48 countries about their 2020 spending habits — says, “Yes.”

One of the biggest findings in the McKinsey study was that 75% of consumers have changed brands at least once during the pandemic.

McKinsey’s research also noted four other key shifts in consumer spending behavior that could majorly impact brands in the near or far future.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through all five shifts noted in the McKinsey study, while giving our insights on how marketers and brands can navigate them.

How Purchasing Behaviors are Changing in 2020

1. Brand loyalty is being tested.

At the beginning of the pandemic, as entire cities began to close non-essential businesses, consumers raced to stores or hopped online to order essential products they’d need in the coming months. This caused a major disruption in supply chains and product shortages around the world.

And, even in the earliest days of the pandemic, consumers were paying heavy attention to how companies handled shortages and bursts in product demand.

While some brands saw an influx of new customers that they once lost to bigger competitors, other companies lost customers to because they simply couldn’t keep up with a high demand.

“Over 60% of global consumers have changed shopping behavior, many of them for convenience and value. In the US, the percentage was 75%,” the McKinsey study notes.

When it comes brand shifts outside the U.S., a whopping 91% of Indian consumers and 82% of Chinese consumers say they’ve changed brands at least once since the beginning of the pandemic.

chart: global consumers have changed brands

Image Source

According to McKinsey, the top three reasons consumers changed their habits or brands were value, availability, and convenience.

As you can guess from the data points above, the risk of losing a customer to another brand is higher than usual in 2020. Even if a product appears essential or valuable to a prospect, they might not buy it if another brand can deliver a similar item faster.

How Brands are Navigating

At this point, some large brands are working to better align teams to ensure that products can be discovered, ordered, and delivered quickly — even in times of high demand. Meanwhile, some smaller brands are making their products more available online and in-stores to prospective customers who can’t get an item quickly enough from brands they’ve used in the past.

According to a post from Repsly, which included data from anonymous name brands, companies that thrived in 2020 used data and company-wide communication strategies to identify areas at risk of high product demand around March and continued to align with teams including marketing, service, and supply chain teams to ensure their shelves and warehouses stayed stocked.

In another recent report from McKinsey, researchers similarly predict that successful high-demand brands will develop an integrated approach between their supply teams, sales, and marketing departments. McKinsey also discourages brands from raising prices in times of high demand and focusing on other vital business and customer experience strategies instead.

“Operational concerns may be even more important than pricing strategy, including stabilizing the supply chain, keeping products on the shelves, addressing customers’ urgent needs, and maintaining quality,” the McKinsey report explains.

2. Consumers aren’t rushing to grab their wallets.

Before the pandemic, Gen Z was the major age group that prioritized essential products over other purchases. Meanwhile, other generations were more likely to splurge on products based on their brand name or non-essential perks.

But, after business closures and financial uncertainty related to the pandemic, consumers in all generations are reconsidering spending habits.

Even as cities, businesses, and workplaces slowly reopen, shoppers plan to stay cautious about their budgets.

In the U.S. alone, 40% of consumers say they’ll continue to be mindful of where they spend money, while 31% plan to buy less expensive versions of items to save money. And, whenever they make those purchases, 21% of consumers aim to do more brand and product research than they had for pre-pandemic purchases.

How Brands are Navigating

While consumers might have made purchases with motives related to fun, entertainment, brand name, or other perks before the pandemic, many are now more budget-conscious than ever.

For the most part, consumers are primarily zoning in on essential product purchases. And, if someone does buy a less essential product, such as an item that entertains them, they’ll do thorough research to ensure they’re getting the best value for their money.

At this point, many essential and non-essential product companies have caught on to consumer budget concerns and have begun to leverage online marketing strategies to ensure that consumers can discover their products, learn about their value, and determine that they’re worth purchasing.

Particularly, companies that sell essential products have created campaigns, advertisements, and messaging reminding consumers of how important the items are. Meanwhile, companies that sell less essential items are getting creative to identify new value propositions for their products or brands.

For example, in the ad below, Procter & Gamble acknowledges the COVID-19 crisis, explains how it will be donating products to families and philanthropies in need, emphasizes the importance of their household and health items, and reminds viewers of how its brand has helped consumers disinfect their homes for generations:

The P&G ad is effective because it highlights that the brand offers affordable and available products that people trust for cleanliness, shows how the company is actively aiming to help people impacted by the pandemic, and reminds audiences of how essential its products are to global households.

In another example, Ice Breakers, a mint company that sells products that might be considered less essential, made an ad to highlight how eating mints before you put on a mask can prevent smelling your breath.

While the P&G campaign acknowledges why its brand’s products are essential to people around the globe, the Ice Breakers ad cleverly places new value into a non-essential mint product that people might not be rushing out to buy at this time.

3. Shoppers need ecommerce.

McKinsey notes that “most [product] categories have seen more than 10 percent growth in their online customer base during the pandemic.”

Additionally, across most product categories, at least 30% of U.S. and U.K. consumers expect to make even more online purchases after the pandemic.

How Brands are Navigating

While many bigger brands are amping up their ecommerce strategies, a few prominent tech giants have begun to offer solutions that can help smaller or medium-sized brands, such as boutiques, retailers, or restaurants, generate revenue online.

For example, Facebook recently launched a tool called Facebook Shops, which enables any company with a Facebook or Instagram Business page to create a mini-online store that links with all platforms owned by the social media brand. Meanwhile, meal delivery apps like DoorDash temporarily reduced commissions of local restaurant orders so those business owners could sell food virtually while earning fee-free revenue for each order.

4. Health plays a role in purchasing decisions.

With the pandemic impacting thousands of Americans, people began to consider their health and safety more than ever before — even when purchasing products.

In the past, health-conscious consumers might have glanced at back labels of various products, the interest in health and safety has gotten even deeper. Now, they might ask, “What’s the packaging process for these products?”, “Are the cashiers in the grocery store given PPE?”, or “How are businesses actively preventing the spread of germs?”

While health and safety of consumers and brand employees might not be the biggest purchasing motivator, it’s one people are thinking about much more in 2020.

Ultimately, when big or small businesses take action to show that they genuinely care about people, consumers might identify with, trust, and value them more.

How Brands are Navigating

Although it might sound easy to buy an ad spot with a commercial that simply says, “Our brand cares about you,” this approach might not convince your audiences that the message is authentic.

Many of the brands that are thriving in this time demonstrate how they care, rather than just saying it.

For example, as global mask shortages occurred in the early days of the pandemic, fashion companies like Louis Vuitton and Burberry diverted clothing production to make face coverings.

Aside from creating PPE, other companies have donated to causes related to the pandemic or taking extra steps to keep their customers and staff safe.

Target, which is considered an essential business, has been publishing online content about how the company’s aiming to help customers, employees, and communities at this time.

Rather than centering its YouTube page around content that highlights products, sales, and deals, Target features a playlist aimed to help shoppers and communities during COVID-19.

Along with health and safety tips related to shopping, videos on the playlist explain how Target is working to create safe in-store experiences and smooth online shopping options for customers.

Target Homepage of Youtube with playlists shown

Aside from creating videos on how the chain is aiming to help customers navigate COVID-19, the brand has also created a $10 million pandemic relief fund which dedicates $1 million to assisting Target employees. This demonstrates that Target is taking action to help its community, customers, and employees who work in essential in-store roles.

5. Shoppers have become homebodies.

According to the survey, 70% of consumers don’t want to resume activities or work outside of their homes just yet, despite pushes to reopen the economy. If they won’t leave home to work, travel, or dine out, McKinsey notes that many won’t leave home to shop either.

When looking into the near future, “More than 3 out of 4 [consumers] who adjusted their behaviors due to the pandemic said that easing government restrictions will not change their cautious behaviors. Consumers are following guidance from medical experts for reassurance,” notes McKinsey.

How Brands are Navigating

Brands can’t just assume that people will flock back to stores as businesses reopen. While some consumers might not feel comfortable or safe leaving the house immediately after a pandemic, others won’t want to shop in physical stores because they know they can buy almost any product they want online.

At this point, successful brands are trying to continue to meet customers where they are, even if they don’t leave the house.

While some brands are building out online stores and digital services, others that don’t sell a physical product are launching online events or virtual experiences to gain awareness, continue to generate revenue, and delight their customers.

One example of a brand that made an in-person experience into a virtual offering was an animal sanctuary called Sweet Farm. When the California-based farm, which runs on donation revenue, closed to the public amidst the pandemic, its owners created a virtual offering where businesses or individuals could pay $65 to $750 for a farm animal to guest star in their virtual hang out or meeting.

The campaign was cleverly titled, “Goat-2-Meeting,” a play on GoToMeeting — a popular video meeting software.

According to Sweet Farm, the campaign, which began in March, was so successful that there was a waitlist for animal meet and greets by April, Sweet Farm has also partnered with more sanctuaries to increase meeting availability and share donation revenue with other organizations that care for animals.

How Marketers Can Navigate 2021 — and Beyond

This year, marketers and businesses were tested by the global pandemic and economic landscape. As you consider what’s next for your brand, keep these consumer behavior trends in mind:

Consumers crave value and availability.

More than ever, consumers will choose to shop from a company because of product value and availability, rather than brand loyalty. Business owners who’ve relied on loyalty and credibility to make sales should also monitor their supply chain and pricing to ensure that their products are worth the price and accessible to customers. Meanwhile, lesser-known brands can use a competitive analysis or other tactics to learn where they can help consumers that are struggling to find affordable or high-demand products.

Digital transformation is key.

Brands can no longer assume a billboard or foot traffic will generate vital revenue. At this point, many companies that were once mostly physical are building online stores, leveraging different online channels for marketing, and thinking outside of the box to create virtual offerings that will delight and retain customers.

“Human” brands will reap benefits.

In 2020, customers began to care more about how businesses treated employees, how they kept customers safe, and how companies stepped up to help others in times of uncertainty. Ultimately, brands with leaders who genuinely care about people will get better reviews, word of mouth, and positive awareness than brands that throw caution to the wind.

Looking to learn more about how businesses are evolving in 2020? Below you’ll find content from HubSpot’s Adapt 2020 series:

The post Most Consumers Changed Brands in 2020: Research Explains Why appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Online Therapy

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Online Therapy

How Do You Know If You Have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Everyone feels nervous at times, especially when they constantly face challenging situations with their job or in social settings. However, not everybody experiences Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. But there’s a threshold where even mild anxiety becomes debilitating and all consuming. Too much anxiety about disruptive or negative events can make you freeze up and be unable to go out of your own way. For example, if you are afraid that you are going to die, you can’t sleep, eat, drink, communicate, etc.

In the case of some people, even having the thought of a traumatic event is enough to create an anxiety attack. You could have a panic attack after being abused as a child, a speeding ticket, being mugged, or even being in a car accident. While there isn’t a specific trigger for everyone who experiences PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, it is known that when individuals experience such things, their bodies become sensitive to the threat of danger.

So how do we know if someone may have PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

The most common way to diagnose PTSD is through psychological screening. A psychologist or mental health professional will ask questions about exposure to trauma, such as a rape or natural disaster. They will also ask about the patient’s thoughts and feelings on specific events. Through testing, they are able to develop a profile of the patient’s PTSD and determine if they have developed it or if they may be prone to developing it in the future.

Many psychologists are now incorporating online therapy into their PTSD treatments. Online therapy is used as a way to treat the entire body – mind, body and spirit. Some therapists use the synergyetherapy technique in order to treat the patient’s anxiety. This online therapy uses the synergyetherapy bracelet which emits low frequency vibrations and bioelectric energy. When the bracelet is placed around the wrist, it stimulates the nervous system and increases the flow of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that helps to reduce stress and anxiety. In addition to treating the physical aspect of the illness, this form of online therapy can also help patients develop a new sense of spirituality.

However, while online therapists are able to give excellent treatment to those with PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, it is important that they receive individualized care in order to fully treat their mental health. Since PTSD and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are so intertwined, it is important for the patient and his or her therapist to work closely together. One of the most powerful ways to treat the illness is through discussing what has happened during the attack and how it has affected the patient’s psyche. The therapist will help the patient explore what things, specifically his or her fears, led up to the event.

Many physical symptoms can be a result of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

People who have experienced trauma can experience a wide variety of symptoms that can be very intense, including flashbacks, nightmares, flashbacks, blisters, dizziness, anger, fear, depression, anxiety, confusion, restlessness, and even sexual dysfunction. In addition to the physical symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the patient may also experience symptoms related to the disorder. These symptoms may include insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, anxi

ety, depression, irritability, and feelings of hopelessness. Psychotherapy can help the patient to work through these issues in order to address their mental health.

Because Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can make you feel like your life has been turned upside down, it is important that you work with a trained professional in order to help you manage your symptoms and any associated stress and anxiety. Working with a qualified counselor and therapist will help you work through your thoughts and feelings in a safe, supportive environment that will allow you to feel better. In turn, you may feel better about being a good, productive member of society again.

If you think you or someone you know may be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, don’t hesitate to speak to your doctor and get the necessary help you need. Millions of people around the world deal with the symptoms of ptsd on a daily basis and if you are one of them, there is hope. A trained and licensed psychologist can assist you with getting on the road to recovery and ensuring that you feel better about yourself and about life in general.

What You Need to Know About Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Everyone feels anxious at times, especially when they’re confronted with stressful circumstances. But not everybody gets Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. For instance, sometimes a bit of anxiety about an exam might push you to study more. Or maybe feeling worried about a car accident means that you won’t forget your safety seat. Online therapy for anxiety is available to anyone who suffers from this condition.

People who are suffering from PTSD have the sudden and inexplicable fear of having another traumatic event, like a car accident or being attacked. This can lead to symptoms like excessive anxiety, fear, anger and even depression. You may also develop sleep problems and have trouble concentrating because of the heightened emotions. Online treatment for these symptoms is available to anyone who wants it.

There are two types of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that people can be diagnosed with – Major Depression and Anxiety

The difference between the two is that major depression is characterized by prolonged symptoms like sleep disorders, eating disorders and possibly suicidal thoughts. On the other hand, anxiety disorder is the result of overwhelming emotional responses triggered by a traumatic event. For instance, if you had to go to a crowded market to buy some food after you suffered a traumatic event like losing a loved one in a car accident, you might develop PTSD as a result of the incident.

If you think that you or somebody that you know may be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the best thing to do is go to your local emergency room. The staff will be able to refer you to a mental health professional who will prescribe medications to take. You should never take medication without talking to your doctor first. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it is important that you visit your local emergency room or psychologist as soon as possible.

The symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that you will experience if you are exposed to an emergency situation include – flashbacks, nightmares, agitation, anxiety and fear. In addition, you may experience chest pain and heart palpitations. When you visit your local emergency room, you should be up front with your doctors about what happened so that they can start treating your Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder immediately. These are common symptoms, and most people who have experienced a traumatic event report having them. If you have never been to the ER after experiencing a traumatic event, then you probably will not have any idea how serious your symptoms are. However, by talking to your doctors and getting the proper medical treatment, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing PTSD.

Treating PTSD includes both psychotherapy and medication

Psychotherapy is the process of working with a trained psychologist to find methods of reducing negative behaviors and thoughts. This includes using cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, alternative medicines and meditation. Often times when people are suffering from PTSD symptoms, they will exhibit a lot of avoidance behaviors. These include excessive worrying, avoiding places and people that have a past or a bad memory for them and avoiding potentially embarrassing situations. Medication is often used in conjunction with psychotherapy in order to help relieve the physical symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

When you go to see a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or clinical social worker, you will be thoroughly evaluated. There may be many underlying causes that can lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, so there is no specific cause that will only manifest with post-traumatic stress disorder. When you visit your local emergency room, the doctor will take all of these factors into consideration before determining a diagnosis and treatment plan. If you are suffering from a traumatic event, it is important to get the proper medical treatment as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could wind up doing more harm than good to yourself or others.

In order to treat your Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, you will need to be able to identify it and then work to treat it

Although there is currently no known cure for PTSD, there are several ways to treat the symptoms of it. By learning how to relax, dealing with your anxiety and fears, getting regular exercise and eating well, you can begin to gain control over your life and your mind. The longer you ignore the things that you fear, the harder it will be to prevent a mental health emergency from occurring. The sooner you seek help, the better your chances of living a normal life with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Please visit our site for more about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:


The post Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Online Therapy appeared first on GQ Central.

The post Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Online Therapy appeared first on Local SEO Resources.

Cat Tail Type: Long or Short Tails

Cat Tail Type: Long or Short Tails

Cat Tail Type: Long or Short?

Whether they are long-haired, short-haired or a mix of both, each breed has a unique set of characteristics and personality. Some of those characteristics demand a certain lifestyle or a good understanding of their needs. For example, if you have children or other pets, some types of cats play more nicely than others. Also, consider how much time you’re willing to spend grooming your pet. Some cat species require very little grooming, while others need to be brushed regularly to stay clean and healthy. And if someone is allergic to cats in your household, consider hypoallergenic cats or low allergy cats.

As written by Michael broad on pictures-of-cats.  These are the common cat body types. Included are examples of breeds exhibiting these characteristics:
the “oriental” type: slender bodies, triangular heads, long appendages. These cats include cornish rex, siamese, oriental shorthair and longhair. The “foreign” type: these cats have long, lean bodies, almond or oval eyes, and slim builds: Abyssinians, Japanese bobtail, Russian blues, Turkish angoras. The “semi-foreign” type: middle-sized bodies, standard shape: American curl, devon rex, Havana brown, munchkin, sphynx, snowshoe.

Cat Breed Characteristics, Behavior, and Traits

We will go over how to search for your cat’s breed on the internet. Your query will look something like this (covered further down):
cat + torbie + bob tail + friendly + short legs + medium fur
cats, in my opinion, are a little bit more challenging to identify than dog breeds. But, some traits that can help you determine what your cat is made of are:
behaviour there’s a lot to go over, so let’s get started.

If a mixed breed cat is part of your family, you can expect her to have certain traits that would fit your lifestyle, like:
may meow to communicate with you
lively, with a friendly personality
agile, sturdy, and athletic
however, no cat is perfect! you may have also noticed these characteristics:
can become overweight easily if not exercised regularly
scratches when bored
maybe mischievous if not given enough attention
she is of a mixed background and can come in all sizes and colours. Her personality is just as varied as her looks, but she makes an excellent companion.

long tail versus short tail cats

How to Search for Your Cat’s Breed Online

How to search for your cat’s breed online
when searching one of my cats, I used the following formula:
white with orange markings + loves water + stocky legs + quiet + gold eyes + cat
note: “orange” may be substituted with “red. “the second query that appeared led me to the Turkish van breed, which is right on the dot. After looking at several images, she looked identical to the Turkish van breed standard. To back this up, we heard she was rescued from a hoarding situation with her brother (perhaps a breeding household?).

Other Popular Hybrid Cat Breeds

Crossbred cats often still receive the same amount of notoriety as purebreds or later get classified as purebreds or experimental purebreds until they are well-established. They are considered designer breeds and often sell for thousands of dollars. Many of these crossbreeds/hybrids are some of the world’s most popular cats and later became purebreds:
Bengal cats: the result of crossing the Asian leopard cat (p. B. Bengalensis) with a domestic breed to produce a wild-looking, large house cat with exceptional traits—rosettes, large spots, and “mascara” around the eyes—much like a leopard. The international cat association considers them to be a registered breed.

What does your cat look like?

No one can resist the big eyes and playful personality of an adorable kitten. They melt the hearts of anyone they come into contact with and are always guaranteed to put a smile on our faces. Sadly, the kitten period never lasts for long and while our adult cats are just as wonderful and cute, we often find ourselves missing the good old kitten days. If you want a teacup cat that stays small and playful forever, there are certain small cat breeds that keep their kitten-like appearance and attitude far into their adult years, so you can treasure the precious playful moments for longer.

It’s quite hard to define specific small cat breeds, as even the larger breeds will sometimes have the odd small kitty, but there are some which are naturally smaller in stature. Here are our top 6 teacup cats that will always stay petite.

Top 10 Cat Breeds That Love to Cuddle

Do you love grooming your pets? if you’re considering buying a fluffy Maltese along with a longhaired Maine coone, then we certainly hope so. While Maltese are low-shedding, they do need daily brushing to stop their hair becoming tangled. Fortunately, they like nothing better than lazing on a sofa while you groom them – and they’re perfectly content to curl up with a kitty, too. If you have an older cat, a Maltese could well be one of the best breeds to introduce into your home. They won’t disturb your pussycat’s peace, but will just live and let live.

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Magnificent Large Cat Breeds

Magnificent Large Cat Breeds

Large Domestic Cat Breeds

The Norwegian forest cat is a strong, muscular looking cat with large paws and a big, thick coat that gives them an even larger appearance. Weighing up to 22 pounds, this big domestic cat was actually developed as a result of a Norwegian legend. The legend went that there was a cat that lived in the forest and appeared and disappeared like magic, and sometimes all that was seen as a thick, furry tail. Cat breeders of Norway wanted to breed a cat that was the very embodiment of this legend, which is how the Norwegian forest cat came to be!.

Weighing as much as 20 pounds, male ragdolls are generally significantly larger than their female counterparts. Ragdolls are one of the most popular cat breeds in the UK which is largely due to their big blue eyes, charming natures and super soft coats. They’re ideal family cats too as they have a people-loving personality and are super laid-back and cuddly in nature.

Similar to how the savannah cat came to be, the Chausie is a big cat breed that was the result of crossing a wild jungle cat and a domestic cat. These large, attractive cats can weigh up to 25 pounds and possess long legs and an agile body. Favoured for their wild appearance, these social cats are best suited to families who spend most of their time at home. Additionally, they are happiest with a consistent routine and don’t like it when things change, so you’ll always have to make sure you have dinner ready on time with these big house cats!.

Fun fact: Chausie cats have deep chests which means that they can take really deep breaths – so don’t be alarmed if it seems like they have an unlimited amount of energy!
that’s our top 8 big cat breeds! don’t have enough space in your home for a larger than life kitty? discover all about the smallest cat breeds instead.

picture maine coon large cat breeds

The savannah currently holds the record for the tallest domestic cat breed with an individual in America standing 17. 1 inch tall from shoulder to toe. But this isn’t the only reason they made it into the list – some individuals have been reported of reaching healthy weights in excess of 13 kg! however, with savannahs, it all depends on how closely they are related to their wild serval ancestors. F1s and f2s (serval parent or grandparent) are the largest with later generations quickly reverting back to more normal domestic cat sizes.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Lifespan: 14-16 years
the Norwegian forest cat is a large, fluffy feline with a long history. It’s believed that this type of cat was brought to Norway by Vikings in 1000 ad. This fluffy, powerful feline has appeared in European folktales and other texts for hundreds of years. Norse legends describe a “fairy climber”, scaling rock faces like no other cat.

Indeed, the Norwegian forest cat does possess unusually strong claws and can climb trees and rocks with ease. Like other thick-coated, burly cats, this breed’s physique is adapted to cold Norwegian weather. They have a triangular head, almond-shaped eyes, and a fluffy lion-like scruff.

The Norwegian forest cat is very similar to the Maine coon breed at first glance. A very popular breed in Scandinavian countries, a male individual can weigh between 15 to 20 pounds. The female average is about 15lb. Closely related to the Siberian cat, they have a muscular body and a long waterproof fur coat that helps them survive the harsh winters of the north. ❄ although they are friendly and fond of families, their sense of independence is still very strong and they don’t require much petting!.

Bright eyes, poofy tail, big, hardy frame. That’s the Norwegian forest cat.  As one of the biggest cat breeds, his large look may make him seem wild, but he’s really a natural-born companion cat. Average weight: 8-16 pounds
personality: this big domestic cat has a propensity to play on shelves and bookcases, finding lofty heights from which to survey his domain. But he’s also content to cuddle with his human companions. He is particularly laid back, And not easily stressed, making him a great cat around kids and other pets. Fun fact: the Norwegian forest cat is a natural breed (nope, no big cat ancestors, despite that wild look), and is called the skogkatt in Norway.

This big burly breed is another feline with a mysterious past. Some speculate that the Norwegian forest cat may be a descendant of the large black and white cats the Vikings used on their ships to keep the rodent population under control. Other sources say this breed was brought to Scandinavia by the crusaders. However, either way, this breed most likely roamed the forests of Norway, breeding with feral and barn cats to produce this shaggy dandy we know and love today.

Top Largest Cat Breeds

The domestic cats that we know and love today are all historically descended from African wildcats, and over the course of millennia, cats have spread to all corners of the globe and established themselves into distinctive breed subsections and categories as a result. Consequently, different breeds and types of cats all appear significantly different from each other and have their own unique traits of appearance and personality that are considered to be signatures of the breed. One of those traits is build and size, and you may be wondering which breeds of domestic cats are the feline giants, or the largest domestic cats commonly kept as pets today.

We’ve done our homework to find out for you, so check out our list of the eight largest domestic cat breeds in the world, for those who are looking for a feline friend that is larger than life!
Savannah cat coming in at number one is the savannah cat, recognised to be the largest domestic cat breed overall. There is some dispute, however, as to exactly how domestic the savannah cat actually is, as this breed is a recent creation that came about from the crossing of domestic cats (most commonly the siamese) and the serval, an African wild cat. This breed of cat is relatively uncommon within the UK and is not yet recognised by the GCCF (the governing council of the cat fancy) although it is recognised as a breed in its own right in the USA. Those considering owning a Savannah cat should consider their unique needs carefully before seeking a potential purchase, and the RSPCA has expressed some concerns as to the wide-roaming and hunting nature of these cats and the effect they might have on the UK’s natural wildlife. The size of the savannah cat can vary considerably depending on how far removed the cat in question is from the serval side of its ancestry, but the largest cats of this breed can grow to up to 30lb and around the size of a small dog.

Although the world’s largest cat breeds are above average in weight, any cat can be obese. Therefore, world records tend to go to overweight cats rather than exceptionally large breeds. To discourage people from feeding their cats into obesity and disease for the sake of stardom, the world’s heaviest cats are no longer recorded in the Guinness book of world records.

The American bobtail is the largest cat out of the bobtail breeds, with an average weight of 7 to 15 pounds. They have big round eyes and a sturdy build, but the feature that sets them apart is obviously the tail. The stubby little thing is usually as long as 1/3 of a regular tail, giving this breed a funny and cute look. ?.

Which are the largest domestic cats? the Siberian can reach up to 26 pounds, while the Maine coon is known more for fluff and the length of his long, poofy tail. But there’s a wide range of big cat breeds that tend to come in on the larger side. Starting with the largest, based on average weight, here are 11 of the biggest domestic cat breeds around.

And just in case you haven’t had your fill of big cat breeds, here are a few more takeaways about these cats of considerable size:
because they’re so big, many large house cat breeds take a little extra time to mature, and some don’t reach adulthood until up to five years. You won’t find a listing in the Guinness world records for biggest cat breed or largest domestic cat breed in the world; as no one wants to encourage kitty obesity. Instead, the record-takers measure the largest domestic cat breed by height and length.


Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian forest cat, as you might guess, is built for harsh Scandinavian climates. A hardy cat with a thick coat and muscular build, they’ve been immortalized in Viking folklore as the skoggkat. Owners describe their wedgies as playful and interactive. Interested? be sure to have an extra comb on hand for the spring thaw, as the change in temperature means “shedding season” for the wedgie.

Large domestic cats seem to have the advantage over smaller cat breeds. In general, all of the above breeds are characterized by:
robust constitutions*
stable and friendly personalities. Focused on human companionship
*kidney and heart diseases have been reported in Norwegian forest cats who also possess amongst the shortest life spans of the larger breeds.

Average weight: 13-22 lbs. To survive the Scandinavian winters from which they originated, Norwegian forest cats have long waterproof coats of impressive lengths. These big-boned cats are heavy with muscle, but are just overgrown kittens! wedgies, as they are also known, “mature slowly and take a long time to reach full physical and emotional development. ”.

In its native Norway, the Norwegian forest cat is known as skogkatt — which, not so surprisingly, translates to “forest cat”. This is an old, old breed that pops up in Norse mythology: Freya, the goddess of love, was said to travel in a chariot drawn by skogkatts. Best. Transportation. Ever.

Not to be confused with the Maine coon, the Norwegian forest cat is also a large and very furry cat. The breed hails from Norway, where these cats once used their excellent mousing skills to help farmers. And though they originated from the harsh Scandinavian woods, nowadays the breed is generally far from.

The Siberian cat looks a lot like the Norwegian forest cat which we shall take a look at shortly. However, despite the similarities, the Siberian tends to be smaller in terms of size averages. They are also a lot more social with other pets and with humans. These cats are known for their thick, long coats. However, they are as hypoallergenic as you can get with cats which comes as a surprise to many.

Largest Domesticated Cat Breeds

Domesticated cats are typically sought out as pets due to their small size and relatively low maintenance. Not all cats are created equally, though, and there are a handful of larger breeds that deserve just as much love as their petite counterparts.

Adult weight: 10-20 lbs
height: 14-18 in
lifespan: 14-18 years
this domestic – wildcat hybrid is made from the breeding of the Felis chaus with domesticated breeds including the Abyssinian and oriental shorthair. Like many other domesticated – wild cat hybrids, the Chausie is a relatively new breed that was developed in the 1990s.

They say that bigger is better but when it comes to cats, bigger is not only better, it’s beautiful! what are some of the more robust felines, the cats that may have their canine counterparts rethinking that game of chase? in this article, we’re going to be detailing 7 of the largest cat breeds that have won the hearts of cat lovers all over the world.

This furry feline may very well be the largest of all the cat breeds. Although, there is some speculation as to its origins, according to cat time, it’s thought this native new Englander may have first been brought to North America by the Vikings long before Christopher Columbus“sailed the ocean blue. ” another theory is a descendant of the Maine coon could have been sent ahead to America by Marie Antoinette, who had hoped to escape her doomed future there. Regardless of its sketchy past, this beautiful bundle of abundance has been a popular pet for many decades.

The Maine coon is a gentle giant, known for their hunting prowess, athleticism, and (really) loud meow. The Maine coon is the largest domesticated cat breed, with males growing to around 18 pounds. They frequently earn Guinness world record accolades for biggest cat, tallest cat, longest cat…you get the picture. Maine coon kittens are curious little creatures who will climb anything (trees, grandma’s legs, small children) and think nothing of jumping from the floor to the top of the fridge to find the perfect perch. All in a day’s work for the largest (and very affectionate) domesticated cat.

Unlike the savannah cat, Chausies are an officially recognized breed as of 1995. Chausies are also crossbred with wild cats (specifically the jungle cat) and domestic breeds (often Abyssinian), however by the fourth generation, they are considered entirely domesticated. Male Chausies range from eleven to sixteen pounds but is also very long and lanky due to their penchant for running and jumping. This desire for physical activity is a known trait in the breed, along with being curious, and a need for companionship.

The Top 8 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Some large cat breeds, like the Maine coon, can weigh 15 pounds or more, whereas other large breeds, like the Persian, may weigh less than 15 pounds. With such a large variance in size, you’ll want to do your research to ensure you’re getting exactly what you want. Our list of big domestic cats includes ones with exotic ancestors, like the savannah (descended from the African serval) and the Bengal (descended from the Asian leopard cat). Explore the largest domestic cat breeds below to find the right size for you.

In January 2016, locals thought they spotted a bobcat or lynx prowling inside a san Jose home — but it was just a really effing big cat named Spock. He’s a Maine coon, one of the largest breeds of cat. The Guinness world record for a longest domestic cat is currently held by a 118cm Maine coon named ludo. This whopping Maine coon was photographed at a Kyrgyzstan cat show in 2013.

Although these cats are probably one of the largest domestic cat breeds around, their fluffy coat makes them look even bigger. The breed was first developed in California during the 1960s. Their name, the ragdoll, is thought to stem from their ability to collapse at a moment’s notice, for a cuddle, just like a ragdoll.

The main coon is without a doubt the largest of the purebred, domestic cat breeds. They can grow up to 18 pounds in weight and 16 inches in height which is literally the size of most small dog breeds. Their size is not the only thing that makes them similar to dogs. They are actually very intelligent and friendly and have been compared to their canine alternatives as fantastic companion pets.

While the Maine coon is the largest of the purebred domesticated cats, the savannah takes the top spot on our list as a hybrid between the wild serval and the domestic siamese cat. The result is a tall and strong thing of beauty weighing in at up to 20 pounds.

Many big cat breeds, like the Himalayan, the Siberian and the legendary Maine coon cat developed in cold climates and so are full-coated as well as full-bodied. The Maine coon is the largest domestic cat breed, with massive paws, a muscular and athletic frame and a huge bushy tail reminiscent of the North American raccoon. Naturally, there is no actual raccoon blood in the breed’s ancestry, and they are in fact, remarkably civilized, domestic, and well-behaved housepets.

Cat size, health and weight

Some domestic mixed breed cats or moggies may reach similar sizes and weights to some of the above-mentioned cats, due to a natural propensity to being large and muscular, or possibly, having an ancestral history related to one of the larger breeds of cats. However, if you do not know your cat’s ancestral history, it is especially important to monitor their weight and activity levels. It is vital to ensure that if your cat is tipping the scale at the heavier end of the spectrum, this is due to their natural propensity to being muscular or tall; and not simply because they are overweight and getting too much food or not enough exercise. Visit our cat behaviour Article.

Source: https://sites. Google. Com/site/sciencefairhybridanimals/hybrids/cat-and-serval/savannah-cat
origin: united states
adult weight: 12-25 lbs
height: 14-17 ‎in
lifespan: 12-20 years
The first savannah was born in 1986 as the result of breeding between an African serval and a siamese cat. A true cross is given the filial number f1. Subsequent generations are labelled f2, f3, and so on. Members of the f1 and f2 generation are the largest, thanks to the influence of serval genetics. These medium-sized wild cats weigh around 26 pounds as adults and some savannahs reach a similarly high weight.

The Maine coon is the largest domestic cat breed. Originally from the state of Maine, these cute felines have an average weight of 25 pounds. For a cat, it’s quite impressive!?
they can look intimidating with their big head and paws, but don’t be fooled by their size. The Maine coon is a lovely, gentle heart cat with a sweet nature that loves to be petted and socialize.

The tallest on record stood just over 1 foot 5 inches from shoulder to toe! many push 20lb in weight. This is down to the fact that they have been bred from servals, large cats from Africa. As the generations proceed, the cats become more like normal domestic cats in size.

Many large cat breeds can reach extremely heavyweights of over 25 pounds, though such weights are limited to precise genetic lines. However, most of the large cat breeds take several years to achieve maturation. The typical time needed to reach full stature is between 3 to 5 years for almost every large-sized breed. Judges do take maturation time into account during competitions.

Average weight: 10-20 lbs. If you want a cat that’s big on the size as well as heart and energy, then a savannah cat might be the large cat breed you need. With long legs, dark spots, and bold stripes, savannah cats offer a glimpse into the wild with their exotic appearance and lineage of a domestic cat and wild cat.

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